Source code for yggdrasil.multitasking

import os
import sys
import six
import atexit
import weakref
import logging
import threading
import queue
import multiprocessing
import asyncio
from import YggClass, sleep
MPI = None
_on_mpi = False
_mpi_rank = -1
if os.environ.get('YGG_SUBPROCESS', False):
    if 'YGG_MPI_RANK' in os.environ:
        _on_mpi = True
        _mpi_rank = int(os.environ['YGG_MPI_RANK'])
        from mpi4py import MPI
        _on_mpi = (MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_size() > 1)
        _mpi_rank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()
    except ImportError:

mp_ctx = multiprocessing.get_context()
mp_ctx_spawn = multiprocessing.get_context("spawn")
_main_thread = threading.main_thread()
_thread_registry = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
_lock_registry = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def test_target_error(): # pragma: debug raise RuntimeError("Test error.")
[docs]def test_target_sleep(): # pragma: debug sleep(10.0)
[docs]def check_processes(): # pragma: debug r"""Check for processes that are still running.""" import psutil current_process = psutil.Process() children = current_process.children(recursive=True) if len(children) > 0:"Process %s has %d children" % (, len(children))) for child in children:" %s process running" %
[docs]def check_threads(): # pragma: debug r"""Check for threads that are still running.""" #"Checking %d threads" % len(_thread_registry)) for k, v in _thread_registry.items(): if v.is_alive(): logger.error("Thread is alive: %s" % k) if threading.active_count() > 1:"%d threads running" % threading.active_count()) for t in threading.enumerate():" %s thread running" %
[docs]def check_locks(): # pragma: debug r"""Check for locks in lock registry that are locked.""" #"Checking %d locks" % len(_lock_registry)) for k, v in _lock_registry.items(): res = v.acquire(False) if res: v.release() else: logger.error("Lock could not be acquired: %s" % k)
[docs]def check_sockets(): # pragma: debug r"""Check registered sockets.""" from yggdrasil.communication import cleanup_comms count = cleanup_comms('ZMQComm') if count > 0:"%d sockets closed." % count)
[docs]def ygg_atexit(): # pragma: debug r"""Things to do at exit.""" try: check_locks() check_threads() except ValueError: # Allow for logger to have disconnected pass # # This causes a segfault in a C dependency # if not is_subprocess(): # check_sockets() # Python 3.4 no longer supported if using pip 9.0.0, but this # allows the code to work if somehow installed using an older # version of pip if sys.version_info[0:2] == (3, 4): # pragma: no cover # Print empty line to ensure close print('', end='') sys.stdout.flush()
[docs]class SafeThread(threading.Thread): r"""Thread that sets Event on error.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._errored = threading.Event() super(SafeThread, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def run(self, *args, **kwargs): try: super(SafeThread, self).run(*args, **kwargs) except BaseException: self._errored.set() raise
@property def exitcode(self): r"""int: Exit code. 1 if error, 0 otherwise.""" if (not self._started.is_set()) or self.is_alive(): return None return int(self._errored.is_set()) @property def pid(self): r"""Process ID.""" return os.getpid()
[docs]class AliasDisconnectError(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]def add_aliased_attribute(cls, name, with_lock=False): r"""Factory to alias an attribute so that it refers to the wrapped object. Args: name (str): Name of attribute to alias. with_lock (bool, optional): If True, the class's lock will be acquired before getting the attribute. Defaults to False. """ def alias_wrapper(self): self.check_for_base(name) lock_acquired = False if ((with_lock and hasattr(self, 'lock') and (name not in self._unlocked_attr))): self.lock.acquire() lock_acquired = True try: out = getattr(self._base, name) finally: if lock_acquired: self.lock.release() return out alias_wrapper.__name__ = name setattr(cls, name, property(alias_wrapper))
[docs]def add_aliased_method(cls, name, with_lock=False): r"""Factory to alias a method so that it refers to the wrapped object. Args: name (str): Name of method to alias. with_lock (bool, optional): If True, the class's lock will be acquired before executing the method. Defaults to False. """ def alias_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): self.check_for_base(name) lock_acquired = False if ((with_lock and hasattr(self, 'lock') and (name not in self._unlocked_attr))): self.lock.acquire() lock_acquired = True try: out = getattr(self._base, name)(*args, **kwargs) finally: if lock_acquired: self.lock.release() return out alias_wrapper.__name__ = name setattr(cls, name, alias_wrapper)
[docs]class AliasMeta(type): r"""Meta class for adding aliased methods to the class.""" def __new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict): cls = type.__new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict) for k in cls._base_meth: assert not hasattr(cls, k) add_aliased_method(cls, k, with_lock=cls._base_locked) for k in cls._base_attr: assert not hasattr(cls, k) add_aliased_attribute(cls, k, with_lock=cls._base_locked) cls._base_meth = [] cls._base_attr = [] if (cls._base_class_name is None) and (name not in ['AliasObject', 'MultiObject', 'ContextObject']): cls._base_class_name = name return cls
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(AliasMeta) class AliasObject(object): r"""Alias object that calls to attribute. Args: dont_initialize_base (bool, optional): If True the base object will not be initialized. Defaults to False. """ __slots__ = ['_base', '__weakref__'] _base_class_name = None _base_class = None _base_attr = [] _base_meth = [] _base_locked = False _unlocked_attr = [] def __init__(self, *args, dont_initialize_base=False, **kwargs): self._base = None if (not dont_initialize_base) and (self._base_class is not None): self._base = self._base_class(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def from_base(cls, base, *args, **kwargs): r"""Create an instance by creating a based from the provided base class.""" if base is not None: kwargs['dont_initialize_base'] = True out = cls(*args, **kwargs) out._base = base else: out = cls(*args, **kwargs) return out
def __getstate__(self): out = dict() def add_base_slots(base): out.update( dict((slot, getattr(self, slot)) for slot in base.__slots__ if (hasattr(self, slot) and (slot not in ['_base_class', '__weakref__']) and (slot not in out)))) for x in base.__bases__: if x != object: add_base_slots(x) add_base_slots(self.__class__) return out def __setstate__(self, state): for slot, value in state.items(): setattr(self, slot, value)
[docs] def check_for_base(self, attr): r"""Raise an error if the aliased object has been disconnected.""" if self._base is None: raise AliasDisconnectError( ("Aliased object has been disconnected so " "'%s' is no longer available.") % attr)
@property def dummy_copy(self): r"""Dummy copy of base.""" return None
[docs] def disconnect(self): r"""Disconnect from the aliased object by replacing it with a dummy object.""" if self._base is not None: dummy = self.dummy_copy del self._base self._base = dummy
def __del__(self): self.disconnect()
[docs]class MultiObject(AliasObject): r"""Concurrent/parallel processing object using either threads or processes.""" __slots__ = ['task_method', 'parallel'] def __init__(self, *args, task_method="threading", **kwargs): self.task_method = task_method if task_method in ["thread", "threading", "concurrent"]: self.parallel = False elif task_method in ["process", "multiprocessing", "parallel"]: self.parallel = True else: # pragma: debug raise ValueError(("Unsupported method for concurrency/" "parallelism: '%s'") % task_method) super(MultiObject, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class Context(MultiObject): r"""Context for managing threads/processes.""" def __init__(self, task_method='thread', dont_initialize_base=False): super(Context, self).__init__(dont_initialize_base=True, task_method=task_method) if not dont_initialize_base: if self.parallel: self._base = mp_ctx_spawn else: self._base = threading def __getstate__(self): state = super(Context, self).__getstate__() if self.parallel: state['_base'] = state['_base']._name else: state['_base'] = None return state def __setstate__(self, state): if state['_base'] is None: state['_base'] = threading else: # Use the existing context? # state['_base'] = mp_ctx_spawn state['_base'] = multiprocessing.get_context(state['_base']) super(Context, self).__setstate__(state)
[docs] def RLock(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Get a recursive lock in this context.""" kwargs['task_context'] = self return RLock(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def Event(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Get an event in this context.""" kwargs['task_context'] = self return Event(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def Task(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Get a task in this context.""" kwargs['task_context'] = self return Task(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def Queue(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Get a queue in this context.""" kwargs['task_context'] = self return Queue(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def Dict(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Get a shared dictionary in this context.""" kwargs['task_context'] = self return Dict(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def current_task(self): r"""Current task (process/thread).""" if self.parallel: return self._base.current_process() else: return self._base.current_thread()
[docs] def main_task(self): r"""Main task (process/thread).""" if self.parallel: out = None if hasattr(self._base, 'parent_process'): # pragma: no cover out = self._base.parent_process() if out is None: out = self.current_task() return out else: return _main_thread
[docs]class DummyContextObject(object): # pragma: no cover __slots__ = [] @property def context(self): return None
[docs] def disconnect(self): pass
[docs]class ContextObject(MultiObject): r"""Base class for object intialized in a context.""" __slots__ = ["_managed_context", "_context", "_base_class"] def __init__(self, *args, task_method='threading', task_context=None, **kwargs): self._managed_context = None if task_context is None: task_context = Context(task_method=task_method) self._managed_context = task_context elif isinstance(task_context, weakref.ReferenceType): task_context = task_context() task_method = task_context.task_method self._context = weakref.ref(task_context) self._base_class = self.get_base_class(task_context) if ((self._base_class and isinstance(self._base_class, type) and issubclass(self._base_class, (LockedObject, ContextObject)))): kwargs['task_context'] = task_context super(ContextObject, self).__init__( *args, task_method=task_method, **kwargs) def __getstate__(self): state = super(ContextObject, self).__getstate__() state['_context'] = None return state def __setstate__(self, state): if state['_managed_context'] is None: state['_managed_context'] = Context(task_method=state['task_method']) state['_context'] = weakref.ref(state['_managed_context']) super(ContextObject, self).__setstate__(state)
[docs] @classmethod def get_base_class(cls, context): r"""Get instance of base class that will be represented.""" name = cls._base_class_name context.check_for_base(name) return getattr(context._base, name)
[docs] def disconnect(self): r"""Disconnect from the aliased object by replacing it with a dummy object.""" if ContextObject is not None: super(ContextObject, self).disconnect() if self._managed_context is not None: self._managed_context.disconnect() self._managed_context = None
@property def context(self): r"""Context: Context used to create this object.""" return self._context()
[docs]class DummyRLock(DummyContextObject): # pragma: no cover
[docs] def acquire(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def release(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
def __enter__(self, *args, **kwargs): return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): pass
[docs]class RLock(ContextObject): r"""Recursive lock. Acquiring the lock after disconnect is called through use as a context will not raise an error, but will not do anything.""" _base_meth = ['acquire', 'release', '__enter__', '__exit__'] def __getstate__(self): state = super(RLock, self).__getstate__() if (not self.parallel) and (not isinstance(state['_base'], DummyRLock)): state['_base'] = None return state def __setstate__(self, state): if state['_base'] is None: state['_base'] = threading.RLock() super(RLock, self).__setstate__(state) @property def dummy_copy(self): r"""Dummy copy of base.""" return DummyRLock()
[docs]class DummyEvent(DummyContextObject): # pragma: no cover __slots__ = ["_value"] def __init__(self, value=False): self._value = value
[docs] def is_set(self): return self._value
[docs] def set(self): self._value = True
[docs] def clear(self): self._value = False
[docs] def wait(self, *args, **kwargs): if self._value: return raise AliasDisconnectError("DummyEvent will never change to True.")
[docs]class ProcessEvent(object): r"""Multiprocessing/threading event associated with a process that has a discreet start and end.""" __slots__ = ["started", "stopped"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.started = Event(*args, **kwargs) self.stopped = Event(task_context=self.started.context)
[docs] def start(self): r"""Set the started event.""" self.started.set()
[docs] def stop(self): r"""Set the stopped event.""" self.stopped.set()
[docs] def has_started(self): r"""bool: True if the process has started.""" return self.started.is_set()
[docs] def has_stopped(self): r"""bool: True if the process has stopped.""" return self.stopped.is_set()
[docs] def is_running(self): r"""bool: True if the processes has started, but hasn't stopped.""" return (self.has_started() and (not self.has_stopped()))
[docs]class Event(ContextObject): r"""Multiprocessing/threading event.""" __slots__ = ["_set", "_clear", "_set_callbacks", "_clear_callbacks"] _base_attr = ContextObject._base_attr + ['is_set', 'wait'] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._set = None self._clear = None self._set_callbacks = [] self._clear_callbacks = [] super(Event, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._set = self._base.set self._clear = self._base.clear
[docs] def set(self): r"""Set the event.""" self._set() for (x, a, k) in self._set_callbacks: x(*a, **k)
[docs] def clear(self): r"""Clear the event.""" self._clear() for (x, a, k) in self._clear_callbacks: x(*a, **k)
@property def dummy_copy(self): r"""Dummy copy of base.""" return DummyEvent(self._base.is_set()) def __getstate__(self): state = super(Event, self).__getstate__() if not self.parallel: state.pop('_set') state.pop('_clear') state['_base'] = state['_base'].is_set() return state def __setstate__(self, state): if isinstance(state['_base'], bool): val = state['_base'] state['_base'] = threading.Event() state['_set'] = state['_base'].set state['_clear'] = state['_base'].clear if val: state['_base'].set() super(Event, self).__setstate__(state) # @classmethod # def from_event_set(cls, *events): # r"""Create an event that is triggered when any one of the provided # events is set. # Args: # *events: One or more events that will trigger this event. # """ # # Modified version of # # python-threading-can-i-sleep-on-two-threading-events-simultaneously/ # # 36661113 # or_event = cls() # def changed(): # bools = [e.is_set() for e in events] # if any(bools): # or_event.set() # else: # or_event.clear() # for e in events: # e.add_callback(changed, trigger='set') # e.add_callback(changed, trigger='clear') # return or_event
[docs] def add_callback(self, callback, args=(), kwargs={}, trigger='set'): r"""Add a callback that will be called when set or clear is invoked. Args: callback (callable): Callable executed when set is called. args (tuple, optional): Arguments to pass to the callback. kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword arguments to pass to the callback. trigger (str, optional): Action triggering the set call. Options are 'set' or 'clear'. Defaults to 'set'. """ getattr(self, f'_{trigger}_callbacks').append( (callback, args, kwargs))
[docs] def disconnect(self): r"""Disconnect from the aliased object by replacing it with a dummy object.""" if Event is not None: super(Event, self).disconnect() self._set = self._base.set self._clear = self._base.clear
[docs]class ValueEvent(Event): r"""Class for handling storing a value that also triggers an event.""" __slots__ = ["_event_value"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._event_value = None super(ValueEvent, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def set(self, value=None): self._event_value = value super(ValueEvent, self).set()
[docs] def clear(self): self._event_value = None super(ValueEvent, self).clear()
[docs] def get(self): return self._event_value
[docs]class DummyTask(DummyContextObject): # pragma: no cover __slots__ = ["name", "exitcode", "daemon"] def __init__(self, name='', exitcode=0, daemon=False): = name self.exitcode = exitcode self.daemon = daemon super(DummyTask, self).__init__()
[docs] def join(self, *args, **kwargs): return
[docs] def is_alive(self): return False
[docs] def terminate(self): pass
[docs] def kill(self): pass
[docs]class Task(ContextObject): r"""Multiprocessing/threading process.""" __slots__ = ["_target", "_args", "_kwargs"] _base_attr = ['name', 'daemon', 'authkey', 'sentinel', 'exitcode', 'pid'] _base_meth = ['start', 'run', 'join', # Thread only 'getName', 'setName', 'isDaemon', 'setDaemon', # Process only 'terminate'] def __init__(self, target=None, args=(), kwargs={}, **kws): self._target = target self._args = args self._kwargs = kwargs if self._target is not None: kws['target'] = super(Task, self).__init__(**kws)
[docs] @classmethod def get_base_class(cls, context): r"""Get instance of base class that will be represented.""" if context.parallel: return context._base.Process else: return SafeThread
@property def dummy_copy(self): r"""Dummy copy of base.""" name = b'dummy' exitcode = 0 daemon = False try: name = exitcode = self._base.exitcode daemon = self._base.daemon except AttributeError: # pragma: debug pass return DummyTask(name=name, exitcode=exitcode, daemon=daemon) def __getstate__(self): state = super(Task, self).__getstate__() if not self.parallel: state['_base'] = { 'name': state['_base'].name, 'group': None, 'daemon': state['_base'].daemon, 'target': state['_base']._target, 'args': state['_base']._args, 'kwargs': state['_base']._kwargs} return state def __setstate__(self, state): if isinstance(state['_base'], dict): state['_base'] = SafeThread(**state['_base']) super(Task, self).__setstate__(state)
[docs] def is_alive(self): r"""Determine if the process/thread is alive.""" out = self._base.is_alive() if out is None: # pragma: debug out = False return out
@property def ident(self): r"""Process ID.""" if self.parallel: return else: return self._base.ident
[docs] def target(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Run the target.""" try: self._initialize() self._target(*self._args, **self._kwargs) except BaseException as e: self._on_error(e) finally: self._finalize()
def _initialize(self): r"""Initialize a run.""" pass def _finalize(self): r"""Finalize a run.""" pass def _on_error(self, e): r"""Handle an error during a run.""" raise
[docs] def kill(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Kill the task.""" if self.parallel and hasattr(self._base, 'kill'): return self._base.kill(*args, **kwargs) elif hasattr(self._base, 'terminate'): return self._base.terminate(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def disconnect(self): r"""Disconnect from the aliased object by replacing it with a dummy object.""" self._target = None if Task is not None: super(Task, self).disconnect()
[docs]class TaskLoop(Task): r"""Class for looping over a task.""" __slots__ = ["break_flag", "polling_interval", "break_stack", "_loop_target", "_loop_count"] def __init__(self, target=None, polling_interval=0.0, **kws): self.polling_interval = polling_interval self.break_stack = None self._loop_target = target self._loop_count = 0 if self._loop_target is not None: kws['target'] = self.loop_target super(TaskLoop, self).__init__(**kws) self.break_flag = Event(task_context=self._context)
[docs] def break_loop(self, break_stack=None): r"""Break the task loop.""" if self.break_stack is None: if break_stack is None: import traceback break_stack = ''.join(traceback.format_stack()) self.break_stack = break_stack self.break_flag.set()
[docs] def kill(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Kill the task.""" self.break_loop() return super(TaskLoop, self).kill(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def loop_target(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Continue calling the target until the loop is broken.""" while not self.break_flag.is_set(): try: self._loop_target(*args, **kwargs) except BreakLoopException as e: self.break_loop(e.break_stack) break if self.polling_interval: self.break_flag.wait(self.polling_interval) self._loop_count += 1
def _finalize(self): r"""Finalize a run.""" self.break_loop()
[docs] def disconnect(self): r"""Disconnect from the aliased object by replacing it with a dummy object.""" self.break_flag.disconnect() self._loop_target = None if TaskLoop is not None: super(TaskLoop, self).disconnect()
[docs]class DummyQueue(DummyContextObject): # pragma: no cover
[docs] def empty(self): return True
[docs] def full(self): return False
[docs] def get(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AliasDisconnectError("There are no messages in a DummyQueue.")
[docs] def get_nowait(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AliasDisconnectError("There are no messages in a DummyQueue.")
[docs] def put(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AliasDisconnectError("Cannot put messages in a DummyQueue.")
[docs] def put_nowait(self, *args, **kwargs): raise AliasDisconnectError("Cannot put messages in a DummyQueue.")
[docs] def qsize(self): return 0
[docs] def join(self, *args, **kwargs): return
[docs] def join_thread(self, *args, **kwargs): return
[docs] def close(self): pass
[docs]class Queue(ContextObject): r"""Multiprocessing/threading queue.""" _base_meth = ['full', 'get', 'get_nowait', 'join_thread', 'qsize']
[docs] @classmethod def get_base_class(cls, context): r"""Get instance of base class that will be represented.""" if context.parallel: return context._base.Queue else: return queue.Queue
def __getstate__(self): state = super(Queue, self).__getstate__() if (not self.parallel) and (not isinstance(state['_base'], DummyQueue)): state['_base'] = None return state def __setstate__(self, state): if state['_base'] is None: state['_base'] = queue.Queue() super(Queue, self).__setstate__(state) @property def dummy_copy(self): r"""Dummy copy of base.""" return DummyQueue()
[docs] def join(self, *args, **kwargs): self.check_for_base('join') if self.parallel: try: self._base.close() except OSError: # pragma: debug pass return self._base.join_thread(*args, **kwargs) else: return self._base.join(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def disconnect(self): r"""Disconnect from the aliased object by replacing it with a dummy object.""" if self.parallel: self.join() if Queue is not None: super(Queue, self).disconnect()
[docs] def empty(self): try: return self._base.empty() except OSError: # pragma: debug self.disconnect() return True
[docs] def put(self, *args, **kwargs): try: self._base.put(*args, **kwargs) except AttributeError: # pragma: debug # Multiprocessing queue asserts it is not closed self.disconnect() raise AliasDisconnectError("Queue was closed.")
[docs] def put_nowait(self, *args, **kwargs): try: self._base.put_nowait(*args, **kwargs) except AttributeError: # pragma: debug # Multiprocessing queue asserts it is not closed self.disconnect() raise AliasDisconnectError("Queue was closed.")
[docs]class Dict(ContextObject): r"""Multiprocessing/threading shared dictionary.""" _base_meth = ['clear', 'copy', 'get', 'items', 'keys', 'pop', 'popitem', 'setdefault', 'update', 'values', '__contains__', '__delitem__', '__getitem__', '__iter__', '__len__', '__setitem__']
[docs] @classmethod def get_base_class(cls, context): r"""Get instance of base class that will be represented.""" if context.parallel: manager = context._base.Manager() return manager.dict else: return LockedDict
# Don't define this so that is is not called after manager is # shut down. # @property # def dummy_copy(self): # r"""Dummy copy of base.""" # return self._base.copy()
[docs] def disconnect(self): r"""Disconnect from the aliased object by replacing it with a dummy object.""" try: final_value = {k: v for k, v in self._base.items()} except BaseException: # pragma: debug final_value = {} if LockedDict and isinstance(self._base, LockedDict): self._base.disconnect() if getattr(self._base, '_manager', None) is not None: self._base._manager.shutdown() self._base._manager.join() del self._base._manager self._base._manager = None if hasattr(self._base, '_close'): self._base._close() if Dict is not None: super(Dict, self).disconnect() self._base = final_value
[docs]class LockedObject(AliasObject): r"""Container that provides a lock that is acquired before accessing the object.""" _base_locked = True def __init__(self, *args, task_method='process', task_context=None, **kwargs): self.lock = RLock(task_method=task_method, task_context=task_context) super(LockedObject, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def disconnect(self): r"""Disconnect from the aliased object by replacing it with a dummy object.""" if LockedObject is not None: super(LockedObject, self).disconnect() self.lock.disconnect()
# class LockedList(LockedObject): # r"""List intended to be shared between threads.""" # def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # base = list(*args, **kwargs) # super(LockedList, self).__init__(base)
[docs]class LockedDict(LockedObject): r"""Dictionary that can be shared between threads.""" _base_class = dict _base_meth = ['clear', 'copy', 'get', 'items', 'keys', 'pop', 'popitem', 'setdefault', 'update', 'values', '__contains__', '__delitem__', '__getitem__', '__iter__', '__len__', '__setitem__']
[docs] def add_subdict(self, key): r"""Add a subdictionary.""" self[key] = {}
@property def dummy_copy(self): r"""Dummy copy of base.""" try: out = self._base.copy() except BaseException: # pragma: debug out = {} return out
[docs]class TimeoutError(asyncio.TimeoutError): r"""Error to raise when a wait times out.""" def __init__(self, msg, function_value): self.function_value = function_value super(TimeoutError, self).__init__(msg)
[docs]class WaitableFunction(object): r"""Create an object that can be waited on until a function returns True. Args: function (callable): Callable function that takes no arguments and returns a boolean. polling_interval (float, optional): Time (in seconds) that should be waited in between function calls. Defaults to 0.1 seconds. """ __slots__ = ["function", "polling_interval"] def __init__(self, function, polling_interval=0.01): self.function = function self.polling_interval = polling_interval
[docs] def wait(self, timeout=None, on_timeout=False): r"""Wait for the function to return True. Args: timeout (float, optional): Time (in seconds) that should be waited for the process to finish. A value of None will wait indefinitely. Defaults to None. on_timeout (callable, bool, str, optional): Object indicating what action should be taken in the event that the timeout is reached. If a callable is provided, it will be called. A value of False will cause a TimeoutError to be raised. A value of True will cause the function value to be returned. A string will be used as the error message for a raised timeout error. Defaults to False. Returns: object: The result of the function call. """ def task_target(): if self.function(): raise BreakLoopException loop = TaskLoop(target=task_target, polling_interval=self.polling_interval) loop.start() loop.join(timeout) if loop.is_alive(): loop.kill() if on_timeout is True: return self.function() elif (on_timeout is False): msg = f'Timeout at {timeout} s' elif isinstance(on_timeout, str): msg = on_timeout else: return on_timeout() raise TimeoutError(msg, self.function()) return self.function()
[docs]def wait_on_function(function, timeout=None, on_timeout=False, polling_interval=0.1): r"""Wait for the function to return True. Args: function (callable): Callable function that takes no arguments and returns a boolean. timeout (float, optional): Time (in seconds) that should be waited for the process to finish. A value of None will wait indefinitely. Defaults to None. on_timeout (callable, bool, str, optional): Object indicating what action should be taken in the event that the timeout is reached. If a callable is provided, it will be called. A value of False will cause a TimeoutError to be raised. A value of True will cause the function value to be returned. A string will be used as the error message for a raised timeout error. Defaults to False. polling_interval (float, optional): Time (in seconds) that should be waited in between function calls. Defaults to 0.1 seconds. Returns: object: The result of the function call. """ x = WaitableFunction(function, polling_interval=polling_interval) return x.wait(timeout=timeout, on_timeout=on_timeout)
[docs]class MPIRequestWrapper(WaitableFunction): r"""Wrapper for an MPI request.""" __slots__ = ["request", "completed", "canceled", "_result"] def __init__(self, request, completed=False, **kwargs): self.request = request self.completed = completed self.canceled = False self._result = None super(MPIRequestWrapper, self).__init__( lambda: self.test()[0] or self.canceled, **kwargs)
[docs] def cancel(self): r"""Cancel the request.""" if not self.test()[0]: self.canceled = True return self.request.Cancel()
@property def result(self): r"""object: The result of the MPI request.""" if not self.completed: # pragma: intermittent self.test() return self._result
[docs] def test(self): r"""Test to see if the request has completed.""" if not self.completed: self.completed, self._result = self.request.test() return (self.completed, self._result)
[docs] def wait(self, timeout=None, on_timeout=False): r"""Wait for the request to be completed. Args: timeout (float, optional): Time (in seconds) that should be waited for the process to finish. A value of None will wait indefinitely. Defaults to None. on_timeout (callable, bool, str, optional): Object indicating what action should be taken in the event that the timeout is reached. If a callable is provided, it will be called. A value of False will cause a TimeoutError to be raised. A value of True will cause the function value to be returned. A string will be used as the error message for a raised timeout error. Defaults to False. Returns: object: The result of the request. """ if not self.test()[0]: super(MPIRequestWrapper, self).wait(timeout=timeout, on_timeout=on_timeout) return self._result
[docs]class MPIPartnerError(Exception): r"""Error raised when there is an error on another process.""" pass
[docs]class MPIErrorExchange(object): r"""Set of MPI messages to check for errors.""" tags = {'ERROR_ON_RANK0': 1, 'ERROR_ON_RANKX': 2} closing_messages = ['ERROR', 'COMPLETE'] def __init__(self, global_tag=0): self.comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD self.rank = self.comm.Get_rank() self.size = self.comm.Get_size() if self.rank == 0: self.partner_ranks = list(range(1, self.size)) else: self.partner_ranks = [0] self.reset(global_tag=global_tag) self._first_use = True
[docs] def reset(self, global_tag=0): r"""Rest comms for the next test.""" global_tag = max(self.comm.alltoall([global_tag] * self.size)) self.global_tag = global_tag + max(self.tags.values()) + 1 if self.rank == 0: self.incoming_tag = self.tags['ERROR_ON_RANKX'] + global_tag self.outgoing_tag = self.tags['ERROR_ON_RANK0'] + global_tag else: self.incoming_tag = self.tags['ERROR_ON_RANK0'] + global_tag self.outgoing_tag = self.tags['ERROR_ON_RANKX'] + global_tag self.outgoing = None self.incoming = [ MPIRequestWrapper( self.comm.irecv(source=i, tag=self.incoming_tag), polling_interval=0) for i in self.partner_ranks] self._first_use = False
[docs] def recv(self, wait=False): r"""Check for response to receive request.""" results = [] for i, x in enumerate(self.incoming): if wait: x.wait() completed, result = x.test() if ((completed and ((self.rank != 0) or (result[1] not in self.closing_messages)))): self.incoming[i] = MPIRequestWrapper( self.comm.irecv( source=self.partner_ranks[i], tag=self.incoming_tag), polling_interval=0) results.append((completed, result)) return results
[docs] def send(self, msg): r"""Send a message.""" if (self.rank == 0) or (self.outgoing is None): for i in self.partner_ranks: self.comm.send(msg, dest=i, tag=self.outgoing_tag) if (self.rank != 0) and (msg[1] in self.closing_messages): self.outgoing = msg
[docs] def finalize(self, failure): r"""Finalize an instance by waiting for completions. Args: failure (bool): True if there was an error. """ complete = True try: complete = self.sync(msg='COMPLETE', local_error=failure, check_complete=True, sync_tag=True) finally: while not complete: # pragma: debug complete = self.sync(msg='COMPLETE', local_error=failure, check_complete=True, dont_raise=True, sync_tag=True)
[docs] def sync(self, local_tag=None, msg=None, get_tags=False, check_equal=False, dont_raise=False, local_error=False, sync_tag=False, check_complete=False): r"""Synchronize processes. Args: local_tag (int): Next tag that will be used by the local MPI comm. get_tags (bool, optional): If True, tags will be exchanged between all processes. Defaults to False. check_equal (bool, optional): If True, tags will be checked to be equal. Defaults to False. dont_raise (bool, optional): If True and a MPIPartnerError were to be raised, the sync will abort. Defaults to False. Raises: MPIPartnerError: If there was an error on one of the other MPI processes. AssertionError: If check_equal is True and the tags are not equivalent. """ if local_tag is None: local_tag = self.global_tag remote_error = False if msg is None: msg = 'TAG' if local_error: # pragma: debug msg = 'ERROR' if self.outgoing is not None: # pragma: debug msg = self.outgoing if self.rank != 0: self.send((local_tag, msg)) out = self.recv(wait=True) complete, results = out[0] # self.recv(wait=True)[0] assert complete else: if (self.outgoing is None) and (msg in self.closing_messages): self.outgoing = msg results = [(True, (local_tag, msg))] + self.recv(wait=True) # TODO: Check for completion (instead of error) self.send(results) remote_error = any((x[0] and (x[1][1] == 'ERROR')) for x in results) all_tag = [x[1][0] for x in results] if sync_tag: self.global_tag = max(all_tag) else: self.global_tag = local_tag if remote_error and (not local_error) and (not dont_raise): # pragma: debug raise MPIPartnerError("Error on another process.") if check_equal and not (remote_error or local_error): assert all((x == local_tag) for x in all_tag) if check_complete: return all(x[1][1] in self.closing_messages for x in results) if get_tags: return all_tag
# class LockedWeakValueDict(LockedDict): # r"""Dictionary of weakrefs that can be shared between threads.""" # _base_class = weakref.WeakValueDictionary # _base_attr = ['data'] # _base_meth = ['itervaluerefs', 'valuerefs'] # def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # self._dict_refs = {} # super(LockedWeakValueDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # def add_subdict(self, key): # r"""Add a subdictionary.""" # self._dict_refs[key] = weakref.WeakValueDictionary() # self[key] = self._dict_refs[key]
[docs]class YggTask(YggClass): r"""Class for managing Ygg thread/process.""" _disconnect_attr = (YggClass._disconnect_attr + ['context', 'lock', 'process_instance', 'error_flag', 'start_flag', 'terminate_flag', 'pipe']) def __init__(self, name=None, target=None, args=(), kwargs=None, daemon=False, group=None, task_method='thread', context=None, with_pipe=False, **ygg_kwargs): if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} if (target is not None) and ('target' in self._schema_properties): ygg_kwargs['target'] = target target = None self.context = Context.from_base(task_method=task_method, base=context) self.as_process = self.context.parallel if self.as_process: self.in_process = False self.pipe = None self.send_pipe = None if with_pipe: self.pipe = self.context._base.Pipe() kwargs['send_pipe'] = self.pipe[1] else: self.in_process = True process_kwargs = dict( name=name, group=group, daemon=daemon, self.process_instance = self.context.Task(**process_kwargs) self._ygg_target = target self._ygg_args = args self._ygg_kwargs = kwargs self.lock = self.context.RLock() self.create_flag_attr('error_flag') self.create_flag_attr('start_flag') self.create_flag_attr('terminate_flag') self._calling_thread = None self.state = '' super(YggTask, self).__init__(name, **ygg_kwargs) if not self.as_process: global _thread_registry global _lock_registry _thread_registry[] = self.process_instance._base _lock_registry[] = self.lock._base atexit.register(self.atexit) def __getstate__(self): out = super(YggTask, self).__getstate__() out.pop('_input_args', None) out.pop('_input_kwargs', None) return out
[docs] def atexit(self): # pragma: debug r"""Actions performed when python exits.""" if self.is_alive():'Thread alive at exit') self.cleanup()
[docs] def printStatus(self, return_str=False): r"""Print the class status.""" fmt = '%s(%s): state: %s' args = (self.__module__, self.print_name, self.state) if return_str: msg, _ = self.logger.process(fmt, {}) return msg % args, *args)
[docs] def cleanup(self): r"""Actions to perform to clean up the thread after it has stopped.""" self.disconnect()
[docs] def create_flag_attr(self, attr): r"""Create a flag.""" setattr(self, attr, self.context.Event())
[docs] def get_flag_attr(self, attr): r"""Return the flag attribute.""" return getattr(self, attr)
[docs] def set_flag_attr(self, attr, value=True): r"""Set a flag.""" if value: self.get_flag_attr(attr).set() else: self.get_flag_attr(attr).clear()
[docs] def clear_flag_attr(self, attr): r"""Clear a flag.""" self.set_flag_attr(attr, value=False)
[docs] def check_flag_attr(self, attr): r"""Determine if a flag is set.""" return self.get_flag_attr(attr).is_set()
[docs] def wait_flag_attr(self, attr, timeout=None): r"""Wait until a flag is True.""" return self.get_flag_attr(attr).wait(timeout=timeout)
[docs] def start(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Start thread/process and print info.""" self.state = 'starting' if not self.was_terminated: self.set_started_flag() self.before_start() self.process_instance.start(*args, **kwargs)
# self._calling_thread = self.get_current_task()
[docs] def before_start(self): r"""Actions to perform on the main thread/process before starting the thread/process.""" self.debug('')
[docs] def run(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Continue running until terminate event set.""" self.debug("Starting method") self.state = 'running' try: self.run_init() self.call_target() except BaseException: # pragma: debug self.state = 'error' self.run_error() finally: self.run_finally() if self.state != 'error': self.state = 'finished'
[docs] def run_init(self): r"""Actions to perform at beginning of run.""" # atexit.register(self.atexit) self.debug('pid = %s, ident = %s',, self.ident) self.in_process = True if self.as_process and ('send_pipe' in self._ygg_kwargs): self.send_pipe = self._ygg_kwargs.pop('send_pipe')
[docs] def call_target(self): r"""Call target.""" if self._ygg_target: self._ygg_target(*self._ygg_args, **self._ygg_kwargs)
[docs] def run_error(self): # pragma: debug r"""Actions to perform on error in try/except wrapping run.""" self.exception("%s ERROR", self.context.task_method.upper()) self.set_flag_attr('error_flag')
[docs] def run_finally(self): r"""Actions to perform in finally clause of try/except wrapping run.""" if self.as_process: if self.send_pipe is not None: self.send_pipe.close() for k in ['_ygg_target', '_ygg_args', '_ygg_kwargs']: if hasattr(self, k): delattr(self, k)
[docs] def join(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Join the process/thread.""" return self.process_instance.join(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def is_alive(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Determine if the process/thread is alive.""" return self.process_instance.is_alive(*args, **kwargs)
@property def pid(self): r"""Process ID.""" return @property def ident(self): r"""Process ID.""" return self.process_instance.ident @property def daemon(self): r"""bool: Indicates whether the thread/process is daemonic or not.""" return self.process_instance.daemon @property def exitcode(self): r"""Exit code.""" if self.as_process: out = int(self.check_flag_attr('error_flag')) if self.process_instance.exitcode: out = self.process_instance.exitcode return out else: return int(self.check_flag_attr('error_flag')) @property def returncode(self): r"""Return code.""" return self.exitcode
[docs] def kill(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Kill the process.""" self.process_instance.kill(*args, **kwargs) return self.terminate(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def terminate(self, no_wait=False): r"""Set the terminate event and wait for the thread/process to stop. Args: no_wait (bool, optional): If True, terminate will not block until the thread/process stops. Defaults to False and blocks. Raises: AssertionError: If no_wait is False and the thread/process has not stopped after the timeout. """ self.debug('') with self.lock: self.state = 'terminated' if self.was_terminated: # pragma: debug self.debug('Driver already terminated.') return self.set_terminated_flag() if not no_wait: # if self.is_alive(): # self.join(self.timeout) self.wait(timeout=self.timeout) assert not self.is_alive()
# if self.as_process: # self.process_instance.terminate()
[docs] def poll(self): r"""Check if the process is finished and return the return code if it is.""" out = None if not self.is_alive(): out = self.returncode return out
[docs] def get_current_task(self): r"""Get the current process/thread.""" return self.context.current_task()
[docs] def get_main_proc(self): r"""Get the main process/thread.""" return self.context.main_task()
[docs] def set_started_flag(self, value=True): r"""Set the started flag for the thread/process to True.""" self.set_flag_attr('start_flag', value=value)
[docs] def set_terminated_flag(self, value=True): r"""Set the terminated flag for the thread/process to True.""" self.set_flag_attr('terminate_flag', value=value)
@property def was_started(self): r"""bool: True if the thread/process was started. False otherwise.""" return self.check_flag_attr('start_flag') @property def was_terminated(self): r"""bool: True if the thread/process was terminated. False otherwise.""" return self.check_flag_attr('terminate_flag') @property def main_terminated(self): r"""bool: True if the main thread/process has terminated.""" return (not self.get_main_proc().is_alive())
[docs] def wait(self, timeout=None, key=None): r"""Wait until thread/process finish to return using sleeps rather than blocking. Args: timeout (float, optional): Maximum time that should be waited for the driver to finish. Defaults to None and is infinite. key (str, optional): Key that should be used to register the timeout. Defaults to None and is set based on the stack trace. """ self.wait_on_function(lambda: not self.is_alive(), timeout=timeout, key_level=1, key=key)
[docs]class BreakLoopException(BaseException): r"""Special exception that can be raised by the target function for a loop in order to break the loop.""" __slots__ = ["break_stack"] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): import traceback self.break_stack = ''.join(traceback.format_stack()) super(BreakLoopException, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class BreakLoopError(BreakLoopException): r"""Version of BreakLoopException that sets an error message.""" pass
[docs]class YggTaskLoop(YggTask): r"""Class to run a loop inside a thread/process.""" _disconnect_attr = (YggTask._disconnect_attr + ['break_flag', 'loop_flag', 'unpause_flag']) def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(YggTaskLoop, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._1st_main_terminated = False self._loop_count = 0 self.create_flag_attr('break_flag') self.create_flag_attr('loop_flag') self.create_flag_attr('unpause_flag') self.set_flag_attr('unpause_flag', value=True) self.break_stack = None @property def loop_count(self): r"""int: Number of loops performed.""" with self.lock: return self._loop_count
[docs] def on_main_terminated(self, dont_break=False): # pragma: debug r"""Actions performed when 1st main terminated. Args: dont_break (bool, optional): If True, the break flag won't be set. Defaults to False. """ self._1st_main_terminated = True if not dont_break: self.debug("on_main_terminated") self.set_break_flag()
[docs] def set_break_flag(self, value=True, break_stack=None): r"""Set the break flag for the thread/process to True.""" if self.break_stack is None: if break_stack is None: import traceback break_stack = ''.join(traceback.format_stack()) self.break_stack = break_stack self.set_flag_attr('break_flag', value=value) if value: self.set_flag_attr('unpause_flag', value=True)
[docs] def pause(self): r"""Pause the loop execution.""" self.set_flag_attr('unpause_flag', value=False)
[docs] def resume(self): r"""Resume the loop execution.""" self.set_flag_attr('unpause_flag', value=True)
@property def was_break(self): r"""bool: True if the break flag was set.""" return self.check_flag_attr('break_flag')
[docs] def set_loop_flag(self, value=True): r"""Set the loop flag for the thread/process to True.""" self.set_flag_attr('loop_flag', value=value)
@property def was_loop(self): r"""bool: True if the thread/process was loop. False otherwise.""" return self.check_flag_attr('loop_flag')
[docs] def wait_for_loop(self, timeout=None, key=None, nloop=0): r"""Wait until thread/process enters loop to return using sleeps rather than blocking. Args: timeout (float, optional): Maximum time that should be waited for the thread/process to enter loop. Defaults to None and is infinite. key (str, optional): Key that should be used to register the timeout. Defaults to None and is set based on the stack trace. nloop (int, optional): Number of loops that should be performed before breaking. Defaults to 0. """ self.wait_on_function( lambda: (self.was_loop and (self.loop_count >= nloop) or (not self.is_alive())), timeout=timeout, key=key, key_level=1)
[docs] def before_loop(self): r"""Actions performed before the loop.""" self.debug('')
[docs] def after_loop(self): r"""Actions performed after the loop.""" self.debug('')
[docs] def call_target(self): r"""Call target.""" self.debug("Starting loop") self.before_loop() if (not self.was_break): self.set_loop_flag() while (not self.was_break): if ((self.main_terminated and (not self._1st_main_terminated))): # pragma: debug self.on_main_terminated() else: self.wait_flag_attr('unpause_flag') try: self.run_loop() except BreakLoopError as e: self.error("BreakLoopError: %s", e) self.set_break_flag(break_stack=e.break_stack) except BreakLoopException as e: self.debug("BreakLoopException: %s", e) self.set_break_flag(break_stack=e.break_stack) if not self.break_stack: self.set_break_flag()
[docs] def run_loop(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Actions performed on each loop iteration.""" if self._ygg_target: self._ygg_target(*self._ygg_args, **self._ygg_kwargs) else: self.set_break_flag() with self.lock: self._loop_count += 1
[docs] def run_error(self): # pragma: debug r"""Actions to perform on error in try/except wrapping run.""" super(YggTaskLoop, self).run_error() self.debug("run_error") self.set_break_flag()
[docs] def run(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Continue running until terminate event set.""" super(YggTaskLoop, self).run(*args, **kwargs) try: self.after_loop() except BaseException: # pragma: debug self.exception("AFTER LOOP ERROR") self.set_flag_attr('error_flag')
[docs] def terminate(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Also set break flag.""" self.debug("terminate") self.set_break_flag() super(YggTaskLoop, self).terminate(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class MemoryTracker(YggTaskLoop): r"""Class to track the memory used by another process. Args: pid (int): Process ID for the process that should be tracked. interval (float, optional): Time (in seconds) that should be waiting between memory usage checks. Defaults to 1 second. """ def __init__(self, pid, interval=1.0): self.track_pid = pid self.track_interval = interval self.record = [] super(MemoryTracker, self).__init__(target=self.record_memory)
[docs] def record_memory(self): import psutil if not psutil.pid_exists(self.track_pid): # pragma: debug self.set_break_flag() return process = psutil.Process(self.track_pid) children = process.children(recursive=True) total_mem = process.memory_info().rss / 1024 ** 2 child_mem = 0 for x in children: child_mem += x.memory_info().rss / 1024 ** 2 self.record.append(total_mem + child_mem) sleep(self.track_interval)
@property def max_memory(self): return max(self.record)