Source code for cis_interface.metaschema.datatypes.JSONArrayMetaschemaType

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from cis_interface.metaschema.datatypes import register_type
from cis_interface.metaschema.datatypes.ContainerMetaschemaType import (

[docs]@register_type class JSONArrayMetaschemaType(ContainerMetaschemaType): r"""Type associated with a set of subtypes.""" name = 'array' description = 'A container of ordered values.' properties = + ['items'] definition_properties = ContainerMetaschemaType.definition_properties metadata_properties = ContainerMetaschemaType.metadata_properties + ['items'] extract_properties = ContainerMetaschemaType.extract_properties + ['items'] python_types = (list, tuple, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame) _replaces_existing = True _container_type = list _json_type = 'array' _json_property = 'items' _empty_msg = []
[docs] @classmethod def validate(cls, obj, raise_errors=False): r"""Validate an object to check if it could be of this type. Args: obj (object): Object to validate. raise_errors (bool, optional): If True, errors will be raised when the object fails to be validated. Defaults to False. Returns: bool: True if the object could be of this type, False otherwise. """ out = super(JSONArrayMetaschemaType, cls).validate( obj, raise_errors=raise_errors) if out and isinstance(obj, np.ndarray): out = (len(obj.dtype) > 0) if (not out) and raise_errors: raise ValueError("Array dosn't have a structured data type.") return out
[docs] @classmethod def normalize(cls, obj): r"""Normalize an object, if possible, to conform to this type. Args: obj (object): Object to normalize. Returns: object: Normalized object. """ if isinstance(obj, str): obj = [v.strip() for v in obj.split(',')] return obj
[docs] @classmethod def coerce_type(cls, obj, typedef=None, key_order=None, **kwargs): r"""Coerce objects of specific types to match the data type. Args: obj (object): Object to be coerced. typedef (dict, optional): Type defintion that object should be coerced to. Defaults to None. key_order (list, optional): Order that keys from a dictionary should be used to compose an array. Defaults to None. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are metadata entries that may aid in coercing the type. Returns: object: Coerced object. Raises: RuntimeError: If obj is a dictionary, but key_order is not provided. """ from cis_interface.serialize import pandas2list, numpy2list, dict2list if isinstance(obj, pd.DataFrame): obj = pandas2list(obj) elif isinstance(obj, np.ndarray) and (len(obj.dtype) > 0): obj = numpy2list(obj) elif isinstance(obj, dict): if (key_order is not None) or (len(obj) == 1): obj = dict2list(obj, order=key_order) elif isinstance(typedef, dict) and (len(typedef.get('items', [])) == 1): typedef_validated = kwargs.get('typedef_validated', False) if cls.check_decoded([obj], typedef, typedef_validated=typedef_validated): obj = [obj] return obj
@classmethod def _iterate(cls, container): r"""Iterate over the contents of the container. Each element returned should be a tuple including an index and a value. Args: container (obj): Object to be iterated over. Returns: iterator: Iterator over elements in the container. """ for k, v in enumerate(container): yield (k, v) @classmethod def _assign(cls, container, index, value): r"""Assign an element in the container to the specified value. Args: container (obj): Object that element will be assigned to. index (obj): Index in the container object where element will be assigned. value (obj): Value that will be assigned to the element in the container object. """ if len(container) > index: container[index] = value elif len(container) == index: container.append(value) else: raise RuntimeError("The container has %s elements and the index is %s" % (len(container), index)) @classmethod def _has_element(cls, container, index): r"""Check to see if an index is in the container. Args: container (obj): Object that should be checked for index. index (obj): Index that should be checked for. Returns: bool: True if the index is in the container. """ return (len(container) > index) @classmethod def _get_element(cls, container, index, default): r"""Get an element from the container if it exists, otherwise return the default. Args: container (obj): Object that should be returned from. index (obj): Index of element that should be returned. default (obj): Default that should be returned if the index is not in the container. Returns: object: Container contents at specified element. """ if isinstance(container, dict): assert('type' in container) return container return super(JSONArrayMetaschemaType, cls)._get_element( container, index, default)