Release Steps ============= #. [on branch/fork] Make code changes adding desired feature(s). #. [on branch/fork] Run tests locally.:: $ cistest -svx --nologcapture #. [on branch/fork] Regenerate schema if you added any new components (there will be an erorr in the tests if you need to regenerate the schema).:: $ cisschema $ git add cis_interface/.cis_schema.yml $ git commit -m "Updated .cis_schema.yml" $ git push origin [BRANCH] #. [on branch/fork] Make sure all CI tests pass (`travis <>`_, `appveyor <>`_).:: #. [on branch/fork] Update docs to reflect new features and make sure they build locally:: $ cd docs $ make autodoc #. [on branch/fork] Test conda-forge recipe locally using steps below. #. [on branch/fork] Open pull request to merge changes into master #. Merge branch into master after tests pass and code review complete #. Create tag with new version on master:: $ git tag x.x.x #. Push to github. Pushing a tag will trigger travis testing of the conda build recipe in the |cis_interface| repository (under recipe) and, on success, the deployment of source distribution and wheels to PyPI.:: $ git push; git push --tags #. If there are any errors, make updates to the repo/recipe as necessary, delete the tag (provided it has not deployed to PyPI) and push it again.:: $ git tag -d x.x.x $ git push origin :refs/tags/x.x.x $ git tag x.x.x $ git push; git push --tags #. Once the source distribution has been uploaded to PyPI, update the conda-forge recipe on the cropsinsilico feedstock fork `here `_ with the changes from the |cis_interface| source repository, the new version, and the SHA256 for the release (this can be found `here `_) and create a pull request to merge the changes into the `conda-forge `_ feedstock. #. Checkout ``gh-pages`` branch if it dosn't already exist (See below), regenerate docs and push to gh-pages branch:: $ cd docs $ make ghpages Updating and Testing the Conda Recipe ===================================== #. Install ``conda-build`` if you don't already have it.:: $ conda install conda-build #. Update the recipe (``recipe/meta.yaml``) to reflect any changes to the dependencies. #. Create a new conda environment for testing.:: $ conda create -n test_cis_interface python=3.6 $ source activate test_cis_interface #. Build the updated recipe.:: $ conda build ///meta.yaml #. Install the local build of |cis_interface|.:: $ conda install --use-local -y cis_interface #. Reconfigure |cis_interface| to use test installation and run the tests.:: $ cisconfig $ cistest -svx --nologcapture #. Deactivate the test environment and reconfigure |cis_interface| to use the original installation.:: $ conda deactivate $ cisconfig After the initial creation of the environment etc., the procedure for debugging the recipe will be: #. Make changes to the source code/recipe. #. Get clean environment (``--force-reinstall`` dosn't seem to work with ``--use-local``).:: $ conda uninstall -y cis_interface $ conda build purge #. Re-build the recipe from the local source without tests.:: $ conda build --no-test ///meta.yaml #. Force re-install of the local build.:: $ conda install --use-local -y cis_interface #. Run the tests.:: $ cistest -svx --nologcapture Docs Checkout ============= Before running ``make ghpages``, you must first checkout the 'ghpages' branch in the appropriate location. This only has to be done once on each machine you publish docs from. From the ``cis_interface`` source directory:: $ cd ../ $ git clone cis_interface_docs $ cd cis_interface_docs $ git checkout gh-pages