Source code for cis_interface.communication.RMQComm

from cis_interface.communication import CommBase, AsyncComm
from cis_interface.config import cis_cfg
import logging
    import pika
    _rmq_installed = True
except ImportError:
    logging.warning("Could not import pika. "
                    + "RabbitMQ support will be disabled.")
    pika = None
    _rmq_installed = False
from cis_interface.schema import register_component

_rmq_param_sep = '_RMQPARAM_'

[docs]def check_rmq_server(url=None, **kwargs): r"""Check that connection to a RabbitMQ server is possible. Args: url (str, optional): Address of RMQ server that includes all the necessary information. If this is provided, the remaining arguments are ignored. Defaults to None and the connection parameters are taken from the other arguments. username (str, optional): RMQ server username. Defaults to config value. password (str, optional): RMQ server password. Defaults to config value. host (str, optional): RMQ hostname or IP Address to connect to. Defaults to config value. port (str, optional): RMQ server TCP port to connect to. Defaults to config value. vhost (str, optional): RMQ virtual host to use. Defaults to config value. Returns: bool: True if connection to RabbitMQ server is possible, False otherwise. """ out = True if not _rmq_installed: return False if url is not None: parameters = pika.URLParameters(url) else: username = kwargs.get('username', cis_cfg.get('rmq', 'user', 'guest')) password = kwargs.get('password', cis_cfg.get('rmq', 'password', 'guest')) host = kwargs.get('host', cis_cfg.get('rmq', 'host', 'localhost')) port = kwargs.get('port', cis_cfg.get('rmq', 'port', '5672')) vhost = kwargs.get('vhost', cis_cfg.get('rmq', 'vhost', '/')) credentials = pika.PlainCredentials(username, password) parameters = pika.ConnectionParameters(host=host, port=int(port), virtual_host=vhost, credentials=credentials) # Try to establish connection logging.getLogger("pika").propagate = False try: connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters) if not connection.is_open: # pragma: debug raise BaseException("Connection was not openned.") connection.close() except BaseException: # pragma: debug out = False logging.getLogger("pika").propagate = True return out
_rmq_server_running = check_rmq_server()
[docs]class RMQServer(CommBase.CommServer): r"""RMQ server object for cleaning up server connections."""
[docs] def terminate(self, *args, **kwargs): CommBase.unregister_comm('RMQComm', self.srv_address) super(RMQServer, self).terminate(*args, **kwargs)
[docs]@register_component class RMQComm(AsyncComm.AsyncComm): r"""Class for handling basic RabbitMQ communications. Attributes: connection (:class:`pika.Connection`): RabbitMQ connection. channel (:class:`pika.Channel`): RabbitMQ channel. Raises: RuntimeError: If a connection cannot be established. """ _commtype = 'rmq' # Based on limit of 32bit int, this could be 2**30, but this is # too large for stack allocation in C so 2**20 will be used. _maxMsgSize = 2**20 def _init_before_open(self, **kwargs): r"""Set null connection and channel.""" self.connection = None = None self._is_open = False self._bound = False # Check that connection is possible if not check_rmq_server(self.url): # pragma: debug raise RuntimeError("Could not connect to RabbitMQ server.") self._server_class = RMQServer super(RMQComm, self)._init_before_open(**kwargs) @property def url(self): r"""str: AMQP server address.""" return self.address.split(_rmq_param_sep)[0] @property def exchange(self): r"""str: AMQP exchange.""" return self.address.split(_rmq_param_sep)[1] @property def queue(self): r"""str: AMQP queue.""" return self.address.split(_rmq_param_sep)[2]
[docs] @classmethod def new_comm_kwargs(cls, name, user=None, password=None, host=None, virtual_host=None, port=None, exchange=None, queue='', **kwargs): r"""Initialize communication with new connection. Args: name (str): Name of new connection. user (str, optional): RabbitMQ server username. Defaults to config option 'user' in section 'rmq' if it exists and 'guest' if it does not. password (str, optional): RabbitMQ server password. Defaults to config option 'password' in section 'rmq' if it exists and 'guest' if it does not. host (str, optional): RabbitMQ server host. Defaults to config option 'host' in section 'rmq' if it exists and 'localhost' if it does not. If 'localhost', the output of socket.gethostname() is used. virtual_host (str, optional): RabbitMQ server virtual host. Defaults to config option 'vhost' in section 'rmq' if it exists and '/' if it does not. port (str, optional): Port on host to use. Defaults to config option 'port' in section 'rmq' if it exists and '5672' if it does not. exchange (str, optional): RabbitMQ exchange. Defaults to config option 'namespace' in section 'rmq' if it exits and '' if it does not. queue (str, optional): Name of the queue that messages will be send to or received from. If an empty string, the queue will be a random string and exclusive to a receiving comm. Defaults to ''. **kwargs: Additional keywords arguments are returned as keyword arguments for the new comm. Returns: tuple(tuple, dict): Arguments and keyword arguments for new comm. """ args = [name] if 'address' not in kwargs: if user is None: user = cis_cfg.get('rmq', 'user', 'guest') if password is None: password = cis_cfg.get('rmq', 'password', 'guest') if host is None: host = cis_cfg.get('rmq', 'host', 'localhost') # if host == 'localhost': # host = socket.gethostname() if virtual_host is None: virtual_host = cis_cfg.get('rmq', 'vhost', '/') if virtual_host == '/': virtual_host = '%2f' if port is None: port = cis_cfg.get('rmq', 'port', '5672') if exchange is None: exchange = cis_cfg.get('rmq', 'namespace', '') url = 'amqp://%s:%s@%s:%s/%s' % ( user, password, host, port, virtual_host) kwargs['address'] = _rmq_param_sep.join([url, exchange, queue]) return args, kwargs
[docs] @classmethod def is_installed(cls, language=None): r"""Determine if the necessary libraries are installed for this communication class. Args: language (str, optional): Specific language that should be checked for compatibility. Defaults to None and all languages supported on the current platform will be checked. Returns: bool: Is the comm installed. """ if language == 'python': out = _rmq_server_running else: out = super(RMQComm, cls).is_installed(language=language) return out
[docs] @classmethod def underlying_comm_class(self): r"""str: Name of underlying communication class.""" return 'RMQComm'
[docs] def opp_comm_kwargs(self): r"""Get keyword arguments to initialize communication with opposite comm object. Returns: dict: Keyword arguments for opposite comm object. """ kwargs = super(RMQComm, self).opp_comm_kwargs() return kwargs
[docs] def bind(self): r"""Declare queue to get random new queue.""" if self.is_open or self._bound: return self._bound = True parameters = pika.URLParameters(self.url) self.connection = pika.BlockingConnection(parameters) =, auto_delete=True) if self.direction == 'recv' and not self.queue: exclusive = False # True else: exclusive = False if self.queue.startswith('amq.'): passive = True else: passive = False res =, exclusive=exclusive, passive=passive, auto_delete=True) if not self.queue: self.address += res.method.queue, # routing_key=self.routing_key, queue=self.queue) self.register_comm(self.address, (self.connection, super(RMQComm, self).bind()
def _open_direct(self): r"""Open connection and bind/connect to queue as necessary.""" super(RMQComm, self)._open_direct() if not self.is_open: self.bind() self._is_open = True self._bound = False def _close_direct(self, linger=False): r"""Close the connection. Args: linger (bool, optional): If True, drain messages before closing the comm. Defaults to False. """ self._is_open = False self._bound = False if self.direction == 'recv': self.close_queue() self.close_channel() self.close_connection() if not self.is_client: self.unregister_comm(self.address) self.connection = None = None super(RMQComm, self)._close_direct(linger=linger)
[docs] def close_queue(self): r"""Close the queue if the channel exists.""" if and (not self.is_client): try:, except (pika.exceptions.ChannelClosed, pika.exceptions.ConnectionClosed): # pragma: debug pass except AttributeError: # pragma: debug if is not None: raise
[docs] def close_channel(self): r"""Close the channel if it exists.""" if try: except (pika.exceptions.ChannelClosed, pika.exceptions.ConnectionClosed, pika.exceptions.ChannelAlreadyClosing): # pragma: debug pass = None
[docs] def close_connection(self): r"""Close the connection.""" if self.connection: try: self.connection.close() except (pika.exceptions.ChannelClosed, pika.exceptions.ConnectionClosed, pika.exceptions.ChannelAlreadyClosing): # pragma: debug pass except AttributeError: # pragma: debug pass self.connection = None
@property def is_open_direct(self): r"""bool: True if the connection and channel are open.""" # with self._closing_thread.lock: if is None or self.connection is None: return False if self.connection.is_open: if self.connection.is_closing: # pragma: debug return False else: # pragma: debug return False if if # pragma: debug return False else: # pragma: debug return False return self._is_open
[docs] def get_queue_result(self): r"""Get the fram from passive queue declare.""" res = None if self.is_open_direct: try: res =, auto_delete=True, passive=True) except (pika.exceptions.ChannelClosed, pika.exceptions.ConnectionClosed, AttributeError): # pragma: debug self._close_direct() return res
@property def n_msg_direct_recv(self): r"""int: Number of messages in the queue.""" return self.n_msg_direct_send @property def n_msg_direct_send(self): r"""int: Number of messages in the queue.""" out = 0 # with self._closing_thread.lock: if self.is_open_direct: res = self.get_queue_result() if res is not None: out = res.method.message_count return out @property def is_confirmed_send(self): r"""bool: True if all sent messages have been confirmed.""" return True @property def is_confirmed_recv(self): r"""bool: True if all received messages have been confirmed.""" return True @property def get_work_comm_kwargs(self): r"""dict: Keyword arguments for an existing work comm.""" out = super(RMQComm, self).get_work_comm_kwargs out['exchange'] = return out @property def create_work_comm_kwargs(self): r"""dict: Keyword arguments for a new work comm.""" out = super(RMQComm, self).create_work_comm_kwargs out['exchange'] = return out def _send_multipart_worker(self, msg, header, **kwargs): r"""Send multipart message to the worker comm identified. Args: msg (str): Message to be sent. header (dict): Message info including work comm address. Returns: bool: Success or failure of sending the message. """ self.sched_task(0.0, super(RMQComm, self)._send_multipart_worker, args=[msg, header], kwargs=kwargs, store_output=True) T = self.start_timeout() while (not T.is_out) and (self.sched_out is None): self.sleep() self.stop_timeout() out = self.sched_out self.sched_out = None # workcomm = self.get_work_comm(header) # args = [msg] # self.sched_task(self.sleeptime, workcomm._send_multipart, # args=args, kwargs=kwargs) # self.sched_task(1, self.remove_work_comm, # args=[header['id']], kwargs=dict(dont_close=True)) # self.remove_work_comm(header['id'], dont_close=True) return out def _send_direct(self, msg, exchange=None, routing_key=None, **kwargs): r"""Send a message. Args: msg (str, bytes): Message to be sent. exchange (str, optional): Exchange that message should be sent to. Defaults to routing_key (str, optional): Key that exchange should use to route the message. Defaults to self.queue. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to :method:`pika.BlockingChannel.basic_publish`. Returns: bool: Success or failure of send. """ if exchange is None: exchange = if routing_key is None: routing_key = self.queue kwargs.setdefault('mandatory', True) out =, routing_key, msg, **kwargs) return out def _recv_direct(self): r"""Receive a message. Returns: tuple (bool, obj): Success or failure of receive and received message. """ method_frame, props, msg = queue=self.queue, no_ack=False) if method_frame: else: # pragma: debug self.debug("No message") msg = self.empty_bytes_msg return (True, msg)
[docs] def purge(self): r"""Remove all messages from the associated queue.""" with self._closing_thread.lock: if super(RMQComm, self).purge()