Source code for yggdrasil.config

This module imports the configuration for yggdrasil.

.. todo::
   Remove reference to environment variables for accessing config options.

import os
import sys
import json
import shutil
import logging
import warnings
import configparser
import copy
import argparse
from contextlib import contextmanager
from collections import OrderedDict
from yggdrasil import tools, platform
env_prefixes = tools.get_env_prefixes()
config_file = '.yggdrasil.cfg'
def_config_file = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'defaults.cfg')
usr_dir = os.path.expanduser('~')
if env_prefixes:
    usr_dir = env_prefixes[-1]
usr_config_file = os.path.join(usr_dir, config_file)
loc_config_file = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), config_file)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Set associated environment variables
_cfg_map = {
    ('debug', 'ygg'): {
        'env': 'YGG_DEBUG', 'arg': 'loglevel',
        'help': 'Logging level for yggdrasil operations.'},
    ('debug', 'rmq', 'RMQ_DEBUG'): {
        'env': 'YGG_RMQ_DEBUG', 'arg': 'rmq-loglevel',
        'help': 'Logging level for RabbitMQ operations.'},
    ('debug', 'client'): {
        'env': 'YGG_CLIENT_DEBUG', 'arg': 'client-loglevel',
        'help': 'Logging level for yggdrasil operations on model processes.'},
    ('jsonschema', 'validate_components'): {
        'env': 'YGG_VALIDATE_COMPONENTS', 'arg': 'validate-components',
        'action': 'store_true',
        'help': ('Validate components on creation using their JSON schema '
                 '(Decreases performance).')},
    ('jsonschema', 'validate_messages'): {
        'env': 'YGG_VALIDATE_MESSAGES', 'arg': 'validate-messages',
        'type': str, 'choices': ['False', 'True', 'First'],
        'help': ('Which messages should be validated during communication. '
                 '\'True\': all messages (decreases performance), '
                 '\'False\': no messages, or '
                 '\'First\': only the first message a comm sends/receives.')},
    ('rmq', 'namespace'): {
        'env': 'YGG_NAMESPACE', 'help': 'RabbitMQ namespace.'},
    ('rmq', 'host'): {
        'env': 'YGG_MSG_HOST', 'help': 'RabbitMQ host address.'},
    ('rmq', 'vhost'): {
        'env': 'YGG_MSG_VHOST', 'help': 'RabbitMQ virtual host address.'},
    ('rmq', 'user'): {
        'env': 'YGG_MSG_USER', 'help': 'RabbitMQ username.'},
    ('rmq', 'password'): {
        'env': 'YGG_MSG_PW', 'help': 'RabbitMQ password.'},
    ('parallel', 'cluster'): {
        'env': 'YGG_CLUSTER', 'help': 'Cluster that should be used.'},
    ('general', 'default_comm'): {
        'env': 'YGG_DEFAULT_COMM', 'type': str,
        'help': 'Comm type that should be used by default.'},
    # ('services', 'default_type'): {
    #     'env': 'YGG_DEFAULT_SERVICE_TYPE', 'type': str,
    #     'help': ('Type of service manager that should be used by default, '
    #              'including for new local service managers.')},
    # ('services', 'default_address'): {
    #     'env': 'YGG_DEFAULT_SERVICE_ADDRESS', 'type': str,
    #     'help': ('Address that should be used by default for new local '
    #              'service managers.')},
    # ('services', 'default_comm'): {
    #     'env': 'YGG_DEFAULT_SERVICE_COMM', 'type': str,
    #     'help': ('Comm type that should be used by default for connections '
    #              'between integrations and running integration services.')},
_key2env = {}
for k, v in _cfg_map.items():
    arg = []
    if 'arg' in v:
        arg = [v['arg']]
    if k[0] not in ['debug']:
        new_arg = k[1].replace('_', '-')
        if new_arg not in arg:
    for x in copy.deepcopy(arg):
        _key2env[x.replace('-', '_')] = v['env']
        new_arg = x.replace('-', '')
        if new_arg not in arg:
    v['args'] = arg
    v['kwargs'] = {
        kk: v[kk] for kk in ['default', 'type', 'nargs', 'help', 'choices',
        if kk in v}

[docs]class YggConfigParser(configparser.ConfigParser, object): r"""Config parser that returns None if option not provided on get.""" def __init__(self, files=None): self.files = files super(YggConfigParser, self).__init__()
[docs] def reload(self): r"""Reload parameters from the original files.""" for s in self.sections(): self.remove_section(s) self._sections = self._dict() if self.files is not None:
@property def file_to_update(self): r"""str: Full path to file that should be updated if update_file is called without an explicit file path.""" out = None if self.files is not None: out = self.files[-1] return out
[docs] def update_file(self, fname=None): r"""Write out updated contents to a file. Args: fname (str, optional): Full path to file where contents should be saved. If None, file_to_update is used. Defaults to None. Raises: RuntimeError: If fname is None and file_to_update is None. """ if fname is None: fname = self.file_to_update if fname is None: raise RuntimeError("No file provided or set at creation.") with open(fname, 'w') as fd: self.write(fd)
[docs] def read(self, *args, **kwargs): out = super(YggConfigParser, self).read(*args, **kwargs) alias_map = [(('debug', 'psi'), ('debug', 'ygg')), (('debug', 'cis'), ('debug', 'ygg'))] for old, new in alias_map: v = self.get(*old) if v: # pragma: debug self.set(new[0], new[1], v) return out
[docs] @classmethod def from_files(cls, files, **kwargs): r"""Construct a config parser from a set of files. Args: files (list): One or more files that options should be read from in the order they should be loaded. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the class constructor. Returns: YggConfigParser: Config parser with information loaded from the provided files. """ out = cls(files=files, **kwargs) out.reload() return out
[docs] def set(self, section, option, value=None): """Set an option.""" if not isinstance(value, str): value = json.dumps(value) super(YggConfigParser, self).set(section, option, value=value)
[docs] def backwards_str2val(self, val): # pragma: no cover try: out = json.loads(val) except ValueError: if val.startswith('[') and val.endswith(']'): if val[1:-1]: out = [self.backwards_str2val(x.strip()) for x in val[1:-1].split(',')] else: out = [] elif val.startswith("'") and val.endswith("'"): out = val.strip("'") else: out = val return out
[docs] def get(self, section, option, default=None, **kwargs): r"""Return None if the section/option does not exist. Args: section (str): Name of section. option (str): Name of option in section. default (obj, optional): Value that should be returned if the section and/or option are not found or are an empty string. Defaults to None. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's get. Returns: obj: String entry if the section & option exist, otherwise default. """ section = section.lower() option = option.lower() out = None if (out is None) and ((section, option) in _cfg_map): out = os.environ.get(_cfg_map[(section, option)]['env'], None) if (((out is None) and self.has_section(section) and self.has_option(section, option))): # Super does not work for ConfigParser as not inherited from object out = configparser.ConfigParser.get(self, section, option, **kwargs) # Count empty strings as not provided if out: return self.backwards_str2val(out) return default
[docs]def get_language_order(drivers): r"""Get the correct language order, including any base languages. Args: drivers (dict): Drivers in order. Returns: dict: Drivers in sorted order. """ from yggdrasil.components import import_component out = OrderedDict() for d, drv in drivers.items(): if d == 'cpp': d = 'c++' new_deps = OrderedDict() sub_deps = OrderedDict() for sub_d in drv.base_languages: if sub_d in drivers: sub_deps[sub_d] = drivers[sub_d] else: sub_deps[sub_d] = import_component('model', sub_d) sub_deps = get_language_order(sub_deps) min_dep = -1 for sub_d, sub_drv in sub_deps.items(): if sub_d in out: min_dep = max(min_dep, list(out.keys()).index(sub_d)) else: new_deps[sub_d] = sub_drv if d in out.keys(): dpos = list(out.keys()).index(d) assert dpos > min_dep min_dep = dpos else: new_deps[d] = drv new_out = OrderedDict() for k in list(out.keys())[:(min_dep + 1)]: new_out[k] = out[k] new_out.update(new_deps) for k in list(out.keys())[(min_dep + 1):]: new_out[k] = out[k] out = new_out return out
[docs]def update_language_config(languages=None, skip_warnings=False, disable_languages=None, enable_languages=None, allow_multiple_omp=None, lang_kwargs=None, overwrite=False, verbose=False): r"""Update configuration options for a language driver. Args: languages (list, optional): List of languages to configure. Defaults to None and all supported languages will be configured. skip_warnings (bool, optional): If True, warnings about missing options will not be raised. Defaults to False. disable_languages (list, optional): List of languages that should be disabled. Defaults to an empty list. enable_languages (list, optional): List of languages that should be enabled. Defaults to an empty list. allow_multiple_omp (bool, optional): Set the allow_multiple_omp config option controlling whether or not the KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK environment variable is set for model environments. Defaults to None and is ignored. overwrite (bool, optional): If True, the existing file will be overwritten. Defaults to False. verbose (bool, optional): If True, information about the config file will be displayed. Defaults to False. lang_kwargs (dict, optional): Dictionary containing language specific keyword arguments. Defaults to {}. """ from yggdrasil.components import import_component if verbose:"Updating user configuration file for yggdrasil at:\n\t%s" % usr_config_file) miss = [] if (languages is None) or overwrite: all_languages = tools.get_supported_lang() languages = ['c', 'c++', 'make', 'cmake', 'python', 'lpy', 'r', 'matlab'] for lang in all_languages: if lang.lower() not in languages: languages.append(lang) elif not isinstance(languages, list): languages = [languages] if disable_languages is None: disable_languages = [] if enable_languages is None: enable_languages = [] if lang_kwargs is None: lang_kwargs = {} if overwrite: shutil.copy(def_config_file, usr_config_file) ygg_cfg_usr.reload() if allow_multiple_omp is not None: if not ygg_cfg_usr.has_section('general'): ygg_cfg_usr.add_section('general') ygg_cfg_usr.set('general', 'allow_multiple_omp', allow_multiple_omp) drivers = OrderedDict([(lang, import_component('model', lang)) for lang in languages]) drv = list(get_language_order(drivers).values()) for idrv in drv: if (((idrv.language in disable_languages) and (idrv.language in enable_languages))):"%s language both enabled and disabled. " "No action will be taken.") % idrv.language) elif idrv.language in disable_languages: if not ygg_cfg_usr.has_section(idrv.language): ygg_cfg_usr.add_section(idrv.language) ygg_cfg_usr.set(idrv.language, 'disable', 'True') elif idrv.language in enable_languages: if not ygg_cfg_usr.has_section(idrv.language): ygg_cfg_usr.add_section(idrv.language) ygg_cfg_usr.set(idrv.language, 'disable', 'False') if ygg_cfg_usr.get(idrv.language, 'disable', 'False').lower() == 'true': continue # pragma: no cover miss += idrv.configure(ygg_cfg_usr, **lang_kwargs.get(idrv.language, {})) ygg_cfg_usr.update_file() ygg_cfg.reload() if not skip_warnings: for sect, opt, desc in miss: # pragma: windows warnings.warn(("Could not set option %s in section %s. " + "Please set this in %s to: %s") % (opt, sect, ygg_cfg_usr.file_to_update, desc), RuntimeWarning) if verbose: with open(usr_config_file, 'r') as fd: print(
[docs]def get_ygg_loglevel(cfg=None, default='DEBUG'): r"""Get the current log level. Args: cfg (:class:`yggdrasil.config.YggConfigParser`, optional): Config parser with options that should be used to determine the log level. Defaults to :data:`yggdrasil.config.ygg_cfg`. default (str, optional): Log level that should be returned if the log level option is not set in cfg. Defaults to 'DEBUG'. Returns: str: Log level string. """ is_model = tools.is_subprocess() if cfg is None: cfg = ygg_cfg if is_model: opt = 'client' else: opt = 'ygg' return cfg.get('debug', opt, default)
[docs]def set_ygg_loglevel(level, cfg=None): r"""Set the current log level. Args: level (str): Level that the log should be set to. cfg (:class:`yggdrasil.config.YggConfigParser`, optional): Config parser with options that should be used to update the environment. Defaults to :data:`yggdrasil.config.ygg_cfg`. """ is_model = tools.is_subprocess() if cfg is None: cfg = ygg_cfg if is_model: opt = 'client' else: opt = 'ygg' cfg.set('debug', opt, level) logLevelYGG = eval('logging.%s' % level) ygg_logger = logging.getLogger("yggdrasil") ygg_logger.setLevel(level=logLevelYGG)
[docs]def cfg_logging(cfg=None): r"""Set logging levels from config options. Args: cfg (:class:`yggdrasil.config.YggConfigParser`, optional): Config parser with options that should be used to update the environment. Defaults to :data:`yggdrasil.config.ygg_cfg`. """ is_model = tools.is_subprocess() to_stdout = is_model try: # pragma: no cover # Direct log messages to stdout in interpreter so that messages # are not red in notebooks get_ipython # noqa: F821 in_notebook = True except BaseException: in_notebook = False to_stdout = (is_model or in_notebook) if cfg is None: cfg = ygg_cfg log_format = cfg.get( 'debug', 'format', "%(levelname)s:%(process)d:%(module)s.%(funcName)s[%(lineno)d]:%(message)s") logLevelYGG = eval( 'logging.%s' % os.environ.get( 'YGG_DEBUG', cfg.get('debug', 'ygg', 'NOTSET'))) logLevelRMQ = eval( 'logging.%s' % os.environ.get( 'YGG_RMQ_DEBUG', cfg.get('debug', 'rmq', 'INFO'))) logLevelCLI = eval( 'logging.%s' % os.environ.get( 'YGG_CLIENT_DEBUG', cfg.get('debug', 'client', 'INFO'))) if is_model: logLevelYGG = os.environ.get('YGG_MODEL_DEBUG', logLevelCLI) if not to_stdout: logging.basicConfig(format=log_format) ygg_logger = logging.getLogger("yggdrasil") rmq_logger = logging.getLogger("pika") ygg_logger.setLevel(level=logLevelYGG) rmq_logger.setLevel(level=logLevelRMQ) # For models, route the logs to stdout so that they are # displayed by the model driver. if to_stdout: formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt=log_format) handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stdout) handler.setFormatter(formatter) handler.setLevel(logLevelYGG) ygg_logger.handlers = [handler] rmq_logger.handlers = [handler] if in_notebook: # pragma: no cover ygg_logger.propagate = False rmq_logger.propagate = False
# ygg_logger.addHandler(handler) # rmq_logger.addHandler(handler)
[docs]def cfg_environment(env=None, cfg=None): r"""Set environment variables based on config options. Args: env (dict, optional): Dictionary of environment variables that should be updated. Defaults to `os.environ`. cfg (:class:`yggdrasil.config.YggConfigParser`, optional): Config parser with options that should be used to update the environment. Defaults to :data:`yggdrasil.config.ygg_cfg`. """ if env is None: env = os.environ if cfg is None: cfg = ygg_cfg for k, v in _cfg_map.items(): val = cfg.get(*k) if val: env.setdefault(v['env'], val)
# Initialize config ygg_cfg_usr = YggConfigParser.from_files([usr_config_file]) ygg_cfg = YggConfigParser.from_files([def_config_file, usr_config_file, loc_config_file]) # Do initial update of logging & environment (legacy) cfg_logging() cfg_environment()
[docs]def get_config_parser(parser=None, description=None, skip_sections=None): r"""Create a parser or add to an existing parser arguments based on configuration options. Args: parser (argparse.ArgumentParser, optional): Existing argument parser that arguments should be added to. Defaults to None and a new parser is created. description (str, optional): The description that should be used if a new parser is created. Defaults to None. skip_sections (list, optional): Configuration sections that should be skipped when adding arguments to the parser. Defaults to None and arguments for all configuration sections will be added. Returns: argparse.ArgumentParser: Argument parser with arguments added that are associated with configuration options. """ if skip_sections is None: skip_sections = [] if parser is None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=description) for k, v in _cfg_map.items(): if k[0] not in skip_sections: parser.add_argument(*['--' + x for x in v['args']], **v['kwargs']) parser.add_argument('--production-run', action='store_true', help=('Turn off safe guards in order to improve ' 'performance. This is equivalent to ' '\'--validate-components ' '--validate-messages=True\'')) parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help=('Turn on debugging utilties including ' 'increased logging and validation. This is ' 'equivalent to \'--loglevel=DEBUG ' '--client-loglevel=DEBUG ' '--validate-components=False ' '--validate-messages=False\'')) return parser
[docs]def resolve_config_parser(args): r"""Process argument results by setting flags that are set by combination arguments. Args: args (argparse.ArgumentParser): Argument parser to set combination child flags for. Returns: argparse.ArgumentParser: Argument parser with child flags for combination flags set. """ if args.debug and args.production_run: # pragma: debug raise ValueError("\'--debug\' and \'--production-run\' flags are " "incompatible.") if args.production_run: args.validate_components = False args.validate_messages = False elif args.debug: args.loglevel = 'DEBUG' args.client_loglevel = 'DEBUG' args.validate_components = True args.validate_messages = True else: if args.loglevel is None: args.loglevel = 'INFO' if args.client_loglevel is None: args.client_loglevel = 'INFO' if args.validate_messages in ['True', 'False']: args.validate_messages = (args.validate_messages == 'True') return args
[docs]class ConfigEnv(object): r"""Container for environment variable modification.""" def __init__(self, old_env, new_env): self.old_env = old_env self.new_env = new_env
[docs] def restore(self): r"""Restore the old environment variables.""" restore_env(self.old_env)
[docs]def acquire_env(new_env): r"""Get the existing environment variable values and set the environment based on the provided dictionary. Args: new_env (dict): Mapping from configuration key to values that environment variables should be set to. Returns: dict: Mapping of environment variables and values that were overridden by new_env. """ old_env = {} if new_env.get('debug', '') and new_env.get('production_run', ''): # pragma: debug raise ValueError("'debug' and 'production_run' variables are " "incompatible.") if 'production_run' in new_env: if new_env['production_run']: new_env['validate_components'] = False new_env['validate_messages'] = False new_env.pop('production_run') if 'debug' in new_env: if new_env['debug']: new_env['loglevel'] = 'DEBUG' new_env['client_loglevel'] = 'DEBUG' new_env['validate_components'] = True new_env['validate_messages'] = True if new_env.get('validate_messages', '') in ['True', 'False']: new_env['validate_messages'] = (new_env['validate_messages'] == 'True') # old_env = {k: os.environ.get(k, None) for k in _key2env.values()} set_env = {} for k, v in new_env.items(): if v is None: continue k_env = _key2env.get(k, k) old_env.setdefault(k_env, os.environ.get(k_env, None)) if not isinstance(v, str): v = json.dumps(v) set_env[k_env] = v os.environ[k_env] = v if new_env.get('loglevel', False): set_ygg_loglevel(new_env['loglevel']) return ConfigEnv(old_env, set_env)
[docs]def restore_env(old_env): r"""Restore environment variables to a previous state. Args: old_env (dict): Mapping from environment variable to value for state that should be restored. """ for k, v in old_env.items(): if v is None: os.environ.pop(k, None) else: os.environ[k] = v
[docs]@contextmanager def parser_config(args, **kwargs): r"""Context manager for a run that modifies configuration options using values from an argument parser. Args: args (argparse.Namespace): Argument parsing results. **kwargs: Additional environment variable key/value pairs and/or argument name key/value pairs that should be added to the environment. """ args = resolve_config_parser(args) for k0 in _key2env.keys(): k = k0.replace('-', '_') if getattr(args, k, None) is not None: kwargs[k0] = getattr(args, k) cfg_env = acquire_env(kwargs) try: yield cfg_env finally: cfg_env.restore()
[docs]@contextmanager def temp_config(**kwargs): r"""Context manager for a run that modifies configuration options using a dictionary of key/value pairs. Args: **kwargs: Environment variable key/value pairs and/or argument name key/value pairs that should be added to the environment. """ cfg_env = acquire_env(kwargs) try: yield cfg_env finally: cfg_env.restore()
[docs]def add_excl_rule(excl_list, new_rule): r"""Add an exclusion rule to the list if its not in there. Args: excl_list (list): List of exclusion rules to update. new_rule (str): New rule to add to the list if it already exists. Returns: list: Updated exclustion rules. """ if new_rule not in excl_list: excl_list.append(new_rule) return excl_list
[docs]def rm_excl_rule(excl_list, new_rule): r"""Remove an exclusion rule from the list if its in there. Args: excl_list (list): List of exclusion rules to update. new_rule (str): New rule to remove from the list if it exists. Returns: list: Updated exclustion rules. """ if new_rule in excl_list: excl_list.remove(new_rule) return excl_list
[docs]def create_coveragerc(installed_languages, filename=None, setup_cfg=None): r"""Create the coveragerc to reflect the OS, Python version, and availability of matlab. Parameters from the setup.cfg file will be added. If the .coveragerc file already exists, it will be read first before adding setup.cfg options. Args: installed_languages (dict): Dictionary of language/boolean key/value pairs indicating optional languages and their state of installation. filename (str, optional): File where coveragerc should be saved. Defaults to '.coveragerc' in the current directory. setup_cfg (str, optional): setup.cfg file containing coverage options. If not provided, the current directory will be checked. Returns: bool: True if the file was created/updated successfully, False otherwise. """ if not filename: filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '.coveragerc') cp = configparser.RawConfigParser("") # Read from existing .coveragerc if os.path.isfile(filename): # Read options from setup.cfg if setup_cfg is None: for x in ['setup.cfg', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'setup.cfg')]: if os.path.isfile(x): setup_cfg = x break if setup_cfg: cp_cfg = configparser.RawConfigParser("") # Transfer options for x in cp_cfg.sections(): if x.startswith('coverage:'): sect_cp = x.split('coverage:')[-1] if not cp.has_section(sect_cp): cp.add_section(sect_cp) for opt in cp_cfg.options(x): if cp.has_option(sect_cp, opt): val_old = [line.strip() for line in cp.get(sect_cp, opt).split('\n')] val_new = [line.strip() for line in cp_cfg.get(x, opt).split('\n')] for v in val_new: if v not in val_old: val_old.append(v) opt_new = '\n'.join(val_old) else: opt_new = cp_cfg.get(x, opt) cp.set(sect_cp, opt, opt_new) # Exclude rules for all files if not cp.has_section('report'): cp.add_section('report') if cp.has_option('report', 'exclude_lines'): excl_str = cp.get('report', 'exclude_lines') excl_list = excl_str.strip().split('\n') else: excl_list = [] # Operating system if platform._is_win: excl_list = rm_excl_rule(excl_list, 'pragma: windows') else: # pragma: no cover # Unclear why this is not covered as it is run locally by # test_create_coveragerc excl_list = add_excl_rule(excl_list, 'pragma: windows') # CI Platform if os.environ.get('GITHUB_ACTIONS', False): excl_list = rm_excl_rule(excl_list, 'pragma: gha') else: # pragma: no cover excl_list = add_excl_rule(excl_list, 'pragma: gha') if os.environ.get('TRAVIS_OS_NAME', False): excl_list = rm_excl_rule(excl_list, 'pragma: travis') else: excl_list = add_excl_rule(excl_list, 'pragma: travis') if os.environ.get('APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER', False): excl_list = rm_excl_rule(excl_list, 'pragma: appveyor') else: excl_list = add_excl_rule(excl_list, 'pragma: appveyor') # Python version verlist = [2, 3] for v in verlist: vincl = 'pragma: Python %d' % v if sys.version_info[0] == v: excl_list = rm_excl_rule(excl_list, vincl) else: excl_list = add_excl_rule(excl_list, vincl) # Language specific for k, v in installed_languages.items(): if k == 'c++': k = 'cpp' if v: excl_list = add_excl_rule(excl_list, 'pragma: no %s' % k) excl_list = rm_excl_rule(excl_list, 'pragma: %s' % k) else: excl_list = add_excl_rule(excl_list, 'pragma: %s' % k) excl_list = rm_excl_rule(excl_list, 'pragma: no %s' % k) # Add new rules cp.set('report', 'exclude_lines', '\n' + '\n'.join(excl_list)) # Set include path so that filenames in the report are absolute PACKAGE_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) section = 'source' # if section == 'include': # section_path = os.path.join(PACKAGE_DIR, '*') # else: section_path = PACKAGE_DIR if not cp.has_section('run'): cp.add_section('run') incl_list = [] if cp.has_option('run', section): incl_list = cp.get('run', section).strip().split('\n') if section_path not in incl_list: incl_list.append(section_path) cp.set('run', section, '\n' + '\n'.join(incl_list)) # Write with open(filename, 'w') as fd: cp.write(fd) with open(filename, 'r') as fd:"Created coverage rc @ '{filename}:\n{}") return True