Source code for cis_interface.metaschema.datatypes.MetaschemaType

import copy
import uuid
import pprint
import jsonschema
from cis_interface import backwards, tools
from cis_interface.metaschema import get_metaschema, get_validator, encoder
from cis_interface.metaschema.datatypes import (
    MetaschemaTypeError, compare_schema, CIS_MSG_HEAD, get_type_class,
from import get_metaschema_property

def _get_single_array_element(arr):
    return arr[0]

[docs]class MetaschemaType(object): r"""Base type that should be subclassed by user defined types. Attributes should be overwritten to match the type. Arguments: **kwargs: All keyword arguments are assumed to be type definition properties which will be used to validate serialized/deserialized messages. Attributes: name (str): Name of the type for use in YAML files & form options. description (str): A short description of the type. properties (list): List of JSON schema properties that this type uses. definition_properties (list): Type properties that are required for YAML or form entries specifying the type. These will also be used to validate type definitions. metadata_properties (list): Type properties that are required for deserializing instances of the type that have been serialized. python_types (list): List of python types that this type encompasses. specificity (int): Specificity of the type. Types with larger values are more specific while types with smaller values are more general. Base types have a specificity of 0. More specific types are checked first before more general ones. is_fixed (bool): True if the type is a fixed version of another type. See FixedMetaschemaType for details. """ name = 'base' description = 'A generic base type for users to build on.' properties = ['type', 'title'] definition_properties = ['type'] metadata_properties = ['type'] extract_properties = ['type', 'title'] python_types = [] specificity = 0 is_fixed = False _empty_msg = b'' _replaces_existing = False def __init__(self, **typedef): self._typedef = {} typedef.setdefault('type', self.update_typedef(**typedef) # Methods to be overridden by subclasses
[docs] @classmethod def encode_data(cls, obj, typedef): r"""Encode an object's data. Args: obj (object): Object to encode. typedef (dict): Type definition that should be used to encode the object. Returns: string: Encoded object. """ raise NotImplementedError("Method must be overridden by the subclass.")
[docs] @classmethod def encode_data_readable(cls, obj, typedef): r"""Encode an object's data in a readable format. Args: obj (object): Object to encode. typedef (dict): Type definition that should be used to encode the object. Returns: string: Encoded object. """ return cls.encode_data(obj, typedef)
[docs] @classmethod def decode_data(cls, obj, typedef): r"""Decode an object. Args: obj (string): Encoded object to decode. typedef (dict): Type definition that should be used to decode the object. Returns: object: Decoded object. """ raise NotImplementedError("Method must be overridden by the subclass.")
[docs] @classmethod def transform_type(cls, obj, typedef=None): r"""Transform an object based on type info. Args: obj (object): Object to transform. typedef (dict): Type definition that should be used to transform the object. Returns: object: Transformed object. """ return obj
[docs] @classmethod def coerce_type(cls, obj, typedef=None, **kwargs): r"""Coerce objects of specific types to match the data type. Args: obj (object): Object to be coerced. typedef (dict, optional): Type defintion that object should be coerced to. Defaults to None. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are metadata entries that may aid in coercing the type. Returns: object: Coerced object. """ return obj
# Methods not to be modified by subclasses
[docs] @classmethod def issubtype(cls, t): r"""Determine if this type is a subclass of the provided type. Args: t (str): Type name to check against. Returns: bool: True if this type is a subtype of the specified type t. """ return ( == t)
[docs] @classmethod def jsonschema_type_checker(cls, checker, instance): r"""Type checker for use with jsonschema >= 3.0.0. Args: checker (jsonschema.TypeChecker): Type checker class. instance (object): Object being checked. Returns: bool: True if instance could be of this type, False otherwise. """ return cls.validate(instance)
[docs] @classmethod def validate(cls, obj, raise_errors=False): r"""Validate an object to check if it could be of this type. Args: obj (object): Object to validate. raise_errors (bool, optional): If True, errors will be raised when the object fails to be validated. Defaults to False. Returns: bool: True if the object could be of this type, False otherwise. """ if not cls.python_types: raise NotImplementedError("Attribute 'python_types' must be set.") out = isinstance(obj, cls.python_types) if (not out) and raise_errors: raise ValueError(("Object of type '%s' is not one of the accepted " + "Python types (%s) for this type (%s).") % (type(obj), cls.python_types, return out
[docs] @classmethod def normalize(cls, obj): r"""Normalize an object, if possible, to conform to this type. Args: obj (object): Object to normalize. Returns: object: Normalized object. """ return obj
[docs] @classmethod def encode_type(cls, obj, typedef=None, **kwargs): r"""Encode an object's type definition. Args: obj (object): Object to encode. typedef (dict, optional): Type properties that should be used to initialize the encoded type definition in certain cases. Defaults to None and is ignored. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are treated as additional schema properties. Raises: MetaschemaTypeError: If the object is not the correct type. Returns: dict: Encoded type definition. """ obj = cls.coerce_type(obj, typedef=typedef) if typedef is None: typedef = {} if not cls.validate(obj): raise MetaschemaTypeError("Object could not be encoded as '%s' type." % out = copy.deepcopy(kwargs) for x in itypedef = typedef.get(x, out.get(x, None)) if x == 'type': out['type'] = elif x == 'title': if itypedef is not None: out[x] = itypedef else: prop_cls = get_metaschema_property(x) out[x] = prop_cls.encode(obj, typedef=itypedef) return out
[docs] @classmethod def get_extract_properties(cls, metadata): r"""Get the list of properties that should be kept when extracting a typedef from message metadata. Args: metadata (dict): Metadata that typedef is being extracted from. Returns: list: Keywords that should be kept in the typedef. """ return copy.deepcopy(cls.extract_properties)
[docs] @classmethod def extract_typedef(cls, metadata, reqkeys=None): r"""Extract the minimum typedef required for this type from the provided metadata. Args: metadata (dict): Message metadata. reqkeys (list, optional): Set of keys to keep in the definition. Defaults to the required definition keys. Returns: dict: Encoded type definition with unncessary properties removed. """ out = copy.deepcopy(metadata) if reqkeys is None: reqkeys = cls.get_extract_properties(metadata) keylist = [k for k in out.keys()] for k in keylist: if k not in reqkeys: del out[k] return out
[docs] def update_typedef(self, **kwargs): r"""Update the current typedef with new values. Args: **kwargs: All keyword arguments are considered to be new type definitions. If they are a valid definition property, they will be copied to the typedef associated with the instance. Returns: dict: A dictionary of keyword arguments that were not added to the type definition. Raises: MetaschemaTypeError: If the current type does not match the type being updated to. """ typename0 = self._typedef.get('type', None) typename1 = kwargs.get('type', None) # Check typename to make sure this is possible if typename1 and typename0 and (typename1 != typename0): raise MetaschemaTypeError( "Cannot update typedef for type '%s' to be '%s'." % (typename0, typename1)) # Copy over valid properties all_keys = [k for k in kwargs.keys()] # req_keys = self.definition_schema().get('required', []) for k in all_keys: # if k in req_keys: self._typedef[k] = kwargs.pop(k) # Validate self.validate_definition(self._typedef) return kwargs
[docs] @classmethod def metaschema(cls): r"""JSON meta schema for validating schemas for this type.""" return get_metaschema()
[docs] @classmethod def validator(cls): r"""JSON schema validator for the meta schema that includes added types.""" return get_validator()
[docs] @classmethod def definition_schema(cls): r"""JSON schema for validating a type definition schema.""" out = {'title':, 'description': cls.description, 'type': 'object', 'required': copy.deepcopy(cls.definition_properties), 'properties': {'type': {'enum': []}}} return out
[docs] @classmethod def metadata_schema(cls): r"""JSON schema for validating a JSON serialization of the type.""" out = {'title':, 'description': cls.description, 'type': 'object', 'required': copy.deepcopy(cls.metadata_properties), 'properties': {'type': {'enum': []}}} return out
[docs] @classmethod def validate_metadata(cls, obj): r"""Validates an encoded object. Args: obj (string): Encoded object to validate. """ if ((isinstance(obj, dict) and ('type' in obj) and (obj['type'] != type_cls = get_type_class(obj['type']) if type_cls.is_fixed and type_cls.issubtype( obj = type_cls.typedef_fixed2base(obj) # jsonschema.validate(obj, cls.metaschema(), cls=cls.validator()) jsonschema.validate(obj, cls.metadata_schema(), cls=cls.validator())
[docs] @classmethod def validate_definition(cls, obj): r"""Validates a type definition. Args: obj (object): Type definition to validate. """ # jsonschema.validate(obj, cls.metaschema(), cls=cls.validator()) jsonschema.validate(obj, cls.definition_schema(), cls=cls.validator())
[docs] @classmethod def validate_instance(cls, obj, typedef): r"""Validates an object against a type definition. Args: obj (object): Object to validate against a type definition. typedef (dict): Type definition to validate against. """ # cls.validate_definition(typedef) jsonschema.validate(obj, typedef, cls=cls.validator())
[docs] @classmethod def normalize_definition(cls, obj): r"""Normalizes a type definition. Args: obj (object): Type definition to normalize. Returns: object: Normalized type definition. """ for x in if x not in obj: prop_cls = get_metaschema_property(x) obj = prop_cls.normalize_in_schema(obj) return obj
[docs] @classmethod def check_encoded(cls, metadata, typedef=None, raise_errors=False, typedef_validated=False): r"""Checks if the metadata for an encoded object matches the type definition. Args: metadata (dict): Meta data to be tested. typedef (dict, optional): Type properties that object should be tested against. Defaults to None and object may have any values for the type properties (so long as they match the schema. raise_errors (bool, optional): If True, any errors determining that encoded object is not of this type will be raised. Defaults to False. typedef_validated (bool, optional): If True, the type definition is taken as already having been validated and will not be validated again during the encoding process. Defaults to False. Returns: bool: True if the metadata matches the type definition, False otherwise. """ try: cls.validate_metadata(metadata) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError: if raise_errors: raise return False if typedef is not None: if not typedef_validated: try: cls.validate_definition(typedef) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError: if raise_errors: raise return False errors = [e for e in compare_schema(metadata, typedef)] if errors: error_msg = "Error(s) in comparison:" for e in errors: error_msg += ('\t%s' % e) if raise_errors: raise ValueError(error_msg) return False return True
[docs] @classmethod def check_decoded(cls, obj, typedef=None, raise_errors=False, typedef_validated=False): r"""Checks if an object is of the this type. Args: obj (object): Object to be tested. typedef (dict, optional): Type properties that object should be tested against. Defaults to None and is not used. raise_errors (bool, optional): If True, any errors determining that decoded object is not of this type will be raised. Defaults to False. typedef_validated (bool, optional): If True, the type definition is taken as already having been validated and will not be validated again during the encoding process. Defaults to False. Returns: bool: Truth of if the input object is of this type. """ if not cls.validate(obj, raise_errors=raise_errors): return False if typedef is None: return True # Validate definition if not typedef_validated: try: cls.validate_definition(typedef) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError: if raise_errors: raise return False # Validate instance against definition try: cls.validate_instance(obj, typedef) except jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError: if raise_errors: raise return False return True
[docs] @classmethod def encode(cls, obj, typedef=None, typedef_validated=False, **kwargs): r"""Encode an object. Args: obj (object): Object to encode. typedef (dict, optional): Type properties that object should be tested against. Defaults to None and object may have any values for the type properties (so long as they match the schema. typedef_validated (bool, optional): If True, the type definition is taken as already having been validated and will not be validated again during the encoding process. Defaults to False. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are added to the metadata. Returns: tuple(dict, bytes): Encoded object with type definition and data serialized to bytes. Raises: ValueError: If the object does not match the type definition. ValueError: If the encoded metadata does not match the type definition. TypeError: If the encoded data is not of bytes type. """ # Coerce, then check object, then transform obj = cls.coerce_type(obj, typedef=typedef, typedef_validated=typedef_validated, **kwargs) cls.check_decoded(obj, typedef, raise_errors=True, typedef_validated=typedef_validated) obj_t = cls.transform_type(obj, typedef) # Encode metadata = cls.encode_type(obj_t, typedef=typedef) data = cls.encode_data(obj_t, metadata) # Add extra keyword arguments to metadata, ensuring type not overwritten for k, v in kwargs.items(): if (k in metadata) and (v != metadata[k]): error_str = ("Key '%s' set by the type encoder.\n" + " User defined value:\n%s\n" + "Type encoder defined value:\n%s\n") % ( k, pprint.pformat(v), pprint.pformat(metadata[k])) raise RuntimeError(error_str) metadata[k] = v return metadata, data
[docs] @classmethod def decode(cls, metadata, data, typedef=None, typedef_validated=False): r"""Decode an object. Args: metadata (dict): Meta data describing the data. data (bytes): Encoded data. typedef (dict, optional): Type properties that decoded object should be tested against. Defaults to None and object may have any values for the type properties (so long as they match the schema). typedef_validated (bool, optional): If True, the type definition is taken as already having been validated and will not be validated again during the encoding process. Defaults to False. Returns: object: Decoded object. Raises: ValueError: If the metadata does not match the type definition. ValueError: If the decoded object does not match type definition. """ conv_func = None if not cls.check_encoded(metadata, typedef, typedef_validated=typedef_validated): if ('type' in metadata) and (typedef == {'type': 'bytes'}): new_cls = get_type_class(metadata['type']) return new_cls.decode(metadata, data) if ((isinstance(metadata, dict) and (len(metadata.get('items', [])) == 1) and cls.check_encoded(metadata['items'][0], typedef))): conv_func = _get_single_array_element else: conv_func = conversions.get_conversion(metadata.get('type', None), if not conv_func: cls.check_encoded(metadata, typedef, raise_errors=True, typedef_validated=typedef_validated) if conv_func: new_cls = get_type_class(metadata['type']) out = conv_func(new_cls.decode(metadata, data)) else: out = cls.decode_data(data, metadata) out = cls.transform_type(out, typedef) return out
[docs] def serialize(self, obj, no_metadata=False, dont_encode=False, **kwargs): r"""Serialize a message. Args: obj (object): Python object to be formatted. no_metadata (bool, optional): If True, no metadata will be added to the serialized message. Defaults to False. dont_encode (bool, optional): If True, the input message will not be encoded using type specific or JSON encoding. Defaults to False. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are added to the metadata. Returns: bytes, str: Serialized message. """ if ((isinstance(obj, backwards.bytes_type) and ((obj == tools.CIS_MSG_EOF) or kwargs.get('raw', False) or dont_encode))): metadata = kwargs data = obj is_raw = True else: metadata, data = self.encode(obj, typedef=self._typedef, typedef_validated=True, **kwargs) is_raw = False for k in ['size', 'data']: if k in metadata: raise RuntimeError("'%s' is a reserved keyword in the metadata." % k) if not is_raw: data = encoder.encode_json(data) if no_metadata: return data metadata['size'] = len(data) metadata.setdefault('id', str(uuid.uuid4())) metadata = encoder.encode_json(metadata) msg = CIS_MSG_HEAD + metadata + CIS_MSG_HEAD + data return msg
[docs] def deserialize(self, msg, no_data=False, metadata=None, dont_decode=False): r"""Deserialize a message. Args: msg (str, bytes): Message to be deserialized. no_data (bool, optional): If True, only the metadata is returned. Defaults to False. metadata (dict, optional): Metadata that should be used to deserialize the message instead of the current header content. Defaults to None and is not used. dont_decode (bool, optional): If True, type specific and JSON decoding will not be used to decode the message. Defaults to False. Returns: tuple(obj, dict): Deserialized message and header information. Raises: TypeError: If msg is not bytes type (str on Python 2). ValueError: If msg does not contain the header separator. """ if not isinstance(msg, backwards.bytes_type): raise TypeError("Message to be deserialized is not bytes type.") # Check for header if CIS_MSG_HEAD in msg: if metadata is not None: raise ValueError("Metadata in header and provided by keyword.") _, metadata, data = msg.split(CIS_MSG_HEAD, 2) if len(metadata) == 0: metadata = dict(size=len(data)) else: metadata = encoder.decode_json(metadata) else: data = msg if metadata is None: metadata = dict(size=len(msg)) if (((len(msg) > 0) and (msg != tools.CIS_MSG_EOF) and (self._typedef != {'type': 'bytes'}) and (not dont_decode))): raise ValueError("Header marker not in message.") # Set flags based on data metadata['incomplete'] = (len(data) < metadata['size']) if (data == tools.CIS_MSG_EOF): metadata['raw'] = True # Return based on flags if no_data: return metadata elif len(data) == 0: return self._empty_msg, metadata elif (metadata['incomplete'] or metadata.get('raw', False) or (metadata.get('type', None) == 'direct') or dont_decode): return data, metadata else: data = encoder.decode_json(data) obj = self.decode(metadata, data, self._typedef, typedef_validated=True) return obj, metadata