Source code for yggdrasil.communication

import subprocess
import os
import copy
import pprint
from contextlib import contextmanager
from yggdrasil.components import import_component

_temp_error_registry = {}

class AddressError(Exception):
    r"""An exception class for errors in establishing a comm address."""

class TemporaryCommunicationError(Exception):
    r"""Raised when the comm is open, but send/recv is temporarily disabled.

        msg (str): Error message.
        max_consecutive_allowed (int, optional): Maximum number of times this
            error should be raised as a TemporaryCommunicationError before
            being elevated to a FatalCommunicationError. Defaults to None and
            is never elevated.
        registry_key (str, optional): Key that should be used to register the
            error. Defaults to msg.

        FatalCommunicationError: If the error is raised more than the number
            of times specified via max_consecutive_allowed.


    def __init__(self, msg, max_consecutive_allowed=None,
                 registry_key=None, **kwargs):
        super(TemporaryCommunicationError, self).__init__(msg, **kwargs)
        self.max_consecutive_allowed = max_consecutive_allowed
        if max_consecutive_allowed is not None:
            global _temp_error_registry
            assert registry_key is not None
            _temp_error_registry.setdefault(registry_key, 0)
            _temp_error_registry[registry_key] += 1
            if ((_temp_error_registry[registry_key]
                 > max_consecutive_allowed)):  # pragma: debug
                raise FatalCommunicationError(msg, **kwargs)

    def reset(cls, registry_key):
        r"""Reset the registry for a TemporaryCommunicationError."""
        global _temp_error_registry
        _temp_error_registry.pop(registry_key, None)

class NoMessages(TemporaryCommunicationError):
    r"""Raised when the comm is open, but there are no messages waiting."""

class FatalCommunicationError(Exception):
    r"""Raised when the comm cannot recover."""

def check_env_for_address(env, name):
    r"""Check for a channel name in a dictionary of environment variables.

        env (dict): Environment variables to check.
        name (str): Name of the channel to check for.

        str: The value stored in the environment variable for the channel.

        AddressError: If the channel cannot be located.

    check_names = [name, name.replace(':', '__COLON__')]
    check_names += [x.upper() for x in copy.copy(check_names)]
    for x in check_names:
        if x in env:
            return env[x]
    raise AddressError(f'Cannot see {name} in env. '

def import_comm(commtype=None):
    r"""Import a comm class from its component subtype.

        commtype (str, optional): Communication class subtype. Defaults to
            the default comm type for the current OS.

        CommBase: Associated communication class.

    if commtype in ['server', 'client', 'fork']:
        commtype = '%sComm' % commtype.title()
    return import_component('comm', commtype)

def determine_suffix(no_suffix=False, reverse_names=False,
                     direction='send', **kwargs):
    r"""Determine the suffix that should be used for the comm name.

        no_suffix (bool, optional): If True, the suffix will be an empty
            string. Defaults to False.
        reverse_names (bool, optional): If True, the suffix will be
            opposite that indicated by the direction. Defaults to False.
        direction (str, optional): The direction that the comm will
            processing messages. Defaults to 'send'.
        **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are ignored.

        str: Suffix that will be added to the comm name when producing
            the name of the environment variable where information about
            the comm will be stored.

        ValueError: If the direction is not 'recv' or 'send'.

    if direction not in ['send', 'recv']:
        raise ValueError("Unrecognized message direction: %s" % direction)
    if no_suffix:
        suffix = ''
        if ((((direction == 'send') and (not reverse_names))
             or ((direction == 'recv') and reverse_names))):
            suffix = '_OUT'
            suffix = '_IN'
    return suffix

[docs]def new_comm(name, commtype=None, use_async=False, **kwargs): r"""Return a new communicator, creating necessary components for communication (queues, sockets, channels, etc.). Args: name (str): Communicator name. commtype (str, list, optional): Name of communicator type or a list of specifiers for multiple communicators that should be joined. Defaults to None. use_async (bool, optional): If True, send/recv operations will be performed asynchronously on new threads. Defaults to False. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to communicator class method new_comm. Returns: Comm: Communicator of given class. """ assert 'comm' not in kwargs if isinstance(commtype, list): if len(commtype) == 1: kwargs.update(commtype[0]) kwargs.setdefault('name', name) kwargs.setdefault('use_async', use_async) return new_comm(**kwargs) else: kwargs['comm_list'] = commtype commtype = 'fork' if (commtype is None) and kwargs.get('filetype', None): commtype = kwargs.pop('filetype') comm_cls = import_comm(commtype) if kwargs.get('is_interface', False): use_async = False async_kws = {} if use_async: from yggdrasil.communication.AsyncComm import AsyncComm async_kws = {k: kwargs.pop(k) for k in AsyncComm._async_kws if k in kwargs} if use_async: kwargs['is_async'] = True out = comm_cls.new_comm(name, **kwargs) if use_async and (out._commtype not in [None, 'client', 'server', 'fork']): from yggdrasil.communication.AsyncComm import AsyncComm out = AsyncComm(out, **async_kws) return out
[docs]def get_comm(name, **kwargs): r"""Return communicator for existing comm components. Args: name (str): Communicator name. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to new_comm. Returns: Comm: Communicator of given class. """ kwargs['dont_create'] = True return new_comm(name, **kwargs)
@contextmanager def open_file_comm(fname, mode, filetype='binary', **kwargs): r"""Context manager to open a file comm in a way similar to how Python opens file descriptors. Args: fname (str): Path to file that should be opened. mode (str): Mode that file should be opened in. Supported values include 'r', 'w', and 'a'. filetype (str, optional): Type of file being opened. Defaults to 'binary'. Returns: CommBase: File comm. """ comm = None try: comm_cls = import_component('file', filetype) if mode == 'r': kwargs['direction'] = 'recv' elif mode in ['w', 'a']: kwargs['direction'] = 'send' if mode == 'a': kwargs['append'] = True else: raise ValueError("Unsupported mode: '%s'" % mode) comm = comm_cls('file', address=fname, **kwargs) yield comm finally: if comm is not None: comm.close() def get_open_fds(): # pragma: debug ''' return the number of open file descriptors for current process .. warning: will only work on UNIX-like os-es. ''' procs = subprocess.check_output(["lsof", '-w', "-p", str(os.getpid())]) nprocs = len(procs.split(b'\n')) # nprocs = len( # list(filter( # lambda s: s and s[ 0 ] == b'f' and s[1: ].isdigit(), # procs.split( b'\n' ) ) ) # ) return nprocs __all__ = ['new_comm', 'get_comm']