Source code for yggdrasil.drivers.TimeSyncModelDriver

import os
import pandas as pd
from yggdrasil import units, tools, multitasking
from yggdrasil.drivers.DSLModelDriver import DSLModelDriver

_default_agg = 'mean'
_default_interp = 'index'

[docs]class TimeSyncModelDriver(DSLModelDriver): r"""Class for synchronizing states for timesteps between two models. Args: synonyms (dict, optional): Mapping from model names to mappings from base variables names to information about one or more alternate variable names used by the named model that should be converted to the base variable. Values for providing information about alternate variables can either be strings (implies equivalence with the base variable in everything but name and units) or mappings with the keys: alt (str, list): Name of one or more variables used by the model that should be used to calculate the named base variable. alt2base (function): Callable object that takes the alternate variables named by the 'alt' property as input and returns the base variable. base2alt (function): Callable object that takes the base variable as input and returns the alternate variables named by the 'alt' property. Defaults to an empty dictionary. aggregation (str, dict, optional): Method(s) that should be used to aggregate synonymous variables across models. This can be a single method that should be used for all synonymous variables or a dictionary mapping between synonymous variables and the method that should be used by that variable. If a variable is not present in the dictionary or a values is not provided, 'mean' will be used. See the documentation for pandas.DataFrame.aggregate for available options. interpolation (str, dict, optional): Method(s) or keyword arguments that should be used to interpolate missing timesteps. This can be a single method or a dictionary mapping between model name and the interpolation methods (or keyword arguments) that should be used for variables from that model. Defaults to 'index'. See the documentation for pandas.DataFrame.interpolate for available options. additional_variables (dict, optional): Mapping from model name to a list of variables from other models that are not provided by the model, but should still be returned to the model. Defaults to empty dictionary. """ _schema_subtype_description = ('Model is dedicated to synchronizing ' 'timesteps between other models.') _schema_properties = { 'synonyms': {'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': { 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': {'anyOf': [ {'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'object', 'required': ['alt', 'alt2base', 'base2alt'], 'properties': { 'alt': {'anyOf': [ {'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}]}, 'alt2base': {'type': 'function'}, 'base2alt': {'type': 'function'}}}]}}, 'default': {}}, 'interpolation': { 'anyOf': [{'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': {'oneOf': [ {'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'object', 'required': ['method'], 'properties': { 'method': {'type': 'string'}}}]}}, {'type': 'object', 'required': ['method'], 'properties': { 'method': {'type': 'string'}}}], 'default': _default_interp}, 'aggregation': { 'anyOf': [{'type': 'function'}, {'type': 'string'}, {'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': { 'anyOf': [{'type': 'function'}, {'type': 'string'}]}}], 'default': _default_agg}, 'additional_variables': { 'type': 'object', 'additionalProperties': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'default': {}}, 'args': {'type': 'array', 'default': [], 'items': {'type': ['string', 'number']}, 'allowSingular': True}} _schema_no_default_subtype = True language = 'timesync' executable_type = 'other' def __init__(self, name, *args, **kwargs): super(TimeSyncModelDriver, self).__init__(name, *args, **kwargs) # Ensure that options are uniform in their format and check # that they are valid for k, v in self.synonyms.items(): for s0, x in list(v.items()): if isinstance(x, str): x = {'alt': x, 'alt2base': None, 'base2alt': None} if not isinstance(x['alt'], list): x['alt'] = [x['alt']] if ((((x['alt2base'] is None) or (x['base2alt'] is None)) and (len(x['alt']) > 1))): # pragma: debug raise RuntimeError( ('Cannot convert from multiple alternate ' 'variables (%s) to single base variable (%s) ' 'without transformation functions.') % (x['alt'], s0)) v[s0] = x if isinstance(self.interpolation, str): self.interpolation = {'method': self.interpolation} if 'method' not in self.interpolation: for k, v in list(self.interpolation.items()): if isinstance(v, str): v = {'method': v} self.interpolation[k] = v
[docs] def parse_arguments(self, args, **kwargs): r"""Sort model arguments to determine which one is the executable and which ones are arguments. Args: args (list): List of arguments provided. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are ignored. """ assert isinstance(args, list) and (len(args) == 0) self.model_file = 'dummy'
@property def model_wrapper_args(self): r"""tuple: Positional arguments for the model wrapper.""" return (, self.synonyms, self.interpolation, self.aggregation, self.additional_variables)
[docs] @classmethod def model_wrapper(cls, name, synonyms, interpolation, aggregation, additional_variables, env=None): r"""Model wrapper.""" from yggdrasil.languages.Python.YggInterface import YggTimesyncServer if env is not None: os.environ.update(env) rpc = YggTimesyncServer(name) threads = {} times = [] tables = {} table_units = {'base': {}} table_lock = multitasking.RLock() default_agg = _default_agg if not isinstance(aggregation, dict): default_agg = aggregation aggregation = {} while True: # Check for errors on response threads for v in threads.values(): if v.check_flag_attr('error_flag'): # pragma: debug for v in threads.values(): if v.is_alive(): v.terminate() raise Exception("Error on response thread.") # Receive values from client models flag, values, request_id = rpc.recv_from(timeout=1.0, quiet_timeout=True) if not flag: print("timesync server: End of input.") break if len(values) == 0: rpc.sleep() continue t, state = values[:] t_pd = units.convert_to_pandas_timedelta(t) client_model = rpc.ocomm[ rpc.requests[request_id].response_address].client_model # Remove variables marked as external so they are not merged external_variables = additional_variables.get(client_model, []) for k in external_variables: state.pop(k, None) internal_variables = list(state.keys()) # Update record with table_lock: if client_model not in tables: tables[client_model] = pd.DataFrame({'time': times}) # Update units & aggregation methods if client_model not in table_units: # NOTE: this assumes that units will not change # between timesteps for a single model. Is there a # case where this might not be true? table_units[client_model] = { k: units.get_units(v) for k, v in state.items()} table_units[client_model]['time'] = units.get_units(t) alt_vars = [] for k, v in synonyms.get(client_model, {}).items(): alt_vars += v['alt'] if v['alt2base'] is not None: table_units[client_model][k] = units.get_units( v['alt2base'](*[state[a] for a in v['alt']])) else: table_units[client_model][k] = table_units[ client_model][v['alt'][0]] for k, v in table_units[client_model].items(): table_units['base'].setdefault(k, v) for k in list(set(state.keys()) - set(alt_vars)): aggregation.setdefault(k, default_agg) # Update the state if t_pd not in times: times.append(t_pd) for model, table in tables.items(): new_data = {'time': [t_pd]} if model == client_model: new_data.update({k: [units.get_data(v)] for k, v in state.items()}) new_data = pd.DataFrame(new_data) idx = table['time'].isin([t_pd]) if not idx.any(): table = pd.concat([table, new_data], sort=False) elif model == client_model: table = table.drop(table.index[idx]) table = pd.concat([table, new_data], sort=False) tables[model] = table.sort_values('time') # Assign thread to handle checking when data is filled in threads[request_id] = multitasking.YggTaskLoop( target=cls.response_loop, args=(client_model, request_id, rpc, t_pd, internal_variables, external_variables, tables, table_units, table_lock, synonyms, interpolation, aggregation)) threads[request_id].start() # Cleanup threads (only called if there is an error since the # loop will only be broken when all of the clients have signed # off, implying that all requests have been responded to). for v in threads.values(): if v.is_alive(): # pragma: debug v.wait(0.5) for v in threads.values(): if v.is_alive(): # pragma: debug v.terminate()
[docs] @classmethod def check_for_data(cls, time, tables, table_units, table_lock, open_clients): r"""Check for a time in the tables to determine if there is sufficient data available to calculate the state. Args: time (pandas.Timedelta): Time that state is requested at. tables (dict): Mapping from model name to pandas DataFrames containing variables supplied by the model. table_units (dict): Mapping from model name to dictionaries mapping from variable names to units. table_lock (RLock): Thread-safe lock for accessing table. open_clients (list): Clients that are still open. Returns: bool: True if there is sufficient data, False otherwise. """ with table_lock: for k, v in tables.items(): if (k in open_clients) and (time > max(v.dropna()['time'])): return False for k in open_clients: if k not in table_units: # pragma: debug return False return True
[docs] @classmethod def response_loop(cls, client_model, request_id, rpc, time, internal_variables, external_variables, tables, table_units, table_lock, synonyms, interpolation, aggregation): r"""Check for available data and send response if it is available. Args: client_model (str): Name of model that made the request. request_id (str): ID associated with request that should be responded to. rpc (ServerComm): Server RPC comm that should be used to reply to the request when the data is available. time (pandas.Timedelta): Time to get variables at. internal_variables (list): Variables that model is requesting that it also calculates. external_variables (list): Variables that model is requesting that will be provided by other models. tables (dict): Mapping from model name to pandas DataFrames containing variables supplied by the model. table_units (dict): Mapping from model name to dictionaries mapping from variable names to units. table_lock (RLock): Thread-safe lock for accessing table. synonyms (dict): Dictionary mapping from base variables to alternate variables and mapping functions used to convert between the variables. Defaults to empty dict and no conversions are performed. interpolation (dict): Mapping from model name to the interpolation kwargs that should be used. Defaults to empty dictionary. aggregation (dict): Mapping from variable name to the aggregation method that should be used. Defaults to empty dictionary. """ if not (rpc.all_clients_connected and cls.check_for_data(time, tables, table_units, table_lock, rpc.open_clients)): # Don't start sampling until all clients have connected # and there is data available for the requested timestep tools.sleep(1.0) return tot = cls.merge(tables, table_units, table_lock, rpc.open_clients, synonyms, interpolation, aggregation) # Update external units for k in external_variables: if k not in table_units[client_model]: table_units[client_model][k] = table_units['base'][k] # Check if data is available at the desired timestep? # Convert units for k in tot.columns: funits = units.get_conversion_function(table_units['base'][k], table_units[client_model][k]) tot[k] = tot[k].apply(funits) # Transform back to variables expected by the model for kbase, alt in synonyms.get(client_model, {}).items(): if alt['base2alt'] is not None: alt_vars = alt['base2alt'](tot[kbase]) if isinstance(alt_vars, (tuple, list)): assert len(alt_vars) == len(alt['alt']) for k, v in zip(alt['alt'], alt_vars): tot[k] = v else: assert len(alt['alt']) == 1 tot[alt['alt'][0]] = alt_vars else: tot[alt['alt'][0]] = tot[kbase] # Get state state = {} for v in internal_variables + external_variables: v_res = tot.loc[time, v] state[v] = units.add_units(v_res, table_units[client_model][v]) time_u = units.convert_to(units.convert_from_pandas_timedelta(time), table_units[client_model]['time']) flag = rpc.send_to(request_id, state) if not flag: # pragma: debug raise RuntimeError(("Failed to send response to " "request %s for time %s from " "model %s.") % (request_id, time_u, client_model)) raise multitasking.BreakLoopException
[docs] @classmethod def merge(cls, tables, table_units, table_lock, open_clients, synonyms, interpolation, aggregation): r"""Merge tables from models to get data. Args: tables (dict): Mapping from model name to pandas DataFrames containing variables supplied by the model. table_units (dict): Mapping from model name to dictionaries mapping from variable names to units. table_lock (RLock): Thread-safe lock for accessing table. open_clients (list): Clients that are still open. synonyms (dict): Dictionary mapping from base variables to alternate variables and mapping functions used to convert between the variables. Defaults to empty dict and no conversions are performed. interpolation (dict): Mapping from model name to the interpolation kwargs that should be used. Defaults to empty dictionary. aggregation (dict): Mapping from variable name to the aggregation method that should be used. Defaults to empty dictionary. """ # Adjust input arguments interp_default = {'method': _default_interp} if 'method' in interpolation: interp_default = interpolation interpolation = {} # Interpolate table_temp = {} with table_lock: for k, v in tables.items(): kws = interpolation.get(k, interp_default).copy() if k not in open_clients: # Ensure that clients that have signed off are # extrapolated, otherwise they would never produce # valid data kws['limit_area'] = None if 'order' in kws: kws['order'] = min(v.dropna().shape[0] - 1, kws['order']) if kws['order'] == 0: kws.pop('order') kws.update(interp_default) v = v.set_index('time') # Cannot interpolate on pandas timedelta as of pandas 1.0.1 ind = v.index v.index = v.index.total_seconds() table_temp[k] = v.interpolate(**kws) table_temp[k].index = ind # Rename + transformation for model, v in table_temp.items(): drop = [] for kbase, alt in synonyms.get(model, {}).items(): if alt['alt2base'] is not None: args = [v[k] for k in alt['alt']] v[kbase] = alt['alt2base'](*args) else: v[kbase] = v[alt['alt'][0]] drop += alt['alt'] for k in drop: v = v.drop(k, axis=1) # Units for k in v.columns: funits = units.get_conversion_function(table_units[model][k], table_units['base'][k]) v[k] = v[k].apply(funits) table_temp[model] = v # Append out = pd.DataFrame() for k, v in table_temp.items(): out = pd.concat([out, v], sort=False) # Groupby + aggregate out = out.groupby('time').agg(aggregation) return out