Source code for cis_interface.metaschema.datatypes.ScalarMetaschemaType

import numpy as np
import copy
import warnings
from cis_interface import units, backwards
from cis_interface.metaschema.datatypes import register_type
from cis_interface.metaschema.datatypes.MetaschemaType import MetaschemaType
from cis_interface.metaschema.datatypes.FixedMetaschemaType import (
from import ScalarMetaschemaProperties

[docs]@register_type class ScalarMetaschemaType(MetaschemaType): r"""Type associated with a scalar.""" name = 'scalar' description = 'A scalar value with or without units.' properties = + ['subtype', 'precision', 'units'] definition_properties = MetaschemaType.definition_properties + ['subtype'] metadata_properties = (MetaschemaType.metadata_properties + ['subtype', 'precision', 'units']) extract_properties = (MetaschemaType.extract_properties + ['subtype', 'precision', 'units']) python_types = ScalarMetaschemaProperties._all_python_scalars
[docs] @classmethod def validate(cls, obj, raise_errors=False): r"""Validate an object to check if it could be of this type. Args: obj (object): Object to validate. raise_errors (bool, optional): If True, errors will be raised when the object fails to be validated. Defaults to False. Returns: bool: True if the object could be of this type, False otherwise. """ if super(ScalarMetaschemaType, cls).validate(units.get_data(obj), raise_errors=raise_errors): dtype = ScalarMetaschemaProperties.data2dtype(obj) if cls.is_fixed and ('subtype' in cls.fixed_properties): type_list = [ ScalarMetaschemaProperties._valid_types[ cls.fixed_properties['subtype']]] else: type_list = ScalarMetaschemaProperties._valid_numpy_types for k in type_list: if return True else: if raise_errors: raise ValueError(("dtype %s dosn't corresponding with any " + "of the accepted types: %s") % (str(dtype), str(type_list))) return False
[docs] @classmethod def normalize(cls, obj): r"""Normalize an object, if possible, to conform to this type. Args: obj (object): Object to normalize. Returns: object: Normalized object. """ if cls.is_fixed and ('subtype' in cls.fixed_properties): if (cls.fixed_properties['subtype'] == 'bytes'): if isinstance(obj, backwards.string_types): obj = backwards.as_bytes(obj) else: obj = backwards.as_bytes(str(obj)) elif (cls.fixed_properties['subtype'] == 'unicode'): if isinstance(obj, backwards.string_types): obj = backwards.as_unicode(obj) else: obj = backwards.as_unicode(str(obj)) else: dtype = ScalarMetaschemaProperties._python_scalars[ cls.fixed_properties['subtype']][0] try: obj = dtype(obj) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass return obj
[docs] @classmethod def encode_data(cls, obj, typedef): r"""Encode an object's data. Args: obj (object): Object to encode. typedef (dict): Type definition that should be used to encode the object. Returns: string: Encoded object. """ arr = cls.to_array(obj) bytes = arr.tobytes() out = backwards.base64_encode(bytes).decode('ascii') return out
[docs] @classmethod def encode_data_readable(cls, obj, typedef): r"""Encode an object's data in a readable format that may not be decoded in exactly the same way. Args: obj (object): Object to encode. typedef (dict): Type definition that should be used to encode the object. Returns: string: Encoded object. """ arr = cls.to_array(obj) subtype = typedef.get('subtype', typedef.get('type', None)) if ( in ['1darray', 'ndarray']): return arr.tolist() assert(arr.ndim > 0) if subtype in ['int', 'uint']: return int(arr[0]) elif subtype in ['float']: return float(arr[0]) elif subtype in ['complex']: return str(complex(arr[0])) elif subtype in ['bytes', 'unicode']: return backwards.as_str(arr[0]) else: # pragma: debug warnings.warn(("No method for handling readable serialization of " + "subtype '%s', falling back to default.") % subtype) return super(ScalarMetaschemaType, cls).encode_data_readable(obj, typedef)
[docs] @classmethod def decode_data(cls, obj, typedef): r"""Decode an object. Args: obj (string): Encoded object to decode. typedef (dict): Type definition that should be used to decode the object. Returns: object: Decoded object. """ bytes = backwards.base64_decode(obj.encode('ascii')) dtype = ScalarMetaschemaProperties.definition2dtype(typedef) arr = np.frombuffer(bytes, dtype=dtype) # arr = np.fromstring(bytes, dtype=dtype) if 'shape' in typedef: arr = arr.reshape(typedef['shape']) out = cls.from_array(arr, unit_str=typedef.get('units', None), dtype=dtype) # Cast numpy type to native python type if they are equivalent out = cls.as_python_type(out, typedef) return out
[docs] @classmethod def transform_type(cls, obj, typedef=None): r"""Transform an object based on type info. Args: obj (object): Object to transform. typedef (dict, optional): Type definition that should be used to transform the object. Defaults to None. Returns: object: Transformed object. """ if typedef is None: return obj typedef0 = cls.encode_type(obj) typedef1 = copy.deepcopy(typedef0) typedef1.update(**typedef) dtype = ScalarMetaschemaProperties.definition2dtype(typedef1) arr = cls.to_array(obj).astype(dtype, casting='same_kind') out = cls.from_array(arr, unit_str=typedef0.get('units', None), dtype=dtype) out = cls.as_python_type(out, typedef) return units.convert_to(out, typedef1.get('units', None))
[docs] @classmethod def to_array(cls, obj): r"""Get np.array representation of the data. Args: obj (object): Object to get array for. Returns: np.ndarray: Array representation of object. """ obj_nounits = units.get_data(obj) if isinstance(obj_nounits, np.ndarray): arr = obj_nounits else: dtype = ScalarMetaschemaProperties.data2dtype(obj_nounits) arr = np.array([obj_nounits], dtype=dtype) return arr
[docs] @classmethod def from_array(cls, arr, unit_str=None, dtype=None): r"""Get object representation of the data. Args: arr (np.ndarray): Numpy array. unit_str (str, optional): Units that should be added to returned object. dtype (np.dtype, optional): Numpy data type that should be maintained as a base class when adding units. Defaults to None and is determined from the object. Returns: object: Object representation of the data in the input array. """ if ( not in ['1darray', 'ndarray']) and (arr.ndim > 0): out = arr[0] else: out = arr if unit_str is not None: if dtype is None: dtype = ScalarMetaschemaProperties.data2dtype(out) out = units.add_units(out, unit_str, dtype=dtype) return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_extract_properties(cls, metadata): r"""Get the list of properties that should be kept when extracting a typedef from message metadata. Args: metadata (dict): Metadata that typedef is being extracted from. Returns: list: Keywords that should be kept in the typedef. """ out = super(ScalarMetaschemaType, cls).get_extract_properties(metadata) dtype = metadata.get('subtype', metadata['type']) if (((dtype in ScalarMetaschemaProperties._flexible_types) and (metadata['type'] not in ['1darray', 'ndarray']) and (not metadata.get('fixed_precision', False)))): out.remove('precision') if units.is_null_unit(metadata.get('units', '')): out.remove('units') return out
[docs] @classmethod def as_python_type(cls, obj, typedef): r"""Convert a possible numpy type into a native Python type if possible. Args: obj (object): Object to convert. typedef (dict): Type definition for the object. Returns: object: Native Python version of input object if conversion possible. """ if ((isinstance(typedef, dict) and (typedef.get('type', '1darray') not in ['1darray', 'ndarray']))): stype = typedef.get('subtype', typedef.get('type', None)) py_type = ScalarMetaschemaProperties._python_scalars[stype][0] if np.dtype(py_type) == type(obj): obj = py_type(obj) return obj
# Dynamically create explicity scalar classes for shorthand for t in ScalarMetaschemaProperties._valid_types.keys(): create_fixed_type_class(t, 'A %s value with or without units.' % t, ScalarMetaschemaType, {'subtype': t}, globals(), python_types=ScalarMetaschemaProperties._python_scalars[t])