Source code for cis_interface.communication.ZMQComm

import os
import tempfile
import uuid
import zmq
import threading
import logging
import subprocess
import warnings
from cis_interface import backwards, tools, platform
from cis_interface.config import cis_cfg
from cis_interface.schema import register_component
from cis_interface.communication import CommBase, AsyncComm

_socket_type_pairs = [('PUSH', 'PULL'),
                      ('PUB', 'SUB'),
                      ('REP', 'REQ'),
                      ('ROUTER', 'DEALER'),
                      ('PAIR', 'PAIR')]
_socket_send_types = [t[0] for t in _socket_type_pairs]
_socket_recv_types = [t[1] for t in _socket_type_pairs]
_socket_protocols = ['tcp', 'inproc', 'ipc', 'udp', 'pgm', 'epgm']
_flag_zmq_filter = b'_ZMQFILTER_'
_default_socket_type = 4
_default_protocol = 'tcp'
_wait_send_t = 0  # 0.0001
_reply_msg = b'CIS_REPLY'
_purge_msg = b'CIS_PURGE'
_global_context = zmq.Context.instance()

[docs]def check_czmq(): r"""Determine if the necessary C/C++ libraries are installed for ZeroMQ. Returns: bool: True if the libraries are installed, False otherwise. """ # Check that the libraries are installed if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows opts = ['libzmq_include', 'libzmq_static', # 'libzmq_dynamic', 'czmq_include', 'czmq_static'] # , 'czmq_dynamic'] for o in opts: if not cis_cfg.get('windows', o, None): # pragma: debug warnings.warn("Config option %s not set." % o) return False return True else: if platform._is_mac: cc = 'clang' else: cc = 'gcc' cc = os.environ.get('CC', cc) try: process = subprocess.Popen([cc, '-lzmq', '-lczmq'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) outs, errs = process.communicate() except OSError: # pragma: debug return False # Python 3 # try: # outs, errs = process.communicate(timeout=15) # except subprocess.TimeoutExpired: # process.kill() # outs, errs = process.communicate() return (b'zmq' not in errs)
_zmq_installed_c = check_czmq()
[docs]def get_ipc_host(): r"""Get an IPC host using uuid. Returns: str: File path for IPC transport created using uuid. """ return os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), str(uuid.uuid4()) + '.ipc')
[docs]def get_socket_type_mate(t_in): r"""Find the counterpart socket type. Args: t_in (str): Socket type. Returns: str: Counterpart socket type. Raises: ValueError: If t_in is not a recognized socket type. """ if t_in in _socket_send_types: for t in _socket_type_pairs: if t[0] == t_in: return t[1] elif t_in in _socket_recv_types: for t in _socket_type_pairs: if t[1] == t_in: return t[0] else: raise ValueError('Could not locate socket type %s' % t_in)
[docs]def format_address(protocol, host, port=None): r"""Format an address based on its parts. Args: protocol (str): Communication protocol that should be used. host (str): Host that address should point to. port (int, optional): Port that address should point to. Defaults to None and is not added to the address. Returns: str: Complete address. Raises: ValueError: If the protocol is not recognized. """ if host == 'localhost': host = '' if protocol in ['inproc', 'ipc']: address = "%s://%s" % (protocol, host) elif protocol not in _socket_protocols: raise ValueError("Unrecognized protocol: %s" % protocol) else: address = "%s://%s" % (protocol, host) if port is not None: address += ":%d" % port return address
[docs]def parse_address(address): r"""Split an address into its parts. Args: address (str): Address to be split. Returns: dict: Parameters extracted from the address. Raises: ValueError: If the address dosn't contain '://'. ValueError: If the protocol is not supported. """ if '://' not in address: raise ValueError("Address must contain '://'") protocol, res = address.split('://') if protocol not in _socket_protocols: raise ValueError("Protocol '%s' not supported." % protocol) if protocol in ['inproc', 'ipc']: host = res port = protocol else: if ':' in res: host, port = res.split(':') port = int(port) else: host = res port = None out = dict(protocol=protocol, host=host, port=port) return out
[docs]def bind_socket(socket, address, retry_timeout=-1, nretry=1): r"""Bind a socket to an address, getting a random port as necessary. Args: socket (zmq.Socket): Socket that should be bound. address (str): Address that socket should be bound to. retry_timeout (float, optional): Time (in seconds) that should be waited before retrying to bind the socket to the address. If negative, a retry will not be attempted and an error will be raised. Defaults to -1. nretry (int, optional): Number of times to try binding the socket to the addresses. Defaults to 1. Returns: str: Address that socket was bound to, including random port if one was used. """ try: param = parse_address(address) if (param['protocol'] in ['inproc', 'ipc']) or (param['port'] is not None): socket.bind(address) else: port = socket.bind_to_random_port(address) address += ":%d" % port except zmq.ZMQError as e: # pragma: debug if (retry_timeout < 0) or (nretry == 0): # if (e.errno not in [48, 98]) or (retry_timeout < 0): # print(e, e.errno) raise e else: logging.debug("Retrying bind in %f s", retry_timeout) tools.sleep(retry_timeout) address = bind_socket(socket, address, nretry=nretry - 1, retry_timeout=retry_timeout) return address
[docs]class ZMQProxy(CommBase.CommServer): r"""Start a proxy in a new thread for a server address. A client-side address will be randomly generated. Args: srv_address (str): Address that should face the server(s). context (zmq.Context, optional): ZeroMQ context that should be used. Defaults to None and the global context is used. protocol (str, optional): Protocol that should be used for the sockets. Defaults to None and is set to _default_protocol. host (str, optional): Host for socket address. Defaults to 'localhost'. retry_timeout (float, optional): Time (in seconds) that should be waited before retrying to bind the sockets to the addresses. If negative, a retry will not be attempted and an error will be raised. Defaults to -1. nretry (int, optional): Number of times to try binding the sockets to the addresses. Defaults to 1. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class. Attributes: srv_address (str): Address that faces the server(s). cli_address (str): Address that faces the client(s). context (zmq.Context): ZeroMQ context that will be used. srv_socket (zmq.Socket): Socket facing client(s). cli_socket (zmq.Socket): Socket facing server(s). cli_count (int): Number of clients that have connected to this proxy. """ def __init__(self, srv_address, context=None, retry_timeout=-1, nretry=1, **kwargs): # Get parameters srv_param = parse_address(srv_address) cli_param = dict() for k in ['protocol', 'host', 'port']: cli_param[k] = kwargs.pop(k, srv_param[k]) context = context or _global_context # Create new address for the frontend if cli_param['protocol'] in ['inproc', 'ipc']: cli_param['host'] = get_ipc_host() cli_address = format_address(cli_param['protocol'], cli_param['host']) self.cli_socket = context.socket(zmq.ROUTER) self.cli_address = bind_socket(self.cli_socket, cli_address, nretry=nretry, retry_timeout=retry_timeout) self.cli_socket.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) CommBase.register_comm('ZMQComm', 'ROUTER_server_' + self.cli_address, self.cli_socket) # Bind backend self.srv_socket = context.socket(zmq.DEALER) self.srv_socket.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.srv_address = bind_socket(self.srv_socket, srv_address, nretry=nretry, retry_timeout=retry_timeout) CommBase.register_comm('ZMQComm', 'DEALER_server_' + self.srv_address, self.srv_socket) # Set up poller # self.poller = zmq.Poller() # self.poller.register(frontend, zmq.POLLIN) self.reply_socket = None # Set name super(ZMQProxy, self).__init__(self.srv_address, self.cli_address, **kwargs) = 'ZMQProxy.%s' % srv_address
[docs] def client_recv(self): r"""Receive single message from the client.""" with self.lock: if not self.was_break: return self.cli_socket.recv_multipart() else: # pragma: debug return None
[docs] def server_send(self, msg): r"""Send single message to the server.""" if msg is None: # pragma: debug return while not self.was_break: try: self.srv_socket.send(msg, zmq.NOBLOCK) # self.srv_socket.send_multipart(msg, zmq.NOBLOCK) break except zmq.ZMQError: self.sleep(0.0001)
[docs] def poll(self): # socks = dict(self.poller.poll()) # return (socks.get(self.cli_socket) == zmq.POLLIN) with self.lock: if self.was_break: # pragma: debug return False out = self.cli_socket.poll(timeout=1, flags=zmq.POLLIN) return (out == zmq.POLLIN)
[docs] def run_loop(self): r"""Forward messages from client to server.""" if self.poll(): message = self.client_recv() if message is not None: self.debug('Forwarding message of size %d from %s', len(message[1]), message[0]) self.server_send(message[1])
[docs] def after_loop(self): r"""Close sockets after the loop finishes.""" self.cleanup() super(ZMQProxy, self).after_loop()
[docs] def cleanup(self): r"""Clean up sockets on exit.""" self.close_sockets()
[docs] def close_sockets(self): r"""Close the sockets.""" self.debug('Closing sockets') if self.cli_socket: self.cli_socket.close() self.cli_socket = None if self.srv_socket: self.srv_socket.close() self.srv_socket = None CommBase.unregister_comm('ZMQComm', 'ROUTER_server_' + self.cli_address) CommBase.unregister_comm('ZMQComm', 'DEALER_server_' + self.srv_address)
[docs]@register_component class ZMQComm(AsyncComm.AsyncComm): r"""Class for handling I/O using ZeroMQ sockets. Args: name (str): The environment variable where the socket address is stored. context (zmq.Context, optional): ZeroMQ context that should be used. Defaults to None and the global context is used. socket_type (str, optional): The type of socket that should be created. Defaults to _default_socket_type. See zmq for all options. socket_action (str, optional): The action that the socket should perform. Defaults to action based on the direction ('connect' for 'recv', 'bind' for 'send'.) topic_filter (str, optional): Message filter to use when subscribing. This is only used for 'SUB' socket types. Defaults to '' which is all messages. dealer_identity (str, optional): Identity that should be used to route messages to a dealer socket. Defaults to '0'. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to :class:.CommBase. Attributes: context (zmq.Context): ZeroMQ context that will be used. socket (zmq.Socket): ZeroMQ socket. socket_type_name (str): The type of socket that should be created. socket_type (int): ZeroMQ socket type. socket_action (str, optional): The action that the socket should perform. topic_filter (str): Message filter to use when subscribing. dealer_identity (str): Identity that should be used to route messages to a dealer socket. """ _commtype = 'zmq' # Based on limit of 32bit int, this could be 2**30, but this is # too large for stack allocation in C so 2**20 will be used. _maxMsgSize = 2**20 def _init_before_open(self, context=None, socket_type=None, socket_action=None, topic_filter='', dealer_identity=None, reply_socket_address=None, **kwargs): r"""Initialize defaults for socket type/action based on direction.""" self.reply_socket_lock = threading.RLock() self.socket_lock = threading.RLock() # Client/Server things if self.is_client: socket_type = 'DEALER' socket_action = 'connect' self.direction = 'send' if self.is_server: socket_type = 'DEALER' socket_action = 'connect' self.direction = 'recv' # Set defaults if socket_type is None: if self.direction == 'recv': socket_type = _socket_recv_types[_default_socket_type] elif self.direction == 'send': socket_type = _socket_send_types[_default_socket_type] if not (self.is_client or self.is_server): if socket_type in ['PULL', 'SUB', 'REP', 'DEALER']: self.direction = 'recv' elif socket_type in ['PUSH', 'PUB', 'REQ', 'ROUTER']: self.direction = 'send' if socket_action is None: if self.port in ['inproc', 'ipc']: if socket_type in ['PULL', 'SUB', 'REQ', 'DEALER']: socket_action = 'connect' elif socket_type in ['PUSH', 'PUB', 'REP', 'ROUTER']: socket_action = 'bind' else: if self.direction == 'recv': socket_action = 'connect' elif self.direction == 'send': socket_action = 'bind' elif self.port is None: socket_action = 'bind' else: socket_action = 'connect' self.context = context or _global_context self.socket_type_name = socket_type self.socket_type = getattr(zmq, socket_type) self.socket_action = socket_action self.socket = self.context.socket(self.socket_type) self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.topic_filter = backwards.as_bytes(topic_filter) if dealer_identity is None: dealer_identity = str(uuid.uuid4()) self.dealer_identity = backwards.as_bytes(dealer_identity) self._openned = False self._bound = False self._connected = False self._recv_identities = set([]) # Reply socket attributes self.zmq_sleeptime = int(10000 * self.sleeptime) self.reply_socket_address = reply_socket_address self.reply_socket_send = None self.reply_socket_recv = {} self._n_zmq_sent = 0 self._n_zmq_recv = {} self._n_reply_sent = 0 self._n_reply_recv = {} self._server_class = ZMQProxy self._server_kwargs = dict(context=self.context, nretry=4, retry_timeout=2.0 * self.sleeptime) super(ZMQComm, self)._init_before_open(**kwargs)
[docs] def printStatus(self, nindent=0): r"""Print status of the communicator.""" super(ZMQComm, self).printStatus(nindent=nindent) prefix = '\t' + nindent * '\t' print('%s%-15s: %s' % (prefix, 'nsent (zmq)', self._n_zmq_sent)) print('%s%-15s: %s' % (prefix, 'nsent reply (zmq)', self._n_reply_sent)) for k in self._n_zmq_recv.keys(): print('%s%-15s: %s' % (prefix, 'nrecv (%s)' % k, self._n_zmq_recv[k])) print('%s%-15s: %s' % (prefix, 'nrecv reply (%s)' % k, self._n_reply_recv[k]))
[docs] @classmethod def is_installed(cls, language=None): r"""Determine if the necessary libraries are installed for this communication class. Args: language (str, optional): Specific language that should be checked for compatibility. Defaults to None and all languages supported on the current platform will be checked. Returns: bool: Is the comm installed. """ if language == 'python': out = True # ZMQ is a requirement so it should always be installed elif language == 'c': out = _zmq_installed_c else: out = super(ZMQComm, cls).is_installed(language=language) return out
[docs] @classmethod def underlying_comm_class(self): r"""str: Name of underlying communication class.""" return 'ZMQComm'
[docs] @classmethod def close_registry_entry(cls, value): r"""Close a registry entry.""" out = False if not value.closed: value.close(linger=0) out = True return out
@property def address_param(self): r"""dict: Address parameters.""" return parse_address(self.address) @property def protocol(self): r"""str: Protocol that socket uses.""" return self.address_param['protocol'] @property def host(self): r"""str: Host that socket is connected to.""" return self.address_param['host'] @property def port(self): r"""str: Port that socket is connected to.""" return self.address_param['port']
[docs] @classmethod def new_comm_kwargs(cls, name, protocol=None, host=None, port=None, **kwargs): r"""Initialize communication with new queue. Args: name (str): Name of new socket. protocol (str, optional): The protocol that should be used. Defaults to None and is set to _default_protocol. See zmq for details. host (str, optional): The host that should be used. Invalid for 'inproc' protocol. Defaults to 'localhost'. port (int, optional): The port used. Invalid for 'inproc' protocol. Defaults to None and a random port is choosen. **kwargs: Additional keywords arguments are returned as keyword arguments for the new comm. Returns: tuple(tuple, dict): Arguments and keyword arguments for new socket. """ args = [name] if protocol is None: protocol = _default_protocol if host is None: if protocol in ['inproc', 'ipc']: host = get_ipc_host() else: host = 'localhost' if 'address' not in kwargs: kwargs['address'] = format_address(protocol, host, port=port) return args, kwargs
@property def opp_address(self): r"""str: Address for opposite comm.""" if self.is_client: if self._server is None: # pragma: debug raise Exception("The client proxy does not yet have an address.") return self._server.srv_address else: return self.address
[docs] def opp_comm_kwargs(self): r"""Get keyword arguments to initialize communication with opposite comm object. Returns: dict: Keyword arguments for opposite comm object. """ kwargs = super(ZMQComm, self).opp_comm_kwargs() kwargs['socket_type'] = get_socket_type_mate(self.socket_type_name) if self.is_client: kwargs['is_server'] = True elif self.is_server: kwargs['is_client'] = True if kwargs['socket_type'] in ['DEALER', 'ROUTER']: kwargs['dealer_identity'] = self.dealer_identity kwargs['context'] = self.context return kwargs
@property def registry_key(self): r"""str: String used to register the socket.""" return '%s_%s_%s' % (self.socket_type_name, self.address, self.direction)
[docs] def bind(self): r"""Bind to address, getting random port as necessary.""" super(ZMQComm, self).bind() if self.is_open or self._bound or self._connected: # pragma: debug return # Bind to reserve port if that is this sockets action with self.socket_lock: if (self.socket_action == 'bind') or (self.port is None): self._bound = True self.debug('Binding %s socket to %s.', self.socket_type_name, self.address) try: self.address = bind_socket(self.socket, self.address, retry_timeout=self.sleeptime, nretry=2) except zmq.ZMQError as e: if (self.socket_type_name == 'PAIR') and (e.errno == 98): self.error(("There is already a 'PAIR' socket sending " + "to %s. Maybe you meant to create a recv " + "PAIR?") % self.address) self._bound = False raise e self.debug('Bound %s socket to %s.', self.socket_type_name, self.address) # Unbind if action should be connect if self.socket_action == 'connect': self.unbind(dont_close=True) else: self._bound = False if self._bound: self.register_comm(self.registry_key, self.socket)
[docs] def connect(self): r"""Connect to address.""" if self.is_open or self._bound or self._connected: # pragma: debug return with self.socket_lock: if (self.socket_action == 'connect'): self._connected = True self.debug("Connecting %s socket to %s", self.socket_type_name, self.address) self.socket.connect(self.address) if self._connected: self.register_comm(self.registry_key, self.socket)
[docs] def unbind(self, dont_close=False): r"""Unbind from address.""" with self.socket_lock: if self._bound: self.debug('Unbinding from %s' % self.address) try: self.socket.unbind(self.address) except zmq.ZMQError: # pragma: debug pass self.unregister_comm(self.registry_key, dont_close=dont_close) self._bound = False self.debug('Unbound socket')
# def disconnect(self, dont_close=False): # r"""Disconnect from address.""" # if self._connected: # self.debug('Disconnecting from %s' % self.address) # try: # self.socket.disconnect(self.address) # except zmq.ZMQError: # pragma: debug # pass # self.unregister_comm(self.registry_key, dont_close=dont_close) # self._connected = False # self.debug('Disconnected socket') def _open_direct(self): r"""Open connection by binding/connect to the specified socket.""" super(ZMQComm, self)._open_direct() with self.socket_lock: if not self.is_open_direct: # Set dealer identity if self.socket_type_name == 'DEALER': self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.IDENTITY, self.dealer_identity) # Bind/connect if self.socket_action == 'bind': self.bind() elif self.socket_action == 'connect': # Bind then unbind to get port as necessary self.bind() self.unbind(dont_close=True) self.connect() # Set topic filter if self.socket_type_name == 'SUB': self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, self.topic_filter) self._openned = True
[docs] def set_reply_socket_send(self): r"""Set the send reply socket if it dosn't exist.""" if self.reply_socket_send is None: s = self.context.socket(zmq.REP) s.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) address = format_address(_default_protocol, 'localhost') address = bind_socket(s, address) self.register_comm('REPLY_SEND_' + address, s) with self.reply_socket_lock: self.reply_socket_send = s self.reply_socket_address = address self.debug("new send address: %s", address) return self.reply_socket_address
[docs] def set_reply_socket_recv(self, address): r"""Set the recv reply socket if the address dosn't exist.""" if address not in self.reply_socket_recv: s = self.context.socket(zmq.REQ) s.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) s.connect(address) self.register_comm('REPLY_RECV_' + backwards.as_str(address), s) with self.reply_socket_lock: self._n_reply_recv[address] = 0 self._n_zmq_recv[address] = 0 self.reply_socket_recv[address] = s self.debug("new recv address: %s", address) return address
[docs] def check_reply_socket_send(self, msg): r"""Append reply socket address if it Args: msg (str): Message that will be piggy backed on. Returns: str: Message with reply address if it has not been sent. """ return msg
[docs] def check_reply_socket_recv(self, msg): r"""Check incoming message for reply address. Args: msg (str): Incoming message to check. Returns: str: Messages with reply address removed if present. """ if self.direction == 'send': return msg, None header = self.serializer.parse_header(msg.split(_flag_zmq_filter)[-1]) address = header.get('zmq_reply', None) if (address is None): address = self.reply_socket_address if address is not None: self.set_reply_socket_recv(address) return msg, address
# @property # def n_reply_sent(self): # r"""Number of messages sent which have been confirmed.""" # return self._n_reply_sent # @property # def n_reply_recv(self): # r"""Number of messages received which have been confirmed.""" # return sum(self._n_reply_recv.values()) def _reply_handshake_send(self): r"""Do send side of handshake.""" if (((self.reply_socket_send is None) or self.reply_socket_send.closed)): # pragma: debug self.backlog_thread.set_break_flag() self.debug("SOCKET CLOSED") return False out = self.reply_socket_send.poll(timeout=1, flags=zmq.POLLIN) if out == 0: self.periodic_debug('_reply_handshake_send', period=1000)( 'No reply handshake waiting') return False msg = self.reply_socket_send.recv(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) if msg == self.eof_msg: # pragma: debug self.error("REPLY EOF RECV'D") return msg self.reply_socket_send.send(msg, flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) self._n_reply_sent += 1 return msg def _reply_handshake_recv(self, msg_send, key): r"""Do recv side of handshake.""" try: socket = self.reply_socket_recv.get(key, None) if socket is None or socket.closed: # pragma: debug self.backlog_thread.set_break_flag() self.debug("SOCKET CLOSED") return False out = socket.poll(timeout=1, flags=zmq.POLLOUT) if out == 0: # pragma: debug self.periodic_debug('_reply_handshake_recv', period=1000)( 'Cannot initiate reply handshake') return False socket.send(msg_send, flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) if msg_send == self.eof_msg: # pragma: debug self.error("REPLY EOF SENT") return True tries = 10 out = 0 while (out == 0) and (tries > 0): out = socket.poll(timeout=self.zmq_sleeptime, flags=zmq.POLLIN) if out == 0: self.debug("No response waiting. %d tries left.", tries) tries -= 1 if out == 0: self.error('No response received.') return False msg_recv = socket.recv(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) assert(msg_recv == msg_send) self._n_reply_recv[key] += 1 return True except zmq.ZMQError as e: # pragma: debug self.error("ZMQ Error: %s", e) return False def _close_direct(self, linger=False): r"""Close the connection. Args: linger (bool, optional): If True, drain messages before closing the comm. Defaults to False. """ with self.socket_lock: self.debug("self.socket.closed = %s", str(self.socket.closed)) if self.socket.closed: self._bound = False self._connected = False # Ensure socket not still open self._openned = False if not self.socket.closed: # if self._bound: # self.unbind() # elif self._connected: # self.disconnect() self.socket.close(linger=0) # if self.protocol == 'ipc': # print(, os.path.isfile( # if (self.direction == 'recv') and (self.protocol == 'ipc'): # if os.path.isfile( # os.remove( self.unregister_comm(self.registry_key) super(ZMQComm, self)._close_direct(linger=linger) def _close_backlog(self, wait=False): r"""Close the backlog thread and the reply sockets.""" super(ZMQComm, self)._close_backlog(wait=wait) if self.direction == 'send': if (self.reply_socket_send is not None): self.reply_socket_send.close(linger=0) # self.zmq_sleeptime) self.unregister_comm("REPLY_SEND_" + self.reply_socket_address) else: for k, socket in self.reply_socket_recv.items(): socket.close(linger=0) self.unregister_comm("REPLY_RECV_" + backwards.as_str(k))
[docs] def server_exists(self, srv_address): r"""Determine if a server exists. Args: srv_address (str): Address of server comm. Returns: bool: True if a server with the provided address exists, False otherwise. """ srv_param = parse_address(srv_address) if srv_param['port'] is None: return False return super(ZMQComm, self).server_exists(srv_address)
@property def is_open_direct(self): r"""bool: True if the socket is open.""" with self.socket_lock: return (self._openned and not self.socket.closed)
[docs] def is_message(self, flags): r"""Poll the socket for a message. Args: flags (int): ZMQ poll flags. Returns: bool: True if there is a message matching the flags, False otherwise. """ out = 0 # with self._closing_thread.lock: with self.socket_lock: if self.is_open_direct: try: out = self.socket.poll(timeout=1, flags=flags) except zmq.ZMQError: # pragma: debug # self.exception('Error polling') pass return bool(out)
@property def n_msg_direct_recv(self): r"""int: Number of messages currently being routed from recv.""" if self.is_open_direct: return int(self.is_message(zmq.POLLIN)) return 0 @property def n_msg_direct_send(self): r"""int: Number of messages currently being routed.""" if self.is_open_direct and (self.direction == 'send'): return (self._n_zmq_sent - self._n_reply_sent) return 0 # @property # def is_confirmed_send(self): # r"""bool: True if all sent messages have been confirmed.""" # if self.is_open_backlog: # return (self._n_zmq_sent == self._n_reply_sent) # return True # pragma: debug @property def is_confirmed_recv(self): r"""bool: True if all received messages have been confirmed.""" for v in self._work_comms.values(): if (v.direction == 'recv') and not v.is_confirmed_recv: # pragma: debug self.debug("Work comm not confirmed") return False if self.is_open_backlog: return (self._n_zmq_recv == self._n_reply_recv) return True # pragma: debug @property def get_work_comm_kwargs(self): r"""dict: Keyword arguments for an existing work comm.""" out = super(ZMQComm, self).get_work_comm_kwargs out['socket_type'] = 'PAIR' out['context'] = self.context return out @property def create_work_comm_kwargs(self): r"""dict: Keyword arguments for a new work comm.""" out = super(ZMQComm, self).create_work_comm_kwargs out['socket_type'] = 'PAIR' out['context'] = self.context return out
[docs] def workcomm2header(self, work_comm, **kwargs): r"""Get header information from a comm. Args: work_comm (:class:.CommBase): Work comm that header describes. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are added to the header. Returns: dict: Header information that will be sent with a message. """ out = super(ZMQComm, self).workcomm2header(work_comm, **kwargs) if self.direction == 'send': out['zmq_reply_worker'] = work_comm.set_reply_socket_send() return out
[docs] def header2workcomm(self, header, **kwargs): r"""Get a work comm based on header info. Args: header (dict): Information that will be sent in the message header to the work comm. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent method. Returns: :class:.CommBase: Work comm. """ if ('zmq_reply_worker' in header) and (self.direction == 'recv'): kwargs['reply_socket_address'] = header['zmq_reply_worker'] c = super(ZMQComm, self).header2workcomm(header, **kwargs) return c
[docs] def on_send_eof(self): r"""Actions to perform when EOF being sent. Returns: bool: True if EOF message should be sent, False otherwise. """ flag, msg_s = super(ZMQComm, self).on_send_eof() header_kwargs = dict(zmq_reply=self.set_reply_socket_send()) out = self.serialize(msg_s, header_kwargs=header_kwargs) return flag, out
[docs] def on_send(self, msg, header_kwargs=None): r"""Process message to be sent including handling serializing message and handling EOF. Args: msg (obj): Message to be sent header_kwargs (dict, optional): Keyword arguments that should be added to the header. Returns: tuple (bool, str, dict): Truth of if message should be sent, raw bytes message to send, and header info contained in the message. """ if self.direction == 'send': if header_kwargs is None: header_kwargs = dict() header_kwargs['zmq_reply'] = self.set_reply_socket_send() return super(ZMQComm, self).on_send(msg, header_kwargs=header_kwargs)
# This is only needed when base is not asynchronous # def _send_multipart_worker(self, msg, header, **kwargs): # r"""Send multipart message to the worker comm identified. # Args: # msg (str): Message to be sent. # header (dict): Message info including work comm address. # Returns: # bool: Success or failure of sending the message. # """ # workcomm = self.get_work_comm(header) # args = [msg] # self.sched_task(0, workcomm._send_multipart, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) # return True def _send_direct(self, msg, topic='', identity=None, **kwargs): r"""Send a message. Args: msg (str, bytes): Message to be sent. topic (str, optional): Filter that should be sent with the message for 'PUB' sockets. Defaults to ''. identity (str, optional): Identify of identified worker that should be sent for 'ROUTER' sockets. Defaults to self.dealer_identity. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to socket send. Returns: bool: Success or failure of send. """ if not self.is_open_direct: # pragma: debug self.error("Socket closed") return False if identity is None: identity = self.dealer_identity topic = backwards.as_bytes(topic) identity = backwards.as_bytes(identity) if self.socket_type_name == 'PUB': total_msg = topic + _flag_zmq_filter + msg else: total_msg = msg total_msg = self.check_reply_socket_send(total_msg) kwargs.setdefault('flags', zmq.NOBLOCK) with self.socket_lock: try: if self.socket.closed: # pragma: debug self.error("Socket closed") return False self.special_debug("Sending %d bytes to %s", len(total_msg), self.address) if self.socket_type_name == 'ROUTER': self.socket.send(identity, zmq.SNDMORE) self.socket.send(total_msg, **kwargs) self.special_debug("Sent %d bytes to %s", len(total_msg), self.address) self._n_zmq_sent += 1 except zmq.ZMQError as e: # pragma: debug if e.errno == zmq.EAGAIN: raise AsyncComm.AsyncTryAgain("Socket not yet available.") else: self.special_debug("Socket could not send. (errno=%d)", e.errno) return False return True def _recv_direct(self, **kwargs): r"""Receive a message from the ZMQ socket. Args: **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to socket send. Returns: tuple (bool, obj): Success or failure of receive and received message. """ # # Poll until there is a message # if timeout is None: # timeout = self.recv_timeout # # self.sleep() # if timeout is not False: # if not self.is_open_direct: # pragma: debug # return (False, None) # ret = self.socket.poll(timeout=max(1, 1000.0 * timeout)) # if ret == 0: # self.verbose_debug("No messages waiting.") # return (True, self.empty_bytes_msg) # flags = zmq.NOBLOCK # else: # flags = 0 flags = zmq.NOBLOCK # Receive message with self.socket_lock: try: if self.socket.closed: # pragma: debug self.error("Socket closed") return (False, self.empty_bytes_msg) if self.socket_type_name == 'ROUTER': identity = self.socket.recv(flags) self._recv_identities.add(identity) kwargs.setdefault('flags', flags) total_msg = self.socket.recv(**kwargs) except zmq.ZMQError: # pragma: debug self.exception("Error receiving") return (False, self.empty_bytes_msg) self.debug("Recv %d bytes from %s", len(total_msg), self.address) # Interpret headers total_msg, k = self.check_reply_socket_recv(total_msg) if self.socket_type_name == 'SUB': topic, msg = total_msg.split(_flag_zmq_filter) assert(topic == self.topic_filter) else: msg = total_msg # Confirm receipt if k is not None: self._n_zmq_recv[k] += 1 else: # pragma: debug"No reply address.") return (True, msg)
[docs] def confirm_send(self, noblock=False): r"""Confirm that sent message was received.""" if noblock: if self.is_open and (self._n_zmq_sent != self._n_reply_sent): self._n_reply_sent = self._n_zmq_sent return True if self.is_open and (self._n_zmq_sent != self._n_reply_sent): self.verbose_debug("Confirming %d/%d sent messages", self._n_reply_sent, self._n_zmq_sent) if self._reply_handshake_send(): self.debug("Send confirmed (%d/%d)", self._n_reply_sent, self._n_zmq_sent) return True return False return True
[docs] def confirm_recv(self, noblock=False): r"""Confirm that message was received.""" with self.reply_socket_lock: keys = [k for k in self.reply_socket_recv.keys()] if noblock: for k in keys: if self.is_open and (self._n_zmq_recv[k] != self._n_reply_recv[k]): self._n_reply_recv[k] = self._n_zmq_recv[k] return True flag = None for k in keys: if self.is_open and (self._n_zmq_recv[k] != self._n_reply_recv[k]): self.debug("Confirming %d/%d received messages", self._n_reply_recv[k], self._n_zmq_recv[k]) if self._reply_handshake_recv(_reply_msg, k): self.debug("Recv confirmed (%d/%d)", self._n_reply_recv[k], self._n_zmq_recv[k]) flag = True elif flag is None: flag = False if flag is None: flag = True return flag
# def purge(self): # r"""Purge all messages from the comm.""" # with self._closing_thread.lock: # # with self._reply_thread.lock: # if self.direction == 'recv': # while self.n_msg_recv > 0: # msg = self.socket.recv(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) # self.check_reply_socket_recv(msg) # for k in self.reply_socket_recv.keys(): # # self._do_reply_recv[k].clear() # self._n_reply_recv[k] = 0 # self._n_zmq_recv[k] = 0 # # self._n_recv_zmq[k] = 0 # if self.is_open: # flag = self._reply_handshake_recv(_purge_msg, k) # assert(flag) # self._do_reply_recv_master.clear() # else: # # Can't purge output on unidirection sockets # self._do_reply_send.clear() # self._n_reply_send = 0 # self._n_zmq_sent = 0 # super(ZMQComm, self).purge()