Release Steps

  1. [on branch/fork] Make code changes adding desired feature(s).

  2. [on branch/fork] Run tests locally.:

    $ cistest -svx --nologcapture
  3. [on branch/fork] Regenerate schema if you added any new components (there will be an erorr in the tests if you need to regenerate the schema).:

    $ cisschema
    $ git add cis_interface/.cis_schema.yml
    $ git commit -m "Updated .cis_schema.yml"
    $ git push origin [BRANCH]
  4. [on branch/fork] Make sure all CI tests pass (`travis <>`_, `appveyor <>`_).:

  5. [on branch/fork] Update docs to reflect new features and make sure they build locally:

    $ cd docs
    $ make autodoc
  6. [on branch/fork] Test conda-forge recipe locally using steps below.

  7. [on branch/fork] Open pull request to merge changes into master

  8. Merge branch into master after tests pass and code review complete

  9. Create tag with new version on master:

    $ git tag x.x.x
  10. Push to github. Pushing a tag will trigger travis testing of the conda build recipe in the cis_interface repository (under recipe) and, on success, the deployment of source distribution and wheels to PyPI.:

    $ git push; git push --tags
  11. If there are any errors, make updates to the repo/recipe as necessary, delete the tag (provided it has not deployed to PyPI) and push it again.:

    $ git tag -d x.x.x
    $ git push origin :refs/tags/x.x.x
    $ git tag x.x.x
    $ git push; git push --tags
  12. Once the source distribution has been uploaded to PyPI, update the conda-forge recipe on the cropsinsilico feedstock fork here with the changes from the cis_interface source repository, the new version, and the SHA256 for the release (this can be found here) and create a pull request to merge the changes into the conda-forge feedstock.

  13. Checkout gh-pages branch if it dosn’t already exist (See below), regenerate docs and push to gh-pages branch:

    $ cd docs
    $ make ghpages

Updating and Testing the Conda Recipe

  1. Install conda-build if you don’t already have it.:

    $ conda install conda-build
  2. Update the recipe (recipe/meta.yaml) to reflect any changes to the dependencies.

  3. Create a new conda environment for testing.:

    $ conda create -n test_cis_interface python=3.6
    $ source activate test_cis_interface
  4. Build the updated recipe.:

    $ conda build <path>/<to>/<recipe>/meta.yaml
  5. Install the local build of cis_interface.:

    $ conda install --use-local -y cis_interface
  6. Reconfigure cis_interface to use test installation and run the tests.:

    $ cisconfig
    $ cistest -svx --nologcapture
  7. Deactivate the test environment and reconfigure cis_interface to use the original installation.:

    $ conda deactivate
    $ cisconfig

After the initial creation of the environment etc., the procedure for debugging the recipe will be:

  1. Make changes to the source code/recipe.

  2. Get clean environment (--force-reinstall dosn’t seem to work with --use-local).:

    $ conda uninstall -y cis_interface
    $ conda build purge
  3. Re-build the recipe from the local source without tests.:

    $ conda build --no-test <path>/<to>/<recipe>/meta.yaml
  4. Force re-install of the local build.:

    $ conda install --use-local -y cis_interface
  5. Run the tests.:

    $ cistest -svx --nologcapture

Docs Checkout

Before running make ghpages, you must first checkout the ‘ghpages’ branch in the appropriate location. This only has to be done once on each machine you publish docs from. From the cis_interface source directory:

$ cd ../
$ git clone cis_interface_docs
$ cd cis_interface_docs
$ git checkout gh-pages