Source code for cis_interface.metaschema.datatypes.PlyMetaschemaType

import os
import copy
import warnings
import numpy as np
from cis_interface import backwards
from cis_interface.metaschema.encoder import encode_json, decode_json
from cis_interface.metaschema.datatypes import register_type_from_file, _schema_dir
from cis_interface.metaschema.datatypes.JSONObjectMetaschemaType import (

_schema_file = os.path.join(_schema_dir, 'ply.json')
_index_type = ('int', 'uint')
_color_type = ('int', 'uint')
_coord_type = 'float'
_index_fmt = '%d'
_color_fmt = '%d'
_coord_fmt = '%6.4f'
_index_conv = np.int32
_color_conv = np.uint8
_coord_conv = np.float32
_map_ply2py = {'char': 'int8', 'uchar': 'uint8',
               'short': 'int16', 'ushort': 'uint16',
               'int': 'int32', 'uint': 'uint32',
               'float': 'float32', 'double': 'float64'}
_map_py2ply = {v: k for k, v in _map_ply2py.items()}
_default_element_order = ['material', 'vertices', 'faces', 'edges']
_default_property_order = {'vertices': ['x', 'y', 'z', 'red', 'green', 'blue'],
                           'faces': [],
                           'edges': ['vertex1', 'vertex2', 'red', 'green', 'blue']}
# 'materials': ['ambient_red', 'ambient_green',
#               'ambient_blue', 'ambient_coeff',
#               'diffuse_red', 'diffuse_green',
#               'diffuse_blue', 'diffuse_coeff',
#               'specular_red', 'specular_green',
#               'specular_blue', 'specular_coeff',
#               'specular_power']}

[docs]def create_schema(overwrite=False): r"""Creates a file containing the Ply schema. Args: overwrite (bool, optional): If True and a file already exists, the existing file will be replaced. If False, an error will be raised if the file already exists. """ if (not overwrite) and os.path.isfile(_schema_file): raise RuntimeError("Schema file already exists.") schema = { 'title': 'ply', 'description': 'A mapping container for Ply 3D data.', 'type': 'object', 'required': ['vertices', 'faces'], 'definitions': { 'index': {'type': ('int', 'uint')}, 'color': {'type': ('int', 'uint')}, 'coord': {'type': 'float'}, 'vertex': { 'description': 'Map describing a single vertex.', 'type': 'object', 'required': ['x', 'y', 'z'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': {'x': {'type': _coord_type}, 'y': {'type': _coord_type}, 'z': {'type': _coord_type}, 'red': {'type': _color_type}, 'blue': {'type': _color_type}, 'green': {'type': _color_type}}}, 'face': { 'description': 'Map describing a single face.', 'type': 'object', 'required': ['vertex_index'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': { 'vertex_index': { 'type': 'array', 'minItems': 3, 'items': {'type': _index_type}}}}, 'edge': { 'description': 'Vertex indices describing an edge.', 'type': 'object', 'required': ['vertex1', 'vertex2'], 'additionalProperties': False, 'properties': { 'vertex1': {'type': _index_type}, 'vertex2': {'type': _index_type}, 'red': {'type': _color_type}, 'green': {'type': _color_type}, 'blue': {'type': _color_type}}} # 'material': { # 'description': 'Map of material parameters.', # 'type': 'object', # 'required': ['ambient_red', 'ambient_green', # 'ambient_blue', 'ambient_coeff', # 'diffuse_red', 'diffuse_green', # 'diffuse_blue', 'diffuse_coeff', # 'specular_red', 'specular_green', # 'specular_blue', 'specular_coeff', # 'specular_power'], # 'properties': {'ambient_red': {'type': _color_type}, # 'ambient_green': {'type': _color_type}, # 'ambient_blue': {'type': _color_type}, # 'ambient_coeff': {'type': _coord_type}, # 'diffuse_red': {'type': _color_type}, # 'diffuse_green': {'type': _color_type}, # 'diffuse_blue': {'type': _color_type}, # 'diffuse_coeff': {'type': _coord_type}, # 'specular_red': {'type': _color_type}, # 'specular_green': {'type': _color_type}, # 'specular_blue': {'type': _color_type}, # 'specular_coeff': {'type': _coord_type}, # 'specular_power': {'type': _coord_type}}}}, }, 'properties': { 'material': { 'description': 'Name of the material to use.', 'type': ['unicode', 'string']}, # 'materials': { # 'description': 'Array of materials.', # 'type': 'array', 'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/material'}}, 'vertices': { 'description': 'Array of vertices.', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/vertex'}}, 'edges': { 'description': 'Array of edges.', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/edge'}}, 'faces': { 'description': 'Array of faces.', 'type': 'array', 'items': {'$ref': '#/definitions/face'}}}, 'dependencies': { 'edges': ['vertices'], 'faces': ['vertices']}} with open(_schema_file, 'w') as fd: encode_json(schema, fd, indent='\t')
[docs]def get_schema(): r"""Return the Ply schema, initializing it if necessary. Returns: dict: Ply schema. """ if not os.path.isfile(_schema_file): create_schema() with open(_schema_file, 'r') as fd: out = decode_json(fd) return out
if not os.path.isfile(_schema_file): # pragma: debug create_schema()
[docs]def translate_ply2fmt(type_ply): r"""Get the corresponding type string for a Ply type string. Args: type_ply (str): Ply type string. Returns: str: C-style format string. """ if type_ply in ['char', 'uchar', 'short', 'ushort', 'int', 'uint']: out = '%d ' elif type_ply in ['float', 'double']: out = '%6.4f ' else: raise ValueError("Could not get format string for type '%s'" % type_ply) return out
[docs]def translate_ply2py(type_ply): r"""Get the corresponding Python type for the Ply type string. Args: type_ply (str): Ply type string. Returns: type: Python type. Raises: ValueError: If the type string does not have a match. """ if type_ply not in _map_ply2py: raise ValueError("Could not find type for ply type string '%s'." % type_ply) return np.dtype(_map_ply2py[type_ply]).type
[docs]def translate_py2ply(py_obj): r"""Get the correpsonding Ply type string for the provided Python object. Args: py_obj (object): Python object. Returns: str: Ply type string. """ type_py = np.array([py_obj]).dtype type_np = np.dtype(type_py).name if type_np == 'int64': warnings.warn("Ply dosn't support long. Precision will be lost.") return _map_py2ply['int32'] if type_np not in _map_py2ply: raise ValueError("Could not find ply type string for numpy type '%s'." % type_np) return _map_py2ply[type_np]
[docs]def singular2plural(e_sing): r"""Get the plural version of a singular element name. If the singular version ends with the suffix 'ex' it is replaced with the plural suffix 'ices'. Otherwise, an 's' is appended to the singular name to make it plural. Args: e_sing (str): Singular version of an element name. Returns: str: Plural version of the singular element name e_sing. """ if e_sing.endswith('ex'): e_plur = e_sing.rsplit('ex', 1)[0] e_plur += 'ices' else: e_plur = e_sing + 's' return e_plur
[docs]def plural2singular(e_plur): r"""Get the singular version of a plural element name. If the plural version ends with the suffix 'ices', it is replaced with the singular suffix 'ex'. If the plural version ends with an 's', it is removed. Args: e_plur (str): Plural version of an element name. Returns: str: Singular version of the plural element name e_plur. Raises: ValueError: If a singular version cannot be determined. """ if e_plur.endswith('ices'): e_sing = e_plur.rsplit('ices', 1)[0] e_sing += 'ex' elif e_plur.endswith('s'): e_sing = e_plur[:-1] else: raise ValueError("Cannot determine singular version of '%s'." % e_plur) return e_sing
[docs]class PlyDict(dict): r"""Enhanced dictionary class for storing Ply information.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(PlyDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setdefault('vertices', []) self.setdefault('faces', []) self._type_class.validate(self)
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, in_dict): r"""Get a version of the object from a dictionary.""" out = cls(**in_dict) return out
[docs] def as_dict(self): r"""Get a version of the object as a pure dictionary.""" out = dict(**self) return out
[docs] def count_elements(self, element_name): r"""Get the count of a certain element in the dictionary. Args: element_name (str): Name of the element to count. Returns: int: Number of the provided element. """ if element_name in self: return len(self[element_name]) elif singular2plural(element_name) in self: return len(self[singular2plural(element_name)]) else: raise ValueError("'%s' is not a valid property." % element_name)
@property def nvert(self): r"""int: Number of vertices.""" return self.count_elements('vertices') @property def nface(self): r"""int: Number of faces.""" return self.count_elements('faces') @property def bounds(self): r"""tuple: Mins/maxs of vertices in each dimension.""" mins = np.empty(3, 'float64') maxs = np.empty(3, 'float64') for i, x in enumerate('xyz'): mins[i] = min([v[x] for v in self['vertices']]) maxs[i] = max([v[x] for v in self['vertices']]) return mins, maxs @property def mesh(self): r"""list: Vertices for each face in the structure.""" mesh = [] for i in range(self.count_elements('faces')): imesh = [] for f in self['faces']: for v in f['vertex_index']: imesh += [self['vertices'][v][k] for k in ['x', 'y', 'z']] mesh.append(imesh) return mesh
[docs] @classmethod def from_shape(cls, shape, d, conversion=1.0, _as_obj=False): # pragma: lpy r"""Create a ply dictionary from a PlantGL shape and descritizer. Args: scene (openalea.plantgl.scene): Scene that should be descritized. d (openalea.plantgl.descritizer): Descritizer. conversion (float, optional): Conversion factor that should be applied to the vertex positions. Defaults to 1.0. """ out = None d.process(shape) if d.result is not None: out = cls() # Vertices for p in d.result.pointList: new_vert = {} for k in ['x', 'y', 'z']: new_vert[k] = conversion * getattr(p, k) out['vertices'].append(new_vert) # Colors if d.result.colorPerVertex and d.result.colorList: if d.result.isColorIndexListToDefault(): for i, c in enumerate(d.result.colorList): for k in ['red', 'green', 'blue']: out['vertices'][i][k] = getattr(c, k) else: # pragma: debug raise Exception("Indexed vertex colors not supported.") # elif not shape.appearance.isAmbientToDefault(): # c = shape.appearance.ambient # for k in ['red', 'green', 'blue']: # for v in out['vertices']: # v[k] = getattr(c, k) # Material if ( != out['material'] = # Faces if _as_obj: for i3 in d.result.indexList: out['faces'].append([{'vertex_index': i3[j]} for j in range(len(i3))]) else: for i3 in d.result.indexList: out['faces'].append({'vertex_index': [i3[j] for j in range(len(i3))]}) return out
[docs] @classmethod def from_scene(cls, scene, d=None, conversion=1.0): # pragma: lpy r"""Create a ply dictionary from a PlantGL scene and descritizer. Args: scene (openalea.plantgl.scene): Scene that should be descritized. d (openalea.plantgl.descritizer, optional): Descritizer. Defaults to openalea.plantgl.all.Tesselator. conversion (float, optional): Conversion factor that should be applied to the vertex positions. Defaults to 1.0. """ if d is None: from openalea.plantgl.all import Tesselator d = Tesselator() out = cls() for k, shapes in scene.todict().items(): for shape in shapes: d.clear() iply = cls.from_shape(shape, d, conversion=conversion) if iply is not None: out.append(iply) d.clear() return out
[docs] def to_scene(self, conversion=1.0, name=None): # pragma: lpy r"""Create a PlantGL scene from a Ply dictionary. Args: conversion (float, optional): Conversion factor that should be applied to the vertices. Defaults to 1.0. name (str, optional): Name that should be given to the created PlantGL symbol. Defaults to None and is ignored. Returns: """ import openalea.plantgl.all as pgl smb_class, args, kwargs = self.to_geom_args(conversion=conversion, name=name) smb = smb_class(*args, **kwargs) if name is not None: smb.setName(name) if self.get('material', None) is not None: mat = pgl.Material(self['material']) shp = pgl.Shape(smb, mat) else: shp = pgl.Shape(smb) if name is not None: shp.setName(name) scn = pgl.Scene([shp]) return scn
[docs] def to_geom_args(self, conversion=1.0, name=None, _as_obj=False): # pragma: lpy r"""Get arguments for creating a PlantGL geometry. Args: conversion (float, optional): Conversion factor that should be applied to the vertices. Defaults to 1.0. name (str, optional): Name that should be given to the created PlantGL symbol. Defaults to None and is ignored. Returns: tuple: Class, arguments and keyword arguments for PlantGL geometry. """ import openalea.plantgl.all as pgl kwargs = dict() # Add vertices obj_points = [] obj_colors = [] for v in self['vertices']: xarr = conversion * np.array([v[k] for k in ['x', 'y', 'z']]) obj_points.append(pgl.Vector3(np.float64(xarr[0]), np.float64(xarr[1]), np.float64(xarr[2]))) c = [v.get(k, None) for k in ['red', 'green', 'blue']] if None not in c: cast_type = int obj_colors.append(pgl.Color4(cast_type(c[0]), cast_type(c[1]), cast_type(c[2]), cast_type(1))) points = pgl.Point3Array(obj_points) if obj_colors: colors = pgl.Color4Array(obj_colors) kwargs['colorList'] = colors kwargs['colorPerVertex'] = True # Add indices obj_indices = [] index_class = pgl.Index array_class = pgl.IndexArray smb_class = pgl.FaceSet # index_class = pgl.Index3 # array_class = pgl.Index3Array # smb_class = pgl.TriangleSet for f in self['faces']: if _as_obj: f_int = [int(_f['vertex_index']) for _f in f] else: f_int = [int(_f) for _f in f['vertex_index']] obj_indices.append(index_class(*f_int)) indices = array_class(obj_indices) args = (points, indices) return smb_class, args, kwargs
[docs] def append(self, solf): r"""Append new ply information to this dictionary. Args: solf (PlyDict): Another ply to append to this one. """ nvert = self.count_elements('vertices') # Vertex fields self['vertices'] += solf['vertices'] # Face fields for f in solf['faces']: self['faces'].append({'vertex_index': [v + nvert for v in f['vertex_index']]}) # Edge fields if 'edges' in solf: if 'edges' not in self: self['edges'] = [] for e in solf['edges']: iedge = {'vertex1': e['vertex1'] + nvert, 'vertex2': e['vertex2'] + nvert} for k in ['red', 'green', 'blue']: if k in e: iedge[k] = e[k] self['edges'].append(iedge)
[docs] def merge(self, ply_list, no_copy=False): r"""Merge a list of ply dictionaries. Args: ply_list (list): Ply dictionaries. no_copy (bool, optional): If True, the current dictionary will be updated, otherwise a copy will be returned with the update. Defaults to False. Returns: dict: Merged ply dictionary. """ if not isinstance(ply_list, list): ply_list = [ply_list] # Merge fields if no_copy: out = self else: out = copy.deepcopy(self) for x in ply_list: out.append(x) return out
[docs] def apply_scalar_map(self, scalar_arr, color_map=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, scaling='linear', scale_by_area=False, no_copy=False, _as_obj=False): r"""Set the color of faces in a 3D object based on a scalar map. This creates a copy unless no_copy is True. Args: scalar_arr (arr): Scalar values that should be mapped to colors for each face. color_map (str, optional): The name of the color map that should be used. Defaults to 'plasma'. vmin (float, optional): Value that should map to the minimum of the colormap. Defaults to min(scalar_arr). vmax (float, optional): Value that should map to the maximum of the colormap. Defaults to max(scalar_arr). scaling (str, optional): Scaling that should be used to map the scalar array onto the colormap. Defaults to 'linear'. scale_by_area (bool, optional): If True, the elements of the scalar array will be multiplied by the area of the corresponding face. If True, vmin and vmax should be in terms of the scaled array. Defaults to False. no_copy (bool, optional): If True, the returned object will not be a copy. Defaults to False. Returns: dict: Ply with updated vertex colors. """ from matplotlib import cm from matplotlib import colors as mpl_colors # Scale by area if scale_by_area: scalar_arr = copy.deepcopy(scalar_arr) for i, f in enumerate(self['faces']): if _as_obj: fv = [_f['vertex_index'] for _f in f] else: fv = f['vertex_index'] if len(fv) > 3: raise NotImplementedError("Area calc not implemented " + "for faces above triangle.") v0 = np.array([self['vertices'][fv[0]][k] for k in 'xyz']) v1 = np.array([self['vertices'][fv[1]][k] for k in 'xyz']) v2 = np.array([self['vertices'][fv[2]][k] for k in 'xyz']) a = np.sqrt(np.sum((v0 - v1)**2)) b = np.sqrt(np.sum((v1 - v2)**2)) c = np.sqrt(np.sum((v2 - v0)**2)) s = (a + b + c) / 2.0 area = np.sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c)) scalar_arr[i] = area * scalar_arr[i] # Map vertices onto faces vertex_scalar = [[] for x in self['vertices']] if _as_obj: for i in range(len(self['faces'])): for v in self['faces'][i]: vertex_scalar[v['vertex_index']].append(scalar_arr[i]) else: for i in range(len(self['faces'])): for v in self['faces'][i]['vertex_index']: vertex_scalar[v].append(scalar_arr[i]) for i in range(len(vertex_scalar)): if len(vertex_scalar[i]) == 0: vertex_scalar[i] = 0 else: vertex_scalar[i] = np.mean(vertex_scalar[i]) vertex_scalar = np.array(vertex_scalar) if scaling == 'log': vertex_scalar =, vertex_scalar <= 0) # Get color scaling if color_map is None: # color_map = 'summer' color_map = 'plasma' if vmin is None: vmin = vertex_scalar.min() if vmax is None: vmax = vertex_scalar.max() cmap = cm.get_cmap(color_map) if scaling == 'log': norm = mpl_colors.LogNorm(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) elif scaling == 'linear': norm = mpl_colors.Normalize(vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) else: # pragma: debug raise Exception("Scaling must be 'linear' or 'log'.") m = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap) # Scale colors vertex_colors = (255 * m.to_rgba(vertex_scalar)).astype('int')[:, :3].tolist() if no_copy: out = self else: out = copy.deepcopy(self) for i, c in enumerate(vertex_colors): for j, k in enumerate(['red', 'green', 'blue']): out['vertices'][i][k] = c[j] return out
# The base class could be anything since it is discarded during registration, # but is set to JSONObjectMetaschemaType here for transparancy since this is # what the base class is determined to be on loading the schema
[docs]@register_type_from_file(_schema_file) class PlyMetaschemaType(JSONObjectMetaschemaType): r"""Ply 3D structure map.""" _empty_msg = {'vertices': [], 'faces': []} python_types = (dict, PlyDict)
[docs] @classmethod def encode_data(cls, obj, typedef, element_order=None, property_order=None, default_rgb=[0, 0, 0], comments=[], newline='\n', plyformat='ascii 1.0'): r"""Encode an object's data. Args: obj (object): Object to encode. typedef (dict): Type definition that should be used to encode the object. element_order (list, optional): Order that elements should be written to the file. If not provided, the order is determined based on typical ply files with remaining elements output in sorted order. property_order (dict, optional): Dictionary of property order for each element determining the order that they properties should be written to the file. If not provided, the orders are determined based on typical ply files with remaining elements output in sorted order. default_rgb (list, optional): Default color in RGB that should be used for missing colors. Defaults to [0, 0, 0]. comments (list, optional): List of comments that should be included in the file header. Defaults to lines describing the automated origin of the file. newline (str, optional): String that should be used to delineated end of lines. Defaults to '\n'. plyformat (str, optional): String describing the ply format and version. Defaults to 'ascii 1.0'. Returns: bytes, str: Serialized message. """ # Add comments to identify generated files default_comments = ['author cis_auto', 'File generated by cis_interface'] for c in default_comments: if c not in comments: comments.append(c) # Default order to allow user definited elements if element_order is None: element_order = [] for k in _default_element_order: if (k in obj): element_order.append(k) for k in sorted(obj.keys()): if k not in element_order: element_order.append(k) if property_order is None: property_order = {} for e in element_order: if e == 'material': continue assert(isinstance(obj[e], (list, tuple))) if len(obj[e]) == 0: continue property_order[e] = [] if e in _default_property_order: for k in _default_property_order[e]: if k in obj[e][0]: property_order[e].append(k) for k in sorted(obj[e][0].keys()): if k not in property_order[e]: property_order[e].append(k) # Get information needed size_map = {} type_map = {} for e in element_order: if e == 'material': continue assert(isinstance(obj[e], (list, tuple))) type_map[e] = {} size_map[e] = len(obj[e]) if len(obj[e]) == 0: continue for p in property_order[e]: if isinstance(obj[e][0][p], list): subtype = translate_py2ply(obj[e][0][p][0]) type_map[e][p] = 'list uchar %s' % subtype else: type_map[e][p] = translate_py2ply(obj[e][0][p]) # Encode header header = ['ply', 'format %s' % plyformat] header += ['comment ' + c for c in comments] for e in element_order: if e == 'material': header += ['comment material: %s' % obj[e]] else: e_sing = plural2singular(e) header.append('element %s %d' % (e_sing, size_map[e])) if size_map[e] > 0: for p in property_order[e]: header.append('property %s %s' % (type_map[e][p], p)) header.append('end_header') # Encode body body = [] for e in element_order: if (e not in obj) or (e == 'material'): continue for x in obj[e]: iline = '' for p in property_order[e]: if type_map[e][p].startswith('list'): vars = type_map[e][p].split() ientry = x[p] ifmt = translate_ply2fmt(vars[2]) iline += translate_ply2fmt(vars[1]) % len(ientry) for ix in ientry: iline += ifmt % ix else: # if p not in x: # if p in ['red', 'green', 'blue']: # rgb_index = ['red', 'green', 'blue'].index(p) # x[p] = default_rgb[rgb_index] iline += translate_ply2fmt(type_map[e][p]) % x[p] body.append(iline.strip()) # Ensure trailing spaces are removed return newline.join(header + body) + newline
[docs] @classmethod def decode_data(cls, msg, typedef): r"""Decode an object. Args: msg (string): Encoded object to decode. typedef (dict): Type definition that should be used to decode the object. Returns: object: Decoded object. """ lines = backwards.as_str(msg).splitlines() metadata = {'comments': [], 'element_order': [], 'property_order': {}} if lines[0] != 'ply': raise ValueError("The first line must be 'ply'") # Parse header e = None p = None type_map = {} size_map = {} obj = {} for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line.startswith('format'): metadata['plyformat'] = line.split(None, 1)[-1] elif line.startswith('comment'): out = line.split(None, 1)[-1] if out.startswith('material:'): metadata['element_order'].append('material') obj['material'] = out.split(None, 1)[-1] metadata['comments'].append(out) elif line.startswith('element'): vars = line.split() e_sing = vars[1] e = singular2plural(e_sing) size_map[e] = int(float(vars[2])) type_map[e] = {} metadata['element_order'].append(e) metadata['property_order'][e] = [] obj[e] = [] elif line.startswith('property'): vars = line.split() p = vars[-1] type_map[e][p] = ' '.join(vars[1:-1]) metadata['property_order'][e].append(p) elif 'end_header' in line: headline = i + 1 break # Parse body i = headline for e in metadata['element_order']: if e == 'material': continue for ie in range(size_map[e]): vars = lines[i].split() iv = 0 new = {} for p in metadata['property_order'][e]: if type_map[e][p].startswith('list'): type_vars = type_map[e][p].split() count_type = translate_ply2py(type_vars[1]) plist_type = translate_ply2py(type_vars[2]) count = count_type(vars[iv]) plist = [] iv += 1 for ip in range(count): plist.append(plist_type(vars[iv])) iv += 1 new[p] = plist else: prop_type = translate_ply2py(type_map[e][p]) new[p] = prop_type(vars[iv]) iv += 1 assert(iv == len(vars)) obj[e].append(new) i += 1 # Check that all properties filled in for e in metadata['element_order']: if e not in metadata['property_order']: continue for p in metadata['property_order'][e]: assert(len(obj[e]) == size_map[e]) # Return return PlyDict(obj)
[docs] @classmethod def updated_fixed_properties(cls, obj): r"""Get a version of the fixed properties schema that includes information from the object. Args: obj (object): Object to use to put constraints on the fixed properties schema. Returns: dict: Fixed properties schema with object dependent constraints. """ out = super(PlyMetaschemaType, cls).updated_fixed_properties(obj) # Constrain indices on number of elements they refer to if isinstance(obj, dict) and ('vertices' in obj): nvert = len(obj['vertices']) out['definitions']['face']['properties']['vertex_index']['items'][ 'maximum'] = nvert - 1 for k in ['vertex1', 'vertex2']: out['definitions']['edge']['properties'][k][ 'maximum'] = nvert - 1 return out
PlyDict._type_class = PlyMetaschemaType