Source code for cis_interface.communication.tests.test_PandasFileComm

import numpy as np
from cis_interface.communication.tests import test_AsciiTableComm as parent

[docs]class TestPandasFileComm(parent.TestAsciiTableComm): r"""Test for PandasFileComm communication class.""" comm = 'PandasFileComm'
[docs]class TestPandasFileComm_nonames(TestPandasFileComm): r"""Test for PandasFileComm communication class without field names sent.""" testing_option_kws = {'no_names': True}
[docs]class TestPandasFileComm_single(TestPandasFileComm): r"""Test for PandasFileComm communication class with field names sent."""
[docs] def get_options(self): r"""Get testing options.""" nele = 5 dtype = np.dtype(dict(formats=['float'], names=['f0'])) arr = np.zeros((nele, ), dtype) out = {'kwargs': {}, 'contents': (b'f0\n' + 2 * nele * b'0.0\n'), 'send': [[arr['f0']], [arr['f0']]], 'recv': [[np.hstack([arr, arr])['f0']]], 'dict': {'f0': arr['f0']}} out['msg'] = out['send'][0] out['msg_array'] = arr return out
[docs] def test_send_dict_default(self): r"""Test automated conversion of dictionary to pandas data frame.""" self.do_send_recv(msg_send=self.testing_options['dict'], msg_recv=self.testing_options['msg'])