Command Line Interface (CLI)

yggdrasil Command

usage: yggdrasil [-h] [--version]

Named Arguments


show program’s version number and exit



Possible choices: run, info, validate, compile-model, compile, clean, install, config, schema, model-form-schema, dev-update, timing, gha, integration-service-manager, coveragerc, fconvert



Run an integration.

yggdrasil run [-h] [--with-mpi WITH_MPI] [--mpi-tag-start MPI_TAG_START]
              [--validate] [--with-debugger WITH_DEBUGGER]
              [--disable-python-c-api] [--with-asan] [--as-service]
              [--partial-commtype PARTIAL_COMMTYPE] [--client-id CLIENT_ID]
              [--loglevel LOGLEVEL] [--rmq-loglevel RMQ_LOGLEVEL]
              [--client-loglevel CLIENT_LOGLEVEL] [--validate-components]
              [--validate-messages {False,True,First}] [--namespace NAMESPACE]
              [--host HOST] [--vhost VHOST] [--user USER]
              [--password PASSWORD] [--cluster CLUSTER]
              [--default-comm DEFAULT_COMM] [--production-run] [--debug]
              yamlfile [yamlfile ...]
Positional Arguments

One or more yaml specification files.

Named Arguments
--with-mpi, --mpi-nproc

Number of MPI processes to run on.

Default: 1


Tag that MPI communications should start at.

Default: 0


Validate the run via model validation commands on completion.

Default: False


Run all models with a specific debuggin tool. If quoted, this can also include flags for the tool.


Disable access to the Python C API from yggdrasil.

Default: False


Compile models with the address sanitizer enabled.

Default: False


Run the provided YAMLs as a service.

Default: False


Type of communicator to use for partial comms when –as-service is passed

Default: “rest”


ID associated with the client requesting a service. (This should only be passed when running with –as-service)


Logging level for yggdrasil operations.

--rmq-loglevel, --rmqloglevel

Logging level for RabbitMQ operations.

--client-loglevel, --clientloglevel

Logging level for yggdrasil operations on model processes.

--validate-components, --validatecomponents

Validate components on creation using their JSON schema (Decreases performance).

Default: False

--validate-messages, --validatemessages

Possible choices: False, True, First

Which messages should be validated during communication. ‘True’: all messages (decreases performance), ‘False’: no messages, or ‘First’: only the first message a comm sends/receives.


RabbitMQ namespace.


RabbitMQ host address.


RabbitMQ virtual host address.


RabbitMQ username.


RabbitMQ password.


Cluster that should be used.

--default-comm, --defaultcomm

Comm type that should be used by default.


Turn off safe guards in order to improve performance. This is equivalent to ‘–validate-components –validate-messages=True’

Default: False


Turn on debugging utilties including increased logging and validation. This is equivalent to ‘–loglevel=DEBUG –client-loglevel=DEBUG –validate-components=False –validate-messages=False’

Default: False


Display information about the current yggdrasil installation.

yggdrasil info [-h] [--no-languages] [--no-comms] [--verbose]
               {compiler,linker,archiver} ...
Named Arguments

Don’t print information about individual languages.

Default: False


Don’t print information about individual comms.

Default: False

--verbose, -v

Increase the verbosity of the printed information.

Default: False


Compilation tool types to get info about.


Possible choices: compiler, linker, archiver


Get information about a compiler.

yggdrasil info compiler [-h] [--toolname TOOLNAME] [--flags] [--fullpath]
                        [--disable-python-c-api] [--with-asan]
Positional Arguments

Possible choices: c, c++, cpp, cxx, fortran

Language to get tool information for.

Named Arguments

Name of tool to get information for. If not provided, information for the default tool will be returned.


Display the flags that yggdrasil will pass to the tool when it is called.

Default: False


Get the full path to the tool exectuable.

Default: False


Disable access to the Python C API from yggdrasil.

Default: False


Compile with Clang ASAN if available.

Default: False


Get information about a linker.

yggdrasil info linker [-h] [--toolname TOOLNAME] [--flags] [--fullpath]
                      [--disable-python-c-api] [--with-asan] [--library]
Positional Arguments

Possible choices: c, c++, cpp, cxx, fortran

Language to get tool information for.

Named Arguments

Name of tool to get information for. If not provided, information for the default tool will be returned.


Display the flags that yggdrasil will pass to the tool when it is called.

Default: False


Get the full path to the tool exectuable.

Default: False


Disable access to the Python C API from yggdrasil.

Default: False


Compile with Clang ASAN if available.

Default: False


Get flags for linking a library.

Default: False


Get information about a archiver.

yggdrasil info archiver [-h] [--toolname TOOLNAME] [--flags] [--fullpath]
                        [--disable-python-c-api] [--with-asan]
Positional Arguments

Possible choices: c, c++, cpp, cxx, fortran

Language to get tool information for.

Named Arguments

Name of tool to get information for. If not provided, information for the default tool will be returned.


Display the flags that yggdrasil will pass to the tool when it is called.

Default: False


Get the full path to the tool exectuable.

Default: False


Disable access to the Python C API from yggdrasil.

Default: False


Compile with Clang ASAN if available.

Default: False


Validate a set of YAML specification files for an integration.

yggdrasil validate [-h] [--model-only] [--model-submission]
                   yamlfile [yamlfile ...]
Positional Arguments

One or more YAML specification files.

Named Arguments

Validate a YAML containing an isolated model without ensuring that it is part of a complete integration.

Default: False


Validate a YAML against the requirements for submissions to the yggdrasil model repository.

Default: False


Compile a program from source files for use in an yggdrasil integration.

yggdrasil compile-model [-h] [--language {None,c,c++,cpp,cxx,fortran,R,r}]
                        [--toolname TOOLNAME] [--flags [FLAGS [FLAGS ...]]]
                        [--use-ccache] [--Rpkg-language RPKG_LANGUAGE]
                        [--disable-python-c-api] [--with-asan]
                        source [source ...]
Positional Arguments

One or more source files or the directory containing an R package.

Named Arguments

Possible choices: None, c, c++, cpp, cxx, fortran, R, r

Language of the source code. If not provided, the language will be determined from the source extension.


Name of compilation tool that should be used


Additional flags that should be added to the compilation command


Run compilation with ccache.

Default: False


Language that R package is written in (only used if the specified language is R).


Disable access to the Python C API from yggdrasil.

Default: False


Compile with Clang ASAN if available.

Default: False


Compile yggdrasil dependency libraries. Existing libraries are first deleted.

yggdrasil compile [-h] [--toolname TOOLNAME] [--disable-python-c-api]
                  [--with-asan] [--force-source]
                  [--source-language SOURCE_LANGUAGE]
                  [--flags [FLAGS [FLAGS ...]]] [--use-ccache]
                  [--Rpkg-language RPKG_LANGUAGE]
                  [language [language ...]]
Positional Arguments

One or more languages to compile dependencies for, source files to compile into an executable, or the directory containing an R package.

Default: [‘all’]

Named Arguments

Name of compilation tool that should be used


Disable access to the Python C API from yggdrasil.

Default: False


Compile with Clang ASAN if available.

Default: False


Force all arguments passed to the language parameter to be treated as source files to be compiled.

Default: False


Language of the source code. If not provided, the language will be determined from the source extension.


Additional flags that should be added to the compilation command if source files are provided.


Run source compilation with ccache.

Default: False


Language that R package is written in (only used if the provided source language is R).


Remove dependency libraries compiled by yggdrasil.

yggdrasil clean [-h] [language [language ...]]
Positional Arguments

One or more languages to clean up dependencies for.

Default: [‘all’]


Complete yggdrasil installation for one or more languages.

yggdrasil install [-h] [--no-import] [--with-asan] [languages [languages ...]]
Positional Arguments

One or more languages that should be installed.

Default: []

Named Arguments

Don’t import the yggdrasil package in calling the installation script.

Default: False


Load ASAN library before running executables.

Default: False


Update the user config file.

yggdrasil config [-h] [--languages LANGUAGES_FLAG [LANGUAGES_FLAG ...]]
                 [--show-file] [--remove-file] [--overwrite]
                 [--disable-languages {c,c++,cpp,cxx,fortran,R,julia,matlab,python,r,cmake,make,lpy,osr,pytorch,sbml,dummy,executable,mpi,timesync} [{c,c++,cpp,cxx,fortran,R,julia,matlab,python,r,cmake,make,lpy,osr,pytorch,sbml,dummy,executable,mpi,timesync} ...]]
                 [--enable-languages {c,c++,cpp,cxx,fortran,R,julia,matlab,python,r,cmake,make,lpy,osr,pytorch,sbml,dummy,executable,mpi,timesync} [{c,c++,cpp,cxx,fortran,R,julia,matlab,python,r,cmake,make,lpy,osr,pytorch,sbml,dummy,executable,mpi,timesync} ...]]
                 [--quiet] [--allow-multiple-omp] [--dont-allow-multiple-omp]
                 [--c-compiler C_COMPILER] [--c++-compiler C++_COMPILER]
                 [--fortran-compiler FORTRAN_COMPILER] [--c-linker C_LINKER]
                 [--c++-linker C++_LINKER] [--fortran-linker FORTRAN_LINKER]
                 [--c-archiver C_ARCHIVER] [--c++-archiver C++_ARCHIVER]
                 [--fortran-archiver FORTRAN_ARCHIVER]
                 [--enable-matlab-engine-for-python] [--hide-matlab-libiomp]
                 [--restore-matlab-libiomp] [--osr-repository-path REPOSITORY]
                 [languages [languages ...]]
Positional Arguments

One or more languages that should be configured.

Default: [‘all’]

Named Arguments

One or more languages that should be configured.

Default: [‘all’]


Print the path to the config file without updating it.

Default: False


Remove the existing config file and return.

Default: False


Overwrite the existing file.

Default: False


Possible choices: c, c++, cpp, cxx, fortran, R, julia, matlab, python, r, cmake, make, lpy, osr, pytorch, sbml, dummy, executable, mpi, timesync

One or more languages that should be disabled.

Default: []


Possible choices: c, c++, cpp, cxx, fortran, R, julia, matlab, python, r, cmake, make, lpy, osr, pytorch, sbml, dummy, executable, mpi, timesync

One or more languages that should be enabled.

Default: []

--quiet, -q

Suppress output.

Default: False


Have yggdrasil set the environment variable KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK to ‘True’ during model runs to disable errors resembling “OMP: Error #15: Initializing libomp.dylib…” that result from having multiple versions of OpenMP loaded during runtime.


Don’t set the KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK environment variable when running models (see help for ‘–allow-multiple-omp’ for more information).


Name or path to compiler that should be used to compile models written in c.


Name or path to compiler that should be used to compile models written in c++.


Name or path to compiler that should be used to compile models written in fortran.


Name or path to linker that should be used to link models written in c.


Name or path to linker that should be used to link models written in c++.


Name or path to linker that should be used to link models written in fortran.


Name or path to archiver that should be used to create static libraries for models written in c.


Name or path to archiver that should be used to create static libraries for models written in c++.


Name or path to archiver that should be used to create static libraries for models written in fortran.


Disable use of the Matlab engine for Python.


Enable use of the Matlab engine for Python.


Hide the version of libiomp installed by Matlab by slightly changing the filename so that the conda version of libomp is used instead. This helps to solve the error “OMP: Error #15: Initializing libomp.dylib…” that can occur when using a conda environment. The hidden file location will be set in the configuration file and can be restored via the ‘–restore-matlab-libiomp’ option.


Restore the version of libiomp installed by Matlab. (See help for ‘–hide-matlab-libiomp’)


The full path to the OpenSimRoot repository.


Regenerate the yggdrasil schema.

yggdrasil schema [-h] [--only-constants] [--filename FILENAME]
Named Arguments

Only update the file without updating the schema.

Default: False


Name where schema should be saved.


Save/print the JSON schema for generating the model specification form.

yggdrasil model-form-schema [-h] [--file FILE]
Named Arguments

Path to file where the schema should be saved.


Perform cleanup and reinitialization following an update to the code during development.

yggdrasil dev-update [-h]


Create performance plots using timing results.

yggdrasil timing [-h] {commtype,language,os,python,lang2019} ...

Comparison plot that should be created.


Possible choices: commtype, language, os, python, lang2019


Compare different communication avenues.

yggdrasil timing commtype [-h]

Compare different programming languages.

yggdrasil timing language [-h]

Compare different operating systems.

yggdrasil timing os [-h]

Compare different versions of Python.

yggdrasil timing python [-h]

Create plots from Lang (2019) paper.

yggdrasil timing lang2019 [-h]


Generate a Github Actions (GHA) workflow yaml file from a version of the file that uses anchors (not supported by GHA as of 2021-01-14).

yggdrasil gha [-h] [--base BASE] [--dest DEST] [--verbose]
Named Arguments
--base, --base-file

Version of GHA workflow yaml that contains anchors.


Name of target GHA workflow yaml file.


Print yaml contents.

Default: False


Start or manage a integration service manager.

yggdrasil integration-service-manager [-h] [--manager-name MANAGER_NAME]
                                      [--service-type {flask,rmq}]
                                      [--commtype COMMTYPE]
                                      [--address ADDRESS] [--port PORT]
Named Arguments

Name that will be used to identify the service manager.


Possible choices: flask, rmq

Type of service that should be started. If not provided, the default will be the (‘services’, ‘default_type’) configuration option, if set, and will otherwise be ‘flask’.


Type of communicator that should be used for connections to services. If not provided, the default will be determined by the (‘services’, ‘default_comm’) configuration option, if set.


URL for requests to the service manager. If not provided, the default will be determined by the (‘services’, ‘default_type’) configuration option, if set, and based on the selected ‘service-type’, if not. For a service-type of ‘flask’, this should be the http address with the port that should be used and the default will be ‘http://localhost:{port}’. For a service-type of ‘rmq’, this should be an amqp broker address and the default will be ‘amqp://guest:guest@localhost:{port}/%2f’.


Port that should be used to access the app. Defaults to 5000 for a flask service manager and 5672 for a RabbitMQ service manager if not set via the PORT environment variable.


Management action to take.


Possible choices: start, stop, status, register, unregister


Start an integration service manager and/or integration service.

yggdrasil integration-service-manager start [-h] [--remote-url REMOTE_URL]
                                            [--integration-name INTEGRATION_NAME]
                                            [--integration-yamls INTEGRATION_YAMLS [INTEGRATION_YAMLS ...]]
                                            [--model-repository MODEL_REPOSITORY]
                                            [--log-level LOG_LEVEL]
Named Arguments

URL that will be used to access the service manager and running integrations by remote requests. If not provided, the environment variable YGGDRASIL_SERVICE_HOST_URL will be used if it is set. If it is not set, the local address will be used under the assumption that the service manager and integration services will only be connected to by local integrations.


Name of integration to start. If not provided, a service manager will be started.


One or more YAML specification files defining the integration. This argument may be omitted if ‘name’ refers to a registered integration.


Enable coverage cleanup for testing.

Default: False


URL for a directory in a Git repository containing models that should be loaded into the service manager registry.


Track the memory used by the service manager.

Default: False


Level of logging that should be performed for the service manager application.


Stop an integration service manager or an integration service.

yggdrasil integration-service-manager stop [-h]
                                           [--integration-name INTEGRATION_NAME]
Named Arguments

Name of integration to stop. If not provided, the service manager will be stopped as will all of the running services.


Get list of available services and the status of any running services.

yggdrasil integration-service-manager status [-h]

Register an integration with the service manager.

yggdrasil integration-service-manager register [-h]
                                               [integration-yamls [integration-yamls ...]]
Positional Arguments

The name that the integration should be registered under or the path to a YAML file containing a list of one or more mappings between name and YAML specification files for integrations that should be registered.


One or more YAML specification files defining the integration.


Unregister an integration with the service manager.

yggdrasil integration-service-manager unregister [-h] integration-name
Positional Arguments

The name of the integration to remove from the registry or the path to a YAML file containing a list of one or more mappings between integration name and YAML specification files for integrations that should be unregistered.


Generate a coveragerc file that covers/ignores lines based on installed languages or options.

yggdrasil coveragerc [-h] [--method {installed,env,None}]
                     [--cover-languages [{c,c++,fortran,R,julia,matlab,python,cmake,make,lpy,osr,pytorch,sbml,dummy,executable,mpi,timesync} [{c,c++,fortran,R,julia,matlab,python,cmake,make,lpy,osr,pytorch,sbml,dummy,executable,mpi,timesync} ...]]]
                     [--dont-cover-languages [{c,c++,fortran,R,julia,matlab,python,cmake,make,lpy,osr,pytorch,sbml,dummy,executable,mpi,timesync} [{c,c++,fortran,R,julia,matlab,python,cmake,make,lpy,osr,pytorch,sbml,dummy,executable,mpi,timesync} ...]]]
                     [--filename FILENAME] [--setup-cfg SETUP_CFG]
Named Arguments

Possible choices: installed, env, None

Method that should be used to select languages that should be covered. ‘env’ covers languages based on the value of environment variables of the form ‘INSTALL{language}’. ‘installed’ covers languages that yggdrasil considers installed.

--cover-languages, --cover-language, --cover

Possible choices: c, c++, fortran, R, julia, matlab, python, cmake, make, lpy, osr, pytorch, sbml, dummy, executable, mpi, timesync

Language(s) to cover.

--dont-cover-languages, --dont-cover-language, --dont-cover

Possible choices: c, c++, fortran, R, julia, matlab, python, cmake, make, lpy, osr, pytorch, sbml, dummy, executable, mpi, timesync

Language(s) to ignore in coverage.


File to save coveragerc to


setup.cfg file containing coverage options


Convert a file of one type into another compatible type.

yggdrasil fconvert [-h] [--from SRC_TYPE] [--to DST_TYPE]
                   [--src-kwargs SRC_KWARGS] [--dst-kwargs DST_KWARGS]
                   [--transform TRANSFORM]
                   src dst
Positional Arguments

Name of file to convert


Name of destination file

Named Arguments
--from, --src-type

Source file type

--to, --dst-type

Destination file type


Keyword arguments for source file communicator in JSON format


Keyword arguments for destination file communicator in JSON format


Transform keyword arguments for transforming messages between source and destination in JSON format

yggcc Command

Alias for yggdrasil compile-model

yggccflags Command

usage: yggccflags [-h] [--cpp] [--toolname TOOLNAME] [--disable-python-c-api]

Named Arguments


Get the compilation flags used for C++ programs.

Default: False


Name of the tool that associated flags be returned for.


Disable access to the Python C API from yggdrasil.

Default: False


Compile with Clang ASAN if available.

Default: False

yggcctool Command

usage: yggcctool [-h] [--cpp] [--fullpath]

Named Arguments


Get the compiler used for C++ programs.

Default: False


Get the full path to the tool exectuable.

Default: False

yggclean Command

Alias for yggdrasil clean

yggcompile Command

Alias for yggdrasil compile

yggconfig Command

Alias for yggdrasil config

yggdevup Command

Alias for yggdrasil dev-update

ygggha Command

Alias for yggdrasil gha

ygginfo Command

Alias for yggdrasil info

ygginstall Command

Alias for yggdrasil install

yggldflags Command

usage: yggldflags [-h] [--cpp] [--toolname TOOLNAME] [--disable-python-c-api]

Named Arguments


Get the compilation flags used for C++ programs.

Default: False


Name of the tool that associated flags be returned for.


Disable access to the Python C API from yggdrasil.

Default: False


Compile with Clang ASAN if available.

Default: False

yggldtool Command

usage: yggldtool [-h] [--cpp] [--fullpath]

Named Arguments


Get the linker used for C++ programs.

Default: False


Get the full path to the tool exectuable.

Default: False

yggmodelform Command

Alias for yggdrasil model-form-schema

yggrun Command

Alias for yggdrasil run

yggschema Command

Alias for yggdrasil schema

yggvalidate Command

Alias for yggdrasil validate