Source code for cis_interface.drivers.ConnectionDriver

"""Module for funneling messages from one comm to another."""
import os
import numpy as np
import threading
from cis_interface import backwards
from cis_interface.communication import new_comm, get_comm_class
from cis_interface.drivers.Driver import Driver
from cis_interface.schema import get_schema

def _translate_list2element(arr):
    if isinstance(arr, (list, tuple)):
        arr = arr[0]
    return arr

[docs]class ConnectionDriver(Driver): r"""Class that continuously passes messages from one comm to another. Args: name (str): Name that should be used to set names of input/output comms. icomm_kws (dict, optional): Keyword arguments for the input communicator. ocomm_kws (dict, optional): Keyword arguments for the output communicator. translator (str, func, optional): Function or string specifying function that should be used to translate messages from the input communicator before passing them to the output communicator. If a string, the format should be "<package.module>:<function>" so that <function> can be imported from <package>. Defaults to None and messages are passed directly. This can also be a list of functions/strings that will be called on the messages in the order they are provided. timeout_send_1st (float, optional): Time in seconds that should be waited before giving up on the first send. Defaults to self.timeout. single_use (bool, optional): If True, the driver will be stopped after one loop. Defaults to False. onexit (str, optional): Class method that should be called when the corresponding model exits, but before the driver is shut down. Defaults to None. **kwargs: Additonal keyword arguments are passed to the parent class. Attributes: icomm_kws (dict): Keyword arguments for the input communicator. ocomm_kws (dict): Keyword arguments for the output communicator. icomm (CommBase): Input communicator. ocomm (CommBase): Output communicator. nrecv (int): Number of messages received. nproc (int): Number of messages processed. nsent (int): Number of messages sent. nskip (int): Number of messages skipped. state (str): Descriptor of last action taken. translator (func): Function that will be used to translate messages from the input communicator before passing them to the output communicator. timeout_send_1st (float): Time in seconds that should be waited before giving up on the first send. single_use (bool): If True, the driver will be stopped after one loop. onexit (str): Class method that should be called when the corresponding model exits, but before the driver is shut down. """ _connection_type = 'default' _icomm_type = 'DefaultComm' _ocomm_type = 'DefaultComm' _direction = 'any' _schema_type = 'connection' _schema_required = ['inputs', 'outputs'] _schema_properties = { 'inputs': {'type': 'array', 'minItems': 1, 'items': {'anyOf': [{'$ref': '#/definitions/comm'}, {'$ref': '#/definitions/file'}]}}, 'outputs': {'type': 'array', 'minItems': 1, 'items': {'anyOf': [{'$ref': '#/definitions/comm'}, {'$ref': '#/definitions/file'}]}}, 'translator': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'type': 'function'}}, 'onexit': {'type': 'string'}} @property def _is_input(self): r"""bool: True if the connection is providing input to a model.""" return (self._direction == 'input') @property def _is_output(self): r"""bool: True if the connection is retreiving output from a model.""" return (self._direction == 'output') def __init__(self, name, translator=None, single_use=False, onexit=None, **kwargs): super(ConnectionDriver, self).__init__(name, **kwargs) # Translator if translator is None: translator = [] elif not isinstance(translator, list): translator = [translator] self.translator = [] for t in translator: if not hasattr(t, '__call__'): raise ValueError("Translator %s not callable." % t) self.translator.append(t) if (onexit is not None) and (not hasattr(self, onexit)): raise ValueError("onexit '%s' is not a class method." % onexit) self.onexit = onexit # Attributes self._eof_sent = False self.single_use = single_use self._first_send_done = False self._comm_opened = threading.Event() self._comm_closed = False self._used = False self._skip_after_loop = False self._model_exited = False self.nrecv = 0 self.nproc = 0 self.nsent = 0 self.nskip = 0 self.state = 'started' self.close_state = '' # Add comms and print debug info self._init_comms(name, **kwargs) # self.debug(' env: %s', str(self.env)) self.debug(('\n' + 80 * '=' + '\n' + 'class = %s\n' + ' input: name = %s, address = %s\n' + ' output: name = %s, address = %s\n' + (80 * '=')), self.__class__,, self.icomm.address,, self.ocomm.address) def _init_single_comm(self, name, io, comm_kws, **kwargs): r"""Parse keyword arguments for input/output comm.""" self.debug("Creating %s comm", io) s = get_schema() if comm_kws is None: comm_kws = dict() if io == 'input': direction = 'recv' comm_type = self._icomm_type touches_model = self._is_output attr_comm = 'icomm' comm_kws['close_on_eof_recv'] = False else: direction = 'send' comm_type = self._ocomm_type touches_model = self._is_input attr_comm = 'ocomm' comm_kws['direction'] = direction comm_kws['dont_open'] = True comm_kws['reverse_names'] = True comm_kws.setdefault('comm', {'comm': comm_type}) assert(name == comm_kws.setdefault('name', name) if not isinstance(comm_kws['comm'], list): comm_kws['comm'] = [comm_kws['comm']] for i, x in enumerate(comm_kws['comm']): if x is None: comm_kws['comm'][i] = dict() elif not isinstance(x, dict): comm_kws['comm'][i] = dict(comm=x) comm_kws['comm'][i].setdefault('comm', comm_type) any_files = False all_files = True if not touches_model: comm_kws['no_suffix'] = True ikws = [] for x in comm_kws['comm']: if get_comm_class(x['comm']).is_file: any_files = True ikws += s['file'].get_subtype_properties(x['comm']) else: all_files = False ikws += s['comm'].get_subtype_properties(x['comm']) ikws = list(set(ikws)) for k in ikws: if (k not in comm_kws) and (k in kwargs): comm_kws[k] = kwargs.pop(k) if ('comm_env' in kwargs) and ('comm_env' not in comm_kws): comm_kws['env'] = kwargs.pop('comm_env') if any_files and (io == 'input'): kwargs.setdefault('timeout_send_1st', 60) self.debug('%s comm_kws:\n%s', attr_comm, self.pprint(comm_kws, 1)) setattr(self, attr_comm, new_comm(comm_kws.pop('name'), **comm_kws)) setattr(self, '%s_kws' % attr_comm, comm_kws) if touches_model: self.env.update(getattr(self, attr_comm).opp_comms) elif not all_files: self.comm_env.update(getattr(self, attr_comm).opp_comms) return kwargs def _init_comms(self, name, icomm_kws=None, ocomm_kws=None, **kwargs): r"""Parse keyword arguments for input/output comms.""" kwargs = self._init_single_comm(name, 'input', icomm_kws, **kwargs) try: kwargs = self._init_single_comm(name, 'output', ocomm_kws, **kwargs) except BaseException: self.icomm.close() raise # Apply keywords dependent on comms self.timeout_send_1st = kwargs.pop('timeout_send_1st', self.timeout) self.debug('Final env:\n%s', self.pprint(self.env, 1))
[docs] def wait_for_route(self, timeout=None): r"""Wait until messages have been routed.""" T = self.start_timeout(timeout) while ((not T.is_out) and (self.nrecv != (self.nsent + self.nskip))): # pragma: debug self.sleep() self.stop_timeout() return (self.nrecv == (self.nsent + self.nskip))
@property def is_valid(self): r"""bool: Returns True if the connection is open and the parent class is valid.""" with self.lock: return (super(ConnectionDriver, self).is_valid and self.is_comm_open and not (self.single_use and self._used)) @property def is_comm_open(self): r"""bool: Returns True if both communicators are open.""" with self.lock: return (self.icomm.is_open and self.ocomm.is_open and not self._comm_closed) @property def is_comm_closed(self): r"""bool: Returns True if both communicators are closed.""" with self.lock: return self.icomm.is_closed and self.ocomm.is_closed @property def n_msg(self): r"""int: Number of messages waiting in input communicator.""" with self.lock: return self.icomm.n_msg_recv
[docs] def open_comm(self): r"""Open the communicators.""" self.debug('') with self.lock: if self._comm_closed: self.debug('Aborted as comm closed') return try: except BaseException: self.close_comm() raise self._comm_opened.set() self.debug('Returning')
[docs] def close_comm(self): r"""Close the communicators.""" self.debug('') with self.lock: self._comm_closed = True self._skip_after_loop = True # Capture errors for both comms ie = None oe = None try: if getattr(self, 'icomm', None) is not None: self.icomm.close() except BaseException as e: ie = e try: if getattr(self, 'ocomm', None) is not None: self.ocomm.close() except BaseException as e: oe = e if ie: raise ie if oe: raise oe self.debug('Returning')
[docs] def start(self): r"""Open connection before running.""" self.open_comm() Tout = self.start_timeout() while (not self.is_comm_open) and (not Tout.is_out): self.sleep() self.stop_timeout() if not self.is_comm_open: raise Exception("Connection never finished opening.") super(ConnectionDriver, self).start()
[docs] def graceful_stop(self, timeout=None, **kwargs): r"""Stop the driver, first waiting for the input comm to be empty. Args: timeout (float, optional): Max time that should be waited. Defaults to None and is set to attribute timeout. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's graceful_stop method. """ self.debug('') with self.lock: self.set_close_state('stop') self._skip_after_loop = True self.drain_input(timeout=timeout) self.wait_for_route(timeout=timeout) self.drain_output(timeout=timeout) super(ConnectionDriver, self).graceful_stop() self.debug('Returning')
[docs] def on_model_exit(self): r"""Drain input and then close it.""" self.debug('') if (self.onexit not in [None, 'on_model_exit', 'pass']): self.debug("Calling onexit = '%s'" % self.onexit) getattr(self, self.onexit)() self.drain_input(timeout=self.timeout) self.set_close_state('model exit') self.debug('Model exit triggered close') if self._is_input: with self.lock: self.icomm.close() self.ocomm.close() if self._is_output: self.wait_for_route(timeout=self.timeout) with self.lock: self.icomm.close() self.set_break_flag() self.wait() self.debug('Finished') super(ConnectionDriver, self).on_model_exit()
[docs] def do_terminate(self): r"""Stop the driver by closing the communicators.""" self.debug('') self.set_close_state('terminate') self.close_comm() super(ConnectionDriver, self).do_terminate()
[docs] def cleanup(self): r"""Ensure that the communicators are closed.""" self.debug('') self.close_comm() super(ConnectionDriver, self).cleanup()
[docs] def printStatus(self, beg_msg='', end_msg=''): r"""Print information on the status of the ConnectionDriver. Arguments: beg_msg (str, optional): Additional message to print at beginning. end_msg (str, optional): Additional message to print at end. """ msg = beg_msg msg += '%-50s' % (self.__module__.split('.')[-1] + '(' + + '): ') msg += '%-30s' % ('last action: ' + self.state) msg += '%-25s' % ('is_open(%s, %s), ' % (self.icomm.is_open, self.ocomm.is_open)) msg += '%-15s' % (str(self.nrecv) + ' received, ') msg += '%-15s' % (str(self.nproc) + ' processed, ') msg += '%-15s' % (str(self.nskip) + ' skipped, ') msg += '%-15s' % (str(self.nsent) + ' sent, ') msg += '%-20s' % (str(self.icomm.n_msg) + ' ready to recv') msg += '%-20s' % (str(self.ocomm.n_msg) + ' ready to send') with self.lock: if self.close_state: msg += '%-30s' % ('close state: ' + self.close_state) msg += end_msg print(msg)
[docs] def confirm_input(self, timeout=None): r"""Confirm receipt of messages from input comm.""" T = self.start_timeout(timeout) while not T.is_out: # pragma: debug with self.lock: if (not self.icomm.is_open): break elif self.icomm.is_confirmed_recv: break self.sleep(10 * self.sleeptime) self.stop_timeout()
[docs] def confirm_output(self, timeout=None): r"""Confirm receipt of messages from output comm.""" T = self.start_timeout(timeout) while not T.is_out: # pragma: debug with self.lock: if (not self.ocomm.is_open): break elif self.ocomm.is_confirmed_send: break self.sleep(10 * self.sleeptime) self.stop_timeout()
[docs] def drain_input(self, timeout=None): r"""Drain messages from input comm.""" T = self.start_timeout(timeout) while not T.is_out: with self.lock: if (not self.icomm.is_open): break elif ((self.icomm.n_msg_recv_drain == 0) and self.icomm.is_confirmed_recv): break self.sleep() self.stop_timeout()
[docs] def drain_output(self, timeout=None): r"""Drain messages from output comm.""" T = self.start_timeout(timeout) while not T.is_out: with self.lock: if (not self.ocomm.is_open): break elif ((self.ocomm.n_msg_send_drain == 0) and self.ocomm.is_confirmed_send): break self.sleep() self.stop_timeout()
[docs] def before_loop(self): r"""Actions to perform prior to sending messages.""" self.state = 'before loop' try: self.open_comm() self.sleep() # Help ensure senders/receivers connected before messages self.debug('Running in %s, is_valid = %s', os.getcwd(), str(self.is_valid)) assert(self.is_valid) except BaseException: # pragma: debug self.printStatus() self.exception('Could not prep for loop (is_open = (%s, %s)).' % ( self.icomm.is_open, self.ocomm.is_open)) self.close_comm() self.set_break_flag()
[docs] def after_loop(self): r"""Actions to perform after sending messages.""" self.state = 'after loop' self.debug('') # Close input comm in case loop did not self.confirm_input(timeout=False) self.debug('Confirmed input') with self.lock: self.debug('Acquired lock') if self._skip_after_loop: self.debug("After loop skipped.") return self.icomm.close() # Send EOF in case the model didn't if not self.single_use: self.send_eof() # Do not close output comm in case model/connection still receiving self.debug('Finished')
[docs] def recv_message(self, **kwargs): r"""Get a new message to send. Args: **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the appropriate recv method. Returns: str, bool: False if no more messages, message otherwise. """ kwargs.setdefault('timeout', 0) with self.lock: if self.icomm.is_closed: return False flag, msg = self.icomm.recv(**kwargs) if isinstance(msg, backwards.bytes_type) and (msg == self.icomm.eof_msg): return self.on_eof() if flag: return msg else: return flag
[docs] def on_eof(self): r"""Actions to take when EOF received. Returns: str, bool: Value that should be returned by recv_message on EOF. """ with self.lock: self.debug('EOF received') self.state = 'eof' self.set_close_state('eof') self.set_break_flag() self.debug('After EOF') return False
[docs] def on_message(self, msg): r"""Process a message. Args: msg (bytes, str): Message to be processed. Returns: bytes, str: Processed message. """ if (self.ocomm._send_serializer) and self.icomm.serializer._initialized: self.update_serializer(msg) for t in self.translator: msg = t(msg) return msg
[docs] def update_serializer(self, msg): r"""Update the serializer for the output comm based on input.""" sinfo = self.icomm.serializer.typedef sinfo.update(self.icomm.serializer.serializer_info) sinfo.pop('seritype', None) self.debug('Before update:\n' + ' icomm:\n sinfo:\n%s\n typedef:\n%s\n' + ' ocomm:\n sinfo:\n%s\n typedef:\n%s', self.pprint(self.icomm.serializer.serializer_info, 2), self.pprint(self.icomm.serializer.typedef, 2), self.pprint(self.ocomm.serializer.serializer_info, 2), self.pprint(self.ocomm.serializer.typedef, 2)) self.ocomm.serializer.initialize_serializer(sinfo) self.ocomm.serializer.update_serializer(skip_type=True, **self.icomm._last_header) if (((self.icomm.serializer.typedef['type'] == 'array') and (self.ocomm.serializer.typedef['type'] != 'array') and (len(self.icomm.serializer.typedef['items']) == 1))): self.translator.insert(0, _translate_list2element) # inter_model = False # if self.icomm.is_file: # # Remove the file information and only pass the type definition # typedef_in = self.icomm.serializer.typedef # sinfo = self.icomm.serializer.typedef # sinfo.pop('seritype', None) # elif self.ocomm.is_file: # # Maintain the default serializer type for the file # sinfo = self.icomm.serializer.serializer_info # sinfo.pop('seritype') # sinfo.update(self.ocomm.serializer.serializer_info) # sinfo.update(self.icomm.serializer.typedef) # else: # # Copy the serializer and prevent the type from being overwritten # # TODO: icomm is probably initialized so the serializer info # # from the output comm won't be used. # sinfo = self.ocomm.serializer.serializer_info # sinfo.pop('seritype', None) # self.ocomm.serializer = self.icomm.serializer # inter_model = True # if (not inter_model) and self.ocomm.serializer._initialized: # pragma: debug # self.ocomm.serializer.update_serializer(**sinfo) # else: # self.ocomm.serializer.initialize_serializer(sinfo) self.debug('After update:\n' + ' icomm:\n sinfo:\n%s\n typedef:\n%s\n' + ' ocomm:\n sinfo:\n%s\n typedef:\n%s', self.pprint(self.icomm.serializer.serializer_info, 2), self.pprint(self.icomm.serializer.typedef, 2), self.pprint(self.ocomm.serializer.serializer_info, 2), self.pprint(self.ocomm.serializer.typedef, 2))
def _send_message(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Send a single message. Args: *args: Arguments are passed to the output comm send method. *kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to the output comm send method. Returns: bool: Success or failure of send. """ with self.lock: if self.ocomm.is_closed: return False flag = self.ocomm.send(*args, **kwargs) return flag def _send_1st_message(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Send the first message, trying multiple times. Args: *args: Arguments are passed to the output comm send method. *kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to the output comm send method. Returns: bool: Success or failure of send. """ self.ocomm._multiple_first_send = False T = self.start_timeout(self.timeout_send_1st) flag = self._send_message(*args, **kwargs) self.ocomm.suppress_special_debug = True if not flag: self.debug("1st send failed, will keep trying for %f s in silence.", float(self.timeout_send_1st)) while ((not T.is_out) and (not flag) and self.ocomm.is_open): # pragma: debug flag = self._send_message(*args, **kwargs) if not flag: self.sleep() self.stop_timeout() self.ocomm.suppress_special_debug = False self._first_send_done = True if not flag: self.error("1st send failed.") else: self.debug("1st send succeded") return flag
[docs] def send_eof(self): r"""Send EOF message. Returns: bool: Success or failure of send. """ with self.lock: if self._eof_sent: # pragma: debug self.debug('Already sent EOF') return False self._eof_sent = True self.debug('Sent EOF') return self.send_message(self.ocomm.eof_msg, is_eof=True)
[docs] def send_message(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Send a single message. Args: *args: Arguments are passed to the output comm send method. *kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to the output comm send method. Returns: bool: Success or failure of send. """ self.debug('') kwargs.pop('is_eof', False) with self.lock: self._used = True if self._first_send_done: flag = self._send_message(*args, **kwargs) else: flag = self._send_1st_message(*args, **kwargs) # if self.single_use: # with self.lock: # self.debug('Used') # self.icomm.drain_messages() # self.icomm.close() return flag
[docs] def set_close_state(self, state): r"""Set the close state if its not already set.""" out = False with self.lock: if not self.close_state: self.debug("Setting close state to %s", state) self.close_state = state out = True return out
[docs] def wait_close_state(self, state, timeout=None): r"""Set the close state after waiting for specified time for the close state to be set by another method. Args: state (str): Close state that should be set after timeout. timeout (float, optional): Time that should be waited before setting the timeout. Defaults to self.timeout. """ T = self.start_timeout(timeout) while (not T.is_out): # pragma: debug with self.lock: if self.close_state: break self.sleep(2 * self.sleeptime) self.stop_timeout() self.set_close_state(state)
[docs] def run_loop(self): r"""Run the driver. Continue looping over messages until there are not any left or the communication channel is closed. """ self.state = 'in loop' if not self.is_valid: self.debug("Breaking loop") self.set_close_state('invalid') self.set_break_flag() return # Receive a message self.state = 'receiving' msg = self.recv_message() if msg is False: self.debug('No more messages') self.set_break_flag() self.set_close_state('receiving') return if self.icomm.is_empty_recv(msg): self.state = 'waiting' self.verbose_debug(':run: Waiting for next message.') self.sleep() return self.nrecv += 1 self.state = 'received' if isinstance(msg, backwards.bytes_type): self.debug('Received message that is %d bytes from %s.', len(msg), self.icomm.address) elif isinstance(msg, np.ndarray): self.debug('Received array with shape %s and data type %s from %s', msg.shape, msg.dtype, self.icomm.address) else: self.debug('Received message of type %s from %s', type(msg), self.icomm.address) # Process message self.state = 'processing' msg = self.on_message(msg) if msg is False: # pragma: debug self.error('Could not process message.') self.set_break_flag() self.set_close_state('processing') return elif self.ocomm.is_empty_send(msg): self.debug('Message skipped.') self.nskip += 1 return self.nproc += 1 self.state = 'processed' self.debug('Processed message.') # Send a message self.state = 'sending' ret = self.send_message(msg) if ret is False: self.error('Could not send message.') self.set_break_flag() self.set_close_state('sending') return self.nsent += 1 self.state = 'sent' self.debug('Sent message to %s.', self.ocomm.address)