from collections import OrderedDict
import re
import os
import sys
import textwrap
[docs]def write_table(lines, fname=None, fname_base=None, fname_dir=None,
verbose=False, **kwargs):
r"""Write a table to a file.
fname (str, optional): Name of the file where the table should be written.
If not provided, one is constructed from fname_base and fname_dir.
fname_base (str, optional): Base name of the file where the table should
be written if fname is not provided. If fname is None, fname_base
must be provided.
fname_dir (str, optional): Directory where the table should be written
if fname is not provided. If not provided, this defaults to the
current working directory.
verbose (bool, optional): If True, the lines are printed to standard
out in addition to the file. Defaults to False.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are ignored.
str: Name of file created.
ValueError: If neither fname nor fname_base are provided.
if fname is None:
if fname_base is None:
raise ValueError("If fname is not provided, fname_base must be.")
if fname_dir is None:
fname_dir = os.getcwd()
fname = os.path.join(fname_dir, fname_base)
fname_dir, fname_base = os.path.split(fname)
fname_ref = fname_base.replace('.rst', '_rst')
# Write
lines = ['.. _%s:' % fname_ref, ''] + lines
with open(fname, 'w') as fd:
if verbose:
return fname
[docs]def write_comm_devnotes_table(**kwargs):
r"""Write a table containing development notes for the registered comms.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to dict2table and
str, list: Name of file or files created.
from yggdrasil import tools, components
kwargs.setdefault('fname_base', 'comm_devnotes_table.rst')
args = {}
for comm in tools.get_supported_comm():
if comm in ['default', 'rmq_async']:
cdrv = components.import_component('comm', comm)
args[comm] = {'developer notes': get_docs_section(cdrv.__doc__,
keys=['Developer Notes:',
'Development Notes:'],
if cdrv.address_description is not None:
args[comm]['address'] = cdrv.address_description
kwargs.setdefault('key_column_name', 'comm')
kwargs.setdefault('val_column_name', 'developer notes')
kwargs.setdefault('wrapped_columns', {'address': 40,
'developer notes': 80})
kwargs.setdefault('column_order', ['comm', 'address', 'developer notes'])
lines = dict2table(args, **kwargs)
return write_table(lines, **kwargs)
[docs]def write_datatype_mapping_table(**kwargs):
r"""Write a table containing mapping of datatypes between different
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to dict2table and
str, list: Name of file or files created.
from yggdrasil import tools, components, constants
kwargs.setdefault('fname_base', 'datatype_mapping_table.rst')
notes = {'bytes': 'Precision X is preserved.',
'complex': 'Precision X is preserved.',
'float': 'Precision X is preserved.',
'int': 'Precision X is preserved.',
'uint': 'Precision X is preserved.',
'unicode': 'Precision X is preserved.',
'number': (
'This covers the JSON default for floating point or '
'integer values.'),
'scalar': ('yggdrasil defines scalars as an umbrella type '
'encompassing int, uint, float, bytes, and '
'string': 'User can specify an encoding for scalar strings.'}
args = {k: {} for k in constants.ALL_TYPES}
for k in constants.PYTHON_SCALARS:
args.setdefault(k, {})
for k, v in notes.items():
if k in args:
args[k]['notes'] = v
for lang in tools.get_supported_lang():
if lang in ['lpy', 'make', 'cmake', 'executable']:
if lang == 'cpp':
lang = 'c++'
ldrv = components.import_component('model', lang)
if not ldrv.full_language:
for k in args.keys():
entry = ldrv.type_map.get(k, '')
if entry:
args[k][lang] = '``%s``' % entry
args[k][lang] = ''
kwargs.setdefault('key_column_name', 'schema')
kwargs.setdefault('val_column_name', 'notes')
kwargs.setdefault('prune_empty_columns', False)
kwargs.setdefault('last_column', 'notes')
kwargs.setdefault('wrapped_columns', {'notes': 40})
lines = dict2table(args, **kwargs)
return write_table(lines, **kwargs)
[docs]def write_interface_mapping_table(split_table_for_notebook=False, **kwargs):
r"""Write a table containing mapping of datatypes between different
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to dict2table and
str, list: Name of file or files created.
import copy
from yggdrasil import tools, components
kwargs.setdefault('fname_base', 'interface_mapping_table.rst')
kwargs.setdefault('style', 'complex')
comm_keys = ['import', 'input', 'output', 'server', 'client', 'timesync']
meth_keys = ['send', 'recv', 'call']
all_keys = comm_keys + meth_keys
if split_table_for_notebook:
keys_part1 = ['import', 'input', 'output']
keys_part2 = ['send', 'recv']
keys_part3 = ['server', 'client', 'call']
keys_part4 = ['timesync']
keys_list = [keys_part1, keys_part2, keys_part3, keys_part4]
keys_list = [all_keys]
lines = []
kwargs0 = kwargs
for keys in keys_list:
args = {}
kwargs = copy.deepcopy(kwargs0)
for lang in tools.get_supported_lang():
if lang in ['lpy', 'make', 'cmake', 'executable']:
if lang == 'cpp':
lang = 'c++'
ldrv = components.import_component('model', lang)
if not ldrv.full_language:
args[lang] = {'language': lang}
for k in keys:
entry = getattr(ldrv, 'interface_map', {}).get(k, '')
if entry:
args[lang][k] = '``%s``' % entry
args[lang][k] = ''
kwargs.setdefault('key_column_name', 'language')
kwargs.setdefault('val_column_name', keys[0])
kwargs.setdefault('prune_empty_columns', False)
kwargs.setdefault('wrapped_columns', {}) # 'notes': 40})
kwargs.setdefault('column_order', ['language'] + keys)
lines += dict2table(args, **kwargs)
lines += ['', '']
return write_table(lines, **kwargs)
[docs]def write_datatype_table(table_type='all', **kwargs):
r"""Write a table containing entries from the descriptions of datatypes.
table_type (str, optional): Type of table that should be created for the
class. Defaults to 'all'. Supported values include:
* 'all': Create each type of table.
* 'simple': Create a table of standard JSON datatypes.
* 'container': Create a table of container datatypes.
* 'yggdrasil': Create a table of yggdrasil specific datatypes.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to dict2table and
str, list: Name of file or files created.
ValueError: If table_type is not one of the supported values.
from yggdrasil import constants
table_type_list = ['simple', 'container', 'yggdrasil']
if table_type == 'all':
fname = kwargs.get("fname", None)
fname_base = kwargs.get("fname_base", None)
assert (fname is None) and (fname_base is None)
out = []
for k in table_type_list:
out.append(write_datatype_table(table_type=k, **kwargs))
return out
elif table_type not in table_type_list:
raise ValueError("Unsupported table_type: '%s'" % table_type)
fname_format = 'datatype_table_%s.rst'
kwargs.setdefault('fname_base', fname_format % (table_type))
target_types = []
args = {}
if table_type == 'simple':
target_types += constants.JSON_SIMPLE_TYPES
elif table_type == 'container':
target_types += constants.JSON_CONTAINER_TYPES
elif table_type == 'yggdrasil':
target_types += constants.YGGDRASIL_TYPES
for k in target_types:
args[k] = {'description': constants.ALL_TYPES[k]}
# 'required properties'?
kwargs.setdefault('key_column_name', 'type')
kwargs.setdefault('list_columns', 'required properties')
lines = dict2table(args, **kwargs)
return write_table(lines, **kwargs)
[docs]def write_classdocs_table(class_, table_type='all', **kwargs):
r"""Write a table containing entries from a section in a class's
class_ (type): Class with docstring that should be parsed.
table_type (str, optional): Type of table that should be created for the
class. Defaults to 'all'. Supported values include:
* 'all': Create each type of table for the specified class.
* 'args': Create a table of the class's argumetns.
* 'attr': Create a table of the class's attributes.
* 'classattr': Create a table of the class's class attributes.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to dict2table and
str, list: Name of file or files created.
ValueError: If table_type is not one of the supported values.
table_type2keys = {'args': ['Args:', 'Arguments:'],
'attr': ['Attr:', 'Attributes:'],
'classattr': ['Class Attr:', 'Class Attributes']}
table_type_list = list(table_type2keys.keys())
if table_type == 'all':
fname = kwargs.get("fname", None)
fname_base = kwargs.get("fname_base", None)
assert (fname is None) and (fname_base is None)
out = []
for k in table_type_list:
out.append(write_classdocs_table(class_, table_type=k, **kwargs))
return out
elif table_type not in table_type2keys:
raise ValueError("Unsupported table_type: '%s'" % table_type)
fname_format = 'class_table_%s_%s.rst'
kwargs.setdefault('fname_base', fname_format % (class_.__name__, table_type))
args = docs2args(class_.__doc__, keys=table_type2keys[table_type])
if table_type == 'args':
for k, v in args.items():
if v.get('type', '').endswith(', optional'):
v['type'] = v['type'].split(', optional')[0]
v['required'] = ''
v['required'] = 'X'
for k, v in args.items():
if v.get('description', '').endswith(' [REQUIRED]'):
v['description'] = v['description'].split(' [REQUIRED]')[0]
v['required'] = 'X'
v['required'] = ''
lines = dict2table(args, **kwargs)
return write_table(lines, **kwargs)
[docs]def write_component_table(comp='all', table_type='all', **kwargs):
r"""Write a component table to a file.
comp (str): Name of a component type to create a table for. Defaults to
'all' and tables are created for each of the registered components.
table_type (str, optional): Type of table that should be created for the
component. Defaults to 'all'. Supported values include:
* 'all': Create each type of table for the specified component.
* 'general': Create a table of properties common to all components
of the specified type.
* 'specific': Create a table of properties specific to only some
components of the specified type.
* 'subtype': Create a table describing the subtypes available for
the specified component type.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to component2table
and write_table.
str, list: Name of file or files created.
from yggdrasil.schema import get_schema
s = get_schema()
table_type_list = ['subtype', 'general', 'specific']
# Loop
if comp == 'all':
fname = kwargs.get("fname", None)
fname_base = kwargs.get("fname_base", None)
assert (fname is None) and (fname_base is None)
out = []
for k in s.keys():
new_out = write_component_table(comp=k, table_type=table_type, **kwargs)
if isinstance(new_out, list):
out += new_out
return out
if table_type == 'all':
fname = kwargs.get("fname", None)
fname_base = kwargs.get("fname_base", None)
assert (fname is None) and (fname_base is None)
out = []
for k in table_type_list:
out.append(write_component_table(comp=comp, table_type=k, **kwargs))
return out
# Construct file name
fname_format = 'schema_table_%s_%s.rst'
(fname_format % (comp, 'subtype')).replace('.rst', '_rst'))
kwargs.setdefault('fname_base', fname_format % (comp, table_type))
lines = component2table(comp, table_type, **kwargs)
return write_table(lines, **kwargs)
[docs]def component2table(comp, table_type, include_required=None,
subtype_ref=None, **kwargs):
r"""Create a table describing a component.
comp (str): Name of a component type to create a table for.
table_type (str): Type of table that should be created for the component.
Supported values include:
* 'general': Create a table of properties common to all components
of the specified type.
* 'specific': Create a table of properties specific to only some
components of the specified type.
* 'subtype': Create a table describing the subtypes available for
the specified component type.
include_required (bool, optional): If True, a required column is
included. Defaults to True if table_type is 'general' and False
subtype_ref (str, optional): Reference for the subtype table for the
specified component that should be used in the description for the
subtype property. Defaults to None and is ignored.
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to dict2table.
list: Lines comprising the table.
from yggdrasil.schema import get_schema
if include_required is None:
if table_type == 'general':
include_required = True
include_required = False
if table_type in ['subtype', 'specific']:
kwargs.setdefault('prune_empty_columns', True)
args = {}
s = get_schema()
subtype_key = s[comp].subtype_key
if table_type in ['general', 'specific']:
# Set defaults
kwargs.setdefault('key_column_name', 'option')
kwargs.setdefault('val_column_name', 'description')
default_order = [kwargs['key_column_name'],
'type', 'required',
if table_type == 'specific':
default_order.insert(2, 'Valid for \'%s\' of' % subtype_key)
kwargs.setdefault('column_order', default_order)
kwargs.setdefault('wrapped_columns', {'description': 80})
if (not include_required) and ('required' in kwargs['column_order']):
# Get list of component subtypes
defs = s.get_definitions(relaxed=True)
if table_type == 'general':
s_comp_list = [s[comp].get_subtype_schema('base', unique=True,
s_comp_list = [
comp, s[comp].class2subtype[x][0])]
for x in s[comp].classes]
# s_comp_list = [s[comp].get_subtype_schema(x, unique=True,
# relaxed=True)
# for x in s[comp].classes]
# Loop over subtyeps
out_apply = {}
for s_comp in s_comp_list:
for k, v in s_comp['properties'].items():
if (k == subtype_key) and (table_type == 'specific'):
if k not in args:
def_type = ''
if '$ref' in v:
v = defs[v['$ref'].split('#/definitions/')[-1]]
def_type = 'object'
args[k] = {'type': v.get('type', def_type),
'description': v.get('description', '')}
if include_required:
if k in s_comp.get('required', []):
args[k]['required'] = 'X'
args[k]['required'] = ''
if (table_type == 'specific'):
if k not in out_apply:
out_apply[k] = []
out_apply[k] += s_comp['properties'][subtype_key]['enum']
elif (subtype_ref is not None) and (k == subtype_key):
args[k]['description'] += (
' (Options described :ref:`here <%s>`)' % subtype_ref)
if table_type == 'specific':
for k, v in args.items():
v['Valid for \'%s\' of' % subtype_key] = list(set(out_apply[k]))
elif table_type == 'subtype':
kwargs.setdefault('key_column_name', subtype_key)
s_base = s[comp].get_subtype_schema('base', unique=True,
for x, subtypes in s[comp].schema_subtypes.items():
s_comp = s[comp].get_subtype_schema(x, unique=True,
subt = subtypes[0]
args[subt] = {
'description': s_comp['properties'][subtype_key].get(
'description', '')}
if len(subtypes) > 1:
args[subt]['aliases'] = subtypes[1:]
if s_base['properties'][subtype_key].get('default', None) in subtypes:
args[subt]['description'] = ('[DEFAULT] '
+ args[subt]['description'])
raise ValueError("Unsupported table_type: '%s'" % table_type)
return dict2table(args, **kwargs)
[docs]def dict2table(args, key_column_name='option', val_column_name='description',
column_order=None, wrapped_columns=None, list_columns=None,
sort_on_key=True, sort_required_first=True,
last_column=None, prune_empty_columns=False,
style='simple', textwrap_kwargs={}, **kwargs):
r"""Convert a dictionary to a table.
args (dict): Dictionary of entries for the table. The keys will go in
the first column (the key column) as named by key_column_name.
If the values are dictionaries, the elements in each dictionary
will be put in different columns. If the values are strings, they
will be put in the column identified by val_column_name.
key_column_name (str, optional): Label that the key column should have.
Defaults to 'option'.
val_column_name (str, optional): Lable that the value column should have.
Defaults to 'description'.
column_order (list, optional): List specifying the roder that fields
should be added to the table as columns. Defaults to None and is set
to [key_column_name, val_column_name]. If a column is missing from
an entry in args, an empty value will be added to the table in its
place. Columns in args entries that are not in column_order are
appended to column_order in sorted order.
wrapped_columns (dict, optional): Dictionary specifying fields that
should be wrapped as columns and the widths that the corresponding
column should be wrapped to. Defaults to {'Description': 80}.
list_columns (list, optional): List of fields with values that should
be formatted with one item per line if it is a list. Defaults to
None and is ignored.
sort_on_key (bool, optional): If True, the entries in args are added
as rows in the order determined by sorting on the keys. If False,
the order will be determine by prop (which is not deterministic
if a Python 2 dictionary). Defaults to True.
sort_required_first (bool, optional): If True, the required
entries are placed first in the table. Defaults to True.
last_column (str, optional): Name of the field that should be placed
in the last column position. Defaults to None and is ignored.
prune_empty_columns (bool, optional): If True, empty columns will be
removed. If False, they will be included. Defaults to False.
style (str, optional): Style of table that should be used. 'simple'
dosn't allow for multi-column or row cells, while 'complex'
does. Defaults to 'simple'.
textwrap_kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword arguments to pass to
**kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are ignored.
list: Lines comprising the table.
if wrapped_columns is None:
wrapped_columns = {'description': 80}
if list_columns is None:
list_columns = []
style = 'complex'
# Determine column order
if column_order is None:
column_order = [key_column_name, val_column_name]
# Create dictionary of columns
columns = {k: [] for k in column_order}
pos = 0
prop_req = []
prop_order = list(args.keys())
if sort_required_first:
for k in prop_order:
v = args[k]
if isinstance(v, dict) and v.get('required', False):
if prop_req:
prop_order = list(set(prop_order) - set(prop_req))
if sort_on_key:
prop_req = sorted(prop_req)
prop_order = sorted(prop_order)
prop_order = prop_req + prop_order
for k in prop_order:
v = args[k]
if not isinstance(v, dict):
v = {val_column_name: v}
for pk in v.keys():
if pk not in columns:
columns[pk] = pos * ['']
for pk in columns.keys():
if pk == key_column_name:
elif pk in list_columns:
x = v.get(pk, [])
if not isinstance(x, list):
x = [x]
columns[pk].append(str(v.get(pk, '')))
pos += 1
# Add non-standard fields
for k in sorted(columns.keys()):
if k not in column_order:
if (last_column is not None) and (last_column in column_order):
# Prune empty columns
column_widths = {}
for k in list(columns.keys()):
if len(columns[k]) == 0:
column_widths[k] = 0
column_widths[k] = len(max(columns[k], key=len))
if prune_empty_columns and (column_widths[k] == 0):
del column_widths[k]
del columns[k]
# Get sizes that include headers and wrapping
for k in columns.keys():
if k in wrapped_columns:
w = wrapped_columns[k]
elif k in list_columns:
w = max([len(max(irow, key=len)) for irow in columns[k]])
w = column_widths[k]
column_widths[k] = max(w, len(k))
# Create format string
if len(columns) == 1:
style = 'complex'
hline_sep_header = None
if style == 'simple':
column_beg = ''
column_end = ''
column_sep = ' '
hline_beg = ''
hline_end = ''
hline_char = '='
hline_sep = column_sep
hline_beg_header = ''
hline_end_header = ''
hline_char_header = '='
elif style == 'markdown':
column_beg = '| '
column_end = ' |'
column_sep = ' | '
hline_beg = '' # '|-'
hline_end = '' # '-|'
hline_char = '' # '-'
hline_sep = '' # '-|-'
hline_sep_header = '-|-'
hline_beg_header = '|-'
hline_end_header = '-|'
hline_char_header = '-'
column_beg = '| '
column_end = ' |'
column_sep = ' | '
hline_beg = '+-'
hline_end = '-+'
hline_char = '-'
hline_sep = '-+-'
hline_beg_header = '+='
hline_end_header = '=+'
hline_char_header = '='
column_format = (column_beg
+ column_sep.join(['%-' + str(column_widths[k]) + 's'
for k in column_order])
+ column_end)
divider = (hline_beg
+ hline_sep.join([hline_char * column_widths[k]
for k in column_order])
+ hline_end)
if hline_sep_header is None:
hline_sep_header = hline_sep
divider_header = (
+ hline_sep_header.join([hline_char_header * column_widths[k]
for k in column_order])
+ hline_end_header)
header = column_format % tuple([k.title() for k in column_order])
# Table
if len(columns) == 0:
pos = 0
pos = len(columns[list(columns.keys())[0]])
if style == 'list':
lines = ['.. list-table::',
' :header-rows: 1',
' * - %s' % column_order[0].title()]
for k in column_order[1:]:
lines.append(' - %s' % k.title())
lines = [header, divider_header]
if divider:
lines.insert(0, divider)
if style == 'list':
for i in range(pos):
lines.append(' * - %s' % columns[column_order[0]][i])
for k in column_order[1:]:
lines.append(' - %s' % columns[k][i])
for i in range(pos):
row = []
max_row_len = 1
for k in column_order:
if k in wrapped_columns:
row.append(textwrap.wrap(columns[k][i], wrapped_columns[k],
elif k in list_columns:
max_row_len = max(max_row_len, len(row[-1]))
for j in range(len(row)):
row[j] += (max_row_len - len(row[j])) * ['']
for k in range(max_row_len):
lines.append(column_format % tuple([row[j][k] for j in range(len(row))]))
if style != 'simple' and divider:
if style == 'simple' and divider:
return lines
[docs]def get_docs_section(docs, keys=['Args:', 'Arguments:'], join_lines=False):
r"""Get contents of a particular sections in a docstring.
docs (str): Docstring that should be parsed.
keys (list): Strings that should be used to identify the target section
in the docstring. Defaults to ['Args:', 'Arguments:'].
join_lines (bool, optional): If True, the returned lines will be
stripped and joined into a single string. Defaults to False.
list: Lines in the section(s) specified by keys.
if not isinstance(keys, list):
keys = [keys]
if docs is None:
return []
docs_lines = docs.splitlines()
# Isolate arguments section based on heading
in_args = False
args_lines = []
for x in docs_lines:
if in_args:
if (len(x.strip()) == 0) or (not x.startswith(8 * ' ')):
# Blank line or no indent indicates new section
in_args = False
elif any([x.startswith(' %s' % k) for k in keys]):
in_args = True
# Join lines
if join_lines:
return ' '.join([x.strip() for x in args_lines])
return args_lines
[docs]def docs2args(docs, keys=['Args:', 'Arguments:']):
r"""Get a dictionary of arguments and argument descriptions from a docstring.
docs (str): Docstring that should be parsed.
keys (list): Strings that should be used to identify the target section
in the docstring. Defaults to ['Args:', 'Arguments:'].
dict: Dictionary of arguments/description pairs.
args_lines = get_docs_section(docs, keys=keys)
# Parse argument lines
out = {}
curr_arg = None
for x in args_lines:
if x.startswith(12 * ' '):
out[curr_arg]['description'] += ' ' + x.strip()
re_arg = r' ([\S]+)[\s]+\(([^\)]+)\):[\s]+([\S\s]+)'
x_match = re.match(re_arg, x)
if x_match is None:
curr_arg =
out[curr_arg] = {'type':,
return out
[docs]def document_cli(fname, headline_char='*'):
r"""Get documentation for all yggdrasil command line interfaces.
fname (str): Path to file where CLI documentation should be saved.
headline_char (str, optional): Character that should be used to
mark the title. Defaults to '*'.
list: Documentation lines.
import pkg_resources
fname_py = os.path.splitext(fname)[0] + '.py'
fname_py_base = os.path.abspath(fname_py)
deprecated = ['cisrun']
entrypoints = { ep.load() for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(
if (ep.module_name.startswith('yggdrasil')
and not in deprecated)}
out_def = []
out = [".. _cli_rst:", "",
"Command Line Interface (CLI)",
"############################", ""]
out += document_cli_subcommand('yggdrasil', entrypoints['yggdrasil'],
for name, sub in entrypoints.items():
if (name in ['yggdrasil']) or (not hasattr(sub, 'get_parser')):
if sub in entrypoints['yggdrasil'].subcommands:
alias = f"yggdrasil {}"
alias = None
out += document_cli_subcommand(name, sub, alias=alias,
with open(fname, 'w') as fd:
with open(fname_py, 'w') as fd:
return out
[docs]def document_cli_subcommand(prog, sub, alias=None, dummy_file=None,
headline_char='*', dummy_def=None):
r"""Get documentation for a command line interface.
prog (str): Program that calls the subcommand class.
sub (yggdrasil.command_line.SubCommand): Class for the subcommand.
alias (str, optional): Command that prog is an alias for. Defaults
to None and is ignored.
dummy_file (str, optional): Full path to file where an alias function
will be stored. Defaults to None and the original module will be
dummy_def (list, optional): Existing list that the dummy definition
lines should be added to. Must be provided if dummy_file is.
headline_char (str, optional): Character that should be used to
mark the title. Defaults to '*'.
list: Documentation lines.
out = [f".. _cli_{prog}_rst:", "",
f"``{prog}`` Command",
headline_char * (len(prog) + 12),
if alias is None:
out += [".. argparse::"]
if dummy_file is None:
out += [
# f" :ref: {sub.__module__}.{sub.__name__}.get_parser",
f" :module: {sub.__module__}",
f" :func: {sub.__name__}.get_parser",
assert dummy_def is not None
dummy_def += [
f"def {prog}():",
f" from {sub.__module__} import {sub.__name__}",
f" return {sub.__name__}.get_parser()", "", ""]
out += [
f" :filename: {dummy_file}",
f" :func: {prog}"]
out += [f" :prog: {prog}"]
out += [f"Alias for ``{alias}``"]
return out + ["", ""]