Source code for cis_interface.tests.test_yamlfile

import tempfile
import os
from jsonschema.exceptions import ValidationError
from cis_interface import yamlfile
from cis_interface.tests import CisTestClass, assert_raises, long_running
_yaml_env = 'TEST_YAML_FILE'

[docs]def direct_translate(msg): # pragma: no cover r"""Test translator that just returns passed message.""" return msg
[docs]def test_load_yaml_error(): r"""Test error on loading invalid file.""" assert_raises(IOError, yamlfile.load_yaml, 'invalid')
[docs]def test_parse_component_error(): r"""Test errors in parse_component.""" assert_raises(TypeError, yamlfile.parse_component, 1, 'invalid', 'invalid') assert_raises(ValueError, yamlfile.parse_component, {}, 'invalid', 'invalid')
[docs]@long_running class YamlTestBase(CisTestClass): r"""Test base for yamlfile.""" _contents = tuple() def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(YamlTestBase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.files = [] for i in range(self.nfiles): self.files.append(self.get_fname(i)) @property def nfiles(self): r"""int: Number of files.""" return len(self.contents) @property def contents(self): r"""tuple: Contents of files.""" return self._contents @property def yaml_env(self): r"""str: Environment variable where file path is stored.""" return _yaml_env
[docs] def setup(self): r"""Write contents to temp file.""" super(YamlTestBase, self).setup() if self.nfiles > 0: os.environ[self.yaml_env] = self.files[0] for fname, content in zip(self.files, self.contents): with open(fname, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(content))
[docs] def teardown(self): r"""Remove the temporary file if it exists.""" for fname in self.files: if os.path.isfile(fname): os.remove(fname) super(YamlTestBase, self).teardown()
[docs] def get_fname(self, idx=0): r"""Path to temporary file.""" return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), '%s_%s_%d.yml' % ( tempfile.gettempprefix(), self.uuid, idx))
[docs] def create_instance(self): r"""Disabled: Create a new instance of the class.""" return None
[docs] def test_parse_yaml(self): r"""Test successfully reading & parsing yaml.""" if self.nfiles == 0: pass elif self.nfiles == 1: yamlfile.parse_yaml(self.files[0]) else: yamlfile.parse_yaml(self.files)
[docs]class YamlTestBaseError(YamlTestBase): r"""Test error for yamlfile.""" _error = None
[docs] def test_parse_yaml(self): r"""Test error reading & parsing yaml.""" if (self._error is None) or (self.nfiles == 0): return self.assert_raises(self._error, yamlfile.parse_yaml, self.files)
[docs]class TestYamlModelOnly(YamlTestBase): r"""Test parsing of different numbers/styles of models.""" _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c'], ['model:', ' - name: modelB', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelB.c'], ['model:', ' name: modelC', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelC.c'], ['models:', ' name: modelD', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelD.c'], )
[docs]class TestYamlServerClient(YamlTestBase): r"""Test specification of server/client models.""" _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' is_server: True'], ['model:', ' - name: modelB', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelB.c', ' client_of: modelA'],)
[docs]class TestYamlIODrivers(YamlTestBase): r"""Test full specification of IO drivers.""" _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' - name: inputA', ' driver: FileInputDriver', ' translator: %s:direct_translate' % __name__, ' onexit: printStatus', ' args: {{ %s }}' % _yaml_env, ' outputs:', ' - name: outputA', ' driver: FileOutputDriver', ' translator: %s:direct_translate' % __name__, ' onexit: printStatus', ' args: fileA.txt', ' - name: outputA2', ' driver: OutputDriver', ' translator: %s:direct_translate' % __name__, ' onexit: printStatus', ' args: A_to_B'], ['model:', ' - name: modelB', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelB.c', ' input:', ' - name: inputB', ' driver: FileInputDriver', ' args: {{ %s }}' % _yaml_env, ' - name: inputB2', ' driver: InputDriver', ' args: A_to_B'], ['model:', ' name: modelC', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelC.c', ' input:', ' name: inputC', ' driver: FileInputDriver', ' args: {{ %s }}' % _yaml_env], ['models:', ' name: modelD', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelD.c', ' inputs:', ' name: inputD', ' driver: FileInputDriver', ' args: {{ %s }}' % _yaml_env], )
[docs]class TestYamlConnection(YamlTestBase): r"""Test connection between I/O channels.""" _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' - inputA', '', 'connections:', ' - input: outputB', ' output: inputA'], ['models:', ' - name: modelB', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelB.c', ' outputs:', ' - outputB'],)
[docs]class TestYamlIODatatype(YamlTestBase): r"""Test specification of datatype via schema.""" _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' - name: inputA', ' type: object', ' properties:', ' a: int', " b: {'type': float, 'units': 'cm'}", '', 'connections:', " - from: ['outputB:0', 'outputB:1']", " to: ['inputA:a', 'inputA:b']"], ['models:', ' - name: modelB', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelB.c', ' outputs:', ' - name: outputB', ' type: [int, float]'],)
[docs]class TestYamlConnectionFork(YamlTestBase): r"""Test connection between I/O channels.""" _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' - inputA', ' outputs:', ' - outputA', '', 'connections:', ' - inputs: ', ' - outputB', ' - outputC', ' output: inputA', ' - input: outputA', ' outputs:', ' - inputB', ' - inputC'], ['models:', ' - name: modelB', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelB.c', ' inputs:', ' - inputB', ' outputs:', ' - outputB'], ['models:', ' - name: modelC', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelC.c', ' inputs:', ' - inputC', ' outputs:', ' - outputC'],)
[docs]class TestYamlConnectionTranslator(YamlTestBase): r"""Test connection between I/O channels.""" _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' - inputA', '', 'connections:', ' - input: outputB', ' output: inputA', ' translator: %s:direct_translate' % __name__], ['models:', ' - name: modelB', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelB.c', ' outputs:', ' - outputB'],)
[docs]class TestYamlConnectionInputFile(YamlTestBase): r"""Test connection with File.""" _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' - inputA', ' outputs:', ' - outputA', '', 'connections:', ' - input:', ' - {{ %s }}' % _yaml_env, ' read_meth: all', ' output: inputA', ' - input: outputA', ' output:', ' - output.txt', ' write_meth: all'],)
[docs]class TestYamlConnectionInputFile_wait(YamlTestBase): r"""Test connection with File where wait_for_creation specified.""" _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' - inputA', ' outputs:', ' - outputA', '', 'connections:', ' - input:', ' - {{ %s }}' % _yaml_env, ' read_meth: all', ' output: inputA', ' - input: outputA', ' output:', ' - output.txt', ' write_meth: all'],)
[docs]class TestYamlConnectionInputAsciiFile(YamlTestBase): r"""Test connection with AsciiFile.""" _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' - inputA', ' outputs:', ' - outputA', '', 'connections:', ' - input: invalid.txt', ' output: inputA', ' wait_for_creation: 4', ' read_meth: line', ' - input: outputA', ' output: output.txt', ' write_meth: line'],)
[docs]class TestYamlConnectionInputAsciiTable(YamlTestBase): r"""Test connection with AsciiTable.""" _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' - inputA', ' outputs:', ' - outputA', '', 'connections:', ' - input: {{ %s }}' % _yaml_env, ' output: inputA', ' read_meth: table', ' - input: outputA', ' output: output.txt', ' write_meth: table'],)
[docs]class TestYamlConnectionInputAsciiTableArray(YamlTestBase): r"""Test connection with AsciiTable as array.""" _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' - inputA', ' outputs:', ' - outputA', '', 'connections:', ' - input: {{ %s }}' % _yaml_env, ' output: inputA', ' read_meth: table_array', ' field_units: name,count,size', ' format_str: "%5s\t%d\t%f\n"', ' - input: outputA', ' output: output.txt', ' write_meth: table_array', ' field_units: name,count,size', ' format_str: "%5s\t%d\t%f\n"'], )
[docs]class TestYamlConnectionInputPickle(YamlTestBase): r"""Test connection with Pickle.""" _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' - inputA', ' outputs:', ' - outputA', '', 'connections:', ' - input: {{ %s }}' % _yaml_env, ' output: inputA', ' read_meth: pickle', ' - input: outputA', ' output: output.txt', ' write_meth: pickle'], )
[docs]class TestYamlConnectionInputPandas(YamlTestBase): r"""Test connection with Pandas csv.""" _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' - inputA', ' outputs:', ' - outputA', '', 'connections:', ' - input: {{ %s }}' % _yaml_env, ' output: inputA', ' read_meth: pandas', ' field_units: name,count,size', ' format_str: "%5s\t%d\t%f\n"', ' - input: outputA', ' output: output.txt', ' write_meth: pandas', ' field_units: name,count,size', ' format_str: "%5s\t%d\t%f\n"'], )
[docs]class TestYamlConnectionInputAsciiMap(YamlTestBase): r"""Test connection with AsciiMap.""" _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' - inputA', ' outputs:', ' - outputA', '', 'connections:', ' - input: {{ %s }}' % _yaml_env, ' output: inputA', ' read_meth: map', ' - input: outputA', ' output: output.txt', ' write_meth: map'], )
[docs]class TestYamlConnectionInputPly(YamlTestBase): r"""Test connection with Ply file.""" _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' - inputA', ' outputs:', ' - outputA', '', 'connections:', ' - input: {{ %s }}' % _yaml_env, ' output: inputA', ' read_meth: ply', ' - input: outputA', ' output: output.ply', ' write_meth: ply'], )
[docs]class TestYamlConnectionInputObj(YamlTestBase): r"""Test connection with Obj file.""" _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' - inputA', ' outputs:', ' - outputA', '', 'connections:', ' - input: {{ %s }}' % _yaml_env, ' output: inputA', ' read_meth: obj', ' - input: outputA', ' output: output.obj', ' write_meth: obj'], )
[docs]class TestYamlComponentError(YamlTestBaseError): r"""Test error for non-dictionary component.""" _error = ValidationError _contents = (['models: error'],)
[docs]class TestYamlDuplicateError(YamlTestBaseError): r"""Test error when there are two components with the same name.""" _error = ValueError _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c'],)
[docs]class TestYamlConnectionError(YamlTestBaseError): r"""Test error when there is not connection for a model I/O channel.""" _error = RuntimeError _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' - inputA'],)
[docs]class TestYamlConnectionError_forkin(YamlTestBaseError): r"""Test error when there is not connection for a fork input channel.""" _error = RuntimeError _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' - inputA', 'connections:', ' - input:', ' - output1', ' - output2', ' output: inputA'],)
# Error not raised as both outputs could be files # class TestYamlConnectionError_forkout(YamlTestBaseError): # r"""Test error when there is not connection for a fork output channel.""" # _error = RuntimeError # _contents = (['models:', # ' - name: modelA', # ' driver: GCCModelDriver', # ' args: ./src/modelA.c', # ' outputs:', # ' - outputA', # 'connections:', # ' - input: outputA', # ' output:', # ' - input1', # ' - input2'],)
[docs]class TestYamlConnectionError_readmeth(YamlTestBaseError): r"""Test error when read_meth is specified for non-file.""" _error = ValidationError _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' - inputA', '', 'connections:', ' - input: outputB', ' output: inputA', ' read_meth: pickle'], ['models:', ' - name: modelB', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelB.c', ' outputs:', ' - outputB'],)
[docs]class TestYamlConnectionError_writemeth(YamlTestBaseError): r"""Test error when write_meth is specified for non-file.""" _error = ValidationError _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' - inputA', '', 'connections:', ' - input: outputB', ' output: inputA', ' write_meth: pickle'], ['models:', ' - name: modelB', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelB.c', ' outputs:', ' - outputB'],)
[docs]class TestYamlMissingModelArgsError(YamlTestBaseError): r"""Test error when there is a missing arguments to a model.""" _error = ValidationError _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' name: inputA', ' driver: FileInputDriver', ' args: {{ %s }}' % _yaml_env],)
[docs]class TestYamlMissingIOArgsError_input(YamlTestBaseError): r"""Test error when there is a missing arguments to an input driver.""" _error = ValidationError _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' name: inputA', ' driver: FileInputDriver'],)
[docs]class TestYamlMissingIOArgsError_output(YamlTestBaseError): r"""Test error when there is a missing arguments to an output driver.""" _error = ValidationError _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' outputs:', ' name: outputA', ' driver: FileOutputDriver'],)
[docs]class TestYamlMissingConnArgsError(YamlTestBaseError): r"""Test error when there is a missing arguments to a connection.""" _error = ValidationError _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' - inputA', '', 'connections:', ' - input: outputB'], ['models:', ' - name: modelB', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelB.c', ' outputs:', ' - outputB'],)
[docs]class TestYamlMissingConnInputError(YamlTestBaseError): r"""Test error when there is no model output matching connection input.""" _error = RuntimeError _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' - inputA', '', 'connections:', ' - input: outputB', ' output: inputA'], ['models:', ' - name: modelB', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelB.c'],)
[docs]class TestYamlMissingConnInputFileError(YamlTestBaseError): r"""Test error when there is no file for missing connection input.""" _error = ValidationError _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', '', 'connections:', ' - input: outputB', ' output: inputA'], ['models:', ' - name: modelB', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelB.c'],)
[docs]class TestYamlMissingConnIOError(YamlTestBaseError): r"""Test error when there is no model input/output matching connection.""" _error = ValidationError _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', '', 'connections:', ' - input: {{ %s }}' % _yaml_env, ' output: inputA'],)
[docs]class TestYamlConnectionInputFileReadMethError(YamlTestBaseError): r"""Test error for invalid read_meth.""" _error = ValidationError _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' - inputA', ' outputs:', ' - outputA', '', 'connections:', ' - input: {{ %s }}' % _yaml_env, ' output: inputA', ' read_meth: invalid', ' - input: outputA', ' output: output.txt'],)
[docs]class TestYamlConnectionInputFileWriteMethError(YamlTestBaseError): r"""Test error for invalid write_meth.""" _error = ValidationError _contents = (['models:', ' - name: modelA', ' driver: GCCModelDriver', ' args: ./src/modelA.c', ' inputs:', ' - inputA', ' outputs:', ' - outputA', '', 'connections:', ' - input: {{ %s }}' % _yaml_env, ' output: inputA', ' - input: outputA', ' output: output.txt', ' write_meth: invalid'],)