Source code for cis_interface.scanf

Small scanf implementation.

Python has powerful regular expressions but sometimes they are totally overkill
when you just want to parse a simple-formatted string.
C programmers use the scanf-function for these tasks (see link below).

This implementation of scanf translates the simple scanf-format into
regular expressions. Unlike C you can be sure that there are no buffer overflows

For more information see

Original code from:

Modified original to make the %f more robust, as well as added %* modifier to
skip fields.

Version: 1.3.3

      * Initial release

      * Changed regex from 'match' (only matches at beginning of line)
        to 'search' (matches anywhere in line)
      * Bugfix - ignore cast for skipped fields

      * Added 'collapseWhitespace' flag (defaults to True) to take the search
        string and replace all whitespace with regex string to match repeated
        whitespace.  This enables better matching in log files where the data
        has been formatted for easier reading.  These cases have variable
        amounts of whitespace between the columns, depending on the number
        of characters in the data itself.
      * Add 'extractdata' function.
      * Release to PyPi, now including

Updates by Meagan Lang:
    * Added ability to parse components of field specifiers and cope with
      whitespace padding.

import re
import sys

__version__ = '1.3.3'

__all__ = ["scanf", 'scanf_translate', 'scanf_compile']

DEBUG = False

def no_cast(s):
    r"""Dummy function to cast a string to a string.

        s (str): String to cast.

        str: Cast string.

    return s

def cast_str(s):
    r"""Cast a string value to a string, stripping whitespace.

        s (str): String to cast.

        str: Cast string.

    return s.strip()

def cast_hex(s):
    r"""Cast a string value to a hex integer.

        s (str): String to cast.

        int: Base 16 integer for provided string.

    return int(s, 16)

def cast_oct(s):
    r"""Cast a string value to an octal.

        s (str): String to cast.

        int: Base 8 integer for provided string.

    return int(s, 8)

def cformat2regex(flags, width, precision, length, specifier):
    r"""Get regex substring that will match the given cformat components.

        flags (str): Format flags.
        width (str): Minimum field width.
        precision (str): Field precision.
        length (str): Field value size (e.g. short, long).
        specifier (str): Field specifier.

        str: Regex expression that will match the provided components.

    pat_dec = '[-+]?\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?'
    pat_sub = ''
    pad_zero = 0
    # Left padding specified in flags
    if '0' in flags:
        if '+' in flags:
            pat_sub += '[-+]'
        if width and specifier in 'diueEfgGoxX':
            pad_zero = int(width)
        if ('-' not in flags) and width and (specifier != 's'):
            pat_sub += "\\s{,%s}" % width
        if '+' in flags:
            pat_sub += '[-+]'
    if precision and specifier in 'diuoxX':
        pad_zero = max(pad_zero, int(precision[1:]))
    # Casts
    if pad_zero and specifier in 'diueEfgG':
        pat_sub += '0{,%d}' % pad_zero
    if specifier == 'f':
        pat_sub += pat_dec
    elif specifier in 'eE':
        pat_sub += '%s%s[+-]\\d+' % (pat_dec, specifier)
    elif specifier in 'gG':
        pat_sub += '%s(?:[eE][+-]\\d+)?' % (pat_dec)
    elif specifier in 'diu':
        pat_sub += '\\d+'
    elif specifier in 'cs':
        if not width:
            if specifier == 'c':
                pat_sub += '.'
                pat_sub += '\\S+'
            pat_sub += '.{%s}' % width
    elif specifier in 'xX':
        if '#' in flags:
            pat_sub += '0%s' % specifier
        if pad_zero:
            pat_sub += '0{,%d}' % pad_zero
        pat_sub += '[\\dA-Za-f]+'
    elif specifier == 'o':
        if '#' in flags:
            pat_sub += '0'
        if pad_zero:
            pat_sub += '0{,%d}' % pad_zero
        pat_sub += '[0-7]*'
    if ('-' in flags) and ('0' not in flags) and width:
        pat_sub += "\\s{,%s}" % width
    return pat_sub

def parse_cformat(format, i):
    pattern = None
    cast = None
    # %[flags][width][.precision][length]specifier
    # float_format = "%([ -\\+0]{,4})(\\d*)((?:\\.\\d+)?)(L?)([eEfgG])"
    # First check for match to complex
    complex_format = ("%([ -0]{,3})(\\d*)((?:\\.\\d+)?)([hlL]{,2})([eEfgG])"
                      + "%(\\+?[ -0]{,3}\\+?)(\\d*)((?:\\.\\d+)?)([hlL]{,2})([eEfgG])j")
    token = re.compile(complex_format)
    found = token.match(format, i)
    if found:
        cast = complex
        groups = found.groups()
        pat_sub1 = cformat2regex(*groups[:5])
        pat_sub2 = cformat2regex(*groups[5:])
        pattern = "(%s%sj)" % (pat_sub1, pat_sub2)
        return found, pattern, cast
    # Then check for generic
    any_format = "%([\\* \\-\\+#0]{,6})(\\d*)((?:\\.\\d+)?)([hlL]{,2})([cdieEfgGosuxX])"
    token = re.compile(any_format)
    found = token.match(format, i)
    if found:
        groups = found.groupdict() or found.groups()
        # Get cast
        specifier = groups[-1]
        if specifier in 'eEfgG':
            cast = float
        elif specifier in 'diu':
            cast = int
        elif specifier == 'c':
            cast = no_cast
        elif specifier == 's':
            cast = cast_str
        elif specifier in ['x', 'X']:
            cast = cast_hex
        elif specifier in ['o']:
            cast = cast_oct
        else:  # pragma: debug
            raise Exception('No cast for specifier %s.' % specifier)
        # Get pattern
        pat_sub = cformat2regex(*groups)
        if '*' in groups[0]:
            pattern = "(?:%s)" % pat_sub
            cast = None
            pattern = "(%s)" % pat_sub
        return found, pattern, cast
    return found, pattern, cast

# As you can probably see it is relatively easy to add more format types.
# Make sure you add a second entry for each new item that adds the extra
#   few characters needed to handle the field ommision.
scanf_translate = [
    (re.compile(_token), _pattern, _cast) for _token, _pattern, _cast in [
        ("%c", "(.)", lambda x:x),
        ("%\\*c", "(?:.)", None),
        ("%(\\d)c", "(.{%s})", lambda x:x),
        ("%\\*(\\d)c", "(?:.{%s})", None),
        ("%(\\d)[di]", "([+-]?\\d{%s})", int),
        ("%\\*(\\d)[di]", "(?:[+-]?\\d{%s})", None),
        ("%-(\\d)[di]", "(.{%s})", int),
        ("%\\*-(\\d)[di]", "(?:.{%s})", None),
        ("%[di]", "([+-]?\\d+)", int),
        ("%\\*[di]", "(?:[+-]?\\d+)", None),
        ("%u", "(\\d+)", int),
        ("%\\*u", "(?:\\d+)", None),
        # langmm: complex
         + "(?:[-+]?(?:\\d+(?:\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\\d+)?)"
         + "[+-]"
         + "(?:(?:\\d+(?:\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\\d+)?)"
         + "j)",
         + "(?:[-+]?(?:\\d+(?:\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\\d+)?)"
         + "[+-]"
         + "(?:(?:\\d+(?:\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\\d+)?)"
         + "j)",

        ("%[fgeE]", "([-+]?(?:\\d+(?:\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\\d+)?)", float),
        ("%\\*[fgeE]", "(?:[-+]?(?:\\d+(?:\\.\\d*)?|\\.\\d+)(?:[eE][-+]?\\d+)?)", None),
        # langmm: Added to allows matching of %5s
        ("%(\\d)s", "(.{%s})", lambda x:x.strip()),
        ("%\\*(\\d)s", "(?:.{%s})", None),
        ("%s", "(\\S+)", lambda x:x),
        ("%\\*s", "(?:\\S+)", None),
        ("%([xX])", "(0%s[\\dA-Za-f]+)", lambda x:int(x, 16)),
        ("%\\*([xX])", "(?:0%s[\\dA-Za-f]+)", None),
        ("%o", "(0[0-7]*)", lambda x:int(x, 8)),
        ("%\\*o", "(?:0[0-7]*)", None),

# Cache formats
scanf_cache = {}

[docs]def scanf_compile(format, collapseWhitespace=True): """ Translate the format into a regular expression For example: >>> format_re, casts = _scanf_compile('%s - %d errors, %d warnings') >>> print format_re.pattern (\\S+) \\- ([+-]?\\d+) errors, ([+-]?\\d+) warnings Translated formats are cached for faster reuse """ compiled = scanf_cache.get(format) if compiled: return compiled format_pat = "" cast_list = [] i = 0 length = len(format) while i < length: found = None found, pattern, cast = parse_cformat(format, i) if found: if cast: cast_list.append(cast) format_pat += pattern i = found.end() # for token, pattern, cast in scanf_translate: # found = token.match(format, i) # if found: # print('found', pattern) # if cast: # cast != None # cast_list.append(cast) # groups = found.groupdict() or found.groups() # if groups: # pattern = pattern % groups # format_pat += pattern # i = found.end() # break if not found: char = format[i] # escape special characters if char in "()[]-.+*?{}<>\\": format_pat += "\\" format_pat += char i += 1 if DEBUG: print("DEBUG: %r -> %s" % (format, format_pat)) if collapseWhitespace: format_pat = re.sub('\\s+', r'\\s+', format_pat) format_re = re.compile(format_pat) if len(scanf_cache) > SCANF_CACHE_SIZE: scanf_cache.clear() scanf_cache[format] = (format_re, cast_list) return format_re, cast_list
[docs]def scanf(format, s=None, collapseWhitespace=True): """ scanf supports the following formats: %c One character %5c 5 characters %d, %i int value %7d, %7i int value with length 7 %f float value %o octal value %X, %x hex value %s string terminated by whitespace Examples: >>> scanf("%s - %d errors, %d warnings", "/usr/sbin/sendmail - 0 errors, 4 warnings") ('/usr/sbin/sendmail', 0, 4) >>> scanf("%o %x %d", "0123 0x123 123") (66, 291, 123) If the parameter s is a file-like object, s.readline is called. If s is not specified, stdin is assumed. The function returns a tuple of found values or None if the format does not match. """ if s is None: s = sys.stdin if hasattr(s, "readline"): s = s.readline() # print(s, format) format_re, casts = scanf_compile(format, collapseWhitespace) found = if found: groups = found.groups() return tuple([casts[i](groups[i]) for i in range(len(groups))])
def extractdata(pattern, text=None, filepath=None): """ Read through an entire file or body of text one line at a time. Parse each line that matches the supplied pattern string and ignore the rest. If *text* is supplied, it will be parsed according to the *pattern* string. If *text* is not supplied, the file at *filepath* will be opened and parsed. """ y = [] if text is None: with open(filepath) as f: for line in f: match = scanf(pattern, line) if match: if len(y) == 0: y = [[float(s)] for s in match] else: for i, ydata in enumerate(y): ydata.append(float(match[i])) else: for line in text.split('\n'): match = scanf(pattern, line) if match: if len(y) == 0: y = [[float(s)] for s in match] else: for i, ydata in enumerate(y): ydata.append(float(match[i])) return y if __name__ == "__main__": import doctest doctest.testmod(verbose=True, report=True)