Source code for yggdrasil.communication.transforms.MapTransform

import copy
import numpy as np
from yggdrasil import rapidjson
from yggdrasil.communication.transforms.TransformBase import TransformBase

[docs]class MapTransform(TransformBase): r"""Class for transforming an object into a dictionary. Args: field_names (list, optional): A list of field names that should be used for array object. If not provided, names will be generated according to 'f0', 'f1', 'f2', etc. """ _transformtype = 'map' _schema_subtype_description = "Convert an object into a dictionary." _schema_properties = {'field_names': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}} def _get_field_names(self, N): if self.field_names: return self.field_names elif (self.original_datatype and self.original_datatype['type'] == 'array' and isinstance(self.original_datatype['items'], list)): out = [x.get('title', False) for x in self.original_datatype['items']] if all(out): return out return [f'f{i}' for i in range(N)]
[docs] def transform_datatype(self, datatype): r"""Determine the datatype that will result from applying the transform to the supplied datatype. Args: datatype (dict): Datatype to transform. Returns: dict: Transformed datatype. """ out = {'type': 'object'} if datatype.get('type', None) == 'array': if isinstance(datatype.get('items', None), list): field_names = self._get_field_names( len(datatype['items'])) out['properties'] = {} for i, x in enumerate(datatype['items']): out['properties'][x.get('title', field_names[i])] = ( copy.deepcopy(x)) elif isinstance(datatype.get('items', None), dict): out['additionalProperties'] = copy.deepcopy( datatype['items']) elif datatype.get('type', None) in ['object', 'schema']: out = copy.deepcopy(datatype) elif datatype.get('type', None) in ['any', 'ply', 'obj']: pass else: field_names = self._get_field_names(1) out['properties'] = {field_names[0]: copy.deepcopy(datatype)} return out
[docs] def evaluate_transform(self, x, no_copy=False): r"""Call transform on the provided message. Args: x (object): Message object to transform. no_copy (bool, optional): If True, the transformation occurs in place. Otherwise a copy is created and transformed. Defaults to False. Returns: object: The transformed message. """ out = x if isinstance(x, dict): out = x elif isinstance(x, (list, tuple)): field_names = self._get_field_names(len(x)) out = {k: v for k, v in zip(field_names, x)} elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray): field_names = list(x.dtype.names) out = {k: x[k] for k in field_names} elif isinstance(x, (rapidjson.geometry.Ply, rapidjson.geometry.ObjWavefront)): out = x.as_dict() else: field_names = self._get_field_names(1) out = {field_names[0]: x} return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_testing_options(cls, **kwargs): r"""Get testing options for the transform class. Returns: list: Multiple dictionaries of keywords and messages before/after pairs that will result from the transform created by the provided keywords. """ return [{'kwargs': {}, 'in/out': [(dict(zip('abc', range(3))), dict(zip('abc', range(3))))], 'in/out_t': [ ({'type': 'object', 'properties': { x: {'type': 'int'} for x in 'abc'}}, {'type': 'object', 'properties': { x: {'type': 'int'} for x in 'abc'}})]}, {'kwargs': {'field_names': ['a', 'b', 'c']}, 'in/out': [([0, 1, 2], dict(zip('abc', range(3))))], 'in/out_t': [ ({'type': 'array', 'items': [{'type': 'int', 'title': x} for x in 'abc']}, {'type': 'object', 'properties': { x: {'type': 'int', 'title': x} for x in 'abc'}}), ({'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'int'}}, {'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': {'type': 'int'}})]}, {'kwargs': {}, 'in/out': [(1, {'f0': 1})], 'in/out_t': [ ({'type': 'int'}, {'type': 'object', 'properties': {'f0': {'type': 'int'}}})]}, {'kwargs': {}, 'in/out': [(np.zeros(3, np.dtype({'names': ['a', 'b', 'c'], 'formats': ['i4', 'i4', 'i4']})), {k: np.zeros(3) for k in 'abc'})]}, {'kwargs': {}, 'in/out': [ (rapidjson.generate_data({'type': 'ply'}), rapidjson.generate_data({'type': 'ply'}).as_dict())], 'in/out_t': [ ({'type': 'ply'}, {'type': 'object'})]}]