Source code for

"""This modules offers various tools."""
from __future__ import print_function
import threading
import logging
import pprint
import os
import sys
import inspect
import time
import signal
import atexit
import uuid as uuid_gen
import subprocess
from cis_interface import platform
from cis_interface import backwards
from cis_interface.config import cis_cfg, cfg_logging

CIS_MSG_BUF = 1024 * 2

_stack_in_log = False
_stack_in_timeout = False
if ((logging.getLogger("cis_interface").getEffectiveLevel()
     <= logging.DEBUG)):  # pragma: debug
    _stack_in_log = False
    _stack_in_timeout = True
_thread_registry = {}
_lock_registry = {}
    _main_thread = threading.main_thread()
except AttributeError:
    _main_thread = None
    for i in threading.enumerate():
        if ( == "MainThread"):
            _main_thread = i
    if _main_thread is None:  # pragma: debug
        raise RuntimeError("Could not located MainThread")

[docs]def check_threads(): # pragma: debug r"""Check for threads that are still running.""" global _thread_registry #"Checking %d threads" % len(_thread_registry)) for k, v in _thread_registry.items(): if v.is_alive(): logging.error("Thread is alive: %s" % k) if threading.active_count() > 1:"%d threads running" % threading.active_count()) for t in threading.enumerate():"%s thread running" %
[docs]def check_locks(): # pragma: debug r"""Check for locks in lock registry that are locked.""" global _lock_registry #"Checking %d locks" % len(_lock_registry)) for k, v in _lock_registry.items(): res = v.acquire(False) if res: v.release() else: logging.error("Lock could not be acquired: %s" % k)
[docs]def check_sockets(): # pragma: debug r"""Check registered sockets.""" from cis_interface.communication import cleanup_comms count = cleanup_comms('ZMQComm') if count > 0:"%d sockets closed." % count)
[docs]def cis_atexit(): # pragma: debug r"""Things to do at exit.""" check_locks() check_threads() if not os.environ.get('CIS_SUBPROCESS', False): check_sockets() if backwards.PY34: # Print empty line to ensure close print('', end='') sys.stdout.flush()
[docs]def locate_path(fname, basedir=os.path.abspath(os.sep)): r"""Find the full path to a file using where on Windows.""" try: if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows out = subprocess.check_output(["dir", fname, "/s/b"], shell=True, cwd=basedir) # out = subprocess.check_output(["where", fname]) else: # find . -name "filetofind" 2>&1 | grep -v 'permission denied' out = subprocess.check_output(["find", basedir, "-name", fname]) # , # "2>&1", "|", "grep", "-v", "'permission denied'"]) # out = subprocess.check_output(["locate", "-b", "--regex", # "^%s" % fname]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError: # pragma: debug return False if out.isspace(): # pragma: debug return False out = out.decode('utf-8').splitlines() return out
[docs]def get_supported_lang(): r"""Get a list of the model programming languages that are supported by cis_interface. Returns: list: The names of programming languages supported by cis_interface. """ from cis_interface import schema s = schema.get_schema() out = s['model'].subtypes if 'c++' in out: out[out.index('c++')] = 'cpp' return list(set(out))
[docs]def get_supported_comm(): r"""Get a list of the communication mechanisms supported by cis_interface. Returns: list: The names of communication mechanisms supported by cis_interface. """ from cis_interface import schema s = schema.get_schema() out = s['comm'].classes for k in ['CommBase', 'DefaultComm']: if k in out: out.remove(k) return list(set(out))
[docs]def is_lang_installed(lang): r"""Check to see if cis_interface can run models written in a programming language on the current machine. Args: lang (str): Programming language to check. Returns: bool: True if models in the provided language can be run on the current machine, False otherwise. """ from cis_interface import schema, drivers s = schema.get_schema() drv = drivers.import_driver(s['model'].subtype2class[lang]) return drv.is_installed()
[docs]def is_comm_installed(comm, language=None): r"""Check to see if cis_interface can use a communication mechanism on the current machine. Args: comm (str): Communication mechanism to check. language (str, optional): Specific programming language that communication mechanism should be check for. Defaults to None and all supported languages will be checked. Returns: bool: True if the communication mechanism can be used on the current machine, False otherwise. """ from cis_interface import communication cmm = communication.get_comm_class(comm) return cmm.is_installed(language=language)
[docs]def get_installed_lang(): r"""Get a list of the languages that are supported by cis_interface on the current machine. This checks for the necessary interpreters, licenses, and/or compilers. Returns: list: The name of languages supported on the current machine. """ out = [] all_lang = get_supported_lang() for k in all_lang: if is_lang_installed(k): out.append(k) return out
[docs]def get_installed_comm(language=None): r"""Get a list of the communication channel types that are supported by cis_interface on the current machine. This checks the operating system, supporting libraries, and broker credentials. The order indicates the prefered order of use. Args: language (str, optional): Specific programming language that installed comms should be located for. Defaults to None and all languages supported on the current platform will be checked. Returns: list: The names of the the communication channel types supported on the current machine. """ out = [] all_comm = get_supported_comm() for k in all_comm: if is_comm_installed(k, language=language): out.append(k) # Fix order to denote preference out_sorted = [] for k in ['ZMQComm', 'IPCComm', 'RMQComm']: if k in out: out.remove(k) out_sorted.append(k) out_sorted += out return out_sorted
[docs]def get_default_comm(): r"""Get the default comm that should be used for message passing.""" comm_list = get_installed_comm() if 'CIS_DEFAULT_COMM' in os.environ: _default_comm = os.environ['CIS_DEFAULT_COMM'] if not is_comm_installed(_default_comm, language='any'): # pragma: debug raise Exception('Unsupported default comm %s set by CIS_DEFAULT_COMM' % ( _default_comm)) else: if len(comm_list) > 0: _default_comm = comm_list[0] else: # pragma: windows # Locate comm that maximizes languages that can be run tally = {} for c in get_supported_comm(): tally[c] = 0 for l in get_supported_lang(): if is_comm_installed(c, language=l): tally[c] += 1 _default_comm = max(tally) if tally[_default_comm] == 0: # pragma: debug raise Exception('Could not locate an installed comm.') if _default_comm == 'RMQComm': # pragma: debug raise NotImplementedError('RMQComm cannot be the default comm because ' + 'there is not an RMQ C interface.') return _default_comm
[docs]def get_CIS_MSG_MAX(comm_type=None): r"""Get the maximum message size for a given comm type. Args: comm_type (str, optional): The name of the communication type that the maximum message size should be returned for. Defaults to result of get_default_comm() if not provided. Returns: int: Maximum message size (in bytes). """ if comm_type is None: comm_type = get_default_comm() if comm_type == 'IPCComm': # OS X limit is 2kb out = 1024 * 2 else: out = 2**20 return out
# # how-to-handle-the-signal-in-python-on-windows-machine
[docs]def kill(pid, signum): r"""Kill process by mapping signal number. Args: pid (int): Process ID. signum (int): Signal that should be sent. """ if platform._is_win: # pragma: debug sigmap = {signal.SIGINT: signal.CTRL_C_EVENT, signal.SIGBREAK: signal.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT} if signum in sigmap and pid == os.getpid(): # we don't know if the current process is a # process group leader, so just broadcast # to all processes attached to this console. pid = 0 thread = threading.current_thread() handler = signal.getsignal(signum) # work around the synchronization problem when calling # kill from the main thread. if (((signum in sigmap) and ( == 'MainThread') and callable(handler) and ((pid == os.getpid()) or (pid == 0)))): event = threading.Event() def handler_set_event(signum, frame): event.set() return handler(signum, frame) signal.signal(signum, handler_set_event) try: print("calling interrupt", pid) os.kill(pid, sigmap[signum]) # busy wait because we can't block in the main # thread, else the signal handler can't execute. while not event.is_set(): pass print("after interrupt") finally: signal.signal(signum, handler) print("in finally") else: os.kill(pid, sigmap.get(signum, signum)) else: os.kill(pid, signum)
[docs]def sleep(interval): r"""Sleep for a specified number of seconds. Args: interval (float): Time in seconds that process should sleep. """ if platform._is_win and backwards.PY2: # pragma: windows while True: try: t = time.time() time.sleep(interval) except IOError as e: # pragma: debug import errno if e.errno != errno.EINTR: raise # except InterruptedError: # pragma: debug # import errno # print(e.errno) # print(e) interval -= time.time() - t if interval <= 0: break else: time.sleep(interval)
[docs]def eval_kwarg(x): r"""If x is a string, eval it. Otherwise just return it. Args: x (str, obj): String to be evaluated as an object or an object. Returns: obj: Result of evaluated string or the input object. """ if isinstance(x, str): try: return eval(x) except NameError: return x return x
[docs]class CisPopen(subprocess.Popen): r"""Uses Popen to open a process without a buffer. If not already set, the keyword arguments 'bufsize', 'stdout', and 'stderr' are set to 0, subprocess.PIPE, and subprocess.STDOUT respectively. This sets the output stream to unbuffered and directs both stdout and stderr to the stdout pipe. In addition this class overrides Popen.kill() to allow processes to be killed with CTRL_BREAK_EVENT on windows. Args: args (list, str): Shell command or list of arguments that should be run. forward_signals (bool, optional): If True, flags will be set such that signals received by the spawning process will be forwarded to the child process. If False, the signals will not be forwarded. Defaults to True. **kwargs: Additional keywords arguments are passed to Popen. """ def __init__(self, cmd_args, forward_signals=True, **kwargs): # stdbuf only for linux if platform._is_linux: stdbuf_args = ['stdbuf', '-o0', '-e0'] if isinstance(cmd_args, str): cmd_args = ' '.join(stdbuf_args + [cmd_args]) else: cmd_args = stdbuf_args + cmd_args kwargs.setdefault('bufsize', 0) kwargs.setdefault('stdout', subprocess.PIPE) kwargs.setdefault('stderr', subprocess.STDOUT) if not forward_signals: if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows kwargs.setdefault('preexec_fn', None) kwargs.setdefault('creationflags', subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP) else: kwargs.setdefault('preexec_fn', os.setpgrp) # if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows # kwargs.setdefault('universal_newlines', True) super(CisPopen, self).__init__(cmd_args, **kwargs)
[docs] def kill(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""On windows using CTRL_BREAK_EVENT to kill the process.""" if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows self.send_signal(signal.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT) else: super(CisPopen, self).kill(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]def popen_nobuffer(*args, **kwargs): r"""Uses Popen to open a process without a buffer. If not already set, the keyword arguments 'bufsize', 'stdout', and 'stderr' are set to 0, subprocess.PIPE, and subprocess.STDOUT respectively. This sets the output stream to unbuffered and directs both stdout and stderr to the stdout pipe. Args: args (list, str): Shell command or list of arguments that should be run. forward_signals (bool, optional): If True, flags will be set such that signals received by the spawning process will be forwarded to the child process. If False, the signals will not be forwarded. Defaults to True. **kwargs: Additional keywords arguments are passed to Popen. Returns: CisPopen: Process that was started. """ return CisPopen(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]class TimeOut(object): r"""Class for checking if a period of time has been elapsed. Args: max_time (float, bbol): Maximum period of time that should elapse before 'is_out' returns True. If False, 'is_out' will never return True. Providing 0 indicates that 'is_out' should immediately return True. key (str, optional): Key that was used to register the timeout. Defaults to None. Attributes: max_time (float): Maximum period of time that should elapsed before 'is_out' returns True. start_time (float): Result of time.time() at start. key (str): Key that was used to register the timeout. """ def __init__(self, max_time, key=None): self.max_time = max_time self.start_time = backwards.clock_time() self.key = key @property def elapsed(self): r"""float: Total time that has elapsed since the start.""" return backwards.clock_time() - self.start_time @property def is_out(self): r"""bool: True if there is not any time remaining. False otherwise.""" if self.max_time is False: return False return (self.elapsed > self.max_time)
# def single_use_method(func): # r"""Decorator for marking functions that should only be called once.""" # def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): # if getattr(func, '_single_use_method_called', False): #"METHOD %s ALREADY CALLED" % func) # return # else: # func._single_use_method_called = True # return func(*args, **kwargs) # return wrapper
[docs]class CisClass(logging.LoggerAdapter): r"""Base class for CiS classes. Args: name (str): Class name. uuid (str, optional): Unique ID for this instance. Defaults to None and is assigned. working_dir (str, optional): Working directory. If not provided, the current working directory is used. timeout (float, optional): Maximum time (in seconds) that should be spent waiting on a process. Defaults to 60. sleeptime (float, optional): Time that class should sleep for when sleep is called. Defaults to 0.01. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are assigned to the extra_kwargs dictionary. Attributes: name (str): Class name. uuid (str): Unique ID for this instance. sleeptime (float): Time that class should sleep for when sleep called. longsleep (float): Time that the class will sleep for when waiting for longer tasks to complete (10x longer than sleeptime). timeout (float): Maximum time that should be spent waiting on a process. working_dir (str): Working directory. errors (list): List of errors. extra_kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments that were not parsed. sched_out (obj): Output from the last scheduled task with output. logger (logging.Logger): Logger object for this object. suppress_special_debug (bool): If True, special_debug log messages are suppressed. """ def __init__(self, name=None, uuid=None, working_dir=None, timeout=60.0, sleeptime=0.01, **kwargs): if name is None: name = '' self._name = name if uuid is None: uuid = str(uuid_gen.uuid4()) self.uuid = uuid self.sleeptime = sleeptime self.longsleep = self.sleeptime * 10 self.timeout = timeout self._timeouts = {} # Set defaults if working_dir is None: working_dir = os.getcwd() # Assign things self.working_dir = working_dir self.errors = [] self.extra_kwargs = kwargs self.sched_out = None self.suppress_special_debug = False self._periodic_logs = {} # self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__module__) # self.logger.basicConfig( # format=("%(levelname)s:%(module)s" + # # "(%s)" % + # ".%(funcName)s[%(lineno)d]:%(message)s")) self._old_loglevel = None self._old_encoding = None self.debug_flag = False self._cis_class = str(self.__class__).split("'")[1].split('.')[-1] super(CisClass, self).__init__(logging.getLogger(self.__module__), {}) @property def name(self): r"""str: Name of the class object.""" return self._name @property def cis_class(self): r"""str: Name of the class.""" return self._cis_class
[docs] def debug_log(self): # pragma: debug r"""Turn on debugging.""" self._old_loglevel = cis_cfg.get('debug', 'cis') cis_cfg.set('debug', 'cis', 'DEBUG') cfg_logging()
[docs] def reset_log(self): # pragma: debug r"""Resetting logging to prior value.""" if self._old_loglevel is not None: cis_cfg.set('debug', 'cis', self._old_loglevel) cfg_logging() self._old_loglevel = None
[docs] def pprint(self, obj, block_indent=0, indent_str=' ', **kwargs): r"""Use pprint to represent an object as a string. Args: obj (object): Python object to represent. block_indent (int, optional): Number of indents that should be placed in front of the entire block. Defaults to 0. indent_str (str, optional): String that should be used to indent. Defaults to 4 spaces. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to pprint.pformat. Returns: str: String representation of object using pprint. """ sblock = block_indent * indent_str out = sblock + pprint.pformat(obj, **kwargs).replace('\n', '\n' + sblock) return out
[docs] def as_str(self, obj): r"""Return str version of object if it is not already a string. Args: obj (object): Object that should be turned into a string. Returns: str: String version of provided object. """ if not isinstance(obj, str): obj_str = str(obj) else: obj_str = obj return obj_str
[docs] def process(self, msg, kwargs): r"""Process logging message.""" if _stack_in_log: # pragma: no cover stack = inspect.stack() the_class = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename( stack[2][0].f_globals["__file__"]))[0] the_line = stack[2][2] the_func = stack[2][3] prefix = '%s(%s).%s[%d]' % (the_class,, the_func, the_line) else: prefix = '%s(%s)' % (self.cis_class, new_msg = '%s: %s' % (prefix, self.as_str(msg)) return new_msg, kwargs
[docs] def display(self, msg='', *args, **kwargs): r"""Print a message, no log.""" msg, kwargs = self.process(msg, kwargs) print(msg % args)
[docs] def verbose_debug(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Log a verbose debug level message.""" return self.log(9, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def dummy_log(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Dummy log function that dosn't do anything.""" pass
[docs] def periodic_debug(self, key, period=10): r"""Log that should occur periodically rather than with every call. Arguments: key (str): Key that should be used to identify the debug message. period (int, optional): Period (in number of messages) that messages should be logged at. Defaults to 10. Returns: method: Logging method to be used. """ if key in self._periodic_logs: self._periodic_logs[key] += 1 else: self._periodic_logs[key] = 0 if (self._periodic_logs[key] % period) == 0: return self.debug else: return self.dummy_log
@property def special_debug(self): r"""Log debug level message contingent of supression flag.""" if not self.suppress_special_debug: return self.debug else: return self.dummy_log @property def error(self): r"""Log an error level message.""" self.errors.append('ERROR') return super(CisClass, self).error @property def exception(self): r"""Log an exception level message.""" exc_info = sys.exc_info() if exc_info is not None and exc_info != (None, None, None): self.errors.append('ERROR') return super(CisClass, self).exception else: return self.error
[docs] def print_encoded(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): r"""Print bytes to stdout, encoding if possible. Args: msg (str, bytes): Message to print. *args: Additional arguments are passed to print. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to print. """ return print_encoded(msg, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def printStatus(self): r"""Print the class status."""'%s(%s): state:', self.__module__,
def _task_with_output(self, func, *args, **kwargs): self.sched_out = func(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def sched_task(self, t, func, args=None, kwargs=None, store_output=False): r"""Schedule a task that will be executed after a certain time has elapsed. Args: t (float): Number of seconds that should be waited before task is executed. func (object): Function that should be executed. args (list, optional): Arguments for the provided function. Defaults to []. kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword arguments for the provided function. Defaults to {}. store_output (bool, optional): If True, the output from the scheduled task is stored in self.sched_out. Otherwise, it is not stored. Defaults to False. """ if args is None: args = [] if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} self.sched_out = None if store_output: args = [func] + args func = self._task_with_output tobj = threading.Timer(t, func, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) tobj.start()
[docs] def sleep(self, t=None): r"""Have the class sleep for some period of time. Args: t (float, optional): Time that class should sleep for. If not provided, the attribute 'sleeptime' is used. """ if t is None: t = self.sleeptime sleep(t)
@property def timeout_key(self): # pragma: no cover r"""str: Key identifying calling object and method.""" return self.get_timeout_key()
[docs] def get_timeout_key(self, key_level=0, key_suffix=None): r"""Return a key for a given level in the stack, relative to the function calling get_timeout_key. Args: key_level (int, optional): Positive integer indicating the level of the calling class and function/method that should be used to key the timeout. 0 is the class and function/method that is 2 steps higher in the stack. Higher values use classes and function/methods further up in the stack. Defaults to 0. key_suffix (str, optional): String that should be appended to the end of the generated key. Defaults to None and is ignored. Returns: str: Key identifying calling object and method. """ if _stack_in_timeout: # pragma: debug stack = inspect.stack() fcn = stack[key_level + 2][3] cls = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(stack[key_level + 2][1]))[0] key = '%s(%s).%s.%s' % (cls,, fcn, threading.current_thread().name) else: key = '%s(%s).%s' % (str(self.__class__).split("'")[1],, threading.current_thread().name) if key_suffix is not None: key += key_suffix return key
[docs] def start_timeout(self, t=None, key=None, key_level=0, key_suffix=None): r"""Start a timeout for the calling function/method. Args: t (float, optional): Maximum time that the calling function should wait before timeing out. If not provided, the attribute 'timeout' is used. key (str, optional): Key that should be associated with the timeout that is created. Defaults to None and is set by the calling class and function/method (See `get_timeout_key`). key_level (int, optional): Positive integer indicating the level of the calling class and function/method that should be used to key the timeout. 0 is the class and function/method that called start_timeout. Higher values use classes and function/methods further up in the stack. Defaults to 0. key_suffix (str, optional): String that should be appended to the end of the generated key. Defaults to None and is ignored. Raises: KeyError: If the key already exists. """ if t is None: t = self.timeout if key is None: key = self.get_timeout_key(key_level=key_level, key_suffix=key_suffix) if key in self._timeouts: raise KeyError("Timeout already registered for %s" % key) self._timeouts[key] = TimeOut(t, key=key) return self._timeouts[key]
[docs] def check_timeout(self, key=None, key_level=0): r"""Check timeout for the calling function/method. Args: key (str, optional): Key for timeout that should be checked. Defaults to None and is set by the calling class and function/method (See `timeout_key`). key_level (int, optional): Positive integer indicating the level of the calling class and function/method that should be used to key the timeout. 0 is the class and function/method that called start_timeout. Higher values use classes and function/methods further up in the stack. Defaults to 0. Raises: KeyError: If there is not a timeout registered for the specified key. """ if key is None: key = self.get_timeout_key(key_level=key_level) if key not in self._timeouts: raise KeyError("No timeout registered for %s" % key) t = self._timeouts[key] return t.is_out
[docs] def stop_timeout(self, key=None, key_level=0, key_suffix=None, quiet=False): r"""Stop a timeout for the calling function method. Args: key (str, optional): Key for timeout that should be stopped. Defaults to None and is set by the calling class and function/method (See `timeout_key`). key_level (int, optional): Positive integer indicating the level of the calling class and function/method that should be used to key the timeout. 0 is the class and function/method that called start_timeout. Higher values use classes and function/methods further up in the stack. Defaults to 0. key_suffix (str, optional): String that should be appended to the end of the generated key. Defaults to None and is ignored. quiet (bool, optional): If True, error message on timeout exceeded will be debug log. Defaults to False. Raises: KeyError: If there is not a timeout registered for the specified key. """ if key is None: key = self.get_timeout_key(key_level=key_level, key_suffix=key_suffix) if key not in self._timeouts: raise KeyError("No timeout registered for %s" % key) t = self._timeouts[key] if t.is_out and t.max_time > 0: if quiet: self.debug("Timeout for %s at %5.2f/%5.2f s" % ( key, t.elapsed, t.max_time)) else: self.error("Timeout for %s at %5.2f/%5.2f s" % ( key, t.elapsed, t.max_time)) del self._timeouts[key]
[docs]class CisThread(threading.Thread, CisClass): r"""Thread for CiS that tracks when the thread is started and joined. Attributes: lock (threading.RLock): Lock for accessing the sockets from multiple threads. start_event (threading.Event): Event indicating that the thread was started. terminate_event (threading.Event): Event indicating that the thread should be terminated. The target must exit when this is set. """ def __init__(self, name=None, target=None, args=(), kwargs=None, daemon=False, group=None, **cis_kwargs): global _lock_registry if kwargs is None: kwargs = {} thread_kwargs = dict(name=name, target=target, group=group, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) super(CisThread, self).__init__(**thread_kwargs) CisClass.__init__(self,, **cis_kwargs) self._cis_target = target self._cis_args = args self._cis_kwargs = kwargs self.debug('') self.lock = threading.RLock() self.start_event = threading.Event() self.terminate_event = threading.Event() self.start_flag = False self.terminate_flag = False self._cleanup_called = False self._calling_thread = None if daemon: # pragma: debug self.setDaemon(True) self.daemon = True _thread_registry[] = self _lock_registry[] = self.lock atexit.register(self.atexit) @property def main_terminated(self): r"""bool: True if the main thread has terminated.""" return (not _main_thread.is_alive()) # return (not self._calling_thread.is_alive())
[docs] def set_started_flag(self): r"""Set the started flag for the thread to True.""" # self.start_event.set() self.start_flag = True
[docs] def set_terminated_flag(self): r"""Set the terminated flag for the thread to True.""" # self.terminate_event.set() self.terminate_flag = True
[docs] def unset_started_flag(self): # pragma: debug r"""Set the started flag for the thread to False.""" # self.start_event.clear() self.start_flag = False
[docs] def unset_terminated_flag(self): # pragma: debug r"""Set the terminated flag for the thread to False.""" # self.terminate_event.clear() self.terminated_flag = False
@property def was_started(self): r"""bool: True if the thread was started. False otherwise.""" # return self.start_event.is_set() return self.start_flag @property def was_terminated(self): r"""bool: True if the thread was terminated. False otherwise.""" # return self.terminate_event.is_set() return self.terminate_flag
[docs] def start(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Start thread and print info.""" self.debug('') if not self.was_terminated: self.set_started_flag() self.before_start() super(CisThread, self).start(*args, **kwargs) self._calling_thread = threading.current_thread()
# print("Thread = %s, Called by %s" % (,
[docs] def run(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Continue running until terminate event set.""" self.debug("Starting method") try: super(CisThread, self).run(*args, **kwargs) except BaseException: # pragma: debug self.exception("THREAD ERROR") finally: for k in ['_cis_target', '_cis_args', '_cis_kwargs']: if hasattr(self, k): delattr(self, k)
[docs] def before_start(self): r"""Actions to perform on the main thread before starting the thread.""" self.debug('')
[docs] def cleanup(self): r"""Actions to perform to clean up the thread after it has stopped.""" self._cleanup_called = True
[docs] def wait(self, timeout=None, key=None): r"""Wait until thread finish to return using sleeps rather than blocking. Args: timeout (float, optional): Maximum time that should be waited for the driver to finish. Defaults to None and is infinite. key (str, optional): Key that should be used to register the timeout. Defaults to None and is set based on the stack trace. """ T = self.start_timeout(timeout, key_level=1, key=key) while self.is_alive() and not T.is_out: self.verbose_debug('Waiting for thread to finish...') self.sleep() self.stop_timeout(key_level=1, key=key)
[docs] def terminate(self, no_wait=False): r"""Set the terminate event and wait for the thread to stop. Args: no_wait (bool, optional): If True, terminate will not block until the thread stops. Defaults to False and blocks. Raises: AssertionError: If no_wait is False and the thread has not stopped after the timeout. """ self.debug('') with self.lock: if self.was_terminated: # pragma: debug self.debug('Driver already terminated.') return self.set_terminated_flag() if not no_wait: # if self.is_alive(): # self.join(self.timeout) self.wait(timeout=self.timeout) assert(not self.is_alive())
[docs] def atexit(self): # pragma: debug r"""Actions performed when python exits.""" # self.debug('is_alive = %s', self.is_alive()) if self.is_alive():'Thread alive at exit') if not self._cleanup_called: self.cleanup()
[docs]class CisThreadLoop(CisThread): r"""Thread that will run a loop until the terminate event is called.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(CisThreadLoop, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._1st_main_terminated = False self.break_flag = False self.loop_event = threading.Event() self.loop_flag = False
[docs] def on_main_terminated(self, dont_break=False): # pragma: debug r"""Actions performed when 1st main terminated. Args: dont_break (bool, optional): If True, the break flag won't be set. Defaults to False. """ self._1st_main_terminated = True if not dont_break: self.set_break_flag()
[docs] def set_break_flag(self): r"""Set the break flag for the thread to True.""" self.break_flag = True
[docs] def unset_break_flag(self): # pragma: debug r"""Set the break flag for the thread to False.""" self.break_flag = False
@property def was_break(self): r"""bool: True if the break flag was set.""" return self.break_flag
[docs] def set_loop_flag(self): r"""Set the loop flag for the thread to True.""" # self.loop_event.set() self.loop_flag = True
[docs] def unset_loop_flag(self): # pragma: debug r"""Set the loop flag for the thread to False.""" # self.loop_event.clear() self.loop_flag = False
@property def was_loop(self): r"""bool: True if the thread was loop. False otherwise.""" # return self.loop_event.is_set() return self.loop_flag
[docs] def wait_for_loop(self, timeout=None, key=None): r"""Wait until thread enters loop to return using sleeps rather than blocking. Args: timeout (float, optional): Maximum time that should be waited for the thread to enter loop. Defaults to None and is infinite. key (str, optional): Key that should be used to register the timeout. Defaults to None and is set based on the stack trace. """ T = self.start_timeout(timeout, key_level=1, key=key) while (self.is_alive() and (not self.was_loop) and (not T.is_out)): # pragma: debug self.verbose_debug('Waiting for thread to enter loop...') self.sleep() self.stop_timeout(key_level=1, key=key)
[docs] def before_loop(self): r"""Actions performed before the loop.""" self.debug('')
[docs] def run_loop(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Actions performed on each loop iteration.""" if self._cis_target: self._cis_target(*self._cis_args, **self._cis_kwargs) else: self.set_break_flag()
[docs] def after_loop(self): r"""Actions performed after the loop.""" self.debug('')
[docs] def run(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Continue running until terminate event set.""" self.debug("Starting loop") try: self.before_loop() if (not self.was_break): self.set_loop_flag() while (not self.was_break): if ((self.main_terminated and (not self._1st_main_terminated))): # pragma: debug self.on_main_terminated() else: self.run_loop() self.set_break_flag() except BaseException: # pragma: debug self.exception("THREAD ERROR") self.set_break_flag() finally: for k in ['_cis_target', '_cis_args', '_cis_kwargs']: if hasattr(self, k): delattr(self, k) try: self.after_loop() except BaseException: # pragma: debug self.exception("AFTER LOOP ERROR")
[docs] def terminate(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Also set break flag.""" self.set_break_flag() super(CisThreadLoop, self).terminate(*args, **kwargs)