Source code for cis_interface.command_line

import os
import sys
import logging
import traceback
from cis_interface import runner, schema, config, timing, yamlfile
from cis_interface.drivers import GCCModelDriver

[docs]def cisrun(): r"""Start a run.""" prog = sys.argv[0].split(os.path.sep)[-1] # Print help if '-h' in sys.argv: print('Usage: cisrun [YAMLFILE1] [YAMLFILE2]...') return models = sys.argv[1:] cisRunner = runner.get_runner(models, cis_debug_prefix=prog) try: cisRunner.debug("runner returns, exiting") except Exception as ex: cisRunner.pprint("cisrun exception: %s" % type(ex)) print(traceback.format_exc()) print('')
[docs]def ciscc(): r"""Compile C/C++ program.""" # prog = sys.argv[0].split(os.path.sep)[-1] src = sys.argv[1:] out = GCCModelDriver.do_compile(src) print("executable: %s" % out)
[docs]def cc_flags(): r"""Get the compiler flags necessary for including the interface library in a C or C++ program. Returns: list: The necessary compiler flags and preprocessor definitions. """ print(' '.join(GCCModelDriver.get_flags()[0]))
[docs]def ld_flags(): r"""Get the linker flags necessary for calling functions/classes from the interface library in a C or C++ program. Returns: list: The necessary library linking flags. """ print(' '.join(GCCModelDriver.get_flags()[1]))
[docs]def rebuild_c_api(): r"""Rebuild the C/C++ API.""" if GCCModelDriver._c_installed: GCCModelDriver.build_api(cpp=False, overwrite=True) GCCModelDriver.build_api(cpp=True, overwrite=True) else: raise Exception("The libraries necessary for running models written in " "C/C++ could not be located.")
[docs]def regen_schema(): r"""Regenerate the cis_interface schema.""" if os.path.isfile(schema._schema_fname): os.remove(schema._schema_fname) schema.clear_schema() schema.init_schema()
[docs]def validate_yaml(): r"""Validate a set of or or more YAMLs defining an integration.""" files = sys.argv[1:] yamlfile.parse_yaml(files)"Validation succesful.")
[docs]def update_config(): r"""Update the user config file for cis_interface.""" config.update_config(config.usr_config_file, config.def_config_file)
[docs]def cistime_comm(): r"""Plot timing statistics comparing the different communication mechanisms.""" timing.plot_scalings(compare='commtype')
[docs]def cistime_lang(): r"""Plot timing statistics comparing the different languages.""" timing.plot_scalings(compare='language')
[docs]def cistime_os(): r"""Plot timing statistics comparing the different operating systems.""" timing.plot_scalings(compare='platform')
[docs]def cistime_py(): r"""Plot timing statistics comparing the different versions of Python.""" timing.plot_scalings(compare='python')
if __name__ == '__main__': cisrun() sys.exit(0)