Source code for cis_interface.schema

import os
import copy
import pprint
import yaml
from collections import OrderedDict
from jsonschema.exceptions import ValidationError
from cis_interface import metaschema
from cis_interface.drivers import import_all_drivers
from cis_interface.communication import import_all_comms

_schema_fname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
    os.path.dirname(__file__), '.cis_schema.yml'))
_schema = None
_registry = {}
_registry_complete = False

[docs]def ordered_load(stream, Loader=yaml.Loader, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict): class OrderedLoader(Loader): pass def construct_mapping(loader, node): loader.flatten_mapping(node) return object_pairs_hook(loader.construct_pairs(node)) OrderedLoader.add_constructor( yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG, construct_mapping) return yaml.load(stream, OrderedLoader)
[docs]def ordered_dump(data, stream=None, Dumper=yaml.Dumper, **kwds): class OrderedDumper(Dumper): pass def _dict_representer(dumper, data): return dumper.represent_mapping( yaml.resolver.BaseResolver.DEFAULT_MAPPING_TAG, data.items()) OrderedDumper.add_representer(OrderedDict, _dict_representer) return yaml.dump(data, stream, OrderedDumper, **kwds)
[docs]def register_component(component_class): r"""Decorator for registering a class as a yaml component.""" global _registry yaml_typ = component_class._schema_type if yaml_typ not in _registry: _registry[yaml_typ] = [] if component_class not in _registry[yaml_typ]: _registry[yaml_typ].insert(0, component_class) # _registry[yaml_typ].append(component_class) return component_class
[docs]def inherit_schema(orig, new_values=None, remove_keys=None, **kwargs): r"""Create an inherited schema, adding new value to accepted ones for dependencies. Args: orig (dict): Schema that will be inherited. new_values (dict, optional): Dictionary of new values to add. Defaults to None and is ignored. remove_keys (list, optional): Keys that should be removed form orig before adding the new keys. Defaults to empty list. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments will be added to the schema with dependency on the provided key/value pair. Returns: dict: New schema. """ if remove_keys is None: remove_keys = [] out = copy.deepcopy(orig) for k in remove_keys: if k in out: out.pop(k) if new_values is not None: out.update(new_values) out.update(**kwargs) return out
[docs]def init_registry(): r"""Initialize the registries and schema.""" global _registry_complete if not _registry_complete: import_all_drivers() import_all_comms() _registry_complete = True
[docs]def clear_schema(): r"""Clear global schema.""" global _schema _schema = None
[docs]def init_schema(fname=None): r"""Initialize global schema.""" global _schema if _schema is None: _schema = load_schema(fname)
[docs]def create_schema(): r"""Create a new schema from the registry.""" global _registry, _registry_complete init_registry() x = SchemaRegistry(_registry) return x
[docs]def load_schema(fname=None): r"""Return the cis_interface schema for YAML options. Args: fname (str, optional): Full path to the file that the schema should be loaded from. If the file dosn't exist, it is created. Defaults to _schema_fname. Returns: dict: cis_interface YAML options. """ if fname is None: fname = _schema_fname if not os.path.isfile(fname): x = create_schema() return SchemaRegistry.from_file(fname)
[docs]def get_schema(fname=None): r"""Return the cis_interface schema for YAML options. Args: fname (str, optional): Full path to the file that the schema should be loaded from. If the file dosn't exist, it is created. Defaults to _schema_fname. Returns: dict: cis_interface YAML options. """ global _schema if fname is None: init_schema() out = _schema else: out = load_schema(fname) return out
[docs]class ComponentSchema(object): r"""Schema information for one component. Args: schema_type (str): The name of the component. schema_registry (SchemaRegistry, optional): Registry of schemas that this schema is dependent on. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are entries in the component schema. """ _subtype_keys = {'model': 'language', 'comm': 'commtype', 'file': 'filetype', 'connection': 'connection_type'} def __init__(self, schema_type, schema_registry=None, schema_subtypes=None): self._storage = OrderedDict() self._base_schema = None self.schema_registry = schema_registry self.schema_type = schema_type self.subtype_keys = self._subtype_keys[schema_type] if not isinstance(self.subtype_keys, tuple): self.subtype_keys = (self.subtype_keys, ) if schema_subtypes is None: schema_subtypes = {} self.schema_subtypes = schema_subtypes super(ComponentSchema, self).__init__() @property def schema(self): r"""dict: Schema for this component.""" out = {'description': 'Schema for %s components.' % self.schema_type, 'title': self.schema_type, '$id': '#%s' % self.schema_type} combo = {'allOf': [copy.deepcopy(self._base_schema), {'anyOf': []}]} prop_default = combo['allOf'][0]['properties'] for subt in self.subtype_keys: prop_default.setdefault(subt, {}) prop_default[subt]['enum'] = [] # Get list of properties for each subtype and move properties to # base for brevity for k in sorted(self._storage.keys()): v0 = self._storage[k] v = copy.deepcopy(v0) combo['allOf'][1]['anyOf'].append(v) for p in v['properties'].keys(): if p in self.subtype_keys: prop_default[p]['enum'] += v['properties'][p]['enum'] elif p not in prop_default: prop_default[p] = v['properties'][p] # for subt in self.subtype_keys: # prop_default[subt]['enum'] += v['properties'][subt]['enum'] for subt in self.subtype_keys: prop_default[subt]['enum'] = sorted(list(set(prop_default[subt]['enum']))) out.update(**combo) return out @property def full_schema(self): r"""dict: Schema for evaluating YAML input file that fully specifies the properties for each component.""" out = self.schema del out['allOf'][0]['additionalProperties'] prop_default = out['allOf'][0]['properties'] # Remove subtype specific properties from the default for x in out['allOf'][1]['anyOf']: for p in x['properties'].keys(): if (p in prop_default) and (p not in self.subtype_keys): del prop_default[p] # Update subtype properties to include base properties for x in out['allOf'][1]['anyOf']: x['properties'].update(copy.deepcopy(prop_default)) x['additionalProperties'] = False return out
[docs] @classmethod def from_schema(cls, schema, schema_registry=None): r"""Construct a ComponentSchema from a schema. Args: schema (dict): Schema. Returns: ComponentSchema: Schema with information from schema. """ schema_type = schema['title'] out = cls(schema_type, schema_registry=schema_registry) out._base_schema = schema['allOf'][0] subt_schema = schema['allOf'][1]['anyOf'] for v in subt_schema: out._storage[v['title']] = v # if schema_type == 'connection': # subtypes = [ # tuple([v['properties'][k]['enum'][0] for k in out.subtype_keys])] # else: subtypes = v['properties'][out.subtype_keys[0]]['enum'] out.schema_subtypes[v['title']] = subtypes return out
[docs] @classmethod def from_registry(cls, schema_type, schema_classes, **kwargs): r"""Construct a ComponentSchema from a registry entry. Args: schema_type (str): Name of component type to build. schema_classes (list): List of classes for the component type. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the class __init__ method. Returns: ComponentSchema: Schema with information from classes. """ out = cls(schema_type, **kwargs) for x in schema_classes: out.append(x) return out
@property def properties(self): r"""list: Valid properties for this component.""" out = [] if self._base_schema is not None: out = list(self._base_schema['properties'].keys()) for v in self._storage.values(): out += list(v['properties'].keys()) return sorted(list(set(out)))
[docs] def get_subtype_properties(self, subtype): r"""Get the valid properties for a specific subtype. Args: subtype (str): Name of the subtype to get keys for. Returns: list: Valid properties for the specified subtype. """ out = [] if self._base_schema is not None: out = list(self._base_schema['properties'].keys()) out += list(self._storage[subtype]['properties'].keys()) return sorted(list(set(out)))
@property def class2subtype(self): r"""dict: Mapping from class to list of subtypes.""" return self.schema_subtypes @property def subtype2class(self): r"""dict: Mapping from subtype to class.""" out = {} for k, v in self.schema_subtypes.items(): for iv in v: out[iv] = k return out @property def subtypes(self): r"""list: All subtypes for this schema type.""" out = [] for v in self.schema_subtypes.values(): out += v return sorted(list(set(out))) @property def classes(self): r"""list: All available classes for this schema.""" return sorted([k for k in self.schema_subtypes.keys()])
[docs] def append(self, comp_cls, subtype=None): r"""Append component class to the schema. Args: comp_cls (class): Component class that should be added. subtype (str, tuple, optional): Key used to identify the subtype of the component type. Defaults to subtype_attr if one was provided, otherwise the subtype will not be logged. """ assert(comp_cls._schema_type == self.schema_type) name = comp_cls.__name__ if name == 'CommBase': name = 'DefaultComm' # Append subtype subtype = {k: getattr(comp_cls, '_%s' % k, None) for k in self.subtype_keys} for k, v in subtype.items(): if not isinstance(v, list): subtype[k] = [v] # if self.schema_type == 'connection': # subtype['direction'] = [comp_cls.direction()] # subtype_list = [tuple([subtype[ik][0] for ik in self.subtype_keys])] # else: subtype_list = subtype[self.subtype_keys[0]] self.schema_subtypes[name] = subtype_list # Create base schema if self._base_schema is None: self._base_schema = copy.deepcopy( {'type': 'object', 'required': comp_cls._schema_required, 'properties': comp_cls._schema_properties, 'additionalProperties': False, 'dependencies': {'driver': ['args']}}) legacy_properties = {'driver': {'type': 'string'}, 'args': {'type': 'string'}} for k, v in legacy_properties.items(): if k not in self._base_schema['properties']: self._base_schema['properties'][k] = v # Add sub schema new_schema = {'title': name, 'required': [], 'properties': {}} for k in comp_cls._schema_required: assert(k in self._base_schema['required']) # Uncomment the two lines below if the above assertion fails # if k not in self._base_schema['required']: # new_schema['required'].append(k) for k, v in comp_cls._schema_properties.items(): if k in self._base_schema['properties']: if self._base_schema['properties'][k] != v: # pragma: debug raise ValueError(("Schema for property '%s' of class '%s' " "is %s, which differs from the base class " "value (%s). Check that another class dosn't " "have a conflicting definition of the same " "property.") % ( k, comp_cls, v, self._base_schema['properties'][k])) else: new_schema['properties'][k] = copy.deepcopy(v) # This was used to prevent properties that are not part # of the base schema from having defaults. # if 'default' in new_schema['properties'][k]: # del new_schema['properties'][k]['default'] if not new_schema['required']: del new_schema['required'] for subt in self.subtype_keys: new_schema['properties'].setdefault(subt, {}) new_schema['properties'][subt]['enum'] = subtype[subt] self._storage[name] = copy.deepcopy(new_schema) # Verify that the schema is valid metaschema.validate_schema(self.schema)
[docs]class SchemaRegistry(object): r"""Registry of schema's for different integration components. Args: registry (dict, optional): Dictionary of registered components. Defaults to None and the registry will be empty. required (list, optional): Components that are required. Defaults to ['comm', 'file', 'model', 'connection']. Ignored if registry is None. Raises: ValueError: If registry is provided and one of the required components is missing. """ _normalizers = {} def __init__(self, registry=None, required=None): super(SchemaRegistry, self).__init__() self._storage = OrderedDict() if registry is not None: if required is None: required = ['comm', 'file', 'model', 'connection'] for k in required: if k not in registry: raise ValueError("Component %s required." % k) # Create schemas for each component for k, v in registry.items(): icomp = ComponentSchema.from_registry(k, v, schema_registry=self) self.add(k, icomp)
[docs] def add(self, k, v): r"""Add a new component schema to the registry.""" self._storage[k] = v metaschema.validate_schema(self.schema)
[docs] def get(self, k): r"""Return a component schema from the registry.""" return self._storage[k]
@property def schema(self): r"""dict: Schema for evaluating YAML input file.""" required = ['comm', 'file', 'model', 'connection'] out = {'title': 'YAML Schema', 'description': 'Schema for cis_interface YAML input files.', 'type': 'object', 'definitions': {}, 'required': ['models'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': OrderedDict( [('models', {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/model'}, 'minItems': 1}), ('connections', {'type': 'array', 'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/connection'}})])} for k, v in self._storage.items(): out['definitions'][k] = v.schema for k in required: out['definitions'].setdefault(k, {'type': 'string'}) return out @property def full_schema(self): r"""dict: Schema for evaluating YAML input file that fully specifies the properties for each component.""" out = self.schema for k, v in self._storage.items(): out['definitions'][k] = v.full_schema return out def __getitem__(self, k): return self.get(k)
[docs] def keys(self): return self._storage.keys()
def __eq__(self, other): if not hasattr(other, 'schema'): return False return (self.schema == other.schema)
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, fname): r"""Create a SchemaRegistry from a file. Args: fname (str): Full path to the file the schema should be loaded from. """ out = cls() out.load(fname) return out
[docs] def load(self, fname): r"""Load schema from a file. Args: fname (str): Full path to the file the schema should be loaded from. """ with open(fname, 'r') as f: contents = schema = ordered_load(contents, yaml.SafeLoader) if schema is None: raise Exception("Failed to load schema from %s" % fname) # Create components for k, v in schema.get('definitions', {}).items(): icomp = ComponentSchema.from_schema(v, schema_registry=self) self.add(k, icomp)
[docs] def save(self, fname): r"""Save the schema to a file. Args: fname (str): Full path to the file the schema should be saved to. schema (dict): cis_interface YAML options. """ out = self.schema # out['subtypes'] = {k: v._schema_subtypes for k, v in self.items()} with open(fname, 'w') as f: ordered_dump(out, f, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper)
[docs] def validate(self, obj, **kwargs): r"""Validate an object against this schema. Args: obj (object): Object to valdiate. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to validate_instance. """ if kwargs.get('normalize', False): kwargs.setdefault('normalizers', self._normalizers) # kwargs.setdefault('no_defaults', True) kwargs.setdefault('schema_registry', self) return metaschema.validate_instance(obj, self.schema, **kwargs)
[docs] def validate_component(self, comp_name, obj): r"""Validate an object against a specific component. Args: comp_name (str): Name of the component to validate against. obj (object): Object to validate. """ comp_schema = self.get_component_schema(comp_name) return metaschema.validate_instance(obj, comp_schema)
[docs] def normalize(self, obj, backwards_compat=False, **kwargs): r"""Normalize an object against this schema. Args: obj (object): Object to normalize. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to normalize_instance. Returns: object: Normalized object. """ kwargs.setdefault('normalizers', self._normalizers) kwargs.setdefault('required_defaults', True) kwargs.setdefault('no_defaults', True) kwargs.setdefault('schema_registry', self) return metaschema.normalize_instance(obj, self.full_schema, **kwargs)
# def is_valid(self, obj): # r"""Determine if an object is valid under this schema. # Args: # obj (object): Object to valdiate. # Returns: # bool: True if the object is valid, False otherwise. # """ # try: # self.validate(obj) # except ValidationError: # return False # return True
[docs] def is_valid_component(self, comp_name, obj): r"""Determine if an object is a valid represenation of a component. Args: comp_name (str): Name of the component to validate against. obj (object): Object to validate. Returns: bool: True if the object is valid, False otherwise. """ try: self.validate_component(comp_name, obj) except ValidationError: return False return True
[docs] def get_component_schema(self, comp_name): r"""Get the schema for a certain component. Args: comp_name (str): Name of the component to get the schema for. Returns: dict: Schema for the specified component. """ out = self._storage[comp_name].schema out['definitions'] = copy.deepcopy(self.schema['definitions']) return out
[docs] def get_component_keys(self, comp_name): r"""Get the properties associated with a certain component. Args: comp_name (str): Name of the component to return keys for. Returns: list: All of the valid properties for the specified component. """ return self._storage[comp_name].properties
[docs] @classmethod def register_normalizer(cls, path): r"""Register a normalizer that will be applied to elements in the instance at the specified path. Args: path (tuple): Location in schema where normalizer will be applied. Returns: function: Decorator for registering the normalizer function. """ if not isinstance(path, list): path_list = [path] else: path_list = path def _register_normalizer(func): for p in path_list: if p not in cls._normalizers: cls._normalizers[p] = [] cls._normalizers[p].append(func) return func return _register_normalizer
# The following are function add to allow backwards compatability of older # yaml schemas
[docs]def rwmeth2filetype(rw_meth): r"""Get the alternate properties that corresponding to the old read_meth/write_meth keywords. Args: rw_meth (str): Read/write method name. Returns: dict: Property values equivalent to provided read/write method. """ out = {} if rw_meth == 'all': out['filetype'] = 'binary' elif rw_meth == 'line': out['filetype'] = 'ascii' elif rw_meth == 'table_array': out['filetype'] = 'table' out['as_array'] = True else: out['filetype'] = rw_meth return out
[docs]def cdriver2commtype(driver): r"""Convert a connection driver to a file type. Args: driver (str): The name of the connection driver. Returns: str: The corresponding file type for the driver. """ _legacy = {'InputDriver': 'default', 'OutputDriver': 'default', 'ZMQInputDriver': 'zmq', 'ZMQOutputDriver': 'zmq', 'IPCInputDriver': 'ipc', 'IPCOutputDriver': 'ipc', 'RMQInputDriver': 'rmq', 'RMQOutputDriver': 'rmq', 'RMQAsyncInputDriver': 'rmq_async', 'RMQAsyncOutputDriver': 'rmq_async'} if driver in _legacy: return _legacy[driver] raise ValueError("Unknown driver: '%s'" % driver)
[docs]def cdriver2filetype(driver): r"""Convert a connection driver to a file type. Args: driver (str): The name of the connection driver. Returns: str: The corresponding file type for the driver. """ _legacy = {'FileInputDriver': 'binary', 'FileOutputDriver': 'binary', 'AsciiMapInputDriver': 'map', 'AsciiMapOutputDriver': 'map', 'AsciiFileInputDriver': 'ascii', 'AsciiFileOutputDriver': 'ascii', 'AsciiTableInputDriver': 'table', 'AsciiTableOutputDriver': 'table', 'PandasFileInputDriver': 'pandas', 'PandasFileOutputDriver': 'pandas', 'PickleFileInputDriver': 'pickle', 'PickleFileOutputDriver': 'pickle', 'PlyFileInputDriver': 'ply', 'PlyFileOutputDriver': 'ply', 'ObjFileInputDriver': 'obj', 'ObjFileOutputDriver': 'obj', 'MatInputDriver': 'mat', 'MatOutputDriver': 'mat'} if driver in _legacy: return _legacy[driver] raise ValueError("%s is not a registered connection driver." % driver)
[docs]def migrate_keys(from_dict, to_dict, key_list): r"""Migrate keys from one component to another that are not in a list of predefined keys. Args: from_dict (dict): Component dictionary to migrate keys from. to_dict (dict): List of component dictionaries to migrate keys to. key_list (list): List of allowable keys for the original component. All keys in the original that are not in this list will be moved. """ assert(isinstance(to_dict, list)) if len(to_dict) == 0: return klist = list(from_dict.keys()) for k in klist: if k not in key_list: v = from_dict.pop(k) for d in to_dict: d.setdefault(k, v)
[docs]def standardize(instance, keys, is_singular=False, suffixes=None, altkeys=None): r"""Standardize a component such that each key contains a list of dictionaries. Args: instance (dict): Component to standardize. keys (list): Keys to standardize in the instance. is_singular (bool, optional): If False, the keys are assumed to be plural and singular alternatives are also checked. If True, the keys are assumed to be singular and plural alternatives are also checked. Defaults to False. suffixes (list, optional): Suffixes to add to the keys to get a set of alternate keys that should also be checked. Defaults to None as is ignored. altkeys (list, optional): List of lists of alternate keys. Defaults to None. """ for k in keys: if k not in instance: instance[k] = [] if not isinstance(instance[k], list): instance[k] = [instance[k]] # Get list of alternate keys from suffixes and plurality if altkeys is None: altkeys = [] if suffixes is not None: for s in suffixes: altkeys.append(['%s%s' % (k, s) for k in keys]) if is_singular: altkeys.append(['%ss%s' % (k, s) for k in keys]) altkeys.append(['%s%ss' % (k, s) for k in keys]) else: altkeys.append(['%s%s' % (k[:-1], s) for k in keys]) altkeys.append(['%s%ss' % (k[:-1], s) for k in keys]) if is_singular: altkeys.append(['%ss' % k for k in keys]) else: altkeys.append([k[:-1] for k in keys]) # Add components listed under alternate keys for ialtkeys in altkeys: for k, kalt in zip(keys, ialtkeys): if kalt in instance: if isinstance(instance[kalt], list): instance[k] += instance.pop(kalt) else: instance[k].append(instance.pop(kalt)) # Handle strings for k in keys: for i in range(len(instance[k])): if isinstance(instance[k][i], str): instance[k][i] = {'name': instance[k][i]}
@SchemaRegistry.register_normalizer(tuple()) def _normalize_root(normalizer, value, instance, schema): r"""Decorate normalizer.""" # if getattr(normalizer, 'schema_registry', None) is None: # normalizer.schema_registry = get_schema() if getattr(normalizer, 'iodict', None) is None: normalizer.iodict = {'inputs': {}, 'outputs': {}, 'connections': [], 'input_drivers': [], 'output_drivers': [], 'pairs': [], 'inputs_extra': {}, 'outputs_extra': {}} standardize(instance, ['models', 'connections']) return instance @SchemaRegistry.register_normalizer(('models', 0)) def _normalize_modelio_first(normalizer, value, instance, schema): r"""Normalizes set of model inputs/outputs before each input/output is normalized.""" if isinstance(instance, dict): standardize(instance, ['inputs', 'outputs']) for io in ['inputs', 'outputs']: for x in instance[io]: x.setdefault('working_dir', instance['working_dir']) return instance @SchemaRegistry.register_normalizer([('models', 0, 'inputs', 0), ('models', 0, 'outputs', 0)]) def _normalize_modelio_elements(normalizer, value, instance, schema): r"""Normalize case of models singular.""" io = normalizer.current_schema_path[2] # Register io if dict set iodict = getattr(normalizer, 'iodict', None) s = getattr(normalizer, 'schema_registry', None) if (iodict is not None) and isinstance(instance, dict) and ('name' in instance): # Register io if dict set if instance['name'] not in iodict[io]: iodict[io][instance['name']] = instance # Move non-comm keywords to a buffer if (s is not None): comm_keys = s.get_component_keys('comm') type_keys = list(metaschema.get_metaschema()['properties'].keys()) extra_keys = {} migrate_keys(instance, [extra_keys], comm_keys + type_keys) iodict['%s_extra' % io][instance['name']] = extra_keys # type_dict = {} # migrate_keys(instance, [type_dict], comm_keys) # instance.setdefault('datatype', {}) # instance['datatype'].update(type_dict) # Add driver to list if ('driver' in instance) and ('args' in instance): opp_map = {'inputs': 'output', 'outputs': 'input'} for i, (opp_arg, opp_name) in enumerate(iodict['%s_drivers' % opp_map[io]]): if instance['args'] == opp_arg: if io == 'inputs': iodict['pairs'].append( (iodict['%s_drivers' % opp_map[io]].pop(i)[1], instance['name'])) else: # pragma: debug # This won't be called because inputs are processed first # but this code is here for symmetries sake iodict['pairs'].append( (instance['name'], iodict['%s_drivers' % opp_map[io]].pop(i)[1])) break else: iodict['%s_drivers' % io[:-1]].append( (instance['args'], instance['name'])) return instance @SchemaRegistry.register_normalizer(('connections',)) def _normalize_connio_base(normalizer, value, instance, schema): r"""Normalizes list of connections, adding those represented by multiple drivers.""" if normalizer.current_path != normalizer.current_schema_path: return instance # Build connections from input/output drivers iodict = getattr(normalizer, 'iodict', None) if (iodict is not None): new_connections = [] # Create direct connections from output to input for (oname, iname) in iodict['pairs']: oyml = iodict['outputs'][oname] iyml = iodict['inputs'][iname] conn = dict(input=oname, output=iname) new_connections.append(([oyml, iyml], conn)) oyml['commtype'] = cdriver2commtype(oyml['driver']) iyml['commtype'] = cdriver2commtype(iyml['driver']) oyml.pop('working_dir', None) iyml.pop('working_dir', None) # File input for k, v in iodict['input_drivers']: iyml = iodict['inputs'][v] fyml = dict(name=k, filetype=cdriver2filetype(iyml['driver'])) if iyml.get('as_array', False): # TODO: This should not be an exception fyml['as_array'] = True conn = dict(input=fyml, output=v) new_connections.append(([iyml], conn)) # File output for k, v in iodict['output_drivers']: oyml = iodict['outputs'][v] fyml = dict(name=k, filetype=cdriver2filetype(oyml['driver'])) if oyml.get('as_array', False): # TODO: This should not be an exception fyml['as_array'] = True conn = dict(output=fyml, input=v) new_connections.append(([oyml], conn)) # Transfer keyword arguments from input/output to connection for ymls, conn in new_connections: for y in ymls: del y['driver'], y['args'] iodict['connections'].append(conn) instance.append(conn) # Empty registry of orphan input/output drivers for k in ['input_drivers', 'output_drivers', 'pairs']: iodict[k] = [] return instance @SchemaRegistry.register_normalizer(('connections', 0)) def _normalize_connio_first(normalizer, value, instance, schema): r"""Normalizes set of connection before each connection is normalized.""" if isinstance(instance, dict): standardize(instance, ['inputs', 'outputs'], suffixes=['_file', '_files'], altkeys=[['from', 'to']]) # Handle indexed inputs/outputs for io in ['inputs', 'outputs']: pruned = [] pruned_names = [] for x in instance[io]: if (':' in x['name']) and (not os.path.isabs(x['name'])): name = x['name'].split(':')[0] x['name'] = name if x['name'] not in pruned_names: pruned_names.append(x['name']) pruned.append(x) instance[io] = pruned # Move non-comm properties from model inputs/outputs s = getattr(normalizer, 'schema_registry', None) iodict = getattr(normalizer, 'iodict', None) if (s is not None) and (iodict is not None): opp_map = {'inputs': 'outputs', 'outputs': 'inputs'} comm_keys = s.get_component_keys('comm') conn_keys = s.get_component_keys('connection') target_files = [] for io in ['inputs', 'outputs']: for x in instance[io]: y = iodict['%s_extra' % opp_map[io]].get(x['name'], None) if y is None: target_files.append(x) continue y_keys = list(y.keys()) for k in y_keys: val = y.pop(k) if k == 'translator': instance.setdefault(k, []) if not isinstance(val, (list, tuple)): val = [val] instance[k] += val else: instance.setdefault(k, val) # Move everything but comm keywords down to files, then move # remainder down to input comms migrate_keys(instance, target_files, conn_keys + comm_keys) instance.pop('working_dir', None) migrate_keys(instance, instance['inputs'] + instance['outputs'], conn_keys) return instance @SchemaRegistry.register_normalizer([('connections', 0, 'inputs', 0, 0), ('connections', 0, 'outputs', 0, 0)]) def _normalize_connio_elements_comm(normalizer, value, instance, schema): r"""Normalize connection inputs/outputs as comms.""" io = normalizer.current_schema_path[2] if isinstance(instance, dict): # Check to see if is file iodict = getattr(normalizer, 'iodict', None) opp_map = {'inputs': 'outputs', 'outputs': 'inputs'} if iodict is not None: if (instance['name'] in iodict[opp_map[io]]): opp_comm = iodict[opp_map[io]][instance['name']] s = getattr(normalizer, 'schema_registry', None) if s is not None: comm_keys = s.get_component_keys('comm') for k in comm_keys: if k in opp_comm: instance.setdefault(k, opp_comm[k]) return instance @SchemaRegistry.register_normalizer([('connections', 0, 'inputs', 1, 0), ('connections', 0, 'outputs', 1, 0)]) def _normalize_connio_elements_file(normalizer, value, instance, schema): r"""Normalize connection inputs/outputs as files.""" io = normalizer.current_schema_path[2] if isinstance(instance, dict): # Check to see if is file iodict = getattr(normalizer, 'iodict', None) opp_map = {'inputs': 'outputs', 'outputs': 'inputs'} if iodict is not None: if (((instance['name'] not in iodict[opp_map[io]]) and ('filetype' not in instance))): instance['filetype'] = schema['properties']['filetype']['default'] return instance @SchemaRegistry.register_normalizer(('connections', 1)) def _normalize_connio_last(normalizer, value, instance, schema): r"""Normalize set of connections after they have been normalized.""" if isinstance(instance, dict): # Check that files properly specified s = getattr(normalizer, 'schema_registry', None) if s is not None: is_file = {} for io in ['inputs', 'outputs']: all = [s.is_valid_component('file', x) for x in instance[io]] is_file[io] = (sum(all) == len(all)) if is_file['inputs'] and is_file['outputs']: raise RuntimeError(("Both the input and output for this connection " + "appear to be files:\n%s" % pprint.pformat(instance))) # Copy file keys from partner comm(s) to the file comm(s) comm_keys = s.get_component_keys('comm') opp_map = {'inputs': 'outputs', 'outputs': 'inputs'} for io in ['inputs', 'outputs']: if is_file[io]: for x in instance[opp_map[io]]: migrate_keys(x, instance[io], comm_keys) return instance @SchemaRegistry.register_normalizer(('models', 0)) def _normalize_model_driver(normalizer, value, instance, schema): r"""Normalizes older style of specifying driver rather than language.""" if isinstance(instance, dict): s = getattr(normalizer, 'schema_registry', None) if s is not None: if ('language' not in instance) and ('driver' in instance): class2language = s['model'].class2subtype instance['language'] = class2language[instance.pop('driver')][0] return instance @SchemaRegistry.register_normalizer([('connections', 0, 'inputs', 1, 0), ('connections', 0, 'outputs', 1, 0)]) def _normalize_rwmeth(normalizer, value, instance, schema): r"""Normalize older style of specifying 'read_meth' or 'write_meth' instead of filetype.""" if isinstance(instance, dict): # Replace old read/write methd with filetype for k in ['read_meth', 'write_meth']: val = instance.pop(k, None) if (((val is not None) and (instance.get('filetype', None) in [None, 'binary']))): instance.update(rwmeth2filetype(val)) return instance @SchemaRegistry.register_normalizer([('connections', 0, 'inputs', 1, 0), ('connections', 0, 'outputs', 1, 0)]) def _normalize_ascii_table(normalizer, value, instance, schema): r"""Normalize the older style arguments for ascii table connections.""" if isinstance(instance, dict): alias_keys = [('column_names', 'field_names'), ('column_units', 'field_units'), ('column', 'delimiter')] for old, new in alias_keys: if old in instance: instance.setdefault(new, instance.pop(old)) return instance @SchemaRegistry.register_normalizer([('models', 0, 'inputs', 0), ('models', 0, 'outputs', 0), ('connections', 0, 'inputs', 0, 0), ('connections', 0, 'outputs', 0, 0)]) def _normalize_datatype(normalizer, value, instance, schema): r"""Normalize the datatype if the type information is in the comm.""" if isinstance(instance, dict) and ('datatype' not in instance): type_keys = list(metaschema.get_metaschema()['properties'].keys()) datatype = {} for k in type_keys: if k in instance: datatype[k] = instance.pop(k) if datatype: instance['datatype'] = datatype return instance