Source code for yggdrasil.drivers.CompiledModelDriver

import os
import re
import six
import copy
import glob
import logging
import subprocess
import shutil
import contextlib
import threading
import sysconfig
from collections import OrderedDict
from yggdrasil import platform, tools, scanf
from yggdrasil.drivers.ModelDriver import ModelDriver, remove_products
from yggdrasil.components import import_component

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_compiler_registry = OrderedDict()
_linker_registry = OrderedDict()
_archiver_registry = OrderedDict()
_default_libtype = 'static'
_conda_prefix = tools.get_conda_prefix()
_venv_prefix = tools.get_venv_prefix()
_system_suffix = ""
if _conda_prefix is not None:
    _system_suffix += '_' + os.path.basename(_conda_prefix)
if _venv_prefix is not None:
    _system_suffix += '_' + os.path.basename(_venv_prefix)
_buildfile_locks_lock = threading.RLock()
_buildfile_locks = {}
_library_types = ['include', 'static', 'shared', 'windows_import']

[docs]class LockedFile(object): r"""Class for locking files during compilation.""" def __init__(self, fname, context, when_to_lock="init"): self.fname = fname self.lock = context.RLock() self.when_to_lock = when_to_lock @property def message(self): r"""str: Message form.""" return {'fname': self.fname, 'when_to_lock': self.when_to_lock}
[docs]def get_compatible_tool(tool, tooltype, language, default=False): r"""Get a compatible compilation tool that can be used in conjunction with the one provided based on the registry of compilation toolsets. Args: tool (CompilationToolBase, str): Compilation tool or name of a compilation tool to get compatible counterpart to. tooltype (str): Type of compilation tool that should be returned. language (str): Language that compilation tool should handle. default (CompilationToolBase, optional): Default tool that should be returned if not compatible tool can be located. Defaults to False and an error will be raised if a tool cannot be located. Returns: CompilationToolBase: Compatible compilation tool class. """ if isinstance(tool, str): out = get_compilation_tool(tooltype, tool, default=None) if out is None: for k in ['compiler', 'linker', 'archiver']: if k == tooltype: continue out = get_compilation_tool(k, tool, default=None) if out is not None: break if out is None: if default is not False: return default raise ValueError(("Could not locate %s for %s language " "associated with a tool named %s") % (tooltype, language, tool)) tool = out if isinstance(tool, bool): # pragma: debug return tool if (tool.tooltype == tooltype) and (language in tool.languages): return tool reg = get_compilation_tool_registry(tooltype)['by_toolset'] for t in tool.compatible_toolsets: x = reg.get(t, {}).get(language, []) if len(x) == 1: return x[0] elif len(x) > 1: for ix in x: if ix.is_installed(): reg[t][language] = [ix] return ix if default is not False: return default raise ValueError(("Could not locate %s for %s language " "that is compatible with the %s %s.") % (tooltype, language, tool.toolname, tool.tooltype))
[docs]def get_compilation_tool_registry(tooltype, init_languages=None): r"""Return the registry containing compilation tools of the specified type. Args: tooltype (str): Type of tool. Valid values include 'compiler', 'linker', and 'archiver'. init_languages (list, optional): List of languages that should be imported prior to returning the registry, thereby populating the compilation tools for that language. Defaults to None and is ignored. Returns: collections.OrderedDict: Registry for specified type. Raises: ValueError: If tooltype is not a valid value (i.e. 'compiler', 'linker', or 'archiver'). """ if tooltype == 'compiler': global _compiler_registry reg = _compiler_registry elif tooltype == 'linker': global _linker_registry reg = _linker_registry elif tooltype == 'archiver': global _archiver_registry reg = _archiver_registry else: raise ValueError(("tooltype '%s' is not supported. This keyword must " "be one of 'compiler', 'linker', or 'archiver'.") % tooltype) if isinstance(init_languages, list): for x in init_languages: if x not in reg.get('by_language', {}): import_component('model', x) return reg
[docs]def find_compilation_tool(tooltype, language, allow_failure=False, dont_check_installation=False): r"""Return the prioritized class for a compilation tool of a certain type that can handle the specified language. Args: tooltype (str): Type of tool. Valid values include 'compiler', 'linker', and 'archiver'. allow_failure (bool, optional): If True and a tool cannot be located, None will be returned. Otherwise, an error will be raised if a tool cannot be located. Defaults to False. dont_check_installation (bool, optional): If True, the first tool in the registry will be returned even if it is not installed. Defaults to False. Returns: str: Name of the determined tool type. Raises: RuntimeError: If a tool cannot be located for the specified language on the current platform and allow_failure is False. """ out = None reg = get_compilation_tool_registry(tooltype).get('by_language', {}) for kname, v in reg.get(language, {}).items(): if ((dont_check_installation or ((platform._platform in v.platforms) and v.is_installed()))): out = kname break if (out is None) and (not allow_failure): raise RuntimeError("Could not locate a %s tool." % tooltype) return out
[docs]def get_compilation_tool(tooltype, name, default=False): r"""Return the class providing information about a compilation tool. Args: tooltype (str): Type of tool. Valid values include 'compiler', 'linker', and 'archiver'. name (str): Name or path to the desired compilation tool. default (object, optional): Value that should be returned if a tool cannot be located. If False, an error will be raised. Defaults to False. Returns: CompilationToolBase: Class providing access to the specified tool. Raises: ValueError: If a tool with the provided name cannot be located. """ names_to_try = [name, os.path.basename(name), os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name))[0]] if platform._is_win: names_to_try += [x.lower() for x in names_to_try.copy()] out = None reg = get_compilation_tool_registry(tooltype) for x in names_to_try: if x in reg: out = reg[x] break if out is None: if default is False: raise ValueError("Could not locate a %s tool with name '%s'" % (tooltype, name)) out = default if ((isinstance(out, CompilationToolMeta) and (out.toolname != name) and (os.path.isfile(name) or shutil.which(name)))): out.executable = name return out
# TODO: Cannot currently make compilation tools components because # of circular imports
[docs]class CompilationToolMeta(type): r"""Meta class for registering compilers.""" def __new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict): cls = type.__new__(meta, name, bases, class_dict) if not name.endswith('Base'): cls.before_registration(cls) if cls._dont_register: return cls assert cls.toolname is not None if getattr(cls, 'is_build_tool', False): languages = [cls.build_language] else: languages = cls.languages assert len(languages) > 0 if cls.toolname in cls.aliases: # pragma: debug raise ValueError(("The name '%s' for class %s is also in " "its list of aliases: %s") % (cls.toolname, name, cls.aliases)) # Register by toolname & language reg = get_compilation_tool_registry(cls.tooltype) if 'by_language' not in reg: reg['by_language'] = OrderedDict() if 'by_toolset' not in reg: reg['by_toolset'] = OrderedDict() for x in [cls.toolname] + cls.aliases: # Register by toolname if (x in reg) and (str(reg[x]) != str(cls)): # pragma: debug raise ValueError( ("%s toolname '%s' already registered " "(class = %s, existing = %s).") % (cls.tooltype.title(), x, cls, reg[x])) reg[x] = cls # Register by language for lang in languages: reg['by_language'].setdefault(lang, OrderedDict()) if x in reg['by_language'][lang]: # pragma: debug raise ValueError(("%s toolname '%s' already registered for " "%s language.") % (cls.tooltype.title(), x, lang)) reg['by_language'][lang][x] = cls # Register by toolset for t in cls.compatible_toolsets: reg['by_toolset'].setdefault(t, OrderedDict()) for lang in languages: reg['by_toolset'][t].setdefault(lang, []) reg['by_toolset'][t][lang].append(cls) return cls
[docs]@six.add_metaclass(CompilationToolMeta) class CompilationToolBase(object): r"""Base class for compilation command line tools. Class Attributes: toolname (str): Tool name used for registration and as a default for the executable. [REQUIRED] aliases (list): Alternative names that the tool might have. tooltype (str): Tool type. One of 'compiler', 'linker', or 'archiver'. [AUTOMATED] languages (list): Programming languages that this tool can be used on. [REQUIRED] platforms (list): Platforms that the tool is available on. Defaults to ['Windows', 'MacOS', 'Linux']. default_executable (str): The default tool executable command if different than the toolname. default_executable_env (str): Environment variable where the executable command might be stored. default_flags (list): Default flags that should be used when calling the tool (e.g. for verbose output or enhanced warnings). default_flags_env (str): Environment variable where default flags for the tools might be stored. output_key (str): Option key indicating the output file name. output_first (bool): If True, the output key (and its value) are put in front of the other flags. flag_options (collections.OrderedDict): Mappings between keyword arguments passed to get_flags and command line tool flags. Keys indicate the keyword argument that will be processed in Python and values are the string used with the tool on the command line to indicate the desired flag. Flags that contain '%s' will be formatted with values passed to get_flags as the designated keyword argument. Flags that do not contain '%s' will assumed to act on the following argument. If the value passed to get_flags under the designated keyword argument is not a boolean, it will be appended to the flag list following the corresponding flag. If the value is a boolean and it is True, only the flag will be added to the list of flags. The order of entries indicates the order the flags should be added to the list. search_path_envvar (list): Environment variables containing a list of paths to search for library files. Either search_path_envvar or search_path_flags must be set. [REQUIRED] search_path_env (list): Paths relative to the env prefix that should be searched if the VIRTUAL_ENV or CONDA_PREFIX environment variable is set. search_path_flags (list): Flags that should be passed to the tool executable in order to locate the search path. Either search_path_envvar or search_path_flags must be set. [REQUIRED] search_regex_begin (str): Search string indicating where the set of paths begins in the output from running the tool executable with the search_path_flags. If None, the search is performed from the very beginning of the output. search_regex_end (str): Search string indicating where the set of paths ends in the output from running the tool executable with the search_path_flags. If None, the search is performed to the very end of the output. search_regex (list): Regex strings that should be used to locate paths in the output from running the tool executable with the search_path_flags. product_exts (list): List of extensions that will be added to the output file's base to get a list of products that might be produced by calling the compilation tool. product_files (list): List of file basenames that will be joined with the directory containing each output to get a list of products that might be produced by calling the compilation tool. remove_product_exts (list): List of extensions or directories matching entries in product_exts and product_files that should be removed during cleanup. Be careful when adding files to this list. asan_flags (list): Flags added when with_asan is specified. """ _schema_type = None _schema_subtype_key = 'toolname' _schema_required = [] _schema_properties = {'executable': {'type': 'string'}, 'flags': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}} _dont_register = False toolname = None aliases = [] tooltype = None languages = [] platforms = ['Windows', 'MacOS', 'Linux'] # all by default default_executable = None default_executable_env = None default_flags = [] default_flags_env = None output_key = '-o' output_first = False flag_options = OrderedDict() search_path_envvar = None search_path_env = None search_path_flags = None search_regex_begin = None search_regex_end = None search_regex = ['([^\n]+)'] version_flags = ['--version'] product_exts = [] product_files = [] source_product_exts = [] remove_product_exts = [] is_gnu = False toolset = None compatible_toolsets = [] is_build_tool = False tool_suffix_format = '_%sx' asan_flags = None object_tool = None _language_ext = None # only update once per class _language_cache = {} def __init__(self, **kwargs): for k in ['executable', 'flags']: v = kwargs.pop(k, None) if v is not None: setattr(self, k, v) if len(kwargs) > 0: raise RuntimeError("Unused keyword arguments: %s" % kwargs.keys()) super(CompilationToolBase, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def before_registration(cls): r"""Operations that should be performed to modify class attributes prior to registration including things like platform dependent properties and checking environment variables for default settings. """ if cls.toolname is None: # pragma: debug raise ValueError("Registering unnamed compilation tool.") cls.is_gnu = (cls.toolset == 'gnu') if (cls.toolset is not None) and (cls.toolset not in cls.compatible_toolsets): cls.compatible_toolsets = [cls.toolset] + cls.compatible_toolsets cls._schema_type = cls.tooltype attr_list = ['default_executable', 'default_flags'] for k in attr_list: # Copy so that list modification is not propagated to subclasses setattr(cls, k, copy.deepcopy(getattr(cls, k, []))) # Set attributes based on environment variables or sysconfig if cls.default_executable is None: cls.default_executable = cls.env_matches_tool() if cls.default_executable is None: cls.default_executable = cls.env_matches_tool( use_sysconfig=True) # Set default_executable to name if cls.default_executable is None: cls.default_executable = cls.toolname # Add executable extension if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows if not cls.default_executable.endswith('.exe'): cls.default_executable += '.exe'
[docs] @classmethod def get_language_ext(cls): r"""Get the extensions associated with the language that this tool can handle. Returns: list: Language file extensions. """ if cls._language_ext is None: cls._language_ext = [] for x in cls.languages: new_ext = import_component('model', x).get_language_ext() if new_ext is not None: cls._language_ext += new_ext return cls._language_ext
[docs] @classmethod def get_tool_suffix(cls): r"""Get the string that should be added to tool products based on the tool used. Returns: str: Suffix that should be added to tool products to indicate the tool used. """ if '%s' in cls.tool_suffix_format: return cls.tool_suffix_format % cls.toolname return cls.tool_suffix_format
[docs] @classmethod def get_alternate_class(cls, toolname=None, language=None): r"""Return an alternate class to use if the provided toolname dosn't match the current tool. Args: toolname (str, optional): Name of compilation tool that should be used. Defaults to None and the current toolname is assumed. language (str, optional): Language that alternate class should support. Defaults to None and the current language will be assumed. Returns: CompilationToolBase: The compilation tool that corresponds to the provided toolname. """ if (language is not None) and (language not in cls.languages): if toolname is None: # Ensures that a compatible tool will be returned toolname = cls.toolname lang_drv = import_component('model', language) cls = lang_drv.get_tool(cls.tooltype, toolname=toolname) elif ((toolname is not None) and (toolname != cls.toolname) and (toolname not in cls.aliases)): cls = get_compilation_tool(cls.tooltype, toolname) return cls
[docs] @classmethod def set_env(cls, existing=None, **kwargs): r"""Set environment variables required for compilation. Args: existing (dict, optional): Existing dictionary of environment variables that new variables should be added to. Defaults to a copy of os.environ. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are ignored. Returns: dict: Environment variables for the model process. """ if existing is None: existing = {} existing.update(os.environ) if not cls.env_matches_tool(): config_vars = {} cls.env_matches_tool(use_sysconfig=True, env=config_vars) env = getattr(cls, 'default_flags_env', None) if env is not None: if not isinstance(env, list): env = [env] for ienv in env: existing.pop(ienv, []) if ienv in config_vars: existing[ienv] = config_vars[ienv] return existing
[docs] @classmethod def write_wrappers(cls, **kwargs): r"""Write any wrappers needed to compile and/or run a model. Args: **kwargs: Keyword arguments are ignored (only included to allow cascade from child classes). Returns: list: Full paths to any created wrappers. """ return []
[docs] @classmethod def file2base(cls, fname): r"""Determine basename from path. Args: fname (str): Full or partial path to file. Returns: str: File name without extension. """ out = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(fname))[0] if out.endswith('.dll'): out = os.path.splitext(out)[0] return out
[docs] @classmethod def append_flags(cls, out, key, value, **kwargs): r"""Append one ore more flag(s) to a list of flags based on a key value/set. Args: out (list): Existing list that the new flag should be appended to. key (str): String identifying the type of flag. See create_flag for additional details. value (object): Value that should be set in the flag. If a list, multiple flags are added, one for each item in the list. prepend (bool, optional): If True, new flags are prepended to the front of the list rather than the end. Defaults to False. This keyword argument is ignoerd if position is provided. position (int, optional): If not None, this is the position that the new elements should be added to the existing flags. Positive positions indicate indexes into the existing list of flags. Negative are relative to the end of the existing list such that -1 is the same as just appending the new flags to the end of the list. Defaults to None and prepend takes precedence. no_duplicates (bool, optional): If True, the new flags being added will be checked against the existing ones to ensure that there are not duplicates. If False, the new flags are added reguardless of the existing flags. Defaults to False. allow_duplicate_values (bool, optional): If True, the same key can be added with the same value more than once. Otherwise, only the first instance of the value is added. Defaults to False. Raises: ValueError: If there are unexpected keyword arguments. ValueError: If no_duplicates is True and the existing list of flags already contains a flag matching the provided flag key. """ # Access class level flag option definitions if isinstance(key, str) and (key in cls.flag_options): key = cls.flag_options[key] if isinstance(key, dict): for k, v in key.items(): if k != 'key': kwargs.setdefault(k, v) key = key['key'] # Loop over list if isinstance(value, list): if not kwargs.get('allow_duplicate_values', False): new_value = [] for v in value: if v not in new_value: new_value.append(v) value = new_value for i, v in enumerate(value): cls.append_flags(out, key, v, **kwargs) return # Unpack keyword arguments prepend = kwargs.pop('prepend', False) position = kwargs.pop('position', None) no_duplicates = kwargs.pop('no_duplicates', None) allow_duplicate_values = kwargs.pop('allow_duplicate_values', None) if kwargs: # pragma: debug raise ValueError("Unexpected keyword arguments: %s" % kwargs) # Create flags and check for duplicates new_flags = cls.create_flag(key, value) if no_duplicates: for o in out: if scanf.scanf(key, o): raise ValueError("Flag for key %s already exists: '%s'" % (key, o)) # Check for exact matches if new_flags and (not allow_duplicate_values): idx = 0 nnew = len(new_flags) nout = len(out) while idx < nout: if new_flags[0] not in out[idx:]: break ibeg = idx + out[idx:].index(new_flags[0]) iend = ibeg + nnew if (iend < nout) and (out[ibeg:iend] == new_flags): return idx = iend # Determine location where flags should be added & add them if position is None: if prepend: position = 0 else: position = -1 if position == -1: out.extend(new_flags) elif position < 0: for f in new_flags: out.insert(position + 1, f) else: for f in new_flags[::-1]: out.insert(position, f)
[docs] @classmethod def create_flag(cls, key, value): r"""Create a flag from a key/value set. Args: key (str): String identifying the type of flag. If key contains '%s', it is assumed that the flag will be produced by formatting the value according to key. If key dosn't contain '%s', it is assumed that key indicates that value is the following item and they both will be returned. If key is an empty string, then the value is assumed to constitute the entire flag. value (object): Value that should be set in the flag. If a list, multiple flags are returned, one for each item in the list. Returns: list: Items representing the flag. """ if (not isinstance(key, dict)) and (key in cls.flag_options): key = cls.flag_options[key] if isinstance(key, dict): key = key['key'] if isinstance(value, list): out = [] for v in value: out += cls.create_flag(key, v) elif value is None: out = [] elif len(key) == 0: out = [value] elif '%s' in key: out = [key % value] elif isinstance(value, bool): out = [] if value: out.append(key) else: out = [key, value] return out
[docs] @classmethod def is_installed(cls): r"""Determine if this tool is installed by looking for the executable. Returns: bool: True if the tool is installed, False otherwise. """ exec_path = shutil.which(cls.get_executable()) return (exec_path is not None)
[docs] @classmethod def env_matches_tool(cls, use_sysconfig=False, env=None, with_flags=False): r"""Determine if the executable pointed to by any environment variable matches this compilation tool. Args: use_sysconfig (bool, optional): If True, check the sysconfig variables, otherwise check os.environ. Defaults to False. env (dict, optional): Existing dictionary that should be updated with variables. Defaults to None and is ignored. with_flags (bool, optional): If True, preserve any flags included in the environment variable. Defaults to False. Returns: bool: True if the environment variable matches, False otherwise. """ if env is None: env = {} if use_sysconfig: env.update(sysconfig.get_config_vars()) else: env.update(os.environ) tool_base = cls.aliases.copy() envi_base = '' envi_full = '' if isinstance(cls.toolname, str): tool_base.append(cls.toolname) if isinstance(cls.default_executable, str): tool_base.append(cls.default_executable) if isinstance(cls.default_executable_env, str): envi_full = env.get(cls.default_executable_env, '').split( 'ccache ')[-1] if envi_full: envi_base = os.path.basename(envi_full.split(maxsplit=1)[0]) if os.environ.get('PATHEXT', ''): tool_base = [x.split(os.environ['PATHEXT'])[0] for x in tool_base] envi_base = envi_base.split(os.environ['PATHEXT'])[0] out = None regex_literal = '-+*$%#@!^&(){}[]<>,.;:' regex_pathsep = r'(?:[\-\_\.0-9])' if tool_base and envi_base: for x in tool_base: for k in regex_literal: x = x.replace(k, '\\' + k) regex = r'(?:(?:^)|%s)%s(?:(?:$)|%s)' % ( regex_pathsep, x, regex_pathsep) if, envi_base): out = True break # out = envi_base.endswith(tuple(tool_base)) if out: if not with_flags: envi_full = envi_full.split(maxsplit=1)[0] return envi_full return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_env_flags(cls): r"""Get a list of flags stored in the environment variables. Returns: list: Flags for the tool. """ out = [] env_dict = {} exe = cls.env_matches_tool(env=env_dict, with_flags=True) if not exe: exe = cls.env_matches_tool(env=env_dict, with_flags=True, use_sysconfig=True) if exe and env_dict: out += exe.split()[1:] env = getattr(cls, 'default_flags_env', None) if env is not None: if not isinstance(env, list): env = [env] for ienv in env: new_val = env_dict.get(ienv, '').split() out += [v for v in new_val if v not in out] return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_flags(cls, flags=None, outfile=None, output_first=None, unused_kwargs=None, skip_defaults=False, dont_skip_env_defaults=False, # remove_flags=None, with_asan=False, **kwargs): r"""Get a list of flags for the tool. Args: flags (list, optional): User defined flags that should be included. Defaults to empty list. outfile (str, optional): If provided, it is appended to the end of the flags following the cls.output_key flag to indicate that this is the name of the output file. Defaults to None and is ignored. output_first (bool, optional): If True, output flag(s) will be placed at the front of the returned flags. If False, they are placed at the end. Defaults to None and is set by cls.output_first. unused_kwargs (dict, optional): Existing dictionary that unused keyword arguments should be added to. Defaults to None and is ignored. skip_defaults (bool, optional): If True, the default flags will not be added. Defaults to False. dont_skip_env_defaults (bool, optional): If skip_defaults is True, and this keyword is True, the flags from the environment variable will be added. Defaults to False. remove_flags (list, optional): List of flags to remove. Defaults to None and is ignored. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are ignored and added to unused_kwargs if provided. Returns: list: Flags for the tool. """ if flags is None: flags = [] flags = kwargs.pop(f'{cls.tooltype}_flags', flags) out = copy.deepcopy(flags) if not isinstance(out, list): out = [out] if output_first is None: output_first = cls.output_first # Add default & user defined flags if skip_defaults: # Include flags set by the environment (this is especially # important when using the Conda compilers if dont_skip_env_defaults: out += cls.get_env_flags() else: new_flags = cls.default_flags.copy() new_flags += [x for x in cls.get_env_flags() if x not in new_flags] # It is on the user to make sure there are not conflicting # flags when an error is thrown out += new_flags + getattr(cls, 'flags', []) # Add class defined flags for k in cls.flag_options.keys(): if k in kwargs: cls.append_flags(out, k, kwargs.pop(k)) # Add output file if (outfile is not None) and (cls.output_key is not None): cls.append_flags(out, cls.output_key, outfile, prepend=output_first, no_duplicates=True) if with_asan and cls.asan_flags: out += cls.asan_flags # Handle unused keyword argumetns if isinstance(unused_kwargs, dict): unused_kwargs.update(kwargs) # if isinstance(remove_flags, list): # for x in remove_flags: # if x in out: # out.remove(x) return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_executable(cls, full_path=False): r"""Determine the executable that should be used to call this tool. Args: full_path (bool, optional): If True the full path to the executable file will be returned. Defaults to False. Returns: str: Name of (or path to) the tool executable. """ out = getattr(cls, 'executable', None) if out is None: from yggdrasil.config import ygg_cfg out = cls.default_executable if cls.languages: out = ygg_cfg.get(cls.languages[0], f'{cls.toolname}_executable', out) if out is None: raise NotImplementedError(f"Executable not set for " f"{cls.tooltype} " f"'{cls.tooltype}'.") if full_path: out = shutil.which(out) return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_env_prefixes(cls): r"""Determine the virtualenv/conda path prefixes. Returns: list: Virtualenv/conda path prefixes. Empty list will be returned if virtualenv/conda are not active. """ return tools.get_env_prefixes()
[docs] @classmethod def get_search_path(cls, env_only=False, libtype=None, cfg=None): r"""Determine the paths searched by the tool for external library files. Args: env_only (bool, optional): If True, only the search paths as indicated by a virtualenv/conda environment are returned. Defaults to False. libtype (str, optional): Library type being searched for. Defaults to None. cfg (YggConfigParser, optional): Configuration object currently being updated. Defaults to the global configuration. Returns: list: List of paths that the tools will search. """ if cfg is None: from yggdrasil.config import ygg_cfg cfg = ygg_cfg if (cls.search_path_flags is None) and (cls.search_path_envvar is None): raise NotImplementedError("get_search_path method not implemented for " "%s tool '%s'" % (cls.tooltype, cls.toolname)) paths = [] # Add path based on executable exec_file = cls.get_executable(full_path=True) if exec_file is not None: prefix, exec_dir = os.path.split(os.path.dirname(exec_file)) if exec_dir == 'bin': if libtype == 'include': suffix = 'include' else: suffix = 'lib' paths.append(os.path.join(prefix, suffix)) # Get search paths from environment variable if (cls.search_path_envvar is not None) and (not env_only): assert isinstance(cls.search_path_envvar, list) for ienv in cls.search_path_envvar: paths += os.environ.get(ienv, '').split(os.pathsep) # Get flags based on path if (cls.search_path_flags is not None) and (not env_only): output =, skip_flags=True, allow_error=True) # Split on beginning & ending regexes if they exist if cls.search_regex_begin is not None: output = re.split(cls.search_regex_begin, output)[-1] if cls.search_regex_end is not None: output = re.split(cls.search_regex_end, output)[0] # Search for paths for r in cls.search_regex: paths += re.findall(r, output) # Get search paths from the virtualenv/conda environment if (cls.search_path_env is not None): for iprefix in cls.get_env_prefixes(): assert isinstance(cls.search_path_env, list) for ienv in cls.search_path_env: paths.append(os.path.join(iprefix, ienv)) # Get libtype specific search paths if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows base_paths = [] vcpkg_dir = cfg.get('c', 'vcpkg_dir', None) if vcpkg_dir is not None: if not os.path.isdir(vcpkg_dir): # pragma: debug raise RuntimeError(f"vcpkg_dir is not valid: '{vcpkg_dir}'") typ2dir = {'include': 'include', 'shared': 'bin', 'static': 'lib'} if platform._is_64bit: arch = 'x64-windows' else: # pragma: debug arch = 'x86-windows' raise NotImplementedError("Not yet tested on 32bit Python") if (libtype in typ2dir) and os.path.isdir(os.path.join(vcpkg_dir, 'installed')): paths.append(os.path.join(vcpkg_dir, 'installed', arch, typ2dir[libtype])) if not os.path.isdir(paths[-1]): # pragma: debug partial = vcpkg_dir for x in ['installed', arch, typ2dir[libtype]]: next_partial = os.path.join(partial, x) if not os.path.isdir(next_partial): files = glob.glob(os.path.join(partial, '*')) print(f'missing {next_partial}: {files}') break partial = next_partial raise RuntimeError(r"vcpkg subdirectory does not " r"exist: {paths[-1]}") if os.environ.get('ChocolateyInstall'.upper(), None): base_paths.append(os.environ['ChocolateyInstall']) else: base_paths = ['/usr', os.path.join('/usr', 'local')] if platform._is_mac: macos_sdkroot = cfg.get('c', 'macos_sdkroot', None) base_paths += [ '/Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr', # XCode >= 12 '/Applications/' 'Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr', '/usr/local/opt/llvm'] if macos_sdkroot is not None: base_paths.append(os.path.join(macos_sdkroot, 'usr')) if 'Platforms' in macos_sdkroot: base_paths.append( os.path.join( macos_sdkroot.split('/Platforms', 1)[0], 'Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr')) if libtype == 'include': suffix = 'include' else: suffix = 'lib' for base in base_paths: paths.append(os.path.join(base, suffix)) if platform._is_mac: # Check homebrew llvm # paths.append('/usr/local/Cellar/llvm/') for x in glob.glob(os.path.join( macos_sdkroot.split('/Platforms', 1)[0], 'Platforms', '*', '')): if ((('AppleTV' not in x) and ('iPhoneOS' not in x) and ('WatchOS' not in x))): paths.append(x) paths += [ "/usr/local/Cellar/llvm/"] out = [] for x in paths: if x and (x not in out) and os.path.isdir(x): out.append(x) return out
[docs] @classmethod def locate_file(cls, fname, libtype=None, verbose=False, **kwargs): r"""Locate a library file. Args: fname (str): Name of library. libtype (str, optional): Library type being searched for. Defaults to None. verbose (bool, optional): If True, display information about the success or failure of the search. Defaults to False. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to get_search_path. Returns: str: Full path to located library file. """ if os.path.isfile(fname): return fname fname = os.path.basename(fname) libtype2tool = {'shared': 'linker', 'static': 'archiver', 'include': 'compiler'} if libtype is None: tool2libtype = {v: k for k, v in libtype2tool.items()} libtype = tool2libtype[cls.tooltype] elif libtype == 'windows_import': libtype = 'shared' assert libtype2tool[libtype] == cls.tooltype if '.' not in fname: kws_out = {'no_tool_suffix': True} if libtype == 'shared': kws_out['build_library'] = True fname = cls.get_output_file(fname, **kws_out) fname = '*'.join(os.path.splitext(fname)) search_list = cls.get_search_path(libtype=libtype, **kwargs) # On windows search for both gnu and msvc library # naming conventions if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows"Searching for base: %s" % fname) ext_sets = (('.dll', '.dll.a'), ('.lib', )) for exts in ext_sets: if fname.endswith(exts): base = fname.split('.', 1)[0] assert not base.startswith('lib') fname = [] for ext in exts: fname += [base + ext, 'lib' + base + ext] break out = tools.locate_file(fname, directory_list=search_list, environment_variable=None) if verbose: if out:'Located {fname}: {out}') else:"Could not locate {fname} (search_list = " f"\n\t" + '\n\t'.join(search_list) + ')') return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_executable_command(cls, args, skip_flags=False, unused_kwargs=None, use_ccache=False, **kwargs): r"""Determine the command required to run the tool using the specified arguments and options. Args: args (list): The arguments that should be passed to the tool. If skip_flags is False, these are treated as input files that will be used by the tool. skip_flags (bool, optional): If True, args is assumed to include any necessary flags. If False, args are assumed to the files that the tool is called on and flags are determined from them. Defaults to False. unused_kwargs (dict, optional): Existing Python dictionary that unused keyword arguments will be added to. Defaults to None and is initialized to an empty dict. use_ccache (bool, optional): If True, ccache will be added to the compilation executable. Defaults to False. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are ignored and stored in unused_kwargs if provided. Returns: str: Output to stdout from the command execution. """ library_flags = kwargs.pop('library_flags', []) if unused_kwargs is None: unused_kwargs = {} # Get flags if skip_flags: flags = [] library_flags = [] unused_kwargs.update(kwargs) else: flags = cls.get_flags(unused_kwargs=unused_kwargs, skip_library_libs=True, library_flags=library_flags, **kwargs) # Form command cmd = flags + args + library_flags if (len(cmd) == 0) or (not os.path.splitext(cmd[0])[0].endswith(cls.toolname)): cmd = [cls.get_executable()] + cmd if use_ccache and shutil.which('ccache'): cmd = ['ccache'] + cmd # Pop library flags so it is not an unused_kwarg in cases of non-linking # compiler command for k in ['library_flags', 'skip_library_libs']: unused_kwargs.pop(k, []) return cmd
[docs] @classmethod def remove_products(cls, src, new): r"""Remove products produced during compilation. Args: src (list): Input arguments to compilation call that was used to generate the output file (usually one or more source files). new (str): The full path to the primary product of the compilation call (usually an object, executable, or library). """ products = [] cls.append_product(products, src, new) source_products = cls.get_source_products(products) remove_products(products, source_products)
[docs] @classmethod def get_source_products(cls, products, source_products=[]): r"""Get the list of products that should be removed without checking for source files based on cls.remove_product_exts. Args: products (list): List of products that should be checked against cls.remove_product_exts. source_products (list, optional): Existing list of products that new source_products should be added to. Defaults to []. Returns: list: Products that should be removed without checking for source files. """ remove_ext = tuple(cls.remove_product_exts) for x in products: if x.endswith(remove_ext) and (x not in source_products): source_products.append(x) return source_products
[docs] @classmethod def append_product(cls, products, src, new, new_dir=None, dont_append_src=False): r"""Append a product to the specified list along with additional values indicated by cls.product_exts. Args: products (list): List of of existing products that new product should be appended to. src (list): Input arguments to compilation call that was used to generate the output file (usually one or more source files). new (str): New product that should be appended to the list. new_dir (str, optional): Directory that should be used as base when adding files listed in cls.product_files. Defaults to os.path.dirname(new). dont_append_src (bool, optional): If True and src is in the list of products, it will be removed. Defaults to False. """ products.append(new) # Add products based on extensions new_base = os.path.splitext(new)[0] for ext in cls.product_exts: inew = new_base + ext if inew not in products: products.append(inew) # Add products based on directory if new_dir is None: new_dir = os.path.dirname(new) for base in cls.product_files: inew = os.path.join(new_dir, base) if inew not in products: products.append(inew) # Make sure the source is not in the product list if dont_append_src: for isrc in src: if isrc in products: # pragma: debug products.remove(isrc)
[docs] @classmethod def tool_version(cls, **kwargs): r"""Get the version of the compilation tool. Returns: str: Version. """ kwargs.setdefault('cache_key', True) kwargs.setdefault('allow_error', True) return, skip_flags=True, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def call(cls, args, language=None, toolname=None, skip_flags=False, dry_run=False, out=None, overwrite=False, products=None, allow_error=False, working_dir=None, additional_args=None, suffix='', cache_key=None, **kwargs): r"""Call the tool with the provided arguments. If the first argument resembles the name of the tool executable, the executable will not be added. Args: args (list): The arguments that should be passed to the tool. language (str, optional): Language of tool that should be used. If different than the languages supported by the current tool, the correct tool is used instead. Defaults to None and is ignored. toolname (str, optional): Name of compilation tool that should be used. Defaults to None and the default tool for the language will be used. skip_flags (bool, optional): If True, args is assumed to include any necessary flags. If False, args are assumed to the files that the tool is called on and flags are determined from them. Defaults to False. dry_run (bool, optional): If True, the tool won't be called, but the products will be updated. Defautls to False. out (str, optional): Full path to output file that should be created. If None, the path will be determined from the path to the first argument provided. Defaults to None. This keyword argument will be ignored if skip_flags is True. overwrite (bool, optional): If True, the existing compile file will be overwritten. Otherwise, it will be kept and this function will return without recompiling the source file. products (list, optional): Existing Python list that additional products produced by the compilation should be appended to. Defaults to None and is ignored. allow_error (bool, optional): If True and there is an error when call the executable, it will be ignored. If False, errors will result in an exception being raised. Defaults to False. working_dir (str, optional): Working directory where tool should be called from. This will also be used to construct the path for the output file. Defaults to None and is ignored. additional_args (list, optional): Additional arguments that should be appended to args before continuing. Defaults to None and is ignored. suffix (str, optional): Suffix that should be added to the output file (before the extension). Defaults to "". cache_key (str, optional): Key that should be used to cache results so that they may be used multiple times. Defaults to None and is ignored. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to cls.get_executable_command. and tools.popen_nobuffer. Returns: str: Output to stdout from the command execution if skip_flags is True, produced file otherwise. Raises: RuntimeError: If there is an error when running the command and allow_error is False. """ # Call from another tool if the language dosn't match language = kwargs.pop('%s_language' % cls.tooltype, language) cls = cls.get_alternate_class(toolname=toolname, language=language) # Add additional arguments if isinstance(args, (str, bytes)): args = [args] assert isinstance(args, list) if additional_args is not None: args = args + additional_args # Process arguments only valid if skip_flags is False if (not skip_flags): if products is None: products = [] # Get output file if out is None: out = cls.get_output_file(args[0], working_dir=working_dir, suffix=suffix, **kwargs) elif (((out != 'clean') and (not os.path.isabs(out)) and (working_dir is not None))): out = os.path.join(working_dir, out) assert out not in args # Don't remove source files # Check for file if overwrite and (not dry_run): cls.remove_products(args, out) if os.path.isfile(out) or os.path.isdir(out): # pragma: debug raise RuntimeError("Product not removed: %s" % out) if (not dry_run) and (os.path.isfile(out) or os.path.isdir(out)): cls.append_product(products, args, out) logger.debug(f"Output already exists: {out}") return out kwargs['outfile'] = out # Get command unused_kwargs = kwargs.pop('unused_kwargs', {}) cmd = cls.get_executable_command(args, skip_flags=skip_flags, unused_kwargs=unused_kwargs, cwd=working_dir, **kwargs) if cache_key is not None: if cache_key is True: cache_key = ' '.join(cmd) if cache_key in cls._language_cache: return cls._language_cache[cache_key] # Return if dry run, adding potential output to product if dry_run: if skip_flags: return '' else: if out != 'clean': cls.append_product(products, args, out) return out # Run command output = '' try: if (not skip_flags) and ('env' not in unused_kwargs): unused_kwargs['env'] = cls.set_env() logger.debug('Command: "%s"' % ' '.join(cmd)) proc = tools.popen_nobuffer(cmd, **unused_kwargs) output, err = proc.communicate() output = output.decode("utf-8") if (proc.returncode != 0) and (not allow_error): raise RuntimeError("Command '%s' failed with code %d:\n%s." % (' '.join(cmd), proc.returncode, output)) try: logger.debug(' '.join(cmd) + '\n' + output) except UnicodeDecodeError: # pragma: debug tools.print_encoded(output) except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, OSError) as e: if not allow_error: raise RuntimeError("Could not call command '%s': %s" % (' '.join(cmd), e)) except BaseException as e: try: print(f"Unexpected call error {type(e)}: {e}") except UnicodeDecodeError: # pragma: debug tools.print_encoded(e) raise # Check for output if (not skip_flags): if (out != 'clean'): expected_products = [out] for x in expected_products: if not (os.path.isfile(x) or os.path.isdir(x)): # pragma: debug logger.error('%s\n%s' % (' '.join(cmd), output)) raise RuntimeError( f"{cls.tooltype.title()} tool, {cls.toolname}" f", failed to produce result \'{x}\'") cls.append_product(products, args, x) logger.debug( f"{cls.tooltype.title()} {cls.toolname} produced " f"{expected_products}") return out if cache_key: cls._language_cache[cache_key] = output return output
[docs]class CompilerBase(CompilationToolBase): r"""Base class for compilers. Args: linker (str, optional): Name of the linker that should be used for linking compiled objects. Defaults to None if not provided and default_linker will be used. archiver (str, optional): Name of the archiver that should be used for combining compiled objects into a static library. Defaults to None if not provided and default_archiver will be used. linker_flags (list, optional): Flags that should be used when linking compiled objects. Defaults to default_linker_flags if not provided. archiver_flags (list, optional): Flags that should be used for combining compiled objects into a static library. Defaults to default_archiver_flags if not provided. Class Attributes: compile_only_flag (str): Flag that should prepended to compiler/linker combination tool arguments to indicate that only compilation should be performed. default_linker (str): Name of linker that should be used after compiling with this compiler. If not set, it is assumed that this compiler is also a linker. default_archiver (str): Name of archiver that should be used to create a static library after compiling with this compiler. If not set, it is assumed that this compiler is also a linker. default_linker_flags (list): Flags that should be used with the linker if no other flags are provided. default_archiver_flags (list): Flags that should be used with the archiver if no other flags are provided. linker_switch (str): Flag to indicate beginning of flags that should be passed to the linker from a call to a compiler/linker combination tools (e.g. /link on Windows). object_ext (str): Extension that should be used for object files. is_linker (bool): If True, the tool also serves as a linker and a separate linker class will be automatically generating from the linker_attributes dictionary. This will be set to True if no_separate_linking is True. no_separate_linking (bool): If True, the tool severs as linker but cannot be called for just compilation or linking alone. linker_attributes (dict): Attributes that should be added to the linker class created for this tool if is_linker is True. linker_base_classes (tuple): Base classes that should be used to create the default linker from the compiler tool. If None, (LinkerBase, ) is used if no_separate_linking is False and (DummyLinkerBase, ) is used if no_separate_linking is True. combine_with_linker (bool): If True, the compiler and linker flags can be combined and passed to the compiler executable to perform both operations in succession. If False, the compilation and linking steps must be performed separately. If None, this is determined by checking if the compiler and linker names match. """ tooltype = 'compiler' flag_options = OrderedDict([('definitions', '-D%s'), ('include_dirs', '-I%s')]) compile_only_flag = '-c' default_linker = None default_archiver = None default_linker_flags = None default_archiver_flags = None linker_switch = None object_ext = '.o' is_linker = True # Most compiler's also perform linking no_separate_linking = False linker_attributes = {} linker_base_classes = None combine_with_linker = None search_path_env = ['include'] def __init__(self, **kwargs): for k in ['linker', 'archiver', 'linker_flags', 'archiver_flags']: v = kwargs.pop(k, None) if v is not None: setattr(self, '_%s' % k, v) super(CompilerBase, self).__init__(**kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def before_registration(cls): r"""Operations that should be performed to modify class attributes prior to registration including things like platform dependent properties and checking environment variables for default settings. """ CompilationToolBase.before_registration(cls) if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows if not cls.is_gnu: cls.object_ext = '.obj' cls.search_path_env.append(os.path.join('library', 'include')) if cls.no_separate_linking: cls.is_linker = True cls.compile_only_flag = None if cls.is_linker and (not getattr(cls, 'dont_create_linker', False)): if cls.default_linker is None: cls.default_linker = cls.toolname copy_attr = ['toolname', 'aliases', 'languages', 'platforms', 'default_executable', 'default_executable_env', 'toolset'] # 'product_exts', 'product_files'] linker_name = '%sLinker' % cls.__name__.split('Compiler')[0] linker_attr = copy.deepcopy(cls.linker_attributes) linker_attr.setdefault('toolname', cls.default_linker) for k in copy_attr: linker_attr.setdefault(k, getattr(cls, k)) linker_base_cls = cls.linker_base_classes if linker_base_cls is None: if cls.no_separate_linking: linker_base_cls = (DummyLinkerBase, ) else: linker_base_cls = (LinkerBase, ) linker_cls = type(linker_name, linker_base_cls, linker_attr) globals()[linker_cls.__name__] = linker_cls del linker_cls if cls.combine_with_linker is None: cls.combine_with_linker = (cls.toolname == cls.default_linker)
[docs] @classmethod def linker(cls): r"""Get the associated linker class. Returns: CompilationToolBase: Linker class associated with this compiler. """ linker = getattr(cls, '_linker', cls.default_linker) linker_flags = getattr(cls, '_linker_flags', cls.default_linker_flags) if linker is None: linker = find_compilation_tool('linker', cls.languages[0]) if linker: out = get_compilation_tool('linker', linker)(flags=linker_flags, executable=linker) assert out.is_installed() else: out = linker return out
[docs] @classmethod def archiver(cls): r"""Get the associated archiver class. Returns: ArchiverToolBase: Archiver class associated with this compiler. """ archiver = getattr(cls, '_archiver', cls.default_archiver) archiver_flags = getattr(cls, '_archiver_flags', cls.default_archiver_flags) if archiver is None: archiver = find_compilation_tool('archiver', cls.languages[0]) out = archiver if archiver: out = get_compilation_tool('archiver', archiver)(flags=archiver_flags, executable=archiver) if not out.is_installed(): out = get_compatible_tool(cls, 'archiver', language=cls.languages[0]) return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_library_tool(cls, libtype=None, **kwargs): r"""Determine the tool that should be used based on the provided arguments. Args: libtype (str, optional): Library type that should be created by the linker/archiver. If 'static', the archiver is returned. If 'shared' or any other value, the linker is returned. Defaults to None. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are ignored. Returns: CompilationToolBase: Linker/archiver that should be used. """ if libtype == 'static': tool = cls.archiver() else: tool = cls.linker() return tool
[docs] @classmethod def get_flags(cls, dont_link=None, add_linker_switch=False, libtype=None, logging_level=None, disable_python_c_api=False, **kwargs): r"""Get a list of compiler flags. Args: dont_link (bool, optional): If True, the command will result in a linkable object file rather than an executable or library. Defaults to True if cls.no_separate_linking is True or libtype is 'object' and False otherwise. add_linker_switch (bool, optional): If True, the linker_switch flag will be added to the flags even if dont_link is True as long as the flag is not None. Defaults to False. libtype (str, optional): Library type that should be created by the linker/archiver. Defaults to None. logging_level (int, optional): Logging level that should be passed as a definition to the C compiler. Defaults to None and will be ignored. disable_python_c_api (bool, optional): If True, the Python C API will be disabled. Defaults to False. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method and get_linker_flags if dont_link is False. Returns: list: Compiler flags. Raises: ValueError: If dont_link is False and cls.combine_with_linker is False. """ # Turn off linking if it is part of the compilation call if cls.no_separate_linking: dont_link = True # Set dont_link based on libtype if dont_link is None: if libtype == 'object': dont_link = True else: dont_link = False # Add flag that model is yggdrasil and set yggdrasil version if not cls.is_build_tool: from yggdrasil import __version__ kwargs.setdefault('definitions', []) kwargs['definitions'].append('WITH_YGGDRASIL') yggver = __version__.split('+')[0].split('v')[-1].split('.') if len(yggver) > 0: kwargs['definitions'] += [f'YGGVER_MAJOR={yggver[0]}'] # if len(yggver) > 1: # kwargs['definitions'] += [f'YGGVER_MINOR={yggver[1]}'] # Add logging level as a definition if logging_level is not None: kwargs.setdefault('definitions', []) kwargs['definitions'].append('YGG_DEBUG=%d' % logging_level) # Disable Python C API if disable_python_c_api: kwargs.setdefault('definitions', []) kwargs['definitions'].append('YGGDRASIL_DISABLE_PYTHON_C_API') # Call parent class outfile_link = None if not dont_link: outfile_link = kwargs.pop('outfile', None) out = super(CompilerBase, cls).get_flags(**kwargs) # Add flags for compilation only or provided output file if ((dont_link and (cls.compile_only_flag is not None) and (not kwargs.get('skip_defaults', False)))): if cls.compile_only_flag not in out: out.insert(0, cls.compile_only_flag) # Add linker switch if (not dont_link) or add_linker_switch: if cls.linker_switch is not None: # pragma: windows if cls.linker_switch not in out: out.append(cls.linker_switch) # Add linker flags if (not dont_link): if (not cls.combine_with_linker): raise ValueError("Cannot combine linker and compiler flags.") logger.debug('The returned flags will contain linker flags that ' 'may need to follow the list of source files.') unused_kwargs_comp = kwargs.pop('unused_kwargs', {}) unused_kwargs_link = {} tool = cls.get_library_tool(libtype=libtype, **unused_kwargs_comp) out += tool.get_flags(outfile=outfile_link, unused_kwargs=unused_kwargs_link, **unused_kwargs_comp) for k in copy.deepcopy(list(unused_kwargs_comp.keys())): if k not in unused_kwargs_link: del unused_kwargs_comp[k] return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_output_file(cls, src, dont_link=False, working_dir=None, libtype=None, no_src_ext=False, no_tool_suffix=False, suffix="", **kwargs): r"""Determine the appropriate output file that will result when compiling a given source file. Args: src (str): Source file being compiled that name base will be taken from. dont_link (bool, optional): If True, the result assumes that the source is just compiled and not linked. If False, the result will be the final result after linking. Defaults to None and will be set to True if libtype is 'object' and False otherwise. working_dir (str, optional): Working directory where output file should be located. Defaults to None and is ignored. libtype (str, optional): Library type that should be created by the linker/archiver. Defaults to None. no_src_ext (bool, optional): If True, the source extension will not be added to the object file name. Defaults to False. Ignored if dont_link is False. no_tool_suffix (bool, optional): If True, the tool suffix will not be added to the object file name. Defaults to False. suffix (str, optional): Suffix that should be added to the output file (before the extension). Defaults to "". **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are ignored unless dont_link is False; then they are passed to the linker's get_output_file method. Returns: str: Full path to file that will be produced. """ # Get intermediate file if cls.no_separate_linking: obj = src kwargs['suffix'] = suffix else: if isinstance(src, list): obj = [] for isrc in src: obj.append(cls.get_output_file(isrc, dont_link=True, working_dir=working_dir, no_src_ext=no_src_ext, libtype=libtype, **kwargs)) else: src_base, src_ext = os.path.splitext(src) if not no_tool_suffix: suffix += cls.get_tool_suffix() if no_src_ext or src_base.endswith('_%s' % src_ext[1:]): obj = '%s%s%s' % (src_base, suffix, cls.object_ext) else: obj = '%s_%s%s%s' % (src_base, src_ext[1:], suffix, cls.object_ext) if (not os.path.isabs(obj)) and (working_dir is not None): obj = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(working_dir, obj)) # Pass to linker unless dont_link is True if dont_link and (not cls.no_separate_linking): out = obj else: tool = cls.get_library_tool(libtype=libtype, **kwargs) out = tool.get_output_file(obj, working_dir=working_dir, **kwargs) return out
[docs] @classmethod def call(cls, args, dont_link=None, skip_flags=False, out=None, libtype=None, additional_objs=None, **kwargs): r"""Call the tool with the provided arguments. If the first argument resembles the name of the tool executable, the executable will not be added. Args: args (list): The arguments that should be passed to the tool. dont_link (bool, optional): If True, the command will result in a linkable object file rather than an executable or library. Defaults to True if cls.no_separate_linking is True or libtype is 'object' and False otherwise. skip_flags (bool, optional): If True, args is assumed to include any necessary flags. If False, args are assumed to the files that the tool is called on and flags are determined from them. Defaults to False. out (str, optional): Full path to output file that should be created. If None, the path will be determined from the path to the first arguments provided. Defaults to None. This keyword argument will be ignored if skip_flags is True. libtype (str, optional): Library type that should be created by the linker/archiver. Defaults to None. additional_objs (list, optional): Additional linkable object files that should be supplied to the linker/archiver if dont_link is False. Defaults to None and is ignored. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method and the associated linker/archiver's call method if dont_link is False. Returns: str: Output to stdout from the command execution if skip_flags is True, produced file otherwise. """ # Must be called before the class is used to get the linker # tools so that correct compiler is used as a base. cls = cls.get_alternate_class( toolname=kwargs.get('toolname', None), language=kwargs.get('language', None)) # Turn off linking if it is part of the compilation call if cls.no_separate_linking: dont_link = True # Set dont_link based on libtype if dont_link is None: if libtype == 'object': dont_link = True else: dont_link = False # Get appropriate tool tool = None if not (dont_link or skip_flags): tool = cls.get_library_tool(libtype=libtype, **kwargs) # Handle list of sources if (not skip_flags) and isinstance(args, list) and (len(args) > 1): if dont_link: out_comp = out else: out_comp = None if out_comp is None: out_comp = [None for _ in args] elif not isinstance(out_comp, list): out_comp = [out_comp] if len(args) != len(out_comp): raise ValueError("Cannot compile %d sources into %d objects." % (len(args), len(out_comp))) # Compile each source kwargs_link = {} if not dont_link: kwargs_link = tool.extract_kwargs(kwargs, compiler=cls) else: kwargs.pop('linker_language', None) obj_list = [] for isrc, iout in zip(args, out_comp): iobj =, out=iout, dont_link=True, **kwargs) obj_list.append(iobj) if dont_link: return obj_list # Link/archive return, out=out, additional_args=additional_objs, **kwargs_link) # Call without linking/archiving if skip_flags or dont_link: if not skip_flags: kwargs['dont_link'] = dont_link kwargs.pop('linker_language', None) return super(CompilerBase, cls).call(args, skip_flags=skip_flags, out=out, **kwargs) else: kwargs_link = tool.extract_kwargs(kwargs, compiler=cls) if (tool.tooltype != 'linker') and ('linker_language' in kwargs): kwargs_link[tool.tooltype + '_language'] = kwargs.pop( 'linker_language') out_comp = super(CompilerBase, cls).call(args, dont_link=True, out=None, **kwargs) return, out=out, additional_args=additional_objs, **kwargs_link)
[docs] @classmethod def locate_file(cls, fname, **kwargs): r"""Locate a library file. Args: fname (str): Name of library. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to get_search_path. Returns: str: Full path to located library file. """ if kwargs.get('libtype', None) in ['shared', 'windows_import']: return cls.linker().locate_file(fname, **kwargs) elif kwargs.get('libtype', None) in ['static']: return cls.archiver().locate_file(fname, **kwargs) return super(CompilerBase, cls).locate_file(fname, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def preload_env(cls, libs, env): r"""Get environment variables necessary to preload libraries. Args: libs (list): One or more libaries to preload. env (dict): Dictionary to add environment variables to. Returns: dict: Environment variable options. """ if isinstance(libs, str): libs = [libs] if cls.preload_envvar and libs: if cls.preload_envvar in env: # pragma: no cover libs = [env[cls.preload_envvar]] + libs env[cls.preload_envvar] = ';'.join(libs) logger.debug(f"PRELOAD ENV ({cls.preload_envvar}): " f"{env[cls.preload_envvar]}") # preload_file = '/etc/' # if os.path.isfile(preload_file): # contents = open(preload_file, 'r').read() # logger.debug(f"PRELOAD FILE ({preload_file}):\n" # f"{contents}") return env
[docs] @classmethod def init_asan_env(cls, out): r"""Add environment variables to preload the ASAN libraries.""" if cls.asan_flags: lib = cls.asan_library() if lib: cls.preload_env(lib, out) asan_options = out.get('ASAN_OPTIONS', '') if asan_options: asan_options += ':' asan_options += 'verify_asan_link_order=0' out['ASAN_OPTIONS'] = asan_options logger.debug(f"ASAN_OPTIONS: {asan_options}") return out
[docs] @classmethod def asan_library(cls): r"""Return the address sanitizer library.""" if not (cls.asan_flags and cls.object_tool): return None if 'asan_library' in cls._language_cache: return cls._language_cache['asan_library'] try: fname = 'a.out' fname_src = 'a.c' with open(fname_src, 'w') as fd: fd.write('void foo() {}') cmds = [' '.join(cls.get_executable_command( ['-x', 'c', '-fPIC', '-shared', '-o', fname] + cls.asan_flags + [fname_src], skip_flags=True))] cmds += [f"{cls.object_tool} {fname} | grep asan | " f"awk '{{print $1}}'"] subprocess.check_call(cmds[0], shell=True) lib = subprocess.check_output(cmds[1], shell=True).decode('utf-8').strip() if not os.path.isabs(lib): lib = os.path.basename(lib) lib = subprocess.check_output( [cls.get_executable(), f'-print-file-name={lib}']).decode('utf-8').strip() if os.path.isfile(lib): lib = os.path.abspath(lib) else: lib = None except subprocess.CalledProcessError: lib = None finally: for x in [fname, fname_src]: if os.path.isfile(x): os.remove(x) logger.debug(f"ASAN Library: {lib}") cls._language_cache['asan_library'] = lib return lib
[docs]class LinkerBase(CompilationToolBase): r"""Base class for linkers. Attributes: shared_library_flag (str): Flag that should be prepended to the linker tool arguments to indicate that a shared/dynamic library should be produced instead of an executable. library_name_key (str): Option key indicating the name of a library that should be linked against. library_directory_key (str): Option key indicating a directory that should be included in the linker search path for libraries. library_prefix (str): Prefix that should be added to library paths. library_ext (str): Extension that should be used for shared libraries. executable_ext (str): Extension that should be used for executables. output_first_library (bool): If True, the output key (and its value) are put in front of the other flags when building a library. A value of None causes the output_first attribute to be used (unless explicitly set in the method call). """ tooltype = 'linker' flag_options = OrderedDict([ ('library_libs', { 'key': '-l%s', 'allow_duplicate_values': True}), ('library_libs_nonstd', { 'key': '-l:%s', 'allow_duplicate_values': True}), ('library_dirs', '-L%s')]) shared_library_flag = '-shared' library_prefix = 'lib' library_ext = None # depends on the OS executable_ext = '.out' output_first_library = None search_path_env = ['lib'] all_library_ext = ['.so', '.a']
[docs] @staticmethod def before_registration(cls): r"""Operations that should be performed to modify class attributes prior to registration including things like platform dependent properties and checking environment variables for default settings. """ CompilationToolBase.before_registration(cls) if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows # TODO: Use 'cyg' prefix on cygwin? cls.library_prefix = '' cls.library_ext = '.dll' cls.executable_ext = '.exe' cls.search_path_env += [ 'DLLs', os.path.join('library', 'bin'), 'Library'] cls.all_library_ext = ['.dll', '.lib', '.dll.a'] elif platform._is_mac: # TODO: Dynamic library by default on windows? # cls.shared_library_flag = '-dynamiclib' cls.library_ext = '.dylib' else: cls.library_ext = '.so' if cls.library_ext not in cls.all_library_ext: cls.all_library_ext = cls.all_library_ext + [cls.library_ext]
[docs] @classmethod def is_standard_libname(cls, libname): r"""Determine if the provided file name conforms to the standards expected by this linker. Args: libname (str): Library file name to check. Returns: bool: True if the name conforms, False otherwise. """ if cls.toolset == 'msvc': # pragma: windows return False # Pass all libraries w/ ext return (libname.startswith(cls.library_prefix) and libname.endswith(tuple(cls.all_library_ext)))
[docs] @classmethod def libpath2libname(cls, libpath): r"""Determine the library name from the library path. Args: libpath (str): Full or partial path to library. Returns: str: Library name. """ out = cls.file2base(libpath) if cls.library_prefix: out = out.split(cls.library_prefix, 1)[-1] return out
[docs] @classmethod def extract_kwargs(cls, kwargs, compiler=None, add_kws_link=[], add_kws_both=[]): r"""Extract linker kwargs, leaving behind just compiler kwargs. Args: kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments passed to the compiler that should be sorted into kwargs used by either the compiler or linker or both. Keywords that are not used by the compiler will be removed from this dictionary. compiler (CompilerBase, optional): Compiler tool that linker kwargs are being extracted in order to call. Defaults to None and is ignored. add_kws_link (list, optional): Addition keywords that should be added to the list of those reserved for the linker. Defaults to []. add_kws_both (list, optional): Additional keywords that should be added to the list of those that are valid for both the linker and compiler. Defaults to []. Returns: dict: Keyword arguments that should be passed to the linker. """ kws_link = ['build_library', 'skip_library_libs', 'use_library_path', '%s_flags' % cls.tooltype, '%s_language' % cls.tooltype, 'libraries', 'library_dirs', 'library_libs', 'library_libs_nonstd', 'library_flags'] kws_both = ['overwrite', 'products', 'allow_error', 'dry_run', 'working_dir', 'env', 'with_asan'] kws_link += add_kws_link kws_both += add_kws_both kwargs_link = {} # Add kwargs from flag_options flag_options_comp = [] if compiler is not None: flag_options_comp = list(compiler.flag_options.keys()) for k in cls.flag_options.keys(): if (k in kws_link) or (k in kws_both): continue if k in flag_options_comp: kws_both.append(k) else: kws_link.append(k) # Move kwargs unique to linker for k in kws_link: if k in kwargs: kwargs_link[k] = kwargs.pop(k) # Copy kwargs that should be passed to both compiler & linker for k in kws_both: if k in kwargs: kwargs_link[k] = kwargs[k] if compiler and kwargs.get('with_asan', False) and cls.asan_flags: # kwargs_link.setdefault('libraries', []) # kwargs_link['libraries'].append(compiler.asan_library()) if compiler.asan_library(): asan_dir = os.path.dirname(compiler.asan_library()) kwargs_link.setdefault('library_dirs', []) kwargs_link['library_dirs'].append(asan_dir) if ((cls.tooltype == 'linker' and 'library_rpath' in cls.flag_options)): kwargs_link.setdefault('library_rpath', []) kwargs_link['library_rpath'].append(asan_dir) return kwargs_link
[docs] @classmethod def get_flags(cls, build_library=False, skip_library_libs=False, use_library_path=False, **kwargs): r"""Get a list of linker flags. Args: libraries (list, optional): Full paths to libraries that should be linked against. Defaults to an empty list. library_dirs (list, optional): Directories that should be searched for libraries. Defaults to an empty list. library_libs (list, optional): Names of libraries that should be linked against. Defaults to an empty list. library_libs_nonstd (list, optional): Names of libraries w/ non-standard naming conventions that should be linked against. Defaults to an empty list. library_flags (list, optional): Existing list that library flags should be appended to instead of the returned flags if skip_library_libs is True. Defaults to []. build_library (bool, optional): If True, a shared library is built. If False, an executable is created. Defaults to False. skip_library_libs (bool, optional): If True, the library_libs will not be added to the returned flags. Instead, any additional required library flags will be appended to the provided library_flags list which should then be added to the compilation command by the user in the appropriate location. Defaults to False. use_library_path (bool, optional): If True, the included libraries will be added to the output list as complete paths rather than as separate flags for library and library search directory. Defaults to False. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: list: Linker flags. """ # Add output_first keyword argument for libraries if build_library: kwargs.setdefault('output_first', cls.output_first_library) # Copy/Pop so that empty default dosn't get appended to and then # call the parent class's method libraries = kwargs.pop('libraries', []) library_dirs = kwargs.pop('library_dirs', []) library_libs = kwargs.pop('library_libs', []) library_libs_nonstd = kwargs.pop('library_libs_nonstd', []) library_rpath = kwargs.pop('library_rpath', []) library_flags = kwargs.pop('library_flags', []) flags = copy.deepcopy(kwargs.pop('flags', [])) # Get list of libraries dest_flags = [] if use_library_path: if skip_library_libs: if ((isinstance(use_library_path, bool) or (use_library_path == 'library_flags'))): dest_flags = library_flags else: dest_flags = kwargs.pop(use_library_path) else: dest_flags = flags for x in libraries: if use_library_path: if x not in dest_flags: dest_flags.append(x) else: x_d, x_f = os.path.split(x) if x_d and (x_d not in library_dirs): library_dirs.append(x_d) if cls.is_standard_libname(x_f): library_libs.append(cls.libpath2libname(x_f)) else: library_libs_nonstd.append(x_f) if (((cls.tooltype == 'linker') and x_f.endswith(cls.library_ext) and ('library_rpath' in cls.flag_options))): if x_d and x_d not in library_rpath: library_rpath.append(x_d) # Add libraries to library_flags instead of flags so they can be # used elsewhere if skip_library_libs: if library_libs: cls.append_flags(library_flags, cls.flag_options['library_libs'], library_libs) library_libs = [] if library_libs_nonstd: cls.append_flags(library_flags, cls.flag_options['library_libs_nonstd'], library_libs_nonstd) library_libs_nonstd = [] # Call parent class if library_dirs: kwargs['library_dirs'] = library_dirs if library_libs: kwargs['library_libs'] = library_libs if library_libs_nonstd: kwargs['library_libs_nonstd'] = library_libs_nonstd if library_rpath: kwargs['library_rpath'] = library_rpath out = super(LinkerBase, cls).get_flags(flags=flags, **kwargs) # Add flag specifying the shared library if build_library and (cls.shared_library_flag is not None): out.insert(0, cls.shared_library_flag) return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_output_file(cls, obj, build_library=False, working_dir=None, suffix="", no_tool_suffix=False, **kwargs): r"""Determine the appropriate output file that will result when linking a given object file. Args: obj (str): Object file being linked that name base will be taken from. build_library (bool, optional): If True, a shared library path is returned. If False, an executable file name is returned. Defaults to False. working_dir (str, optional): Working directory where output file should be located. Defaults to None and is ignored. suffix (str, optional): Suffix that should be added to the output file (before the extension). Defaults to "". no_tool_suffix (bool, optional): If True, the tool suffix will not be added to the object file name. Defaults to False. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are ignored. Returns: str: Full path to file that will be produced. """ if isinstance(obj, list): return [cls.get_output_file(obj[0], build_library=build_library, working_dir=working_dir, suffix=suffix, **kwargs)] if build_library: prefix = cls.library_prefix out_ext = cls.library_ext else: prefix = '' out_ext = cls.executable_ext obj_dir, obj_base = os.path.split(obj) if not no_tool_suffix: suffix += cls.get_tool_suffix() out_base = '%s%s%s%s' % (prefix, os.path.splitext(obj_base)[0], suffix, out_ext) out = os.path.join(obj_dir, out_base) if (not os.path.isabs(out)) and (working_dir is not None): out = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(working_dir, out)) return out
[docs]class ArchiverBase(LinkerBase): r"""Base class for archivers. Attributes: static_library_flag (str): Flag that should be prepended to the archiver tool arguments to indicated that a static library should be produced. library_name_key (str): Option key indicating the name of a library that should be linked against. library_directory_key (str): Option key indicating a directory that should be included in the linker search path for libraries. library_prefix (str): Prefix that should be added to library paths. library_ext (str): Extension that should be used for static libraries. """ tooltype = 'archiver' flag_options = OrderedDict() static_library_flag = '-static' library_ext = None # depends on the OS
[docs] @staticmethod def before_registration(cls): r"""Operations that should be performed to modify class attributes prior to registration including things like platform dependent properties and checking environment variables for default settings. """ LinkerBase.before_registration(cls) # Delete attributes that are linker specific for k in ['shared_library_flag']: setattr(cls, k, None) if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows cls.library_ext = '.lib' cls.search_path_env = [os.path.join('library', 'lib'), 'Library'] else: cls.library_ext = '.a'
[docs] @classmethod def get_flags(cls, **kwargs): r"""Get a list of flags for this archiver tool. Args: **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: list: Archiver flags. """ # Call super class of parent class which handles defaults and user # defined options without adding any library info cls.extract_kwargs(kwargs) out = super(LinkerBase, cls).get_flags(**kwargs) # Add flag specifying the static library if cls.static_library_flag is not None: out.insert(0, cls.static_library_flag) return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_output_file(cls, obj, **kwargs): r"""Determine the appropriate output file that will result when linking a given object file. Args: obj (str): Object file being linked that name base will be taken from. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: str: Full path to file that will be produced. """ kwargs['build_library'] = True return super(ArchiverBase, cls).get_output_file(obj, **kwargs)
[docs]class BuildToolBase(CompilerBase): # pragma: in progress r"""Base class for build tools which are used to coordinate compilation. Args: buildfile (str, optional): File containing information about the build. Defaults to default_buildfile class attribute, if set. builddir (str, optional): Directory where build files should be placed. Defaults to directory where build is called. sourcedir (str, optional): Directory where source files are stored. Defaults to directory where build is called. target (str, optional): Build target. If not provided, build will be created without a target. Class Attributes: """ tooltype = 'buildtool' flag_options = OrderedDict() default_buildfile = None _schema_properties = { 'buildfile': {'type': 'string'}, 'builddir': {'type': 'string'}, 'sourcedir': {'type': 'string'}, 'target': {'type': 'string'}}
[docs]class DummyLinkerBase(LinkerBase): r"""Base class for a dummy linker in the case that the linking step cannot be split into a separate call.""" toolname = 'dummy' is_dummy = True
[docs] @classmethod def get_flags(cls, **kwargs): # pragma: debug r"""Raises an error to ward off getting flags for the dummy linker.""" raise RuntimeError("DummyLinker")
[docs] @classmethod def call(cls, *args, **kwargs): # pragma: debug r"""Raises an error to ward off calling the dummy linker.""" raise RuntimeError("DummyLinker")
[docs]class CompiledModelDriver(ModelDriver): r"""Base class for models written in compiled languages. Args: name (str): Driver name. args (str or list): The model executable and any arguments that should be passed to the model executable. source_files (list, optional): Source files that should be compiled into an executable. Defaults to an empty list and the driver will search for a source file based on the model executable (the first model argument). compiler (str, optional): Command or path to executable that should be used to compile the model. If not provided, the compiler will be determined based on configuration options for the language (if present) and the registered compilers that are available on the current operating system. compiler_flags (list, optional): Flags that should be passed to the compiler during compilation. If nto provided, the compiler flags will be determined based on configuration options for the language (if present), the compiler defaults, and the default_compiler_flags class attribute. linker (str, optional): Command or path to executable that should be used to link the model. If not provided, the linker will be determined based on configuration options for the language (if present) and the registered linkers that are available on the current operating system linker_flags (list, optional): Flags that should be passed to the linker during compilation. If not provided, the linker flags will be determined based on configuration options for the language (if present), the linker defaults, and the default_linker_flags class attribute. disable_python_c_api (bool, optional): If True, the Python C API will be disabled. Defaults to False. with_asan (bool, optional): If True, the model will be compiled and linked with the address sanitizer enabled (if there is one available for the selected compiler). **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to parent class. Class Attributes: default_compiler (str): Name of compiler that will be used if not set explictly by instance or config file. default_compiler_flags (list): Flags that should be passed to the compiler by default for this language. default_linker (str): Name of linker that will be used if not set explictly by instance or config file default_linker_flags (list): Flags that should be passed to the linker by default for this language. allow_parallel_build (bool): If True, a file can be compiled by two processes simultaneously. If False, it cannot and an MPI barrier will be used to prevent simultaneous compilation. Defaults to False. Attributes: source_files (list): Source files. compiler (str): Name or path to the compiler that should be used. compiler_flags (list): Compiler flags. linker (str): Name or path to the linker that should be used. linker_flags (list): Linker flags. compiler_tool (CompilerBase): Compiler tool that will be used. linker_tool (LinkerBase): Linker tool that will be used. """ _schema_properties = { 'source_files': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'default': []}, 'compiler': {'type': 'string'}, 'compiler_flags': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'default': []}, 'linker': {'type': 'string'}, 'linker_flags': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}, 'default': []}, 'disable_python_c_api': {'type': 'boolean'}, 'with_asan': {'type': 'boolean'}} executable_type = 'compiler' default_compiler = None default_compiler_flags = None default_linker = None default_linker_flags = None default_archiver = None default_archiver_flags = None _config_keys = ['compiler', 'linker', 'archiver'] _config_attr_map = [{'attr': 'default_compiler', 'key': 'compiler'}, {'attr': 'default_compiler_flags', 'key': 'compiler_flags', 'type': list}, {'attr': 'default_linker', 'key': 'linker'}, {'attr': 'default_linker_flags', 'key': 'linker_flags', 'type': list}, {'attr': 'default_archiver', 'key': 'archiver'}, {'attr': 'default_archiver_flags', 'key': 'archiver_flags', 'type': list}] is_build_tool = False allow_parallel_build = False locked_buildfile = None kwargs_in_suffix = ['with_asan', 'disable_python_c_api', 'commtype'] standard_libraries = [] external_libraries = {} internal_libraries = {} def __init__(self, name, args, skip_compile=False, **kwargs): self.buildfile_lock = None super(CompiledModelDriver, self).__init__(name, args, **kwargs) # Compile if not skip_compile: self.compile_model() self.products.append(self.model_file) assert os.path.isfile(self.model_file) self.debug("Compiled %s", self.model_file)
[docs] @staticmethod def after_registration(cls, **kwargs): r"""Operations that should be performed to modify class attributes after registration. For compiled languages this includes selecting the default compiler. The order of precedence is the config file 'compiler' option for the language, followed by the environment variable set by _compiler_env, followed by the existing class attribute. """ ModelDriver.after_registration(cls, **kwargs) for k, v in cls.external_libraries.items(): libtype = v.get('libtype', None) if (libtype is not None) and (libtype not in v): if libtype == 'windows_import': libtype = ['shared', 'static'] else: libtype = [libtype] for t in libtype: libfile = cls.cfg.get(cls.language, '%s_%s' % (k, t), None) if libfile is not None: v[t] = libfile for k in ['compiler', 'linker', 'archiver']: # Set default linker/archiver based on compiler default_tool_name = getattr(cls, 'default_%s' % k, None) if default_tool_name: default_tool = get_compilation_tool(k, default_tool_name, default=None) if (((default_tool is None) or (not default_tool.is_installed()))): # pragma: debug if not tools.is_subprocess(): logger.debug(('Default %s for %s (%s) not installed. ' 'Attempting to locate an alternative .') % (k, cls.language, default_tool_name)) setattr(cls, 'default_%s' % k, None)
[docs] @classmethod def select_suffix_kwargs(cls, kwargs): r"""Select suffix kwargs. Args: kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments to select suffix kwargs from. Returns: dict: Selected suffix kwargs. """ return {k: kwargs[k] for k in cls.kwargs_in_suffix if k in kwargs}
[docs] def parse_arguments(self, args, **kwargs): r"""Sort model arguments to determine which one is the executable and which ones are arguments. Args: args (list): List of arguments provided. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. """ # Set defaults from attributes for k0 in ['compiler', 'linker', 'archiver']: for k in [k0, '%s_flags' % k0]: v = getattr(self, k, None) if v is None: setattr(self, k, getattr(self, 'default_%s' % k)) # Set tools so that they are cached for k in ['compiler', 'linker', 'archiver']: if self.is_build_tool and (k == 'archiver'): setattr(self, '%s_tool' % k, False) else: setattr(self, '%s_tool' % k, self.get_tool_instance(k)) # Ensure source files are absolute paths source_files = [] for src in self.source_files: if not os.path.isabs(src): src = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.working_dir, src)) source_files.append(src) self.source_files = source_files super(CompiledModelDriver, self).parse_arguments(args, **kwargs) # Handle case where provided argument is source and not executable # and case where provided argument is executable, but source files are # not specified model_ext = os.path.splitext(self.model_file)[-1] model_is_source = self.is_source_file(self.model_file) if model_is_source: self.model_src = self.model_file try: idx = self.source_files.index(self.model_function_file) self.source_files[idx] = self.model_src except ValueError: pass if not self.source_files: self.source_files.append(self.model_src) else: if len(model_ext) == 0: self.model_file += self.get_tool_instance('linker').executable_ext else: # Assert that model file is not source code in any of the # registered languages if (((model_ext in self.get_all_language_ext()) and (model_ext != '.exe'))): # pragma: debug from yggdrasil.components import import_component from yggdrasil.schema import get_schema s = get_schema()['model'] for v_name in s.classes: v = import_component('model', v_name) if (((v.language_ext is not None) and (model_ext in v.language_ext))): raise RuntimeError( ("Extension '%s' indicates that the " "model language is '%s', not '%s' " "as specified.") % (model_ext, v.language, self.language)) if (len(self.source_files) == 0) and (self.language_ext is not None): # Add source file based on the model file # model_is_source = True self.model_src = (os.path.splitext(self.model_file)[0] + self.language_ext[0]) self.source_files.append(self.model_src) # Add intermediate files and executable by doing a dry run self.set_target_language() # Required by make and cmake kwargs = dict(products=self.products, dry_run=True) if model_is_source: kwargs['out'] = None out = self.compile_model(**kwargs) if model_is_source: self.debug('Determined model file: %s', out) self.model_file = out # Adjust products self.get_tool_instance('compiler').get_source_products( self.products, source_products=self.source_products) self.debug("source_files: %s", str(self.source_files)) self.debug("model_file: %s", self.model_file) # Add the buildfile_lock and pass the file if not self.allow_parallel_build: self.buildfile_lock = self.get_buildfile_lock(instance=self) if self._mpi_rank > 0: self.send_mpi(self.buildfile_lock.message, tag=self._mpi_tags['BUILDFILE'])
[docs] @classmethod def get_buildfile_lock(cls, fname=None, context=None, instance=None, **kwargs): r"""Get a lock for a buildfile to prevent simultaneous access, creating one as necessary. Args: name (str): Build file. context (threading.Context): Threading context. instance (ModelDriver): Driver instance that should be used. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the FileLock initialization. Returns: FileLock: Lock for the buildfile. """ global _buildfile_locks if fname is None: fname = cls.locked_buildfile assert fname is not None if (context is None) and (instance is not None): context = instance.context with _buildfile_locks_lock: if fname not in _buildfile_locks: _buildfile_locks[fname] = LockedFile(fname, context, **kwargs) return _buildfile_locks[fname]
[docs] @contextlib.contextmanager def buildfile_locked(self, dry_run=False): r"""Context manager for locked build file.""" dry_run = (dry_run or self.allow_parallel_build) try: if not dry_run: self.buildfile_lock.lock.acquire() if self._mpi_rank > 0: self.recv_mpi(tag=self._mpi_tags['LOCK_BUILDFILE']) yield finally: if not dry_run: if self._mpi_rank > 0: self.send_mpi('UNLOCK_BUILDFILE', tag=self._mpi_tags['UNLOCK_BUILDFILE']) self.buildfile_lock.lock.release()
[docs] @classmethod def mpi_partner_init(cls, self): r"""Actions initializing an MPIPartnerModel.""" if not cls.allow_parallel_build: message = self.recv_mpi(tag=self._mpi_tags['BUILDFILE']) message['context'] = self.context self.buildfile_lock = cls.get_buildfile_lock(**message) if self.buildfile_lock.when_to_lock == 'init': cls.partner_buildfile_lock(self)
[docs] @classmethod def mpi_partner_cleanup(cls, self): r"""Actions cleaning up an MPIPartnerModel.""" super(CompiledModelDriver, cls).mpi_partner_cleanup(self) if (((not cls.allow_parallel_build) and (self.buildfile_lock.when_to_lock == 'cleanup'))): cls.partner_buildfile_lock(self)
[docs] @classmethod def partner_buildfile_lock(cls, self): r"""Actions completing buildfile lock on MPIPartnerModels.""" with self.buildfile_lock.lock: self.send_mpi('LOCK_BUILDFILE', tag=self._mpi_tags['LOCK_BUILDFILE']) self.recv_mpi(tag=self._mpi_tags['UNLOCK_BUILDFILE'])
[docs] def set_target_language(self): r"""Set the language of the target being compiled (usually the same as the language associated with this driver. Returns: str: Name of language. """ return self.language
[docs] @classmethod def identify_source_files(cls, args=None, working_dir=None, source_files=None, **kwargs): r"""Determine the source file based on model arguments. Args: args (list, optional): Arguments provided. working_dir (str, optional): Working directory. source_files (list, optional): Source files in the model. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are ignored. Returns: list: Source files. """ out = [] if isinstance(source_files, list): for src in source_files: if working_dir and (not os.path.isabs(src)): src = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(working_dir, src)) if os.path.isfile(src): out.append(src) if not out: out = super(CompiledModelDriver, cls).identify_source_files( args=args, working_dir=working_dir, source_files=source_files, **kwargs) return out
[docs] def write_wrappers(self, **kwargs): r"""Write any wrappers needed to compile and/or run a model. Args: **kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: list: Full paths to any created wrappers. """ out = super(CompiledModelDriver, self).write_wrappers(**kwargs) kwargs.setdefault('logging_level', self.numeric_logging_level) for k in self._schema_properties.keys(): kwargs.setdefault(k, getattr(self, k, None)) out += self.get_tool_instance('compiler').write_wrappers(**kwargs) return out
[docs] def model_command(self): r"""Return the command that should be used to run the model. Returns: list: Any commands/arguments needed to run the model from the command line. """ if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows model_exec = os.path.splitext(self.model_file)[0] else: model_exec = os.path.join(".", self.model_file) return [model_exec] + self.model_args
[docs] @classmethod def get_available_tools(cls, tooltype): r"""Return the registry of compilation tools for this language. Args: tooltype (str): Name of tool type that should be returned. Values include 'compiler', 'linker', or 'archiver'. Returns: dict: Registry of tools for this language. """ reg = get_compilation_tool_registry(tooltype).get('by_language', {}) return copy.deepcopy(reg.get(cls.language, {}))
[docs] @staticmethod def get_tool_static(cls, tooltype, toolname=None, return_prop='tool', default=False, language=None): r"""Get the class associated with the specified compilation tool for this language. Args: cls (class, instance): Compiled driver class or instance of compiled driver class to get tool for. tooltype (str): Type of compilation tool that should be returned. toolname (str, optional): Name of the tool that should be returned. Defaults to None and the tool name associated with the provided class/instance will be used. return_prop (str, optional): Value that should be returned. If 'tool', the tool is returned. If 'name', the tool name is returned. If 'flags', the tool flags are returned. Defaults to 'tool'. default (object, optiona): Tool that should be returned if one cannot be identified. If False, an error will be raised when a tool cannot be located. Defaults to False. language (str, optional): Language of tools that should be returned. Defaults to None if not provided. Returns: CompilationToolBase: Class providing an interface to the specified compilation tool. Raises: NotImplementedError: If a tool is not specified. ValueError: If return_prop is not 'tool', 'name', or 'flags'. """ if (language is not None) and (language != cls.language): drv = import_component('model', language) return drv.get_tool(tooltype, toolname=toolname, return_prop=return_prop, default=default) out = getattr(cls, '%s_tool' % tooltype, None) if (out is None) or ((toolname is not None) and (toolname != out.toolname)): # Associate linker & archiver with compiler so that it can be # used to retrieve them # Get tool name by checking: # 1. The tooltype attribute # 2. The default tooltype attribute # 3. The default argument (if one is provided). if toolname is None: toolname = getattr(cls, tooltype, None) if toolname is None: toolname = getattr(cls, 'default_%s' % tooltype, None) if toolname is None: toolname = find_compilation_tool(tooltype, cls.language, allow_failure=True) if toolname is None: if default is False: raise NotImplementedError("%s not set for language '%s'." % (tooltype.title(), cls.language)) logger.debug("%s not set for language '%s'." % (tooltype.title(), cls.language)) return default if return_prop == 'name': return toolname # Get flags tool_flags = getattr(cls, '%s_flags' % tooltype, None) if tool_flags is None: tool_flags = getattr(cls, 'default_%s_flags' % tooltype, None) if return_prop == 'flags': return tool_flags # Get tool kwargs = {'flags': tool_flags} kwargs['executable'] = cls.cfg.get(cls.language, f'{toolname}_executable', toolname) if tooltype == 'compiler': kwargs.update( linker=cls.get_tool( 'linker', return_prop='name', default=None), linker_flags=cls.get_tool( 'linker', return_prop='flags', default=None), archiver=cls.get_tool( 'archiver', return_prop='name', default=None), archiver_flags=cls.get_tool( 'archiver', return_prop='flags', default=None)) out = get_compatible_tool(toolname, tooltype, cls.language, default=None) if (out is None) and (tooltype != 'compiler'): out_comp = cls.get_tool('compiler', toolname=toolname, default=None) if out_comp is not None: try: out = getattr(out_comp, tooltype)() except BaseException: # pragma: debug out = None if out is None: # pragma: debug # Github Actions images now include GNU compilers by default if default is False: raise NotImplementedError( "%s not set for language '%s' (toolname=%s)." % (tooltype.title(), cls.language, toolname)) logger.debug("%s not set for language '%s' (toolname=%s)." % (tooltype.title(), cls.language, toolname)) out = default if isinstance(out, type): out = out(**kwargs) # Returns correct property given the tool if return_prop == 'tool': return out elif return_prop == 'name': # pragma: no cover return out.toolname elif return_prop == 'flags': # pragma: no cover return out.flags else: raise ValueError("Invalid return_prop: '%s'" % return_prop)
[docs] def get_tool_instance(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Get tool from a driver instance. Args: *args: Arguments are passed to the get_tool_static method. **kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to the get_tool_static method. Returns: CompilationToolBase: Class providing an interface to the specified compilation tool. """ return CompiledModelDriver.get_tool_static(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def get_tool(cls, *args, **kwargs): r"""Get tool from a driver class. Args: *args: Arguments are passed to the get_tool_static method. **kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to the get_tool_static method. Returns: CompilationToolBase: Class providing an interface to the specified compilation tool. """ return CompiledModelDriver.get_tool_static(cls, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def get_external_libraries(cls, no_comm_libs=False): r"""Determine the external libraries that are required based on the default comm. Args: no_comm_libs (bool, optional): If True, libraries for the installed comms are not included in the returned list. Defaults to False. Returns: list: The names of external libraries required by the interface library, including the dependency libraries for the installed comm libraries. """ out = copy.deepcopy(cls.get_dependency_info( cls.interface_library, default={}).get( 'external_dependencies', [])) if (not no_comm_libs) and (cls.language is not None): for k, v in cls.supported_comm_options.items(): if ('libraries' in v) and cls.is_comm_installed(k): out += v['libraries'] return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_dependency_info(cls, dep, toolname=None, default=None): r"""Get the dictionary of information associated with a dependency. Args: dep (str): Name of internal or external dependency. toolname (str, optional): Name of compiler tool that should be used. Defaults to None and the default compiler for the language will be used. default (dict, optional): Information dictionary that should be returned if dep cannot be located. Defaults to None and an error will be raised if dep cannot be found. Returns: dict: Dependency info. """ out = None if isinstance(dep, tuple): assert len(dep) == 2 dep_lang, dep = dep if dep_lang != cls.language: drv = import_component('model', dep_lang) return drv.get_dependency_info(dep, toolname=toolname) if dep in cls.internal_libraries: out = cls.internal_libraries[dep] if out == 'compiler_specific': # pragma: debug # tool = cls.get_tool('compiler', toolname=toolname) # out = tool.internal_libraries[dep] raise RuntimeError("Renable the above code to allow " "for compiler specific libraries.") elif dep in cls.external_libraries: out = cls.external_libraries[dep] if out is None: out = default if out is None: raise KeyError("Could not determine information for " "dependency '%s'" % dep) return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_dependency_source(cls, dep, toolname=None, default=None): r"""Get the path to the library source files (or header files) for a dependency. Args: dep (str): Name of internal or external dependency or full path to the library. toolname (str, optional): Name of compiler tool that should be used. Defaults to None and the default compiler for the language will be used. default (str, optional): Default that should be used if a value cannot be determined form internal/external dependencies or if dep is not a valid file. Defaults to None and is ignored. Returns: str: Full path to the library source file. For header only libraries this will be the header location. """ out = None if isinstance(dep, tuple): assert len(dep) == 2 dep_lang, dep = dep if dep_lang != cls.language: drv = import_component('model', dep_lang) return drv.get_dependency_source( dep, default=default, toolname=toolname) if dep in cls.internal_libraries: dep_info = cls.get_dependency_info(dep, toolname=toolname) toolname = dep_info.get('toolname', toolname) out = dep_info.get('source', None) out_dir = dep_info.get('directory', None) if out is None: dep_lang = dep_info.get('language', cls.language) if dep_lang == cls.language: dep_drv = cls else: dep_drv = import_component('model', dep_lang) out = dep + dep_drv.language_ext[0] if (((out is not None) and (out_dir is not None) and (not os.path.isabs(out)))): out = os.path.join(out_dir, out) elif dep in cls.external_libraries: dep_lang = cls.external_libraries[dep].get('language', cls.language) out = cls.cfg.get(dep_lang, '%s_%s' % (dep, 'include'), None) elif isinstance(dep, str) and os.path.isfile(dep): out = dep if out is None: if default is None: raise ValueError("Could not determine source location for " "dependency '%s'" % dep) else: out = default return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_dependency_object(cls, dep, default=None, commtype=None, toolname=None, disable_python_c_api=False, with_asan=False): r"""Get the location of an object file for a dependency. Args: dep (str): Name of internal or external dependency or full path to the object file. default (str, optional): Default that should be used if a value cannot be determined form internal/external dependencies or if dep is not a valid file. Defaults to None and is ignored. commtype (str, optional): If provided, this is the communication type that should be used for the model and flags for just that comm type will be included. If None, flags for all installed comm types will be included. Default to None. This keyword is only used in the names of internal libraries. toolname (str, optional): Name of compiler tool that should be used. Defaults to None and the default compiler for the language will be used. disable_python_c_api (bool, optional): If True, the Python C API will be disabled. Defaults to False. with_asan (bool, optional): If True, the model will be compiled and linked with the address sanitizer enabled (if there is one available for the selected compiler). Returns: str: Full path to the object file. """ suffix_kws = dict(commtype=commtype, disable_python_c_api=disable_python_c_api, with_asan=with_asan) if isinstance(dep, tuple): assert len(dep) == 2 dep_lang, dep = dep if dep_lang != cls.language: drv = import_component('model', dep_lang) return drv.get_dependency_object( dep, default=default, toolname=toolname, **suffix_kws) out = None if dep in cls.internal_libraries: src = cls.get_dependency_source(dep, toolname=toolname) suffix = cls.get_internal_suffix(**suffix_kws) dep_info = cls.get_dependency_info(dep, toolname=toolname) toolname = dep_info.get('toolname', toolname) dep_lang = dep_info.get('language', cls.language) tool = cls.get_tool('compiler', language=dep_lang, toolname=toolname) out = tool.get_output_file( src, dont_link=True, suffix=suffix) elif isinstance(dep, str) and os.path.isfile(dep): out = dep if out is None: if default is None: raise ValueError("Could not determine object file path for " "dependency '%s'" % dep) else: out = default return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_dependency_library(cls, dep, default=None, libtype=None, commtype=None, toolname=None, disable_python_c_api=False, with_asan=False): r"""Get the library location for a dependency. Args: dep (str): Name of internal or external dependency or full path to the library. default (str, optional): Default that should be used if a value cannot be determined form internal/external dependencies or if dep is not a valid file. Defaults to None and is ignored. libtype (str, optional): Library type that should be returned. Valid values are 'static' and 'shared'. Defaults to None and will be set on the dependency's libtype (if it has one) or the _default_libtype parameter (if it doesn't). commtype (str, optional): If provided, this is the communication type that should be used for the model and flags for just that comm type will be included. If None, flags for all installed comm types will be included. Default to None. This keyword is only used in the names of internal libraries. toolname (str, optional): Name of compiler tool that should be used. Defaults to None and the default compiler for the language will be used. disable_python_c_api (bool, optional): If True, the Python C API will be disabled. Defaults to False. with_asan (bool, optional): If True, the model will be compiled and linked with the address sanitizer enabled (if there is one available for the selected compiler). Returns: str: Full path to the library file. For header only libraries, an empty string will be returned. Raises: ValueError: If libtype is not 'static' or 'shared'. ValueError: If the path to the library cannot be determined for the specified dependency and default is None. """ suffix_kws = dict(commtype=commtype, disable_python_c_api=disable_python_c_api, with_asan=with_asan) if isinstance(dep, tuple): assert len(dep) == 2 dep_lang, dep = dep if dep_lang != cls.language: drv = import_component('model', dep_lang) return drv.get_dependency_library( dep, default=default, libtype=libtype, toolname=toolname, **suffix_kws) libclass = None libinfo = {} if dep in cls.internal_libraries: libclass = 'internal' libinfo = cls.get_dependency_info(dep, toolname=toolname) elif dep in cls.external_libraries: libclass = 'external' libinfo = cls.external_libraries[dep] elif dep in cls.standard_libraries: libclass = 'standard' libinfo = {'libtype': 'shared', 'language': cls.language} toolname = libinfo.get('toolname', toolname) # Get default libtype and return if header_only library if libtype is None: libtype = libinfo.get('libtype', _default_libtype) if libinfo.get('libtype', None) in ['header_only', 'object']: return '' # Do substitution when windows_import specified if libtype == 'windows_import': libtype = 'static' # Check that libtype is valid libtype_list = ['static', 'shared'] if libtype not in libtype_list: raise ValueError("libtype must be one of %s" % libtype_list) # Determine output out = None tool = None if libclass == 'external': dep_lang = libinfo.get('language', cls.language) if libtype in libinfo: if ((os.path.isfile(libinfo[libtype]) or libinfo.get('standard', False))): out = libinfo[libtype] else: # pragma: no cover out = cls.cfg.get(dep_lang, f'{dep}_{libtype}', None) elif cls.cfg.has_option(dep_lang, f'{dep}_{libtype}'): out = cls.cfg.get(dep_lang, f'{dep}_{libtype}') else: libtype_found = [] for k in libtype_list: if cls.cfg.has_option(dep_lang, f'{dep}_{k}'): libtype_found.append(k) if len(libtype_found) > 0: raise ValueError(f"A '{libtype}' library could not be " f"located for dependency '{dep}', but " f"one or more libraries of types " f"{libtype_found} were found.") # TODO: CLEANUP if platform._is_win and out and out.endswith('.lib'): # pragma: windows if tool is None: tool = cls.get_tool('compiler', language=dep_lang, toolname=toolname) if tool.is_gnu: dll = cls.get_dependency_library( dep, libtype='shared', toolname=toolname, **suffix_kws) out = tool.dll2a(dll) elif libclass == 'internal': src = cls.get_dependency_source(dep, toolname=toolname) suffix = cls.get_internal_suffix(**suffix_kws) dep_lang = cls.get_dependency_info(dep, toolname=toolname).get( 'language', cls.language) tool = cls.get_tool('compiler', language=dep_lang, toolname=toolname) out = tool.get_output_file(dep, libtype=libtype, no_src_ext=True, build_library=True, suffix=suffix, working_dir=os.path.dirname(src)) elif libclass == 'standard': tool = cls.get_tool('compiler', language=cls.language, toolname=toolname).linker() out = f"{tool.library_prefix}{dep}{tool.library_ext}" elif isinstance(dep, str) and os.path.isfile(dep): out = dep if out is None: if default is None: raise ValueError(f"Could not determine library path for " f"dependency '{dep}' " f"(libclass = {libclass})") else: out = default return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_dependency_include_dirs(cls, dep, toolname=None, default=None): r"""Get the include directories for a dependency. Args: dep (str): Name of internal or external dependency or full path to the library. toolname (str, optional): Name of compiler tool that should be used. Defaults to None and the default compiler for the language will be used. default (str, optional): Default that should be used if a value cannot be determined form internal/external dependencies or if dep is not a valid file. Defaults to None and is ignored. Returns: list: Full paths to the directories containing the dependency's header(s). Raises: ValueError: If the include directory cannot be determined for the specified dependency and default is None. """ out = None if isinstance(dep, tuple): assert len(dep) == 2 dep_lang, dep = dep if dep_lang != cls.language: drv = import_component('model', dep_lang) return drv.get_dependency_include_dirs( dep, toolname=toolname, default=default) if dep in cls.internal_libraries: dep_info = cls.get_dependency_info(dep, toolname=toolname) toolname = dep_info.get('toolname', toolname) out = dep_info.get('directory', None) if out is None: out = [] src = dep_info.get('source', None) if (src is not None) and os.path.isabs(src): out.append(os.path.dirname(src)) else: out = [out] out += dep_info.get('include_dirs', []) elif dep in cls.external_libraries: dep_lang = cls.external_libraries[dep].get('language', cls.language) out = cls.cfg.get(dep_lang, '%s_include' % dep, None) if (out is not None) and os.path.isfile(out): out = os.path.dirname(out) elif dep in cls.standard_libraries: return [] elif isinstance(dep, str) and os.path.isfile(dep): out = os.path.dirname(dep) if not out: if default is None: raise ValueError("Could not determine include directory for " "dependency '%s'" % dep) else: out = default if not isinstance(out, list): out = [out] return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_dependency_order(cls, deps, toolname=None, disable_python_c_api=False): r"""Get the correct dependency order, including any dependencies for the direct dependencies. Args: deps (list): Dependencies in order. toolname (str, optional): Name of compiler tool that should be used. Defaults to None and the default compiler for the language will be used. disable_python_c_api (bool, optional): If True, the Python C API will be disabled. Defaults to False. Returns: list: Dependency order. """ out = [] kws = {'toolname': toolname, 'disable_python_c_api': disable_python_c_api} if not isinstance(deps, list): deps = [deps] for d in deps: new_deps = [] if isinstance(d, tuple): assert len(d) == 2 d_lang = d[0] if d_lang == cls.language: drv = cls else: drv = import_component('model', d_lang) sub_deps = [(d_lang, x) for x in drv.get_dependency_order(d[1], **kws)] if not sub_deps: # pragma: debug continue else: dep_info = cls.get_dependency_info(d, toolname=toolname, default={}) if disable_python_c_api and dep_info.get('for_python_api', False): continue kws['toolname'] = dep_info.get('toolname', toolname) sub_deps = dep_info.get('internal_dependencies', []) sub_deps = cls.get_dependency_order(sub_deps, **kws) min_dep = len(out) for sub_d in sub_deps: if sub_d in out: min_dep = min(min_dep, out.index(sub_d)) else: new_deps.append(sub_d) if d in out: dpos = out.index(d) assert dpos <= min_dep min_dep = dpos elif d not in new_deps: new_deps.insert(0, d) out = out[:min_dep] + new_deps + out[min_dep:] return out
[docs] @classmethod def is_standard_library(cls, dep): r"""Determine if a dependency is a standard library. Args: dep (str, tuple): Dependency name or tuple with language and dependency name. Returns: bool: True if the dependency is a standard library, false otherwise. """ drv = cls if isinstance(dep, tuple): assert len(dep) == 2 dep_lang = dep[0] dep = dep[1] if dep_lang != cls.language: drv = import_component('model', dep_lang) return drv.is_standard_library(dep) return (dep in drv.standard_libraries or drv.external_libraries.get(dep, {}).get( 'standard', False))
[docs] @classmethod def get_compiler_flags(cls, toolname=None, compiler=None, **kwargs): r"""Determine the flags required by the current compiler. Args: toolname (str, optional): Name of compiler tool that should be used. Defaults to None and the default compiler for the language will be used. compiler (CompilerBase, optional): Compilation tool class for the compiler that should be used. Defaults to None and is set based on toolname. **kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to cls.update_compiler_kwargs first and then the compiler's get_flags method. Returns: list: Flags for the compiler. """ if compiler is None: compiler = cls.get_tool('compiler', toolname=toolname) kwargs = cls.update_compiler_kwargs(toolname=toolname, **kwargs) return compiler.get_flags(**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def get_linker_flags(cls, toolname=None, **kwargs): r"""Determine the flags required by the current linker. Args: toolname (str, optional): Name of compiler tool that should be used. Defaults to None and the default compiler for the language will be used. **kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to cls.update_linker_kwargs first and then the linker's get_flags method. Returns: list: Flags for the linker. """ if kwargs.get('libtype', None) == 'static': tooltype = 'archiver' else: tooltype = 'linker' tool = cls.get_tool(tooltype, toolname=toolname) if tool is False: # pragma: debug raise RuntimeError("No %s tool for language %s." % (tooltype, cls.language)) kwargs = cls.update_linker_kwargs(toolname=toolname, **kwargs) return tool.get_flags(**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def update_compiler_kwargs(cls, for_api=False, for_model=False, commtype=None, toolname=None, directory=None, include_dirs=None, definitions=None, skip_interface_flags=False, **kwargs): r"""Update keyword arguments supplied to the compiler get_flags method for various options. Args: dont_link (bool, optional): If True, the command will result in a linkable object file rather than an executable. Defaults to False. for_api (bool, optional): If True, flags are added that are required for compiling internal api libraries in this language. This includes external communication libraries. Defaults to False. for_model (bool, optional): If True, flags are added that are required for including the interface library. Defaults to False. commtype (str, optional): If provided, this is the communication type that should be used for the model and flags for just that comm type will be included. If None, flags for all installed comm types will be included. Default to None. This keyword is only used if for_model is True. toolname (str, optional): Name of compiler tool that should be used. Defaults to None and the default compiler for the language will be used. include_dirs (list, optional): If provided, each list element will be added as an included directory flag. Defaults to None and is initialized as an empty list. definitions (list, optional): If provided, each list element will be added as a defintion. Defaults to None and is initialized to an empty list. skip_interface_flags (bool, optional): If True, interface flags will not be added. Defaults to False. internal_dependencies (list, optional): If provided, a list of names of internal libraries that are required or linkable object files for dependencies. Defaults to an empty list. external_dependencies (list, optional): If provided, a list of names of external libraries that are required or linkable object files for dependencies. Defaults to an empty list. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the compiler class's 'get_flags' method and get_linker_flags if dont_link is False. Returns: dict: Keyword arguments for a get_flags method providing compiler flags. """ if include_dirs is None: include_dirs = [] if definitions is None: definitions = [] internal_dependencies = kwargs.pop('internal_dependencies', []) external_dependencies = kwargs.pop('external_dependencies', []) # Communication specific compilation flags if (for_model or for_api) and (not skip_interface_flags): for c in tools.get_installed_comm(language=cls.language): definitions.append('%sINSTALLED' % c[:3].upper()) for x in cls.supported_comm_options.get(c, {}).get('libraries', []): if x not in external_dependencies: external_dependencies.append(x) if commtype is None: commtype = tools.get_default_comm() definitions.append('%sDEF' % commtype[:3].upper()) # Add interface as internal_dependency for models and expand # dependencies to get entire chain including sub-dependencies and so on if for_model and (not skip_interface_flags): if (((cls.interface_library is not None) and (cls.interface_library not in internal_dependencies))): internal_dependencies.append(cls.interface_library) for k in cls.get_external_libraries(no_comm_libs=True): if (k not in external_dependencies) and cls.is_library_installed(k): external_dependencies.append(k) all_internal_dependencies = cls.get_dependency_order( internal_dependencies, toolname=toolname, disable_python_c_api=kwargs.get('disable_python_c_api', False)) # Add internal libraries as objects for api additional_objs = kwargs.pop('additional_objs', []) suffix_kws = cls.select_suffix_kwargs(kwargs) for x in internal_dependencies: libinfo = cls.get_dependency_info(x, toolname=toolname) if libinfo.get('libtype', None) == 'object': additional_objs.append(cls.get_dependency_object( x, toolname=libinfo.get('toolname', toolname), **suffix_kws)) if additional_objs: kwargs['additional_objs'] = additional_objs # Add directories for internal/external dependencies for dep in all_internal_dependencies + external_dependencies: if kwargs.get('disable_python_c_api', False) and (dep in ['python', 'numpy']): continue include_dirs += cls.get_dependency_include_dirs(dep, toolname=toolname) # Add flags for included directories if directory is not None: include_dirs.insert(0, directory) # Update kwargs if include_dirs: kwargs['include_dirs'] = include_dirs if definitions: kwargs['definitions'] = definitions if not kwargs.get('dont_link', False): libtype = kwargs.get('libtype', None) if libtype != 'object': kwargs = cls.update_linker_kwargs( for_api=for_api, for_model=for_model, commtype=commtype, toolname=toolname, skip_interface_flags=skip_interface_flags, internal_dependencies=internal_dependencies, external_dependencies=external_dependencies, **kwargs) if libtype is not None: kwargs['libtype'] = libtype return kwargs
[docs] @classmethod def update_linker_kwargs(cls, for_api=False, for_model=False, commtype=None, toolname=None, libtype='object', skip_interface_flags=False, use_library_path_internal=False, **kwargs): r"""Update keyword arguments supplied to the linker/archiver get_flags method for various options. Args: for_api (bool, optional): If True, flags are added that are required for linking internal api libraries in this language. This includes external communication libraries. Defaults to False. for_model (bool, optional): If True, flags are added that are required for including the interface library. Defaults to False. commtype (str, optional): If provided, this is the communication type that should be used for the model and flags for just that comm type will be included. If None, flags for all installed comm types will be included. Default to None. This keyword is only used if for_model is True. toolname (str, optional): Name of compiler tool that should be used. Defaults to None and the default compiler for the language will be used. libtype (str, optional): Library type that should be created by the linker/archiver. Valid values are 'static', 'shared', or 'object'. Defaults to 'object'. skip_interface_flags (bool, optional): If True, interface flags will not be added. Defaults to False. libraries (list, optional): Full paths to libraries that should be linked against. Defaults to an empty list. internal_dependencies (list, optional): If provided, a list of names of internal libraries that are required or linkable object files for dependencies. Defaults to an empty list. external_dependencies (list, optional): If provided, a list of names of external libraries that are required or linkable object files for dependencies. Defaults to an empty list. use_library_path_internal (bool, optional): If True, internal dependencies are included as full paths. Defaults to False. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the linker (or archiver if static is True) 'get_flags' method. Returns: dict: Keyword arguments for a get_flags method providing linker/ archiver flags. """ # Set default toolname if toolname is None: toolname = cls.get_tool("compiler", return_prop='name') # Copy/Pop so that empty default dosn't get appended to libraries = kwargs.pop('libraries', []) internal_dependencies = kwargs.pop('internal_dependencies', []) external_dependencies = kwargs.pop('external_dependencies', []) # Communication specific compilation flags if (for_model or for_api) and (not skip_interface_flags): for c in tools.get_installed_comm(language=cls.language): for x in cls.supported_comm_options.get(c, {}).get('libraries', []): if x not in external_dependencies: external_dependencies.append(x) # Add interface as internal_dependency for models if for_model and (not skip_interface_flags): if (((cls.interface_library is not None) and (cls.interface_library not in internal_dependencies))): internal_dependencies.append(cls.interface_library) for k in cls.get_external_libraries(no_comm_libs=True): if (k not in external_dependencies) and cls.is_library_installed(k): external_dependencies.append(k) suffix_kws = cls.select_suffix_kwargs(kwargs) suffix_kws.setdefault('commtype', commtype) # Add flags for internal/external depenencies all_dep = internal_dependencies + external_dependencies for dep in cls.get_dependency_order( all_dep, toolname=toolname, disable_python_c_api=kwargs.get('disable_python_c_api', False)): dep_lib = cls.get_dependency_library( dep, toolname=toolname, **suffix_kws) if dep_lib: if (((not kwargs.get('dry_run', False)) and (not os.path.isfile(dep_lib)) and not cls.is_standard_library(dep))): if dep in internal_dependencies: # If this is called recursively, verify that # dep_lib is produced by compiling dep. try: cls.compile_dependencies( dep=dep, toolname=toolname, **suffix_kws) except RecursionError: # pragma: debug print(f"dependency: {dep}\n" f"library: {dep_lib}\n", f"suffix_kws: {suffix_kws}\n", f"toolname: {toolname}") raise if not os.path.isfile(dep_lib): # pragma: debug raise RuntimeError( f"Library for {dep} dependency does not " f"exist: '{dep_lib}'.") if use_library_path_internal and (dep in internal_dependencies): if kwargs.get('skip_library_libs', False): if isinstance(use_library_path_internal, bool): libkey = 'library_flags' else: libkey = use_library_path_internal else: libkey = 'flags' kwargs.setdefault(libkey, []) kwargs[libkey].append(dep_lib) else: libraries.append(dep_lib) # Update kwargs if libraries: kwargs['libraries'] = libraries if libtype in ['static', 'shared']: kwargs['build_library'] = True return kwargs
[docs] @classmethod def language_executable(cls, toolname=None): r"""Command required to compile/run a model written in this language from the command line. Args: toolname (str, optional): Name of compiler tool that should be used. Defaults to None and the default compiler for the language will be used. Returns: str: Name of (or path to) compiler/interpreter executable required to run the compiler/interpreter from the command line. """ return cls.get_tool('compiler', toolname=toolname).get_executable()
[docs] @classmethod def language_version(cls, toolname=None, **kwargs): r"""Determine the version of this language. Args: **kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to cls.run_executable. toolname (str, optional): Name of compiler tool that should be used. Defaults to None and the default compiler for the language will be used. Returns: str: Version of compiler/interpreter for this language. """ compiler = cls.get_tool('compiler', toolname=toolname) return compiler.tool_version(**kwargs).strip()
[docs] def run_model(self, **kwargs): r"""Run the model. Unless overridden, the model will be run using run_executable. Args: **kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to run_executable. """ kwargs.update(exec_type='direct') return super(CompiledModelDriver, self).run_model(**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def executable_command(cls, args, exec_type='compiler', toolname=None, **kwargs): r"""Compose a command for running a program using the compiler for this language and the provied arguments. If not already present, the compiler command and compiler flags are prepended to the provided arguments. Args: args (list): The program that returned command should run and any arguments that should be provided to it. For the compiler, this means the source files, for the linker, this means the object files. exec_type (str, optional): Type of executable command that will be returned. If 'compiler', a command using the compiler is returned, if 'linker', a command using the linker is returned, and if 'direct', the raw args being provided are returned. Defaults to 'compiler'. toolname (str, optional): Name of compiler tool that should be used. Defaults to None and the default compiler for the language will be used. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to either get_linker_flags or get_compiler_flags. Returns: list: Arguments composing the command required to run the program from the command line using the compiler for this language. Raises: ValueError: If exec_type is not 'compiler', 'linker', or 'direct'. """ if exec_type == 'direct': unused_kwargs = kwargs.pop('unused_kwargs', {}) unused_kwargs.update(kwargs) return args elif exec_type == 'linker': exec_cls = cls.get_tool('linker', toolname=toolname) elif exec_type == 'compiler': exec_cls = cls.get_tool('compiler', toolname=toolname) else: raise ValueError("Invalid exec_type '%s'" % exec_type) return exec_cls.get_executable_command(args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def is_library_installed(cls, lib, cfg=None): r"""Determine if a dependency is installed by check for the appropriate config options setting the path to the library files. Args: lib (str): Name of the library that should be checked. cfg (CisConfigParser, optional): Config class that should be checked. Defaults to yggdrasil.config.ygg_cfg if not provided. Returns: bool: True if the library is installed, False otherwise. """ if isinstance(lib, tuple) and (lib[0] != cls.language): assert len(lib) == 2 lib_lang, lib = lib drv = import_component("model", lib_lang) return drv.is_library_installed(lib, cfg=cfg) if cfg is None: cfg = cls.cfg out = True if lib in cls.internal_libraries: src = cls.get_dependency_source(lib) return os.path.isfile(src) if lib in cls.standard_libraries: return True dep_lang = cls.external_libraries[lib].get('language', cls.language) for lib_typ in cls.external_libraries[lib].keys(): if lib_typ not in _library_types: continue if not out: # pragma: no cover break lib_opt = f'{lib}_{lib_typ}' out = (cfg.get(dep_lang, lib_opt, None) is not None) return out
[docs] @classmethod def configuration_steps(cls): r"""Get a list of configuration steps with tuples of flags and boolean values. Returns: OrderedDict: Pairs of descriptions and states for different steps in the configuration all steps must be True for the language to be configured. """ out = super(CompiledModelDriver, cls).configuration_steps() for k in cls.get_external_libraries(): out[str(k)] = cls.is_library_installed(k) return out
[docs] @classmethod def is_tool_installed(cls, tooltype): r"""Determine if a compilation tool of a certain is installed for this language. Args: tooltype (str): Type of tool to check for. Supported values include 'compiler', 'linker', & 'archiver'. Returns: bool: True if a tool of the specified type is installed. """ if cls.is_build_tool and (tooltype != 'compiler'): return True return (cls.get_tool(tooltype, default=None) is not None)
[docs] @classmethod def is_language_installed(cls): r"""Determine if the interpreter/compiler for the associated programming language is installed. Returns: bool: True if the language interpreter/compiler is installed. """ out = super(CompiledModelDriver, cls).is_language_installed() for k in ['compiler', 'archiver', 'linker']: if not out: # pragma: no cover break out = cls.is_tool_installed(k) return out
[docs] @classmethod def configure(cls, cfg, **kwargs): r"""Add configuration options for this language. Args: cfg (CisConfigParser): Config class that options should be set for. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are used to set tool configuration options (e.g. 'compiler'). Returns: list: Section, option, description tuples for options that could not be set. """ if (cls.language is not None) and (not cfg.has_section(cls.language)): cfg.add_section(cls.language) for k, v in kwargs.items(): if k not in ['compiler', 'linker', 'archiver']: # pragma: debug raise ValueError(f"Unexpected configuration option: '{k}'") vtool = None try: vtool = get_compilation_tool(k, v) except ValueError: # pragma: debug reg = get_compilation_tool_registry(k) for kreg, vreg in reg.keys(): if kreg in v: vtool = vreg break if not vtool: # pragma: debug raise ValueError(f"Could not locate a {k} tool '{v}'.") cfg.set(cls.language, k, vtool.toolname) if os.path.isfile(v): cfg.set(cls.language, f'{vtool.toolname}_executable', v) # Call __func__ to avoid direct invoking of class which dosn't exist # in after_registration where this is called return ModelDriver.configure.__func__(cls, cfg)
[docs] @classmethod def configure_executable_type(cls, cfg): r"""Add configuration options specific in the executable type before the libraries are configured. Args: cfg (CisConfigParser): Config class that options should be set for. Returns: list: Section, option, description tuples for options that could not be set. """ out = super(CompiledModelDriver, cls).configure_executable_type(cfg) compiler = None linker = None archiver = None for k in ['compiler', 'linker', 'archiver']: # Set default linker/archiver based on compiler default_tool_name = cfg.get( cls.language, k, getattr(cls, 'default_%s' % k, None)) if (((default_tool_name is None) and (compiler is not None) and (k in ['linker', 'archiver']))): default_tool_name = getattr(compiler, 'default_%s' % k, None) # Check default tool to make sure it is installed if default_tool_name: default_tool = get_compilation_tool(k, default_tool_name) if not default_tool.is_installed(): # pragma: debug logger.debug(('Default %s for %s (%s) not installed. ' 'Attempting to locate an alternative .') % (k, cls.language, default_tool_name)) default_tool_name = None # Determine compilation tools based on language/platform if default_tool_name is None: # pragma: no cover default_tool_name = find_compilation_tool(k, cls.language, allow_failure=True) # Set default tool attribute & record compiler tool if set setattr(cls, 'default_%s' % k, default_tool_name) if default_tool_name: cfg.set(cls.language, k, default_tool_name) if k == 'compiler': compiler = get_compilation_tool(k, default_tool_name) elif k == 'linker': linker = get_compilation_tool(k, default_tool_name) elif k == 'archiver': archiver = get_compilation_tool(k, default_tool_name) # TODO: Move this into registration or remove altogether # Check for missing library names for k, v in cls.external_libraries.items(): libtype = v.get('libtype', None) if (libtype is not None) and (libtype not in v): # pragma: no cover if (libtype == 'static') and (archiver is not None): v[libtype] = archiver.get_output_file(k, no_tool_suffix=True) elif (libtype == 'shared') and (linker is not None): v[libtype] = linker.get_output_file(k, no_tool_suffix=True, build_library=True) elif libtype == 'windows_import': if (archiver is not None) and ('static' not in v): v['static'] = archiver.get_output_file(k, no_tool_suffix=True) if (linker is not None) and ('shared' not in v): v['shared'] = linker.get_output_file(k, no_tool_suffix=True, build_library=True) return out
[docs] @classmethod def configure_library(cls, cfg, k): r"""Add configuration options for an external library. Args: cfg (YggConfigParser): Config class that options should be set for. Returns: list: Section, option, description tuples for options that could not be set. """ v = cls.external_libraries[k] out = [] k_lang = v.get('language', cls.language) for t in v.keys(): if t not in _library_types: continue fname = v[t] assert isinstance(fname, str) opt = f'{k}_{t}' if t in ['include']: desc_end = f'{k} headers' elif t in ['static', 'shared']: desc_end = f'{k} {t} library' else: # pragma: completion desc_end = f'{k} {t}' desc = f'The full path to the directory containing {desc_end}.' if cfg.has_option(k_lang, opt): continue if os.path.isabs(fname): fpath = fname else: fpath = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), fname) if not os.path.isfile(fpath): # Search the compiler/linker's search path, then the # PATH environment variable. try: if t == 'include': tool = cls.get_tool('compiler', default=None, language=v.get('language', None)) elif t == 'shared': tool = cls.get_tool('linker', default=None, language=v.get('language', None)) else: # pragma: completion tool = cls.get_tool('archiver', default=None, language=v.get('language', None)) fpath = tool.locate_file(fpath, libtype=t, cfg=cfg, verbose=True) except NotImplementedError: # pragma: debug fpath = None if fpath: # if (t in ['static']) and platform._is_mac: # fpath_orig = fpath # fpath = '_s'.join(os.path.splitext(fpath)) #'Using symbolic link: %s' % fpath) # if not os.path.isfile(fpath): # os.symlink(fpath_orig, fpath) cfg.set(k_lang, opt, fpath) else: out.append((k_lang, opt, desc)) return out
[docs] @classmethod def configure_libraries(cls, cfg): r"""Add configuration options for external libraries in this language. Args: cfg (CisConfigParser): Config class that options should be set for. Returns: list: Section, option, description tuples for options that could not be set. """ out = ModelDriver.configure_libraries.__func__(cls, cfg) base_language_libraries = [] for x in cls.base_languages: base_cls = import_component('model', x) base_language_libraries += list(base_cls.external_libraries.keys()) # Search for external libraries for k, v in cls.external_libraries.items(): if k in base_language_libraries: continue out += cls.configure_library(cfg, k) return out
[docs] @classmethod def set_env_compiler(cls, compiler=None, toolname=None, **kwargs): r"""Get environment variables that should be set for the compilation process. Args: compiler (CompilerBase, optional): Compiler that set_env shoudl be called for. If not provided, the default compiler for this language will be used. toolname (str, optional): Name of compiler tool that should be used. Defaults to None and the default compiler for the language will be used. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: dict: Environment variables for the model process. """ if compiler is None: compiler = cls.get_tool('compiler', toolname=toolname) return compiler.set_env(**kwargs)
[docs] def set_env(self, for_compile=False, compile_kwargs=None, toolname=None, **kwargs): r"""Get environment variables that should be set for the model process. Args: for_compile (bool, optional): If True, environment variables are set that are necessary for compiling. Defaults to False. compile_kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword arguments that should be passed to the compiler's set_env method. Defaults to empty dict. toolname (str, optional): Name of compiler tool that should be used. Defaults to None and the default compiler for the language will be used. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: dict: Environment variables for the model process. """ if toolname is None: toolname = self.get_tool_instance('compiler', return_prop='name') out = super(CompiledModelDriver, self).set_env(**kwargs) if for_compile: if compile_kwargs is None: compile_kwargs = {} compiler = self.get_tool_instance('compiler', toolname=toolname) out = self.set_env_compiler( compiler=compiler, existing=out, logging_level=self.numeric_logging_level, **compile_kwargs) elif self.with_asan: compiler = self.get_tool_instance('compiler', toolname=toolname) compiler.init_asan_env(out) return out
[docs] def compile_dependencies_instance(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Compile dependencies specifically for this instance.""" return self.compile_dependencies(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def compile_dependencies(cls, toolname=None, dep=None, **kwargs): r"""Compile any required internal libraries, including the interface.""" if dep is None: dep = cls.interface_library kwargs.setdefault('products', []) base_libraries = [] compiler = cls.get_tool('compiler', toolname=toolname) for x in cls.base_languages: toolname = None if compiler.toolset is not None: toolname = get_compatible_tool(compiler, 'compiler', x).toolname base_cls = import_component('model', x) base_libraries.append(base_cls.interface_library) base_cls.compile_dependencies(toolname=toolname, **kwargs) if (dep is not None) and cls.is_installed() and (dep not in base_libraries): dep_order = cls.get_dependency_order( dep, toolname=toolname, disable_python_c_api=kwargs.get('disable_python_c_api', False)) for k in dep_order[::-1]: if isinstance(k, tuple): assert len(k) == 2 ikw = dict(kwargs, language=k[0], toolname=get_compatible_tool(compiler, 'compiler', k[0])) cls.call_compiler(k[1], **ikw) else: cls.call_compiler(k, toolname=toolname, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def cleanup_dependencies(cls, products=None, verbose=False, **kwargs): r"""Cleanup dependencies.""" if products is None: products = [] kwargs['dry_run'] = True compiler = cls.get_tool('compiler', toolname=kwargs.get('toolname', None), default=None) if compiler is not None: kws = cls.select_suffix_kwargs(kwargs) suffix = cls.get_internal_suffix(**kws) suffix += compiler.get_tool_suffix() try: cls.compile_dependencies(products=products, **kwargs) except NotImplementedError: # pragma: debug pass new_products = [] for i in range(len(products)): if suffix in products[i]: new_products += glob.glob(products[i].replace(suffix, '*')) products += new_products super(CompiledModelDriver, cls).cleanup_dependencies( products=products, verbose=verbose)
[docs] def compile_model(self, source_files=None, skip_interface_flags=False, **kwargs): r"""Compile model executable(s). Args: source_files (list, optional): Source files that will be compiled. Defaults to None and is set to the source_files attribute. skip_interface_flags (bool, optional): If True, interface flags will not be added. This includes the logger flag specifying the current logging level. Defaults to False. **kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed on to the call_compiler method. Returns: str: Compiled model file path. """ dont_lock_buildfile = (kwargs.pop('dont_lock_buildfile', False) or kwargs.get('dry_run', False)) with self.buildfile_locked(dry_run=dont_lock_buildfile): if source_files is None: source_files = self.source_files if not skip_interface_flags: kwargs['logging_level'] = self.numeric_logging_level default_kwargs = dict(out=self.model_file, compiler_flags=self.compiler_flags, for_model=True, skip_interface_flags=skip_interface_flags, overwrite=self.overwrite, working_dir=self.working_dir, products=self.products, toolname=self.get_tool_instance( 'compiler', return_prop='name'), suffix=('_%s' % for k in self.kwargs_in_suffix: if hasattr(self, k): default_kwargs[k] = getattr(self, k) if not kwargs.get('dont_link', False): default_kwargs.update(linker_flags=self.linker_flags) for k, v in default_kwargs.items(): kwargs.setdefault(k, v) suffix_kws = self.select_suffix_kwargs(kwargs) if ((isinstance(kwargs['out'], str) and os.path.isfile(kwargs['out']) and (not kwargs['overwrite']))): self.debug("Result already exists: %s", kwargs['out']) return kwargs['out'] if 'env' not in kwargs: kwargs['env'] = self.set_env(for_compile=True, toolname=kwargs['toolname']) try: if not kwargs.get('dry_run', False): self.compile_dependencies_instance( toolname=kwargs['toolname'], **suffix_kws) return self.call_compiler(source_files, **kwargs) except BaseException: self.cleanup_products() raise finally: self.restore_files()
[docs] @classmethod def get_internal_suffix(cls, commtype=None, disable_python_c_api=False, with_asan=False): r"""Determine the suffix that should be used for internal libraries. Args: commtype (str, optional): If provided, this is the communication type that should be used for the model. If None, the default comm is used. disable_python_c_api (bool, optional): If True, the Python C API will be disabled. Defaults to False. with_asan (bool, optional): If True, the model will be compiled and linked with the address sanitizer enabled (if there is one available for the selected compiler). Returns: str: Suffix that should be added to internal libraries to differentiate between different dependencies. """ out = _system_suffix if disable_python_c_api: out += '_nopython' if with_asan: out += '_asan' return out
[docs] @classmethod def call_compiler(cls, src, language=None, toolname=None, dont_build=None, **kwargs): r"""Compile a source file into an executable or linkable object file, checking for errors. Args: src (str): Full path to source file. out (str, optional): Full path to the output object file that should be created. Defaults to None and is created from the provided source file. flags (list, optional): Compilation flags. Defaults to []. If compiler_flags is present, flags is replaced by compiler_flags. compiler_flags (list, optional): Alternative to flags. Ignored if not provided. dont_link (bool, optional): If True, the command will result in a linkable object file rather than an executable. Defaults to False. dont_build (bool, optional): If True, cmake configuration/generation will be run, but the project will not be built. Defaults to None. If provided, this overrides dont_link. overwrite (bool, optional): If True, the existing compile file will be overwritten. Otherwise, it will be kept and this function will return without recompiling the source file. language (str, optional): Language that should be used to compile the files. Defaults to None and the language of the current driver is used. toolname (str, optional): Name of compiler tool that should be used. Defaults to None and the default compiler for the language will be used. products (list, optional): Existing Python list that additional products produced by the compilation should be appended to. Defaults to None and is ignored. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to run_executable. and call_linker if dont_link is False. Returns: str: Full path to compiled source. Raises: RuntimeError: If there is an error in calling the compiler. RuntimeError: If the compilation command dosn't yield the specified output file. """ if dont_build is not None: kwargs['dont_link'] = dont_build language = kwargs.pop('compiler_language', language) if ('env' not in kwargs) and (not kwargs.get('dry_run', False)): kwargs['env'] = cls.set_env_compiler(toolname=toolname) # Compile using another driver if the language dosn't match if (language is not None) and (language != cls.language): drv = import_component('model', language) return drv.call_compiler(src, toolname=toolname, **kwargs) # Handle internal library if isinstance(src, str) and (src in cls.internal_libraries): dep = src # Compile an internal library using class defined options for k, v in cls.get_dependency_info(dep, toolname=toolname).items(): if k == 'directory': kwargs.setdefault('working_dir', v) kwargs[k] = copy.deepcopy(v) src = kwargs.pop('source', None) if (src is None) or (not os.path.isabs(src)): src = cls.get_dependency_source(dep, toolname=toolname) kwargs.setdefault('for_api', True) kwargs.setdefault('libtype', _default_libtype) suffix_kws = cls.select_suffix_kwargs(kwargs) if kwargs['libtype'] == 'header_only': return src elif kwargs['libtype'] in ['static', 'shared']: kwargs.setdefault( 'out', cls.get_dependency_library( dep, libtype=kwargs['libtype'], toolname=toolname, **suffix_kws)) if (kwargs['libtype'] == 'static') and ('linker_language' in kwargs): kwargs['archiver_language'] = kwargs.pop('linker_language') kwargs.setdefault('suffix', '') kwargs['suffix'] += cls.get_internal_suffix(**suffix_kws) return cls.call_compiler(src, toolname=toolname, **kwargs) # Compile using the compiler after updating the flags kwargs = cls.update_compiler_kwargs(toolname=toolname, **kwargs) tool = cls.get_tool('compiler', toolname=toolname) out =, **kwargs) return out
[docs] @classmethod def call_linker(cls, obj, language=None, toolname=None, **kwargs): r"""Link several object files to create an executable or library (shared or static), checking for errors. Args: obj (list): Object files that should be linked. language (str, optional): Language that should be used to link the files. Defaults to None and the language of the current driver is used. toolname (str, optional): Name of compiler tool that should be used. Defaults to None and the default compiler for the language will be used. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to run_executable. Returns: str: Full path to compiled source. """ language = kwargs.pop('linker_language', language) toolname = kwargs.pop('linker_toolname', toolname) # Link using another driver if the language dosn't match if (language is not None) and (language != cls.language): drv = import_component('model', language) return drv.call_linker(obj, toolname=toolname, **kwargs) # Determine tool that should be used if kwargs.get('libtype', 'object') == 'static': tool = cls.get_tool('archiver', toolname=toolname) else: tool = cls.get_tool('linker', toolname=toolname) # Compile using the tool after updating the flags kwargs = cls.update_linker_kwargs(toolname=toolname, **kwargs) out =, **kwargs) return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_testing_options(cls, **kwargs): r"""Method to return a dictionary of testing options for this class. Args: **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class. Returns: dict: Dictionary of variables to use for testing. Key/value pairs: kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for driver instance. deps (list): Dependencies to install. """ out = super(CompiledModelDriver, cls).get_testing_options(**kwargs) out.update( args=['1'], ) if cls.is_installed() and (not getattr(cls, 'is_build_tool', False)): compiler = cls.get_tool('compiler') linker = cls.get_tool('linker') script_dir = os.path.join('tests', 'scripts') include_flag = compiler.create_flag('include_dirs', script_dir) library_flag = linker.create_flag('library_dirs', script_dir) out['kwargs'].update(compiler_flags=include_flag, linker_flags=library_flag) return out