Source code for yggdrasil.communication.SequenceFileBase

import os
import shutil
import copy
import warnings
from yggdrasil.communication.DedicatedFileBase import DedicatedFileBase
from yggdrasil.components import create_component_class
    from Bio import SeqIO, SeqFeature
    from Bio.SeqRecord import SeqRecord
    from Bio.Seq import Seq
except ImportError:  # pragma: debug
    SeqIO = None
    SeqFeature = None
    SeqRecord = None
    Seq = None
    warnings.warn("biopython not installed so yggdrasil will not be "
                  "able to read some sequence data types")
    import pysam
except ImportError:  # pragma: debug
    pysam = None
    warnings.warn("pysam is not installed so yggdrasil will not be "
                  "able to read some sequence data types")

[docs]class SequenceFileBase(DedicatedFileBase): r"""Base class for nucleotide/protein sequence I/O.""" _stores_fd = True _sequence_types = {} _test_parameters = None
[docs] @staticmethod def before_registration(cls): r"""Operations that should be performed to modify class attributes prior to registration.""" DedicatedFileBase.before_registration(cls) cls._extensions = [cls._sequence_types[cls._filetype]] cls._schema_subtype_description = f'{cls._filetype} sequence I/O'
[docs]class BioPythonFileBase(SequenceFileBase): r"""Base class for nucleotide/protein sequence I/O using biopython.""" _schema_properties = { 'piecemeal': { 'type': 'boolean', 'default': False, 'description': ('If possible read the the file ' 'incrementally in multiple ' 'messages. This should be used for ' 'large files that cannot be loaded ' 'into memory.')}, 'record_ids': { 'type': 'array', 'description': ('IDs of records to read/write. Other records ' 'will be ignored.')} } _stores_fd = True _sequence_types = { 'fasta': '.fasta', 'fastq': '.fastq', } _valid_fields = ['id', 'description', 'dbxrefs'] _has_annotations = True _has_separate_name = True def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self._records_iterator = None return super(BioPythonFileBase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def is_installed(cls, language=None): r"""Determine if the necessary libraries are installed for this communication class. Args: language (str, optional): Specific language that should be checked for compatibility. Defaults to None and all languages supported on the current platform will be checked. If set to 'any', the result will be True if this comm is installed for any of the supported languages. Returns: bool: Is the comm installed. """ return (language == 'python') and (SeqIO is not None)
@property def records_iterator(self): r"""iterator: SeqRecord iterator.""" assert self.fd and self.direction == 'recv' if self._records_iterator is None: if self.record_ids: index = SeqIO.index(self.current_address, self._filetype) self._records_iterator = map( lambda x: index[x], self.record_ids) else: self._records_iterator = SeqIO.parse(self.fd, self._filetype) return self._records_iterator # def ref2dict(self, x): # r"""Convert a Reference object to a dictionary.""" # out = {} # for k in ['authors', 'title', 'journal', 'medline_id', # 'pubmed_id', 'comment']: # out[k] = getattr(x, k) # out['location'] = [self.loc2dict(y) for y in x.location] # return out # def dict2ref(self, x): # r"""Convert a dictionary to a Reference object.""" # x['location'] = [self.dict2loc(y) for y in x.get('location', [])] # out = SeqFeature.Reference() # for k, v in x.items(): # setattr(out, k, v) # return out # def loc2dict(self, x): # r"""Convert a FeatureLocation object to a dictionary.""" # out = {} # for k in ['start', 'end', 'strand', 'ref', 'ref_db']: # out[k] = getattr(x, k) # return out # def dict2loc(self, x): # r"""Convert a dictionary to a FeatureLocation.""" # return SeqFeature.FeatureLocation(**x) # def feature2dict(self, x): # r"""Convert a Feature to a dictionary.""" # out = {'location': self.loc2dict(x.location)} # for k in ['type', 'location_operator', 'id', 'qualifiers']: # out[k] = getattr(x, k) # return out # def dict2feature(self, x): # r"""Convert a dictionary to a Feature.""" # if x.get('location', False): # x['location'] = self.dict2loc(x['location']) # return SeqFeature.SeqFeature(**x)
[docs] def record2dict(self, x): r"""Convert a SeqRecord to a dictionary.""" out = {'seq': str(x.seq)} for k in self._valid_fields: if getattr(x, k): out[k] = getattr(x, k) # if 'references' in out.get('annotations', {}): # out['annotations']['references'] = [ # self.ref2dict(ref) for ref in # out['annotations']['references']] # if 'features' in out: # out['features'] = [self.feature2dict(y) for # y in out['features']] return out
[docs] def dict2record(self, x): r"""Covert a dictionary to a SeqRecord.""" x = copy.deepcopy(x) x['seq'] = Seq(x['seq']) # y = x.get('annotations', {}) # if 'references' in y: # y['references'] = [self.dict2ref(ref) for # ref in y['references']] # if 'features' in x: # x['features'] = [self.dict2feature(y) for y in x['features']] out = SeqRecord(**x) return out
def _file_open(self, address, mode): self._last_size = 0 return super(DedicatedFileBase, self)._file_open(address, mode) def _file_close(self): self._records_iterator = None return super(DedicatedFileBase, self)._file_close() def _dedicated_send(self, msg): if isinstance(msg, list): msg = [self.dict2record(x) for x in msg] else: msg = [self.dict2record(msg)] SeqIO.write(msg, self.fd, self._filetype) def _dedicated_recv(self): if self.piecemeal: # record = next(self.records_iterator) # print(record) # out = self.record2dict(record) out = self.record2dict(next(self.records_iterator)) else: # record = list(self.records_iterator) # print(record[0].annotations) # out = [self.record2dict(x) for x in record] out = [self.record2dict(x) for x in self.records_iterator] return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_testing_options(cls, piecemeal=False, **kwargs): r"""Method to return a dictionary of testing options for this class. Args: piecemeal (bool, optional): If True, the test data will be piecemeal. Returns: dict: Dictionary of variables to use for testing. Items: kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for comms tested with the provided content. send (list): List of objects to send to test file. recv (list): List of objects that will be received from a test file that was sent the messages in 'send'. contents (bytes): Bytes contents of test file created by sending the messages in 'send'. """ data = { 'seq': 'MKQHKAMIVALIVICITAVVAALVTRKDLCEVHIRTGQTEVAVF', 'id': 'YP_025292.1', 'description': 'YP_025292.1 toxic membrane protein, small', } # if 'name' in cls._valid_fields: # data['name'] = 'HokC' # if 'annotations' in cls._valid_fields: # data['annotations'] = { # 'source': 'Paphiopedilum barbatum', # 'references': [ # {'title': 'Fake article', # 'authors': 'Doe, Jane', # 'locations': [ # {'start': 0, # 'end': 5} # ]} # ] # } # if 'features' in cls._valid_fields: # data['features'] = [{ # 'location': {'start': 20, 'end': 21}, # 'type': 'Site' # }] if 'letter_annotations' in cls._valid_fields: data['letter_annotations'] = { 'phred_quality': list(range(len(data['seq']))) } if not piecemeal: data = [data] out = {'kwargs': {}, 'exact_contents': False, 'msg': data, 'dict': False, 'objects': [data], 'send': [data], 'recv': [data], 'recv_partial': [[data]]} if cls._test_parameters: out.update(cls._test_parameters) if piecemeal: out['recv_kwargs'] = {'piecemeal': True, 'record_ids': ['YP_025292.1']} return out
[docs]class PySamFileBase(SequenceFileBase): r"""Base class for nucleotide/protein sequence I/O using pysam.""" _schema_properties = { 'header': { 'type': 'object', 'description': ('Header defining sequence identifiers. A ' 'header is required for writing SAM, BAM, ' 'and CRAM files.') }, 'flush_on_write': { 'type': 'boolean', 'default': False, 'description': ('If true, the file will be flushed when ' 'written to.') }, 'regions': { 'type': 'array', 'default': [], 'items': { 'type': 'object', 'required': ['name'], 'properties': { 'name': {'type': 'string'}, 'start': {'type': 'integer'}, 'end': {'type': 'integer'} } }, 'description': ('Region parameters (reference name, start, ' 'and end) defining the regions that should ' 'be read. If not provided, all regions will ' 'be read.') }, 'index': { 'type': 'string', 'description': ('Path to file containing index if different ' 'from the standard naming convention for ' 'BAM and CRAM files.') } } _sequence_types = { 'sam': '.sam', 'bam': '.bam', 'cram': '.cram', 'bcf': '.bcf', 'vcf': '.vcf', } _sam_header_fields = [] _vcf_header_fields = [ 'version', 'contigs', 'filters', 'formats', 'info', 'samples'] _sam_data_fields = [ 'query_name', 'query_sequence', 'flag', 'reference_id', 'reference_start', 'mapping_quality', 'cigar', 'next_reference_id', 'next_reference_start', 'template_length', 'query_qualities', 'tags'] _vcf_data_fields = [ 'contig', 'start', 'stop', 'alleles', 'id', 'qual', 'filter', 'info', 'samples'] _stores_fd = False _requires_refresh = True concats_as_str = True def _init_before_open(self, **kwargs): r"""Initialization steps that should be performed after base class, but before the comm is opened.""" out = super(PySamFileBase, self)._init_before_open(**kwargs) if self.direction == 'recv' and not self.regions: self.regions = [{}] elif self.direction == 'send': self.regions = [] self._remaining_regions = copy.deepcopy(self.regions) self._processed_regions = [] self._processed_iters = 0 self._region_iterator = None self._header_size = None self._temp_address = None self._next_region = None self._index_created = False if self.append: self.flush_on_write = True return out
[docs] @classmethod def is_installed(cls, language=None): r"""Determine if the necessary libraries are installed for this communication class. Args: language (str, optional): Specific language that should be checked for compatibility. Defaults to None and all languages supported on the current platform will be checked. If set to 'any', the result will be True if this comm is installed for any of the supported languages. Returns: bool: Is the comm installed. """ return (language == 'python') and (pysam is not None)
@property def open_mode(self): r"""str: Mode that should be used to open the file.""" out = super(PySamFileBase, self).open_mode out = out.replace('a', 'w') if self._filetype in ['bam', 'bcf']: out += 'b' elif self._filetype == 'cram': out += 'c' return out @property def current_region(self): r"""dict: Current region.""" if self._region_iterator is None: param = self._remaining_regions[0] self._region_iterator = self._external_fd.fetch( param.get('name', None), param.get('start', None), param.get('end', None)) self._processed_iters = 0 out = self._next_region try: self._processed_iters += 1 self._next_region = next(self._region_iterator) except StopIteration: self._processed_regions.append(self._remaining_regions[0]) del self._remaining_regions[0] self._region_iterator = None if out is None: out = self.current_region return out
[docs] def advance_in_series(self, series_index=None): r"""Advance to a certain file in a series. Args: series_index (int, optional): Index of file in the series that should be moved to. Defaults to None and call will advance to the next file in the series. Returns: bool: True if the file was advanced in the series, False otherwise. """ if self.is_series: self._processed_regions = [] self._processed_iters = 0 advanced = super(PySamFileBase, self).advance_in_series( series_index=series_index) return advanced
@property def _file_size_recv(self): r"""int: Current size of file.""" return self.file_size - len(self._remaining_regions)
[docs] def series_file_size(self, fname): r"""int: Size of file in series.""" return (super(PySamFileBase, self).series_file_size(fname) - self.header_size)
@classmethod def _file_class(cls): if cls._filetype in ['bcf', 'vcf']: return pysam.VariantFile else: return pysam.AlignmentFile def _flush_send(self): self._file_close(in_flush=True) self._file_open(self.current_address, self.open_mode, in_flush=True) cls = self._file_class() try: with cls(self.current_address, self.open_mode.replace('w', 'r')) as fd: for x in fd.fetch(): self._external_fd.write(x) except ValueError: pass @classmethod def _has_index(cls): return (cls._filetype in ['bam', 'cram']) @classmethod def _is_sam_based(cls): return (cls._filetype in ['sam', 'bam', 'cram'])
[docs] @classmethod def index_filename(cls, address): r"""Get the name of the index file.""" out = None if cls._filetype == 'bam': out = address + '.bai' elif cls._filetype == 'cram': out = address + '.crai' return out
[docs] def create_index(self, address, overwrite=False): r"""Create an index file to accompany the file begin written/read if one is required.""" index = self.index_filename(address) if index and os.path.isfile(address): index = address + '.bai' if ((overwrite or self._index_created or not os.path.isfile(index))): pysam.index(address) self._index_created = True if os.path.isfile(index): shutil.copystat(address, index) else: return None return index
[docs] @classmethod def remove_companion_files(cls, address): r"""Remove companion files that are created when writing to a file Args: address (str): Address for the filename. """ if not cls._has_index(): return index_address = cls.index_filename(address) if os.path.isfile(index_address): os.remove(index_address)
def _dedicated_open(self, address, mode, in_flush=False): kws = {} fname = address cls = self._file_class() if self.direction == 'send': kws['header'] = self.dict2header(self.header) if self.flush_on_write: self._temp_address = os.path.join( os.path.split(address)[0], 'tmp_' + os.path.split(address)[1]) fname = self._temp_address elif self._has_index(): index = self.index if not self.index: index = self.create_index(fname) kws['index_filename'] = index if self.direction == 'send' and self.append and not in_flush: self._flush_send() return self._external_fd = cls(fname, mode, **kws) if self.direction == 'recv': processed_iters = self._processed_iters allsheets = copy.deepcopy(self.regions) self._processed_iters = 0 self._remaining_regions = [ k for k in allsheets if k not in self._processed_regions] while self._processed_iters != processed_iters: self.current_region self._last_size = self.header_size else: if ((self._filetype in ['bam', 'cram', 'vcf', 'bcf'] and not in_flush)): self._flush_send() elif self.flush_on_write and not os.path.isfile(address): shutil.copy2(self._temp_address, address) return self._external_fd @property def header_size(self): if self._header_size is None: parts = os.path.split(self.current_address) fname = os.path.join(parts[0], 'head_' + parts[1]) try: cls = self._file_class() kws = {} if self._is_sam_based(): kws['template'] = self._external_fd else: kws['header'] = self._external_fd.header fd = cls(fname, self.open_mode.replace('r', 'w'), **kws) fd.close() self._header_size = os.stat(fname).st_size finally: if os.path.isfile(fname): os.remove(fname) return self._header_size def _dedicated_close(self, in_flush=False): if self._external_fd: self._external_fd.close() self._external_fd = None self._region_iterator = None self._next_region = None if self.direction == 'send' and os.path.isfile(self._temp_address): shutil.copy2(self._temp_address, self.current_address) if self._has_index(): self.create_index(self._temp_address, overwrite=True) shutil.copy2(self.index_filename(self._temp_address), self.index_filename(self.current_address)) os.remove(self.index_filename(self._temp_address)) os.remove(self._temp_address) def _dedicated_send(self, msg): msg = self.dict2region(msg, header=self._external_fd.header) self._external_fd.write(msg) if self.flush_on_write: self._flush_send() def _dedicated_recv(self): msg = self.current_region return self.region2dict(msg) @classmethod def _data_fields(cls): if cls._is_sam_based(): return cls._sam_data_fields else: return cls._vcf_data_fields @classmethod def _header_fields(cls): assert not cls._is_sam_based() return cls._vcf_header_fields
[docs] @classmethod def region2dict(cls, x): out = {} for k in cls._data_fields(): out[k] = getattr(x, k) if k in ['cigar', 'tags']: out[k] = [list(xx) for xx in out[k]] elif k in ['alleles']: out[k] = list(out[k]) elif k in ['filter', 'info']: out[k] = [kk for kk in out[k].keys()] elif k in ['samples']: out[k] = [{kkk: list(vvv) for kkk, vvv in vv.items()} for vv in out[k].values()] if not out[k] and isinstance(out[k], (list, dict, tuple)): del out[k] if 'query_qualities' in out: out['query_qualities'] = pysam.array_to_qualitystring( out['query_qualities']) return out
[docs] @classmethod def dict2region(cls, x, header=None): if cls._is_sam_based(): out = pysam.AlignedSegment() for k in cls._data_fields(): if k in x: if k == 'query_qualities': setattr(out, k, pysam.qualitystring_to_array(x[k])) elif k in ['cigar', 'tags']: setattr(out, k, tuple(tuple(xx) for xx in x[k])) else: setattr(out, k, x[k]) else: assert header is not None out = header.new_record(**copy.deepcopy(x)) return out
[docs] @classmethod def record2dict(cls, x): out = dict(x) out.pop('IDX', None) if 'Description' in out: out['Description'] = out['Description'].strip('"') for k in ['length', 'assembly']: out.pop(k, None) return out
[docs] @classmethod def header2dict(cls, x): out = {} if isinstance(x, dict): return x for k in cls._header_fields(): out[k] = getattr(x, k) if k in ['contigs']: out[k[:-1]] = { kk: cls.record2dict(vv.header_record) for kk, vv in out.pop(k).items()} elif k in ['filters', 'formats']: out[k[:-1].upper()] = { kk: cls.record2dict(vv.record) for kk, vv in out.pop(k).items()} elif k in ['info']: out[k.upper()] = { kk: cls.record2dict(vv.record) for kk, vv in out.pop(k).items()} elif k in ['samples']: out[k] = list(out[k]) return out
[docs] @classmethod def dict2header(cls, x): if cls._is_sam_based(): return x out = pysam.VariantHeader() for k, v in x.items(): if k in ['version']: continue elif k in ['samples']: out.add_samples(*x[k]) continue elif k in ['contig', 'FILTER', 'FORMAT', 'INFO']: for kk, vv in v.items(): out.add_meta(key=k, items=vv.items()) return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_testing_options(cls, test_dir=None, **kwargs): r"""Method to return a dictionary of testing options for this class.""" if cls._is_sam_based(): a = pysam.AlignedSegment() a.query_name = "read_28833_29006_6945" a.query_sequence = "AGCTTAGCTAGCTACCTATATCTTGGTCTTGGCCG" a.flag = 99 a.reference_id = 0 a.reference_start = 0 # 32 a.mapping_quality = 20 a.cigar = ((0, 10), (2, 1), (0, 25)) a.next_reference_id = -1 a.next_reference_start = -1 a.template_length = 167 a.query_qualities = pysam.qualitystring_to_array( "<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<:<9/,&,22;;<<<") a.tags = (("NM", 1), ("RG", "L1")) header = {'HD': {'VN': '1.0'}, 'SQ': [{'LN': 1575, 'SN': 'chr1'}, {'LN': 1584, 'SN': 'chr2'}], 'RG': [{"ID": "L1", }]} else: assert test_dir is not None fname = os.path.join(test_dir, 'data', 'example.vcf') with pysam.VariantFile(fname, 'r') as fd: a = next(fd.fetch()) header = a.header header = cls.header2dict(header) data = cls.region2dict(a) out = { 'kwargs': {'header': header, 'flush_on_write': True}, 'exact_contents': False, 'msg': data, 'dict': False, 'objects': [data], 'send': [data], 'recv': [data], 'recv_partial': [[data]], 'contents': None, } out['driver_send_kwargs'] = {'header': header} return out
_biopython_classes = [ ('FASTA', { '_filetype': 'fasta', '_test_parameters': { 'contents': ( b'>YP_025292.1 toxic membrane protein, small\nMKQHKAMI' b'VALIVICITAVVAALVTRKDLCEVHIRTGQTEVAVF\n' ) }, }), ('FASTQ', { '_filetype': 'fastq', '_valid_fields': BioPythonFileBase._valid_fields + [ 'letter_annotations'], '_test_parameters': { 'contents': ( b'@YP_025292.1 toxic membrane protein, small\nMKQHKAMI' b'VALIVICITAVVAALVTRKDLCEVHIRTGQTEVAVF\n+\n!"#$%&\'()*' b'+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKL\n' ) } }), ] for name, attr in _biopython_classes: create_component_class(globals(), BioPythonFileBase, f'{name}FileComm', attr) for name in PySamFileBase._sequence_types.keys(): create_component_class(globals(), PySamFileBase, f'{name.upper()}FileComm', {'_filetype': name})