Source code for cis_interface.serialize.AsciiMapSerialize

import json
from cis_interface import backwards  # , platform
from cis_interface.serialize import (
    register_serializer, _default_delimiter, _default_newline)
from cis_interface.serialize.DefaultSerialize import DefaultSerialize
from cis_interface.metaschema.encoder import JSONReadableEncoder

[docs]@register_serializer class AsciiMapSerialize(DefaultSerialize): r"""Class for serializing/deserializing name/value mapping. Args: delimiter (str, optional): Delimiter that should be used to separate name/value pairs in the map. Defaults to \t. newline (str, optional): Delimiter that should be used to separate lines. Defaults to \n. """ _seritype = 'ascii_map' _schema_properties = { 'delimiter': {'type': 'string', 'default': backwards.as_str(_default_delimiter)}, 'newline': {'type': 'string', 'default': backwards.as_str(_default_newline)}} _default_type = {'type': 'object'}
[docs] def func_serialize(self, args): r"""Serialize a message. Args: args (dict): Python dictionary to be serialized. Returns: bytes, str: Serialized message. """ out = '' order = sorted([k for k in args.keys()]) for k in order: v = args[k] if not isinstance(k, backwards.string_types): raise ValueError("Serialization of non-string keys not supported.") out += backwards.as_str(k) + self.delimiter if isinstance(v, backwards.string_types): v = backwards.as_str(v) out += json.dumps(v, cls=JSONReadableEncoder) out += self.newline return backwards.as_bytes(out)
[docs] def func_deserialize(self, msg): r"""Deserialize a message. Args: msg (str, bytes): Message to be deserialized. Returns: dict: Deserialized Python dictionary. """ out = dict() lines = (backwards.as_str(msg)).split(self.newline) for l in lines: kv = l.split(self.delimiter) if len(kv) <= 1: continue elif len(kv) == 2: if kv[1].startswith("'") and kv[1].endswith("'"): out[kv[0]] = kv[1].strip("'") else: try: out[kv[0]] = json.loads(kv[1]) except BaseException: out[kv[0]] = kv[1] else: raise ValueError("Line has more than one delimiter: " + l) return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_testing_options(cls): r"""Method to return a dictionary of testing options for this class. Returns: dict: Dictionary of variables to use for testing. """ out = super(AsciiMapSerialize, cls).get_testing_options() out['objects'] = [{'args1': int(1), 'args2': 'this', # Should these be separate messages, allowing append? 'args3': float(1), 'args4': [int(1), int(2)]}] out['empty'] = dict() out['contents'] = (b'args1\t1\n' + b'args2\t"this"\n' + b'args3\t1.0\n' + b'args4\t[1, 2]\n') return out