Source code for yggdrasil.communication.transforms.ArrayTransform

import numpy as np
import copy
import pandas
from yggdrasil import constants
from yggdrasil.communication.transforms.TransformBase import TransformBase
from yggdrasil.datatypes import type2numpy
from yggdrasil.serialize import (
    consolidate_array, pandas2numpy, numpy2pandas, dict2list)

[docs]class ArrayTransform(TransformBase): r"""Class for consolidating values into an array. Args: field_names (list, optional): Names of fields in the array. """ _transformtype = 'array' _schema_properties = {'field_names': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}} _schema_subtype_description = "Consolidate values into an array"
[docs] def set_original_datatype(self, datatype): r"""Set datatype. Args: datatype (dict): Datatype. """ super(ArrayTransform, self).set_original_datatype(datatype) if not self.field_names: self.field_names = self.original_datatype.get('field_names', None) if not self.field_names: if (((datatype['type'] == 'array') and isinstance(datatype['items'], list) and all([('title' in x) for x in self.original_datatype['items']]))): self.field_names = [x.get('title', 'f%d' % i) for i, x in enumerate(self.original_datatype['items'])] elif datatype['type'] == 'object': self.field_names = list(datatype['properties'].keys())
[docs] @classmethod def get_summary(cls, x, subtype=False): r"""Get subset of information summarizing an array element that can be used for comparison with other elements in the same row/column. Args: x (dict): Type definition for an array element. subtype (bool, optional): If True, the subtype, shape, and title information is included. Defaults to False. Returns: dict: Information about the array element. Raises: AssertionError: If x is not a valid type defintion for an array element. """ if x['type'] == 'ndarray': s = x.get('shape', None) t = 'ndarray' elif x['type'] == '1darray': s = x.get('length', None) if s is not None: s = (s,) t = '1darray' elif ((x['type'] == 'scalar') or (x['type'] in constants.VALID_TYPES)): s = (1,) t = 'scalar' else: raise AssertionError(("Cannot convert elements of type '%s' " "to array elements.") % x['type']) subt = x.get('subtype', x['type']) title = x.get('title', None) assert subt in constants.VALID_TYPES if subtype: out = {'type': t, 'subtype': subt, 'shape': s, 'title': title} if subt not in constants.FLEXIBLE_TYPES: out['precision'] = x.get('precision', 0) else: out = {'type': t, 'shape': s} return out
[docs] @classmethod def check_summary(cls, a, aidx, b, bidx): r"""Determine if two summary structures are equivalent, printing differences in the error if they are not. Args: a (dict): Summary information for an element type defintion. aidx (int): Index of element summarized by a that is used in the error message. b (dict): Summary information for an element type defintion. bidx (int): Index of element summarized by b that is used in the error message. Raises: AssertionError: If a and b are not equivalent. """ if a == b: return assert len(a) == len(b) err_msg = [] for k in a.keys(): if a[k] != b[k]: err_msg.append(("The %s of element %d (%s) dosn't " "match element %d (%s=%s)") % (k, aidx, a[k], bidx, k, b[k])) raise AssertionError('\n'.join(err_msg))
[docs] @classmethod def check_element(cls, items, subtype=False): r"""Check that all elements in set of elements (e.g. row or column) are consistent. Args: items (list): Set of element type definitions. subtype (bool, optional): If True, subtype, precision, and title information are used in the comparison. Defaults to False. subtype should be True if checking column elements and False if checking row elements. Raises: AssertionError: If any elements are not consistent. """ base_summary = cls.get_summary(items[0], subtype=subtype) for i, x in zip(range(1, len(items)), items[1:]): x_summary = cls.get_summary(x, subtype=subtype) cls.check_summary(x_summary, i, base_summary, 0)
[docs] @classmethod def check_array_items(cls, items, order=None, items_as_columns=None): r"""Check that items are valid types for array columns. Args: items (list): Type definitions for elements. order (list, optional): Order that properties should be compared in for object schemas. Defaults to None and will be set based on the order of the keys in the first element (non-deterministic for Python 2.7). items_as_columns (bool, optional): If True, the items will be parsed under the assumption that each item contains the schema describing a column, possible as an array of elements. If None and the initial check fails when assuming items are rows, columns will be tried. Defaults to None. Raises: AssertionError: If the items are not valid. """ if isinstance(items, dict): items = [items] assert isinstance(items, (list, tuple)) if items[0]['type'] == 'array': base_types = items[0]['items'] assert isinstance(base_types, list) elif items[0]['type'] == 'object': if order is None: order = list(items[0]['properties'].keys()) base_types = [items[0]['properties'][k] for k in order] elif items[0]['type'] in ['1darray', 'ndarray']: cls.check_element(items) return else: raise AssertionError("Per-element types of '%s' not supported." % items[0]['type']) try: cls.check_element(base_types, subtype=items_as_columns) base_summary = [cls.get_summary(x, subtype=(not items_as_columns)) for x in base_types] for i, x in zip(range(1, len(items)), items[1:]): assert x['type'] == items[0]['type'] if x['type'] == 'array': x_types = x['items'] else: x_types = [x['properties'][k] for k in order] assert len(x_types) == len(base_types) if items_as_columns: cls.check_element(x_types, subtype=True) x_summary = [cls.get_summary(t, subtype=(not items_as_columns)) for t in x_types] for ix, ibase in zip(x_summary, base_summary): cls.check_summary(x_summary, i, base_summary, 0) except BaseException as e: if (((items_as_columns is None) and all([(x['type'] == 'array') for x in items]))): try: cls.check_array_items(items, order=order, items_as_columns=True) return except BaseException: pass raise e
[docs] def validate_datatype(self, datatype): r"""Assert that the provided datatype is valid for this transformation. Args: datatype (dict): Datatype to validate. Raises: AssertionError: If the datatype is not valid. """ if datatype['type'] in ['1darray', 'ndarray']: pass elif datatype['type'] == 'array': self.check_array_items(datatype['items'], order=self.field_names) elif datatype['type'] == 'object': order = self.field_names if order is None: order = list(datatype['properties'].keys()) self.check_array_items([datatype['properties'][k] for k in order]) else: raise AssertionError("Invalid datatypes: %s" % datatype)
[docs] @classmethod def transform_array_items(cls, items, order=None): r"""Transform elements in an array. Args: items (list): Set of type definitions for array rows or columns that should be transformed into type definitions for a set of array columns. order (list, optional): Order in which properties should be added as columns for object type defintions. Defaults to None if not provided and the first object element will be used to get the order (non-deterministic on Python 2.7). Returns: list: Transformed array column type definitions. """ if isinstance(items, dict): items = [items] assert isinstance(items, (list, tuple)) if items[0]['type'] == 'array': base_types = items[0]['items'] assert isinstance(base_types, list) elif items[0]['type'] == 'object': if order is None: order = list(items[0]['properties'].keys()) items = [dict(x, items=[dict(x['properties'][k], title=k) for k in order]) for x in items] base_types = items[0]['items'] elif items[0]['type'] in ['1darray', 'ndarray']: return items base_summary = [cls.get_summary(x, subtype=True) for x in base_types] if not all([(base_summary == [cls.get_summary(t, subtype=True) for t in x['items']]) for x in items[1:]]): items = [{'items': [copy.deepcopy(items[j]['items'][i]) for j in range(len(items))]} for i in range(len(items[0]['items']))] base_types = items[0]['items'] out = [dict(x, type='1darray', subtype=x.get('subtype', x['type'])) for x in base_types] for i, x in enumerate(out): if x['subtype'] in constants.FLEXIBLE_TYPES: x['precision'] = max( [y['items'][i].get('precision', 0) for y in items]) if x['precision'] == 0: x.pop('precision') return out
[docs] def transform_datatype(self, datatype): r"""Determine the datatype that will result from applying the transform to the supplied datatype. Args: datatype (dict): Datatype to transform. Returns: dict: Transformed datatype. """ out = copy.deepcopy(datatype) if datatype['type'] == 'array': out['items'] = self.transform_array_items( out['items'], order=self.field_names) elif datatype['type'] == 'object': order = self.field_names if order is None: order = list(out['properties'].keys()) out['type'] = 'array' out['items'] = self.transform_array_items( [dict(out['properties'][k], title=k) for k in order]) out.pop('properties', None) if self.field_names is not None: assert len(self.field_names) == len(out['items']) for x, n in zip(out['items'], self.field_names): x['title'] = n return out
[docs] def evaluate_transform(self, x, no_copy=False): r"""Call transform on the provided message. Args: x (object): Message object to transform. no_copy (bool, optional): If True, the transformation occurs in place. Otherwise a copy is created and transformed. Defaults to False. Returns: object: The transformed message. """ out = x np_dtype = type2numpy(self.transformed_datatype) if isinstance(x, pandas.DataFrame): out = pandas2numpy(x) if np_dtype: out = out.astype(np_dtype, copy=True) elif isinstance(x, np.ndarray): out = x.astype(np_dtype, copy=True) elif np_dtype and isinstance(x, (list, tuple, dict, np.ndarray)): if len(x) == 0: out = np.zeros(0, np_dtype) else: if isinstance(x, dict): x = dict2list(x, order=np_dtype.names) out = consolidate_array(x, dtype=np_dtype) else: # warning? raise TypeError(("Cannot consolidate object of type %s " "into a structured numpy array.") % type(x)) if not no_copy: out = copy.deepcopy(out) return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_testing_options(cls, **kwargs): r"""Get testing options for the transform class. Returns: list: Multiple dictionaries of keywords and messages before/after pairs that will result from the transform created by the provided keywords. """ length = 5 dtype = np.dtype([('f%d' % i, f) for i, f in enumerate( ['S5', 'i8', 'f8', 'c16'])]) dtype_alt = np.dtype([('alt%d' % i, f) for i, f in enumerate( ['S5', 'i8', 'f8', 'c16'])]) t = {'type': 'array', 'items': [ {'type': '1darray', 'subtype': 'bytes', 'precision': 5, 'length': length}, {'type': '1darray', 'subtype': 'int', 'precision': 8, 'length': length}, {'type': '1darray', 'subtype': 'float', 'precision': 8, 'length': length}, {'type': '1darray', 'subtype': 'complex', 'precision': 16, 'length': length}]} t_prec = { 'type': 'array', 'items': [ {'type': '1darray', 'subtype': 'bytes', 'length': length}, {'type': '1darray', 'subtype': 'int', 'precision': 8, 'length': length}, {'type': '1darray', 'subtype': 'float', 'precision': 8, 'length': length}, {'type': '1darray', 'subtype': 'complex', 'precision': 16, 'length': length}]} t_arr = {'type': 'array', 'items': [{'type': 'array', 'items': [dict(i, type='scalar') for i in t['items']]} for _ in range(length)]} t_arr_err = copy.deepcopy(t_arr) t_arr_err['items'][0]['items'][0]['type'] = 'null' t_obj = {'type': 'array', 'items': [{'type': 'object', 'properties': { dtype_alt.names[i]: dict(t['items'][i], type='scalar') for i in range(len(t['items']))}} for _ in range(length)]} t_arr_T = { 'type': 'array', 'items': [{'type': 'array', 'items': [dict(t['items'][i], type='scalar') for _ in range(length)]} for i in range(len(t['items']))]} t_arr_prec = { 'type': 'array', 'items': [{'type': 'array', 'items': [dict(i, type='scalar') for i in t_prec['items']]} for _ in range(length)]} t_alt = {'type': 'array', 'items': [dict(x, title=dtype_alt.names[i]) for i, x in enumerate(t['items'])]} x = np.zeros(length, dtype=dtype) x[dtype.names[0]][0] = b'hello' y = [x[n] for n in dtype.names] x2 = np.zeros((length, length), dtype=dtype) # y2 = [x2[n] for n in dtype2.names] return [{'kwargs': {'original_datatype': t}, 'in/out': [(y, x), ([], np.zeros(0, dtype=dtype))], 'in/out_t': [(t, t), (t_arr_prec, t_prec), (t_arr_T, t), (t_obj, t_alt), ({'type': 'null'}, AssertionError), (t['items'][0], t['items'][0]), ({'type': 'array', 'items': [dict(v, length=i) for i, v in enumerate(t['items'])]}, AssertionError), (t_arr_err, AssertionError)]}, {'in/out': [(x, x)]}, {'in/out': [(x2, x2)]}, {'kwargs': {'field_names': dtype_alt.names}, 'in/out': [(x, x.astype(dtype_alt, copy=True))], 'in/out_t': [(t, t_alt)]}, {'kwargs': {'original_datatype': t}, 'in/out': [(numpy2pandas(x), x)], 'in/out_t': [(t, t)]}, {'kwargs': {'original_datatype': t_arr}, 'in/out': [(x.tolist(), x)], 'in/out_t': [(t_arr, t), ({'type': 'array', 'items': t_arr['items'][0]}, t)]}, {'in/out': [({n: x[n] for n in dtype.names}, x)], 'in/out_t': [({'type': 'object', 'properties': {n: i for n, i in zip(dtype.names, t['items'])}}, {'type': 'array', 'items': [dict(i, title=n) for n, i in zip(dtype.names, t['items'])]})]}, {'kwargs': {'original_datatype': t_arr}, 'in/out': [(x.tolist(), x)], 'in/out_t': [(t_arr, t)]}, {'kwargs': {'original_datatype': t}, 'in/out': [(None, TypeError)]}, {'kwargs': {}, 'in/out': [([0, 1, 2], AssertionError)]}]