Source code for yggdrasil.drivers.JuliaModelDriver

from yggdrasil import platform
from yggdrasil.drivers.InterpretedModelDriver import InterpretedModelDriver
from yggdrasil.drivers.PythonModelDriver import PythonModelDriver

[docs]class JuliaModelDriver(InterpretedModelDriver): # pragma: Julia r"""Class for running Julia models.""" _schema_subtype_description = ('Model is written in Julia.') language = 'julia' language_ext = '.jl' base_languages = ['python'] default_interpreter = 'julia' interface_library = 'Yggdrasil' interface_dependencies = ['PyCall', 'Unitful'] type_map = { 'int': 'Int', 'float': 'Float', 'string': 'String', 'array': 'Array', 'object': 'Dict{AbstractString,Any}', 'boolean': 'Bool', 'null': 'Nothing', 'uint': 'Uint', 'complex': 'Complex', 'bytes': 'CodeUnits{UInt8,String}', 'unicode': 'String', '1darray': 'Array{X}', 'ndarray': 'Array{X}', 'ply': 'PlyDict', 'obj': 'ObjDict', 'schema': 'Dict'} interface_map = { 'import': 'import Yggdrasil: commtype', 'input': 'Yggdrasil.YggInterface("YggInput", "{channel_name}")', 'output': 'Yggdrasil.YggInterface("YggOutput", "{channel_name}")', 'server': 'Yggdrasil.YggInterface("YggRpcServer", "{channel_name}")', 'client': 'Yggdrasil.YggInterface("YggRpcClient", "{channel_name}")', 'timesync': 'Yggdrasil.YggInterface("YggTimesync", "{channel_name}")', 'send': 'flag = {channel_obj}.send({outputs})', 'recv': 'flag, {inputs} = {channel_obj}.recv()', 'call': 'flag, {inputs} = {channel_obj}.call({outputs})', } function_param = { 'import_nofile': 'using {function}', 'import': 'include("{filename}")', # "{function}")', 'istype': '{variable} isa {type}', 'len': 'length({variable})', 'index': '{variable}[{index}]', 'first_index': 1, 'interface': 'using {interface_library}', 'input': ('{channel} = Yggdrasil.YggInterface(\"YggInput\", ' '\"{channel_name}\")'), 'output': ('{channel} = Yggdrasil.YggInterface(\"YggOutput\", ' '\"{channel_name}\")'), 'python_interface': ('{channel} = Yggdrasil.YggInterface(' '\"{python_interface}\", \"{channel_name}\")'), 'python_interface_format': ('{channel} = Yggdrasil.YggInterface(' '\"{python_interface}\", ' '\"{channel_name}\", \"{format_str}\")'), 'recv_function': '{channel}.recv', 'send_function': '{channel}.send', 'comment': '#', 'true': 'true', 'false': 'false', 'not': '!', 'and': '&&', 'or': '||', 'indent': 4 * ' ', 'quote': '\"', 'print_generic': 'println({object})', 'print': 'println(\"{message}\")', 'fprintf': '@printf(\"{message}\", {variables})', 'error': 'error(\"{error_msg}\")', 'block_end': 'end', 'if_begin': 'if {cond}', 'if_elif': 'elseif {cond}', 'if_else': 'else', 'for_begin': 'for {iter_var} in {iter_begin}:{iter_end}', 'while_begin': 'while {cond}', 'break': 'break', 'try_begin': 'try', 'try_except': 'catch', 'assign': 'global {name} = {value}', 'function_def_begin': 'function {function_name}({input_var})', 'return': 'return {output_var}', 'function_def_regex': ( r'\n?( *)function +{function_name}' r'(?P<outtype>\:\:[^\(]+?)?' r' *\((?P<inputs>(?:[^\)]+?)?)\) *' r'(?P<body>(?:(?:\1(?: *)(?!return)[^ ].*?\n)|(?: *\n))*)' r'(?:\1(?: *)' r'(?:return *)?(?P<outputs>.*?) *\n)?'), 'inputs_def_regex': r'\s*(?P<name>.+?)\s*(?:,|$)', 'outputs_def_regex': r'\s*(?P<name>.+?)\s*(?:,|$)'} zero_based = False
[docs] @classmethod def is_library_installed(cls, lib, **kwargs): r"""Determine if a dependency is installed. Args: lib (str): Name of the library that should be checked. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are ignored. Returns: bool: True if the library is installed, False otherwise. """ if lib not in cls._library_cache: try: cls.run_executable(['-e', f'using {lib}'], env=cls.set_env_class()) cls._library_cache[lib] = True except RuntimeError: cls._library_cache[lib] = False return cls._library_cache[lib]
[docs] @classmethod def set_env_class(cls, **kwargs): r"""Get environment variables that should be set for the model process. Returns: dict: Environment variables for the model process. """ out = super(JuliaModelDriver, cls).set_env_class(**kwargs) out['PYTHON'] = PythonModelDriver.get_interpreter() return out
[docs] @classmethod def write_initialize_oiter(cls, var, value=None, **kwargs): r"""Get the lines necessary to initialize an array for iteration output. Args: var (dict, str): Name or information dictionary for the variable being initialized. value (str, optional): Value that should be assigned to the variable. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: list: The lines initializing the variable. """ value = 'Array{Any, 1}(undef, %s)' % var['iter_var']['end'] out = super(JuliaModelDriver, cls).write_initialize_oiter( var, value=value, **kwargs) return out
[docs] @classmethod def write_finalize_oiter(cls, var): r"""Get the lines necessary to finalize an array after iteration. Args: var (dict, str): Name or information dictionary for the variable being initialized. Returns: list: The lines finalizing the variable. """ out = super(JuliaModelDriver, cls).write_finalize_oiter(var) out += [f"{var['name']}_type = typeof({var['name']}[1])", f"global {var['name']} = Array{{{var['name']}_type}}({var['name']})"] return out
[docs] @classmethod def write_executable_import(cls, **kwargs): r"""Add import statements to executable lines. Args: **kwargs: Keyword arguments for import statement. Returns: list: Lines required to complete the import. """ if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows kwargs['filename'] = kwargs['filename'].replace('\\', '\\\\') return super(JuliaModelDriver, cls).write_executable_import(**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def get_testing_options(cls, **kwargs): r"""Method to return a dictionary of testing options for this class. Args: **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class. Returns: dict: Dictionary of variables to use for testing. Key/value pairs: kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for driver instance. deps (list): Dependencies to install. """ out = super(JuliaModelDriver, cls).get_testing_options(**kwargs) out.setdefault('invalid_libraries', ['invalid_unicorn']) return out