Source code for yggdrasil.serialize.CABOSerialize

import re
import numpy as np
from yggdrasil import tools, units, rapidjson
from yggdrasil.serialize.AsciiMapSerialize import AsciiMapSerialize

[docs]class CABOSerialize(AsciiMapSerialize): r"""Class for serializing/deserializing CABO parameter files.""" _seritype = 'cabo' _schema_subtype_description = ('Serialization of mapping between ' 'keys and scalar or array values ' 'as used in the CABO parameter files.') _schema_properties = { 'delimiter': {'type': 'string', 'default': ' = '}} default_datatype = {'type': 'object'} file_extensions = ['.cab'] concats_as_str = True _delimiter = ' = ' _array_fmt = '%5.5f, %5.5f'
[docs] def func_serialize(self, args): r"""Serialize a message. Args: args (dict): Python dictionary to be serialized. Returns: bytes, str: Serialized message. """ lines = [] for k in args.keys(): v = args[k] if not isinstance(k, (str, bytes)): # pragma: debug raise ValueError("Serialization of non-string keys not supported.") iline = tools.bytes2str(k) + self.delimiter if isinstance(v, list): indent = ' ' * len(iline) arr_lines = [] assert len(v) == 2 assert v[0].shape == v[1].shape for i in range(len(v[0])): arr_lines.append(self._array_fmt % (v[0][i], v[1][i])) v_units = [str(getattr(vv, 'units', '-')) for vv in v] arr_lines[0] += f"\t! [{'; '.join(v_units)}]" iline += (',\n' + indent).join(arr_lines) elif isinstance(v, str): iline += "\'%s\'" % v elif hasattr(v, 'units'): iline += rapidjson.dumps( float(v), yggdrasil_mode=rapidjson.YM_READABLE) iline += f'\t! [{v.units}]' else: iline += rapidjson.dumps( v, yggdrasil_mode=rapidjson.YM_READABLE) lines.append(iline) return tools.str2bytes('\n'.join(lines))
[docs] @classmethod def parse_units(cls, x): r"""Parse units. Args: x (str): Unit string. Returns: str: Propertly formatted units. """ replacements = {"kg N": "kg", "kg P": "kg", "kg-1 dry biomass": "kg-1", "kg CH2O": "kg", "cel": "degC", "degC d": "ΔdegC d"} for k, v in replacements.items(): x = x.replace(k, v) if x == '-': x = "" return x
[docs] def func_deserialize(self, msg): r"""Deserialize a message. Args: msg (bytes): Message to be deserialized. Returns: dict: Deserialized Python dictionary. """ regex = (r'(?:(?:(?P<name>[^\!]*?)\s*=\s*)|(?:\s+))' r'(?P<value1>(?:-?[\d.]+(?:\.[\d+])?)|(?:\'[^\']*?\'))?' r'\s*(?:(?P<unwrapped_units>[^\!\,\']*?))?' r'(?:\,\s+(?P<value2>[^\!\,]*?)' r'(?:\,?))?\s*(?:\!\s*(?P<description>[^\[\]]*?)?\s*' r'(?:\[\s*(?P<units>[^\]]*?)\s*\][^\[\]]*)?)?\s*') out = dict() lines = tools.bytes2str(msg.split(self.newline), recurse=True) k = None desc = '' k_units = '' is_arr = False def finalize_element(): if is_arr: out[k][0] = np.array(out[k][0]) out[k][1] = np.array(out[k][1]) if k_units: if is_arr: if ';' in k_units: u1, u2 = k_units.split(';') u1 = self.parse_units(u1.strip()) u2 = self.parse_units(u2.strip()) out[k][0] = units.add_units(out[k][0], u1) out[k][1] = units.add_units(out[k][1], u2) else: out[k][1] = units.add_units( out[k][1], self.parse_units(k_units)) else: out[k] = units.add_units( out[k], self.parse_units(k_units)) for line in lines: if (not line.strip()) or line.startswith('**'): continue match = re.fullmatch(regex, line) if not match: # pragma: debug raise Exception("Failed to parse line: '%s'" % line) match = match.groupdict() if match.get('name', None): finalize_element() k = match['name'] if isinstance(match.get('value1', None), str): match['value1'] = match['value1'].strip() if isinstance(match.get('value2', None), str): match['value2'] = match['value2'].strip() is_arr = bool(match.get('value2', None)) desc = '' k_units = '' if is_arr: out[k] = [[], []] if match.get('description', ''): desc += match['description'] if match.get('units', ''): k_units += match['units'] if match['value1']: if match['value1'].startswith('\'') and match['value1'].endswith('\''): v1 = match['value1'].strip('\'') else: try: v1 = rapidjson.loads(match['value1']) except rapidjson.JSONDecodeError: if match['value1'].endswith('.'): v1 = rapidjson.loads(match['value1'] + '0') else: # pragma: debug raise if is_arr: v2 = rapidjson.loads(match['value2']) out[k][0].append(v1) out[k][1].append(v2) else: out[k] = v1 if out: finalize_element() return out
[docs] @classmethod def concatenate(cls, objects, **kwargs): r"""Concatenate objects to get object that would be recieved if the concatenated serialization were deserialized. Args: objects (list): Objects to be concatenated. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are ignored. Returns: list: Set of objects that results from concatenating those provided. """ total = dict() for x in objects: total.update(x) return [total]
[docs] @classmethod def get_testing_options(cls, **kwargs): r"""Method to return a dictionary of testing options for this class. Returns: dict: Dictionary of variables to use for testing. """ out = super(CABOSerialize, cls).get_testing_options() out['exact_contents'] = False out['objects'] = [{'CRPNAM': 'Grain maize CSA practicals', 'TBASEM': units.add_units(4.0, 'degC'), 'TEFFMX': units.add_units(30.0, 'degC'), 'TSUMEM': units.add_units(110.0, 'ΔdegC*d'), 'IDSL': 0, 'DLO': units.add_units(-99.0, 'hr'), 'DLC': units.add_units(-99.0, 'hr'), 'TSUM1': units.add_units(900.0, 'ΔdegC*d'), 'TSUM2': units.add_units(800.0, 'ΔdegC*d'), 'DTSMTB': [ units.add_units( np.array([0.0, 10.0, 30.0, 35.0]), 'degC'), units.add_units( np.array([0.0, 0.0, 24.0, 24.0]), 'ΔdegC*d')], 'DVSI': 0.0, 'DVSEND': 2.0, 'SSATB': [ np.array([0.0, 2.0]), units.add_units( np.array([0.0, 0.0]), 'ha/kg')]}] out['empty'] = dict() out['contents'] = ( b'CRPNAM=\'Grain maize CSA practicals\'\n\n' b'** emergence\n' b'TBASEM = 4.0 ! lower threshold temp. for emergence [cel]\n' b'TEFFMX = 30.0 ! max. eff. temp. for emergence [cel]\n' b'TSUMEM = 110. ! temperature sum from sowing to emergence [cel d]\n\n' b'** phenology\n' b'IDSL = 0 ! indicates whether pre-anthesis development depends\n' b' ! on temp. (=0), daylength (=1) , or both (=2)\n' b'DLO = -99.0 ! optimum daylength for development [hr]\n' b'DLC = -99.0 ! critical daylength (lower threshold) [hr]\n' b'TSUM1 = 900. ! temperature sum from emergence to anthesis [cel d]\n' b'TSUM2 = 800. ! temperature sum from anthesis to maturity [cel d]\n' b'DTSMTB = 0.00, 0.00, ! daily increase in temp. sum\n' b' 10.00, 0.00, ! as function of av. temp. ' b'[cel; cel d]\n' b' 30.00, 24.00,\n' b' 35.00, 24.00\n' b'DVSI = 0. ! initial DVS\n' b'DVSEND = 2.00 ! development stage at harvest (= 2.0 at ' b'maturity [-]))\n' b'SSATB = 0.0, 0.0, ! specific stem area [ha kg-1]\n' b' 2.0, 0.0 ! as function of DVS\n') return out