Source code for yggdrasil.drivers.FortranModelDriver

import os
import re
import copy
import logging
from collections import OrderedDict
from yggdrasil import platform, tools, constants, rapidjson
from yggdrasil.languages import get_language_dir
from yggdrasil.drivers import CModelDriver
from yggdrasil.drivers.CompiledModelDriver import (
    CompilerBase, CompiledModelDriver, get_compilation_tool,

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_top_lang_dir = get_language_dir('fortran')
_incl_interface = _top_lang_dir
_c_internal_libs = copy.deepcopy(CModelDriver.CModelDriver.internal_libraries)

# TODO: Add support for f77: e.g.
[docs]class FortranCompilerBase(CompilerBase): r"""Base class for Fortran compilers.""" languages = ['fortran'] default_executable_env = 'FC' default_flags_env = 'FFLAGS' default_flags = ['-g', '-Wall', '-cpp', '-pedantic-errors', '-ffree-line-length-0'] linker_attributes = {'default_flags_env': 'LFLAGS', 'search_path_envvar': ['LIBRARY_PATH', 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH']} search_path_envvar = [] default_linker = None default_executable = None default_archiver = None product_exts = ['mod']
[docs] @classmethod def get_flags(cls, **kwargs): r"""Get a list of flags for the tool. Args: **kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: list: Flags for the tool. """ if 'module-dir' in cls.flag_options: kwargs.setdefault('module-dir', _top_lang_dir) if 'module-search-path' in cls.flag_options: kwargs.setdefault('module-search-path', _top_lang_dir) kwargs.setdefault('include_dirs', cls.get_search_path()) out = super(FortranCompilerBase, cls).get_flags(**kwargs) for x in ['-O', '-O2', '-O3', 'Os', 'Ofast']: # pragma: debug if x in out: out.remove(x) return out
[docs] @classmethod def append_product(cls, products, src, new, new_dir=None, dont_append_src=False): r"""Append a product to the specified list along with additional values indicated by cls.product_exts. Args: products (list): List of of existing products that new product should be appended to. src (list): Input arguments to compilation call that was used to generate the output file (usually one or more source files). new (str): New product that should be appended to the list. new_dir (str, optional): Directory that should be used as base when adding files listed in cls.product_files. Defaults to os.path.dirname(new). dont_append_src (bool, optional): If True and src is in the list of products, it will be removed. Defaults to False. """ super(FortranCompilerBase, cls).append_product( products, src, new, new_dir=new_dir, dont_append_src=dont_append_src) if os.path.basename(new).startswith('YggInterface_f90'): products.append(os.path.join(_top_lang_dir, 'fygg.mod'))
# class FlangCompiler(FortranCompilerBase): # r"""Interface class for flang compiler/linker.""" # toolname = 'flang' # platforms = ['MacOS', 'Linux', 'Windows'] # default_flags = (FortranCompilerBase.default_flags # + ['-Werror', '-w', '-Weverything']) # flag_options = OrderedDict(list(FortranCompilerBase.flag_options.items()) # + [('module-dir', '-I%s'), # ('module-search-path', '-I%s'), # ('standard', '-std=%s')]) # toolset = 'llvm'
[docs]class GFortranCompiler(FortranCompilerBase): r"""Interface class for gfortran compiler/linker.""" toolname = 'gfortran' platforms = ['MacOS', 'Linux', 'Windows'] default_flags = (FortranCompilerBase.default_flags + ['-x', 'f95-cpp-input']) flag_options = OrderedDict(list(FortranCompilerBase.flag_options.items()) + [('module-dir', '-J%s'), ('module-search-path', '-I%s'), ('standard', '-std=%s')]) toolset = 'gnu' compatible_toolsets = ['llvm'] default_archiver = 'ar'
# GNU ASAN not currently installed with gfortran on osx # asan_flags = ['-fsanitize=address'] # linker_attributes = dict( # FortranCompilerBase.linker_attributes, # asan_flags=['-fsanitize=address', '-shared-libasan']) # f'-l{CModelDriver.ClangCompiler.asan_library()}']) # class IFortCompiler(FortranCompilerBase): # r"""Interface class for ifort compiler/linker.""" # toolname = 'ifort' # platforms = ['MacOS', 'Linux', 'Windows'] # flag_options = OrderedDict(list(FortranCompilerBase.flag_options.items()) # + [('module-dir', '-module'), # ('module-search-path', '-module'), # ('standard', '-stand')]) # toolset = 'msvc' # Is this strictly true?
[docs]class FortranModelDriver(CompiledModelDriver): r"""Class for running Fortran models. Args: standard (str, optional): Fortran standard that should be used. Defaults to 'f2003'. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to parent class. """ _schema_subtype_description = ('Model is written in Fortran.') _schema_properties = {'standard': {'type': 'string', 'default': 'f2003', 'enum': ['f2003', 'f2008']}} language = 'fortran' language_ext = ['.f90', '.f77', '.f', '.h'] base_languages = ['c'] interface_library = 'fygg' # To prevent inheritance default_compiler = 'gfortran' default_linker = None supported_comm_options = dict( CModelDriver.CModelDriver.supported_comm_options, zmq={'libraries': [('c', x) for x in CModelDriver.CModelDriver.supported_comm_options[ 'zmq']['libraries']]}) standard_libraries = [] external_libraries = {'cxx': {'include': 'stdlib.h', 'libtype': 'shared', 'language': 'c'}} internal_libraries = dict( fygg={'source': os.path.join(_incl_interface, 'YggInterface.f90'), 'libtype': 'static', 'internal_dependencies': ( [('c', x) for x in _c_internal_libs['ygg']['internal_dependencies']] + [('c', 'ygg'), 'c_wrappers']), 'external_dependencies': ( [('c', x) for x in _c_internal_libs['ygg']['external_dependencies']]), 'include_dirs': ( _c_internal_libs['ygg']['include_dirs'])}, c_wrappers={'source': os.path.join(_incl_interface, 'c_wrappers.c'), 'language': 'c', 'libtype': 'object', 'internal_dependencies': [('c', 'ygg')], 'external_dependencies': ( [('c', x) for x in _c_internal_libs['ygg']['external_dependencies']]), 'include_dirs': [_incl_interface]}) type_map = { 'comm': 'yggcomm', 'dtype': 'yggdtype', 'int': 'integer(kind = X)', 'float': 'real(kind = X)', 'string': 'character(len = X)', 'array': 'yggarr', 'object': 'yggmap', 'integer': 'integer', 'number': 'real(kind = 8)', 'boolean': 'logical(kind = X)', 'null': 'yggnull', 'uint': 'ygguintX', # Fortran has no unsigned int 'complex': 'complex(kind = X)', 'bytes': 'character(len = X)', 'unicode': ('character(kind = selected_char_kind(\'ISO_10646\'), ' 'len = X)'), '1darray': '*', 'ndarray': '*', '1darray_pointer': '{type}{precision}_1d', 'ndarray_pointer': '{type}{precision}_{ndim}d', 'ply': 'yggply', 'obj': 'yggobj', 'schema': 'yggschema', 'flag': 'logical', 'class': 'yggpython', 'function': 'yggpyfunc', 'instance': 'yggpyinst', 'any': 'ygggeneric'} interface_map = { 'import': 'use fygg', 'input': 'ygg_input_type("{channel_name}", {datatype})', 'output': 'ygg_output_type("{channel_name}", {datatype})', 'server': ( 'ygg_rpc_server_type("{channel_name}", {datatype_in}, ' '{datatype_out})'), 'client': ( 'ygg_rpc_client_type("{channel_name}", {datatype_out}, ' '{datatype_in})'), 'timesync': 'yggTimesync("{channel_name}", "{time_units}")', 'send': 'flag = ygg_send_var({channel_obj}, [yggarg({outputs})])', 'recv': 'flag = ygg_recv_var({channel_obj}, [yggarg({inputs})])', 'call': ( 'flag = ygg_rpc_call({channel_obj}, [yggarg({outputs})], ' '[yggarg({inputs})])'), } function_param = { 'import_nofile': 'use {function}', 'import': '#include "{filename}"', 'len': 'size({variable},1)', 'index': '{variable}({index})', 'interface': 'use fygg', 'input': ('{channel} = ygg_input_type(' '\"{channel_name}\", {channel_type})'), 'output': ('{channel} = ygg_output_type(' '\"{channel_name}\", {channel_type})'), 'recv_heap': 'ygg_recv_var_realloc', 'recv_stack': 'ygg_recv_var', 'recv_function': 'ygg_recv_var_realloc', 'send_function': 'ygg_send_var', 'not_flag_cond': '.not.{flag_var}', 'flag_cond': '{flag_var}', 'declare': '{type_name} :: {variable}', 'init_array': 'yggarr(init_generic())', 'init_object': 'yggmap(init_generic())', 'init_schema': 'yggschema(init_generic())', 'init_ply': 'init_ply()', 'init_obj': 'init_obj()', 'init_class': 'init_python()', 'init_function': 'yggpyfunc(init_python())', 'init_instance': 'yggpyinst(init_generic())', 'init_any': 'init_generic()', 'init_type_from_schema': ('create_dtype_from_schema(\"{schema}\"' ', {use_generic})'), 'init_type_array': ('create_dtype_json_array({nitems}, ' '{items}, {use_generic})'), 'init_type_object': ('create_dtype_json_object({nitems}, ' '{keys}, {values}, {use_generic})'), 'init_type_ply': 'create_dtype_ply({use_generic})', 'init_type_obj': 'create_dtype_obj({use_generic})', 'init_type_1darray': ('create_dtype_1darray(\"{subtype}\", ' '{precision}, {length}, \"{units}\", ' '{use_generic})'), 'init_type_ndarray': ('create_dtype_ndarray(\"{subtype}\", ' '{precision}, {ndim}, {shape}, ' '\"{units}\", {use_generic})'), 'init_type_ndarray_arr': ('create_dtype_ndarray(\"{subtype}\", ' '{precision}, {ndim}, {shape}, ' '\"{units}\", {use_generic})'), 'init_type_scalar': ('create_dtype_scalar(\"{subtype}\", ' '{precision}, \"{units}\", ' '{use_generic})'), 'init_type_default': ('create_dtype_default(\"{type}\", ' '{use_generic})'), 'init_type_pyobj': ('create_dtype_pyobj(\"{type}\", ' '{use_generic})'), 'init_type_empty': ('create_dtype_empty({use_generic})'), 'init_type_schema': ('create_dtype_schema({use_generic})'), 'copy_array': '{name} = yggarr(copy_generic(ygggeneric({value})))', 'copy_object': '{name} = yggmap(copy_generic(ygggeneric({value})))', 'copy_schema': '{name} = yggschema(copy_generic(ygggeneric({value})))', 'copy_ply': '{name} = copy_ply({value})', 'copy_obj': '{name} = copy_obj({value})', 'copy_class': '{name} = copy_python({value})', 'copy_function': '{name} = yggpyfunc(copy_python(yggpython({value})))', 'copy_instance': '{name} = yggpyinst(copy_generic(ygggeneric({value})))', 'copy_generic': 'call copy_generic_into({name}, {value})', 'copy_any': 'call copy_generic_into({name}, {value})', 'free_array': 'call free_generic(ygggeneric({variable}))', 'free_object': 'call free_generic(ygggeneric({variable}))', 'free_schema': 'call free_generic(ygggeneric({variable}))', 'free_ply': 'call free_ply({variable})', 'free_obj': 'call free_obj({variable})', 'free_class': 'call free_python({variable})', 'free_function': 'call free_python(yggpython({variable}))', 'free_instance': 'call free_generic(ygggeneric({variable}))', 'free_any': 'call free_generic({variable})', 'print_generic': 'write(*, *) {object}', 'print': 'write(*, \'(\"{message}\")\')', 'fprintf': 'write(*, \'(\"{message}\")\') {variables}', 'print_array': 'call display_generic(ygggeneric({object}))', 'print_object': 'call display_generic(ygggeneric({object}))', 'print_schema': 'call display_generic(ygggeneric({object}))', 'print_ply': 'call display_ply({object})', 'print_obj': 'call display_obj({object})', 'print_class': 'call display_python({object})', 'print_function': 'call display_python(yggpython({object}))', 'print_instance': 'call display_generic(ygggeneric({object}))', 'print_any': 'call display_generic({object})', 'print_null': 'call display_null({object})', 'assign': '{name} = {value}', 'comment': '!', 'true': '.true.', 'false': '.false.', 'null': 'c_null_ptr', 'not': '.not.', 'and': '.and.', 'or': '.or.', 'indent': 3 * ' ', 'quote': "'", 'escaped_double_quote': "\"\"", 'error': ("write(*, \'(\"{error_msg}\")\')\n" "stop 1"), 'continuation_break': (',', '{', ' '), 'continuation_before': '&', 'continuation_after': ' &', 'block_end': 'END', 'if_begin': 'IF ({cond}) THEN', 'if_elif': 'ELSE IF ({cond}) THEN', 'if_else': 'ELSE', 'if_end': 'END IF', 'for_begin': 'DO {iter_var} = {iter_begin}, {iter_end}', 'for_end': 'END DO', 'while_begin': 'DO WHILE ({cond})', 'while_end': 'END DO', 'break': 'EXIT', 'exec_begin': 'PROGRAM main\n use iso_c_binding\n use fygg', 'exec_end': ' stop\nEND PROGRAM main', 'python_init': 'call init_python_API()', 'free': 'DEALLOCATE({variable})', 'function_def_begin': ( 'FUNCTION {function_name}({input_var}) ' 'result({output_var})'), 'function_def_end': 'END FUNCTION {function_name}', 'subroutine_def_begin': ( 'SUBROUTINE {function_name}({input_var}) '), 'subroutine_def_end': 'END SUBROUTINE {function_name}', 'function_call_noout': 'call {function_name}({input_var})', 'function_def_regex': ( r'(?P<procedure_type>(?i:(?:subroutine)|(?:function)))\s+' r'{function_name}\s*\((?P<inputs>(?:[^\(]*?))\)\s*' r'(?:result\s*\((?P<flag_var>.+)\))?\s*\n' r'(?P<preamble>(?:[^:]*?\n)*?)' r'(?P<definitions>(?:(?:(?: )|(?:.))+\s*::\s*(?:.+)\n)+)' r'(?P<body>(?:.*?\n?)*?)' r'(?i:end\s+(?P=procedure_type))\s+{function_name}'), 'definition_regex': ( r'\s*(?P<type>(?:(?: )|(?:.))+)\s*::\s*(?P<name>.+)' r'(?:\s*=\s*(?P<value>.+))?\n'), 'inputs_def_regex': ( r'\s*(?P<name>.+?)\s*(?:,|$)(?:\n)?'), 'outputs_def_regex': ( r'\s*(?P<name>.+?)\s*(?:,|$)(?:\n)?'), 'type_regex': ( r'(type\()?(?P<type>[^,\(]+)(?(1)(?:\)))' r'(?:\s*\(\s*' r'(?:kind\s*=\s*(?:(?P<precision>\d*)|' r'(?P<precision_var>.+?)))?\s*,?\s*' r'(?:len\s*=\s*(?:(?P<length>(?:\d+))|' r'(?P<length_var>.+?)))?' r'\))?' r'(?:\s*,\s*dimension\((?:(?P<shape>(?:\d)+' r'(?:,\s*(?:\d)+)*?)' r'|(?P<shape_var>.+?(?:,\s*.+)*?))\))?' r'(?:\s*,\s*(?P<pointer>pointer))?' r'(?:\s*,\s*(?P<target>target))?' r'(?:\s*,\s*(?P<allocatable>allocatable))?' r'(?:\s*,\s*(?P<parameter>parameter))?' r'(?:\s*,\s*intent\((?P<intent>.*?)\))?') } default_type_precision = { 'real': 4, 'integer': 4 } outputs_in_inputs = True include_channel_obj = True is_typed = True types_in_funcdef = False interface_inside_exec = True zero_based = False max_line_width = 72 global_scope_macro = ('#define WITH_GLOBAL_SCOPE(COMM) call ' 'set_global_comm(); COMM; call unset_global_comm()') locked_buildfile = 'fygg.mod'
[docs] @staticmethod def before_registration(cls): r"""Operations that should be performed to modify class attributes prior to registration including things like platform dependent properties and checking environment variables for default settings. """ # if cls.default_compiler is None: # if platform._is_linux or platform._is_mac: # cls.default_compiler = 'gfortran' # elif platform._is_win: # pragma: windows # cls.default_compiler = 'flang' CompiledModelDriver.before_registration(cls) cxx_orig = cls.external_libraries.pop('cxx', None) if cxx_orig is not None: c_compilers = get_compilation_tool_registry( 'compiler', init_languages=['c++'])['by_language'].get('c++', {}) add_cxx_lib = None for k, v in c_compilers.items(): if not v.is_installed(): continue if k == 'clang++': if not add_cxx_lib: add_cxx_lib = 'c++' else: # GNU takes precedence when present add_cxx_lib = 'stdc++' if add_cxx_lib and (add_cxx_lib not in cls.standard_libraries): cls.standard_libraries.append(add_cxx_lib) cls.internal_libraries['fygg']['external_dependencies'].append( add_cxx_lib) # if add_cxx_lib and (add_cxx_lib not in cls.external_libraries): # cls.external_libraries[add_cxx_lib] = copy.deepcopy(cxx_orig) # cls.internal_libraries['fygg']['external_dependencies'].append( # add_cxx_lib) if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows cl_compiler = get_compilation_tool('compiler', 'cl') if not cl_compiler.is_installed(): # pragma: debug "The MSVC compiler could not be located. The Python C API " "assumes the MSVC CRT will be used on windows so there may " "be errors when accessing some behavior of the Python C API. " "In particular, segfaults are known to occur when trying to " "call display_python due to differences in the internal " "structure of FILE* objects between MSVC and other " "standards.")
[docs] @classmethod def set_env_class(cls, **kwargs): r"""Set environment variables that are instance independent. Args: **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method and update_ld_library_path. Returns: dict: Environment variables for the model process. """ out = super(FortranModelDriver, cls).set_env_class(**kwargs) out = CModelDriver.CModelDriver.set_env_class( existing=out, add_libpython_dir=True, toolname=kwargs.get('toolname', None)) out = CModelDriver.CCompilerBase.set_env(out) conda_prefix = tools.get_conda_prefix() if conda_prefix and platform._is_mac: out.setdefault('DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH', os.path.join(conda_prefix, 'lib')) return out
[docs] def compile_model(self, **kwargs): r"""Compile model executable(s). Args: **kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: str: Compiled model file path. """ kwargs.setdefault('standard', self.standard) return super(FortranModelDriver, self).compile_model(**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def get_internal_suffix(cls, commtype=None, **kwargs): r"""Determine the suffix that should be used for internal libraries. Args: commtype (str, optional): If provided, this is the communication type that should be used for the model. If None, the default comm is used. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments will be passed to the parent class's method. Returns: str: Suffix that should be added to internal libraries to differentiate between different dependencies. """ out = super(FortranModelDriver, cls).get_internal_suffix( commtype=commtype, **kwargs) if commtype is None: commtype = tools.get_default_comm() out += '_%s' % commtype[:3].lower() return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_inverse_type_map(cls): r"""Get the inverse type map. Returns: dict: Mapping from native type to JSON type. """ out = super(FortranModelDriver, cls).get_inverse_type_map() out['yggchar_r'] = 'string' return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_native_type(cls, **kwargs): r"""Get the native type. Args: type (str, optional): Name of |yggdrasil| extended JSON type or JSONSchema dictionary defining a datatype. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments may be used in determining the precise declaration that should be used. Returns: str: The native type. """ out, json_type = super(FortranModelDriver, cls).get_native_type( return_json=True, **kwargs) intent_regex = r'(,\s*intent\(.+?\))' for x in re.finditer(intent_regex, out): out = out.replace(, '') type_match =['type_regex'], out) if type_match: type_match = type_match.groupdict() if type_match.get('shape_var', None): # pragma: debug if ('pointer' not in out) and ('allocatable' not in out): out += ', allocatable' if type_match['shape_var'][0] == '*': out = out.replace('*', ':') # raise Exception("Used default native_type, but need alias") elif type_match.get('length_var', None): if ((('pointer' not in out) and ('allocatable' not in out) and (type_match['length_var'] != 'X'))): out += ', allocatable' if type_match['length_var'] == '*': out = out.replace('*', ':') if not ((out == '*') or ('X' in out)): if out.startswith('ygg'): out = 'type(%s)' % out return out if out == '*': dim_str = '' if json_type['type'] == '1darray': if 'length' in json_type: dim_str = ', dimension(%s)' % str(json_type['length']) elif json_type['type'] == 'ndarray': if 'shape' in json_type: dim_str = ', dimension(%s)' % ','.join( [str(x) for x in json_type['shape']]) json_subtype = copy.deepcopy(json_type) json_subtype['type'] = 'scalar' out = cls.get_native_type(datatype=json_subtype) + dim_str if not dim_str: json_subtype['type'] = out.split('(')[0] if json_subtype['type'] == 'character': # pragma: debug json_subtype['precision'] = '' raise RuntimeError("Character array requires precision.") else: json_subtype['precision'] = int(json_subtype['precision']) json_subtype.setdefault('ndim', 'n') out = 'type(%s)' % cls.get_native_type( type=('%s_pointer' % json_type['type'])).format( **json_subtype) elif 'X' in out: if cls.allows_realloc(kwargs): out = 'type(yggchar_r)' else: if out.startswith('ygguint'): out = 'type(%s)' % out if out.startswith('logical'): precision = json_type.get('precision', 1) elif out.startswith('complex'): precision = json_type['precision'] / 2 elif (json_type.get('subtype', json_type['type']) == 'unicode' or (json_type.get('subtype', json_type['type']) in ['string', 'bytes'] and json_type.get('encoding', 'ascii') != 'ascii')): precision = json_type['precision'] / 4 else: precision = json_type['precision'] out = out.replace('X', str(int(precision))) return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_json_type(cls, native_type): r"""Get the JSON type from the native language type. Args: native_type (str): The native language type. Returns: str, dict: The JSON type. """ out = {} regex_var = cls.function_param['type_regex'] grp = re.fullmatch(regex_var, native_type).groupdict() if grp['type'].endswith(('_1d', '_nd')): regex_nd = r'(?P<type>.*?)(?P<precision>\d+)?_(?P<ndim>(?:1)|(?:n))d' grp = re.fullmatch(regex_nd, grp['type']).groupdict() if grp['ndim'] == '1': grp['shape'] = ':' else: grp['shape'] = ':,:' if grp['type'].startswith('ygguint'): grp = {'type': 'ygguintX', 'precision': grp['type'].split('ygguint')[-1]} if grp.get('precision', False): out['precision'] = int(grp['precision']) if grp['type'] == 'complex': out['precision'] *= 2 elif grp['type'] in cls.default_type_precision: out['precision'] = cls.default_type_precision[grp['type']] if (((grp.get('precision', False) or (grp['type'] == 'logical')) and (grp['type'] != 'ygguintX'))): grp['type'] += '(kind = X)' if grp['type'] == 'character': if grp.get('length', None): out['precision'] = int(grp.get('length', 0)) if grp.get('precision_var', None) == 'selected_char_kind(\'ISO_10646\')': grp['type'] += '(kind = selected_char_kind(\'ISO_10646\'), len = X)' if grp.get('length', None): out['precision'] *= 4 else: grp['type'] += '(len = X)' try: out['type'] = super(FortranModelDriver, cls).get_json_type(grp['type']) except KeyError as e: try: out['type'] = super(FortranModelDriver, cls).get_json_type( grp['type'] + '(kind = X)') except KeyError: # pragma: debug raise e if grp.get('shape_var', False): if not grp.get('shape', False): grp['shape'] = grp['shape_var'] if grp.get('shape', False): shape = grp['shape'].split(',') ndim = len(shape) out['subtype'] = out['type'] if ndim == 1: out['type'] = '1darray' if shape[0] not in '*:': out['length'] = int(shape[0]) else: out['type'] = 'ndarray' if shape[0] not in '*:': out['shape'] = [int(i) for i in shape] if out['type'] in constants.SCALAR_TYPES: out['subtype'] = out['type'] out['type'] = 'scalar' return out
[docs] @classmethod def parse_function_definition(cls, model_file, model_function, **kwargs): r"""Get information about the inputs & outputs to a model from its defintition if possible. Args: model_file (str): Full path to the file containing the model function's declaration. model_function (str): Name of the model function. **kwargs: Additional keyword arugments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: dict: Parameters extracted from the function definitions. """ out = super(FortranModelDriver, cls).parse_function_definition( model_file, model_function, **kwargs) var_type_map = {} for x in re.finditer(cls.function_param['definition_regex'], out['definitions']): x_vars = [v.strip() for v in x.groupdict()['name'].split(',')] for v in x_vars: var_type_map[v] = x.groupdict()['type'] allvars = out.get('inputs', []) + out.get('outputs', []) if out.get('flag_var', None) and (out['flag_var']['name'] in var_type_map): allvars.append(out['flag_var']) for x in allvars: x['native_type'] = var_type_map[x['name']].strip() x['datatype'] = cls.get_json_type(x['native_type']) if not out.get('outputs', []): idx_out = [i for i, x in enumerate(out.get('inputs', [])) if 'intent(out)' in x.get('native_type', '').lower()] if idx_out: out.setdefault('outputs', []) for i in idx_out[::-1]: out['outputs'].append(cls.input2output(out['inputs'].pop(i))) if 'flag_var' in out: outputs_in_inputs = out.get('outputs_in_inputs', kwargs.get('outputs_in_inputs', None)) cls.check_flag_var(out, outputs_in_inputs=outputs_in_inputs) return out
[docs] @classmethod def update_io_from_function(cls, model_file, model_function, **kwargs): r"""Update inputs/outputs from the function definition. Args: model_file (str): Full path to the file containing the model function's declaration. model_function (str): Name of the model function. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: dict, None: Flag variable used by the model. If None, the model does not use a flag variable. """ out = super(FortranModelDriver, cls).update_io_from_function( model_file, model_function, **kwargs) for x in kwargs.get('inputs', []) + kwargs.get('outputs', []): if x['datatype']['type'] == 'array': nvars_items = len(x['datatype'].get('items', [])) nvars = sum([(not ix.get('is_length_var', False)) for ix in x['vars']]) if nvars_items == nvars: x['use_generic'] = False else: x['use_generic'] = True return out
[docs] @classmethod def prepare_variables(cls, vars_list, for_yggdrasil=False, **kwargs): r"""Concatenate a set of input variables such that it can be passed as a single string to the function_call parameter. Args: vars_list (list): List of variable dictionaries containing info (e.g. names) that should be used to prepare a string representing input/output to/from a function call. for_yggdrasil (bool, optional): If True, the variables will be prepared in the formated expected by calls to yggdarsil send/recv methods. Defaults to False. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: str: Concatentated variables list. """ if not isinstance(vars_list, list): vars_list = [vars_list] new_vars_list = vars_list if for_yggdrasil: new_vars_list = [] for v in vars_list: assert isinstance(v, dict) # if isinstance(v, dict): v = dict(v, name=('yggarg(%s)' % v['name'])) # else: # v = 'yggarg(%s)' % v new_vars_list.append(v) out = super(FortranModelDriver, cls).prepare_variables( new_vars_list, for_yggdrasil=for_yggdrasil, **kwargs) if for_yggdrasil and (len(new_vars_list) > 1): return '[%s]' % out return out
[docs] @classmethod def write_executable_import(cls, module=False, **kwargs): r"""Add import statements to executable lines. Args: module (str, optional): If provided, the include statement importing code will be wrapped in a module of the provided name. Defaults to False and the include will not be wrapped. **kwargs: Keyword arguments for import statement. Returns: list: Lines required to complete the import. """ if 'filename' in kwargs: if (not module) and os.path.isfile(kwargs['filename']): with open(kwargs['filename'], 'r') as fd: contents = if 'contains' not in contents.lower(): # pragma: debug raise ValueError("Could not locate 'contains' keyword " "in user defined module.") idx = contents.lower().index('contains') return (contents[:idx] + ' use %s\n' % cls.interface_library + cls.global_scope_macro + '\n' + contents[idx:]).splitlines() kwargs['filename'] = os.path.basename(kwargs['filename']) out = super(FortranModelDriver, cls).write_executable_import( **kwargs) if module: out = (['module %s' % module, ' use %s' % cls.interface_library, cls.global_scope_macro, 'contains'] # Use output directly when import uses directive #include + out # Indent when import uses include statement # + [cls.function_param['indent'] + x for x in out] + ['end module %s' % module]) return out
[docs] @classmethod def write_executable(cls, lines, **kwargs): r"""Return the lines required to complete a program that will run the provided lines. Args: lines (list): Lines of code to be wrapped as an executable. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: lines: Lines of code wrapping the provided lines with the necessary code to run it as an executable (e.g. C/C++'s main). """ if not isinstance(lines, list): lines = [lines] last_use = 0 for i, line in enumerate(lines): if not line.lstrip().lower().startswith('use'): last_use = i - 1 break imports = kwargs.pop('imports', None) if imports is not None: if not isinstance(imports, list): imports = [imports] for kws in imports: if ('filename' in kws) and os.path.isfile(kws['filename']): with open(kws['filename'], 'r') as fd: contents = regex_module = (r'(?i)\s*module\s+(?P<module>.+)\n' r'(?:.*?\n)*?' r'\s*end\s+module\s+(?P=module)') match_module =, contents) if match_module: module = match_module.groupdict()['module'] else: module = '%s_module' % kwargs.get('model_name', kws['function']) kws['module'] = module lines.insert(last_use + 1, 'use %s' % module) last_use += 1 if 'implicit none' not in lines: lines.insert(last_use + 1, 'implicit none') out = super(FortranModelDriver, cls).write_executable( lines, imports=imports, **kwargs) return out
[docs] @classmethod def write_function_def(cls, function_name, **kwargs): r"""Write a function definition. Args: function_name (str): Name fo the function being defined. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: list: Lines completing the function call. """ if (((not kwargs.get('outputs_in_inputs', False)) and (len(kwargs.get('outputs', [])) == 0))): kwargs.setdefault( 'function_keys', ('subroutine_def_begin', 'subroutine_def_end')) elif kwargs.get('outputs_in_inputs', False): for o in kwargs.get('outputs', []): o['intent'] = 'out' # Package is required for new datatypes kwargs['skip_interface'] = False return super(FortranModelDriver, cls).write_function_def( function_name, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def escape_quotes(cls, x): r"""Escape quotes in a string. Args: x (str): String to escape quotes in. Returns: str: x with escaped quotes. """ out = x.replace('"', '""') out = out.replace("'", "''") return out
[docs] @classmethod def split_line(cls, line, length=None, force_split=False): r"""Split a line as close to (or before) a given character as possible. Args: line (str): Line to split. length (int, optional): Maximum length of split lines. Defaults to cls.max_line_width if not provided. force_split (bool, optional): If True, force a split to occur at the specified length. Defauts to False. Returns: list: Set of lines resulting from spliting the provided line. """ if line.startswith(('#if', '#endif', '#define', '#else', '#ifdef', '#ifndef')): return [line] # if line.lstrip().lower().startswith("include"): # force_split = True return super(FortranModelDriver, cls).split_line( line, length=length, force_split=force_split)
[docs] @classmethod def allows_realloc(cls, var, from_native_type=False): r"""Determine if a variable allows the receive call to perform realloc. Args: var (dict): Dictionary of variable properties. from_native_type (bool, optional): If True, the reallocability of the variable will be determined from the native type. Defaults to False. Returns: bool: True if the variable allows realloc, False otherwise. """ if isinstance(var, dict): if from_native_type and ('native_type' in var): regex_native = r'type\((?:yggchar_r)|(?:.+?\d*_(?:(?:1)|(?:n))d)\)' match =, var['native_type']) if match: return True else: datatype = var.get('datatype', var) if isinstance(datatype, str): datatype = {'type': datatype} if (((datatype.get('subtype', datatype.get('type', None)) in constants.FLEXIBLE_TYPES) and ('precision' not in datatype))): return True elif (((datatype.get('type', None) == '1darray') and ('length' not in datatype) and ('shape' not in datatype))): return True elif (((datatype.get('type', None) == 'ndarray') and ('shape' not in datatype) and ('length' not in datatype))): return True return False
[docs] @classmethod def write_initialize_oiter(cls, var, value=None, **kwargs): r"""Get the lines necessary to initialize an array for iteration output. Args: var (dict, str): Name or information dictionary for the variable being initialized. value (str, optional): Value that should be assigned to the variable. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: list: The lines initializing the variable. """ out = [ 'if (associated({name}%x)) then'.format(name=var['name']), ' deallocate({name}%x)'.format(name=var['name']), 'end if', 'allocate({name}%x({size}))'.format(name=var['name'], size=var['iter_var']['end'])] return out
[docs] @classmethod def write_declaration(cls, var, **kwargs): r"""Return the lines required to declare a variable with a certain type. Args: var (dict, str): Name or information dictionary for the variable being declared. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: list: The lines declaring the variable. """ out = super(FortranModelDriver, cls).write_declaration(var, **kwargs) if ((isinstance(var, dict) and kwargs.get('is_argument', False) and var.get('intent', None))): out = [(', intent(%s) :: ' % var['intent']).join(o.split(' :: ')) for o in out] if ((cls.allows_realloc(var) and (not cls.allows_realloc(var, from_native_type=True)))): var = dict(var, name='%s_realloc' % var['name']) var.pop('native_type', None) out += super(FortranModelDriver, cls).write_declaration(var, **kwargs) return out
[docs] @classmethod def write_model_recv(cls, channel, recv_var, **kwargs): r"""Write a model receive call include checking the return flag. Args: channel (str): Name of variable that the channel being received from was stored in. recv_var (dict, list): Information of one or more variables that receieved information should be stored in. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: list: Lines required to carry out a receive call in this language. """ recv_var_str = recv_var out_after = [] if not isinstance(recv_var, str): recv_var_par = cls.channels2vars(recv_var) allows_realloc = [cls.allows_realloc(v) for v in recv_var_par] if any(allows_realloc): kwargs['alt_recv_function'] = cls.function_param['recv_heap'] new_recv_var_par = [] for i, v in enumerate(recv_var_par): if (((not cls.allows_realloc(v, from_native_type=True)) and allows_realloc[i])): out_after.append('call yggassign(%s_realloc, %s)' % (v['name'], v['name'])) v = dict(v, name=('%s_realloc' % v['name'])) new_recv_var_par.append(v) recv_var_par = new_recv_var_par else: kwargs['alt_recv_function'] = cls.function_param['recv_stack'] recv_var_str = cls.prepare_output_variables( recv_var_par, in_inputs=cls.outputs_in_inputs, for_yggdrasil=True) out = super(FortranModelDriver, cls).write_model_recv( channel, recv_var_str, **kwargs) return out + out_after
[docs] @classmethod def write_model_send(cls, channel, send_var, **kwargs): r"""Write a model send call include checking the return flag. Args: channel (str): Name of variable that the channel being sent to was stored in. send_var (dict, list): Information on one or more variables containing information that will be sent. flag_var (str, optional): Name of flag variable that the flag should be stored in. Defaults to 'flag', allow_failure (bool, optional): If True, the returned lines will call a break if the flag is False. Otherwise, the returned lines will issue an error. Defaults to False. Returns: list: Lines required to carry out a send call in this language. """ send_var_str = send_var out_before = [] if not isinstance(send_var, str): send_var_par = [] for v in cls.channels2vars(send_var): if (((not cls.allows_realloc(v, from_native_type=True)) and cls.allows_realloc(v))): if v.get('datatype', v).get('type', False) in ['1darray']: out_before.append('call yggassign(%s, %s_realloc)' % (v['name'], v['name'])) v = dict(v, name=('%s_realloc' % v['name'])) send_var_par.append(v) send_var_str = cls.prepare_input_variables( send_var_par, for_yggdrasil=True) out = super(FortranModelDriver, cls).write_model_send( channel, send_var_str, **kwargs) return out_before + out
[docs] @classmethod def write_print_var(cls, var, **kwargs): r"""Get the lines necessary to print a variable in this language. Args: var (dict): Variable information. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: list: Lines printing the specified variable. """ if cls.allows_realloc(var): return [] return super(FortranModelDriver, cls).write_print_var( var, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def write_type_def(cls, name, datatype, **kwargs): r"""Get lines declaring the data type within the language. Args: name (str): Name of variable that definition should be stored in. datatype (dict): Type definition. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: list: Lines required to define a type definition. """ if datatype['type'] == 'array': datatype.setdefault('items', []) elif datatype['type'] == 'object': datatype.setdefault('properties', {}) elif datatype['type'] == 'ndarray': if 'shape' not in datatype: datatype = dict(datatype, shape=[]) if 'ndim' not in datatype: datatype = dict(datatype, ndim=len(datatype['shape'])) if datatype.get('subtype', datatype['type']) in constants.FLEXIBLE_TYPES: if 'precision' not in datatype: datatype = dict(datatype, precision=0) elif datatype.get('subtype', datatype['type']) in constants.SCALAR_TYPES: datatype.setdefault('precision', 4) out = super(FortranModelDriver, cls).write_type_def( name, datatype, **kwargs) return out
[docs] @classmethod def write_type_decl(cls, name, datatype, **kwargs): r"""Get lines declaring the datatype within the language. Args: name (str): Name of variable that should be declared. datatype (dict): Type definition. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: list: Lines required to define a type declaration. """ if datatype['type'] == 'array': datatype.setdefault('items', []) elif datatype['type'] == 'object': datatype.setdefault('properties', {}) elif datatype['type'] == 'ndarray': if 'shape' not in datatype: datatype = dict(datatype, shape=[]) if 'ndim' not in datatype: datatype = dict(datatype, ndim=len(datatype['shape'])) out = super(FortranModelDriver, cls).write_type_decl( name, datatype, **kwargs) return out
[docs] @classmethod def format_function_param_len(cls, extra=None, **kwargs): r"""Return the formatted version of the len key. Args: extra (dict, optional): Variable dictionary specifying the variable name, datatype, etc. Defaults to None and is ignored. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are used in formatting the request function parameter. Returns: str: Formatted string. """ if (extra is not None) and cls.allows_realloc(extra): kwargs['variable'] = "%s%%x" % extra['name'] return cls.format_function_param('len', ignore_method=True, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def format_function_param_index(cls, extra=None, **kwargs): r"""Return the formatted version of the index key. Args: extra (dict, optional): Variable dictionary specifying the variable name, datatype, etc. Defaults to None and is ignored. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are used in formatting the request function parameter. Returns: str: Formatted string. """ if (extra is not None) and cls.allows_realloc(extra): kwargs['variable'] = "%s%%x" % extra['name'] return cls.format_function_param('index', ignore_method=True, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def get_testing_options(cls, **kwargs): r"""Method to return a dictionary of testing options for this class. Args: **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class. Returns: dict: Dictionary of variables to use for testing. Key/value pairs: kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for driver instance. deps (list): Dependencies to install. """ out = super(FortranModelDriver, cls).get_testing_options(**kwargs) # Test types out['replacement_code_types'] = {} for k, v in cls.type_map.items(): knew = k vnew = v if v == '*': knew = {'type': k, 'subtype': 'float', 'precision': 4} vnew = 'real(kind = 4)' if k == '1darray': knew['length'] = 3 vnew += ', dimension(3)' elif k == 'ndarray': knew['shape'] = (3, 4) vnew += ', dimension(3,4)' elif 'X' in v: if vnew.startswith('complex'): knew = {'type': 'scalar', 'subtype': knew, 'precision': 16} elif k == 'boolean': knew = {'type': knew} vnew = vnew.replace('X', '1') elif 'ISO_10646' in vnew: knew = {'type': 'scalar', 'subtype': knew, 'encoding': 'UCS4', 'precision': 32} else: knew = {'type': 'scalar', 'subtype': knew, 'precision': 8} vnew = vnew.replace('X', '8') if vnew.startswith('ygg'): vnew = 'type(%s)' % vnew if (knew != k) or (vnew != v): out['replacement_code_types'][(k, v)] = (knew, vnew) # Code composition parameters out.setdefault('write_function_def_params', []) out['write_function_def_params'] += [ # Single output {'inputs': [{'name': 'x', 'value': 1.0, 'datatype': {'type': 'float', 'precision': 4, 'units': 'cm'}}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'y', 'datatype': {'type': 'float', 'precision': 4, 'units': 'cm'}}], 'outputs_in_inputs': False, 'dont_add_lengths': True}, # No output {'inputs': [{'name': 'x', 'value': 1.0, 'datatype': {'type': 'float', 'precision': 4, 'units': 'cm'}}], 'outputs': [], 'outputs_in_inputs': False}, # No length variable {'inputs': [{'name': 'x', 'value': '"hello"', 'length_var': 'length_x', 'datatype': {'type': 'string', 'precision': 20, 'units': ''}}, {'name': 'length_x', 'value': 5, 'datatype': {'type': 'uint', 'precision': rapidjson.SIZE_OF_SIZE_T}, 'is_length_var': True}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'y', 'length_var': 'length_y', 'datatype': {'type': 'string', 'precision': 20, 'units': ''}}, {'name': 'length_y', 'datatype': {'type': 'uint', 'precision': rapidjson.SIZE_OF_SIZE_T}, 'is_length_var': True}], 'dont_add_lengths': True}, # Returns output instead of parameter {'inputs': [{'name': 'x', 'value': 1.0, 'datatype': {'type': 'float', 'precision': 4, 'units': 'cm'}}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'y', 'datatype': {'type': 'float', 'precision': 4, 'units': 'cm'}}], 'outputs_in_inputs': False, 'guess_at_outputs_in_inputs': True}, # Guess at outputs in inputs {'inputs': [{'name': 'x', 'value': 1.0, 'datatype': {'type': 'float', 'precision': 4, 'units': 'cm'}}], 'outputs': [{'name': 'y', 'datatype': {'type': 'float', 'precision': 4, 'units': 'cm'}}], 'guess_at_outputs_in_inputs': True}, ] for x in out['write_function_def_params']: x['declare_functions_as_var'] = True out['split_lines'] = [('abcdef', {'length': 3, 'force_split': True}, ['ab&', ' &cdef']), (' abc', {'length': 3, 'force_split': True}, [' abc'])] return out