Source code for cis_interface.timing

import os
import sys
import time
import copy
import json
import yaml
import uuid
import perf
import subprocess
import warnings
import tempfile
import itertools
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import logging
from cis_interface import tools, runner, examples, backwards, platform
from cis_interface import platform as cis_platform
from cis_interface.tests import CisTestBase
from cis_interface.drivers import MatlabModelDriver
import matplotlib as mpl
if os.environ.get('DISPLAY', '') == '':  # pragma: debug
elif cis_platform._is_mac:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt  # noqa: E402
_linewidth = 2
_legend_fontsize = 14
mpl.rc('font', size=18)
_perf_warmups = 0

_lang_list = tools.get_installed_lang()
for k in ['lpy', 'make', 'cmake']:
    if k in _lang_list:
_comm_list = tools.get_installed_comm(language=_lang_list)
if ((len(_lang_list) == 0) or (len(_comm_list) == 0)):  # pragma: debug
    raise Exception("Timings cannot be performed if there is not at least one valid "
                    + "language and one valid communication mechanism. "
                    + "len(valid_languages) = %d, " % len(_lang_list)
                    + "len(valid_comms) = %d " % len(_comm_list))

#  - Use pandas with Seaborn for plotting?
#  - Converting to using sparse benchmark data
#  - Create separate classes for saving/loading benchmarks and running tests
#  - Add functions for overwriting specific entries

[docs]def write_perf_script(script_file, nmsg, msg_size, lang_src, lang_dst, comm_type, nrep=10, max_errors=5, matlab_running=False): r"""Write a script to run perf. Args: script_file (str): Full path to the file where the script should be saved. nmsg (int): The number of messages that should be sent during the run. msg_size (int): The size (in bytes) of the test messages that should be sent during the run. lang_src (str): The language that the source program should be in. lang_dst (str): The language that the destination program should be in. comm_type (str): The type of communication channel that should be used for the test. nrep (int, optional): The number of times the test run should be repeated. Defaults to 3. max_errors (int, optional): Maximum number of errors that should be retried. Defaults to 5. matlab_running (bool, optional): If True, the test will assert that there is an existing Matlab engine before starting, otherwise the test will assert that there is not an existing Matlab engine. Defaults to False. """ lines = [ 'import perf', 'import os', # # 'print("script")', # 'for k, v in os.environ.items():', # ' print("\'%s\': %s" % (k, v))', # 'from cis_interface import timing', 'nrep = %d' % nrep, 'nmsg = %d' % nmsg, 'warmups = %d' % _perf_warmups, 'msg_size = %d' % msg_size, 'max_errors = %d' % max_errors, 'lang_src = "%s"' % lang_src, 'lang_dst = "%s"' % lang_dst, 'comm_type = "%s"' % comm_type, 'matlab_running = %s' % str(matlab_running)] if os.environ.get('TMPDIR', ''): lines += [ 'os.environ["TMPDIR"] = "%s"' % os.environ['TMPDIR']] lines += [ 'timer = timing.TimedRun(lang_src, lang_dst,' ' comm_type=comm_type,' ' matlab_running=matlab_running)', 'runner = perf.Runner(values=1, processes=nrep, warmups=warmups)', 'out = runner.bench_time_func(timer.entry_name(nmsg, msg_size),', ' timing.perf_func,', ' timer, nmsg, msg_size, max_errors)'] assert(not os.path.isfile(script_file)) with open(script_file, 'w') as fd: fd.write('\n'.join(lines))
[docs]def perf_func(loops, timer, nmsg, msg_size, max_errors): r"""Function to do perf loops over function. Args: loops (int): Number of loops to perform. timer (TimedRun): Class with information about the run and methods required for setup/teardown. nmsg (int): Number of messages that should be sent in the test. msg_size (int): Size of messages that should be sent in the test. max_errors (int): Maximum number of errors that should be retried. Returns: float: Time (in seconds) required to perform the test the required number of times. """ ttot = 0 range_it = range(loops) for i in range_it: run_uuid = timer.before_run(nmsg, msg_size) flag = False nerrors = 0 while not flag: try: t0 = perf.perf_counter(), timer=perf.perf_counter) t1 = perf.perf_counter() tdif = t1 - t0 timer.after_run(run_uuid, tdif) ttot += tdif flag = True except AssertionError as e: # pragma: debug nerrors += 1 if nerrors >= max_errors: raise else: warnings.warn("Error %d/%d. Trying again. (error = '%s')" % (nerrors, max_errors, e), RuntimeWarning) return ttot
[docs]def get_source(lang, direction, test_name='timed_pipe'): r"""Get the path to the source file. Args: lang (str): Language that should be returned. direction (str): 'src' or 'dst'. test_name (str, optional): Name of the example. Defaults to 'timed_pipe'. Returns: str: Full path to the source file. """ dir = os.path.join(examples._example_dir, test_name, 'src') out = os.path.join(dir, '%s_%s%s' % (test_name, direction, examples.ext_map[lang])) return out
[docs]class TimedRun(CisTestBase, tools.CisClass): r"""Class to time sending messages from one language to another. Args: lang_src (str): Language that messages should be sent from. lang_dst (str): Language that messages should be sent to. test_name (str, optional): Name of the example. Defaults to 'timed_pipe'. filename (str, optional): Full path to the file where timing statistics will be saved. This can be a perf json or a Python pickle of run data. Defaults to 'scalings_{test_name}_{comm_type}.json' if dont_use_perf is False, otherwise the extension is '.dat'. comm_type (str, optional): Name of communication class that should be used for tests. Defaults to the current default comm class. platform (str, optional): Platform that the test should be run on. If the data doesn't already exist and this doesn't match the current platform, an error will be raised. Defaults to the current platform. python_ver (str, optional): Version of Python that the test should be run with. If the data doesn't already exist and this doesn't match the current version of python, an error will be raised. Defaults to the current version of python. max_errors (int, optional): Maximum number of errors that should be retried. Defaults to 5. matlab_running (bool, optional): If True, the test will assert that there is an existing Matlab engine before starting, otherwise the test will assert that there is not an existing Matlab engine. Defaults to False. dont_use_perf (bool, optional): If True, the timings will be run without using the perf package. Defaults to False. Attributes: lang_src (str): Language that messages should be sent from. lang_dst (str): Language that messages should be sent to. platform (str): Platform that the test is being run on. python_ver (str): Version of Python that the test should be run with. filename (str): Full path to the file where timing statistics will be saved. This can be a perf json or a Python pickle of run data. comm_type (str): Name of communication class that should be used for tests. max_errors (int): Maximum number of errors that should be retried. matlab_running (bool): True if there was a Matlab engine running when the test was created. False otherwise. dont_use_perf (bool): If True, the timings will be run without using the perf package. """ def __init__(self, lang_src, lang_dst, test_name='timed_pipe', filename=None, comm_type=None, platform=None, python_ver=None, max_errors=5, matlab_running=False, dont_use_perf=False, **kwargs): if comm_type is None: comm_type = tools.get_default_comm() if platform is None: platform = cis_platform._platform if python_ver is None: python_ver = backwards._python_version suffix = '%s_%s_py%s' % (test_name, platform, python_ver.replace('.', '')) self.dont_use_perf = dont_use_perf if filename is None: if self.dont_use_perf: filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'scaling_%s.dat' % suffix) else: filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'scaling_%s.json' % suffix) self.matlab_running = matlab_running self.filename = filename self.comm_type = comm_type self.platform = platform self.python_ver = python_ver self.max_errors = max_errors self.program_name = test_name name = '%s_%s_%s' % (test_name, lang_src, lang_dst) tools.CisClass.__init__(self, name) super(TimedRun, self).__init__(skip_unittest=True, **kwargs) self.lang_src = lang_src self.lang_dst = lang_dst self._data = None self.reload() self.fyaml = dict() self.foutput = dict() self.entries = dict() @property def data(self): r"""dict or perf.BenchmarkSuite: Timing statistics data.""" return self._data
[docs] def can_run(self, raise_error=False): r"""Determine if the test can be run from the current platform and python version. Args: raise_error (bool, optional): If True, an error will be raised if the test cannot be completed from the current platform. Defaults to False. Returns: bool: True if the test can be run, False otherwise. """ out = ((self.platform.lower() == cis_platform._platform.lower()) and (self.python_ver == backwards._python_version) and (self.matlab_running == MatlabModelDriver.is_matlab_running()) and (self.lang_src in _lang_list) and (self.lang_dst in _lang_list) and (self.comm_type in _comm_list)) if (not out) and raise_error: msg = ['Cannot run test with parameters:', '\tOperating System: %s' % self.platform, '\tPython Version: %s' % self.python_ver, '\tMatlab Running: %s' % self.matlab_running, 'Because one or more platform properties are incompatible:', '\tOperating System: %s' % cis_platform._platform, '\tPython Version: %s' % backwards._python_version, '\tMatlab Running: %s' % MatlabModelDriver.is_matlab_running()] raise RuntimeError('\n'.join(msg)) return out
[docs] def entry_name(self, nmsg, msg_size): r"""Get a unique identifier for a run. Args: nmsg (int): Number of messages that should be sent. msg_size (int): Size of each message that should be sent. """ out = '%s(%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,%d,%d)' % (self.program_name, self.platform, self.python_ver, self.comm_type, self.lang_src, self.lang_dst, nmsg, msg_size) if ((self.matlab_running and ('matlab' in [self.lang_src, self.lang_dst]))): # pragma: matlab out += '-MLStarted' return out
@property def max_msg_size(self): r"""int: Largest size of message that can be sent without being split.""" return tools.get_CIS_MSG_MAX(comm_type=self.comm_type) @property def default_msg_size(self): r"""list: Default message sizes for scaling tests. This will vary depending on the comm type so that the maximum size is not more than 10x larger than the maximum message size.""" if self.comm_type.startswith('IPC'): msg_size = [1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 5e4, 1e5] else: msg_size = [1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 5e6, 1e7] return msg_size @property def default_msg_count(self): r"""list: Default message count for scaling tests.""" return [5, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100] @property def base_msg_size(self): r"""int: Message size to use for tests varrying message count.""" return 1000 @property def base_msg_count(self): r"""int: Message count to use for tests varrying message size.""" return 5 @property def time_per_byte(self): return self.fit_scaling_size()[0] @property def time_per_message(self): r"""float: Time required to send a single message of 1000 bytes.""" return self.fit_scaling_count()[0] @property def startup_time(self): r"""float: Time required to set up communications and start models.""" return self.fit_scaling_count()[1] # @property # def description_prefix(self): # r"""Prefix message with test name.""" # return @property def tempdir(self): r"""str: Temporary directory.""" return tempfile.gettempdir() @property def output_file_format(self): r"""str: Full path to the output file created by the run.""" return os.path.join(self.tempdir, 'output_%s.txt')
[docs] def get_new_uuid(self): r"""Get a new unique ID. Returns: str: Unique identifier. """ return str(uuid.uuid4())
[docs] def output_content(self, nmsg, msg_size): r"""Get the result that should be output to file during the run. Args: nmsg: The number of messages that will be sent. msg_sizze: The size of the the messages that will be sent. Returns: str: The contents expected in the file. """ siz = nmsg * msg_size return '0' * siz
[docs] def check_output(self, fout, nmsg, msg_size): r"""Assert that the output file contains the expected result. Args: fout (str): The file that should be checked. nmsg (int): The number of messages that will be sent. msg_sizze (int): The size of the the messages that will be sent. """ fres = self.output_content(nmsg, msg_size) self.check_file(fout, fres)
[docs] def cleanup_output(self, fout): r"""Cleanup the output file. Args: fout (str): The file to be cleaned up. """ if os.path.isfile(fout): os.remove(fout)
@property def source_src(self): r"""str: Source file for language messages will be sent from.""" return get_source(self.lang_src, 'src', test_name=self.program_name) @property def source_dst(self): r"""str: Source file for language messages will be sent to.""" return get_source(self.lang_dst, 'dst', test_name=self.program_name) @property def yamlfile_format(self): r"""str: Format string for creating a yaml file.""" path = os.path.join(self.tempdir, '%s.yml') return path @property def perfscript(self): r"""str: Format string for creating a perf script.""" return os.path.join(self.tempdir, '')
[docs] def make_yamlfile(self, path): r"""Create a YAML file for running the test. Args: path (str): Full path to file where the YAML should be saved. """ out = {'models': [self.get_yaml_src(self.lang_src), self.get_yaml_dst(self.lang_dst)]} lines = yaml.dump(out, default_flow_style=False) with open(path, 'w') as fd: fd.write(lines)
[docs] def get_yaml_src(self, lang): r"""Get the yaml entry for the source model. Args: lang (str): Language for the source model. """ out = {'name': 'timed_pipe_src', 'language': lang, 'args': [os.path.join('.', self.source_src), "{{PIPE_MSG_COUNT}}", "{{PIPE_MSG_SIZE}}"], 'outputs': {'name': 'output_pipe', 'driver': 'OutputDriver', 'args': 'timed_pipe'}} return out
[docs] def get_yaml_dst(self, lang): r"""Get the yaml entry for the destination model. Args: lang (str): Language for the destination model. """ out = {'name': 'timed_pipe_dst', 'language': lang, 'args': os.path.join('.', self.source_dst), 'inputs': {'name': 'input_pipe', 'driver': 'InputDriver', 'args': 'timed_pipe'}, 'outputs': {'name': 'output_file', 'driver': 'AsciiFileOutputDriver', 'args': "{{PIPE_OUT_FILE}}", 'in_temp': True}} return out
[docs] def before_run(self, nmsg, msg_size): r"""Actions that should be performed before a run. Args: nmsg (int): Number of messages that should be sent. msg_size (int): Size of each message that should be sent. Returns: str: Unique identifier for the run. """ assert(self.matlab_running == MatlabModelDriver.is_matlab_running()) nmsg = int(nmsg) msg_size = int(msg_size) run_uuid = self.get_new_uuid() self.entries[run_uuid] = (nmsg, msg_size) self.fyaml[run_uuid] = self.yamlfile_format % run_uuid self.foutput[run_uuid] = self.output_file_format % run_uuid if os.path.isfile(self.fyaml[run_uuid]): # pragma: debug os.remove(self.fyaml[run_uuid]) self.make_yamlfile(self.fyaml[run_uuid]) env = {'PIPE_MSG_COUNT': str(nmsg), 'PIPE_MSG_SIZE': str(msg_size), 'PIPE_OUT_FILE': self.foutput[run_uuid]} os.environ.update(env) # self.debug_log() self.set_default_comm(self.comm_type) self.cleanup_output(self.foutput[run_uuid])"Starting %s...", self.entry_name(nmsg, msg_size)) return run_uuid
[docs] def after_run(self, run_uuid, result): r"""Actions that should be performed after a run. Args: nmsg (int): Number of messages that were sent. msg_size (int): Size of each message that were sent. result (float): Time required (in seconds) to execute the program. """ nmsg, msg_size = self.entries[run_uuid] fout = self.foutput[run_uuid]"Finished %s: %f s", self.entry_name(nmsg, msg_size), result) self.check_output(fout, nmsg, msg_size) self.cleanup_output(fout) self.reset_log() self.reset_default_comm() assert(self.matlab_running == MatlabModelDriver.is_matlab_running()) del self.entries[run_uuid], self.fyaml[run_uuid], self.foutput[run_uuid]
[docs] def run(self, run_uuid, timer=time.time, t0=None): r"""Run test sending a set of messages between the designated models. Args: run_uuid (str): Unique ID for the run. timer (function, optional): Function that should be called to get intermediate timing statistics. Defaults to time.time if not provided. t0 (float, optional): Zero point for timing statistics. Is set using the provided timer if not provided. Returns: dict: Intermediate times from the run. """ if t0 is None: t0 = timer() r = runner.get_runner(self.fyaml[run_uuid], + run_uuid) times =, t0=t0) assert(not r.error_flag) return times
[docs] def time_run(self, nmsg, msg_size, nrep=10, overwrite=False): r"""Time sending a set of messages between the designated models. Args: nmsg (int): Number of messages that should be sent. msg_size (int): Size of each message that should be sent. nrep (int, optional): Number of times the test should be repeated to get an average execution time and standard deviation. Defaults to 10. overwrite (bool, optional): If True, any existing entry for this run will be overwritten. Defaults to False. Returns: tuple: Best of, average and standard deviation in the time (in seconds) required to execute the program. """ entry_name = self.entry_name(nmsg, msg_size) if overwrite: self.remove_entry(entry_name) reps = self.get_entry(entry_name) nrep_remain = nrep - len(reps) # Only run if there are not enough existing reps to get stat if nrep_remain > 0: self.can_run(raise_error=True) if self.dont_use_perf: self.time_run_mine(nmsg, msg_size, nrep_remain) else: self.time_run_perf(nmsg, msg_size, nrep_remain) # Reload after new runs have been added self.reload() reps = self.get_entry(entry_name) # Calculate variables if len(reps) < 2: ret = (np.min(reps), np.mean(reps), 0.0) else: ret = (np.min(reps), np.mean(reps), np.std(reps)) # #"Result for %s: %f +/- %f (%d runs)", entry_name, ret[1], ret[2], len(reps)) return ret
[docs] def time_run_perf(self, nmsg, msg_size, nrep): r"""Time sending a set of messages between the designated models using the perf package. Args: nmsg (int): Number of messages that should be sent. msg_size (int): Size of each message that should be sent. nrep (int): Number of times the test should be repeated. These reps will be appended to the existing reps for this entry. """ write_perf_script(self.perfscript, nmsg, msg_size, self.lang_src, self.lang_dst, self.comm_type, nrep=nrep, matlab_running=self.matlab_running, max_errors=self.max_errors) copy_env = ['TMPDIR'] if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows copy_env += ['HOMEPATH', 'NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS', 'INCLUDE', 'LIB', 'LIBPATH'] cmd = [sys.executable, self.perfscript, '--append=' + self.filename, '--inherit-environ=' + ','.join(copy_env), '--warmups=%d' % _perf_warmups] assert(os.path.isfile(self.filename)) os.remove(self.perfscript)
[docs] def time_run_mine(self, nmsg, msg_size, nrep): r"""Time sending a set of messages between the designated models without using the perf package. Args: nmsg (int): Number of messages that should be sent. msg_size (int): Size of each message that should be sent. nrep (int): Number of times the test should be repeated. These reps will be appended to the existing reps for this entry. """ entry_name = self.entry_name(nmsg, msg_size) old_reps = self.get_entry(entry_name) new_reps = [] for i in range(nrep): run_uuid = self.before_run(nmsg, msg_size) t0 = time.time(), timer=time.time) t1 = time.time() new_reps.append(t1 - t0) self.after_run(run_uuid, new_reps[-1]) if is None: self._data = dict() self._data[entry_name] = tuple(list(old_reps) + list(new_reps)), overwrite=True)
[docs] @classmethod def class_plot(cls, lang_src='python', lang_dst='python', **kwargs): """Create the class for a given combo of languages and comm types, then call plot_scaling_joint. Args: lang_src (str, optional): Language that messages should be sent from. Defaults to 'python'. lang_dst (str, optional): Language that messages should be sent to. Defaults to 'python'. **kwargs: Additional keywords are passed to either the class constructor or plot_scaling_joint as appropriate. Returns: tuple(matplotlib.Axes, matplotlib.Axes): Pair of axes containing the plotted scalings and the fit. """ cls_kwargs_keys = ['test_name', 'filename', 'matlab_running', 'comm_type', 'platform', 'python_ver', 'dont_use_perf', 'max_errors'] cls_kwargs = {} for k in cls_kwargs_keys: if k in kwargs: cls_kwargs[k] = kwargs.pop(k) x = TimedRun(lang_src, lang_dst, **cls_kwargs) axs, fit = x.plot_scaling_joint(**kwargs) return axs, fit
[docs] def plot_scaling_joint(self, msg_size0=None, msg_count0=None, msg_size=None, msg_count=None, axs=None, **kwargs): r"""Plot scaling of run time with both count and size, side by side. Anywhere data is exchanged as a tuple for each plot, the plot of scaling with count is first and the scaling with size is second. Args: msg_size0 (int, optional): Size of messages to use for count scaling. Defaults to self.base_msg_size. msg_count0 (int, optional): Number of messages to use for size scaling. Defaults to self.base_msg_count. msg_size (list, np.ndarray, optional): List of message sizes to use as x variable on the size scaling plot. Defaults to self.default_msg_size. msg_count (list, np.ndarray, optional)): List of message counts to use as x variable on the count scaling plot. Defaults to self.default_msg_count. axs (tuple, optional): Pair of axes objects that lines should be added to. If not provided, they are created. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to plot_scaling. Returns: tuple(matplotlib.Axes, matplotlib.Axes): Pair of axes containing the plotted scalings and the fit. """ if msg_size0 is None: msg_size0 = self.base_msg_size if msg_count0 is None: msg_count0 = self.base_msg_count if msg_size is None: msg_size = self.default_msg_size if msg_count is None: msg_count = self.default_msg_count if axs is None: figure_size = (15.0, 6.0) figure_buff = 0.75 fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=figure_size, sharey=True) axs[0].set_xlabel('Message Count (size = %d)' % msg_size0) axs[0].set_ylabel('Time (s)') if kwargs.get('per_message', False): axs[0].set_ylabel('Time per Message (s)') axs[1].set_xlabel('Message Size (count = %d)' % msg_count0) axs_wbuffer = figure_buff / figure_size[0] axs_hbuffer = figure_buff / figure_size[1] axs_width = (1.0 - (3.0 * axs_wbuffer)) / 2.0 axs_height = 1.0 - (2.0 * axs_hbuffer) pos1 = [axs_wbuffer, axs_hbuffer, axs_width, axs_height] pos2 = [2.0 * axs_wbuffer + axs_width, axs_hbuffer, axs_width, axs_height] axs[0].set_position(pos1) axs[1].set_position(pos2) self.plot_scaling(msg_size0, msg_count, axs=axs[0], **kwargs) self.plot_scaling(msg_size, msg_count0, axs=axs[1], **kwargs) # Get slopes fit = self.fit_scaling_count(msg_size=msg_size0, counts=msg_count)'fit: slope = %f, intercept = %f', fit[0], fit[1]) # m, b = self.fit_scaling_size() # xname = 'size' #'%s: slope = %f, intercept = %f', xname, m, b) # Legend axs[1].legend(loc='upper left', ncol=2, fontsize=_legend_fontsize) return axs, fit
[docs] def plot_scaling(self, msg_size, msg_count, axs=None, label=None, xscale=None, yscale='linear', plot_kws={}, time_method='average', per_message=False, **kwargs): r"""Plot scaling of run time with a variable. Args: msg_size (int, list, np.ndarray): List of message sizes to use as x variable, or message size to use when plotting dependent on message count. msg_count (int, list, np.ndarray): List of message counts to use as x variable, or message count to use when plotting dependent on message size. axs (matplotlib.Axes, optional): Axes object that line should be added to. If not provided, one is created. label (str, optional): Label that should be used for the line. Defaults to None. xscale (str, optional): 'log' or 'linear' to indicate what scale the x axis should use. Defaults to 'linear'. yscale (str, optional): 'log' or 'linear' to indicate what scale the y axis should use. Defaults to 'linear'. plot_kws (dict, optional): Ploting keywords that should be passed. Defaults to {}. time_method (str, optional): Timing method that should be used. Valid values include 'bestof' and 'average'. Defaults to 'average'. per_message (bool, optional): If True, the time per message is returned rather than the total time. Defaults to False. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to scaling_size or scaling_count. Returns: matplotlib.Axes: Axes containing the plotted scaling. """ if isinstance(msg_size, list): msg_size = np.array(msg_size) if isinstance(msg_count, list): msg_count = np.array(msg_count) # Get data if isinstance(msg_size, np.ndarray) and isinstance(msg_count, np.ndarray): raise RuntimeError("Arrays provided for both msg_size & msg_count.") elif isinstance(msg_size, np.ndarray): xname = 'size' x, mbo, avg, std = self.scaling_size(msg_count, sizes=msg_size, per_message=per_message, **kwargs) elif isinstance(msg_count, np.ndarray): xname = 'count' x, mbo, avg, std = self.scaling_count(msg_size, counts=msg_count, per_message=per_message, **kwargs) else: raise RuntimeError("Array not provided for msg_size or msg_count.") # Parse input values if xscale is None: if xname == 'size': xscale = 'log' else: xscale = 'linear' if time_method == 'bestof': y = mbo yerr = None elif time_method == 'average': y = avg yerr = std else: raise ValueError("Invalid time_method: '%s'" % time_method) # Ensure everything in array format if isinstance(x, list): x = np.array(x) if isinstance(y, list): y = np.array(y) if isinstance(yerr, list): yerr = np.array(yerr) # Create axes if not provded if axs is None: fig, axs = plt.subplots() axs.set_xlabel(xname) axs.set_ylabel('Time (s)') if per_message: axs.set_ylabel('Time per Message (s)') # Set axes scales if xscale == 'log': axs.set_xscale('log') if yscale == 'log': axs.set_yscale('log') # Plot if yerr is not None: # Convert yscale to prevent negative values for log y if yscale == 'log': ylower = y - yerr ylower[ylower <= 0] = 1.0e-6 # ylower = np.maximum(1e-6, y - yerr) yerr_lower = y - ylower yerr_upper = yerr else: yerr_lower = yerr yerr_upper = yerr axs.plot(x, y, label=label, **plot_kws) plot_kws_fill = copy.deepcopy(plot_kws) plot_kws_fill['linewidth'] = 0 plot_kws_fill['alpha'] = 0.2 axs.fill_between(x, y - yerr_lower, y + yerr_upper, **plot_kws_fill) # axs.errorbar(x, y, yerr=[yerr_lower, yerr_upper], # label=label, **plot_kws) else: axs.plot(x, y, label=label, **plot_kws) return axs
[docs] def fit_scaling_count(self, msg_size=None, counts=None, **kwargs): r"""Do a linear fit to the scaling of execution time with message count. Args: msg_size (int, optional): Size of each message that should be sent. Defaults to self.base_msg_size. counts (list, optional): List of counts to test. Defaults to self.default_msg_count if not provided. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to scaling_count. Returns: tuple: The slope and intercept of the linear fit. """ if msg_size is None: msg_size = self.base_msg_size if counts is None: counts = self.default_msg_count out = self.scaling_count(msg_size, counts=counts, **kwargs) x = out[0] y = out[2] return np.polyfit(x, y, 1)
[docs] def fit_scaling_size(self, msg_count=None, sizes=None, **kwargs): r"""Do a linear fit to the scaling of execution time with message count. Args: msg_count (int, optional): Number of messages that should be sent for each size. Defaults to self.base_msg_count. sizes (list, optional): List of sizes to test. Defaults to self.default_msg_size if not provided. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to scaling_size. Returns: tuple: The slope and intercept of the linear fit. """ if msg_count is None: msg_count = self.base_msg_count if sizes is None: sizes = self.default_msg_size[:-2] max_size = self.max_msg_size sizes_limit = [] for s in sizes: if s < max_size: sizes_limit.append(s) out = self.scaling_size(msg_count, sizes=sizes_limit, **kwargs) x = out[0] y = out[2] return np.polyfit(x, y, 1)
[docs] def scaling_count(self, msg_size, counts=None, min_count=1, max_count=100, nsamples=10, scaling='linear', per_message=False, **kwargs): r"""Get scaling of run time with message count. Args: msg_size (int): Size of each message that should be sent. counts (list, optional): List of counts to test. Defaults to None and a list is created based on the other keyword arguments. min_count (int, optional): Minimum message count that should be timed. Defaults to 1. This is ignored if 'counts' is provided. max_count (int, optional): Maximum message count that should be timed. Defaults to 100. This is ignored if 'counts' is provided. nsamples (int, optional): Number of samples that should be done between 'min_count' and 'max_count'. Defaults to 10. This is ignored if 'counts' is provided. scaling (str, optional): Scaling for sampling of message counts between 'min_count' and 'max_count'. Defaults to 'linear'. This is ignored if 'counts' is provided. per_message (bool, optional): If True, the time per message is returned rather than the total time. Defaults to False. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to time_run. Returns: tuple: Lists of counts timed, minimum execution time, average execution times, and standard deviations. """ if counts is None: if scaling == 'linear': counts = np.linspace(min_count, max_count, nsamples, dtype='int64') elif scaling == 'log': counts = np.logspace(np.log10(min_count), np.log10(max_count), nsamples, dtype='int64') else: raise ValueError("Scaling must be 'linear' or 'log'.") mbo = [] avg = [] std = [] for c in counts: imin, iavg, istd = self.time_run(c, msg_size, **kwargs) mbo.append(imin) avg.append(iavg) std.append(istd) if per_message: t0 = self.startup_time for i, c in enumerate(counts): mbo[i] = (mbo[i] - t0) / c avg[i] = (avg[i] - t0) / c return (list(counts), mbo, avg, std)
[docs] def scaling_size(self, nmsg, sizes=None, min_size=1, max_size=1e7, nsamples=10, scaling='log', per_message=False, **kwargs): r"""Get scaling of run time with message size. Args: nmsg (int): Number of messages that should be sent. sizes (list, optional): List of sizes to test. Defaults to None and a list is created based on the other keyword arguments. min_size (int, optional): Minimum message size that should be timed. Defaults to 1. This is ignored if 'sizes' is provided. max_size (int, optional): Maximum message size that should be timed. Defaults to 1e7. This is ignored if 'sizes' is provided. nsamples (int, optional): Number of samples that should be done between 'min_size' and 'max_size'. Defaults to 10. This is ignored if 'sizes' is provided. scaling (str, optional): Scaling for sampling of message sizes between 'min_size' and 'max_size'. Defaults to 'linear'. This is ignored if 'sizes' is provided. per_message (bool, optional): If True, the time per message is returned rather than the total time. Defaults to False. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to time_run. Returns: tuple: Lists of sizes timed, minimum execution times, average execution times, and standard deviations. """ if sizes is None: if scaling == 'linear': sizes = np.linspace(min_size, max_size, nsamples, dtype='int64') elif scaling == 'log': sizes = np.logspace(np.log10(min_size), np.log10(max_size), nsamples, dtype='int64') else: raise ValueError("Scaling must be 'linear' or 'log'.") mbo = [] avg = [] std = [] for s in sizes: imin, iavg, istd = self.time_run(nmsg, s, **kwargs) mbo.append(imin) avg.append(iavg) std.append(istd) if per_message: t0 = self.startup_time for i, s in enumerate(sizes): mbo[i] = (mbo[i] - t0) / nmsg avg[i] = (avg[i] - t0) / nmsg return (list(sizes), mbo, avg, std)
[docs] def get_entry(self, name): r"""Get values for an entry. Args: name (str): Name of the entry to return. """ out = tuple() if self.has_entry(name): if self.dont_use_perf: out =[name] else: out = return out
[docs] def has_entry(self, name): r"""Check to see if there is an entry with the provided name. Args: name (str): Name of the entry to check for. """ out = False if is not None: if self.dont_use_perf: out = (name in else: out = (name in return out
[docs] def remove_entry(self, name): r"""Remove all runs associated with an entry. Args: name (str): Name of the entry to be removed. """ if not self.has_entry(name): return if self.dont_use_perf: data_out = copy.deepcopy( del data_out[name] else: data_out = copy.deepcopy( data_bench = data_out.get_benchmark(name) ibench = None for i, this_bench in enumerate(data_out): if this_bench == data_bench: ibench = i break if ibench is None: # pragma: debug raise Exception("Could not find run '%s'" % name) del data_out._benchmarks[ibench] if len(data_out) == 0: data_out = None if os.path.isfile(self.filename): os.remove(self.filename) # Save, overwrite=True) # Reload self.reload()
[docs] def reload(self): r"""Reload scalings data and store it in the data attribute.""" self._data = self.load()
[docs] def load(self, as_json=False): r"""Load scalings data from a perf BenchmarkSuite json file or a Python pickle. Args: as_json (bool, optional): If True and self.dont_use_perf is False, the perf BenchmarkSuite data will be loaded as a dictionary from the json. Defaults to False. Returns: perf.BenchmarkSuite or dict: Loaded scalings data. None is returned if the file does not exit. """ if not os.path.isfile(self.filename): return None if self.dont_use_perf: with open(self.filename, 'rb') as fd: if backwards.PY2: # pragma: Python 2 out = backwards.pickle.load(fd) else: # pragma: Python 3 out = backwards.pickle.load(fd, encoding='latin1') else: assert(self.filename.endswith('.json')) if as_json: with open(self.filename, 'r') as fd: out = json.load(fd) else: out = perf.BenchmarkSuite.load(self.filename) return out
[docs] def save(self, data, overwrite=False): r"""Save scalings data to a new perf BenchmarkSuite json file or a Python pickle. If the file exists and overwrite is not set, an error will be raised. No file is written if data is None. Args: data (perf.BenchmarkSuite or dict): Data to be saved. overwrite (bool, optional): If True, any existing file will be overwritten. Defaults to False. Raises: RuntimeError: If the file already exists and overwrite is False. """ if os.path.isfile(self.filename) and (not overwrite): raise RuntimeError("'%s' exists" % self.filename) if data is not None: if self.dont_use_perf: with open(self.filename, 'wb') as fd: backwards.pickle.dump(data, fd) else: if isinstance(data, perf.BenchmarkSuite): data.dump(self.filename, replace=overwrite) else: with open(self.filename, 'w') as fd: json.dump(data, fd, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ':')) fd.write("\n")
[docs]def plot_scalings(compare='comm_type', compare_values=None, plotfile=None, test_name='timed_pipe', cleanup_plot=False, use_paper_values=False, **kwargs): r"""Plot comparison of scaling for chosen variable. Args: compare (str, optional): Name of variable that should be compared. Valid values are 'language', 'comm_type', 'platform', 'python_ver'. Defaults to 'comm_type'. compare_values (list, optional): Values that should be plotted. If not provided, the values will be determined based on the current platform. plotfile (str, optional): Full path to the file where the plot will be saved. If not provided, one is created based on the test parameters in the current working directory. test_name (str, optional): Name of the test that should be used. Defaults to 'timed_pipe'. cleanup_plot (bool, optional): If True, the create plotfile will be removed before the function returns. This is generally only useful for testing. Defaults to False. use_paper_values (bool, optional): If True, use the values from the paper. Defaults to False. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to plot_scaling_joint. Returns: str: Path where the figure was saved. """ if use_paper_values: default_vars = {'comm_type': 'ZMQComm', 'lang_src': 'python', 'lang_dst': 'python', 'platform': 'Linux', 'python_ver': '2.7'} default_vals = {'comm_type': ['ZMQComm', 'IPCComm'], 'language': ['c', 'cpp', 'python'], 'platform': ['Linux', 'MacOS', 'Windows'], 'python_ver': ['2.7', '3.5']} if kwargs.get('platform', default_vars['platform']) == 'MacOS': default_vals['language'].append('matlab') else: default_vars = {'comm_type': tools.get_default_comm(), 'lang_src': 'python', 'lang_dst': 'python', 'platform': cis_platform._platform, 'python_ver': backwards._python_version} default_vals = {'comm_type': _comm_list, 'language': _lang_list, 'platform': ['Linux', 'MacOS', 'Windows'], 'python_ver': ['2.7', '3.5']} if compare_values is None: compare_values = default_vals.get(compare, None) else: assert(isinstance(compare_values, list)) per_message = kwargs.get('per_message', False) if compare == 'comm_type': color_var = 'comm_type' color_map = {'ZMQComm': 'b', 'IPCComm': 'r', 'RMQComm': 'g'} style_var = 'comm_type' style_map = {'ZMQComm': '-', 'IPCComm': '--', 'RMQComm': ':'} var_list = compare_values var_kws = [{color_var: k} for k in var_list] kws2label = lambda x: x['comm_type'].split('Comm')[0] # noqa: E731 yscale = 'linear' elif compare == 'language': color_var = 'lang_src' color_map = {'python': 'b', 'matlab': 'm', 'c': 'g', 'cpp': 'r'} style_var = 'lang_dst' style_map = {'python': '-', 'matlab': '-.', 'c': '--', 'cpp': ':'} var_list = itertools.product(compare_values, repeat=2) var_kws = [{'lang_src': l1, 'lang_dst': l2} for l1, l2 in var_list] if 'matlab' in compare_values: # pragma: matlab var_kws.append({'lang_src': 'matlab', 'lang_dst': 'matlab', 'matlab_running': True}) kws2label = lambda x: '%s to %s' % (x['lang_src'], x['lang_dst']) # noqa: E731 yscale = 'linear' # was log originally elif compare == 'platform': color_var = 'platform' color_map = {'Linux': 'b', 'Windows': 'r', 'MacOS': 'g'} style_var = None style_map = None var_list = compare_values var_kws = [{color_var: k} for k in var_list] kws2label = lambda x: x[color_var] # noqa: E731 yscale = 'linear' elif compare == 'python_ver': color_var = 'python_ver' color_map = {'2.7': 'b', '3.4': 'g', '3.5': 'orange', '3.6': 'r', '3.7': 'm'} style_var = 'lang_src' style_map = {'python': '-', 'matlab': '-.', 'c': '--', 'cpp': ':'} var_list = compare_values var_kws = [{color_var: k} for k in var_list] if 'c' in _lang_list: for k in var_list: var_kws.append({color_var: k, 'lang_src': 'c', 'lang_dst': 'c'}) kws2label = lambda x: '%s (%s)' % (x[color_var], x[style_var]) # noqa: E731 yscale = 'linear' else: raise ValueError("Invalid compare: '%s'" % compare) assert(len(var_kws) > 0) # Raise error if any of the varied keys are set in kwargs for k in var_kws[0].keys(): if k in kwargs: raise RuntimeError("Cannot set variable '%s' when comparing '%s' " % ( k, compare)) # Create plotfile name with information in it if plotfile is None: plotbase = 'compare_%s_%s' % (test_name, compare.replace('_', '')) for k in sorted(default_vars.keys()): v = kwargs.get(k, default_vars[k]) if k not in var_kws[0]: plotbase += '_%s' % v.replace('.', '') plotbase += '_%s' % kwargs.get('time_method', 'average') if per_message: plotbase += '_per_message' plotfile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), plotbase + '.png') # Iterate over variables axs = None fits = {} for kws in var_kws: for k, v in default_vars.items(): if k not in kws: kws[k] = v label = kws2label(kws) clr = 'b' sty = '-' if color_map is not None: clr = color_map[kws[color_var]] if style_map is not None: sty = style_map[kws[style_var]] plot_kws = {'color': clr, 'linestyle': sty, 'linewidth': _linewidth} kws.update(kwargs) if MatlabModelDriver.is_matlab_running(): # pragma: debug MatlabModelDriver.kill_all() assert(not MatlabModelDriver.is_matlab_running()) if ((kws.get('matlab_running', False) and MatlabModelDriver._matlab_installed)): # pragma: matlab nml = 0 for k in ['lang_src', 'lang_dst']: if kws[k] == 'matlab': nml += 1 ml_sessions = [] for i in range(nml): ml_sessions.append(MatlabModelDriver.start_matlab()) label += ' (Existing)' plot_kws['color'] = 'orange' axs, fit = TimedRun.class_plot(test_name=test_name, axs=axs, label=label, yscale=yscale, plot_kws=plot_kws, **kws) fits[label] = fit if ((kws.get('matlab_running', False) and MatlabModelDriver._matlab_installed)): # pragma: matlab for v in ml_sessions: MatlabModelDriver.stop_matlab(*v) assert(not MatlabModelDriver.is_matlab_running()) # Print a table print('%-20s\t%-20s\t%-20s' % ('Label', 'Time per Message (s)', 'Overhead (s)')) print('%-20s\t%-20s\t%-20s' % (20 * '=', 20 * '=', 20 * '=')) fmt_row = '%-20s\t%-20.5f\t%-20.5f' for k in sorted(fits.keys()): v = fits[k] print(fmt_row % (k, v[0], v[1])) # Save plot plt.savefig(plotfile)'plotfile: %s', plotfile) if cleanup_plot: os.remove(plotfile) return plotfile
[docs]def perfjson_to_pandas(json_file): r"""Convert perf benchmarks json file to a Pandas data frame. Args: json_file (str): Full path to the JSON benchmarks file that should be added. Returns: pandas.DataFrame: Data frame version of perf benchmarks. """ # Load benchmarks x_js = perf.BenchmarkSuite.load(json_file) meta = copy.deepcopy(x_js.get_metadata()) data = None # Loop over keys for k in x_js.get_benchmark_names(): meta['test_name'], rem = k.split('(') test_keys = rem.split(')')[0].split(',') meta['communication_type'] = test_keys[2] meta['language_src'] = test_keys[3] meta['language_dst'] = test_keys[4] meta['message_count'] = int(float(test_keys[5])) meta['message_size'] = int(float(test_keys[6])) for v in x_js.get_benchmark(k).get_values(): meta['execution_time'] = v if data is None: data = {mk: [mv] for mk, mv in meta.items()} else: for mk, mv in meta.items(): data[mk].append(mv) x_pd = pd.DataFrame(data) return x_pd