Source code for yggdrasil.command_line

import os
import sys
import copy
import logging
import subprocess
import argparse
import pprint
import shutil
import sysconfig
from yggdrasil import constants
LANGUAGES = getattr(constants, 'LANGUAGES', {})

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
package_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

[docs]def githook(): r"""Git hook to determine if the Github workflow need to be re-generated.""" # This check is not required when using pre-commit package # try: # files = subprocess.check_output( # ["git", "diff-index", "--cached", "--name-only", # "--diff-filter=ACMRTUXB", "HEAD"], # stderr=subprocess.PIPE).decode('utf-8').splitlines() # except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # return 1 # regen = (os.path.join('utils', 'test-install-base.yml') in files) regen = True if regen: try: gitdir = subprocess.check_output( ["git", "rev-parse", "--git-dir"], stderr=subprocess.PIPE).decode('utf-8').strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return 1 workflow_dir = os.path.join(gitdir, '..', '.github', 'workflows') generate_gha_workflow(args=[], gitdir=gitdir) try: ['git', 'add', os.path.join(workflow_dir, 'test-install.yml')], check=True, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return 1 return 0
[docs]class ArgumentTuple(tuple): def __new__(self, args, kwargs): return tuple.__new__(ArgumentTuple, (args, kwargs))
[docs]class ConditionalArgumentTuple(ArgumentTuple): def __new__(cls, args, kwargs, conditions=None): out = ArgumentTuple.__new__(ConditionalArgumentTuple, args, kwargs) out.conditions = conditions if out.conditions is None: out.conditions = {} return out
[docs]class ArgumentBase(object): def __init__(self, arguments=None, conditions=None, **kwargs): self.arguments = arguments if self.arguments is None: self.arguments = [] self.conditions = conditions if self.conditions is None: self.conditions = {} self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs]class ArgumentParser(ArgumentBase): pass
[docs]class ArgumentGroup(ArgumentBase): def __init__(self, exclusive=False, **kwargs): self.exclusive = exclusive super(ArgumentGroup, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class ArgumentSubparser(ArgumentBase): def __init__(self, parsers=None, **kwargs): self.parsers = parsers if self.parsers is None: self.parsers = [] super(ArgumentSubparser, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class SubCommandMeta(type): r"""Meta class for subcommands.""" def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): return*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def ReplacementWarning(old, new): import warnings warnings.warn(("'%s' will soon be removed. Use '%s' instead.") % (old, new), FutureWarning)
[docs]class SubCommand(metaclass=SubCommandMeta): r"""Class for handling subcommands so that they can be run as subcommands or individually.""" name = None help = None arguments = [] allow_unknown = False
[docs] @classmethod def parse_args(cls, parser, args=None, allow_unknown=False, namespace=None): # TODO: Check choices for positional arguments that can # have more than one element if isinstance(args, argparse.Namespace): return args kws = dict(args=args) if namespace is not None: kws['namespace'] = namespace if cls.allow_unknown or allow_unknown: args, extra = parser.parse_known_args(**kws) args._extra_commands = extra else: args = parser.parse_args(**kws) for k in ['language', 'languages']: v = getattr(args, k, None) if isinstance(v, list): v_flag = getattr(args, k + '_flag', None) if isinstance(v_flag, list): v.extend(v_flag) if (len(v) == 0) or ('all' in v): setattr(args, k, LANGUAGES.get('all', [])) args.all_languages = True return args
[docs] @classmethod def func(cls, args): # pragma: debug raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @classmethod def call(cls, args=None, namespace=None, **kwargs): parser = cls.get_parser(args=args) args = cls.parse_args(parser, args=args, namespace=namespace) return cls.func(args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def get_parser(cls, args=None): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( cls.add_arguments(parser, args=args) return parser
[docs] @classmethod def add_argument_to_parser(cls, parser, x): if hasattr(x, 'conditions') and x.conditions: for k, v in x.conditions.items(): if k == 'os': from yggdrasil import platform if platform._platform not in v: return else: # pragma: debug raise NotImplementedError(k) if isinstance(x, list): for xx in x: cls.add_argument_to_parser(parser, xx) elif isinstance(x, (tuple, ArgumentTuple, ConditionalArgumentTuple)): assert len(x) == 2 args, kwargs = x[:] try: parser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs) except ValueError: if kwargs.get('action', None) == 'extend': kwargs['action'] = 'append' kwargs.pop('nargs', None) parser.add_argument(*args, **kwargs) else: raise elif isinstance(x, ArgumentGroup): if x.exclusive: group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(**x.kwargs) else: group = parser.add_argument_group(**x.kwargs) cls.add_argument_to_parser(group, x.arguments) elif isinstance(x, ArgumentSubparser): subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(**x.kwargs) for xx in x.parsers: isubparser = subparsers.add_parser(**xx.kwargs) cls.add_argument_to_parser(isubparser, x.arguments) cls.add_argument_to_parser(isubparser, xx.arguments) else: raise NotImplementedError("type(x) = %s" % type(x))
[docs] @classmethod def runtime_arguments(cls): return []
[docs] @classmethod def add_arguments(cls, parser, args=None): args = copy.deepcopy(cls.arguments) for new_param in cls.runtime_arguments(): for old_param in args: if new_param[0] == old_param[0]: old_param[1].update(new_param[1]) cls.add_argument_to_parser(parser, cls.arguments)
[docs] @classmethod def add_subparser(cls, subparsers, args=None): parser = subparsers.add_parser(, cls.add_arguments(parser, args=args) parser.set_defaults(func=cls.func)
[docs]class yggrun(SubCommand): r"""Start a run.""" name = "run" help = "Run an integration." arguments = [ (('yamlfile', ), {'nargs': '+', 'help': "One or more yaml specification files."}), (('--with-mpi', '--mpi-nproc'), {'type': int, 'default': 1, 'help': 'Number of MPI processes to run on.'}), (('--mpi-tag-start', ), {'type': int, 'default': 0, 'help': 'Tag that MPI communications should start at.'}), (('--validate', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': ('Validate the run via model validation commands on ' 'completion.')}), (('--with-debugger', ), {'type': str, 'help': ('Run all models with a specific debuggin tool. If ' 'quoted, this can also include flags for the tool.')}), (('--disable-python-c-api', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Disable access to the Python C API from yggdrasil.'}), (('--with-asan', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Compile models with the address sanitizer enabled.'}), (('--as-service', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Run the provided YAMLs as a service.'}), (('--partial-commtype', ), {'type': str, 'default': 'rest', 'help': ('Type of communicator to use for partial comms when ' '--as-service is passed')}), (('--client-id', ), {'type': str, 'help': ('ID associated with the client requesting a service. ' '(This should only be passed when running with ' '--as-service)')}), ]
[docs] @classmethod def add_arguments(cls, parser, **kwargs): from yggdrasil import config super(yggrun, cls).add_arguments(parser, **kwargs) config.get_config_parser(parser, skip_sections='testing')
[docs] @classmethod def func(cls, args): if args.with_mpi > 1: new_args = ['mpiexec', '-n', str(args.with_mpi)] i = 0 while i < len(sys.argv): x = sys.argv[i] if x.startswith(('--with-mpi', '--mpi-nproc')): if '=' not in x: i += 1 else: new_args.append(x) i += 1 return subprocess.check_call(new_args) from yggdrasil import runner, config prog = sys.argv[0].split(os.path.sep)[-1] with config.parser_config(args): kwargs = dict( ygg_debug_prefix=prog, production_run=args.production_run, mpi_tag_start=args.mpi_tag_start, validate=args.validate, with_debugger=args.with_debugger, disable_python_c_api=args.disable_python_c_api, with_asan=args.with_asan, as_service=args.as_service) if args.as_service: kwargs['complete_partial'] = True if not args.partial_commtype: args.partial_commtype = 'rest' if args.partial_commtype: kwargs['partial_commtype'] = { 'commtype': args.partial_commtype} if args.as_service and args.partial_commtype == 'rest': assert args.client_id kwargs['partial_commtype']['client_id'] = args.client_id, **kwargs)
[docs]class integration_service_manager(SubCommand): r"""Start or manage the yggdrasil service manager.""" name = "integration-service-manager" help = "Start or manage a integration service manager." arguments = [ (('--manager-name', ), {'help': "Name that will be used to identify the service manager."}), (('--service-type', ), {'choices': ['flask', 'rmq'], 'help': ("Type of service that should be started. If not " "provided, the default will be the (\'services\', " "\'default_type\') configuration option, if set, and " "will otherwise be \'flask\'.")}), (('--commtype', ), {'type': str, 'help': ("Type of communicator that should be used for connections " "to services. If not provided, the default will be " "determined by the (\'services\', \'default_comm\') " "configuration option, if set.")}), (('--address', ), {'type': str, 'help': ('URL for requests to the service manager. ' 'If not provided, the default will be determined by the ' '(\'services\', \'default_type\') configuration option, ' 'if set, and based on the selected \'service-type\', if ' 'not. For a service-type of \'flask\', this should be the ' 'http address with the port that should be used ' 'and the default will be \'http://localhost:{port}\'. ' 'For a service-type of \'rmq\', this should be an ' 'amqp broker address and the default will be ' '\'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:{port}/%%2f\'.')}), (('--port', ), {'type': int, 'help': ('Port that should be used to access the app. ' 'Defaults to 5000 for a flask service manager and ' '5672 for a RabbitMQ service manager if not set ' 'via the PORT environment variable.')}), ArgumentSubparser( title='action', dest='action', description='Management action to take.', parsers=[ ArgumentParser( name='start', help=('Start an integration service manager and/or ' 'integration service.'), arguments=[ (('--remote-url', ), {'type': str, 'help': ('URL that will be used to access ' 'the service manager and running ' 'integrations by remote requests. ' 'If not provided, the environment ' 'variable YGGDRASIL_SERVICE_HOST_URL ' 'will be used if it is set. If it is ' 'not set, the local ``address`` will ' 'be used under the assumption that ' 'the service manager and integration ' 'services will only be connected to ' 'by local integrations.')}), (('--integration-name', ), {'default': None, 'help': ('Name of integration to start. If not ' 'provided, a service manager will be ' 'started.')}), (('--integration-yamls', ), {'nargs': '+', 'help': ('One or more YAML specification files ' 'defining the integration. This argument ' 'may be omitted if \'name\' refers to a ' 'registered integration.')}), (('--with-coverage', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': ('Enable coverage cleanup for testing.')}), (('--model-repository', ), {'type': str, 'help': ('URL for a directory in a Git repository ' 'containing models that should be loaded ' 'into the service manager registry.')}), (('--track-memory', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': ('Track the memory used by the ' 'service manager.')}), (('--log-level', ), {'type': int, 'help': ('Level of logging that should be ' 'performed for the service manager ' 'application.')})]), ArgumentParser( name='stop', help=('Stop an integration service manager or ' 'an integration service.'), arguments=[ (('--integration-name', ), {'default': None, 'help': ('Name of integration to stop. If not ' 'provided, the service manager will be ' 'stopped as will all of the running ' 'services.')})]), ArgumentParser( name='status', help=('Get list of available services and the status ' 'of any running services.')), ArgumentParser( name='register', help='Register an integration with the service manager.', arguments=[ (('integration-name', ), {'type': str, 'help': ('The name that the integration should be ' 'registered under or the path to a YAML ' 'file containing a list of one or more ' 'mappings between name and YAML ' 'specification files for integrations ' 'that should be registered.')}), (('integration-yamls', ), {'nargs': '*', 'help': ('One or more YAML specification files ' 'defining the integration.')})]), ArgumentParser( name='unregister', help='Unregister an integration with the service manager.', arguments=[ (('integration-name', ), {'type': str, 'help': ('The name of the integration to remove ' 'from the registry or the path to a YAML ' 'file containing a list of one or more ' 'mappings between integration name and ' 'YAML specification files for ' 'integrations that should be ' 'unregistered.')})]), ])]
[docs] @classmethod def func(cls, args): from import IntegrationServiceManager integration_name = getattr(args, 'integration-name', getattr(args, 'integration_name', None)) integration_yamls0 = getattr(args, 'integration-yamls', getattr(args, 'integration_yamls', None)) integration_yamls = [] if integration_yamls0: for yml in integration_yamls0: if not os.path.isabs(yml): yml = os.path.abspath(yml) integration_yamls.append(yml) elif integration_name and os.path.isfile(integration_name): if not os.path.isabs(integration_name): integration_name = os.path.abspath(integration_name) for_request = ( (args.action in ['status', 'register', 'unregister', 'stop']) or (integration_name is not None)) x = IntegrationServiceManager(name=args.manager_name, service_type=args.service_type, commtype=args.commtype, address=args.address, port=args.port, for_request=for_request) if args.action in ['start', None]: if integration_name is None: if not x.is_running: x.start_server( remote_url=getattr(args, 'remote_url', None), with_coverage=getattr(args, 'with_coverage', False), model_repository=getattr(args, 'model_repository', None), log_level=getattr(args, 'log_level', None), track_memory=getattr(args, 'track_memory', False)) else: x.send_request(integration_name, yamls=integration_yamls, action='start') elif args.action == 'stop': if integration_name is None: x.stop_server() else: x.send_request(integration_name, action='stop') elif args.action == 'status': x.printStatus() elif args.action == 'register': x.registry.add(name=integration_name, yamls=integration_yamls) elif args.action == 'unregister': x.registry.remove(name=integration_name) else: raise NotImplementedError(args.action)
[docs]class ygginfo(SubCommand): r"""Print information about yggdrasil installation.""" name = 'info' help = ('Display information about the current yggdrasil ' 'installation.') arguments = [ (('--no-languages', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'dest': 'no_languages', 'help': ('Don\'t print information about individual ' 'languages.')}), (('--no-comms', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'dest': 'no_comms', 'help': ('Don\'t print information about individual ' 'comms.')}), (('--verbose', '-v'), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': ('Increase the verbosity of the printed ' 'information.')}), ArgumentSubparser( title='tool', dest='tool', description='Compilation tool types to get info about.', arguments=[ (('language', ), {'choices': LANGUAGES_WITH_ALIASES.get('compiled', []), 'type': str.lower, 'help': 'Language to get tool information for.'}), (('--toolname', ), {'default': None, 'help': ('Name of tool to get information for. ' 'If not provided, information for the ' 'default tool will be returned.')}), (('--flags', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': ('Display the flags that yggdrasil will ' ' pass to the tool when it is called.')}), (('--fullpath', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Get the full path to the tool exectuable.'}), (('--disable-python-c-api', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Disable access to the Python C API from yggdrasil.'}), (('--with-asan', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': "Compile with Clang ASAN if available."}), ], parsers=[ ArgumentParser( name='compiler', help='Get information about a compiler.'), ArgumentParser( name='linker', help='Get information about a linker.', arguments=[ (('--library', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Get flags for linking a library.'})]), ArgumentParser( name='archiver', help='Get information about a archiver.')])]
[docs] @classmethod def func(cls, args, return_str=False): from yggdrasil import platform from yggdrasil.components import import_component if args.tool: drv = import_component('model', args.language) if args.flags: if args.tool == 'compiler': flags = drv.get_compiler_flags( for_model=True, toolname=args.toolname, dry_run=True, dont_link=True, disable_python_c_api=args.disable_python_c_api, with_asan=args.with_asan) if '/link' in flags: # pragma: windows flags = flags[:flags.index('/link')] for k in ['-c']: if k in flags: flags.remove(k) else: if args.tool == 'archiver': libtype = 'static' elif getattr(args, 'library', False): libtype = 'shared' else: libtype = 'object' flags = drv.get_linker_flags( for_model=True, toolname=args.toolname, dry_run=True, libtype=libtype, disable_python_c_api=args.disable_python_c_api, with_asan=args.with_asan) out = ' '.join(flags) if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows: out = out.replace('/', '-') out = out.replace('\\', '/') elif args.fullpath: out = drv.get_tool(args.tool).get_executable(full_path=True) else: out = drv.get_tool(args.tool, return_prop='name') if return_str: return out print(out) return from yggdrasil import tools, config, __version__ lang_list = tools.get_installed_lang() comm_list = tools.get_installed_comm() comm_lang_list = [] prefix = ' ' curr_prefix = '' vardict = [ ('Location', os.path.dirname(__file__)), ('Version', __version__), ('Languages', ', '.join(lang_list)), ('Communication Mechanisms', ', '.join(tools.get_installed_comm())), ('Default Comm Mechanism', tools.get_default_comm()), ('Config File', config.usr_config_file)] try: # Add language information if not args.no_languages: # Install languages vardict.append(('Installed Languages:', '')) curr_prefix += prefix for lang in sorted(lang_list): drv = import_component('model', lang) vardict.append( (curr_prefix + '%s:' % lang.upper(), '')) if not drv.comms_implicit: comm_lang_list.append(lang) curr_prefix += prefix exec_name = drv.language_executable() if exec_name: if not os.path.isabs(exec_name): exec_name = shutil.which(exec_name) vardict.append((curr_prefix + 'Location', exec_name)) vardict.append((curr_prefix + 'Version', drv.language_version())) curr_prefix = curr_prefix.rsplit(prefix, 1)[0] curr_prefix = curr_prefix.rsplit(prefix, 1)[0] # Not installed languages vardict.append(("Languages Not Installed:", '')) curr_prefix += prefix for lang in tools.get_supported_lang(): if lang in lang_list: continue drv = import_component('model', lang) vardict.append( (curr_prefix + '%s:' % lang.upper(), '')) curr_prefix += prefix vardict.append( (curr_prefix + "Language Installed", drv.is_language_installed())) if drv.executable_type == 'compiler': curr_prefix += prefix vardict += [ (curr_prefix + ("%s Installed (%s)" % (x.title(), getattr(drv, 'default_%s' % x, None))), drv.is_tool_installed(x)) for x in ['compiler', 'linker', 'archiver']] curr_prefix = curr_prefix.rsplit(prefix, 1)[0] vardict.append( (curr_prefix + "Base Languages Installed", drv.are_base_languages_installed())) missing = [] if not drv.are_base_languages_installed( missing=missing): vardict.append( (curr_prefix + "Base Languages Not Installed", missing)) vardict.append( (curr_prefix + "Dependencies Installed", drv.are_dependencies_installed())) if not drv.are_dependencies_installed(): vardict.append( (curr_prefix + "Dependencies Not Installed", [b for b in drv.interface_dependencies if (not drv.is_library_installed(b))])) vardict.append( (curr_prefix + "Interface Installed", drv.is_interface_installed())) vardict.append((curr_prefix + "Comm Installed", drv.is_comm_installed())) vardict.append((curr_prefix + "Configured", drv.is_configured())) if not vardict[-1][1]: curr_prefix += prefix for k, v in drv.configuration_steps().items(): vardict.append((curr_prefix + k, v)) curr_prefix = curr_prefix.rsplit(prefix, 1)[0] curr_prefix = curr_prefix.rsplit(prefix, 1)[0] curr_prefix = curr_prefix.rsplit(prefix, 1)[0] # Add comm information if not args.no_comms: # Fully installed comms vardict.append( ('Comms Available for All Languages:', '')) curr_prefix += prefix for comm in sorted(comm_list): cmm = import_component('comm', comm) vardict.append( (curr_prefix + '%s' % comm.upper(), '')) curr_prefix = curr_prefix.rsplit(prefix, 1)[0] # Partially installed comms vardict.append( ('Comms Available for Some/No Languages:', '')) curr_prefix += prefix for comm in tools.get_supported_comm(): if comm in comm_list: continue cmm = import_component('comm', comm) vardict.append( (curr_prefix + '%s:' % comm.upper(), '')) curr_prefix += prefix avail = [cmm.is_installed(language=lang) for lang in comm_lang_list] vardict.append( (curr_prefix + "Available for ", sorted([comm_lang_list[i].upper() for i in range(len(avail)) if avail[i]]))) vardict.append( (curr_prefix + "Not Available for ", sorted([comm_lang_list[i].upper() for i in range(len(avail)) if not avail[i]]))) curr_prefix = curr_prefix.rsplit(prefix, 1)[0] curr_prefix = curr_prefix.rsplit(prefix, 1)[0] # Add verbose information if args.verbose: # Path variables path_vars = ['PATH', 'C_INCLUDE_PATH', 'INCLUDE', 'LIBRARY_PATH', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH', 'LIB'] vardict.append(('Environment paths:', '')) curr_prefix += prefix for k in path_vars: if os.environ.get(k, ''): vardict.append( (curr_prefix + k, '\n%s%s' % (curr_prefix + prefix, ("\n" + curr_prefix + prefix).join( os.environ[k].split(os.pathsep))))) else: vardict.append((curr_prefix + k, '')) curr_prefix = curr_prefix.rsplit(prefix, 1)[0] # Environment variabless env_vars = ['CONDA_PREFIX', 'CONDA', 'SDKROOT', 'CC', 'CXX', 'FC', 'GFORTRAN', 'DISPLAY', 'CL', '_CL_', 'LD', 'CFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS', 'LDFLAGS', 'CONDA_JL_HOME', 'CONDA_JL_CONDA_EXE', 'JULIA_DEPOT_PATH', 'JULIA_LOAD_PATH', 'JULIA_PROJECT', 'JULIA_SSL_CA_ROOTS_PATH'] if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows env_vars += ['VCPKG_ROOT'] vardict.append(('Environment variables:', '')) curr_prefix += prefix for k in env_vars: vardict.append( (curr_prefix + k, os.environ.get(k, None))) curr_prefix = curr_prefix.rsplit(prefix, 1)[0] # Locations of executables for x in ['git', 'mpiexec', 'mpicc']: vardict.append((f'{x} Location:', shutil.which(x))) # Conda info if os.environ.get('CONDA_PREFIX', ''): if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows out = tools.bytes2str(subprocess.check_output( 'conda info', shell=True)).strip() else: out = tools.bytes2str(subprocess.check_output( ['conda', 'info'])).strip() curr_prefix += prefix vardict.append( (curr_prefix + 'Conda Info:', "\n%s%s" % (curr_prefix + prefix, ("\n" + curr_prefix + prefix).join( out.splitlines(False))))) curr_prefix = curr_prefix.rsplit(prefix, 1)[0] # Configuration with open(config.usr_config_file, 'r') as fd: contents = vardict.append( ('Configuration file:', '%s\n\t%s' % ( config.usr_config_file, '\n\t'.join(contents.splitlines())))) # R and reticulate info Rdrv = import_component("model", "R") if Rdrv.is_installed(): env_reticulate = copy.deepcopy(os.environ) env_reticulate['RETICULATE_PYTHON'] = sys.executable # Stack size out = Rdrv.run_executable( ["-e", "Cstack_info()"]).strip() vardict.append( (curr_prefix + "R Cstack_info:", "\n%s%s" % (curr_prefix + prefix, ("\n" + curr_prefix + prefix).join( out.splitlines(False))))) # Compilation tools interp = 'R'.join( Rdrv.get_interpreter().rsplit('Rscript', 1)) vardict.append( (curr_prefix + "R C Compiler:", "")) curr_prefix += prefix for x in ['CC', 'CFLAGS', 'CXX', 'CXXFLAGS']: try: out = tools.bytes2str( subprocess.check_output( [interp, 'CMD', 'config', x], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)).strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: out = 'ERROR (missing Rtools?)' vardict.append( (curr_prefix + x, "%s" % ("\n" + curr_prefix + prefix).join( out.splitlines(False)))) curr_prefix = curr_prefix.rsplit(prefix, 1)[0] # Session info out = Rdrv.run_executable( ["-e", "sessionInfo()"]).strip() vardict.append( (curr_prefix + "R sessionInfo:", "\n%s%s" % (curr_prefix + prefix, ("\n" + curr_prefix + prefix).join( out.splitlines(False))))) # Reticulate conda_list if os.environ.get('CONDA_PREFIX', ''): if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows out = tools.bytes2str(subprocess.check_output( 'conda info --json', shell=True)).strip() else: out = tools.bytes2str(subprocess.check_output( ['conda', 'info', '--json'])).strip() vardict.append( (curr_prefix + "conda info --json", "\n%s%s" % ( curr_prefix + prefix, ("\n" + curr_prefix + prefix).join( out.splitlines(False))))) try: out = Rdrv.run_executable( ["-e", ("library(reticulate); " "reticulate::conda_list()")], env=env_reticulate).strip() except BaseException: # pragma: debug out = 'ERROR' vardict.append( (curr_prefix + "R reticulate::conda_list():", "\n%s%s" % ( curr_prefix + prefix, ("\n" + curr_prefix + prefix).join( out.splitlines(False))))) # Windows python versions if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows out = Rdrv.run_executable( ["-e", ("library(reticulate); " "reticulate::py_versions_windows()")], env=env_reticulate).strip() vardict.append( (curr_prefix + "R reticulate::py_versions_windows():", "\n%s%s" % ( curr_prefix + prefix, ("\n" + curr_prefix + prefix).join( out.splitlines(False))))) # conda_binary if platform._is_win and shutil.which('conda'): # pragma: windows out = Rdrv.run_executable( ["-e", ("library(reticulate); " "conda <- reticulate:::conda_binary(\"auto\"); " "system(paste(conda, \"info --json\"))")], env=env_reticulate).strip() vardict.append( (curr_prefix + "R reticulate::py_versions_windows():", "\n%s%s" % ( curr_prefix + prefix, ("\n" + curr_prefix + prefix).join( out.splitlines(False))))) # Reticulate py_config out = Rdrv.run_executable( ["-e", ("library(reticulate); " "reticulate::py_config()")], env=env_reticulate).strip() vardict.append( (curr_prefix + "R reticulate::py_config():", "\n%s%s" % ( curr_prefix + prefix, ("\n" + curr_prefix + prefix).join( out.splitlines(False))))) # System config vars vardict.append(('Sysconfig Vars:', '')) curr_prefix += prefix for k, v in sysconfig.get_config_vars().items(): vardict.append((curr_prefix + k, v)) curr_prefix = curr_prefix.rsplit(prefix, 1)[0] # ASAN library asan_library = None Cdrv = import_component("model", "c") if Cdrv.is_installed(): asan_library = Cdrv.get_tool("compiler").asan_library() vardict.append(("Asan Library:", asan_library)) finally: # Print things max_len = max(len(x[0]) for x in vardict) lines = [] line_format = '%-' + str(max_len) + 's' + prefix + '%s' for k, v in vardict: lines.append(line_format % (k, v)) msg = "yggdrasil info:\n%s" % '\n'.join(lines) if return_str: return msg
[docs]class validate_yaml(SubCommand): r"""Validate a set of or or more YAMLs defining an integration.""" name = "validate" help = 'Validate a set of YAML specification files for an integration.' arguments = [ (('yamlfile', ), {'nargs': '+', 'help': 'One or more YAML specification files.'}), (('--model-only', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': ('Validate a YAML containing an isolated model without ' 'ensuring that it is part of a complete integration.')}), (('--model-submission', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': ('Validate a YAML against the requirements for ' 'submissions to the yggdrasil model repository.')})]
[docs] @classmethod def func(cls, args): if args.model_submission: from import validate_model_submission validate_model_submission(args.yamlfile) else: from yggdrasil import yamlfile yamlfile.parse_yaml(args.yamlfile, model_only=args.model_only, model_submission=args.model_submission)"Validation succesful.")
[docs]class yggcc(SubCommand): r"""Compile a program.""" name = "compile-model" help = ("Compile a program from source files for use in an " "yggdrasil integration.") arguments = [ (('source', ), {'nargs': '+', 'help': ("One or more source files or the directory containing an " "R package.")}), (('--language', ), {'default': None, 'choices': ([None] + LANGUAGES_WITH_ALIASES.get('compiled', []) + ['R', 'r']), 'help': ("Language of the source code. If not provided, " "the language will be determined from the " "source extension.")}), (('--toolname', ), {'help': "Name of compilation tool that should be used"}), (('--flags', ), {'nargs': '*', 'help': ("Additional flags that should be added to the compilation " "command")}), (('--use-ccache', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': "Run compilation with ccache."}), (('--Rpkg-language', ), {'help': ("Language that R package is written in " "(only used if the specified language is R).")}), (('--disable-python-c-api', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Disable access to the Python C API from yggdrasil.'}), (('--with-asan', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': "Compile with Clang ASAN if available."})]
[docs] @classmethod def func(cls, args): from yggdrasil.components import import_component from yggdrasil.constants import EXT2LANG if args.language is None: if (((len(args.source) == 1) and os.path.isdir(args.source[0]) and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(args.source[0], 'R')))): args.language = 'R' else: args.language = EXT2LANG[os.path.splitext(args.source[0])[-1]] drv = import_component('model', args.language) kws = {'toolname': args.toolname, 'flags': args.flags, 'use_ccache': args.use_ccache, 'disable_python_c_api': args.disable_python_c_api, 'with_asan': args.with_asan} if (args.language in ['r', 'R']) and args.Rpkg_language: kws['language'] = args.Rpkg_language print("executable: %s" % drv.call_compiler(args.source, **kws))
[docs]class yggcompile(SubCommand): r"""Compile interface library/libraries.""" name = "compile" help = ("Compile yggdrasil dependency libraries. Existing " "libraries are first deleted.") arguments = [ (('language', ), {'nargs': '*', 'default': ['all'], # 'choices': (['all'] + LANGUAGES_WITH_ALIASES.get('compiled', []) # + LANGUAGES_WITH_ALIASES.get('compiled_dsl', [])), 'help': ("One or more languages to compile dependencies " "for, source files to compile into an executable, " "or the directory containing an R package.")}), (('--toolname', ), {'help': "Name of compilation tool that should be used"}), (('--disable-python-c-api', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Disable access to the Python C API from yggdrasil.'}), (('--with-asan', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': "Compile with Clang ASAN if available."}), (('--force-source', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': ("Force all arguments passed to the language parameter " "to be treated as source files to be compiled.")}), (('--source-language', ), {'default': None, # 'choices': [None] + LANGUAGES_WITH_ALIASES['all'], 'help': ("Language of the source code. If not provided, " "the language will be determined from the " "source extension.")}), (('--flags', ), {'nargs': '*', 'help': ("Additional flags that should be added to the " "compilation command if source files are provided.")}), (('--use-ccache', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': "Run source compilation with ccache."}), (('--Rpkg-language', ), {'help': ("Language that R package is written in " "(only used if the provided source language is R).")})]
[docs] @classmethod def func(cls, args): from yggdrasil.components import import_component error_on_missing = (not getattr(args, 'all_languages', False)) missing = [] languages = [] sources = [] for x in args.language: if ((x in LANGUAGES_WITH_ALIASES['all'] and not args.force_source)): languages.append(x) else: sources.append(x) if languages: args.languages = languages yggclean.func(args, verbose=False) for lang in list(languages): drv = import_component('model', lang) drv.cleanup_dependencies( disable_python_c_api=args.disable_python_c_api, with_asan=args.with_asan) # Prevent language from being recompiled more than # once as a dependency for base_lang in drv.base_languages: if base_lang in languages: languages.remove(base_lang) kwargs = {'toolname': args.toolname, 'disable_python_c_api': args.disable_python_c_api, 'with_asan': args.with_asan} for lang in languages: drv = import_component('model', lang) if ((hasattr(drv, 'compile_dependencies') and (not getattr(drv, 'is_build_tool', False)))): if drv.is_installed(): drv.compile_dependencies(**kwargs) else: missing.append(lang) if error_on_missing and missing: # pragma: debug raise Exception(f"One or more of the requested languages " f"are not fully installed for use with " f"yggdrasil: {missing}") if sources: kwargs.update( use_ccache=args.use_ccache, flags=args.flags) if args.source_language is None: if ((len(sources) == 1 and os.path.isdir(sources[0]) and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(sources[0], 'R')))): args.source_language = 'R' else: args.source_language = constants.EXT2LANG[ os.path.splitext(sources[0])] drv = import_component('model', args.source_language) if (args.source_language in ['r', 'R']) and args.Rpkg_language: kwargs['language'] = args.Rpkg_language print(f"executable: {drv.call_compiler(sources, **kwargs)}")
[docs]class yggclean(SubCommand): r"""Cleanup dependency files.""" name = "clean" help = "Remove dependency libraries compiled by yggdrasil." arguments = [ (('language', ), {'nargs': '*', 'default': ['all'], # 'choices': ['all'] + LANGUAGES_WITH_ALIASES.get('all', []), 'help': ("One or more languages to clean up dependencies " "for.")})]
[docs] @classmethod def func(cls, args, verbose=True): from yggdrasil.components import import_component for lang in args.language: if lang in ['ipc', 'ipcs']: from yggdrasil.communication.IPCComm import ipcrm_queues ipcrm_queues() ipcrm_queues(by_id=True) else: import_component('model', lang).cleanup_dependencies( verbose=verbose)
[docs]class cc_toolname(SubCommand): r"""Output the name of the compiler used to compile C or C++ programs.""" name = "compiler-tool" help = 'Get the compiler used for C/C++ programs.' arguments = [ (('--cpp', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Get the compiler used for C++ programs.'}), (('--fullpath', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Get the full path to the tool exectuable.'})]
[docs] @classmethod def parse_args(cls, *args, **kwargs): args = super(cc_toolname, cls).parse_args(*args, **kwargs) args.tool = 'compiler' args.toolname = None args.flags = False if args.cpp: args.language = 'cpp' else: args.language = 'c' return args
[docs] @classmethod def func(cls, args, **kwargs): ygginfo.func(args, **kwargs)
[docs]class ld_toolname(cc_toolname): r"""Output the name of the linker used to compile C or C++ programs.""" name = "linker-tool" help = 'Get the linker used for C/C++ programs.' arguments = [ (('--cpp', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Get the linker used for C++ programs.'}), (('--fullpath', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Get the full path to the tool exectuable.'})]
[docs] @classmethod def parse_args(cls, *args, **kwargs): args = super(ld_toolname, cls).parse_args(*args, **kwargs) args.tool = 'linker' return args
[docs]class cc_flags(cc_toolname): r"""Get the compiler flags necessary for including the interface library in a C or C++ program.""" name = "compiler-flags" help = 'Get the compilation flags necessary for a C/C++ program.' arguments = [ (('--cpp', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Get the compilation flags used for C++ programs.'}), (('--toolname', ), {'default': None, 'help': 'Name of the tool that associated flags be returned for.'}), (('--disable-python-c-api', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Disable access to the Python C API from yggdrasil.'}), (('--with-asan', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': "Compile with Clang ASAN if available."}), ]
[docs] @classmethod def parse_args(cls, *args, **kwargs): args = super(cc_flags, cls).parse_args(*args, **kwargs) args.flags = True return args
[docs]class ld_flags(cc_toolname): r"""Get the linker flags necessary for including the interface library in a C or C++ program.""" name = "linker-flags" help = 'Get the compilation flags necessary for a C/C++ program.' arguments = [ (('--cpp', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Get the compilation flags used for C++ programs.'}), (('--toolname', ), {'default': None, 'help': 'Name of the tool that associated flags be returned for.'}), (('--disable-python-c-api', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Disable access to the Python C API from yggdrasil.'}), (('--with-asan', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': "Compile with Clang ASAN if available."}), ]
[docs] @classmethod def parse_args(cls, *args, **kwargs): args = super(ld_flags, cls).parse_args(*args, **kwargs) args.tool = 'linker' args.flags = True return args
[docs]class ygginstall(SubCommand): r"""Call installation script.""" name = "install" help = "Complete yggdrasil installation for one or more languages." arguments = ( [(('languages', ), {'nargs': '*', # 'choices': ['all'] + LANGUAGES_WITH_ALIASES.get('all', []), 'default': [], 'help': 'One or more languages that should be installed.'}), (('--no-import', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': ('Don\'t import the yggdrasil package in ' 'calling the installation script.')}), (('--with-asan', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': "Load ASAN library before running executables."}), ] )
[docs] @classmethod def add_arguments(cls, parser, **kwargs): from yggdrasil.languages import install_languages super(ygginstall, cls).add_arguments(parser, **kwargs) install_languages.update_argparser(parser=parser)
[docs] @classmethod def func(cls, args): from yggdrasil.languages import install_languages from yggdrasil import config languages = args.languages if (((isinstance(languages, str) and (languages == 'all')) or (isinstance(languages, list) and ('all' in languages)))): languages = [x.lower() for x in install_languages.get_language_directories()] if args.with_asan: assert not args.no_import from yggdrasil.drivers.CModelDriver import CModelDriver CModelDriver.set_asan_env(os.environ) for x in languages: install_languages.install_language(x, args=args) if not os.path.isfile(config.usr_config_file): config.update_language_config(verbose=True)
[docs]class update_config(SubCommand): r"""Update the user config file for yggdrasil.""" name = "config" help = 'Update the user config file.' arguments = ( [(('languages', ), {'nargs': '*', # 'choices': ['all'] + LANGUAGES_WITH_ALIASES.get('all', []), 'default': ['all'], 'help': 'One or more languages that should be configured.'}), (('--languages', ), {'nargs': '+', 'dest': 'languages_flag', # 'choices': ['all'] + LANGUAGES_WITH_ALIASES.get('all', []), 'default': ['all'], 'help': 'One or more languages that should be configured.'}), (('--show-file', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Print the path to the config file without updating it.'}), (('--remove-file', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Remove the existing config file and return.'}), (('--overwrite', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Overwrite the existing file.'}), (('--disable-languages', ), {'nargs': '+', 'default': [], 'choices': LANGUAGES_WITH_ALIASES.get('all', []), 'help': 'One or more languages that should be disabled.'}), (('--enable-languages', ), {'nargs': '+', 'default': [], 'choices': LANGUAGES_WITH_ALIASES.get('all', []), 'help': 'One or more languages that should be enabled.'}), (('--quiet', '-q'), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': 'Suppress output.'}), (('--allow-multiple-omp', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'default': None, 'help': ('Have yggdrasil set the environment variable ' 'KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK to \'True\' during model runs ' 'to disable errors resembling ' '"OMP: Error #15: Initializing libomp.dylib..." ' 'that result from having multiple versions of OpenMP ' 'loaded during runtime.')}), (('--dont-allow-multiple-omp', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'default': None, 'help': ('Don\'t set the KMP_DUPLICATE_LIB_OK environment variable ' 'when running models (see help for \'--allow-multiple-omp\' ' 'for more information).')})] + [(('--%s-compiler' % k, ), {'help': ('Name or path to compiler that should be used to compile ' 'models written in %s.' % k)}) for k in LANGUAGES.get('compiled', [])] + [(('--%s-linker' % k, ), {'help': ('Name or path to linker that should be used to link ' 'models written in %s.' % k)}) for k in LANGUAGES.get('compiled', [])] + [(('--%s-archiver' % k, ), {'help': ('Name or path to archiver that should be used to create ' 'static libraries for models written in %s.' % k)}) for k in LANGUAGES.get('compiled', [])] ) # TODO: Move these into the language directories? language_arguments = { 'c': [ ConditionalArgumentTuple( ('--vcpkg-dir', ), {'help': 'Directory containing the vcpkg installation.'}, conditions={'os': ['Windows']}), ConditionalArgumentTuple( ('--macos-sdkroot', '--sdkroot'), {'help': ('The full path to the MacOS SDK that ' 'should be used.')}, conditions={'os': ['MacOS']})], 'matlab': [ (('--disable-matlab-engine-for-python', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'default': None, 'dest': 'disable_engine', 'help': 'Disable use of the Matlab engine for Python.'}), (('--enable-matlab-engine-for-python', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'default': None, 'dest': 'enable_engine', 'help': 'Enable use of the Matlab engine for Python.'}), (('--hide-matlab-libiomp', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'default': None, 'help': ('Hide the version of libiomp installed by Matlab ' 'by slightly changing the filename so that the ' 'conda version of libomp is used instead. This ' 'helps to solve the error "' 'OMP: Error #15: Initializing libomp.dylib..." ' 'that can occur when using a conda environment. ' 'The hidden file location will be set in the ' 'configuration file and can be restored via the ' '\'--restore-matlab-libiomp\' option.')}), (('--restore-matlab-libiomp', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'default': None, 'help': ('Restore the version of libiomp installed by Matlab. ' '(See help for \'--hide-matlab-libiomp\')')}), ], 'osr': [ (('--osr-repository-path', ), {'dest': 'repository', 'help': 'The full path to the OpenSimRoot repository.'})]} opposite_arguments = [ ('allow_multiple_omp', 'dont_allow_multiple_omp'), ('disable_engine', 'enable_engine'), ('hide_matlab_libiomp', 'restore_matlab_libiomp')]
[docs] @classmethod def add_arguments(cls, parser, **kwargs): super(update_config, cls).add_arguments(parser, **kwargs) args = kwargs.get('args', None) if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] if ('-h' in args) or ('--help' in args): args = [x for x in args if x not in ['-h', '--help']] preargs = parser.parse_known_args(args=args)[0] prelang = preargs.languages if preargs.languages_flag: prelang += preargs.languages_flag if (len(prelang) == 0) or ('all' in prelang): prelang = LANGUAGES.get('all', []) # TODO: The languages could be subparsers for k, v in cls.language_arguments.items(): if k in prelang: cls.add_argument_to_parser(parser, v)
[docs] @classmethod def func(cls, args): from yggdrasil import config if args.show_file: print('Config file located here: %s' % config.usr_config_file) if args.remove_file and os.path.isfile(config.usr_config_file): os.remove(config.usr_config_file) if args.show_file or args.remove_file: return for x_true, x_false in cls.opposite_arguments: if getattr(args, x_false, None) is not None: assert getattr(args, x_true, None) is None setattr(args, x_true, not getattr(args, x_false)) if hasattr(args, x_false): delattr(args, x_false) lang_kwargs = {} for k, v in cls.language_arguments.items(): for v_args in v: name = v_args[1].get( 'dest', v_args[0][0].lstrip('-').replace('-', '_')) if getattr(args, name, None) is not None: lang_kwargs.setdefault(k, {}) lang_kwargs[k][name] = getattr(args, name) for x in ['compiler', 'linker', 'archiver']: for k in LANGUAGES.get('compiled', []): if getattr(args, '%s_%s' % (k, x), None): lang_kwargs.setdefault(k, {}) lang_kwargs[k][x] = getattr(args, '%s_%s' % (k, x)) config.update_language_config( args.languages, overwrite=args.overwrite, verbose=(not args.quiet), disable_languages=args.disable_languages, enable_languages=args.enable_languages, allow_multiple_omp=args.allow_multiple_omp, lang_kwargs=lang_kwargs)
[docs]class regen_schema(SubCommand): r"""Regenerate the yggdrasil schema.""" name = "schema" help = "Regenerate the yggdrasil schema." arguments = [ (('--only-constants', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': ('Only update the file without updating ' 'the schema.')}), (('--filename', ), {'type': str, 'help': 'Name where schema should be saved.'})]
[docs] @classmethod def func(cls, args): from yggdrasil import schema if not args.only_constants: if args.filename is None: args.filename = schema._schema_fname if os.path.isfile(args.filename): os.remove(args.filename) schema.clear_schema() schema.init_schema(fname=args.filename) else: schema.update_constants()
[docs]class yggmodelform(SubCommand): r"""Save/print a JSON schema that can be used for generating a form for composing a model specification files.""" name = "model-form-schema" help = ('Save/print the JSON schema for generating the model ' 'specification form.') arguments = [ (('--file', ), {'help': 'Path to file where the schema should be saved.'})]
[docs] @classmethod def func(cls, args): from yggdrasil.schema import get_model_form_schema out = get_model_form_schema(fname_dst=args.file, indent=' ') if not args.file: pprint.pprint(out)
[docs]class yggdevup(SubCommand): r"""Cleanup old libraries, re-install languages, and re-compile interface libraries following an update to the code (when doing development).""" name = "dev-update" help = ('Perform cleanup and reinitialization following an ' 'update to the code during development.')
[docs] @classmethod def func(cls, args): yggclean(args=['all']) ygginstall(args=['all']) yggcompile(args=['all']) ygginfo(args=[])
[docs]class timing_plots(SubCommand): r"""Create performance plots using timing results.""" name = "timing" help = "Create performance plots using timing results." arguments = [ ArgumentSubparser( title='comparison', dest='comparison', description='Comparison plot that should be created.', parsers=[ ArgumentParser( name='commtype', help='Compare different communication avenues.'), ArgumentParser( name='language', help='Compare different programming languages.'), ArgumentParser( name='os', help='Compare different operating systems.'), ArgumentParser( name='python', help='Compare different versions of Python.'), ArgumentParser( name='lang2019', help='Create plots from Lang (2019) paper.')])]
[docs] @classmethod def func(cls, args): from yggdrasil import timing if args.comparison == 'lang2019': _lang_list = timing._lang_list _lang_list_nomatlab = copy.deepcopy(_lang_list) _lang_list_nomatlab.remove('matlab') timing.plot_scalings(compare='platform', python_ver='2.7') # All plots on Linux, no matlab timing.plot_scalings(compare='comm_type', platform='Linux', python_ver='2.7') timing.plot_scalings(compare='python_ver', platform='Linux') timing.plot_scalings(compare='language', platform='Linux', python_ver='2.7', compare_values=_lang_list_nomatlab) # Language comparision on MacOS, with matlab timing.plot_scalings(compare='language', platform='MacOS', python_ver='2.7', compare_values=_lang_list) else: if args.comparison == 'commtype': args.comparison = 'comm_type' elif args.comparison == 'os': args.comparison = 'platform' timing.plot_scalings(compare=args.comparison)
[docs]class coveragerc(SubCommand): r"""Create a .coveragerc file.""" name = "coveragerc" help = ( "Generate a coveragerc file that covers/ignores lines based on " "installed languages or options.") arguments = [ (('--method', ), {'choices': ['installed', 'env', None], 'default': None, 'help': ("Method that should be used to select languages that " "should be covered. 'env' covers languages based on " "the value of environment variables of the form " "'INSTALL{language}'. 'installed' covers languages " "that yggdrasil considers installed.")}), (('--cover-languages', '--cover-language', '--cover'), {'nargs': '*', 'choices': LANGUAGES.get('all', []), 'help': "Language(s) to cover."}), (('--dont-cover-languages', '--dont-cover-language', '--dont-cover'), {'nargs': '*', 'choices': LANGUAGES.get('all', []), 'help': "Language(s) to ignore in coverage."}), (('--filename', ), {'type': str, 'default': None, 'help': "File to save coveragerc to"}), (('--setup-cfg', ), {'type': str, 'default': None, 'help': "setup.cfg file containing coverage options"}), ]
[docs] @classmethod def func(cls, args): from import is_lang_installed from yggdrasil.config import create_coveragerc covered_languages = {} if args.method == 'env': for k in LANGUAGES['all']: v = os.environ.get(f"INSTALL{k.upper()}", None) if v is not None: covered_languages[k] = (v == '1') elif args.method == 'installed': for k in LANGUAGES['all']: covered_languages[k] = is_lang_installed(k) if args.cover_languages: for k in args.cover_languages: covered_languages[k] = True if args.dont_cover_languages: for k in args.dont_cover_languages: covered_languages[k] = False for k in LANGUAGES['all']: covered_languages.setdefault(k, True) create_coveragerc(covered_languages, filename=args.filename, setup_cfg=args.setup_cfg)
[docs]class file_converter(SubCommand): r"""Convert between compatible file types.""" name = "fconvert" help = ( "Convert a file of one type into another compatible type.") arguments = [ (('src', ), {'help': "Name of file to convert"}), (('dst', ), {'help': "Name of destination file"}), (('--from', '--src-type'), {'dest': 'src_type', 'default': None, 'help': "Source file type"}), (('--to', '--dst-type'), {'dest': 'dst_type', 'default': None, 'help': "Destination file type"}), (('--src-kwargs', ), {'dest': 'src_kwargs', 'type': str, 'help': ("Keyword arguments for source file communicator " "in JSON format")}), (('--dst-kwargs', ), {'dest': 'dst_kwargs', 'type': str, 'help': ("Keyword arguments for destination file communicator " "in JSON format")}), (('--transform', ), {'type': str, 'help': ("Transform keyword arguments for transforming " "messages between source and destination in JSON " "format")}), ]
[docs] @classmethod def runtime_arguments(cls): return [ (('--from', '--src-type'), {'choices': [None] + list(constants.COMPONENT_REGISTRY[ 'file']['subtypes'].keys())}), (('--to', '--dst-type'), {'choices': [None] + list(constants.COMPONENT_REGISTRY[ 'file']['subtypes'].keys())}), ]
[docs] @classmethod def func(cls, args): from yggdrasil.communication.FileComm import convert_file from yggdrasil import rapidjson if args.src_kwargs is not None: args.src_kwargs = rapidjson.loads(args.src_kwargs) if args.dst_kwargs is not None: args.dst_kwargs = rapidjson.loads(args.dst_kwargs) if args.transform is not None: args.transform = rapidjson.loads(args.transform) convert_file(args.src, args.dst, src_type=args.src_type, src_kwargs=args.src_kwargs, dst_type=args.dst_type, dst_kwargs=args.dst_kwargs, transform=args.transform)
[docs]class generate_gha_workflow(SubCommand): r"""Re-generate the Github actions workflow yaml.""" name = "gha" help = ( "Generate a Github Actions (GHA) workflow yaml file from " "a version of the file that uses anchors (not supported by " "GHA as of 2021-01-14).") arguments = [ (('--base', '--base-file'), {'help': ( "Version of GHA workflow yaml that contains anchors.")}), (('--dest', ), {'help': ( "Name of target GHA workflow yaml file.")}), (('--verbose', ), {'action': 'store_true', 'help': "Print yaml contents."})]
[docs] @classmethod def func(cls, args, gitdir=None): import yaml from yggdrasil.serialize.YAMLSerialize import decode_yaml, encode_yaml from collections import OrderedDict class NoAliasDumper(yaml.SafeDumper): def ignore_aliases(self, data): return True if (args.base is None or args.dest is None) and (gitdir is None): try: gitdir = subprocess.check_output( ["git", "rev-parse", "--git-dir"], stderr=subprocess.PIPE).decode('utf-8').strip() except subprocess.CalledProcessError: return 1 if args.base is None: args.base = os.path.join(gitdir, '..', 'utils', 'test-install-base.yml') if args.dest is None: args.dest = os.path.join(gitdir, '..', '.github', 'workflows', 'test-install.yml') with open(args.base, 'r') as fd: contents = decode_yaml(, sorted_dict_type=OrderedDict) # contents = yaml.load(fd, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) if args.verbose: pprint.pprint(contents) with open(args.dest, 'w') as fd: fd.write(('# DO NOT MODIFY THIS FILE, IT IS GENERATED.\n' '# To make changes, modify \'%s\'\n' '# and run \'ygggha\'\n') % args.base) fd.write(encode_yaml(contents, sorted_dict_type=OrderedDict, Dumper=NoAliasDumper))
# yaml.dump(contents, fd, Dumper=NoAliasDumper)
[docs]def rebuild_c_api(): r"""Rebuild the C/C++ API.""" ReplacementWarning('yggbuildapi_c', 'yggdrasil compile-deps c cpp') yggcompile(args=['c', 'cpp'] + sys.argv[1:])
[docs]def yggtime_comm(): r"""Plot timing statistics comparing the different communication mechanisms.""" ReplacementWarning('yggtime_comm', 'yggdrasil timing commtype') timing_plots(args=['commtype'] + sys.argv[1:])
[docs]def yggtime_lang(): r"""Plot timing statistics comparing the different languages.""" ReplacementWarning('yggtime_lang', 'yggdrasil timing language') timing_plots(args=['language'] + sys.argv[1:])
[docs]def yggtime_os(): r"""Plot timing statistics comparing the different operating systems.""" ReplacementWarning('yggtime_os', 'yggdrasil timing os') timing_plots(args=['os'] + sys.argv[1:])
[docs]def yggtime_py(): r"""Plot timing statistics comparing the different versions of Python.""" ReplacementWarning('yggtime_py', 'yggdrasil timing python') timing_plots(args=['python'] + sys.argv[1:])
[docs]def yggtime_paper(): r"""Create plots for timing.""" ReplacementWarning('yggtime_paper', 'yggdrasil timing lang2019') timing_plots(args=['lang2019'] + sys.argv[1:])
[docs]class main(SubCommand): r"""Runner for yggdrasil CLI.""" name = "yggdrasil" help = ( "Command line interface for the yggdrasil package.") arguments = [] subcommands = [yggrun, ygginfo, validate_yaml, yggcc, yggcompile, yggclean, ygginstall, update_config, regen_schema, yggmodelform, yggdevup, timing_plots, generate_gha_workflow, integration_service_manager, coveragerc, file_converter]
[docs] @classmethod def get_parser(cls, **kwargs): from yggdrasil import __version__ as ver parser = super(main, cls).get_parser(**kwargs) parser.add_argument('--version', action='version', version=('yggdrasil %s' % ver)) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='subcommands', dest='subcommand') parser._ygg_subparsers = {} for x in cls.subcommands: x.add_subparser(subparsers, args=kwargs.get('args', None)) parser._ygg_subparsers[] = x return parser
[docs] @classmethod def parse_args(cls, parser, args=None, **kwargs): if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] if isinstance(args, list) and ('test' in args): kwargs['allow_unknown'] = True args = super(main, cls).parse_args(parser, args=args, **kwargs) if args.subcommand: args = parser._ygg_subparsers[args.subcommand].parse_args( parser, args=args, **kwargs) return args
[docs] @classmethod def func(cls, args): args.func(args)
if __name__ == '__main__': yggrun() sys.exit(0)