Source code for yggdrasil.drivers.ConnectionDriver

"""Module for funneling messages from one comm to another."""
import os
import copy
import numpy as np
import functools
import queue
from yggdrasil import multitasking
from yggdrasil.communication import new_comm, CommBase
from yggdrasil.drivers.Driver import Driver
from yggdrasil.components import create_component, isinstance_component
from yggdrasil.drivers.DuplicatedModelDriver import DuplicatedModelDriver

[docs]class TaskThreadError(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]def run_remotely(method): r"""Decorator for methods that should be run remotely.""" @functools.wraps(method) def modified_method(self, *args, **kwargs): method_name = method.__name__ if self.can_run_remotely: try: return self.task_thread.run_task_remote(method_name, args, kwargs) except (TaskThreadError, multitasking.AliasDisconnectError): # pragma: debug pass return method(self, *args, **kwargs) return modified_method
[docs]class RemoteTaskLoop(multitasking.YggTaskLoop): r"""Class to handle running tasks on the connection loop process.""" _disconnect_attr = (multitasking.YggTaskLoop._disconnect_attr + ['q_tasks', 'q_results']) def __init__(self, connection, **kwargs): self.connection = connection self.q_tasks = multitasking.Queue( task_method='process', task_context=connection.process_instance.context) self.q_results = multitasking.Queue( task_method='process', task_context=connection.process_instance.context) super(RemoteTaskLoop, self).__init__(, **kwargs) # Overwrite break flag with process safe Event self.break_flag.disconnect() self.break_flag = multitasking.Event( task_method='process', task_context=connection.process_instance.context) def __getstate__(self): out = super(RemoteTaskLoop, self).__getstate__() del out['connection'] return out
[docs] def is_open(self): return (not self.was_break)
[docs] def close(self): r"""Close the queues.""" self.terminate() self.q_tasks.disconnect() self.q_results.disconnect()
[docs] def run_task_local(self, task, args, kwargs): r"""Run task on the current process.""" f_task = getattr(self.connection, task) if hasattr(f_task, '__call__'): out = f_task(*args, **kwargs) else: out = f_task return out
[docs] def run_task_remote(self, task, args, kwargs): r"""Run task on the connection loop process.""" assert (self.connection.as_process and (not self.connection.in_process) and self.connection.is_alive()) if self.break_flag.is_set(): # pragma: debug raise TaskThreadError("Task thread was stopped.") self.q_tasks.put_nowait((task, args, kwargs)) try: out = self.q_results.get(timeout=180.0) except queue.Empty: # pragma: debug raise TaskThreadError("Task thread was stopped.") if out == 'TERMINATED': # pragma: debug raise TaskThreadError("Task thread was stopped.") return out
[docs] def after_loop(self): r"""Actions performed after the loop.""" super(RemoteTaskLoop, self).after_loop() try: while not self.q_tasks.empty(): # pragma: debug self.q_tasks.get_nowait() self.q_results.put('TERMINATED') except multitasking.AliasDisconnectError: # pragma: debug pass
[docs] def target(self): r"""Complete all pending tasks.""" try: while not self.q_tasks.empty(): self.debug("Task waiting") args = self.q_tasks.get_nowait() self.debug("Task received: %s", args) out = self.run_task_local(*args) self.debug("Task complete: %s = %s", args, out) self.q_results.put(out) self.debug("Task returned: %s", args) if self.was_break: return self.sleep() except multitasking.AliasDisconnectError: # pragma: debug self.set_break_flag()
[docs]class ConnectionDriver(Driver): r"""Class that continuously passes messages from one comm to another. Args: name (str): Name that should be used to set names of input/output comms. inputs (list, optional): One or more dictionaries containing keyword arguments for constructing input communicators. Defaults to an empty dictionary if not provided. outputs (list, optional): One or more dictionaries containing keyword arguments for constructing output communicators. Defaults to an empty dictionary if not provided. input_pattern (str, optional): The communication pattern that should be used to handle incoming messages when there is more than one input communicators present. Defaults to 'cycle'. Options include: 'cycle': Receive from the next available input communicator. 'gather': Receive lists of messages with one element from each communicator where a message is only returned when there is a message from each. output_pattern (str, optional): The communication pattern that should be used to handling outgoing messages when there is more than one output communicator present. Defaults to 'broadcast'. Options include: 'cycle': Rotate through output comms, sending one message to each. 'broadcast': Send the same message to each comm. 'scatter': Send part of message (must be a list) to each comm. transform (str, func, optional): Function or string specifying function that should be used to translate messages from the input communicator before passing them to the output communicator. If a string, the format should be "<package.module>:<function>" so that <function> can be imported from <package>. Defaults to None and messages are passed directly. This can also be a list of functions/strings that will be called on the messages in the order they are provided. timeout_send_1st (float, optional): Time in seconds that should be waited before giving up on the first send. Defaults to self.timeout. single_use (bool, optional): If True, the driver will be stopped after one loop. Defaults to False. onexit (str, optional): Class method that should be called when a model that the connection interacts with exits, but before the connection driver is shut down. Defaults to None. **kwargs: Additonal keyword arguments are passed to the parent class. Attributes: icomm_kws (dict): Keyword arguments for the input communicator. ocomm_kws (dict): Keyword arguments for the output communicator. icomm (CommBase): Input communicator. ocomm (CommBase): Output communicator. nrecv (int): Number of messages received. nproc (int): Number of messages processed. nsent (int): Number of messages sent. state (str): Descriptor of last action taken. transform (func): Function that will be used to translate messages from the input communicator before passing them to the output communicator. timeout_send_1st (float): Time in seconds that should be waited before giving up on the first send. single_use (bool): If True, the driver will be stopped after one loop. onexit (str): Class method that should be called when the corresponding model exits, but before the driver is shut down. """ _connection_type = 'default' _icomm_type = 'default' _ocomm_type = 'default' _direction = 'any' _schema_type = 'connection' _schema_subtype_key = 'connection_type' _schema_subtype_description = ('Connection between one or more comms/files ' 'and one or more comms/files.') _schema_subtype_default = 'default' _connection_type = 'connection' _schema_required = ['inputs', 'outputs'] _schema_properties = { 'connection_type': {'type': 'string'}, 'inputs': {'type': 'array', 'minItems': 1, 'items': {'anyOf': [{'$ref': '#/definitions/comm'}, {'$ref': '#/definitions/file'}]}, 'allowSingular': True, 'aliases': ['input', 'from', 'input_file', 'input_files'], 'description': ( 'One or more name(s) of model output channel(s) ' 'and/or new channel/file objects that the ' 'connection should receive messages from. ' 'A full description of file entries and the ' 'available options can be found :ref:`here<' 'yaml_file_options>`.')}, 'outputs': {'type': 'array', 'minItems': 1, 'items': {'anyOf': [{'$ref': '#/definitions/comm'}, {'$ref': '#/definitions/file'}]}, 'allowSingular': True, 'aliases': ['output', 'to', 'output_file', 'output_files'], 'description': ( 'One or more name(s) of model input channel(s) ' 'and/or new channel/file objects that the ' 'connection should send messages to. ' 'A full description of file entries and the ' 'available options can be found :ref:`here<' 'yaml_file_options>`.')}, 'input_pattern': {'type': 'string', 'enum': ['cycle', 'gather'], 'default': 'cycle'}, 'output_pattern': {'type': 'string', 'enum': ['cycle', 'broadcast', 'scatter'], 'default': 'broadcast'}, 'transform': {'type': 'array', 'items': {'anyOf': [ {'$ref': '#/definitions/transform'}, {'type': ['function', 'string']}]}, 'allowSingular': True, 'aliases': ['transforms', 'translator', 'translators']}, 'read_meth': {'type': 'string', 'deprecated': True, 'enum': ['all', 'line', 'table_array', 'ascii', 'binary', 'json', 'map', 'mat', 'netcdf', 'obj', 'pandas', 'pickle', 'ply', 'table', 'wofost', 'yaml']}, 'write_meth': {'type': 'string', 'deprecated': True, 'enum': ['all', 'line', 'table_array', 'ascii', 'binary', 'json', 'map', 'mat', 'netcdf', 'obj', 'pandas', 'pickle', 'ply', 'table', 'wofost', 'yaml']}, 'onexit': {'type': 'string'}, 'working_dir': {'type': 'string'}} _schema_excluded_from_class_validation = ['inputs', 'outputs'] _schema_additional_kwargs_base = { 'pushProperties': { '!$properties/inputs/items': ['transform', 'onexit', 'read_meth', 'write_meth'], '!$properties/outputs/items/anyOf/1': ['transform', 'onexit', 'read_meth', 'write_meth'], ('$properties/inputs/items/anyOf/1/allOf/1/anyOf/0/' 'properties/serializer'): True, ('$properties/outputs/items/anyOf/1/allOf/1/anyOf/0/' 'properties/serializer'): True}} _disconnect_attr = Driver._disconnect_attr + [ '_comm_closed', '_skip_after_loop', 'shared', 'task_thread', 'icomm', 'ocomm'] def __init__(self, name, single_use=False, onexit=None, models=None, **kwargs): # kwargs['method'] = 'process' super(ConnectionDriver, self).__init__(name, **kwargs) # Shared attributes (set once or synced using events) self.single_use = single_use self.shared = self.context.Dict() self.shared.update(nrecv=0, nproc=0, nsent=0, state='started', close_state='', _comm_closed=multitasking.DummyEvent(), _skip_after_loop=multitasking.DummyEvent()) # Attributes used by process self._eof_sent = False self._first_send_done = False self._used = False self.onexit = None self.task_thread = None if self.as_process: self.task_thread = RemoteTaskLoop( self, name=('%s.TaskThread' % # Translator if self.transform is None: self.transform = [] elif not isinstance(self.transform, list): self.transform = [self.transform] for i, t in enumerate(self.transform): if isinstance(t, dict): self.transform[i] = create_component('transform', **t) if not hasattr(self.transform[i], '__call__'): raise ValueError(f"Transform {self.transform[i]} not callable.") if (onexit is not None) and (not hasattr(self, onexit)): raise ValueError("onexit '%s' is not a class method." % onexit) self.onexit = onexit # Add comms and print debug info self._init_comms(name, **kwargs) self.models = models if self.models is None: self.models = {'input': list(self.icomm.model_env.keys()), 'output': list(self.ocomm.model_env.keys())} self.models_recvd = {} # self.debug(' env: %s', str(self.env)) self.debug(('\n' + 80 * '=' + '\n' + 'class = %s\n' + ' input: name = %s, address = %s, models=%s\n' + ' output: name = %s, address = %s, models=%s\n' + (80 * '=')), self.__class__,, self.icomm.address, self.models['input'],, self.ocomm.address, self.models['output']) def _init_single_comm(self, io, comm_list): r"""Parse keyword arguments for input/output comm.""" self.debug("Creating %s comm", io) comm_kws = dict() assert isinstance(comm_list, list) assert comm_list if io == 'input': direction = 'recv' attr_comm = 'icomm' comm_kws['close_on_eof_recv'] = False comm_type = self._icomm_type else: direction = 'send' attr_comm = 'ocomm' comm_type = self._ocomm_type comm_kws['direction'] = direction comm_kws['dont_open'] = True comm_kws['reverse_names'] = True comm_kws['use_async'] = True comm_kws['name'] = if len(comm_list) > 0: comm_kws['pattern'] = getattr(self, f'{io}_pattern') for i, x in enumerate(comm_list): if x is None: comm_list[i] = dict() else: assert isinstance(x, dict) if 'filetype' not in comm_list[i]: comm_list[i].setdefault('commtype', comm_type) if self.as_process: comm_list[i]['buffer_task_method'] = 'process' if (((comm_list[i].get('partner_copies', 0) > 1) and (not comm_list[i].get('is_client', False)) and (direction == 'send') and (not comm_list[i].get('dont_copy', False)))): from yggdrasil.communication import ForkComm # TODO: Handle recv? comm_list[i]['commtype'] = [ dict(comm_list[i], partner_model=DuplicatedModelDriver.name_format % ( comm_list[i]['partner_model'], idx)) for idx in range(comm_list[i]['partner_copies'])] for k in ForkComm.ForkComm.child_keys: comm_list[i].pop(k, None) comm_kws['commtype'] = copy.deepcopy(comm_list) for x in comm_kws['commtype']: if isinstance(x.get('datatype', {}), dict): if ((x.get('datatype', {}).get('from_function', False) and (x.get('datatype', {}).get('type', None) in ['any', 'instance']))): x['datatype'] = {'type': 'scalar', 'subtype': 'string'} x.get('datatype', {}).pop('from_function', False) self.debug('%s comm_kws:\n%s', attr_comm, self.pprint(comm_kws, 1)) setattr(self, attr_comm, new_comm(**comm_kws)) setattr(self, '%s_kws' % attr_comm, comm_kws) def _init_comms(self, name, **kwargs): r"""Parse keyword arguments for input/output comms.""" self._init_single_comm('input', self.inputs) try: self._init_single_comm('output', self.outputs) except BaseException: self.icomm.close() self.icomm.disconnect() raise # Apply keywords dependent on comms if self.icomm.any_files: kwargs.setdefault('timeout_send_1st', 60) self.timeout_send_1st = kwargs.pop('timeout_send_1st', self.timeout) self.debug('Final env:\n%s', self.pprint(self.env, 1)) def __setstate__(self, state): super(ConnectionDriver, self).__setstate__(state) if self.as_process: self.task_thread.connection = self @property def model_env(self): r"""dict: Mapping between model name and opposite comm environment variables that need to be provided to the model.""" out = {} for x in [self.icomm, self.ocomm]: if x._commtype == 'mpi': continue iout = x.model_env for k, v in iout.items(): if k in out: out[k].update(v) else: out[k] = v return out
[docs] def get_flag_attr(self, attr): r"""Return the flag attribute.""" if hasattr(self, 'shared') and (attr in self.shared): return self.shared[attr] return super(ConnectionDriver, self).get_flag_attr(attr)
[docs] def set_flag_attr(self, attr, value=True): r"""Set a flag.""" if hasattr(self, 'shared') and (attr in self.shared): exist = self.shared[attr] if value: exist.set() else: exist.clear() self.shared[attr] = exist return super(ConnectionDriver, self).set_flag_attr(attr, value=value)
@property def nrecv(self): r"""int: Number of messages received.""" return self.shared['nrecv'] @nrecv.setter def nrecv(self, x): self.shared['nrecv'] = x @property def nsent(self): r"""int: Number of messages sent.""" return self.shared['nsent'] @nsent.setter def nsent(self, x): self.shared['nsent'] = x @property def nproc(self): r"""int: Number of messages processed.""" return self.shared['nproc'] @nproc.setter def nproc(self, x): self.shared['nproc'] = x @property def state(self): r"""str: Current state of the connection.""" return self.shared['state'] @state.setter def state(self, x): if hasattr(self, 'shared'): self.shared['state'] = x @property def close_state(self): r"""str: State of the connection at close.""" return self.shared['close_state'] @close_state.setter def close_state(self, x): self.shared['close_state'] = x @property def can_run_remotely(self): r"""bool: True if process should be run remotely.""" return (self.as_process and (not self.in_process) and self.is_alive() and self.task_thread.is_open())
[docs] @run_remotely def wait_for_route(self, timeout=None): r"""Wait until messages have been routed.""" T = self.start_timeout(timeout, key_suffix='.route') while ((not T.is_out) and (self.icomm.n_msg > 0) and (self.nrecv != self.nsent)): # pragma: debug self.sleep() self.stop_timeout(key_suffix='.route') return (self.nrecv == self.nsent)
@property @run_remotely def is_valid(self): r"""bool: Returns True if the connection is open and the parent class is valid.""" with self.lock: return (super(ConnectionDriver, self).is_valid and self.is_comm_open and not (self.single_use and self._used)) @property @run_remotely def is_comm_open(self): r"""bool: Returns True if both communicators are open.""" with self.lock: return (self.icomm.is_open and self.ocomm.is_open and not self.check_flag_attr('_comm_closed')) @property @run_remotely def is_comm_closed(self): r"""bool: Returns True if both communicators are closed.""" with self.lock: return self.icomm.is_closed and self.ocomm.is_closed @property @run_remotely def n_msg(self): r"""int: Number of messages waiting in input communicator.""" with self.lock: return self.icomm.n_msg_recv
[docs] @run_remotely def open_comm(self): r"""Open the communicators.""" self.debug('') with self.lock: if self.check_flag_attr('_comm_closed'): self.debug('Aborted as comm closed') return try: except BaseException: self.close_comm() raise self.debug('Returning')
[docs] @run_remotely def close_comm(self): r"""Close the communicators.""" self.debug('') with self.lock: self.set_flag_attr('_comm_closed') self.set_flag_attr('_skip_after_loop') # Capture errors for both comms ie = None oe = None try: if getattr(self, 'icomm', None) is not None: self.icomm.close() self.icomm.disconnect() except BaseException as e: ie = e try: if getattr(self, 'ocomm', None) is not None: self.ocomm.close() self.ocomm.disconnect() except BaseException as e: oe = e if ie: raise ie if oe: raise oe self.debug('Returning')
[docs] def start(self): r"""Open connection before running.""" if not self.as_process: self.open_comm() Tout = self.start_timeout() while (not self.is_comm_open) and (not Tout.is_out): self.sleep() self.stop_timeout() if not self.is_comm_open: raise Exception("Connection never finished opening.") super(ConnectionDriver, self).start() self.debug('Started connection process') if self.as_process: self.wait_flag_attr('loop_flag', timeout=120.0) self.icomm.disconnect() self.ocomm.disconnect()
[docs] def graceful_stop(self, timeout=None, **kwargs): r"""Stop the driver, first waiting for the input comm to be empty. Args: timeout (float, optional): Max time that should be waited. Defaults to None and is set to attribute timeout. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the parent class's graceful_stop method. """ self.debug('') with self.lock: self.set_close_state('stop') self.set_flag_attr('_skip_after_loop') self.drain_input(timeout=timeout) self.wait_for_route(timeout=timeout) self.drain_output(timeout=timeout) super(ConnectionDriver, self).graceful_stop() self.debug('Returning')
[docs] @run_remotely def remove_model(self, direction, name): r"""Remove a model from the list of models. Args: direction (str): Direction of model. name (str): Name of model exiting. Returns: bool: True if all of the input/output models have signed off; False otherwise. """ self.debug('') with self.lock: if name in self.models[direction]: self.models[direction].remove(name) self.debug(("%s model '%s' signed off." "\n\tInput models: %d" "\n\tOutput models: %d") % (direction.title(), name, len(self.models["input"]), len(self.models["output"]))) return (len(self.models[direction]) == 0)
[docs] @run_remotely def on_model_exit_remote(self, direction, name, errors=False): r"""Drain input and then close it (on the remote process). Args: direction (str): Direction of model. name (str): Name of model exiting. errors (list, optional): Errors generated by the model. Defaults to False. Returns: bool: True if all of the input/output models have signed off; False otherwise. """ if not self.remove_model(direction, name): self.debug("%s models remain: %s", direction, self.models[direction]) return False if not self.is_alive(): return False self.debug("All %s models have signed off.", direction) if (((self.onexit not in [None, 'on_model_exit', 'pass']) and (not errors))): self.debug("Calling onexit = '%s'" % self.onexit) getattr(self, self.onexit)() if not errors: if direction == 'output': T = self.start_timeout(60, key_suffix='.model_exit') while (not T.is_out) and self.models['input']: self.debug("remaining input models: %s", self.models['input']) self.sleep(10 * self.sleeptime) self.stop_timeout(key_suffix='.model_exit') self.drain_input(timeout=self.timeout) if direction == 'input': if not errors: self.wait_for_route(timeout=self.timeout) with self.lock: self.icomm.close() elif direction == 'output': with self.lock: # self.icomm.close() self.ocomm.close() self.set_close_state('%s model exit' % direction) self.debug('Exit of %s model triggered close', direction) self.set_break_flag() return True
[docs] def on_model_exit(self, direction, name, errors=False): r"""Drain input and then close it.""" self.debug('%s model %s exiting', direction.title(), name) if self.on_model_exit_remote(direction, name, errors=errors): self.wait() self.debug('Finished')
[docs] def do_terminate(self): r"""Stop the driver by closing the communicators.""" self.debug('') self.set_close_state('terminate') self.close_comm() if self.as_process: self.task_thread.terminate() super(ConnectionDriver, self).do_terminate()
[docs] def cleanup(self): r"""Ensure that the communicators are closed.""" self.close_comm() if self.as_process: self.task_thread.close() super(ConnectionDriver, self).cleanup()
[docs] @run_remotely def printStatus(self, beg_msg='', end_msg='', verbose=False, return_str=False): r"""Print information on the status of the ConnectionDriver. Arguments: beg_msg (str, optional): Additional message to print at beginning. end_msg (str, optional): Additional message to print at end. verbose (bool, optional): If True, the status of individual comms will be displayed. Defaults to False. return_str (bool, optional): If True, the message string is returned. Defaults to False. """ msg = beg_msg msg += '%-50s' % (self.__module__.split('.')[-1] + '(' + + '): ') msg += '\n\t' msg += '%-30s' % ('last action: ' + self.state) msg += '%-25s' % ('is_open(%s, %s), ' % (self.icomm.is_open, self.ocomm.is_open)) msg += '%-15s' % (str(self.nrecv) + ' received, ') msg += '%-15s' % (str(self.nproc) + ' processed, ') msg += '%-15s' % (str(self.nsent) + ' sent, ') msg += '%-20s' % (str(self.icomm.n_msg) + ' ready to recv') msg += '%-20s' % (str(self.ocomm.n_msg) + ' ready to send') with self.lock: if self.close_state: msg += '%-30s' % ('close state: ' + self.close_state) msg += end_msg if not return_str: print(msg) if verbose: i_msg = self.icomm.printStatus(return_str=return_str) o_msg = self.ocomm.printStatus(return_str=return_str) if return_str: msg += '\n%s\n%s' % (i_msg, o_msg) return msg
[docs] @run_remotely def confirm_input(self, timeout=None): r"""Confirm receipt of messages from input comm.""" T = self.start_timeout(timeout, key_suffix='.confirm_input') while not T.is_out: # pragma: debug with self.lock: if (not self.icomm.is_open): break elif self.icomm.is_confirmed_recv: break self.sleep(10 * self.sleeptime) self.stop_timeout(key_suffix='.confirm_input')
[docs] @run_remotely def confirm_output(self, timeout=None): r"""Confirm receipt of messages from output comm.""" T = self.start_timeout(timeout, key_suffix='.confirm_output') while not T.is_out: # pragma: debug with self.lock: if (not self.ocomm.is_open): break elif self.ocomm.is_confirmed_send: break self.sleep(10 * self.sleeptime) self.stop_timeout(key_suffix='.confirm_output')
[docs] @run_remotely def drain_input(self, timeout=None): r"""Drain messages from input comm.""" T = self.start_timeout(timeout, key_suffix='.drain_input') while not T.is_out: with self.lock: if (not (self.icomm.is_open or self.was_terminated)): break elif ((self.icomm.n_msg_recv_drain == 0) and self.icomm.is_confirmed_recv): break self.sleep() self.stop_timeout(key_suffix='.drain_input')
[docs] @run_remotely def drain_output(self, timeout=None, dont_confirm_eof=False): r"""Drain messages from output comm.""" nwait = 0 if dont_confirm_eof: nwait += 1 T = self.start_timeout(timeout, key_suffix='.drain_output') while not T.is_out: with self.lock: if (not (self.ocomm.is_open or self.was_terminated)): # pragma: no cover break elif ((self.ocomm.n_msg_send_drain <= nwait) and self.ocomm.is_confirmed_send): break self.sleep() # pragma: no cover self.stop_timeout(key_suffix='.drain_output')
[docs] def before_loop(self): r"""Actions to perform prior to sending messages.""" self.state = 'before loop' try: if self.as_process: self.task_thread.start() self.open_comm() self.sleep() # Help ensure senders/receivers connected before messages self.debug('Running in %s, is_valid = %s', os.getcwd(), str(self.is_valid)) assert self.is_valid except BaseException: # pragma: debug self.printStatus() self.exception('Could not prep for loop (is_open = (%s, %s)).' % ( self.icomm.is_open, self.ocomm.is_open)) self.close_comm() self.set_break_flag() if self.as_process: self.task_thread.terminate()
[docs] def after_loop_process(self): r"""Actions to preform after loop for process.""" self.debug("After loop process") self.task_thread.set_break_flag() self.task_thread.wait()
[docs] def after_loop(self): r"""Actions to perform after sending messages.""" self.state = 'after loop' self.debug('') # Close input comm in case loop did not self.confirm_input(timeout=False) self.debug('Confirmed input') if self.check_flag_attr('_skip_after_loop') and self.as_process: self.after_loop_process() with self.lock: self.debug('Acquired lock') if self.check_flag_attr('_skip_after_loop'): self.debug("After loop skipped.") return self.icomm.close() # Send EOF in case the model didn't if not self.single_use: self.send_eof() # Do not close output comm in case model/connection still receiving if self.as_process and self.ocomm.touches_model: self.drain_output(timeout=False, dont_confirm_eof=True) self.debug('Finished') if self.as_process: self.after_loop_process()
[docs] def recv_message(self, **kwargs): r"""Get a new message to send. Args: **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to the appropriate recv method. Returns: CommMessage, bool: False if no more messages, message otherwise. """ assert self.in_process kwargs.setdefault('timeout', 0) with self.lock: if self.icomm.is_closed: return False msg = self.icomm.recv(return_message_object=True, **kwargs) self.errors += self.icomm.errors if msg.header and ('model' in msg.header.get('__meta__', {})): self.models_recvd.setdefault(msg.header['__meta__']['model'], 0) self.models_recvd[msg.header['__meta__']['model']] += 1 if ((self.models_recvd[msg.header['__meta__']['model']] == 1 and msg.header['__meta__']['model'] not in self.models['input'])): self.models['input'].append(msg.header['__meta__']['model']) if msg.flag == CommBase.FLAG_EOF: return self.on_eof(msg) if msg.flag == CommBase.FLAG_SUCCESS: return msg else: return bool(msg.flag)
[docs] def on_eof(self, msg): r"""Actions to take when EOF received. Args: msg (CommMessage): Message object that provided the EOF. Returns: CommMessage, bool: Value that should be returned by recv_message on EOF. """ with self.lock: self.debug('EOF received') self.state = 'eof' self.set_close_state('eof') self.set_break_flag() self.debug('After EOF') return False
[docs] def on_message(self, msg): r"""Process a message. Args: msg (bytes, str): Message to be processed. Returns: bytes, str: Processed message. """ if (self.ocomm._send_serializer) and self.icomm.serializer.initialized: self.update_serializer(msg) for t in self.transform: msg.args = t(msg.args) return msg
[docs] def update_serializer(self, msg): r"""Update the serializer for the output comm based on input.""" self.debug('Before update:\n icomm:%s\n ocomm:%s\n' % ("\n".join(self.icomm.get_status_message(nindent=1)[0][1:]), "\n".join(self.ocomm.get_status_message(nindent=1)[0][1:]))) for t in self.transform: if isinstance_component(t, 'transform'): t.set_original_datatype(msg.stype) msg.stype = t.transformed_datatype if self.transform: msg.sinfo = {} # This can be removed if send_message is set up to update and send the # received message rather than create a new one by sending msg.args self.ocomm.update_serializer_from_message(msg) self.debug('After update:\n icomm:\n%s\n ocomm:\n%s\n' % ("\n".join(self.icomm.get_status_message(nindent=1)[0][1:]), "\n".join(self.ocomm.get_status_message(nindent=1)[0][1:])))
def _send_message(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Send a single message. Args: *args: Arguments are passed to the output comm send method. *kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to the output comm send method. Returns: bool: Success or failure of send. """ with self.lock: if self.ocomm.is_closed: return False return self.ocomm.send_message(*args, **kwargs) def _send_1st_message(self, *args, **kwargs): r"""Send the first message, trying multiple times. Args: *args: Arguments are passed to the output comm send method. *kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to the output comm send method. Returns: bool: Success or failure of send. """ self.ocomm._multiple_first_send = False T = self.start_timeout(self.timeout_send_1st, key_suffix='.1st_send') flag = self._send_message(*args, **kwargs) self.ocomm.suppress_special_debug = True if (not flag) and (not self.ocomm._type_errors): self.debug("1st send failed, will keep trying for %f s in silence.", float(self.timeout_send_1st)) while ((not T.is_out) and (not flag) and self.ocomm.is_open): # pragma: debug flag = self._send_message(*args, **kwargs) if not flag: self.sleep() self.stop_timeout(key_suffix='.1st_send') self.ocomm.suppress_special_debug = False self._first_send_done = True if not flag: self.error("1st send failed.") else: self.debug("1st send succeded") return flag
[docs] def send_eof(self, **kwargs): r"""Send EOF message. Returns: bool: Success or failure of send. """ with self.lock: if self._eof_sent: # pragma: debug self.debug('Already sent EOF') return False self._eof_sent = True self.debug('Sent EOF') msg = CommBase.CommMessage(flag=CommBase.FLAG_EOF, args=self.ocomm.eof_msg) return self.send_message(msg, **kwargs)
[docs] def send_message(self, msg, **kwargs): r"""Send a single message. Args: msg (CommMessage): Message being sent. *kwargs: Keyword arguments are passed to the output comm send method. Returns: bool: Success or failure of send. """ assert self.in_process self.debug('') with self.lock: self._used = True if (msg.header is not None) and ('model' in msg.header.get('__meta__', {})): kwargs.setdefault('header_kwargs', {}) kwargs['header_kwargs'].setdefault('__meta__', {}) kwargs['header_kwargs']['__meta__'].setdefault( 'model', msg.header['__meta__']['model']) kws_prepare = {k: kwargs.pop(k) for k in self.ocomm._prepare_message_kws if k in kwargs} msg_out = self.ocomm.prepare_message(msg.args, **kws_prepare) if self._first_send_done: flag = self._send_message(msg_out, **kwargs) else: flag = self._send_1st_message(msg_out, **kwargs) # if self.single_use: # with self.lock: # self.debug('Used') # self.icomm.drain_messages() # self.icomm.close() self.errors += self.ocomm.errors return flag
[docs] def set_close_state(self, state): r"""Set the close state if its not already set.""" out = False with self.lock: if not self.close_state: self.debug("Setting close state to %s", state) self.close_state = state out = True return out
[docs] def run_loop(self): r"""Run the driver. Continue looping over messages until there are not any left or the communication channel is closed. """ self.state = 'in loop' # if not self.is_valid: if (((self.single_use and self._used) or self.check_flag_attr('_comm_closed'))): self.debug("Breaking loop") self.set_close_state('invalid') self.set_break_flag() return # Receive a message self.state = 'receiving' msg = self.recv_message() if msg is False: self.debug('No more messages') self.set_break_flag() self.set_close_state('receiving') return if (msg is True) or (isinstance(msg, CommBase.CommMessage) and (msg.flag != CommBase.FLAG_SUCCESS)): self.state = 'waiting' self.verbose_debug(':run: Waiting for next message.') self.sleep() return self.nrecv += 1 self.state = 'received' if isinstance(msg.args, bytes): self.debug('Received message that is %d bytes from %s.', len(msg.args), self.icomm.address) elif isinstance(msg.args, np.ndarray): self.debug('Received array with shape %s and data type %s from %s', msg.args.shape, msg.args.dtype, self.icomm.address) else: self.debug('Received message of type %s from %s', type(msg.args), self.icomm.address) # Process message self.state = 'processing' msg = self.on_message(msg) if msg is False: # pragma: debug self.error('Could not process message.') self.set_break_flag() self.set_close_state('processing') return self.nproc += 1 self.state = 'processed' self.debug('Processed message.') # Send a message self.state = 'sending' ret = self.send_message(msg) if ret is False: self.error('Could not send message.') self.set_break_flag() self.set_close_state('sending') return self.nsent += 1 self.state = 'sent' self.debug('Sent message to %s.', self.ocomm.address)