Source code for cis_interface.communication.AsyncComm

import uuid
import threading
from cis_interface.communication import CommBase

[docs]class AsyncTryAgain(Exception): r"""Exception raised when comm open, but send should be attempted again.""" pass
[docs]class AsyncComm(CommBase.CommBase): r"""Class for handling asynchronous I/O. Args: name (str): The name of the message queue. dont_backlog (bool, optional): If True, the backlog will not be started and all messages will be sent/received directly to/from the comm. Defaults to False. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to CommBase. Attributes: dont_backlog (bool): If True, the backlog will not be started and all messages will be sent/received directly to/from the comm. backlog_send_ready (threading.Event): Event set when there is a message in the send backlog. backlog_recv_ready (threading.Event): Event set when there is a message in the recv backlog. """ def __init__(self, name, dont_backlog=False, **kwargs): self.dont_backlog = (dont_backlog or kwargs.get('matlab', False) or kwargs.get('is_inteface', False)) self._backlog_recv = [] self._backlog_send = [] self._backlog_thread = None self.backlog_send_ready = threading.Event() self.backlog_recv_ready = threading.Event() self.backlog_open = False self._used_direct = False super(AsyncComm, self).__init__(name, **kwargs)
[docs] def printStatus(self, nindent=0): r"""Print status of the communicator.""" super(AsyncComm, self).printStatus(nindent=nindent) prefix = '\t' + nindent * '\t' print('%s%-15s: %s' % (prefix, 'open (backlog)', self.is_open_backlog)) print('%s%-15s: %s' % (prefix, 'open (direct)', self.is_open_direct)) print('%s%-15s: %s' % (prefix, 'nsent (backlog)', self.n_msg_backlog_send)) print('%s%-15s: %s' % (prefix, 'nrecv (backlog)', self.n_msg_backlog_recv)) print('%s%-15s: %s' % (prefix, 'nsent (direct)', self.n_msg_direct_send)) print('%s%-15s: %s' % (prefix, 'nrecv (direct)', self.n_msg_direct_recv)) if len(self._work_comms) > 0: print('%sWork comms:' % prefix) for v in self._work_comms.values(): v.printStatus(nindent=nindent + 1)
@property def backlog_thread(self): r"""tools.CisThread: Thread that will handle sinding or receiving backlogged messages.""" if self._backlog_thread is None: if self.direction == 'send': self._backlog_thread = CommBase.CommThreadLoop( self, target=self.run_backlog_send, suffix='SendBacklog') else: self._backlog_thread = CommBase.CommThreadLoop( self, target=self.run_backlog_recv, suffix='RecvBacklog') return self._backlog_thread
[docs] def open(self): r"""Open the connection by connecting to the queue.""" super(AsyncComm, self).open() self._open_direct() if self.is_open_direct: self._open_backlog()
def _open_direct(self): r"""Open the comm directly.""" pass def _open_backlog(self): r"""Open the backlog.""" if not self.is_open_backlog: self.backlog_open = True if not self.dont_backlog: self.backlog_thread.start() def _close_direct(self, linger=False): r"""Close the comm directly.""" pass def _close_backlog(self, wait=False): r"""Close the backlog thread.""" self.debug('') self.backlog_open = False self.backlog_thread.set_break_flag() self.backlog_send_ready.set() self.backlog_recv_ready.set() if wait and not self.dont_backlog: self.backlog_thread.wait(key=str(uuid.uuid4())) def _close(self, linger=False): r"""Close the connection. Args: linger (bool, optional): If True, drain messages before closing the comm. Defaults to False. """ self.debug('') self._close_backlog(wait=True) self._close_direct() super(AsyncComm, self)._close(linger=linger)
[docs] def stop_backlog(self): r"""Stop the asynchronous backlog, turning this into a direct comm.""" self._close_backlog(wait=True) self.dont_backlog = True
@property def is_open(self): r"""bool: True if the backlog is open.""" return self.is_open_direct or self.is_open_backlog @property def is_open_direct(self): r"""bool: True if the direct comm is not None.""" return False @property def is_open_backlog(self): r"""bool: True if the backlog thread is running.""" return self.backlog_open @property def n_msg_direct_recv(self): r"""int: Number of messages currently being routed in recv.""" return 0 @property def n_msg_direct_send(self): r"""int: Number of messages currently being routed in send.""" return 0 @property def n_msg_direct(self): r"""int: Number of messages currently being routed.""" if self.direction == 'send': return self.n_msg_direct_send else: return self.n_msg_direct_recv @property def n_msg_backlog_recv(self): r"""int: Number of messages in the receive backlog.""" if self.is_open_backlog: return len(self.backlog_recv) return 0 @property def n_msg_backlog_send(self): r"""int: Number of messages in the send backlog.""" if self.is_open_backlog: return len(self.backlog_send) return 0 @property def n_msg_backlog(self): r"""int: Number of messages in the backlog.""" if self.direction == 'recv': return self.n_msg_backlog_recv else: return self.n_msg_backlog_send @property def n_msg_recv(self): r"""int: Number of messages in the receive backlog.""" if self.direction == 'recv': if self.dont_backlog: return self.n_msg_direct_recv else: return self.n_msg_backlog_recv else: return self.n_msg_direct_recv @property def n_msg_send(self): r"""int: Number of messages in the send backlog.""" if self.direction == 'send': if self.dont_backlog: return self.n_msg_direct_send else: return self.n_msg_backlog_send else: return self.n_msg_direct_send @property def n_msg_recv_drain(self): r"""int: Number of messages in the receive backlog and direct comm.""" return self.n_msg_direct_recv + self.n_msg_backlog_recv @property def n_msg_send_drain(self): r"""int: Number of messages in the send backlog and direct comm.""" return self.n_msg_direct_send + self.n_msg_backlog_send @property def is_confirmed_send(self): r"""bool: True if all sent messages have been confirmed.""" for v in self._work_comms.values(): if (v.direction == 'send') and not v.is_confirmed_send: # pragma: debug return False return (self.n_msg_direct_send == 0) @property def is_confirmed_recv(self): r"""bool: True if all received messages have been confirmed.""" for v in self._work_comms.values(): if (v.direction == 'recv') and not v.is_confirmed_recv: # pragma: debug return False return (self.n_msg_direct_recv == 0) @property def backlog_recv(self): r"""list: Messages that have been received.""" with self.backlog_thread.lock: return self._backlog_recv @property def backlog_send(self): r"""list: Messages that should be sent.""" with self.backlog_thread.lock: return self._backlog_send
[docs] def add_backlog_recv(self, msg): r"""Add a message to the backlog of received messages. Args: msg (str): Received message that should be backlogged. """ with self.backlog_thread.lock: self.debug("Added %d bytes to recv backlog.", len(msg)) self._backlog_recv.append(msg) self.backlog_recv_ready.set()
[docs] def add_backlog_send(self, msg, **kwargs): r"""Add a message to the backlog of messages to be sent. Args: msg (str): Message that should be backlogged for sending. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are added along with the message. """ with self.backlog_thread.lock: self.debug("Added %d bytes to send backlog.", len(msg)) self._backlog_send.append((msg, kwargs)) self.backlog_send_ready.set()
[docs] def pop_backlog_recv(self): r"""Pop a message from the front of the recv backlog. Returns: str: First backlogged recv message. """ with self.backlog_thread.lock: msg = self._backlog_recv.pop(0) self.debug("Popped %d bytes from recv backlog.", len(msg)) if len(self._backlog_recv) == 0: self.backlog_recv_ready.clear() return msg
[docs] def pop_backlog_send(self): r"""Pop a message from the front of the send backlog. Returns: tuple (str, dict): First backlogged send message and keyword arguments. """ with self.backlog_thread.lock: msg, kwargs = self._backlog_send.pop(0) self.debug("Popped %d bytes from send backlog.", len(msg)) if len(self._backlog_send) == 0: self.backlog_send_ready.clear() return msg, kwargs
[docs] def run_backlog_send(self): r"""Continue trying to send buffered messages.""" if not self.is_open_backlog: # pragma: debug self.debug("Backlog closed") self._close_backlog() return if not self.send_backlog(): # pragma: debug self.debug("Stopping because send_backlog failed") self._close_backlog() return self.periodic_debug('run_backlog_send', period=1000)( "Sleeping (is_confirmed_send=%s)", str(self.is_confirmed_send)) self.sleep()
[docs] def run_backlog_recv(self): r"""Continue buffering received messages.""" if self.backlog_thread.main_terminated: # pragma: debug self.debug("Main thread terminated") self._close_backlog() self.close() if not self.is_open_backlog: # pragma: debug self.debug("Backlog closed") self._close_backlog() return if not self.recv_backlog(): # Stop the thread, but don't close the backlog self.debug("Stopping backlog recv thread") self.backlog_thread.set_break_flag() return self.periodic_debug('run_backlog_recv', period=1000)( "Sleeping (is_confirmed_recv=%s)", str(self.is_confirmed_recv)) self.sleep()
[docs] def send_backlog(self): r"""Send a message from the send backlog to the queue.""" if len(self.backlog_send) == 0: self.confirm_send() return True try: imsg, ikwargs = self.backlog_send[0] if not self._used_direct: self.suppress_special_debug = True flag = self._send_direct(imsg, **ikwargs) self.suppress_special_debug = False if flag: self.debug("Sent %d bytes to %s", len(imsg), self.address) self.pop_backlog_send() self._used_direct = True except AsyncTryAgain: # pragma: debug flag = True except BaseException: # pragma: debug self.exception('Error sending backlogged message') flag = False self.confirm_send() return flag
[docs] def recv_backlog(self): r"""Check for any messages in the queue and add them to the recv backlog.""" if not self.is_open_direct: self.debug("Direct comm closed.") flag = False elif self.n_msg_direct_recv == 0: self.verbose_debug("No messages waiting.") flag = True else: try: if not self._used_direct: self.suppress_special_debug = True flag, data = self._recv_direct() self.suppress_special_debug = False if flag and data: self.debug("Recv %d bytes from %s", len(data), self.address) self.add_backlog_recv(data) self._used_direct = True except BaseException: # pragma: debug self.exception('Error receiving into backlog.') flag = False self.confirm_recv() return flag
def _send_direct(self, payload): # pragma: debug r"""Send a message to the comm directly. Args: payload (str): Message to send. Returns: bool: Success or failure of sending the message. """ return False def _recv_direct(self): # pragma: debug r"""Receive a message from the comm directly. Returns: tuple (bool, str): The success or failure of receiving a message and the message received. """ return (False, self.empty_bytes_msg) def _send(self, payload, no_backlog=False, no_confirm=False, **kwargs): r"""Send a message to the backlog. Args: payload (str): Message to send. no_backlog (bool, optional): If False, any messages that can't be sent because the queue is full will be added to a list of messages to be sent once the queue is no longer full. If True, messages are not backlogged and an error will be raised if the queue is full. Defaults to False. no_confirm (bool, optional): If False and no_backlog is True, then this will block until the sent message is confirmed. If True, this will return without confirmation. Defaults to False. Returns: bool: Success or failure of sending the message. """ if not self.is_open_direct: # pragma: debug return False if self.dont_backlog: no_backlog = True if self.direction == 'recv': self.debug("Receive comm sending %d bytes direct.", len(payload)) no_backlog = True if no_backlog or not self.backlog_send_ready.is_set(): try: if not self._used_direct: self.suppress_special_debug = True out = self._send_direct(payload, **kwargs) self.suppress_special_debug = False if out: self._used_direct = True if no_backlog: if out and (self.direction == 'send'): out = self.wait_for_confirm(active_confirm=True, timeout=False, noblock=no_confirm, direction='send') return out elif out: return out except AsyncTryAgain: if no_backlog: # pragma: debug raise self.add_backlog_send(payload, **kwargs) self.debug('%d bytes backlogged', len(payload)) return True def _recv(self, timeout=None, no_backlog=False, no_confirm=False): r"""Receive a message from the backlog. Args: timeout (float, optional): Time in seconds to wait for a message. Defaults to self.recv_timeout. no_backlog (bool, optional): If False and there are messages in the receive backlog, they will be returned first. Otherwise the queue is checked for a message. Defaults to False. no_confirm (bool, optional): If False and no_backlog is True, then this will block until the sent message is confirmed. If True, this will return without confirmation. Defaults to False. Returns: tuple (bool, str): The success or failure of receiving a message and the message received. """ if timeout is None: timeout = self.recv_timeout if self.dont_backlog: no_backlog = True if self.direction == 'send': self.debug("Send comm receiving direct.") no_backlog = True # If no backlog, receive from queue if no_backlog: T = self.start_timeout(timeout, key_suffix='_recv:direct') while ((not T.is_out) and (self.n_msg_direct_recv == 0) and self.is_open_direct): self.sleep() self.stop_timeout(key_suffix='_recv:direct') if not self.is_open_direct: # pragma: debug self.debug("Comm closed") return (False, self.empty_bytes_msg) if self.n_msg_direct_recv == 0: # pragma: debug self.verbose_debug("No messages waiting.") return (True, self.empty_bytes_msg) if not self._used_direct: self.suppress_special_debug = True out = self._recv_direct() self.suppress_special_debug = False if out: self._used_direct = True if out and (self.direction == 'recv'): self.wait_for_confirm(active_confirm=True, timeout=False, noblock=no_confirm, direction='recv') return out # Sleep until there is a message T = self.start_timeout(timeout, key_suffix='_recv:backlog') while (not T.is_out) and (not self.backlog_recv_ready.is_set()): self.backlog_recv_ready.wait(self.sleeptime) self.stop_timeout(key_suffix='_recv:backlog') # Return False if the queue is closed if (not self.is_open_backlog): # pragma: debug self.debug("Backlog closed") return (False, self.empty_bytes_msg) # Return True, '' if there are no messages if not self.backlog_recv_ready.is_set(): self.verbose_debug("No messages waiting.") return (True, self.empty_bytes_msg) # Return backlogged message self.debug('Returning backlogged received message') return (True, self.pop_backlog_recv())
[docs] def purge(self): r"""Purge all messages from the comm.""" super(AsyncComm, self).purge() with self.backlog_thread.lock: if self.direction == 'recv': while self.n_msg_direct > 0: # pragma: debug self._recv_direct() self.backlog_recv_ready.clear() self.backlog_send_ready.clear() self._backlog_recv = [] self._backlog_send = []