Source code for cis_interface.serialize.DefaultSerialize

import copy
import pprint
import numpy as np
import warnings
from cis_interface import backwards, tools, units  # , platform
from cis_interface.serialize import (
    register_serializer, extract_formats, cformat2nptype, consolidate_array)
from cis_interface.metaschema import get_metaschema
from cis_interface.metaschema.datatypes import (
    guess_type_from_obj, get_type_from_def, get_type_class, compare_schema)
from import (
    definition2dtype, _flexible_types)
from cis_interface.metaschema.datatypes.ArrayMetaschemaType import (

[docs]@register_serializer class DefaultSerialize(tools.CisClass): r"""Default class for serializing/deserializing a python object into/from a bytes message. Args: func_serialize (func, optional): Callable object that takes python objects as input and returns a bytes string representation. Defaults to None. func_deserialize (func, optional): Callable object that takes a bytes string as input and returns a deserialized python object. Defaults to None. encode_func_serialize (bool, optional): If True, the data returned by func_serialize (if provided) will be encoded. If False, the data returned by func_serialize will not be encoded. Defaults to None and is not used. decode_func_deserialize (bool, optional): If True, the data passed to func_deserialize (if provided) will be decoded first. If False, the data passed to func_deserialize will not be decoded. Defaults to None and is not used. func_typedef (dict, optional): Type definition for encoding/decoding messages returned/passed by/to func_serialize/func_deserialize. Defaults to None and is not used. **kwargs: Additional keyword args are processed as part of the type definition. Attributes: func_serialize (func): Callable object that takes python object as input and returns a bytes string representation. func_deserialize (func): Callable object that takes a bytes string as input and returns a deserialized python object. encode_func_serialize (bool): If True, the data returned by func_serialize (if provided) will be encoded. If False, the data returned by func_serialize will not be encoded. decode_func_deserialize (bool): If True, the data passed to func_deserialize (if provided) will be decoded first. If False, the data passed to func_deserialize will not be decoded. func_typedef (dict): Type definition for encoding/decoding messages returned/passed by/to func_serialize/func_deserialize. """ _seritype = 'default' _schema_type = 'serializer' _schema_requried = [] _schema_properties = {} _default_type = {'type': 'bytes'} _oldstyle_kws = ['format_str', 'field_names', 'field_units', 'as_array'] encode_func_serialize = False decode_func_deserialize = False func_typedef = {'type': 'bytes'} def __init__(self, func_serialize=None, func_deserialize=None, encode_func_serialize=None, decode_func_deserialize=None, func_typedef=None, **kwargs): super(DefaultSerialize, self).__init__() self._alias = None self.is_user_defined = False self.extra_kwargs = {} # Set user defined serialization/deserialization functions if func_serialize is not None: assert(not hasattr(self, 'func_serialize')) if issubclass(func_serialize.__class__, DefaultSerialize): self.func_serialize = func_serialize.func_serialize else: self.func_serialize = func_serialize self.is_user_defined = True if func_deserialize is not None: assert(not hasattr(self, 'func_deserialize')) if issubclass(func_deserialize.__class__, DefaultSerialize): self.func_deserialize = func_deserialize.func_deserialize else: self.func_deserialize = func_deserialize self.is_user_defined = True if encode_func_serialize is not None: self.encode_func_serialize = encode_func_serialize if decode_func_deserialize is not None: self.decode_func_deserialize = decode_func_deserialize if func_typedef is not None: self.func_typedef = func_typedef # Set properties to None for k, v in self._schema_properties.items(): setattr(self, k, v.get('default', None)) # Update typedef self._initialized = False self.datatype = get_type_from_def(self._default_type, dont_complete=True) self.func_datatype = get_type_from_def(self.func_typedef, dont_complete=True) self.update_serializer(**kwargs) self._initialized = (self.typedef != self._default_type)
[docs] @classmethod def get_testing_options(cls, as_format=False, as_array=False): r"""Method to return a dictionary of testing options for this class. Returns: dict: Dictionary of variables to use for testing. Key/value pairs: * kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for comms tested with the provided content. * empty (object): Object produced from deserializing an empty message. * objects (list): List of objects to be serialized/deserialized. extra_kwargs (dict): Extra keyword arguments not used to construct type definition. * typedef (dict): Type definition resulting from the supplied kwargs. * dtype (np.dtype): Numpy data types that is consistent with the determined type definition. """ if as_array: as_format = True if as_format: out = {'kwargs': {'format_str': b'%5s\t%d\t%f\n', 'field_names': [b'name', b'count', b'size'], 'field_units': [b'n/a', b'umol', b'cm']}, 'empty': [], 'dtype': None, 'extra_kwargs': {'format_str': '%5s\t%d\t%f\n'}, 'typedef': {'type': 'array', 'items': [{'type': 'bytes', 'units': 'n/a', 'title': 'name'}, {'type': 'int', 'precision': 32, 'units': 'umol', 'title': 'count'}, {'type': 'float', 'precision': 64, 'units': 'cm', 'title': 'size'}]}, 'contents': (b'# name\tcount\tsize\n' + b'# n/a\tumol\tcm\n' + b'# %5s\t%d\t%f\n' + b' one\t1\t1.000000\n' + b' two\t2\t2.000000\n' + b'three\t3\t3.000000\n' + b' one\t1\t1.000000\n' + b' two\t2\t2.000000\n' + b'three\t3\t3.000000\n')} out['field_names'] = [backwards.as_str(x) for x in out['kwargs']['field_names']] out['field_units'] = [backwards.as_str(x) for x in out['kwargs']['field_units']] rows = [(b'one', np.int32(1), 1.0), (b'two', np.int32(2), 2.0), (b'three', np.int32(3), 3.0)] if as_array: out['kwargs']['as_array'] = as_array dtype = np.dtype( {'names': out['field_names'], 'formats': ['%s5' % backwards.np_dtype_str, 'i4', 'f8']}) out['dtype'] = dtype arr = np.array(rows, dtype=dtype) lst = [units.add_units(arr[n], u) for n, u in zip(out['field_names'], out['field_units'])] out['objects'] = [lst, lst] for x in out['typedef']['items']: x['subtype'] = x['type'] x['type'] = '1darray' if x['title'] == 'name': x['precision'] = 40 else: out['objects'] = 2 * rows else: out = {'kwargs': {}, 'empty': b'', 'dtype': None, 'typedef': cls._default_type, 'extra_kwargs': {}} out['objects'] = [b'Test message\n', b'Test message 2\n'] out['contents'] = b''.join(out['objects']) # out['contents'] = out['contents'].replace(b'\n', platform._newline) return out
[docs] @classmethod def seri_kws(cls): r"""Get a list of valid keyword arguments.""" return list(set(list(cls._schema_properties.keys()) + cls._oldstyle_kws))
@property def typedef(self): r"""dict: Type definition.""" if self.is_user_defined: return copy.deepcopy(self.func_datatype._typedef) return copy.deepcopy(self.datatype._typedef)
[docs] def __getattribute__(self, name): r"""Return alias result if there is one.""" if name == '_alias': return super(DefaultSerialize, self).__getattribute__(name) if getattr(self, '_alias', None) is None: return super(DefaultSerialize, self).__getattribute__(name) else: return self._alias.__getattribute__(name)
@property def serializer_info(self): r"""dict: Serializer info.""" if self.is_user_defined: raise RuntimeError("Cannot define serializer information for user " + "supplied functions.") # out = copy.deepcopy(self.typedef) out = copy.deepcopy(self.extra_kwargs) out['seritype'] = self._seritype for k in self._schema_properties.keys(): v = getattr(self, k, None) if v is not None: out[k] = copy.deepcopy(v) for k in out.keys(): v = out[k] if isinstance(v, backwards.string_types): out[k] = backwards.as_str(v) elif isinstance(v, (list, tuple)): out[k] = [] for x in v: out[k].append(backwards.as_str(x, allow_pass=True)) else: out[k] = v return out @property def empty_msg(self): r"""obj: Object indicating empty message.""" if self.is_user_defined: out = b'' else: out = self.datatype._empty_msg return out # def is_empty(self, obj): # r"""Determine if an object represents an empty message for this serializer. # Args: # obj (object): Object to test. # Returns: # bool: True if the object is empty, False otherwise. # """ # emsg = self.empty_msg # return (isinstance(obj, type(emsg)) and (obj == emsg))
[docs] def get_field_names(self, as_bytes=False): r"""Get the field names for an array of fields. Args: as_bytes (bool, optional): If True, the field names will be returned as bytes. If False the field names will be returned as unicode. Defaults to False. Returns: list: Names for each field in the data type. """ if getattr(self, 'field_names', None) is not None: out = self.field_names elif self.typedef['type'] != 'array': out = None elif isinstance(self.typedef['items'], dict): # pragma: debug raise Exception("Variable number of items not yet supported.") elif isinstance(self.typedef['items'], list): out = [] any_names = False for i, x in enumerate(self.typedef['items']): out.append(x.get('title', 'f%d' % i)) if len(x.get('title', '')) > 0: any_names = True # Don't use field names if they are all defaults if not any_names: out = None if (out is not None): if as_bytes: out = [backwards.as_bytes(x) for x in out] else: out = [backwards.as_str(x) for x in out] return out
[docs] def get_field_units(self, as_bytes=False): r"""Get the field units for an array of fields. Args: as_bytes (bool, optional): If True, the field units will be returned as bytes. If False the field units will be returned as unicode. Defaults to False. Returns: list: Units for each field in the data type. """ if self.typedef['type'] != 'array': return None if getattr(self, 'field_units', None) is not None: out = self.field_units elif isinstance(self.typedef['items'], dict): # pragma: debug raise Exception("Variable number of items not yet supported.") elif isinstance(self.typedef['items'], list): out = [] any_units = False for i, x in enumerate(self.typedef['items']): out.append(x.get('units', '')) if len(x.get('units', '')) > 0: any_units = True # Don't use field units if they are all defaults if not any_units: out = None if (out is not None): if as_bytes: out = [backwards.as_bytes(x) for x in out] else: out = [backwards.as_str(x) for x in out] return out
@property def numpy_dtype(self): r"""np.dtype: Corresponding structured data type. Will be None unless the type is an array of 1darrays.""" out = None if (self.typedef['type'] == 'array') and ('items' in self.typedef): if isinstance(self.typedef['items'], dict): as_array = (self.typedef['items']['type'] in ['1darray', 'ndarray']) if as_array: out = definition2dtype(self.typedef['items']) elif isinstance(self.typedef['items'], (list, tuple)): as_array = True dtype_list = [] field_names = [] for i, x in enumerate(self.typedef['items']): if x['type'] != '1darray': as_array = False break dtype_list.append(definition2dtype(x)) field_names.append(x.get('title', 'f%d' % i)) if as_array: out = np.dtype(dict(names=field_names, formats=dtype_list)) return out
[docs] def initialize_from_message(self, msg, **metadata): r"""Initialize the serializer based on recieved message. Args: msg (object): Message that serializer should be initialized from. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are treated as metadata that may contain additional information for initializing the serializer. """ if ((self._initialized or metadata.get('raw', False) or metadata.get('incomplete', False))): return cls = guess_type_from_obj(msg) typedef = cls.encode_type(msg) typedef = cls.extract_typedef(typedef) metadata.update(typedef) self.initialize_serializer(metadata)
[docs] def initialize_serializer(self, metadata, extract=False): r"""Initialize a serializer based on received metadata. This method will exit early if the serializer has already been intialized. Args: metadata (dict): Header information including type info that should be used to initialize the serializer class. extract (bool, optional): If True, the type will be defined using a subset of the type information in metadata. If False, all of the type information will be used. Defaults to False. """ if ((self._initialized or metadata.get('raw', False) or metadata.get('incomplete', False))): return self.update_serializer(extract=extract, **metadata) self._initialized = (self.typedef != self._default_type)
# self._initialized = True
[docs] def update_serializer(self, extract=False, skip_type=False, **kwargs): r"""Update serializer with provided information. Args: extract (bool, optional): If True, the updated typedef will be the bare minimum as extracted from total set of provided keywords, otherwise the entire set will be sued. Defaults to False. skip_type (bool, optional): If True, everything is updated except the data type. Defaults to False. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are processed as part of they type definition and are parsed for old-style keywords. Raises: RuntimeError: If there are keywords that are not valid typedef keywords (currect or old-style). """ old_datatype = None if self._initialized: old_datatype = copy.deepcopy(self.datatype) _metaschema = get_metaschema() # Create alias if another seritype is needed seritype = kwargs.pop('seritype', self._seritype) if (seritype != self._seritype) and (seritype != 'default'): # pragma: debug # kwargs.update(extract=extract, seritype=seritype) # self._alias = get_serializer(**kwargs) # assert(self._seritype == seritype) # return raise Exception("Cannot change types form %s to %s." % (self._seritype, seritype)) # Remove metadata keywords unrelated to serialization # TODO: Find a better way of tracking these _remove_kws = ['body', 'address', 'size', 'id', 'incomplete', 'raw', 'commtype', 'filetype', 'response_address', 'request_id', 'append', 'in_temp', 'is_series', 'working_dir', 'fmts', 'model_driver', 'env', 'send_converter', 'recv_converter', 'typedef_base'] kws = list(kwargs.keys()) for k in kws: if (k in _remove_kws) or k.startswith('zmq'): kwargs.pop(k) # Set attributes and remove unused metadata keys for k in self._schema_properties.keys(): if k in kwargs: setattr(self, k, kwargs.pop(k)) # Create preliminary typedef typedef = {} for k in _metaschema['properties'].keys(): if k in kwargs: typedef[k] = kwargs.pop(k) # Update extra keywords if (len(kwargs) > 0): self.extra_kwargs.update(kwargs) self.debug("Extra kwargs: %s" % str(self.extra_kwargs)) # Update type if not skip_type: # Update typedef from oldstyle keywords in extra_kwargs typedef = self.update_typedef_from_oldstyle(typedef) if typedef.get('type', None): if extract: cls = get_type_class(typedef['type']) typedef = cls.extract_typedef(typedef) self.datatype = get_type_from_def(typedef) # Check to see if new datatype is compatible with new one if old_datatype is not None: errors = list(compare_schema(self.typedef, old_datatype._typedef) or ()) if errors: raise RuntimeError( ("Updated datatype is not compatible with the existing one." + " New:\n%s\nOld:\n%s\n") % ( pprint.pformat(self.typedef), pprint.pformat(old_datatype._typedef)))
[docs] def update_typedef_from_oldstyle(self, typedef): r"""Update a given typedef using an old, table-style serialization spec. Existing typedef values are not overwritten and warnings are raised if the provided serialization spec is not compatible with the type definition. Args: typedef (dict): Type definition to update. Returns: dict: Updated typedef. """ for k in self._oldstyle_kws: used = [] updated = [] v = self.extra_kwargs.get(k, getattr(self, k, None)) if v is None: continue # Check status if ((k != 'format_str') and (typedef.get('type', None) != 'array')): continue # Key specific changes to type if k == 'format_str': v = backwards.as_str(v) fmts = extract_formats(v) if 'type' in typedef: if (typedef.get('type', None) == 'array'): assert(len(typedef.get('items', [])) == len(fmts)) # if len(typedef.get('items', [])) != len(fmts): # warnings.warn(("Number of items in typedef (%d) doesn't" # + "match the number of formats (%d).") # % (len(typedef.get('items', [])), len(fmts))) continue as_array = self.extra_kwargs.get('as_array', getattr(self, 'as_array', False)) typedef.update(type='array', items=[]) for i, fmt in enumerate(fmts): nptype = cformat2nptype(fmt) itype = OneDArrayMetaschemaType.encode_type(np.ones(1, nptype)) itype = OneDArrayMetaschemaType.extract_typedef(itype) if (fmt == '%s') and ('precision' in itype): del itype['precision'] if as_array: itype['type'] = '1darray' else: itype['type'] = itype.pop('subtype') if (((itype['type'] in _flexible_types) and ('precision' in itype))): del itype['precision'] typedef['items'].append(itype) used.append('as_array') updated.append('format_str') elif k == 'as_array': # Can only be used in conjunction with format_str pass elif k in ['field_names', 'field_units']: v = [backwards.as_str(x) for x in v] if k == 'field_names': tk = 'title' else: tk = 'units' if isinstance(typedef['items'], dict): typedef['items'] = [copy.deepcopy(typedef['items']) for _ in range(len(v))] assert(len(v) == len(typedef.get('items', []))) # if len(v) != len(typedef.get('items', [])): # warnings.warn('%d %ss provided, but only %d items in typedef.' # % (len(v), k, len(typedef.get('items', [])))) # continue all_updated = True for iv, itype in zip(v, typedef.get('items', [])): if tk in itype: all_updated = False itype.setdefault(tk, iv) if all_updated: used.append(k) updated.append(k) # Won't change anything unless its an attribute else: # pragma: debug raise ValueError( "Unrecognized table-style specification keyword: '%s'." % k) for rk in used: if rk in self.extra_kwargs: del self.extra_kwargs[rk] for rk in updated: if rk in self.extra_kwargs: self.extra_kwargs[rk] = v elif hasattr(self, rk): setattr(self, rk, v) return typedef
[docs] def serialize(self, args, header_kwargs=None, add_serializer_info=False, no_metadata=False): r"""Serialize a message. Args: args (obj): List of arguments to be formatted or a ready made message. header_kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword arguments that should be added to the header. Defaults to None and no header is added. add_serializer_info (bool, optional): If True, serializer information will be added to the metadata. Defaults to False. no_metadata (bool, optional): If True, no metadata will be added to the serialized message. Defaults to False. Returns: bytes, str: Serialized message. Raises: TypeError: If returned msg is not bytes type (str on Python 2). """ if header_kwargs is None: header_kwargs = {} if isinstance(args, backwards.bytes_type) and (args == tools.CIS_MSG_EOF): header_kwargs['raw'] = True self.initialize_from_message(args, **header_kwargs) metadata = {'no_metadata': no_metadata} if add_serializer_info: self.debug("serializer_info = %s", str(self.serializer_info)) metadata.update(self.serializer_info) metadata['typedef_base'] = self.typedef if header_kwargs is not None: metadata.update(header_kwargs) if hasattr(self, 'func_serialize'): if header_kwargs.get('raw', False): data = args else: data = self.func_serialize(args) if not self.encode_func_serialize: if not isinstance(data, backwards.bytes_type): raise TypeError(("Serialization function returned object " + "of type '%s', not required '%s' type.") % (type(data), backwards.bytes_type)) metadata['dont_encode'] = True if not no_metadata: metadata['metadata'] = self.datatype.encode_type( args, typedef=self.typedef) out = self.func_datatype.serialize(data, **metadata) else: out = self.datatype.serialize(args, **metadata) return out
[docs] def deserialize(self, msg, **kwargs): r"""Deserialize a message. Args: msg (str, bytes): Message to be deserialized. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the deserialize method of the datatype class. Returns: tuple(obj, dict): Deserialized message and header information. Raises: TypeError: If msg is not bytes type (str on Python 2). """ if hasattr(self, 'func_deserialize'): if not self.decode_func_deserialize: kwargs['dont_decode'] = True out, metadata = self.func_datatype.deserialize(msg, **kwargs) if metadata['size'] == 0: out = self.empty_msg elif not (metadata.get('incomplete', False) or metadata.get('raw', False)): if 'metadata' in metadata: for k, v in metadata.items(): if k not in ['type', 'precision', 'units', 'metadata']: metadata['metadata'][k] = v metadata = metadata.pop('metadata') if not self._initialized: self.update_serializer(extract=True, **metadata) out = self.func_deserialize(out) else: out, metadata = self.datatype.deserialize(msg, **kwargs) # Update serializer typedef_base = metadata.pop('typedef_base', {}) typedef = copy.deepcopy(metadata) typedef.update(typedef_base) if not ((metadata.get('size', 0) == 0) or metadata.get('incomplete', False) or metadata.get('raw', False)): self.initialize_serializer(typedef, extract=True) return out, metadata
[docs] def consolidate_array(self, out): r"""Consolidate message into a structure numpy array if possible. Args: out (list, tuple, np.ndarray): Object to consolidate into a structured numpy array. Returns: np.ndarray: Structured numpy array containing consolidated message. Raises: ValueError: If the array cannot be consolidated. """ np_dtype = self.numpy_dtype if np_dtype and isinstance(out, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): out = consolidate_array(out, dtype=np_dtype) else: warnings.warn(("Cannot consolidate message into a structured " + "numpy array: %s") % str(out)) return out
# def format_header(self, header_info): # r"""Format header info to form a string that should prepend a message. # Args: # header_info (dict): Properties that should be included in the header. # Returns: # str: Message with header in front. # """
[docs] def parse_header(self, msg): r"""Extract header info from a message. Args: msg (str): Message to extract header from. Returns: dict: Message properties. """ return self.datatype.deserialize(msg, no_data=True)