Source code for cis_interface.interface.tests.test_CisInterface

import os
import numpy as np
import unittest
from cis_interface.communication import get_comm, get_comm_class
from cis_interface.interface import CisInterface
from cis_interface.drivers import (
    import_driver, InputDriver, OutputDriver, MatlabModelDriver)
from cis_interface.tests import CisTestClassInfo, assert_raises, assert_equal


[docs]def test_maxMsgSize(): r"""Test max message size.""" assert_equal(CisInterface.maxMsgSize(), CIS_MSG_MAX)
[docs]def test_eof_msg(): r"""Test eof message signal.""" assert_equal(CisInterface.eof_msg(), CIS_MSG_EOF)
[docs]def test_bufMsgSize(): r"""Test buf message size.""" assert_equal(CisInterface.bufMsgSize(), CIS_MSG_BUF)
[docs]def test_init(): r"""Test error on init.""" assert_raises(Exception, CisInterface.CisInput, 'error') assert_raises(Exception, CisInterface.CisOutput, 'error')
[docs]@unittest.skipIf(not MatlabModelDriver._matlab_installed, "Matlab not installed.") def test_CisMatlab_class(): # pragma: matlab r"""Test Matlab interface for classes.""" name = 'test' # Input drv = InputDriver.InputDriver(name, 'link') drv.start() os.environ.update(drv.env) CisInterface.CisMatlab('CisInput', (name, '%f\\n%d')) drv.terminate() # Output drv = OutputDriver.OutputDriver(name, 'link') drv.start() os.environ.update(drv.env) CisInterface.CisMatlab('CisOutput', (name, '%f\\n%d')) drv.terminate()
[docs]@unittest.skipIf(not MatlabModelDriver._matlab_installed, "Matlab not installed.") def test_CisMatlab_variables(): # pragma: matlab r"""Test Matlab interface for variables.""" assert_equal(CisInterface.CisMatlab('CIS_MSG_MAX'), CIS_MSG_MAX) assert_equal(CisInterface.CisMatlab('CIS_MSG_EOF'), CIS_MSG_EOF)
[docs]class TestBase(CisTestClassInfo): r"""Test class for interface classes.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestBase, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._mod = 'cis_interface.interface.CisInterface' = 'test' + self.uuid self.matlab = False self.idriver = None self.odriver = None self.test_comm = None self.is_file = False self.filecomm = None self.filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'temp_ascii.txt') self.testing_option_kws = {} self.direction = None self.test_comm_kwargs = {} # self._driver_kwargs = {} self._inst_args = [] self.fmt_str = b'%5s\t%d\t%f\n' self.fmt_str_matlab = b'%5s\\t%d\\t%f\\n' @property def odriver_class(self): r"""class: Output driver class.""" if self.direction is None: return None # pragma: no cover elif (self.direction == 'output') and self.is_file: return import_driver('FileOutputDriver') elif (self.direction == 'input') and self.is_file: return None return import_driver('OutputDriver') @property def idriver_class(self): r"""class: Input driver class.""" if self.direction is None: return None # pragma: no cover elif (self.direction == 'output') and self.is_file: return None elif (self.direction == 'input') and self.is_file: return import_driver('FileInputDriver') return import_driver('InputDriver') @property def odriver_args(self): r"""list: Output driver arguments.""" if (self.direction == 'output') and self.is_file: filecomm_kwargs = self.testing_options['kwargs'] filecomm_kwargs['comm'] = self.filecomm return ([, self.filename], {'ocomm_kws': filecomm_kwargs}) elif (self.direction == 'input') and self.is_file: return None, None # pragma: no cover elif (self.direction == 'output'): return [, + '_link'], {} elif (self.direction == 'input'): return [ + '_odriver', + '_link'], {} raise Exception('Direction was not set. (%s)', self.direction) # pragma: debug @property def idriver_args(self): r"""list: Input driver arguments.""" if (self.direction == 'output') and self.is_file: return None, None # pragma: no cover elif (self.direction == 'input') and self.is_file: filecomm_kwargs = self.testing_options['kwargs'] filecomm_kwargs['comm'] = self.filecomm return ([, self.filename], {'icomm_kws': filecomm_kwargs}) elif (self.direction == 'output'): return [ + '_idriver', + '_link'], {} elif (self.direction == 'input'): return [, + '_link'], {} raise Exception('Direction was not set. (%s)', self.direction) # pragma: debug @property def inst_kwargs(self): r"""dict: Arguments for the interface instance.""" out = super(TestBase, self).inst_kwargs out['matlab'] = self.matlab return out
[docs] def get_options(self): r"""Get testing options.""" out = {} if self.is_file: assert(self.filecomm is not None) out = get_comm_class(self.filecomm).get_testing_options( **self.testing_option_kws) else: out = get_comm_class().get_testing_options( **self.testing_option_kws) return out
@property def messages(self): r"""list: Messages that should be sent/received.""" if getattr(self, '_messages', None) is not None: return self._messages return self.testing_options['send']
[docs] def setup(self): r"""Start driver and instance.""" if self.direction is None: # pragma: debug return nprev_comm = self.comm_count nprev_thread = self.thread_count nprev_fd = self.fd_count idriver_class = self.idriver_class odriver_class = self.odriver_class # File if self.is_file and (self.direction == 'input'): with open(self.filename, 'wb') as fd: fd.write(self.testing_options['contents']) # Drivers comm_env = None if idriver_class is not None: args, kwargs = self.idriver_args self.idriver = idriver_class(*args, **kwargs) self.idriver.start() comm_env = self.idriver.comm_env if odriver_class is not None: args, kwargs = self.odriver_args if comm_env is not None: kwargs['comm_env'] = comm_env self.odriver = odriver_class(*args, **kwargs) self.odriver.start() # Test comm if self.direction == 'input': os.environ.update(self.idriver.env) if self.odriver is not None: kws = self.odriver.icomm.opp_comm_kwargs() kws.update(self.test_comm_kwargs) self.test_comm = get_comm('in', **kws) elif self.direction == 'output': os.environ.update(self.odriver.env) if self.idriver is not None: kws = self.idriver.ocomm.opp_comm_kwargs() kws.update(self.test_comm_kwargs) self.test_comm = get_comm('out', **kws) # Test class super(TestBase, self).setup(nprev_comm=nprev_comm, nprev_thread=nprev_thread, nprev_fd=nprev_fd)
[docs] def teardown(self): r"""Stop the driver.""" if self.odriver is not None: self.odriver.terminate() self.odriver.cleanup() if self.idriver is not None: self.idriver.terminate() self.idriver.cleanup() if self.test_comm is not None: self.test_comm.close() if self.is_file and os.path.isfile(self.filename): os.remove(self.filename) if self.direction is None: # pragma: debug return super(TestBase, self).teardown() self.cleanup_comms()
[docs] def remove_instance(self, inst): r"""Remove an instance.""" inst.is_interface = False inst.close() assert(inst.is_closed) super(TestBase, self).remove_instance(inst)
[docs]class TestCisInput(TestBase): r"""Test basic input to python.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCisInput, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cls = 'CisInput' self.direction = 'input' if self.__class__ == TestCisInput: self.testing_option_kws = {'as_format': True} self._inst_kwargs = {'format_str': self.fmt_str}
[docs] def test_msg(self): r"""Test sending/receiving message.""" if self.is_file: for msg in self.testing_options['recv']: msg_flag, msg_recv = self.instance.recv(self.timeout) assert(msg_flag) self.assert_equal(msg_recv, msg) msg_flag, msg_recv = self.instance.recv(self.timeout) assert(not msg_flag) else: for msg in self.messages: msg_flag = self.test_comm.send(msg) assert(msg_flag) msg_flag, msg_recv = self.instance.recv(self.timeout) assert(msg_flag) self.assert_equal(msg_recv, msg)
[docs]class TestCisInputMatlab(TestCisInput): r"""Test basic input to python as passed from matlab.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCisInputMatlab, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.matlab = True self.testing_option_kws = {'as_format': True} self._inst_kwargs = {'format_str': self.fmt_str_matlab}
[docs]class TestCisOutput(TestBase): r"""Test basic output to python.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCisOutput, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cls = 'CisOutput' self.direction = 'output' if self.__class__ == TestCisOutput: self.testing_option_kws = {'as_format': True} self._inst_kwargs = {'format_str': self.fmt_str}
[docs] def test_msg(self): r"""Test sending/receiving message.""" if self.is_file: for msg in self.testing_options['send']: msg_flag = self.instance.send(msg) assert(msg_flag) self.instance.send_eof() # Read temp file Tout = self.instance.start_timeout() while self.odriver.ocomm.is_open and not Tout.is_out: self.instance.sleep() self.instance.stop_timeout() assert(os.path.isfile(self.filename)) if self.testing_options.get('exact_contents', True): with open(self.filename, 'rb') as fd: res = self.assert_equal(res, self.testing_options['contents']) else: for msg in self.messages: msg_flag = self.instance.send(msg) assert(msg_flag) msg_flag, msg_recv = self.test_comm.recv(self.timeout) assert(msg_flag) self.assert_equal(msg_recv, msg)
[docs]class TestCisOutputMatlab(TestCisOutput): r"""Test basic output to python as passed from matlab.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCisOutputMatlab, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.matlab = True self.testing_option_kws = {'as_format': True} self._inst_kwargs = {'format_str': self.fmt_str_matlab}
[docs]class TestCisRpcClient(TestCisOutput): r"""Test client-side RPC communication with Python.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCisRpcClient, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cls = 'CisRpcClient' self._inst_args = [, self.fmt_str, self.fmt_str] self.test_comm_kwargs = {'comm': 'ServerComm', 'response_kwargs': {'format_str': self.fmt_str}} self._messages = [(b'one', np.int32(1), 1.0)] @property def odriver_class(self): r"""class: Output driver class.""" return import_driver('ClientDriver') @property def idriver_class(self): r"""class: Input driver class.""" return import_driver('ServerDriver')
[docs] def test_msg(self): r"""Test sending/receiving message.""" super(TestCisRpcClient, self).test_msg() for msg in self.messages: msg_flag = self.test_comm.send(msg) assert(msg_flag) msg_flag, msg_recv = self.instance.recv(self.timeout) assert(msg_flag) self.assert_equal(msg_recv, msg)
[docs]class TestCisRpcClientMatlab(TestCisRpcClient): r"""Test client-side RPC communication with Python as passed through Matlab.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCisRpcClientMatlab, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.matlab = True self._inst_args = [, self.fmt_str_matlab, self.fmt_str_matlab]
[docs]class TestCisRpcServer(TestCisInput): r"""Test server-side RPC communication with Python.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCisRpcServer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cls = 'CisRpcServer' self._inst_args = [, self.fmt_str, self.fmt_str] self.test_comm_kwargs = {'comm': 'ClientComm', 'response_kwargs': {'format_str': self.fmt_str}} self._messages = [(b'one', np.int32(1), 1.0)] @property def odriver_class(self): r"""class: Output driver class.""" return import_driver('ClientDriver') @property def idriver_class(self): r"""class: Input driver class.""" return import_driver('ServerDriver')
[docs] def test_msg(self): r"""Test sending/receiving message.""" super(TestCisRpcServer, self).test_msg() for msg in self.messages: msg_flag = self.instance.send(msg) assert(msg_flag) msg_flag, msg_recv = self.test_comm.recv(self.timeout) assert(msg_flag) self.assert_equal(msg_recv, msg)
[docs]class TestCisRpcServerMatlab(TestCisRpcServer): r"""Test server-side RPC communication with Python as passed through Matlab.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCisRpcServerMatlab, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.matlab = True self._inst_args = [, self.fmt_str_matlab, self.fmt_str_matlab]
# AsciiFile
[docs]class TestCisAsciiFileInput(TestCisInput): r"""Test input from an unformatted text file.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCisAsciiFileInput, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cls = 'CisAsciiFileInput' self.is_file = True self.filecomm = 'AsciiFileComm'
[docs]class TestCisAsciiFileOutput(TestCisOutput): r"""Test output to an unformatted text file.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCisAsciiFileOutput, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cls = 'CisAsciiFileOutput' self.is_file = True self.filecomm = 'AsciiFileComm'
# AsciiTable
[docs]class TestCisAsciiTableInput(TestCisAsciiFileInput): r"""Test input from an ascii table.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCisAsciiTableInput, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cls = 'CisAsciiTableInput' self.is_file = True self.filecomm = 'AsciiTableComm'
[docs]class TestCisAsciiTableOutput(TestCisAsciiFileOutput): r"""Test output from an ascii table.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCisAsciiTableOutput, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cls = 'CisAsciiTableOutput' self.is_file = True self.filecomm = 'AsciiTableComm' self._inst_args = [, self.fmt_str] self._inst_kwargs = {}
[docs]class TestCisAsciiTableOutputMatlab(TestCisAsciiTableOutput): r"""Test output from an ascii table as passed through Matlab.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCisAsciiTableOutputMatlab, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.matlab = True self._inst_args = [, self.fmt_str_matlab]
# AsciiTable Array
[docs]class TestCisAsciiArrayInput(TestCisAsciiTableInput): r"""Test input from an ASCII table.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCisAsciiArrayInput, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cls = 'CisAsciiArrayInput' self.is_file = True self.filecomm = 'AsciiTableComm' self.testing_option_kws = {'as_array': True}
[docs]class TestCisAsciiArrayOutput(TestCisAsciiTableOutput): r"""Test input from an ASCII table.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCisAsciiArrayOutput, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cls = 'CisAsciiArrayOutput' self.is_file = True self.filecomm = 'AsciiTableComm' self.testing_option_kws = {'as_array': True}
# Pickle
[docs]class TestCisPickleInput(TestCisInput): r"""Test input from a pickle file.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCisPickleInput, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cls = 'CisPickleInput' self.is_file = True self.filecomm = 'PickleFileComm'
[docs]class TestCisPickleOutput(TestCisOutput): r"""Test output from a pickle.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCisPickleOutput, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cls = 'CisPickleOutput' self.is_file = True self.filecomm = 'PickleFileComm'
# Pandas
[docs]class TestCisPandasInput(TestCisInput): r"""Test input from a pandas file.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCisPandasInput, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cls = 'CisPandasInput' self.is_file = True self.filecomm = 'PandasFileComm' self.testing_option_kws = {'as_frames': True}
[docs]class TestCisPandasOutput(TestCisOutput): r"""Test output from a pandas.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCisPandasOutput, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cls = 'CisPandasOutput' self.is_file = True self.filecomm = 'PandasFileComm' self.testing_option_kws = {'as_frames': True}
# Ply
[docs]class TestCisPlyInput(TestCisInput): r"""Test input from a ply file.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCisPlyInput, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cls = 'CisPlyInput' self.is_file = True self.filecomm = 'PlyFileComm'
[docs]class TestCisPlyOutput(TestCisOutput): r"""Test output from a ply.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCisPlyOutput, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cls = 'CisPlyOutput' self.is_file = True self.filecomm = 'PlyFileComm'
# Obj
[docs]class TestCisObjInput(TestCisInput): r"""Test input from a obj file.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCisObjInput, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cls = 'CisObjInput' self.is_file = True self.filecomm = 'ObjFileComm'
[docs]class TestCisObjOutput(TestCisOutput): r"""Test output from a obj.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(TestCisObjOutput, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self._cls = 'CisObjOutput' self.is_file = True self.filecomm = 'ObjFileComm'