Source code for cis_interface.examples.tests

import os
import uuid
import unittest
import tempfile
from cis_interface import runner, tools
from cis_interface.examples import yamls
from cis_interface.tests import CisTestBase
from cis_interface.drivers.MatlabModelDriver import _matlab_installed

_c_comm_installed = tools.get_installed_comm(language='c')

[docs]class TestExample(CisTestBase, tools.CisClass): r"""Base class for running examples.""" example_name = None expects_error = False env = {} def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): tools.CisClass.__init__(self, self.example_name) self.language = None self.uuid = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.runner = None # self.debug_flag = True super(TestExample, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @property def description_prefix(self): r"""Prefix message with test name.""" return @property def namespace(self): r"""str: Namespace for the example.""" return "%s_%s" % (, self.uuid) @property def tempdir(self): r"""str: Temporary directory.""" return tempfile.gettempdir() @property def yaml(self): r"""str: The full path to the yaml file for this example.""" if not in yamls: return None if self.language not in yamls[]: return None if not _matlab_installed: # pragma: no matlab if self.language == 'all': return yamls[].get('all_nomatlab', None) return yamls[][self.language] @property def yamldir(self): r"""str: Full path to the directory containing the yaml file.""" if self.yaml is None: # pragma: no cover return None if isinstance(self.yaml, list): out = os.path.dirname(self.yaml[0]) else: out = os.path.dirname(self.yaml) return out # @property # def yaml_contents(self): # r"""dict: Contents of yaml file.""" # if self.yaml is None: # pragma: no cover # return None # return tools.parse_yaml(self.yaml) @property def input_files(self): # pragma: debug r"""list Input files for the run.""" return None @property def output_files(self): r"""list: Output files for the run.""" return None @property def results(self): r"""list: Results that should be found in the output files.""" if self.input_files is None: # pragma: debug return None out = [] for fname in self.input_files: assert(os.path.isfile(fname)) with open(fname, 'r') as fd: icont = out.append(icont) return out
[docs] def check_results(self): r"""This should be overridden with checks for the result.""" if self.output_files is None: return res_list = self.results out_list = self.output_files assert(res_list is not None) assert(out_list is not None) self.assert_equal(len(res_list), len(out_list)) for res, fout in zip(res_list, out_list): self.check_file_exists(fout) if isinstance(res, tuple): res[0](fout, *res[1:]) else: self.check_file_size(fout, len(res)) self.check_file_contents(fout, res)
[docs] def run_example(self): r"""This runs an example in the correct language.""" if self.yaml is None: if is not None: raise unittest.SkipTest("Could not locate example %s in language %s." % (, self.language)) else: os.environ.update(self.env) self.runner = runner.get_runner(self.yaml, namespace=self.namespace) if self.expects_error: assert(self.runner.error_flag) else: assert(not self.runner.error_flag) self.check_results() self.cleanup()
[docs] def cleanup(self): r"""Cleanup files created during the test.""" if (self.yaml is not None) and (self.output_files is not None): for fout in self.output_files: if os.path.isfile(fout): os.remove(fout)
[docs] @unittest.skipIf(not _c_comm_installed, "C Library not installed") def test_all(self): r"""Test the version of the example that uses all languages.""" self.language = 'all' self.run_example() self.language = None
[docs] def test_python(self): r"""Test the Python version of the example.""" self.language = 'python' self.run_example() self.language = None
[docs] @unittest.skipIf(not _c_comm_installed, "C Library not installed") def test_c(self): r"""Test the C version of the example.""" self.language = 'c' self.run_example() self.language = None
[docs] @unittest.skipIf(not _c_comm_installed, "C Library not installed") def test_cpp(self): r"""Test the C++ version of the example.""" self.language = 'cpp' self.run_example() self.language = None
[docs] @unittest.skipIf(not _matlab_installed, "Matlab not installed") def test_matlab(self): # pragma: matlab r"""Test the Matlab version of the example.""" self.language = 'matlab' self.run_example() self.language = None