Python Code¶
yggdrasil.command_line module¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.ArgumentBase(arguments=None, conditions=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.ArgumentGroup(exclusive=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.ArgumentParser(arguments=None, conditions=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.ArgumentSubparser(parsers=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.ConditionalArgumentTuple(args, kwargs, conditions=None)[source]¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.SubCommand(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Class for handling subcommands so that they can be run as subcommands or individually.
- allow_unknown = False¶
- arguments = []¶
- help = None¶
- name = None¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.cc_flags(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Get the compiler flags necessary for including the interface library in a C or C++ program.
- arguments = [(('--cpp',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Get the compilation flags used for C++ programs.'}), (('--toolname',), {'default': None, 'help': 'Name of the tool that associated flags be returned for.'}), (('--disable-python-c-api',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Disable access to the Python C API from yggdrasil.'}), (('--with-asan',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Compile with Clang ASAN if available.'})]¶
- help = 'Get the compilation flags necessary for a C/C++ program.'¶
- name = 'compiler-flags'¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.cc_toolname(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Output the name of the compiler used to compile C or C++ programs.
- arguments = [(('--cpp',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Get the compiler used for C++ programs.'}), (('--fullpath',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Get the full path to the tool exectuable.'})]¶
- help = 'Get the compiler used for C/C++ programs.'¶
- name = 'compiler-tool'¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.coveragerc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Create a .coveragerc file.
- arguments = [(('--method',), {'choices': ['installed', 'env', None], 'default': None, 'help': "Method that should be used to select languages that should be covered. 'env' covers languages based on the value of environment variables of the form 'INSTALL{language}'. 'installed' covers languages that yggdrasil considers installed."}), (('--cover-languages', '--cover-language', '--cover'), {'nargs': '*', 'choices': ['c', 'c++', 'fortran', 'R', 'julia', 'matlab', 'python', 'cmake', 'make', 'lpy', 'osr', 'pytorch', 'sbml', 'dummy', 'executable', 'mpi', 'timesync'], 'help': 'Language(s) to cover.'}), (('--dont-cover-languages', '--dont-cover-language', '--dont-cover'), {'nargs': '*', 'choices': ['c', 'c++', 'fortran', 'R', 'julia', 'matlab', 'python', 'cmake', 'make', 'lpy', 'osr', 'pytorch', 'sbml', 'dummy', 'executable', 'mpi', 'timesync'], 'help': 'Language(s) to ignore in coverage.'}), (('--filename',), {'type': <class 'str'>, 'default': None, 'help': 'File to save coveragerc to'}), (('--setup-cfg',), {'type': <class 'str'>, 'default': None, 'help': 'setup.cfg file containing coverage options'})]¶
- help = 'Generate a coveragerc file that covers/ignores lines based on installed languages or options.'¶
- name = 'coveragerc'¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.file_converter(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Convert between compatible file types.
- arguments = [(('src',), {'help': 'Name of file to convert'}), (('dst',), {'help': 'Name of destination file'}), (('--from', '--src-type'), {'dest': 'src_type', 'default': None, 'help': 'Source file type'}), (('--to', '--dst-type'), {'dest': 'dst_type', 'default': None, 'help': 'Destination file type'}), (('--src-kwargs',), {'dest': 'src_kwargs', 'type': <class 'str'>, 'help': 'Keyword arguments for source file communicator in JSON format'}), (('--dst-kwargs',), {'dest': 'dst_kwargs', 'type': <class 'str'>, 'help': 'Keyword arguments for destination file communicator in JSON format'}), (('--transform',), {'type': <class 'str'>, 'help': 'Transform keyword arguments for transforming messages between source and destination in JSON format'})]¶
- help = 'Convert a file of one type into another compatible type.'¶
- name = 'fconvert'¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.generate_gha_workflow(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Re-generate the Github actions workflow yaml.
- arguments = [(('--base', '--base-file'), {'help': 'Version of GHA workflow yaml that contains anchors.'}), (('--dest',), {'help': 'Name of target GHA workflow yaml file.'}), (('--verbose',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Print yaml contents.'})]¶
- help = 'Generate a Github Actions (GHA) workflow yaml file from a version of the file that uses anchors (not supported by GHA as of 2021-01-14).'¶
- name = 'gha'¶
- yggdrasil.command_line.githook()[source]¶
Git hook to determine if the Github workflow need to be re-generated.
- class yggdrasil.command_line.integration_service_manager(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Start or manage the yggdrasil service manager.
- arguments = [(('--manager-name',), {'help': 'Name that will be used to identify the service manager.'}), (('--service-type',), {'choices': ['flask', 'rmq'], 'help': "Type of service that should be started. If not provided, the default will be the ('services', 'default_type') configuration option, if set, and will otherwise be 'flask'."}), (('--commtype',), {'type': <class 'str'>, 'help': "Type of communicator that should be used for connections to services. If not provided, the default will be determined by the ('services', 'default_comm') configuration option, if set."}), (('--address',), {'type': <class 'str'>, 'help': "URL for requests to the service manager. If not provided, the default will be determined by the ('services', 'default_type') configuration option, if set, and based on the selected 'service-type', if not. For a service-type of 'flask', this should be the http address with the port that should be used and the default will be 'http://localhost:{port}'. For a service-type of 'rmq', this should be an amqp broker address and the default will be 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:{port}/%%2f'."}), (('--port',), {'type': <class 'int'>, 'help': 'Port that should be used to access the app. Defaults to 5000 for a flask service manager and 5672 for a RabbitMQ service manager if not set via the PORT environment variable.'}), <yggdrasil.command_line.ArgumentSubparser object>]¶
- help = 'Start or manage a integration service manager.'¶
- name = 'integration-service-manager'¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.ld_flags(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Get the linker flags necessary for including the interface library in a C or C++ program.
- arguments = [(('--cpp',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Get the compilation flags used for C++ programs.'}), (('--toolname',), {'default': None, 'help': 'Name of the tool that associated flags be returned for.'}), (('--disable-python-c-api',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Disable access to the Python C API from yggdrasil.'}), (('--with-asan',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Compile with Clang ASAN if available.'})]¶
- help = 'Get the compilation flags necessary for a C/C++ program.'¶
- name = 'linker-flags'¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.ld_toolname(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Output the name of the linker used to compile C or C++ programs.
- arguments = [(('--cpp',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Get the linker used for C++ programs.'}), (('--fullpath',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Get the full path to the tool exectuable.'})]¶
- help = 'Get the linker used for C/C++ programs.'¶
- name = 'linker-tool'¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.main(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Runner for yggdrasil CLI.
- arguments = []¶
- help = 'Command line interface for the yggdrasil package.'¶
- name = 'yggdrasil'¶
- subcommands = [<class 'yggdrasil.command_line.yggrun'>, <class 'yggdrasil.command_line.ygginfo'>, <class 'yggdrasil.command_line.validate_yaml'>, <class 'yggdrasil.command_line.yggcc'>, <class 'yggdrasil.command_line.yggcompile'>, <class 'yggdrasil.command_line.yggclean'>, <class 'yggdrasil.command_line.ygginstall'>, <class 'yggdrasil.command_line.update_config'>, <class 'yggdrasil.command_line.regen_schema'>, <class 'yggdrasil.command_line.yggmodelform'>, <class 'yggdrasil.command_line.yggdevup'>, <class 'yggdrasil.command_line.timing_plots'>, <class 'yggdrasil.command_line.generate_gha_workflow'>, <class 'yggdrasil.command_line.integration_service_manager'>, <class 'yggdrasil.command_line.coveragerc'>, <class 'yggdrasil.command_line.file_converter'>]¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.regen_schema(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Regenerate the yggdrasil schema.
- arguments = [(('--only-constants',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Only update the file without updating the schema.'}), (('--filename',), {'type': <class 'str'>, 'help': 'Name where schema should be saved.'})]¶
- help = 'Regenerate the yggdrasil schema.'¶
- name = 'schema'¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.timing_plots(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Create performance plots using timing results.
- arguments = [<yggdrasil.command_line.ArgumentSubparser object>]¶
- help = 'Create performance plots using timing results.'¶
- name = 'timing'¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.update_config(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Update the user config file for yggdrasil.
- arguments = [(('languages',), {'nargs': '*', 'default': ['all'], 'help': 'One or more languages that should be configured.'}), (('--languages',), {'nargs': '+', 'dest': 'languages_flag', 'default': ['all'], 'help': 'One or more languages that should be configured.'}), (('--show-file',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Print the path to the config file without updating it.'}), (('--remove-file',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Remove the existing config file and return.'}), (('--overwrite',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Overwrite the existing file.'}), (('--disable-languages',), {'nargs': '+', 'default': [], 'choices': ['c', 'c++', 'cpp', 'cxx', 'fortran', 'R', 'julia', 'matlab', 'python', 'r', 'cmake', 'make', 'lpy', 'osr', 'pytorch', 'sbml', 'dummy', 'executable', 'mpi', 'timesync'], 'help': 'One or more languages that should be disabled.'}), (('--enable-languages',), {'nargs': '+', 'default': [], 'choices': ['c', 'c++', 'cpp', 'cxx', 'fortran', 'R', 'julia', 'matlab', 'python', 'r', 'cmake', 'make', 'lpy', 'osr', 'pytorch', 'sbml', 'dummy', 'executable', 'mpi', 'timesync'], 'help': 'One or more languages that should be enabled.'}), (('--quiet', '-q'), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Suppress output.'}), (('--allow-multiple-omp',), {'action': 'store_true', 'default': None, 'help': 'Have yggdrasil set the environment variable KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK to \'True\' during model runs to disable errors resembling "OMP: Error #15: Initializing libomp.dylib..." that result from having multiple versions of OpenMP loaded during runtime.'}), (('--dont-allow-multiple-omp',), {'action': 'store_true', 'default': None, 'help': "Don't set the KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK environment variable when running models (see help for '--allow-multiple-omp' for more information)."}), (('--c-compiler',), {'help': 'Name or path to compiler that should be used to compile models written in c.'}), (('--c++-compiler',), {'help': 'Name or path to compiler that should be used to compile models written in c++.'}), (('--fortran-compiler',), {'help': 'Name or path to compiler that should be used to compile models written in fortran.'}), (('--c-linker',), {'help': 'Name or path to linker that should be used to link models written in c.'}), (('--c++-linker',), {'help': 'Name or path to linker that should be used to link models written in c++.'}), (('--fortran-linker',), {'help': 'Name or path to linker that should be used to link models written in fortran.'}), (('--c-archiver',), {'help': 'Name or path to archiver that should be used to create static libraries for models written in c.'}), (('--c++-archiver',), {'help': 'Name or path to archiver that should be used to create static libraries for models written in c++.'}), (('--fortran-archiver',), {'help': 'Name or path to archiver that should be used to create static libraries for models written in fortran.'})]¶
- help = 'Update the user config file.'¶
- language_arguments = {'c': [(('--vcpkg-dir',), {'help': 'Directory containing the vcpkg installation.'}), (('--macos-sdkroot', '--sdkroot'), {'help': 'The full path to the MacOS SDK that should be used.'})], 'matlab': [(('--disable-matlab-engine-for-python',), {'action': 'store_true', 'default': None, 'dest': 'disable_engine', 'help': 'Disable use of the Matlab engine for Python.'}), (('--enable-matlab-engine-for-python',), {'action': 'store_true', 'default': None, 'dest': 'enable_engine', 'help': 'Enable use of the Matlab engine for Python.'}), (('--hide-matlab-libiomp',), {'action': 'store_true', 'default': None, 'help': 'Hide the version of libiomp installed by Matlab by slightly changing the filename so that the conda version of libomp is used instead. This helps to solve the error "OMP: Error #15: Initializing libomp.dylib..." that can occur when using a conda environment. The hidden file location will be set in the configuration file and can be restored via the \'--restore-matlab-libiomp\' option.'}), (('--restore-matlab-libiomp',), {'action': 'store_true', 'default': None, 'help': "Restore the version of libiomp installed by Matlab. (See help for '--hide-matlab-libiomp')"})], 'osr': [(('--osr-repository-path',), {'dest': 'repository', 'help': 'The full path to the OpenSimRoot repository.'})]}¶
- name = 'config'¶
- opposite_arguments = [('allow_multiple_omp', 'dont_allow_multiple_omp'), ('disable_engine', 'enable_engine'), ('hide_matlab_libiomp', 'restore_matlab_libiomp')]¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.validate_yaml(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Validate a set of or or more YAMLs defining an integration.
- arguments = [(('yamlfile',), {'nargs': '+', 'help': 'One or more YAML specification files.'}), (('--model-only',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Validate a YAML containing an isolated model without ensuring that it is part of a complete integration.'}), (('--model-submission',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Validate a YAML against the requirements for submissions to the yggdrasil model repository.'})]¶
- help = 'Validate a set of YAML specification files for an integration.'¶
- name = 'validate'¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.yggcc(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Compile a program.
- arguments = [(('source',), {'nargs': '+', 'help': 'One or more source files or the directory containing an R package.'}), (('--language',), {'default': None, 'choices': [None, 'c', 'c++', 'cpp', 'cxx', 'fortran', 'R', 'r'], 'help': 'Language of the source code. If not provided, the language will be determined from the source extension.'}), (('--toolname',), {'help': 'Name of compilation tool that should be used'}), (('--flags',), {'nargs': '*', 'help': 'Additional flags that should be added to the compilation command'}), (('--use-ccache',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Run compilation with ccache.'}), (('--Rpkg-language',), {'help': 'Language that R package is written in (only used if the specified language is R).'}), (('--disable-python-c-api',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Disable access to the Python C API from yggdrasil.'}), (('--with-asan',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Compile with Clang ASAN if available.'})]¶
- help = 'Compile a program from source files for use in an yggdrasil integration.'¶
- name = 'compile-model'¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.yggclean(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Cleanup dependency files.
- arguments = [(('language',), {'nargs': '*', 'default': ['all'], 'help': 'One or more languages to clean up dependencies for.'})]¶
- help = 'Remove dependency libraries compiled by yggdrasil.'¶
- name = 'clean'¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.yggcompile(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Compile interface library/libraries.
- arguments = [(('language',), {'nargs': '*', 'default': ['all'], 'help': 'One or more languages to compile dependencies for, source files to compile into an executable, or the directory containing an R package.'}), (('--toolname',), {'help': 'Name of compilation tool that should be used'}), (('--disable-python-c-api',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Disable access to the Python C API from yggdrasil.'}), (('--with-asan',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Compile with Clang ASAN if available.'}), (('--force-source',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Force all arguments passed to the language parameter to be treated as source files to be compiled.'}), (('--source-language',), {'default': None, 'help': 'Language of the source code. If not provided, the language will be determined from the source extension.'}), (('--flags',), {'nargs': '*', 'help': 'Additional flags that should be added to the compilation command if source files are provided.'}), (('--use-ccache',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Run source compilation with ccache.'}), (('--Rpkg-language',), {'help': 'Language that R package is written in (only used if the provided source language is R).'})]¶
- help = 'Compile yggdrasil dependency libraries. Existing libraries are first deleted.'¶
- name = 'compile'¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.yggdevup(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Cleanup old libraries, re-install languages, and re-compile interface libraries following an update to the code (when doing development).
- help = 'Perform cleanup and reinitialization following an update to the code during development.'¶
- name = 'dev-update'¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.ygginfo(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Print information about yggdrasil installation.
- arguments = [(('--no-languages',), {'action': 'store_true', 'dest': 'no_languages', 'help': "Don't print information about individual languages."}), (('--no-comms',), {'action': 'store_true', 'dest': 'no_comms', 'help': "Don't print information about individual comms."}), (('--verbose', '-v'), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Increase the verbosity of the printed information.'}), <yggdrasil.command_line.ArgumentSubparser object>]¶
- help = 'Display information about the current yggdrasil installation.'¶
- name = 'info'¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.ygginstall(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Call installation script.
- arguments = [(('languages',), {'nargs': '*', 'default': [], 'help': 'One or more languages that should be installed.'}), (('--no-import',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': "Don't import the yggdrasil package in calling the installation script."}), (('--with-asan',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Load ASAN library before running executables.'})]¶
- help = 'Complete yggdrasil installation for one or more languages.'¶
- name = 'install'¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.yggmodelform(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Save/print a JSON schema that can be used for generating a form for composing a model specification files.
- arguments = [(('--file',), {'help': 'Path to file where the schema should be saved.'})]¶
- help = 'Save/print the JSON schema for generating the model specification form.'¶
- name = 'model-form-schema'¶
- class yggdrasil.command_line.yggrun(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Start a run.
- arguments = [(('yamlfile',), {'nargs': '+', 'help': 'One or more yaml specification files.'}), (('--with-mpi', '--mpi-nproc'), {'type': <class 'int'>, 'default': 1, 'help': 'Number of MPI processes to run on.'}), (('--mpi-tag-start',), {'type': <class 'int'>, 'default': 0, 'help': 'Tag that MPI communications should start at.'}), (('--validate',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Validate the run via model validation commands on completion.'}), (('--with-debugger',), {'type': <class 'str'>, 'help': 'Run all models with a specific debuggin tool. If quoted, this can also include flags for the tool.'}), (('--disable-python-c-api',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Disable access to the Python C API from yggdrasil.'}), (('--with-asan',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Compile models with the address sanitizer enabled.'}), (('--as-service',), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Run the provided YAMLs as a service.'}), (('--partial-commtype',), {'type': <class 'str'>, 'default': 'rest', 'help': 'Type of communicator to use for partial comms when --as-service is passed'}), (('--client-id',), {'type': <class 'str'>, 'help': 'ID associated with the client requesting a service. (This should only be passed when running with --as-service)'})]¶
- help = 'Run an integration.'¶
- name = 'run'¶
- yggdrasil.command_line.yggtime_comm()[source]¶
Plot timing statistics comparing the different communication mechanisms.
- yggdrasil.command_line.yggtime_lang()[source]¶
Plot timing statistics comparing the different languages.
yggdrasil.components module¶
- class yggdrasil.components.ComponentBase(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Base class for schema components.
- Parameters:
skip_component_schema_normalization (bool, optional) – If True, the schema will not be used to normalize/validate input keyword arguments (e.g. in case they were already parsed). Defaults to False.
**kwargs – Keyword arguments are added to the class as attributes according to the class attributes _schema_properties and _schema_excluded_from_class. Keyword arguments not added to the class as attributes are assigned to the extra_kwargs dictionary.
- Class Attributes:
_schema_type (str): Name of the component type the class represents. _schema_subtype_key (str): Attribute that should be used to identify the
subtype associated with each class.
- _schema_subtype_description (str): Description for the subtype represented
by the class that should be used in documentation tables.
- _schema_required (list): Keys from _schema_properties that are required
to produce a valid component.
- _schema_properties (dict): Schemas describing keyword arguments that
can be supplied to the class constructor and used to specify component behavior in YAML/JSON files. At initialization, these keywords are added to the class instance as attributes of the same name unless they are in _schema_excluded_from_class. Unless _schema_inherit is False, these properties will be added in addition to the schema properties defined by the class base.
- _schema_excluded_from_class (list): Keywords in _schema_properties that
should not be added to the class as attributes during initialization.
- _schema_excluded_from_inherit (list): Keywords in _schema_properties that
should not be inherited either from the base class or by child classes.
- _schema_inherit (bool, ComponentBase): If False, the base schema will
not be inherited. If a Component subclass, the schema from that class will be inherited instead of the base class. Defaults to True.
- _dont_register (bool): If True, the component class will be be registered
and the before_registration class method will not be called. Defaults to False.
- _schema_no_default_subtype (bool): If True, the subtype schema
will not have a default subtype set. Defaults to False.
- static after_registration(cls)[source]¶
Operations that should be preformed to modify class attributes after registration. These actions will not be performed if the environment variable YGGDRASIL_REGISTRATION_IN_PROGRESS is set.
- class yggdrasil.components.ComponentBaseUnregistered[source]¶
Base class for schema components w/o schema and registration.
- exception yggdrasil.components.ComponentError[source]¶
Error raised when there is a problem import a component.
- class yggdrasil.components.ComponentMeta(name, bases, class_dict)[source]¶
Meta class for registering schema components.
- yggdrasil.components.create_component(comptype, subtype=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Dynamically create an instance of a component with the specified options as outlined in the component schema. This function requires loading the component schemas and so should not be used at the module or class level to prevent circular dependencies.
- Parameters:
comptype (str) – Component type.
subtype (str, optional) – Component subtype. If subtype is not one of the registered subtypes for the specified comptype, subtype is treated as the name of the class. Defaults to None if not provided and the default subtype defined in the schema for the specified component will be used. If the subtype is specified by the component subtype key in the remaining kwargs, that subtype will be used instead.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are treated as options for the component as outlined in the component schema.
- Returns:
- Instance of the specified component type/subtype and
- Return type:
- Raises:
ComponentError – If comptype is not a registered component type.
- yggdrasil.components.create_component_class(globals_dict, base, name, attr)[source]¶
Create a new component class.
- yggdrasil.components.get_component_base_class(comptype, subtype=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Determine the base class for a component type.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Component base class.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.components.get_registry(comptype=None)[source]¶
Get the registry that should be used for looking up components.
- Parameters:
comptype (str, optional) – The name of a component to get the registry for. Defaults to None and the entire registry will be returned.
- yggdrasil.components.import_component(comptype, subtype=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Dynamically import a component by name.
- Parameters:
comptype (str) – Component type.
subtype (str, optional) – Component subtype. If subtype is not one of the registered subtypes for the specified comptype, subtype is treated as the name of class. Defaults to None if not provided and the default subtype defined in the schema for the specified component will be used.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are used to determine the subtype if it is None.
- Returns:
Component class.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ComponentError – If comptype is not a registered component type.
ComponentError – If subtype is not a registered subtype or the name of a registered subtype class for the specified comptype.
- yggdrasil.components.inherit_schema(orig, new_properties=None, new_required=None, remove_keys=[], **kwargs)[source]¶
Create an inherited schema, adding new value to accepted ones for dependencies.
- Parameters:
orig (dict) – Schema that will be inherited.
new_properties (dict, optional) – Dictionary of new properties to add. Defaults to None and is ignored.
new_requried (list, optional) – Properties that should be required by the new class. Defaults to None and is ignored.
remove_keys (list, optional) – Keys that should be removed form orig before adding the new keys. Defaults to empty list.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments will be added to the schema with dependency on the provided key/value pair.
- Returns:
New schema properties and a list of requried.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.components.isinstance_component(x, comptype, subtype=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Determine if an object is an instance of a component type.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
True if the object is an instance of the specified component(s).
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.components.registration_in_progress()[source]¶
Determine if a registration is in progress.
yggdrasil.config module¶
This module imports the configuration for yggdrasil.
Remove reference to environment variables for accessing config options.
- class yggdrasil.config.ConfigEnv(old_env, new_env)[source]¶
Container for environment variable modification.
- class yggdrasil.config.YggConfigParser(files=None)[source]¶
Config parser that returns None if option not provided on get.
- property file_to_update¶
Full path to file that should be updated if update_file is called without an explicit file path.
- Type:
- classmethod from_files(files, **kwargs)[source]¶
Construct a config parser from a set of files.
- Parameters:
files (list) – One or more files that options should be read from in the order they should be loaded.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are passed to the class constructor.
- Returns:
- Config parser with information loaded from the
provided files.
- Return type:
- get(section, option, default=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Return None if the section/option does not exist.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
String entry if the section & option exist, otherwise default.
- Return type:
- read(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Read and parse a filename or an iterable of filenames.
Files that cannot be opened are silently ignored; this is designed so that you can specify an iterable of potential configuration file locations (e.g. current directory, user’s home directory, systemwide directory), and all existing configuration files in the iterable will be read. A single filename may also be given.
Return list of successfully read files.
- update_file(fname=None)[source]¶
Write out updated contents to a file.
- Parameters:
fname (str, optional) – Full path to file where contents should be saved. If None, file_to_update is used. Defaults to None.
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If fname is None and file_to_update is None.
- yggdrasil.config.acquire_env(new_env)[source]¶
Get the existing environment variable values and set the environment based on the provided dictionary.
- yggdrasil.config.add_excl_rule(excl_list, new_rule)[source]¶
Add an exclusion rule to the list if its not in there.
- yggdrasil.config.cfg_environment(env=None, cfg=None)[source]¶
Set environment variables based on config options.
- Parameters:
env (dict, optional) – Dictionary of environment variables that should be updated. Defaults to os.environ.
cfg (
, optional) – Config parser with options that should be used to update the environment. Defaults toyggdrasil.config.ygg_cfg
- yggdrasil.config.cfg_logging(cfg=None)[source]¶
Set logging levels from config options.
- Parameters:
cfg (
, optional) – Config parser with options that should be used to update the environment. Defaults toyggdrasil.config.ygg_cfg
- yggdrasil.config.create_coveragerc(installed_languages, filename=None, setup_cfg=None)[source]¶
Create the coveragerc to reflect the OS, Python version, and availability of matlab. Parameters from the setup.cfg file will be added. If the .coveragerc file already exists, it will be read first before adding setup.cfg options.
- Parameters:
installed_languages (dict) – Dictionary of language/boolean key/value pairs indicating optional languages and their state of installation.
filename (str, optional) – File where coveragerc should be saved. Defaults to ‘.coveragerc’ in the current directory.
setup_cfg (str, optional) – setup.cfg file containing coverage options. If not provided, the current directory will be checked.
- Returns:
- True if the file was created/updated successfully, False
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.config.get_config_parser(parser=None, description=None, skip_sections=None)[source]¶
Create a parser or add to an existing parser arguments based on configuration options.
- Parameters:
parser (argparse.ArgumentParser, optional) – Existing argument parser that arguments should be added to. Defaults to None and a new parser is created.
description (str, optional) – The description that should be used if a new parser is created. Defaults to None.
skip_sections (list, optional) – Configuration sections that should be skipped when adding arguments to the parser. Defaults to None and arguments for all configuration sections will be added.
- Returns:
- Argument parser with arguments added that
are associated with configuration options.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.config.get_language_order(drivers)[source]¶
Get the correct language order, including any base languages.
- yggdrasil.config.get_ygg_loglevel(cfg=None, default='DEBUG')[source]¶
Get the current log level.
- Parameters:
cfg (
, optional) – Config parser with options that should be used to determine the log level. Defaults toyggdrasil.config.ygg_cfg
.default (str, optional) – Log level that should be returned if the log level option is not set in cfg. Defaults to ‘DEBUG’.
- Returns:
Log level string.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.config.parser_config(args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Context manager for a run that modifies configuration options using values from an argument parser.
- Parameters:
args (argparse.Namespace) – Argument parsing results.
**kwargs – Additional environment variable key/value pairs and/or argument name key/value pairs that should be added to the environment.
- yggdrasil.config.resolve_config_parser(args)[source]¶
Process argument results by setting flags that are set by combination arguments.
- Parameters:
args (argparse.ArgumentParser) – Argument parser to set combination child flags for.
- Returns:
- Argument parser with child flags for
combination flags set.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.config.restore_env(old_env)[source]¶
Restore environment variables to a previous state.
- Parameters:
old_env (dict) – Mapping from environment variable to value for state that should be restored.
- yggdrasil.config.rm_excl_rule(excl_list, new_rule)[source]¶
Remove an exclusion rule from the list if its in there.
- yggdrasil.config.set_ygg_loglevel(level, cfg=None)[source]¶
Set the current log level.
- Parameters:
level (str) – Level that the log should be set to.
cfg (
, optional) – Config parser with options that should be used to update the environment. Defaults toyggdrasil.config.ygg_cfg
- yggdrasil.config.temp_config(**kwargs)[source]¶
Context manager for a run that modifies configuration options using a dictionary of key/value pairs.
- Parameters:
**kwargs – Environment variable key/value pairs and/or argument name key/value pairs that should be added to the environment.
- yggdrasil.config.update_language_config(languages=None, skip_warnings=False, disable_languages=None, enable_languages=None, allow_multiple_omp=None, lang_kwargs=None, overwrite=False, verbose=False)[source]¶
Update configuration options for a language driver.
- Parameters:
languages (list, optional) – List of languages to configure. Defaults to None and all supported languages will be configured.
skip_warnings (bool, optional) – If True, warnings about missing options will not be raised. Defaults to False.
disable_languages (list, optional) – List of languages that should be disabled. Defaults to an empty list.
enable_languages (list, optional) – List of languages that should be enabled. Defaults to an empty list.
allow_multiple_omp (bool, optional) – Set the allow_multiple_omp config option controlling whether or not the KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK environment variable is set for model environments. Defaults to None and is ignored.
overwrite (bool, optional) – If True, the existing file will be overwritten. Defaults to False.
verbose (bool, optional) – If True, information about the config file will be displayed. Defaults to False.
lang_kwargs (dict, optional) – Dictionary containing language specific keyword arguments. Defaults to {}.
yggdrasil.constants module¶
Constants used by yggdrasil.
yggdrasil.datatypes module¶
- exception yggdrasil.datatypes.DataTypeError[source]¶
Error that should be raised when a class encounters a type it cannot handle.
- yggdrasil.datatypes.data2dtype(data)[source]¶
Get numpy data type for an object.
- Parameters:
data (object) – Python object.
- Returns:
Numpy data type.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.datatypes.definition2dtype(props)[source]¶
Get numpy data type for a type definition.
- Parameters:
props (dict) – Type definition properties.
- Returns:
Numpy data type.
- Return type:
yggdrasil.doctools module¶
- yggdrasil.doctools.component2table(comp, table_type, include_required=None, subtype_ref=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Create a table describing a component.
- Parameters:
comp (str) – Name of a component type to create a table for.
table_type (str) –
Type of table that should be created for the component. Supported values include:
’general’: Create a table of properties common to all components of the specified type.
’specific’: Create a table of properties specific to only some components of the specified type.
’subtype’: Create a table describing the subtypes available for the specified component type.
include_required (bool, optional) – If True, a required column is included. Defaults to True if table_type is ‘general’ and False otherwise.
subtype_ref (str, optional) – Reference for the subtype table for the specified component that should be used in the description for the subtype property. Defaults to None and is ignored.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are passed to dict2table.
- Returns:
Lines comprising the table.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.doctools.dict2table(args, key_column_name='option', val_column_name='description', column_order=None, wrapped_columns=None, list_columns=None, sort_on_key=True, sort_required_first=True, last_column=None, prune_empty_columns=False, style='simple', textwrap_kwargs={}, **kwargs)[source]¶
Convert a dictionary to a table.
- Parameters:
args (dict) – Dictionary of entries for the table. The keys will go in the first column (the key column) as named by key_column_name. If the values are dictionaries, the elements in each dictionary will be put in different columns. If the values are strings, they will be put in the column identified by val_column_name.
key_column_name (str, optional) – Label that the key column should have. Defaults to ‘option’.
val_column_name (str, optional) – Lable that the value column should have. Defaults to ‘description’.
column_order (list, optional) – List specifying the roder that fields should be added to the table as columns. Defaults to None and is set to [key_column_name, val_column_name]. If a column is missing from an entry in args, an empty value will be added to the table in its place. Columns in args entries that are not in column_order are appended to column_order in sorted order.
wrapped_columns (dict, optional) – Dictionary specifying fields that should be wrapped as columns and the widths that the corresponding column should be wrapped to. Defaults to {‘Description’: 80}.
list_columns (list, optional) – List of fields with values that should be formatted with one item per line if it is a list. Defaults to None and is ignored.
sort_on_key (bool, optional) – If True, the entries in args are added as rows in the order determined by sorting on the keys. If False, the order will be determine by prop (which is not deterministic if a Python 2 dictionary). Defaults to True.
sort_required_first (bool, optional) – If True, the required entries are placed first in the table. Defaults to True.
last_column (str, optional) – Name of the field that should be placed in the last column position. Defaults to None and is ignored.
prune_empty_columns (bool, optional) – If True, empty columns will be removed. If False, they will be included. Defaults to False.
style (str, optional) – Style of table that should be used. ‘simple’ dosn’t allow for multi-column or row cells, while ‘complex’ does. Defaults to ‘simple’.
textwrap_kwargs (dict, optional) – Keyword arguments to pass to textwrap.wrap.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are ignored.
- Returns:
Lines comprising the table.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.doctools.docs2args(docs, keys=['Args:', 'Arguments:'])[source]¶
Get a dictionary of arguments and argument descriptions from a docstring.
- yggdrasil.doctools.document_cli(fname, headline_char='*')[source]¶
Get documentation for all yggdrasil command line interfaces.
- yggdrasil.doctools.document_cli_subcommand(prog, sub, alias=None, dummy_file=None, headline_char='*', dummy_def=None)[source]¶
Get documentation for a command line interface.
- Parameters:
prog (str) – Program that calls the subcommand class.
sub (yggdrasil.command_line.SubCommand) – Class for the subcommand.
alias (str, optional) – Command that prog is an alias for. Defaults to None and is ignored.
dummy_file (str, optional) – Full path to file where an alias function will be stored. Defaults to None and the original module will be used.
dummy_def (list, optional) – Existing list that the dummy definition lines should be added to. Must be provided if dummy_file is.
headline_char (str, optional) – Character that should be used to mark the title. Defaults to ‘*’.
- Returns:
Documentation lines.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.doctools.get_docs_section(docs, keys=['Args:', 'Arguments:'], join_lines=False)[source]¶
Get contents of a particular sections in a docstring.
- Parameters:
docs (str) – Docstring that should be parsed.
keys (list) – Strings that should be used to identify the target section in the docstring. Defaults to [‘Args:’, ‘Arguments:’].
join_lines (bool, optional) – If True, the returned lines will be stripped and joined into a single string. Defaults to False.
- Returns:
Lines in the section(s) specified by keys.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.doctools.write_classdocs_table(class_, table_type='all', **kwargs)[source]¶
Write a table containing entries from a section in a class’s documentation.
- Parameters:
class (type) – Class with docstring that should be parsed.
table_type (str, optional) –
Type of table that should be created for the class. Defaults to ‘all’. Supported values include:
’all’: Create each type of table for the specified class.
’args’: Create a table of the class’s argumetns.
’attr’: Create a table of the class’s attributes.
’classattr’: Create a table of the class’s class attributes.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are passed to dict2table and write_table.
- Returns:
Name of file or files created.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If table_type is not one of the supported values.
- yggdrasil.doctools.write_comm_devnotes_table(**kwargs)[source]¶
Write a table containing development notes for the registered comms.
- yggdrasil.doctools.write_component_table(comp='all', table_type='all', **kwargs)[source]¶
Write a component table to a file.
- Parameters:
comp (str) – Name of a component type to create a table for. Defaults to ‘all’ and tables are created for each of the registered components.
table_type (str, optional) –
Type of table that should be created for the component. Defaults to ‘all’. Supported values include:
’all’: Create each type of table for the specified component.
’general’: Create a table of properties common to all components of the specified type.
’specific’: Create a table of properties specific to only some components of the specified type.
’subtype’: Create a table describing the subtypes available for the specified component type.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are passed to component2table and write_table.
- Returns:
Name of file or files created.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.doctools.write_datatype_mapping_table(**kwargs)[source]¶
Write a table containing mapping of datatypes between different languages.
- yggdrasil.doctools.write_datatype_table(table_type='all', **kwargs)[source]¶
Write a table containing entries from the descriptions of datatypes.
- Parameters:
table_type (str, optional) –
Type of table that should be created for the class. Defaults to ‘all’. Supported values include:
’all’: Create each type of table.
’simple’: Create a table of standard JSON datatypes.
’container’: Create a table of container datatypes.
’yggdrasil’: Create a table of yggdrasil specific datatypes.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are passed to dict2table and write_table.
- Returns:
Name of file or files created.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If table_type is not one of the supported values.
- yggdrasil.doctools.write_interface_mapping_table(split_table_for_notebook=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Write a table containing mapping of datatypes between different languages.
- yggdrasil.doctools.write_package_extras_table(**kwargs)[source]¶
Write a table describing the optional Python packages.
- yggdrasil.doctools.write_table(lines, fname=None, fname_base=None, fname_dir=None, verbose=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Write a table to a file.
- Parameters:
fname (str, optional) – Name of the file where the table should be written. If not provided, one is constructed from fname_base and fname_dir.
fname_base (str, optional) – Base name of the file where the table should be written if fname is not provided. If fname is None, fname_base must be provided.
fname_dir (str, optional) – Directory where the table should be written if fname is not provided. If not provided, this defaults to the current working directory.
verbose (bool, optional) – If True, the lines are printed to standard out in addition to the file. Defaults to False.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are ignored.
- Returns:
Name of file created.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If neither fname nor fname_base are provided.
yggdrasil.multitasking module¶
- exception yggdrasil.multitasking.AliasDisconnectError[source]¶
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.AliasMeta(name, bases, class_dict)[source]¶
Meta class for adding aliased methods to the class.
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.AliasObject(*args, dont_initialize_base=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Alias object that calls to attribute.
- Parameters:
dont_initialize_base (bool, optional) – If True the base object will not be initialized. Defaults to False.
- property dummy_copy¶
Dummy copy of base.
- exception yggdrasil.multitasking.BreakLoopError(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Version of BreakLoopException that sets an error message.
- break_stack¶
- exception yggdrasil.multitasking.BreakLoopException(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Special exception that can be raised by the target function for a loop in order to break the loop.
- break_stack¶
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.Context(task_method='thread', dont_initialize_base=False)[source]¶
Context for managing threads/processes.
- parallel¶
- task_method¶
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.ContextObject(*args, task_method='threading', task_context=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Base class for object intialized in a context.
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.Dict(*args, task_method='threading', task_context=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Multiprocessing/threading shared dictionary.
- clear(*args, **kwargs)¶
- copy(*args, **kwargs)¶
- get(*args, **kwargs)¶
- items(*args, **kwargs)¶
- keys(*args, **kwargs)¶
- pop(*args, **kwargs)¶
- popitem(*args, **kwargs)¶
- setdefault(*args, **kwargs)¶
- update(*args, **kwargs)¶
- values(*args, **kwargs)¶
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.DummyEvent(value=False)[source]¶
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.DummyQueue[source]¶
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.DummyRLock[source]¶
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.DummyTask(name='', exitcode=0, daemon=False)[source]¶
- daemon¶
- exitcode¶
- name¶
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.Event(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Multiprocessing/threading event.
- add_callback(callback, args=(), kwargs={}, trigger='set')[source]¶
Add a callback that will be called when set or clear is invoked.
- Parameters:
- property dummy_copy¶
Dummy copy of base.
- property is_set¶
- property wait¶
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.LockedDict(*args, task_method='process', task_context=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Dictionary that can be shared between threads.
- clear(*args, **kwargs)¶
- copy(*args, **kwargs)¶
- property dummy_copy¶
Dummy copy of base.
- get(*args, **kwargs)¶
- items(*args, **kwargs)¶
- keys(*args, **kwargs)¶
- pop(*args, **kwargs)¶
- popitem(*args, **kwargs)¶
- setdefault(*args, **kwargs)¶
- update(*args, **kwargs)¶
- values(*args, **kwargs)¶
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.LockedObject(*args, task_method='process', task_context=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Container that provides a lock that is acquired before accessing the object.
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.MPIErrorExchange(global_tag=0)[source]¶
Set of MPI messages to check for errors.
- closing_messages = ['ERROR', 'COMPLETE']¶
- finalize(failure)[source]¶
Finalize an instance by waiting for completions.
- Parameters:
failure (bool) – True if there was an error.
- sync(local_tag=None, msg=None, get_tags=False, check_equal=False, dont_raise=False, local_error=False, sync_tag=False, check_complete=False)[source]¶
Synchronize processes.
- Parameters:
local_tag (int) – Next tag that will be used by the local MPI comm.
get_tags (bool, optional) – If True, tags will be exchanged between all processes. Defaults to False.
check_equal (bool, optional) – If True, tags will be checked to be equal. Defaults to False.
dont_raise (bool, optional) – If True and a MPIPartnerError were to be raised, the sync will abort. Defaults to False.
- Raises:
MPIPartnerError – If there was an error on one of the other MPI processes.
AssertionError – If check_equal is True and the tags are not equivalent.
- tags = {'ERROR_ON_RANK0': 1, 'ERROR_ON_RANKX': 2}¶
- exception yggdrasil.multitasking.MPIPartnerError[source]¶
Error raised when there is an error on another process.
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.MPIRequestWrapper(request, completed=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Wrapper for an MPI request.
- canceled¶
- completed¶
- request¶
- wait(timeout=None, on_timeout=False)[source]¶
Wait for the request to be completed.
- Parameters:
timeout (float, optional) – Time (in seconds) that should be waited for the process to finish. A value of None will wait indefinitely. Defaults to None.
on_timeout (callable, bool, str, optional) – Object indicating what action should be taken in the event that the timeout is reached. If a callable is provided, it will be called. A value of False will cause a TimeoutError to be raised. A value of True will cause the function value to be returned. A string will be used as the error message for a raised timeout error. Defaults to False.
- Returns:
The result of the request.
- Return type:
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.MemoryTracker(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Class to track the memory used by another process.
- Parameters:
- property max_memory¶
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.MultiObject(*args, task_method='threading', **kwargs)[source]¶
Concurrent/parallel processing object using either threads or processes.
- parallel¶
- task_method¶
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.ProcessEvent(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Multiprocessing/threading event associated with a process that has a discreet start and end.
- started¶
- stopped¶
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.Queue(*args, task_method='threading', task_context=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Multiprocessing/threading queue.
- property dummy_copy¶
Dummy copy of base.
- full(*args, **kwargs)¶
- get(*args, **kwargs)¶
- get_nowait(*args, **kwargs)¶
- join_thread(*args, **kwargs)¶
- qsize(*args, **kwargs)¶
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.RLock(*args, task_method='threading', task_context=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Recursive lock. Acquiring the lock after disconnect is called through use as a context will not raise an error, but will not do anything.
- acquire(*args, **kwargs)¶
- property dummy_copy¶
Dummy copy of base.
- release(*args, **kwargs)¶
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.SafeThread(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Thread that sets Event on error.
- property pid¶
Process ID.
- run(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Method representing the thread’s activity.
You may override this method in a subclass. The standard run() method invokes the callable object passed to the object’s constructor as the target argument, if any, with sequential and keyword arguments taken from the args and kwargs arguments, respectively.
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.Task(target=None, args=(), kwargs={}, **kws)[source]¶
Multiprocessing/threading process.
- property authkey¶
- property daemon¶
- property dummy_copy¶
Dummy copy of base.
- property exitcode¶
- getName(*args, **kwargs)¶
- property ident¶
Process ID.
- isDaemon(*args, **kwargs)¶
- join(*args, **kwargs)¶
- property name¶
- property pid¶
- run(*args, **kwargs)¶
- property sentinel¶
- setDaemon(*args, **kwargs)¶
- setName(*args, **kwargs)¶
- start(*args, **kwargs)¶
- terminate(*args, **kwargs)¶
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.TaskLoop(target=None, polling_interval=0.0, **kws)[source]¶
Class for looping over a task.
- break_flag¶
- break_stack¶
- polling_interval¶
- exception yggdrasil.multitasking.TimeoutError(msg, function_value)[source]¶
Error to raise when a wait times out.
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.ValueEvent(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Class for handling storing a value that also triggers an event.
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.WaitableFunction(function, polling_interval=0.01)[source]¶
Create an object that can be waited on until a function returns True.
- Parameters:
function (callable) – Callable function that takes no arguments and returns a boolean.
polling_interval (float, optional) – Time (in seconds) that should be waited in between function calls. Defaults to 0.1 seconds.
- function¶
- polling_interval¶
- wait(timeout=None, on_timeout=False)[source]¶
Wait for the function to return True.
- Parameters:
timeout (float, optional) – Time (in seconds) that should be waited for the process to finish. A value of None will wait indefinitely. Defaults to None.
on_timeout (callable, bool, str, optional) – Object indicating what action should be taken in the event that the timeout is reached. If a callable is provided, it will be called. A value of False will cause a TimeoutError to be raised. A value of True will cause the function value to be returned. A string will be used as the error message for a raised timeout error. Defaults to False.
- Returns:
The result of the function call.
- Return type:
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.YggTask(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Class for managing Ygg thread/process.
- before_start()[source]¶
Actions to perform on the main thread/process before starting the thread/process.
- property exitcode¶
Exit code.
- property ident¶
Process ID.
- property pid¶
Process ID.
- property returncode¶
Return code.
- terminate(no_wait=False)[source]¶
Set the terminate event and wait for the thread/process to stop.
- Parameters:
no_wait (bool, optional) – If True, terminate will not block until the thread/process stops. Defaults to False and blocks.
- Raises:
AssertionError – If no_wait is False and the thread/process has not stopped after the timeout.
- class yggdrasil.multitasking.YggTaskLoop(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Class to run a loop inside a thread/process.
- on_main_terminated(dont_break=False)[source]¶
Actions performed when 1st main terminated.
- Parameters:
dont_break (bool, optional) – If True, the break flag won’t be set. Defaults to False.
- set_break_flag(value=True, break_stack=None)[source]¶
Set the break flag for the thread/process to True.
- wait_for_loop(timeout=None, key=None, nloop=0)[source]¶
Wait until thread/process enters loop to return using sleeps rather than blocking.
- Parameters:
timeout (float, optional) – Maximum time that should be waited for the thread/process to enter loop. Defaults to None and is infinite.
key (str, optional) – Key that should be used to register the timeout. Defaults to None and is set based on the stack trace.
nloop (int, optional) – Number of loops that should be performed before breaking. Defaults to 0.
- yggdrasil.multitasking.add_aliased_attribute(cls, name, with_lock=False)[source]¶
Factory to alias an attribute so that it refers to the wrapped object.
- yggdrasil.multitasking.add_aliased_method(cls, name, with_lock=False)[source]¶
Factory to alias a method so that it refers to the wrapped object.
- yggdrasil.multitasking.wait_on_function(function, timeout=None, on_timeout=False, polling_interval=0.1)[source]¶
Wait for the function to return True.
- Parameters:
function (callable) – Callable function that takes no arguments and returns a boolean.
timeout (float, optional) – Time (in seconds) that should be waited for the process to finish. A value of None will wait indefinitely. Defaults to None.
on_timeout (callable, bool, str, optional) – Object indicating what action should be taken in the event that the timeout is reached. If a callable is provided, it will be called. A value of False will cause a TimeoutError to be raised. A value of True will cause the function value to be returned. A string will be used as the error message for a raised timeout error. Defaults to False.
polling_interval (float, optional) – Time (in seconds) that should be waited in between function calls. Defaults to 0.1 seconds.
- Returns:
The result of the function call.
- Return type:
yggdrasil.platform module¶
This module handle platform compatibility issues.
yggdrasil.runner module¶
This module provides tools for running models using yggdrasil.
- exception yggdrasil.runner.IntegrationError[source]¶
Error raised when there is an error in an integration.
- class yggdrasil.runner.YggFunction(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
This class wraps function-like behavior around a model.
- Parameters:
model_yaml (str, list) – Full path to one or more YAML specification files containing information defining a partial integration. If service_address is set, this should be the name of a service registered with the service manager running at the provided address.
service_address (str, optional) – Address for service manager that is capable of running the specified integration. Defaults to None and is ignored.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are passed to the YggRunner constructor.
- __call__(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Call the model as a function by sending variables.
- Parameters:
*args – Any positional arguments are expected to be input variables in the correct order.
**kwargs – Any keyword arguments are expected to be named input variables for the model.
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If an input argument is missing.
RuntimeError – If sending an input argument to a model fails.
RuntimeError – If receiving an output value from a model fails.
- Returns:
Returned values for each return variable.
- Return type:
- class yggdrasil.runner.YggRunner(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
This class handles the orchestration of starting the model and IO drivers, monitoring their progress, and cleaning up on exit.
- Parameters:
modelYmls (list) – List of paths to yaml files specifying the models that should be run.
namespace (str, optional) – Name that should be used to uniquely identify any RMQ exchange. Defaults to the value in the config file.
host (str, optional) – Name of the host that the models will be launched from. Defaults to None.
rank (int, optional) – Rank of this set of models if run in parallel. Defaults to 0.
ygg_debug_level (str, optional) – Level for Ygg debug messages. Defaults to environment variable ‘YGG_DEBUG’.
rmq_debug_level (str, optional) – Level for RabbitMQ debug messages. Defaults to environment variable ‘RMQ_DEBUG’.
ygg_debug_prefix (str, optional) – Prefix for Ygg debug messages. Defaults to namespace.
as_service (bool, optional) – If True, the integration is running as a service. If True, complete_partial is set to True. Defaults to False.
complete_partial (bool, optional) – If True, unpaired input/output channels are allowed and reserved for use (e.g. for calling the model as a function). Defaults to False.
partial_commtype (dict, optional) – Communicator kwargs that should be be used for the connections to the unpaired channels when complete_partial is True. Defaults to None and will be ignored.
yaml_param (dict, optional) – Parameters that should be used in mustache formatting of YAML files. Defaults to None and is ignored.
validate (bool, optional) – If True, the validation scripts for each modle (if present), will be run after the integration finishes running. Defaults to False.
with_debugger (str, optional) – Tool (and any flags for the tool) that should be used to run models.
disable_python_c_api (bool, optional) – If True, the Python C API will be disabled. Defaults to False.
with_asan (bool, optional) – Compile and run all models with the address sanitizer. Defaults to False.
..todo:: namespace, host, and rank do not seem strictly necessary.
- property all_drivers¶
For all drivers.
- Type:
- closeChannels(force_stop=False)[source]¶
Stop IO drivers and join the threads.
- Parameters:
force_stop (bool, optional) – If True, the terminate method is used to stop the drivers. Otherwise, the stop method is used. The stop method will try to exit gracefully while terminate will exit as quickly as possible. Defaults to False.
- create_connection_driver(yml)[source]¶
Create a connection driver instance from the yaml information.
- Parameters:
yml (yaml) – Yaml object containing driver information.
- Returns:
An instance of the specified driver.
- Return type:
- create_driver(yml, **kwargs)[source]¶
Create a driver instance from the yaml information.
- Parameters:
yml (yaml) – Yaml object containing driver information.
- Returns:
An instance of the specified driver.
- Return type:
- do_client_exits(model)[source]¶
Perform exits for IO drivers associated with a client model.
- Parameters:
model (dict) – Dictionary of model parameters including any associated IO drivers.
- io_drivers()[source]¶
Return the input and output drivers for all models.
- Returns:
Access to list of I/O drivers.
- Return type:
- loadDrivers()[source]¶
Load all of the necessary drivers, doing the IO drivers first and adding IO driver environmental variables back tot he models.
- printStatus(return_str=False)[source]¶
Print the status of all drivers, starting with the IO drivers.
- run(signal_handler=None, timer=None, t0=None)[source]¶
Run all of the models and wait for them to exit.
- Parameters:
signal_handler (function, optional) – Function that should be used as a signal handler. Defaults to None and is set by set_signal_handler.
timer (function, optional) – Function that should be called to get intermediate timing statistics. Defaults to time.time if not provided.
t0 (float, optional) – Zero point for timing statistics. Is set using the provided timer if not provided.
- Returns:
Intermediate times from the run.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.runner.get_runner(models, **kwargs)[source]¶
Get runner for a set of models, getting run information from the environment.
yggdrasil.scanf module¶
Small scanf implementation.
Python has powerful regular expressions but sometimes they are totally overkill when you just want to parse a simple-formatted string. C programmers use the scanf-function for these tasks (see link below).
This implementation of scanf translates the simple scanf-format into regular expressions. Unlike C you can be sure that there are no buffer overflows possible.
- For more information see
- Original code from:
Modified original to make the %f more robust, as well as added %* modifier to skip fields.
Version: 1.3.3
- Releases:
- 1.0
- 2010-10-11
Initial release
- 1.1
- 2010-10-13
Changed regex from ‘match’ (only matches at beginning of line) to ‘search’ (matches anywhere in line)
Bugfix - ignore cast for skipped fields
- 1.2
- 2013-05-30
Added ‘collapseWhitespace’ flag (defaults to True) to take the search string and replace all whitespace with regex string to match repeated whitespace. This enables better matching in log files where the data has been formatted for easier reading. These cases have variable amounts of whitespace between the columns, depending on the number of characters in the data itself.
- 1.3
- 2016-01-18
Add ‘extractdata’ function.
- 1.3.1
- 2016-06-23
Release to PyPi, now including
- Updates by Meagan Lang:
- 2018-04-12
Added ability to parse components of field specifiers and cope with whitespace padding.
- yggdrasil.scanf.scanf(format, s=None, collapseWhitespace=True)[source]¶
- scanf supports the following formats:
%c One character %5c 5 characters %d, %i int value %7d, %7i int value with length 7 %f float value %o octal value %X, %x hex value %s string terminated by whitespace
Examples: >>> scanf(“%s - %d errors, %d warnings”, “/usr/sbin/sendmail - 0 errors, 4 warnings”) (‘/usr/sbin/sendmail’, 0, 4) >>> scanf(“%o %x %d”, “0123 0x123 123”) (66, 291, 123)
If the parameter s is a file-like object, s.readline is called. If s is not specified, stdin is assumed.
The function returns a tuple of found values or None if the format does not match.
- yggdrasil.scanf.scanf_compile(format, collapseWhitespace=True)[source]¶
Translate the format into a regular expression
For example: >>> format_re, casts = _scanf_compile(‘%s - %d errors, %d warnings’) >>> print format_re.pattern (S+) - ([+-]?d+) errors, ([+-]?d+) warnings
Translated formats are cached for faster reuse
yggdrasil.schema module¶
- class yggdrasil.schema.ComponentSchema(schema_type, subtype_key, schema_registry=None, module=None, schema_subtypes=None, schema_modules=None)[source]¶
Schema information for one component.
- Parameters:
schema_type (str) – The name of the component.
subtype_key (str) – The name of the schema property/class attribute that should be used to differentiate between subtypes of this component.
schema_registry (SchemaRegistry) – Registry of schemas that this schema is dependent on.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are entries in the component schema.
schema_type – The name of the component.
schema_registry – Registry of schemas.
subtype_key – Schema property that is used to differentiate between subtypes of this component.
schema_subtypes (dict) – Mapping between component class names and the associated values of the subtype_key property for this component.
schema_modules (dict) – Mapping between component class names and the modules that they are in.
- classmethod add_legacy_properties(new_schema, driver_list=None, base=False)[source]¶
Add driver/args legacy properties to the schema.
- append_class(comp_cls, verify=False)[source]¶
Append component class to the schema.
- Parameters:
comp_cls (class) – Component class that should be added.
verify (bool, optional) – If True, verify the schema after adding the component class. Defaults to False.
- append_schema(name, new_schema, verify=False, description=None, default=None, kwargs_base=None, kwargs_no_inherit=None)[source]¶
Append component schema to the schema.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name to store the schema under.
new_schema (dict) – New schema to store.
verify (bool, optional) – If True, verify the schema after adding the schema. Defaults to False.
description (str, optional) – Description of the base subtype property.
default (str, optional) – Default subtype for base.
kwargs_base (dict, optional) – Keyword arguments added to the base schema and removed from unique subtype schemas.
kwargs_no_inherit (dict, optional) – Keyword arguments not inherited by other subtypes or the base schema.
- property base_subtype_class¶
Base class for the subtype.
- Type:
- classmethod compare_body(a, b, only_keys=None, ignore_keys=['description', 'default', 'maxItems', 'minItems'])[source]¶
Compare two schemas, ignoring some keys.
- classmethod from_definitions(schema, defs, schema_registry=None)[source]¶
Construct a ComponentSchema from a schema.
- Parameters:
schema (dict) – Schema.
- Returns:
Schema with information from schema.
- Return type:
- classmethod from_registry(schema_type, registry, **kwargs)[source]¶
Construct a ComponentSchema from a registry entry.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Schema with information from classes.
- Return type:
- get_base_schema()[source]¶
Get a base schema containing properties that are the same for all component subtypes.
- get_definitions(for_form=False, allow_instance=False, allow_driver=False, full=False, relaxed=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Get the set of definitions defining this component type.
- Parameters:
for_form (bool, optional) – If True, the returned schema will be formatted for easy parsing by form generation tools. Defaults to False. Causes relaxed, allow_instance, and full to be ignored.
allow_instance (bool, optional) – If True, the returned schema will validate instances of this component in addition to documents describing a component. Defaults to False.
allow_driver (bool, optional) – If True, the returned definitions will include the deprecated driver based schemas. Defaults to False.
full (bool, optional) – If True, properties are made explicit for each component subtype resulting in a larger schema that has a simplified logic for parsing. If False, the schema will be compressed such that properties occuring across all component subtypes will only occur once in the base schema. Defaults to False.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are passed to get_subtype_definitions calls.
- Returns:
Set of component definitions.
- Return type:
- get_schema(for_form=False, allow_instance=False)[source]¶
Get the schema defining this component.
- Parameters:
for_form (bool, optional) – If True, the returned schema will be formatted for easy parsing by form generation tools. Defaults to False. Causes relaxed, allow_instance, and full to be ignored.
allow_instance (bool, optional) – If True, the returned schema will validate instances of this component in addition to documents describing a component. Defaults to False.
- Returns:
Schema for this component.
- Return type:
- get_subtype_definition_ref(subtype)[source]¶
Get the address for a subtype’s schema definition that can be used in references.
- get_subtype_definitions(unique='both', relaxed=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Get subtype definitions.
- Parameters:
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are passed to get_subtype_schema calls for each subtype.
- Returns:
Dictionary of subtype definitions.
- Return type:
- get_subtype_order()[source]¶
Get the order that subtypes should be in the schema, with the base subtype first.
- Returns:
Subtypes in order.
- Return type:
- get_subtype_schema(subtype, unique=False, relaxed=False, allow_instance=False, for_form=False, partnered=False)[source]¶
Get the schema for the specified subtype.
- Parameters:
subtype (str) – Component subtype to return schema for. If ‘base’, the schema for evaluating the component base will be returned.
unique (bool, optional) – If True, the returned schema will only contain properties that are specific to the specified subtype. If subtype is ‘base’, these will be properties that are valid for all of the registerd subtypes. Defaults to False.
relaxed (bool, optional) – If True, the schema will allow additional properties. Defaults to False.
allow_instance (bool, optional) – If True, the returned schema will validate instances of this component in addition to documents describing a component. Defaults to False.
for_form (bool, optional) – If True, the returned schema will be formatted for easy parsing by form generation tools. Defaults to False. Causes relaxed and allow_instance to be ignored.
- Returns:
Schema for specified subtype.
- Return type:
- class yggdrasil.schema.SchemaDict[source]¶
OrderedDict subclass for ordering schemas on read in Python 2.
- class yggdrasil.schema.SchemaRegistry(registry=None, required=None)[source]¶
Registry of schema’s for different integration components.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
ValueError – If registry is provided and one of the required components is missing.
- classmethod from_file(fname)[source]¶
Create a SchemaRegistry from a file.
- Parameters:
fname (str) – Full path to the file the schema should be loaded from.
- get_component_schema(comp_name, subtype=None, relaxed=False, allow_instance=False, allow_instance_definitions=False, for_form=False)[source]¶
Get the schema for a certain component.
- Parameters:
comp_name (str) – Name of the component to get the schema for.
subtype (str, optional) – Component subtype to get schema for. Defaults to None and the schema for evaluating any subtype of the specified component is returned.
relaxed (bool, optional) – If True, the returned schema (and any definitions it includes) are relaxed to allow for objects with objects with additional properties to pass validation. Defaults to False.
allow_instance (bool, optional) – If True, the returned schema will validate instances of this component in addition to documents describing a component. Defaults to False.
allow_instance_definitions (bool, optional) – If True, the definitions in the returned schema will allow for instances of the components. Defaults to False.
for_form (bool, optional) – If True, the returned schema will be formatted for easy parsing by form generation tools. Defaults to False. Causes relaxed and allow_instance to be ignored.
**kwargs – Additonal keyword arguments are paseed to get_schema or get_subtype_schema for the selected component type.
- Returns:
Schema for the specified component.
- Return type:
- get_definitions(relaxed=False, allow_instance=False, for_form=False, dont_copy=False, full=False, allow_driver=False)[source]¶
Get schema definitions for the registered components.
- Parameters:
relaxed (bool, optional) – If True, the returned schema (and any definitions it includes) are relaxed to allow for objects with objects with additional properties to pass validation. Defaults to False.
allow_instance (bool, optional) – If True, the returned definitions will validate instances of the components in addition to documents describing components. Defaults to False.
for_form (bool, optional) – If True, the returned schema will be formatted for easy parsing by form generation tools. Defaults to False. Causes relaxed, allow_instance, and full to be ignored.
dont_copy (bool, optional) – If True, a the cached definitions are returned without copying. Defaults to False.
full (bool, optional) – If True, properties are made explicit for each component subtype resulting in a larger schema that has a simplified logic for parsing. If False, the schema will be compressed such that properties occuring across all component subtypes will only occur once in the base schema. Defaults to False.
allow_driver (bool, optional) – If True, the returned definitions will include the deprecated driver based schemas. Defaults to False.
- Returns:
Schema defintiions for each of the registered components.
- Return type:
- get_schema(relaxed=False, allow_instance=False, for_form=False, partial=False, full=False, allow_driver=True)[source]¶
Get the schema defining this component.
- Parameters:
relaxed (bool, optional) – If True, the returned schema (and any definitions it includes) are relaxed to allow for objects with objects with additional properties to pass validation. Defaults to False.
allow_instance (bool, optional) – If True, the returned schema will validate instances of this component in addition to documents describing a component. Defaults to False.
for_form (bool, optional) – If True, the returned schema will be formatted for easy parsing by form generation tools. Defaults to False. Causes relaxed, allow_instance, and full to be ignored.
partial (bool, optional) – If True, the schema for individual yaml files will be used which allows for partial integration specification. Defaults to False.
full (bool, optional) – If True, properties are made explicit for each component subtype resulting in a larger schema that has a simplified logic for parsing. If False, the schema will be compressed such that properties occuring across all component subtypes will only occur once in the base schema. Defaults to False.
allow_driver (bool, optional) – If True, the returned schema will include the deprecated driver based schemas. Defaults to True.
- Returns:
Schema for this component.
- Return type:
- load(fname)[source]¶
Load schema from a file.
- Parameters:
fname (str) – Full path to the file the schema should be loaded from.
- property model_form_schema_props¶
Information about how properties should be modified for the model form schema.
- Type:
- yggdrasil.schema.convert_extended2base(s)[source]¶
Covert schema from the extended form to a strictly JSON form.
- yggdrasil.schema.get_json_schema(fname_dst=None, indent=None)[source]¶
Return the yggdrasil schema as a strictly JSON schema without any of the extended datatypes.
- yggdrasil.schema.get_model_form_schema(fname_dst=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Return the yggdrasil schema that can be used to generate a form for creating a model specification file.
- Parameters:
fname_dst (str, optional) – Full path to file where the JSON schema should be saved. Defaults to None and no file is created.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are passed to the json.dump call if fname_dst is provided and ignored otherwise.
- Returns:
Schema structure.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.schema.ordered_dump(data, **kwargs)[source]¶
Dump object as a YAML document, representing SchemaDict objects as mapping type.
- yggdrasil.schema.ordered_load(stream, object_pairs_hook=<class 'yggdrasil.schema.SchemaDict'>, **kwargs)[source]¶
Load YAML document from a file using a specified class to represent mapping types that allows for ordering.
- Parameters:
stream (file) – File stream to load the schema YAML from.
object_pairs_hook (type, optional) – Class that should be used to represent loaded maps. Defaults to SchemaDict.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are passed to decode_yaml.
- Returns:
Result of ordered load.
- Return type: module¶
- exception[source]¶
Error raised by errors when calling the server from the client.
- class*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Flask based service.
- default_address = 'http://localhost:{port}'¶
- default_commtype = 'rest'¶
- default_port = 5000¶
- service_type = 'flask'¶
- set_log_level(log_level)[source]¶
Set the logging level.
- Parameters:
log_level (int) – Logging level.
-, **kwargs)[source]¶
Start a management service to track running integrations.
- Parameters:
service_type (ServiceBase, str, optional) – Base class that should be used. Defaults to (‘services’, ‘default_type’) configuration options, if set, and ‘flask’ if not. If there is an address provided, the service type will be determined by parsing the address.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are used to intialized the manager class instance.
- class'~/.yggdrasil_services.yml')[source]¶
Class for managing integration services.
- Parameters:
filename (str, optional) – File where the registry will be/is stored. Defaults to ‘~/.yggdrasil_services.yml’.
- add(name, yamls=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Add an integration service to the registry.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
ValueError – If there is already an integration with the specified name.
- add_from_repository(model_repository, directory=None)[source]¶
Add integration services to the registry from a repository of model YAMLs.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The directory where the repositories were cloned.
- Return type:
- load()[source]¶
Load the dictionary of existing integrations that have been registered.
- Returns:
Existing registry of integrations.
- Return type:
- class*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
RabbitMQ based service.
- default_commtype = 'rmq'¶
- default_port = 5672¶
- service_type = 'rmq'¶
- setup_client(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Set up the machinery for sending requests.
- Parameters:
*args – Arguments are used to initialize the RabbitMQ connections via _init_rmq.
**kwargs – Keyword arguments are used to initialize the RabbitMQ connections via _init_rmq.
- exception[source]¶
Error raised when there was an error on the server.
- class*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Base class for sending/responding to service requests.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name that should be used to initialize an address for the service.
for_request (bool, optional) – If True, a client-side connection is initialized. If False a server-side connection is initialized. Defaults to False.
address (str, optional) – The address that the service can be accessed from. Defaults to (‘services’, ‘address’) configuration option, if set, and None if not.
*args – Additional arguments are used to initialize the client/server connection.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are used to initialize the client/server connection.
- cleanup_server(track_memory=False)[source]¶
Cleanup server process after it finishes.
- Parameters:
track_memory (MemoryTracker, optional) – If provided, print information about memory usage.
- default_address = None¶
- default_port = None¶
- set_log_level(log_level)[source]¶
Set the logging level.
- Parameters:
log_level (int) – Logging level.
- start_server(remote_url=None, with_coverage=False, log_level=None, model_repository=None, track_memory=False)[source]¶
Start the server.
- Parameters:
remote_url (str optional) – Address for the URL that remote integrations will use to connect to this server. Defaults to None and is set based on the YGGDRASIL_SERVICE_HOST_URL environment variable if it is set and is the local address otherwise.
with_coverage (bool, optional) – If True, the server is started with coverage. Defaults to False.
log_level (int, optional) – Level of log messages that should be printed. Defaults to None and is ignored.
model_repository (str, optional) – URL of directory in a Git repository containing YAMLs that should be added to the model registry. Defaults to None and is ignored.
track_memory (boolean, optional) – If True, the memory used by the server will be reported at shutdown. Defaults to False.
- wait_for_server(timeout=15.0)[source]¶
Wait for a service to start running.
- Parameters:
timeout (float, optional) – Time (in seconds) that should be waited for the server to start. Defaults to 15.
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If the time limit is reached and the server still hasn’t started.
Create an integration manager service with the specified base.
- Parameters:
service_type (ServiceBase, str, optional) – Base class that should be used. Defaults to (‘services’, ‘default_type’) configuration options, if set, and ‘flask’ if not.
- Returns:
- Subclass of ServiceBase to handle starting/stopping integrations
running as services.
- Return type:
yggdrasil.timing module¶
- class yggdrasil.timing.TimedRun(*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Class to time sending messages from one language to another.
- Parameters:
lang_src (str) – Language that messages should be sent from.
lang_dst (str) – Language that messages should be sent to.
test_name (str, optional) – Name of the example. Defaults to ‘timed_pipe’.
filename (str, optional) – Full path to the file where timing statistics will be saved. This can be a pyperf json or a Python pickle of run data. Defaults to ‘scalings_{test_name}_{comm_type}.json’ if dont_use_pyperf is False, otherwise the extension is ‘.dat’.
comm_type (str, optional) – Name of communication class that should be used for tests. Defaults to the current default comm class.
platform (str, optional) – Platform that the test should be run on. If the data doesn’t already exist and this doesn’t match the current platform, an error will be raised. Defaults to the current platform.
python_ver (str, optional) – Version of Python that the test should be run with. If the data doesn’t already exist and this doesn’t match the current version of python, an error will be raised. Defaults to the current version of python.
max_errors (int, optional) – Maximum number of errors that should be retried. Defaults to 5.
matlab_running (bool, optional) – If True, the test will assert that there is an existing Matlab engine before starting, otherwise the test will assert that there is not an existing Matlab engine. Defaults to False.
dont_use_pyperf (bool, optional) – If True, the timings will be run without using the pyperf package. Defaults to False.
- filename¶
Full path to the file where timing statistics will be saved. This can be a pyperf json or a Python pickle of run data.
- Type:
- matlab_running¶
True if there was a Matlab engine running when the test was created. False otherwise.
- Type:
- can_run(raise_error=False)[source]¶
Determine if the test can be run from the current platform and python version.
- check_output(fout, nmsg, msg_size)[source]¶
Assert that the output file contains the expected result.
- classmethod class_plot(lang_src='python', lang_dst='python', **kwargs)[source]¶
Create the class for a given combo of languages and comm types, then call plot_scaling_joint.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- Pair of axes containing the
plotted scalings and the fit.
- Return type:
tuple(matplotlib.Axes, matplotlib.Axes)
- cleanup_output(fout)[source]¶
Cleanup the output file.
- Parameters:
fout (str) – The file to be cleaned up.
- property default_msg_size¶
Default message sizes for scaling tests. This will vary depending on the comm type so that the maximum size is not more than 10x larger than the maximum message size.
- Type:
- fit_scaling_count(msg_size=None, counts=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Do a linear fit to the scaling of execution time with message count.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The slope and intercept of the linear fit.
- Return type:
- fit_scaling_size(msg_count=None, sizes=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Do a linear fit to the scaling of execution time with message count.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The slope and intercept of the linear fit.
- Return type:
- get_entry(name)[source]¶
Get values for an entry.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the entry to return.
- get_yaml_dst(lang)[source]¶
Get the yaml entry for the destination model.
- Parameters:
lang (str) – Language for the destination model.
- get_yaml_src(lang)[source]¶
Get the yaml entry for the source model.
- Parameters:
lang (str) – Language for the source model.
- has_entry(name)[source]¶
Check to see if there is an entry with the provided name.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the entry to check for.
- load(as_json=False)[source]¶
Load scalings data from a pyperf BenchmarkSuite json file or a Python pickle.
- make_yamlfile(path)[source]¶
Create a YAML file for running the test.
- Parameters:
path (str) – Full path to file where the YAML should be saved.
- output_content(nmsg, msg_size)[source]¶
Get the result that should be output to file during the run.
- Parameters:
nmsg – The number of messages that will be sent.
msg_sizze – The size of the the messages that will be sent.
- Returns:
The contents expected in the file.
- Return type:
- plot_scaling(msg_size, msg_count, axs=None, label=None, xscale=None, yscale='linear', plot_kws={}, time_method='average', per_message=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Plot scaling of run time with a variable.
- Parameters:
msg_size (int, list, np.ndarray) – List of message sizes to use as x variable, or message size to use when plotting dependent on message count.
msg_count (int, list, np.ndarray) – List of message counts to use as x variable, or message count to use when plotting dependent on message size.
axs (matplotlib.Axes, optional) – Axes object that line should be added to. If not provided, one is created.
label (str, optional) – Label that should be used for the line. Defaults to None.
xscale (str, optional) – ‘log’ or ‘linear’ to indicate what scale the x axis should use. Defaults to ‘linear’.
yscale (str, optional) – ‘log’ or ‘linear’ to indicate what scale the y axis should use. Defaults to ‘linear’.
plot_kws (dict, optional) – Ploting keywords that should be passed. Defaults to {}.
time_method (str, optional) – Timing method that should be used. Valid values include ‘bestof’ and ‘average’. Defaults to ‘average’.
per_message (bool, optional) – If True, the time per message is returned rather than the total time. Defaults to False.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are passed to scaling_size or scaling_count.
- Returns:
Axes containing the plotted scaling.
- Return type:
- plot_scaling_joint(msg_size0=None, msg_count0=None, msg_size=None, msg_count=None, axs=None, **kwargs)[source]¶
Plot scaling of run time with both count and size, side by side. Anywhere data is exchanged as a tuple for each plot, the plot of scaling with count is first and the scaling with size is second.
- Parameters:
msg_size0 (int, optional) – Size of messages to use for count scaling. Defaults to self.base_msg_size.
msg_count0 (int, optional) – Number of messages to use for size scaling. Defaults to self.base_msg_count.
msg_size (list, np.ndarray, optional) – List of message sizes to use as x variable on the size scaling plot. Defaults to self.default_msg_size.
msg_count (list, np.ndarray, optional)) – List of message counts to use as x variable on the count scaling plot. Defaults to self.default_msg_count.
axs (tuple, optional) – Pair of axes objects that lines should be added to. If not provided, they are created.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are passed to plot_scaling.
- Returns:
- Pair of axes containing the
plotted scalings and the fit.
- Return type:
tuple(matplotlib.Axes, matplotlib.Axes)
- remove_entry(name)[source]¶
Remove all runs associated with an entry.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the entry to be removed.
- run(run_uuid, timer=<built-in function time>, t0=None)[source]¶
Run test sending a set of messages between the designated models.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Intermediate times from the run.
- Return type:
- save(data, overwrite=False)[source]¶
Save scalings data to a new pyperf BenchmarkSuite json file or a Python pickle. If the file exists and overwrite is not set, an error will be raised. No file is written if data is None.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If the file already exists and overwrite is False.
- scaling_count(msg_size, counts=None, min_count=1, max_count=100, nsamples=10, scaling='linear', per_message=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Get scaling of run time with message count.
- Parameters:
msg_size (int) – Size of each message that should be sent.
counts (list, optional) – List of counts to test. Defaults to None and a list is created based on the other keyword arguments.
min_count (int, optional) – Minimum message count that should be timed. Defaults to 1. This is ignored if ‘counts’ is provided.
max_count (int, optional) – Maximum message count that should be timed. Defaults to 100. This is ignored if ‘counts’ is provided.
nsamples (int, optional) – Number of samples that should be done between ‘min_count’ and ‘max_count’. Defaults to 10. This is ignored if ‘counts’ is provided.
scaling (str, optional) – Scaling for sampling of message counts between ‘min_count’ and ‘max_count’. Defaults to ‘linear’. This is ignored if ‘counts’ is provided.
per_message (bool, optional) – If True, the time per message is returned rather than the total time. Defaults to False.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are passed to time_run.
- Returns:
- Lists of counts timed, minimum execution time, average
execution times, and standard deviations.
- Return type:
- scaling_size(nmsg, sizes=None, min_size=1, max_size=10000000.0, nsamples=10, scaling='log', per_message=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Get scaling of run time with message size.
- Parameters:
nmsg (int) – Number of messages that should be sent.
sizes (list, optional) – List of sizes to test. Defaults to None and a list is created based on the other keyword arguments.
min_size (int, optional) – Minimum message size that should be timed. Defaults to 1. This is ignored if ‘sizes’ is provided.
max_size (int, optional) – Maximum message size that should be timed. Defaults to 1e7. This is ignored if ‘sizes’ is provided.
nsamples (int, optional) – Number of samples that should be done between ‘min_size’ and ‘max_size’. Defaults to 10. This is ignored if ‘sizes’ is provided.
scaling (str, optional) – Scaling for sampling of message sizes between ‘min_size’ and ‘max_size’. Defaults to ‘linear’. This is ignored if ‘sizes’ is provided.
per_message (bool, optional) – If True, the time per message is returned rather than the total time. Defaults to False.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are passed to time_run.
- Returns:
- Lists of sizes timed, minimum execution times, average
execution times, and standard deviations.
- Return type:
- property time_per_byte¶
- time_run(nmsg, msg_size, nrep=10, overwrite=False)[source]¶
Time sending a set of messages between the designated models.
- Parameters:
nmsg (int) – Number of messages that should be sent.
msg_size (int) – Size of each message that should be sent.
nrep (int, optional) – Number of times the test should be repeated to get an average execution time and standard deviation. Defaults to 10.
overwrite (bool, optional) – If True, any existing entry for this run will be overwritten. Defaults to False.
- Returns:
- Best of, average and standard deviation in the time (in seconds)
required to execute the program.
- Return type:
- time_run_mine(nmsg, msg_size, nrep)[source]¶
Time sending a set of messages between the designated models without using the pyperf package.
- yggdrasil.timing.get_comm_list()[source]¶
Get the list of testable communication methods on the current platform.
- Returns:
Names of testable communication methods using timed_pipe.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.timing.get_lang_list()[source]¶
Get the list of testable languages on the current platform.
- Returns:
Names of testable languages using timed_pipe.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.timing.get_source(lang, direction, test_name='timed_pipe')[source]¶
Get the path to the source file.
- yggdrasil.timing.plot_scalings(compare='comm_type', compare_values=None, plotfile=None, test_name='timed_pipe', cleanup_plot=False, use_paper_values=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Plot comparison of scaling for chosen variable.
- Parameters:
compare (str, optional) – Name of variable that should be compared. Valid values are ‘language’, ‘comm_type’, ‘platform’, ‘python_ver’. Defaults to ‘comm_type’.
compare_values (list, optional) – Values that should be plotted. If not provided, the values will be determined based on the current platform.
plotfile (str, optional) – Full path to the file where the plot will be saved. If not provided, one is created based on the test parameters in the current working directory.
test_name (str, optional) – Name of the test that should be used. Defaults to ‘timed_pipe’.
cleanup_plot (bool, optional) – If True, the create plotfile will be removed before the function returns. This is generally only useful for testing. Defaults to False.
use_paper_values (bool, optional) – If True, use the values from the paper. Defaults to False.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are passed to plot_scaling_joint.
- Returns:
Path where the figure was saved.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.timing.pyperf_func(loops, timer, nmsg, msg_size, max_errors)[source]¶
Function to do pyperf loops over function.
- Parameters:
loops (int) – Number of loops to perform.
timer (TimedRun) – Class with information about the run and methods required for setup/teardown.
nmsg (int) – Number of messages that should be sent in the test.
msg_size (int) – Size of messages that should be sent in the test.
max_errors (int) – Maximum number of errors that should be retried.
- Returns:
- Time (in seconds) required to perform the test the required
number of times.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.timing.pyperfjson_to_pandas(json_file)[source]¶
Convert pyperf benchmarks json file to a Pandas data frame.
- Parameters:
json_file (str) – Full path to the JSON benchmarks file that should be added.
- Returns:
Data frame version of pyperf benchmarks.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.timing.write_pyperf_script(script_file, nmsg, msg_size, lang_src, lang_dst, comm_type, nrep=10, max_errors=5, matlab_running=False)[source]¶
Write a script to run pyperf.
- Parameters:
script_file (str) – Full path to the file where the script should be saved.
nmsg (int) – The number of messages that should be sent during the run.
msg_size (int) – The size (in bytes) of the test messages that should be sent during the run.
lang_src (str) – The language that the source program should be in.
lang_dst (str) – The language that the destination program should be in.
comm_type (str) – The type of communication channel that should be used for the test.
nrep (int, optional) – The number of times the test run should be repeated. Defaults to 3.
max_errors (int, optional) – Maximum number of errors that should be retried. Defaults to 5.
matlab_running (bool, optional) – If True, the test will assert that there is an existing Matlab engine before starting, otherwise the test will assert that there is not an existing Matlab engine. Defaults to False. module¶
This modules offers various tools.
- class, bases, attrs)[source]¶
Metaclass for handling proxy.
- class[source]¶
Proxy for another object.
- next(*args, **kwargs)¶
- class, key=None)[source]¶
Class for checking if a period of time has been elapsed.
- Parameters:
- class*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Base class for Ygg classes.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name used for component in log messages.
uuid (str, optional) – Unique ID for this instance. Defaults to None and is assigned.
working_dir (str, optional) – Working directory. If not provided, the current working directory is used.
timeout (float, optional) – Maximum time (in seconds) that should be spent waiting on a process. Defaults to 60.
sleeptime (float, optional) – Time that class should sleep for when sleep is called. Defaults to 0.01.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are passed to the ComponentBase initializer.
- longsleep¶
Time that the class will sleep for when waiting for longer tasks to complete (10x longer than sleeptime).
- Type:
- sched_out¶
Output from the last scheduled task with output.
- Type:
- logger¶
Logger object for this object.
- Type:
- check_timeout(key=None, key_level=0)[source]¶
Check timeout for the calling function/method.
- Parameters:
key (str, optional) – Key for timeout that should be checked. Defaults to None and is set by the calling class and function/method (See timeout_key).
key_level (int, optional) – Positive integer indicating the level of the calling class and function/method that should be used to key the timeout. 0 is the class and function/method that called start_timeout. Higher values use classes and function/methods further up in the stack. Defaults to 0.
- Raises:
KeyError – If there is not a timeout registered for the specified key.
- property critical¶
Log a critical level message.
- property debug¶
Log a debug level message.
- property error¶
Log an error level message.
- property exception¶
Log an exception level message.
- get_timeout_key(key_level=0, key_suffix=None)[source]¶
Return a key for a given level in the stack, relative to the function calling get_timeout_key.
- Parameters:
key_level (int, optional) – Positive integer indicating the level of the calling class and function/method that should be used to key the timeout. 0 is the class and function/method that is 2 steps higher in the stack. Higher values use classes and function/methods further up in the stack. Defaults to 0.
key_suffix (str, optional) – String that should be appended to the end of the generated key. Defaults to None and is ignored.
- Returns:
Key identifying calling object and method.
- Return type:
- property info¶
Log an info level message.
- property interface_info¶
Only do info debug message if is interface.
- language_info(languages)[source]¶
Only do info debug message if the language is one of those specified.
- periodic_debug(key, period=10)[source]¶
Log that should occur periodically rather than with every call.
- pprint(obj, block_indent=0, indent_str=' ', **kwargs)[source]¶
Use pprint to represent an object as a string.
- Parameters:
obj (object) – Python object to represent.
block_indent (int, optional) – Number of indents that should be placed in front of the entire block. Defaults to 0.
indent_str (str, optional) – String that should be used to indent. Defaults to 4 spaces.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are passed to pprint.pformat.
- Returns:
String representation of object using pprint.
- Return type:
- sched_task(t, func, args=None, kwargs=None, store_output=False, name=None)[source]¶
Schedule a task that will be executed after a certain time has elapsed.
- Parameters:
t (float) – Number of seconds that should be waited before task is executed.
func (object) – Function that should be executed.
args (list, optional) – Arguments for the provided function. Defaults to [].
kwargs (dict, optional) – Keyword arguments for the provided function. Defaults to {}.
store_output (bool, optional) – If True, the output from the scheduled task is stored in self.sched_out. Otherwise, it is not stored. Defaults to False.
name (str, optional) – Name for the task.
- Returns:
The timer object.
- Return type:
- sleep(t=None)[source]¶
Have the class sleep for some period of time.
- Parameters:
t (float, optional) – Time that class should sleep for. If not provided, the attribute ‘sleeptime’ is used.
- property special_debug¶
Log debug level message contingent of supression flag.
- start_timeout(t=None, key=None, key_level=0, key_suffix=None)[source]¶
Start a timeout for the calling function/method.
- Parameters:
t (float, optional) – Maximum time that the calling function should wait before timeing out. If not provided, the attribute ‘timeout’ is used.
key (str, optional) – Key that should be associated with the timeout that is created. Defaults to None and is set by the calling class and function/method (See get_timeout_key).
key_level (int, optional) – Positive integer indicating the level of the calling class and function/method that should be used to key the timeout. 0 is the class and function/method that called start_timeout. Higher values use classes and function/methods further up in the stack. Defaults to 0.
key_suffix (str, optional) – String that should be appended to the end of the generated key. Defaults to None and is ignored.
- Raises:
KeyError – If the key already exists.
- stop_timeout(key=None, key_level=0, key_suffix=None, quiet=False)[source]¶
Stop a timeout for the calling function method.
- Parameters:
key (str, optional) – Key for timeout that should be stopped. Defaults to None and is set by the calling class and function/method (See timeout_key).
key_level (int, optional) – Positive integer indicating the level of the calling class and function/method that should be used to key the timeout. 0 is the class and function/method that called start_timeout. Higher values use classes and function/methods further up in the stack. Defaults to 0.
key_suffix (str, optional) – String that should be appended to the end of the generated key. Defaults to None and is ignored.
quiet (bool, optional) – If True, error message on timeout exceeded will be debug log. Defaults to False.
- Raises:
KeyError – If there is not a timeout registered for the specified key.
- wait_on_function(function, timeout=None, polling_interval=None, key=None, key_level=0, key_suffix=None, quiet=False)[source]¶
Wait util a function returns True or a time limit is reached.
- Parameters:
t (float, optional) – Maximum time that the calling function should wait before timeing out. If not provided, the attribute ‘timeout’ is used.
key (str, optional) – Key that should be associated with the timeout that is created. Defaults to None and is set by the calling class and function/method (See get_timeout_key).
key_level (int, optional) – Positive integer indicating the level of the calling class and function/method that should be used to key the timeout. 0 is the class and function/method that called start_timeout. Higher values use classes and function/methods further up in the stack. Defaults to 0.
key_suffix (str, optional) – String that should be appended to the end of the generated key. Defaults to None and is ignored.
quiet (bool, optional) – If True, error message on timeout exceeded will be debug log. Defaults to False.
- Raises:
KeyError – If the key already exists.
- property warn¶
Log a warning level message.
- property warning¶
Log a warning level message.
- class, instance_name, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Logger adapter for use with YggClass.
- class, forward_signals=True, for_matlab=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Uses Popen to open a process without a buffer. If not already set, the keyword arguments ‘bufsize’, ‘stdout’, and ‘stderr’ are set to 0, subprocess.PIPE, and subprocess.STDOUT respectively. This sets the output stream to unbuffered and directs both stdout and stderr to the stdout pipe. In addition this class overrides Popen.kill() to allow processes to be killed with CTRL_BREAK_EVENT on windows.
- Parameters:
args (list, str) – Shell command or list of arguments that should be run.
forward_signals (bool, optional) – If True, flags will be set such that signals received by the spawning process will be forwarded to the child process. If False, the signals will not be forwarded. Defaults to True.
**kwargs – Additional keywords arguments are passed to Popen.
-, func, **kwargs)[source]¶
Apply a function recursively to all elements of x if it is a list, tuple, or dictionary.
-, valid_values=['true', '1', True, 1])[source]¶
Check to see if a boolean environment variable is set to True.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- True if the environment variables is set and is one of the
list valid_values (after being transformed to lower case).
- Return type:
-, number_lines=False, return_lines=False)[source]¶
Display source code with syntax highlighting (if available).
-, fname2, number_lines=False, return_lines=False)[source]¶
Display a diff between two source code files with syntax highlighting (if available).
- Parameters:
fname1 (str) – Name of first source file.
fname2 (src) – Name of second source file.
number_lines (bool, optional) – If True, line numbers will be added to the displayed examples. Defaults to False.
return_lines (bool, optional) – If True, the lines are returned rather than displayed. Defaults to False.
If x is a string, eval it. Otherwise just return it.
- Parameters:
x (str, obj) – String to be evaluated as an object or an object.
- Returns:
Result of evaluated string or the input object.
- Return type:
-, path, verification_func=None)[source]¶
Find all instances of a file with a given name within the directory tree starting at a given path.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the file to be found (with the extension).
path (str, None) – Directory where search should start. If set to None on Windows, the current directory and PATH variable are searched.
verification_func (function, optional) – Function that returns True when a file is valid and should be returned and False otherwise. Defaults to None and is ignored.
- Returns:
All instances of the specified file.
- Return type:
Get the maximum message size for a given comm type.
Determine the name of the current conda environment.
- Returns:
- Name of the current conda environment if one is activated. If a
conda environment is not activated, None is returned.
- Return type:
Determine the conda path prefix for the current environment.
- Returns:
- Full path to the directory prefix used for the current conda
environment if one exists. If conda cannot be located, None is returned.
- Return type:
Get the default comm that should be used for message passing.
Determine the environment path prefix (virtualenv or conda) for the current environment.
- Returns:
- Full path to the directory prefixes used for the current
environments if one (or more) exists. If neither a virtualenv or conda prefix can be located, None is returned.
- Return type:
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If both virtualenv and conda environments are located.
-, ignore_closed=False, ignore_kqueue=False, ignore_cwd=False, ignore_types=None, verbose=False)[source]¶
Get a list of open file descriptors.
-, dont_include_value=False)[source]¶
Get a list of the communication channel types that are supported by yggdrasil on the current machine. This checks the operating system, supporting libraries, and broker credentials. The order indicates the prefered order of use.
- Parameters:
language (str, optional) – Specific programming language that installed comms should be located for. Defaults to None and all languages supported on the current platform will be checked.
dont_include_value (bool, optional) – If True, don’t include the ValueComm in the list returned. Defaults to False.
- Returns:
- The names of the the communication channel types supported on
the current machine.
- Return type:
Get a list of the languages that are supported by yggdrasil on the current machine. This checks for the necessary interpreters, licenses, and/or compilers.
- Returns:
The name of languages supported on the current machine.
- Return type:
-, libtype=None)[source]¶
Determine the location of the Python C API library.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Full path to the library.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If libtype is not ‘static’ or ‘shared’.
RuntimeError – If the base name for the library cannot be determined.
RuntimeError – If the library cannot be located.
Get the type of shell that yggdrasil was called from.
- Returns:
Name of the shell.
- Return type:
Determine the language of the calling process.
- Returns:
Name of the programming language responsible for the subprocess.
- Return type:
Determine the driver for the langauge of the calling process.
- Returns:
Class used to handle running a model of the process language.
- Return type:
Get a list of the communication mechanisms supported by yggdrasil.
Get a list of the model programming languages that are supported by yggdrasil.
- Returns:
The names of programming languages supported by yggdrasil.
- Return type:
Get a list of the platforms supported by yggdrasil.
- Returns:
The name of platforms supported by yggdrasil.
- Return type:
Get a list of the data types that are supported by yggdrasil.
- Returns:
The names of data types supported by yggdrasil.
- Return type:
Determine the virtualenv path prefix for the current environment.
- Returns:
- Full path to the directory prefix used for the current
virtualenv environment if one exists. If virtualenv cannot be located, None is returned.
- Return type:
-, exclude=None, do_first=None)[source]¶
Import all yggdrasil modules.
Determine if yggdrasil is running from a Windows Powershell.
- Returns:
True if running from Powershell, False otherwise.
- Return type:
-, language=None)[source]¶
Check to see if yggdrasil can use a communication mechanism on the current machine.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
- True if the communication mechanism can be used on the current
machine, False otherwise.
- Return type:
Check to see if yggdrasil can run models written in a programming language on the current machine.
-, language)[source]¶
Check if a string is an alias for a language.
Determine if the current process is a subprocess.
- Returns:
- True if YGG_SUBPROCESS environment variable is True, False
- Return type:
-, environment_variable='PATH', directory_list=None, show_alternates=False, verification_func=None)[source]¶
Locate a file within a set of paths defined by a list or environment variable.
- Parameters:
fname (str, list) – One or more possible names of the file that should be located. If a list is provided, the path for the first entry for which a match could be located will be returned and subsequent entries will not be checked.
environment_variable (str) – Environment variable containing the set of paths that should be searched. Defaults to ‘PATH’. If None, this keyword argument will be ignored. If a list is provided, it is assumed to be a list of environment variables that should be searched in the specified order.
directory_list (list) – List of paths that should be searched in addition to those specified by environment_variable. Defaults to None and is ignored. These directories will be searched be for those in the specified environment variables.
show_alternates (bool, optional) – If True and there is more than one match, the alternate matches will be printed in a warning message. Defaults to False.
verification_func (function, optional) – Function that returns True when a file is valid and should be returned and False otherwise. Defaults to None and is ignored.
- Returns:
- Full path to the located file if it was located, False
- Return type:
-, basedir='/')[source]¶
Find the full path to a file using where on Windows.
-*args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Uses Popen to open a process without a buffer. If not already set, the keyword arguments ‘bufsize’, ‘stdout’, and ‘stderr’ are set to 0, subprocess.PIPE, and subprocess.STDOUT respectively. This sets the output stream to unbuffered and directs both stdout and stderr to the stdout pipe.
- Parameters:
args (list, str) – Shell command or list of arguments that should be run.
forward_signals (bool, optional) – If True, flags will be set such that signals received by the spawning process will be forwarded to the child process. If False, the signals will not be forwarded. Defaults to True.
**kwargs – Additional keywords arguments are passed to Popen.
- Returns:
Process that was started.
- Return type:
-, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Pretty print an object, catching encoding errors as necessary.
- Parameters:
obj (object) – Python object to pprint.
*args – Additional arguments are passed to pprint.pformat.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are passed to pprint.pformat.
-, *args, **kwargs)[source]¶
Print bytes to stdout, encoding if possible.
-, timeout=60.0)[source]¶
Delete a single file.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If the product cannot be removed.
Get a list of languages, replacing any aliases.
-, **kwargs)[source]¶
Run eval with a limited set of builtins and Python libraries/functions.
Sleep for a specified number of seconds.
- Parameters:
interval (float) – Time in seconds that process should sleep.
-, **kwargs)[source]¶
Context that will time commands executed within it and log a message.
- Parameters:
msg_format (str) – Format string used to format the elapsed time. It should include, at minimum, a ‘{elapsed}’ field. Additional fields may also be present and can be fulfilled by additional keywords.
**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments are passed to the format method on msg_format to create the log message.
yggdrasil.units module¶
- yggdrasil.units.as_unit(ustr)[source]¶
Get unit object for the string.
- Parameters:
ustr (str) – Unit string.
- Returns:
Unit object.
- Return type:
- Raises:
ValueError – If the string is not a recognized unit.
- yggdrasil.units.convert_R_unit_string(r_str)[source]¶
Convert R unit string to string that the Python package can understand.
- yggdrasil.units.convert_from_pandas_timedelta(x)[source]¶
Covert a pandas.Timedelta instance to a scalar/array with time units.
- Parameters:
x (pandas.Timedelta) – Timedelta variable to convert.
- Returns:
Equivalent scalar/array with units.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.units.convert_julia_unit_string(in_str)[source]¶
Convert unit string to version that julia Unitful package can understand.
- yggdrasil.units.convert_matlab_unit_string(m_str)[source]¶
Convert Matlab unit string to string that the Python package can understand.
- yggdrasil.units.convert_to(arr, new_units)[source]¶
Convert quantity with units to new units. Objects without units will be returned with the new units.
- yggdrasil.units.convert_to_pandas_timedelta(x)[source]¶
Convert variable with time units to a pandas.Timedelta instance.
- Parameters:
x (object) – Scalar/array with units to convert to a pandas.Timedelta instance.
- Returns:
Equivalent Timedelta variable.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.units.convert_unit_string(orig_str, replacements=None)[source]¶
Convert unit string to string that the Python package can understand.
- yggdrasil.units.get_conversion_function(old_units, new_units)[source]¶
Get a function that will convert a scalar/array from one unit to another.
- yggdrasil.units.get_data(obj)[source]¶
Get the array/scalar assocaited with the object.
- Parameters:
obj (object) – Object to get data for.
- Returns:
Numpy array representation of the underlying data.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.units.get_units(obj, for_language=None)[source]¶
Get the string representation of the units.
- yggdrasil.units.has_units(obj, check_dimensionless=False)[source]¶
Determine if a Python object has associated units.
yggdrasil.yamlfile module¶
- exception yggdrasil.yamlfile.YAMLSpecificationError[source]¶
Error raised when the yaml specification does not meet expectations.
- yggdrasil.yamlfile.backward_compat(instance, iodict)[source]¶
Normalize a yggdrasil input file for use with backward compatible features after it has been normalized via rapidjson.
- yggdrasil.yamlfile.clone_github_repo(fname, commit=None, local_directory=None)[source]¶
Clone a GitHub repository, returning the path to the local copy of the file pointed to by the URL if there is one.
- Parameters:
fname (str) – URL to a GitHub repository or a file in a GitHub repository that should be cloned.
commit (str, optional) – Commit that should be checked out. Defaults to None and the HEAD of the default branch is used.
local_directory (str, optional) – Local directory that the file should be cloned into. Defaults to None and the current working directory will be used.
- Returns:
- Path to the local copy of the repository or file in the
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.yamlfile.complete_partial_integration(existing, name, partial_commtype=None)[source]¶
Patch input/output channels that are not connected to a stand-in model.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
Updated dictionary of components.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.yamlfile.link_model_io(existing)[source]¶
Link I/O drivers back to the models they communicate with.
- yggdrasil.yamlfile.load_yaml(fname, yaml_param=None, directory_for_clones=None, model_submission=False, verbose=False)[source]¶
Parse a yaml file defining a run.
- Parameters:
fname (str, file, dict) – Path to a YAML file, an open file descriptor to a file containing a YAML, or a loaded YAML document. If fname starts with ‘git:’ then the code will assume the file is in a remote git repository. The remainder of fname can be the full url to the YAML file (http://mygit.repo/foo/bar/yaml/interesting.yml) or just the repo and YAML file (the server is assumed to be if not given) (foo/bar/yam/interesting.yaml will be interpreted as
yaml_param (dict, optional) – Parameters that should be used in mustache formatting of YAML files. Defaults to None and is ignored.
directory_for_clones (str, optional) – Directory that git repositories should be cloned into. Defaults to None and the current working directory will be used.
model_submission (bool, optional) – If True, the YAML will be evaluated as a submission to the yggdrasil model repository and model_only will be set to True. Defaults to False.
verbose (bool, optional) – If True, steps of the YAML parsing process will be printed. Defaults to False.
- Returns:
Contents of yaml file.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.yamlfile.no_duplicates_constructor(loader, node, deep=False)[source]¶
Check for duplicate keys.
- yggdrasil.yamlfile.parse_component(yml, ctype, existing=None)[source]¶
Parse a yaml entry for a component, adding it to the list of existing components.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
TypeError – If yml is not a dictionary.
ValueError – If dtype is not ‘input’, ‘output’, ‘model’, or ‘connection’.
ValueError – If the component already exists.
- Returns:
All components identified.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.yamlfile.parse_connection(yml, existing)[source]¶
Parse a yaml entry for a connection between I/O channels.
- Parameters:
- Raises:
RuntimeError – If the ‘inputs’ entry is not a model output or file.
RuntimeError – If neither the ‘inputs’ or ‘outputs’ entries correspond to model I/O channels.
- Returns:
Updated log of all entries.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.yamlfile.parse_yaml(files, complete_partial=False, partial_commtype=None, model_only=False, model_submission=False, yaml_param=None, directory_for_clones=None, verbose=False)[source]¶
Parse list of yaml files.
- Parameters:
files (str, list) – Either the path to a single yaml file or a list of yaml files.
complete_partial (bool, optional) – If True, unpaired input/output channels are allowed and reserved for use (e.g. for calling the model as a function). Defaults to False.
partial_commtype (dict, optional) – Communicator kwargs that should be be used for the connections to the unpaired channels when complete_partial is True. Defaults to None and will be ignored.
model_only (bool, optional) – If True, the YAML will not be evaluated as a complete integration and only the individual components will be parsed. Defaults to False.
model_submission (bool, optional) – If True, the YAML will be evaluated as a submission to the yggdrasil model repository and model_only will be set to True. Defaults to False.
yaml_param (dict, optional) – Parameters that should be used in mustache formatting of YAML files. Defaults to None and is ignored.
directory_for_clones (str, optional) – Directory that git repositories should be cloned into. Defaults to None and the current working directory will be used.
verbose (bool, optional) – If True, steps of the YAML parsing process will be printed. Defaults to False.
- Raises:
ValueError – If the yml dictionary is missing a required keyword or has an invalid value.
RuntimeError – If one of the I/O channels is not initialized with driver information.
- Returns:
Dictionary of information parsed from the yamls.
- Return type:
- yggdrasil.yamlfile.prep_yaml(files, yaml_param=None, directory_for_clones=None, model_submission=False, verbose=False)[source]¶
Prepare yaml to be parsed by rapidjson including covering backwards compatible options.
- Parameters:
files (str, list) – Either the path to a single yaml file or a list of yaml files. Entries can also be opened file descriptors for files containing YAML documents or pre-loaded YAML documents.
yaml_param (dict, optional) – Parameters that should be used in mustache formatting of YAML files. Defaults to None and is ignored.
directory_for_clones (str, optional) – Directory that git repositories should be cloned into. Defaults to None and the current working directory will be used.
model_submission (bool, optional) – If True, the YAML will be evaluated as a submission to the yggdrasil model repository and model_only will be set to True. Defaults to False.
verbose (bool, optional) – If True, steps of the YAML parsing process will be printed. Defaults to False.
- Returns:
YAML ready to be parsed using schema.
- Return type:
Module contents¶
This package provides a framework for integrating models across languages such that they can be run simultaneously, passing input back and forth.