Source code for

import os
import glob
import importlib
from collections import OrderedDict
from import MetaschemaProperty

_metaschema_properties = OrderedDict()

[docs]def register_metaschema_property(prop_class): r"""Register a schema property. Args: prop_class (class): Class to be registered. Raises: ValueError: If a property class has already been registered under the same name. ValueError: If the base validator already has a validator function for the property and the new property class has a schema defined. ValueError: If the base validator already has a validator function for the property and the validate method on the new property class is not disabled. ValueError: If the property class does not have an entry in the existing metaschema. """ from cis_interface.metaschema import _metaschema, _base_validator global _metaschema_properties prop_name = if prop_name in _metaschema_properties: raise ValueError("Property '%s' already registered." % prop_name) if prop_name in _base_validator.VALIDATORS: if (prop_class.schema is not None): raise ValueError("Replacement property '%s' modifies the default schema." % prop_name) if (((prop_class._validate not in [None, False]) or ('validate' in prop_class.__dict__))): raise ValueError("Replacement property '%s' modifies the default validator." % prop_name) prop_class._validate = False # prop_class.types = [] # To ensure base class not modified by all # prop_class.python_types = [] # Check metaschema if it exists if _metaschema is not None: if prop_name not in _metaschema['properties']: raise ValueError("Property '%s' not in pre-loaded metaschema." % prop_name) _metaschema_properties[prop_name] = prop_class return prop_class
[docs]def get_registered_properties(): r"""Return a dictionary of registered properties. Returns: dict: Registered property/class pairs. """ return _metaschema_properties
[docs]def get_metaschema_property(property_name, skip_generic=False): r"""Get the property class associated with a metaschema property. Args: property_name (str): Name of property to get class for. skip_generic (bool, optional): If True and the property dosn't have a class, None is returned. Defaults to False. Returns: MetaschemaProperty: Associated property class. """ if property_name in _metaschema_properties: return _metaschema_properties[property_name] else: if skip_generic: return None else: return MetaschemaProperty.MetaschemaProperty
[docs]def import_all_properties(): r"""Import all types to ensure they are registered.""" for x in glob.glob(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '*.py')): mod = os.path.basename(x)[:-3] if not mod.startswith('__'): importlib.import_module('' % mod)