Source code for yggdrasil.drivers.BuildModelDriver

import os
import glob
from yggdrasil import components, constants
from yggdrasil.drivers.CompiledModelDriver import (
    CompiledModelDriver, CompilerBase)

[docs]class BuildToolBase(CompilerBase): r"""Base class for build tools.""" is_build_tool = True build_language = None
[docs] @staticmethod def before_registration(cls): r"""Operations that should be performed to modify class attributes prior to registration including things like platform dependent properties and checking environment variables for default settings. """ CompilerBase.before_registration(cls) if cls.build_language is None: cls.build_language = cls.toolname
[docs] @classmethod def get_tool_suffix(cls): r"""Get the string that should be added to tool products based on the tool used. Returns: str: Suffix that should be added to tool products to indicate the tool used. """ return ""
[docs] @classmethod def get_flags(cls, **kwargs): r"""Get compilation flags, replacing outfile with target. Args: **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: list: Compiler flags. """ kwargs.pop('target_compiler', None) kwargs.pop('target_linker', None) return super(BuildToolBase, cls).get_flags(**kwargs)
[docs]class BuildModelDriver(CompiledModelDriver): r"""Class for running build file compiled drivers. Args: name (str): Driver name. args (str, list): Executable that should be created (make target) and any arguments for the executable. target (str, optional): Make target that should be built to create the model executable. Defaults to None. target_language (str, optional): Language that the target is written in. Defaults to None and will be set based on the source files provided. target_compiler (str, optional): Compilation tool that should be used to compile the target language. Defaults to None and will be set based on the selected language driver. target_linker (str, optional): Compilation tool that should be used to link the target language. Defaults to None and will be set based on the selected language driver. target_compiler_flags (list, optional): Compilation flags that should be passed to the target language compiler. Defaults to []. target_linker_flags (list, optional): Linking flags that should be passed to the target language linker. Defaults to []. env_compiler (str, optional): Environment variable where the compiler executable should be stored for use within the Makefile. If not provided, this will be determined by the target language driver. env_compiler_flags (str, optional): Environment variable where the compiler flags should be stored (including those required to compile against the |yggdrasil| interface). If not provided, this will be determined by the target language driver. env_linker (str, optional): Environment variable where the linker executable should be stored for use within the Makefile. If not provided, this will be determined by the target language driver. env_linker_flags (str, optional): Environment variable where the linker flags should be stored (including those required to link against the |yggdrasil| interface). If not provided, this will be determined by the target language driver. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to parent class. Attributes: buildfile (str): Path to file containing build instructions. builddir (str): Path to directory where build products will be saved. sourcedir (str): Path to directory where source files are located. compiledir (str): Path to directory where compilation call should be made from. Defaults to working_dir. target (str): Name of executable that should be created and called. target_language (str): Language that the target is written in. target_language_driver (ModelDriver): Language driver for the target language. target_compiler (str): Compilation tool that should be used to compile the target language. target_linker (str): Compilation tool that should be used to link the target language. target_compiler_flags (list): Compilation flags that should be passed to the target language compiler. target_linker_flags (list): Linking flags that should be passed to the target language linker. env_compiler (str): Compiler environment variable. env_compiler_flags (str): Compiler flags environment variable. env_linker (str): Linker environment variable. env_linker_flags (str): Linker flags environment variable. Class Attributes: built_where_called (bool): If True, it is assumed that compilation output will be saved in the same directory from which the compilation command is issued. Raises: RuntimeError: If neither the IPC or ZMQ C libraries are available. """ _schema_properties = { 'buildfile': {'type': 'string'}, 'builddir': {'type': 'string'}, 'target': {'type': 'string'}, 'target_language': {'type': 'string'}, 'target_compiler': {'type': 'string'}, 'target_linker': {'type': 'string'}, 'target_compiler_flags': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'target_linker_flags': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'string'}}, 'env_compiler': {'type': 'string'}, 'env_compiler_flags': {'type': 'string'}, 'env_linker': {'type': 'string'}, 'env_linker_flags': {'type': 'string'}} executable_type = 'build' base_languages = ['c'] built_where_called = False sourcedir_as_sourcefile = False full_language = False is_build_tool = True buildfile_base = None allow_parallel_build = False def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.target_language_driver = None self._target_language_info = None super(BuildModelDriver, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @staticmethod def after_registration(cls, **kwargs): r"""Operations that should be performed to modify class attributes after registration. For compiled languages this includes selecting the default compiler. The order of precedence is the config file 'compiler' option for the language, followed by the environment variable set by _compiler_env, followed by the existing class attribute. """ for k in ['linker', 'archiver']: if k in cls._config_keys: cls._config_keys.remove(k) if getattr(cls, 'default_compiler', None) is None: cls.default_compiler = cls.language CompiledModelDriver.after_registration(cls, **kwargs)
[docs] def parse_arguments(self, args, **kwargs): r"""Sort arguments based on their syntax to determine if an argument is a source file, compilation flag, or runtime option/flag that should be passed to the model executable. Args: args (list): List of arguments provided. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. """ # Set builddir before passing to parent class so that builddir is used # to normalize the model file path rather than the working directory # which may be different. default_attr = [('target_language_driver', None), ('target_compiler', None), ('buildfile', None), ('builddir', None), ('sourcedir', None), ('compile_working_dir', None), ('builddir_base', '.'), ('buildfile_base', None)] for k, v in default_attr: if not hasattr(self, k): setattr(self, k, v) # Directory that compilation should be called from if ((isinstance(self.compile_working_dir, str) and not os.path.isabs(self.compile_working_dir))): self.compile_working_dir = os.path.realpath( os.path.join(self.working_dir, self.compile_working_dir)) # Source directory if self.sourcedir is None: self.sourcedir = os.path.dirname(args[0]) if not os.path.isabs(self.sourcedir): self.sourcedir = os.path.normpath( os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self.working_dir, self.sourcedir))) if self.sourcedir_as_sourcefile: self.source_files = [self.sourcedir] # Build file if self.buildfile is None: self.buildfile = self.buildfile_base if not os.path.isabs(self.buildfile): for x in set([self.working_dir, self.sourcedir, self.builddir, self.compile_working_dir]): if x is not None: y = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(x, self.buildfile)) if os.path.isfile(y): self.buildfile = y break # Compilation directory if self.compile_working_dir is None: self.compile_working_dir = os.path.dirname(self.buildfile) if not os.path.isabs(self.compile_working_dir): self.compile_working_dir = os.path.realpath( os.path.join(self.working_dir, self.compile_working_dir)) # Build directory if self.builddir is None: if self.built_where_called: self.builddir = self.compile_working_dir else: self.builddir = os.path.join(self.sourcedir, self.builddir_base) if not os.path.isabs(self.builddir): self.builddir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self.working_dir, self.builddir)) kwargs.setdefault('default_model_dir', self.builddir) super(BuildModelDriver, self).parse_arguments(args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def get_buildfile_lock(cls, **kwargs): r"""Get a lock for a buildfile to prevent simultaneous access, creating one as necessary.""" if kwargs.get('instance', None): kwargs.setdefault('fname', kwargs['instance'].buildfile) return super(BuildModelDriver, cls).get_buildfile_lock(**kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def get_source_dir(cls, fname=None, source_dir=None): if source_dir is None: if isinstance(fname, str): if os.path.isdir(fname): source_dir = fname else: source_dir = os.path.dirname(fname) else: # pragma: debug raise RuntimeError("No source file/dir provided") return source_dir
[docs] @classmethod def get_language_for_buildfile(cls, buildfile, target=None): # pragma: debug r"""Determine the target language based on the contents of a build file. Args: buildfile (str): Full path to the build configuration file. target (str, optional): Target that will be built. Defaults to None and the default target in the build file will be used. """ raise ValueError("Could not determine source from the buildfile")
[docs] @classmethod def get_language_for_source(cls, fname=None, buildfile=None, languages=None, early_exit=False, call_base=False, **kwargs): r"""Determine the language that can be used with the provided source file(s). If more than one language applies to a set of multiple files, the language that applies to the most files is returned. Args: fname (str, list): The full path to one or more files. If more than one is provided, they are iterated over. buildfile (str, optional): Full path to the build configuration file. Defaults to None and will be searched for. languages (list, optional): The list of languages that are acceptable. Defaults to None and any language will be acceptable. early_exit (bool, optional): If True, the first language identified will be returned if fname is a list of files. Defaults to False. source_dir (str, optional): Full path to the directory containing the source files. Defaults to None and is determiend from fname. buildfile (str, optional): Full path to the build configuration file. Defaults to None and will be searched for. target (str, optional): The build target. Defaults to None. call_base (bool, optional): If True, the base class's method is called directly. Defaults to False. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: str: The language that can operate on the specified file. """ if not (call_base or isinstance(fname, list)): source_dir = cls.get_source_dir( fname, source_dir=kwargs.get('source_dir', None)) if source_dir == fname: fname = None if (buildfile is None) and cls.buildfile_base: buildfile = os.path.join(source_dir, cls.buildfile_base) if isinstance(buildfile, str) and os.path.isfile(buildfile): try: return cls.get_language_for_buildfile( buildfile, target=kwargs.get('target', None)) except ValueError: # pragma: debug pass try_list = sorted(list(glob.glob(os.path.join(source_dir, '*')))) if fname is not None: try_list = [fname, try_list] early_exit = True call_base = True else: try_list = fname if languages is None: languages = constants.LANGUAGES['compiled'] return super(BuildModelDriver, cls).get_language_for_source( try_list, early_exit=early_exit, buildfile=buildfile, languages=languages, call_base=call_base, **kwargs)
[docs] def set_target_language(self): r"""Set the language of the target being compiled (usually the same as the language associated with this driver. Returns: str: Name of language. """ if self.target_language is None: try: self.target_language = self.get_language_for_source( fname=self.model_src, source_dir=self.sourcedir, buildfile=self.buildfile, except ValueError: self.target_language = 'c' if self.target_language is not None: if self.target_language_driver is None: self.target_language_driver = components.import_component( 'model', self.target_language) if self.target_compiler is None: self.target_compiler = self.target_language_driver.get_tool( 'compiler', return_prop='name') return self.target_language
[docs] @classmethod def get_target_language_info(cls, target_language_driver=None, target_language='c', target_compiler=None, target_compiler_flags=None, target_linker=None, target_linker_flags=None, logging_level=None, without_wrapper=False, compiler_flag_kwargs=None, linker_flag_kwargs=None, **kwargs): r"""Get a dictionary of information about language compilation tools. Args: target_language_driver (ModelDriver, optional): Driver associated with the target language. If not provided, one will be created based on 'target_language'. target_language (str, optional): Language to get info for. Defaults to 'c'. target_compiler (str, optional): Compilation tool that should be used to compile the target language. Defaults to None and will be set based on the selected language driver. target_linker (str, optional): Compilation tool that should be used to link the target language. Defaults to None and will be set based on the selected language driver. target_compiler_flags (list, optional): Compilation flags that should be passed to the target language compiler. Defaults to []. target_linker_flags (list, optional): Linking flags that should be passed to the target language linker. Defaults to []. logging_level (int, optional): The numeric logging level that should be passed as a definition. Defaults to None and is ignored. without_wrapper (bool, optional): If True, the returned info will be updated for compilation when a build wrapper was not created. Defaults to False. compiler_flag_kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword arguments to pass to the get_compiler_flags method. Defaults to None. linker_flag_kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword arguments to pass to the get_linker_flags method. Defaults to None. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are added to the output dictionary. Returns: dict: Information about language compilers and linkers. """ if target_language_driver is None: target_language_driver = components.import_component( 'model', target_language) compiler = target_language_driver.get_tool( 'compiler', toolname=target_compiler) if target_linker is None: linker = compiler.linker() else: linker = target_language_driver.get_tool( 'linker', toolname=target_linker) if compiler_flag_kwargs is None: compiler_flag_kwargs = {} if linker_flag_kwargs is None: linker_flag_kwargs = {} out = { 'driver': target_language_driver, 'compiler': compiler, 'compiler_executable': compiler.get_executable(full_path=True), 'compiler_env': compiler.default_executable_env, 'compiler_flags_env': compiler.default_flags_env, 'linker': linker, 'linker_executable': linker.get_executable(full_path=True), 'linker_env': linker.default_executable_env, 'linker_flags_env': linker.default_flags_env, 'env': {}, } if ((out['compiler_flags_env'] and (not isinstance(out['compiler_flags_env'], list)))): out['compiler_flags_env'] = [out['compiler_flags_env']] if ((out['linker_flags_env'] and (not isinstance(out['linker_flags_env'], list)))): out['linker_flags_env'] = [out['linker_flags_env']] default_compiler_kws = dict( toolname=compiler.toolname, skip_defaults=True, flags=target_compiler_flags, dont_skip_env_defaults=True, for_model=True, dry_run=True, dont_link=True, logging_level=logging_level) default_linker_kws = dict( toolname=linker.toolname, skip_defaults=True, flags=target_linker_flags, dont_skip_env_defaults=True, for_model=True, dry_run=True) for k, v in default_compiler_kws.items(): compiler_flag_kwargs.setdefault(k, v) for k, v in default_linker_kws.items(): linker_flag_kwargs.setdefault(k, v) out.update( compiler_flags=target_language_driver.get_compiler_flags( **compiler_flag_kwargs), linker_flags=target_language_driver.get_linker_flags( **linker_flag_kwargs)) # yggdrasil requires that linking be done in C++ if (((compiler.languages[0].lower() == 'c') and ('-lstdc++' not in out['linker_flags']))): out['linker_flags'].append('-lstdc++') out.update(**kwargs) return out
@property def target_language_info(self): r"""dict: Information about the underlying language.""" if self._target_language_info is None: kws = dict( target_language_driver=self.target_language_driver, target_compiler=self.target_compiler, target_compiler_flags=self.target_compiler_flags, target_linker=self.target_linker, target_linker_flags=self.target_linker_flags, logging_level=self.numeric_logging_level) if self.with_asan: kws['compiler_flag_kwargs'] = {'with_asan': self.with_asan} kws['linker_flag_kwargs'] = {'with_asan': self.with_asan} for x in ['compiler', 'linker']: if getattr(self, 'env_%s' % x): kws['%s_env' % x] = ( getattr(self, 'env_%s' % x)) if getattr(self, 'env_%s_flags' % x): kws['%s_flags_env' % x] = ( getattr(self, 'env_%s_flags' % x)) self._target_language_info = self.get_target_language_info(**kws) return self._target_language_info
[docs] @classmethod def is_source_file(cls, fname): r"""Determine if the provided file name points to a source files for the associated programming language by checking the extension. Args: fname (str): Path to file. Returns: bool: True if the provided file is a source file, False otherwise. """ for lang in constants.LANGUAGES['compiled']: drv = components.import_component('model', lang) if drv.is_source_file(fname): return True return False
[docs] def compile_dependencies_instance(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Compile dependencies specifically for this instance.""" if (((self.target_language_driver is not None) and (not kwargs.get('dry_run', False)))): suffix_kws = self.select_suffix_kwargs(kwargs) self.target_language_driver.compile_dependencies( toolname=self.target_compiler, **suffix_kws)
[docs] def compile_model(self, **kwargs): r"""Compile model executable(s). Args: **kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed on to the parent class's method. """ kwargs['working_dir'] = self.compile_working_dir kwargs['target_compiler'] = self.target_compiler kwargs['suffix'] = '' return super(BuildModelDriver, self).compile_model(**kwargs)
[docs] def cleanup(self): r"""Remove compiled executable.""" if (self.model_file is not None) and os.path.isfile(self.model_file): self.compile_model(target='clean') super(BuildModelDriver, self).cleanup()
[docs] @classmethod def call_compiler(cls, src, **kwargs): r"""Compile a source file into an executable or linkable object file, checking for errors. Args: src (str): Full path to source file. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: str: Full path to compiled source. """ if ('env' not in kwargs) and (not kwargs.get('dry_run', False)): kws = {} for k in ['target_language_driver', 'target_language', 'target_compiler', 'target_compiler_flags', 'target_linker', 'target_linker_flags', 'logging_level']: if k in kwargs: kws[k] = kwargs[k] if not (('target_language_driver' in kws) or ('target_language' in kws)): if src: kws['target_language'] = cls.get_language_for_source(src) language_info = cls.get_target_language_info( without_wrapper=True, **kws) kwargs['env'] = cls.set_env_compiler(language_info=language_info) if not kwargs.get('target_compiler', None): kwargs['target_compiler'] = language_info['compiler'].toolname return super(BuildModelDriver, cls).call_compiler(src, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def fix_path(cls, path, for_env=False): r"""Update a path. Args: path (str): Path that should be formatted. for_env (bool, optional): If True, the path is formatted for use in and environment variable. Defaults to False. Returns: str: Updated path. """ return path
[docs] @classmethod def set_env_compiler(cls, language_info=None, **kwargs): r"""Get environment variables that should be set for the compilation process. Args: language_info (dict): Language compilation tool information. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: dict: Environment variables for the model process. """ assert language_info is not None kwargs['compiler'] = language_info['compiler'] out = super(BuildModelDriver, cls).set_env_compiler(**kwargs) if language_info['compiler_env'] and language_info['compiler_executable']: out[language_info['compiler_env']] = cls.fix_path( language_info['compiler_executable'], for_env=True) if language_info['linker_env'] and language_info['linker_executable']: out[language_info['linker_env']] = cls.fix_path( language_info['linker_executable'], for_env=True) if language_info['compiler_flags_env']: for x in language_info['compiler_flags_env']: out[x] = ' '.join(language_info['compiler_flags']) if language_info['linker_flags_env']: for x in language_info['linker_flags_env']: out[x] = ' '.join(language_info['linker_flags']) out.update(language_info['env']) return out
[docs] def set_env(self, **kwargs): r"""Get environment variables that should be set for the model process. Args: **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's method. Returns: dict: Environment variables for the model process. """ if kwargs.get('for_compile', False) and (self.target_language is not None): kwargs.setdefault('compile_kwargs', {}) kwargs['compile_kwargs']['language_info'] = self.target_language_info out = super(BuildModelDriver, self).set_env(**kwargs) if not kwargs.get('for_compile', False): kwargs['existing'] = out if hasattr(self.target_language_driver, 'set_env_class'): out = self.target_language_driver.set_env_class(**kwargs) if self.with_asan: self.target_language_info['compiler'].init_asan_env(out) return out