Source code for yggdrasil.languages.R.install

import os
import re
import sys
import uuid
import tempfile
import subprocess
import logging
import argparse
import shutil
PY_MAJOR_VERSION = sys.version_info[0]
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

name_in_pragmas = 'R'
lang_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..'))
desc_file = os.path.join(lang_dir, 'R', 'DESCRIPTION')

[docs]def update_argparser(parser=None): r"""Update argument parser with language specific arguments. Args: parser (argparse.ArgumentParser, optional): Existing argument parser that should be updated. Default to None and a new argument parser will be created. Returns: argparse.ArgumentParser: Argument parser with language specific arguments. """ if parser is None: parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Run R installation script.") parser.add_argument('--sudoR', action='store_true', dest='sudo', help='Run R installation steps with sudo.') parser.add_argument('--skip-r-requirements', '--skip_r_requirements', action='store_true', help='Don\'t install dependencies.') parser.add_argument('--update-r-requirements', '--update_r_requirements', action='store_true', help='Update the requirements.') parser.add_argument('--r-interpreter', type=str, help='R executable to use during installation.') return parser
[docs]def write_makevars(fname=None): r"""Write a makevars file with CC, CFLAGS, etc. values set based on the environment variables of the same name. Args: fname (str, optional): Full path to file where the files should be saved. Defaults to os.path.join("~", ".R", "Makevars"). Returns: tuple(str, str): Full path to file where Makevars was written and the file indicated by the previous value of the R_MAKEVARS_USER environment variable. None is returned for either/both if a file is not written and/or the environment variable wasn't set. """ if fname is None: fname = os.path.expanduser(os.path.join("~", ".R", "Makevars_temp")) if sys.platform in ['win32', 'cygwin']: fname += '.win' if os.path.isfile(fname):"Makevars file already exists: %s" % fname) return None, None lines = [] ldver = None if sys.platform.lower() == 'darwin': regex = r'PROJECT:ld64-(?P<version>\d+(?:\.\d+)?)' out = subprocess.check_output([os.environ.get('LD', 'ld'), '-v'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) match =, out.decode('utf-8')) if match: ldver ='version') for x in ['CC', 'CFLAGS', 'CXX', 'CXXFLAGS', 'FC', 'FFLAGS', 'LD', 'LDFLAGS']: env = os.environ.get(x, '') if not env: continue if (x in ['CFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS', 'FFLAGS', 'LDFLAGS']) and ldver: if '-mlinker-version' not in env: env += ' -mlinker-version=%s' % ldver lines.append('%s=%s' % (x, env)) if lines:"Writing Makevars to %s" % fname) if not os.path.isdir(os.path.dirname(fname)): os.mkdir(os.path.dirname(fname)) with open(fname, 'w') as fd: fd.write('\n'.join(lines)) old_makevars = os.environ.get('R_MAKEVARS_USER', None) os.environ['R_MAKEVARS_USER'] = fname return fname, old_makevars else:"Nothing to be written to the Makevars file") return None, None
[docs]def restore_makevars(makevars, old_makevars): r"""Restore original makevars environemnt variable and remove temporary file. Args: makevars (str): Full path to the file where the temporary Makevars file was written. If None, nothing is done. old_makevars (str): Full path to the file where the old Makevars file is as defined by the environment variable R_MAKEVARS_USER. """ if makevars is None: return if os.path.isfile(makevars): os.remove(makevars) if old_makevars: os.environ['R_MAKEVARS_USER'] = old_makevars else: if 'R_MAKEVARS_USER' in os.environ: del os.environ['R_MAKEVARS_USER']
[docs]def install_packages(package_list, update=False, repos=None, **kwargs): r"""Install R packages from CRAN. Args: package_list (str, list): One or more R packages that should be installed. update (bool, optional): If True, existing packages will be removed and then re-installed. If False, nothing will be done for existing packages. Defaults to False. repos (str, optional): Mirror where packages should be installed from. Defaults to ''. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to call_R. Returns: bool: True if call was successful, False otherwise. """ R_cmd = [] if not isinstance(package_list, list): package_list = [package_list] regex_ver = (r'(?P<name>.+?)\s*(?:\(\s*(?P<comparison>[=<>]+?)\s*' r'(?P<ver>[^\s=<>]+?)\s*\))?') req_ver = [] req_nover = [] for x in package_list: out = re.fullmatch(regex_ver, x).groupdict() kws = {} if sys.platform.lower() == 'darwin': kws['args'] = "INSTALL_opts=c(\"--no-multiarch\")" if x.startswith('units') and sys.platform.lower() == 'darwin': # These are the libs associated w/ brew libdir = '/usr/local/opt/udunits/include/' incdir = '/usr/local/opt/udunits/lib/' if ((os.path.isfile(os.path.join(libdir, 'libudunits2.dylib')) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(incdir, 'udunits2.h')))): kws['flags'] = ( 'configure.args=c(' '\"--with-udunits2-include=%s\",' '\"--with-udunits2-lib=%s\")') % (incdir, libdir) if out['ver'] and ('=' in out['comparison']): kws['ver'] = out['ver'] if kws: kws['name'] = out['name'] req_ver.append(kws) else: req_nover.append(out['name']) if repos is None: repos = '' if req_nover: req_list = 'c(%s)' % ', '.join(['\"%s\"' % x for x in req_nover]) if update: # R_cmd = ['install.packages(%s, repos="%s")' % (req_list, repos)] R_cmd += ['req <- %s' % req_list, 'for (x in req) {', ' if (is.element(x, installed.packages()[,1])) {', ' remove.packages(x)', ' }', ' install.packages(x, dep=TRUE, repos="%s")' % repos, '}'] else: R_cmd += ['req <- %s' % req_list, 'for (x in req) {', ' if (!is.element(x, installed.packages()[,1])) {', ' print(sprintf("Installing \'%s\' from CRAN.", x))', ' install.packages(x, dep=TRUE, repos="%s")' % repos, ' } else {', ' print(sprintf("%s already installed.", x))', ' }', '}'] if req_ver: for x in req_ver: name = "\"%s\"" % x['name'] args = ('repos=\"%s\"' % repos + ("," if x.get('args', '') else "") + x.get('args', '')) if 'ver' in x: R_cmd.append( ('packageurl <- \"' '%s_%s.tar.gz\"') % (x['name'], x['name'], x['ver'])) name = 'packageurl' args = ('repos=NULL, type=\"source\"' + ("," if x.get('args', '') else "") + x.get('args', '')) if update: R_cmd += [ 'if (is.element(\"%s\", installed.packages()[,1])) {' % x['name'], ' remove.packages(\"%s\")' % x['name'], '}' 'install.packages(%s, %s)' % (name, args)] else: R_cmd += [ 'if (!is.element(\"%s\", installed.packages()[,1])) {' % x['name'], ' install.packages(%s, %s)' % (name, args), '} else {', ' print("%s already installed.")' % x['name'], '}'] if not call_R(R_cmd, **kwargs): logger.error("Error installing dependencies: %s" % ', '.join(package_list)) return False"Installed dependencies: %s" % ', '.join(package_list)) return True
[docs]def call_R(R_cmd, R_exe=None, **kwargs): r"""Call R commands, checking output. Args: R_cmd (list): List of R commands to run. R_exe (str, optional): Rscript executable that should be used to call the script. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to make_call. Returns: bool: True if the call was successful, False otherwise. """ R_script = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), 'wrapper_%s.R' % (str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '_'))) with open(R_script, 'w') as fd: fd.write('\n'.join(R_cmd))'Running:\n ' + '\n '.join(R_cmd)) try: if R_exe is None: R_exe = shutil.which('Rscript') if not R_exe: R_exe = 'Rscript' out = make_call([R_exe, R_script], **kwargs) finally: os.remove(R_script) return out
[docs]def make_call(R_cmd, with_sudo=False, **kwargs): r"""Call command, checking output. Args: R_cmd (list): List of command line executable to call and any arguments that should be passed to it. with_sudo (bool, optional): If True, the R installation script will be called with sudo. Defaults to False. Only valid for unix style operating systems. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to subprocess.check_output. Returns: bool: True if the call was successful, False otherwise. """ if with_sudo and (sys.platform not in ['win32', 'cygwin']): R_cmd.insert(0, 'sudo') try:"Calling %s on %s (with_sudo=%s)" % (' '.join(R_cmd), sys.platform, with_sudo)) if sys.platform in ['win32', 'cygwin']: kwargs.setdefault('shell', True) R_proc = subprocess.check_output(R_cmd, **kwargs) if PY_MAJOR_VERSION == 3: R_proc = R_proc.decode("utf-8")"Output:\n%s" % R_proc) out = True except BaseException as e: logger.error('Error installing R interface:\n%s' % e) out = False return out
[docs]def requirements_from_description(fname=None): r"""Read R requirements from the Imports & Depends sections of the package description. Args: fname (str, optional): Full path to the description file. Defaults to desc_file. Returns: list: List of R requirements from the Imports & Depends sections. """ out = [] in_section = False if fname is None: fname = desc_file assert os.path.isfile(fname) with open(fname, 'r') as fd: for x in fd.readlines(): if x.startswith(('Imports:', 'Depends:')): in_section = True elif in_section: if x.startswith(' '): if not x.strip().startswith('R '): out.append(x.strip().strip(',')) else: in_section = False out = list(set(out)) return out
[docs]def install(args=None, with_sudo=None, skip_requirements=None, update_requirements=None, R_exe=None): r"""Attempt to install the R interface. Args: args (argparse.Namespace, optional): Arguments parsed from the command line. Default to None and is created from sys.argv. with_sudo (bool, optional): If True, the R installation script will be called with sudo. Defaults to None and will be set based on args and environment variable YGG_USE_SUDO_FOR_R. Only valid for unix style operating systems. skip_requirements (bool, optional): If True, the requirements will not be installed. Defaults to None and is set based on if the flag '--skip-r-requirements' is in args. update_requirements (bool, optional): If True, the requirements will be updated. Defaults to False. Setting this to True, sets skip_requirements to False. R_exe (str, optional): Rscript executable that should be used to call the script. Returns: bool: True if install succeded, False otherwise. """ # Parse input if args is None: args = update_argparser().parse_args() if with_sudo is None: with_sudo = ((os.environ.get('YGG_USE_SUDO_FOR_R', '0') == '1') or args.sudo or ('sudo' in sys.argv)) # or args.sudoR) if skip_requirements is None: skip_requirements = args.skip_r_requirements if update_requirements is None: update_requirements = args.update_r_requirements if update_requirements: skip_requirements = False # Set platform dependent things if R_exe is None: R_exe = args.r_interpreter if R_exe is None: if sys.platform in ['win32', 'cygwin']: R_exe = 'R.exe' else: R_exe = 'R' Rscript_exe = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(R_exe), "Rscript") kwargs = {'cwd': lang_dir, 'with_sudo': with_sudo} # Write Makevars for conda installation makevars = None old_makevars = None if os.environ.get('CONDA_PREFIX', ''): makevars, old_makevars = write_makevars() try: # Install requirements if not skip_requirements: # TEMP FIX FOR RCPP # if not install_packages(['Rcpp'], update=update_requirements, # repos="", # R_exe=Rscript_exe, **kwargs): # logger.error("Failed to install Rcpp dependency") # restore_makevars(makevars, old_makevars) # return False requirements = requirements_from_description() if os.environ.get('BUILDDOCS', '') == '1': requirements += ['roxygen2', 'Rd2md'] if not install_packages(requirements, update=update_requirements, R_exe=Rscript_exe, **kwargs): logger.error("Failed to install dependencies") restore_makevars(makevars, old_makevars) return False"Installed dependencies.") # Check to see if yggdrasil installed # Build packages build_cmd = [R_exe, 'CMD', 'build', 'R'] if not make_call(build_cmd, **kwargs): logger.error("Error building R interface.") restore_makevars(makevars, old_makevars) return False"Built R interface.") # Install package package_name = 'yggdrasil_0.1.tar.gz' R_call = ("install.packages(\"%s\", verbose=TRUE," "INSTALL_opts=c(\"--no-multiarch\")," "repos=NULL, type=\"source\")") % package_name if not call_R([R_call], R_exe=Rscript_exe, **kwargs): logger.error("Error installing R interface from the built package.") restore_makevars(makevars, old_makevars) return False"Installed R interface.") finally: restore_makevars(makevars, old_makevars) return True
if __name__ == "__main__": out = install() if out:"R interface installed.") else: raise Exception("Failed to install R interface.")