Source code for yggdrasil.serialize.DefaultSerialize

import numpy as np
from yggdrasil import serialize, rapidjson
from yggdrasil.serialize.SerializeBase import SerializeBase

[docs]class DefaultSerialize(SerializeBase): r"""Default class for serializing/deserializing a python object into/from a bytes message. Args: **kwargs: Additional keyword args are passed to the parent class. """ _seritype = 'default' _schema_subtype_description = ('Default serializer that uses |yggdrasil|\'s ' 'extended JSON serialization based on a ' 'provided type definition (See discussion ' ':ref:`here <serialization_rst>`).') file_extensions = ['.ygg']
[docs] def func_serialize(self, args): r"""Serialize a message. Args: args: List of arguments to be formatted or numpy array to be serialized. Returns: bytes, str: Serialized message. """ return rapidjson.dumps(args).encode('utf8')
[docs] def func_deserialize(self, msg): r"""Deserialize a message. Args: msg: Message to be deserialized. Returns: obj: Deserialized message. """ return rapidjson.loads(msg.decode('utf8'))
[docs] @classmethod def dict2object(cls, obj, as_array=False, field_names=None, **kwargs): r"""Conver a dictionary to a message object. Args: obj (dict): Dictionary to convert to serializable object. as_array (bool, optional): If True, the objects in the list are complete columns in a table and as_format is set to True. Defaults to False. field_names (list, optional): The field names associated with a table-like data type. Defaults to None. This keyword must be provided if as_array is True. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are ignored. Returns: object: Serializable object. """ if field_names is None and len(obj) == 1: assert not as_array return super(DefaultSerialize, cls).dict2object(obj, **kwargs) return serialize.dict2list(obj, order=field_names)
[docs] @classmethod def object2dict(cls, obj, as_array=False, field_names=None, **kwargs): r"""Convert a message object into a dictionary. Args: obj (object): Object that would be serialized by this class and should be returned in a dictionary form. as_array (bool, optional): If True, the objects in the list are complete columns in a table and as_format is set to True. Defaults to False. field_names (list, optional): The field names associated with a table-like data type. Defaults to None. This keyword must be provided if as_array is True. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are ignored. Returns: dict: Dictionary version of the provided object. """ if field_names is None: assert not as_array return super(DefaultSerialize, cls).object2dict(obj, **kwargs) if len(field_names) == 1 and not isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): return {field_names[0]: obj} if isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): return serialize.numpy2dict(obj) return serialize.list2dict(obj, names=field_names)
[docs] @classmethod def object2array(cls, obj, as_array=False, field_names=None, **kwargs): r"""Convert a message object into an array. Args: obj (object): Object that would be serialized by this class and should be returned in an array form. as_array (bool, optional): If True, the objects in the list are complete columns in a table and as_format is set to True. Defaults to False. field_names (list, optional): The field names associated with a table-like data type. Defaults to None. This keyword must be provided if as_array is True. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are ignored. Returns: np.array: Array version of the provided object. """ if as_array and not isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): assert field_names is not None return serialize.list2numpy(obj, names=field_names) return super(DefaultSerialize, cls).object2array(obj, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def concatenate(cls, objects, as_array=False, **kwargs): r"""Concatenate objects to get object that would be recieved if the concatenated serialization were deserialized. Args: objects (list): Objects to be concatenated. as_array (bool, optional): If True, the objects in the list are complete columns in a table and as_format is set to True. Defaults to False. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are ignored. Returns: list: Set of objects that results from concatenating those provided. """ if len(objects) == 0: return [] if as_array: out = [[np.hstack([x[i] for x in objects]) for i in range(len(objects[0]))]] elif isinstance(objects[0], bytes): out = [b''.join(objects)] else: return super(DefaultSerialize, cls).concatenate(objects, **kwargs) return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_testing_options(cls, **kwargs): r"""Method to return a dictionary of testing options for this class.""" out = super(DefaultSerialize, cls).get_testing_options(**kwargs) if cls._seritype == 'default': out['concatenate'] = [([], []), ([b'a', b'b'], [b'ab'])] return out