Source code for cis_interface.communication.PlyFileComm

from cis_interface.communication.FileComm import FileComm
from cis_interface.schema import register_component
from cis_interface.serialize.PlySerialize import PlySerialize

[docs]@register_component class PlyFileComm(FileComm): r"""Class for handling I/O from/to a .ply file on disk. Args: name (str): The environment variable where communication address is stored. **kwargs: Additional keywords arguments are passed to parent class. """ _filetype = 'ply' _default_serializer = PlySerialize _default_extension = '.ply' def _init_before_open(self, **kwargs): super(PlyFileComm, self)._init_before_open(**kwargs) self.read_meth = 'read' if self.append: self.append = 'ow'
[docs] @classmethod def get_testing_options(cls): r"""Method to return a dictionary of testing options for this class. Returns: dict: Dictionary of variables to use for testing. Key/value pairs: kwargs (dict): Keyword arguments for comms tested with the provided content. send (list): List of objects to send to test file. recv (list): List of objects that will be received from a test file that was sent the messages in 'send'. contents (bytes): Bytes contents of test file created by sending the messages in 'send'. """ out = super(PlyFileComm, cls).get_testing_options() obj = out['send'][0] for x in out['send'][1:]: obj = obj.merge(x) out['recv'] = [obj] return out
def _send(self, msg): r"""Write message to a file. Merging existing ply info as needed. Args: msg (bytes, str): Data to write to the file. Returns: bool: Success or failure of writing to the file. """ if (msg != self.eof_msg) and (self.fd.tell() != 0): msg_ply, header = self.deserialize(msg) with open(self.current_address, 'rb') as fd: old_ply, header = self.deserialize( old_ply.append(msg_ply) new_msg = self.serialize(old_ply) else: new_msg = msg return super(PlyFileComm, self)._send(new_msg)