Source code for cis_interface.drivers.CMakeModelDriver

import os
import re
import shutil
from cis_interface import tools, backwards, platform
from cis_interface.drivers.ModelDriver import ModelDriver
from cis_interface.drivers import GCCModelDriver
from cis_interface.schema import register_component, inherit_schema

_regex_win32_dir = GCCModelDriver._incl_regex
_regex_win32_lib = os.path.join(_regex_win32_dir, 'build',
                                'Debug', 'regex_win32.lib')

[docs]def build_regex_win32(): # pragma: windows r"""Build the regex_win32 library using cmake.""" # Configure project cmd = ['cmake', '-H.', '-Bbuild'] comp_process = tools.popen_nobuffer(cmd, cwd=_regex_win32_dir) output, err = comp_process.communicate() exit_code = comp_process.returncode if exit_code != 0: # pragma: debug print(' '.join(cmd)) tools.print_encoded(output, end="") raise RuntimeError("Could not config regex_win32") # Build project cmd = ['cmake', '--build', 'build', '--clean-first'] comp_process = tools.popen_nobuffer(cmd, cwd=_regex_win32_dir) output, err = comp_process.communicate() exit_code = comp_process.returncode if exit_code != 0: # pragma: debug print(' '.join(cmd)) tools.print_encoded(output, end="") raise RuntimeError("Could not build regex_win32") assert(os.path.isfile(_regex_win32_lib))
if platform._is_win and (not os.path.isfile(_regex_win32_lib)): # pragma: windows build_regex_win32()
[docs]def create_include(fname, target, compile_flags=None, linker_flags=None): r"""Create CMakeList include file with necessary includes, definitions, and linker flags. Args: fname (str): File where the include file should be saved. target (str): Target that links should be added to. compile_flags (list, optional): Additional compile flags that should be set. Defaults to []. linker_flags (list, optional): Additional linker flags that should be set. Defaults to []. """ if compile_flags is None: compile_flags = [] if linker_flags is None: linker_flags = [] _compile_flags, _linker_flags = GCCModelDriver.get_flags(for_cmake=True) if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows assert(os.path.isfile(_regex_win32_lib)) _linker_flags.append(_regex_win32_lib) compile_flags += _compile_flags linker_flags += _linker_flags lines = [] var_count = 0 for x in compile_flags: if x.startswith('-D'): lines.append('ADD_DEFINITIONS(%s)' % x) elif x.startswith('-I'): xdir = x.split('-I', 1)[-1] if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows xdir = xdir.replace('\\', re.escape('\\')) lines.append('INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES(%s)' % xdir) elif x.startswith('-') or x.startswith('/'): lines.append('ADD_DEFINITIONS(%s)' % x) else: raise ValueError("Could not parse compiler flag '%s'." % x) for x in linker_flags: if x.startswith('-l'): lines.append('TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(%s %s)' % (target, x)) elif x.startswith('-L'): libdir = x.split('-L')[-1] if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows libdir = libdir.replace('\\', re.escape('\\')) lines.append('LINK_DIRECTORIES(%s)' % libdir) elif x.startswith('/LIBPATH:'): # pragma: windows libdir = x.split('/LIBPATH:')[-1] if '"' in libdir: libdir = libdir.split('"')[1] if platform._is_win: libdir = libdir.replace('\\', re.escape('\\')) lines.append('LINK_DIRECTORIES(%s)' % libdir) elif os.path.isfile(x): xd, xf = os.path.split(x) xl, xe = os.path.splitext(xf) if xe.lower() in ['.so', '.dll', '.dylib']: lines.append('ADD_LIBRARY(%s SHARED IMPORTED)' % xl) else: lines.append('ADD_LIBRARY(%s STATIC IMPORTED)' % xl) lines.append('SET_TARGET_PROPERTIES(') lines.append(' %s PROPERTIES' % xl) # lines.append(' PROPERTIES LINKER_LANGUAGE CXX') if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows lines.append(' IMPORTED_LOCATION %s)' % x.replace('\\', re.escape('\\'))) else: lines.append(' IMPORTED_LOCATION %s)' % x) lines.append('TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(%s %s)' % (target, xl)) # lines.append('FIND_LIBRARY(VAR%d %s HINTS %s)' % (var_count, xf, xd)) # lines.append('TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(%s ${VAR%s})' % (target, var_count)) var_count += 1 elif x.startswith('-') or x.startswith('/'): raise ValueError("Could not parse linker flag '%s'." % x) else: lines.append('TARGET_LINK_LIBRARIES(%s %s)' % (target, x)) if fname is None: return lines else: if os.path.isfile(fname): # pragma: debug os.remove(fname) with open(fname, 'w') as fd: fd.write('\n'.join(lines))
[docs]@register_component class CMakeModelDriver(ModelDriver): r"""Class for running cmake compiled drivers. Before running the cmake command, the cmake commands for setting the necessary compiler & linker flags for the interface's C/C++ library are written to a file called 'cis_cmake.txt' that should be included in the CMakeLists.txt file (after the target executable has been added). Args: name (str): Driver name. args (str, list): Executable that should be created (cmake target) and any arguments for the executable. sourcedir (str, optional): Source directory to call cmake on. If not provided it is set to self.working_dir. This should be the directory containing the CMakeLists.txt file. It can be relative to self.working_dir or absolute. builddir (str, optional): Directory where the build should be saved. Defaults to <sourcedir>/build. It can be relative to self.working_dir or absolute. cmakeargs (list, optional): Arguments that should be passed to cmake. Defaults to []. preserve_cache (bool, optional): If True the cmake cache will be kept following the run, otherwise all files created by cmake will be cleaned up. Defaults to False. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to parent class. Attributes: compiled (bool): True if the compilation was successful, False otherwise. target (str): Name of executable that should be created and called. sourcedir (str): Source directory to call cmake on. builddir (str): Directory where the build should be saved. cmakeargs (list): Arguments that should be passed to cmake. preserve_cache (bool): If True the cmake cache will be kept following the run, otherwise all files created by cmake will be cleaned up. Raises: RuntimeError: If neither the IPC or ZMQ C libraries are available. """ _language = 'cmake' _schema_properties = inherit_schema( ModelDriver._schema_properties, {'sourcedir': {'type': 'string'}, 'builddir': {'type': 'string'}, 'cmakeargs': {'type': 'array', 'default': [], 'items': {'type': 'string'}}}) def __init__(self, name, args, preserve_cache=False, **kwargs): super(CMakeModelDriver, self).__init__(name, args, **kwargs) if not self.is_installed(): # pragma: windows raise RuntimeError("No library available for models written in C/C++.") self.debug('') self.compiled = False = self.args[0] if self.sourcedir is None: self.sourcedir = self.working_dir elif not os.path.isabs(self.sourcedir): self.sourcedir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self.working_dir, self.sourcedir)) if self.builddir is None: self.builddir = os.path.join(self.sourcedir, 'build') elif not os.path.isabs(self.builddir): self.builddir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self.working_dir, self.builddir)) if isinstance(self.cmakeargs, backwards.string_types): self.cmakeargs = [self.cmakeargs] self.preserve_cache = preserve_cache self.target_file = os.path.join(self.builddir, self.include_file = os.path.join(self.sourcedir, 'cis_cmake.txt') self.args[0] = self.target_file # Set environment variables self.debug("Setting environment variables.") create_include(self.include_file, # Compile in a new process self.debug("Making target.") self.run_cmake(
[docs] @classmethod def is_installed(self): r"""Determine if this model driver is installed on the current machine. Returns: bool: Truth of if this model driver can be run on the current machine. """ return GCCModelDriver.GCCModelDriver.is_installed()
[docs] def run_cmake(self, target=None): r"""Run the cmake command on the source. Args: target (str, optional): Target to build. Raises: RuntimeError: If there is an error in running cmake. """ curdir = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.sourcedir) if not os.path.isfile('CMakeLists.txt'): os.chdir(curdir) self.cleanup() raise IOError('No CMakeLists.txt file found in %s.' % self.sourcedir) # Configuration if target != 'clean': config_cmd = ['cmake'] + self.cmakeargs config_cmd += ['-H.', self.sourcedir, '-B%s' % self.builddir] self.debug(' '.join(config_cmd)) comp_process = tools.popen_nobuffer(config_cmd) output, err = comp_process.communicate() exit_code = comp_process.returncode if exit_code != 0: os.chdir(curdir) self.cleanup() self.error(backwards.as_unicode(output)) raise RuntimeError("CMake config failed with code %d." % exit_code) self.debug('Config output: \n%s' % output) # Build build_cmd = ['cmake', '--build', self.builddir, '--clean-first'] if is not None: build_cmd += ['--target',]' '.join(build_cmd)) comp_process = tools.popen_nobuffer(build_cmd) output, err = comp_process.communicate() exit_code = comp_process.returncode if exit_code != 0: # pragma: debug os.chdir(curdir) self.error(backwards.as_unicode(output)) self.cleanup() raise RuntimeError("CMake build failed with code %d." % exit_code) self.debug('Build output: \n%s' % output) self.debug('Make complete') os.chdir(curdir)
[docs] def cleanup(self): r"""Remove compile executable.""" # self.run_cmake('clean') if not self.preserve_cache: rmfiles = [self.include_file, self.target_file, os.path.join(self.builddir, 'Makefile'), os.path.join(self.builddir, 'CMakeCache.txt'), os.path.join(self.builddir, 'cmake_install.cmake'), os.path.join(self.builddir, 'CMakeFiles')] for f in rmfiles: if os.path.isdir(f): shutil.rmtree(f) elif os.path.isfile(f): os.remove(f) if os.path.isdir(self.builddir) and (not os.listdir(self.builddir)): os.rmdir(self.builddir) super(CMakeModelDriver, self).cleanup()