Source code for cis_interface.drivers.GCCModelDriver

import os
import copy
import logging
from cis_interface import platform, tools
from cis_interface.config import cis_cfg
from cis_interface.drivers.ModelDriver import ModelDriver
from cis_interface.schema import register_component, inherit_schema

_top_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../'))
_incl_interface = os.path.join(_top_dir, 'interface')
_incl_io = os.path.join(_top_dir, 'io')
_incl_seri = os.path.join(_top_dir, 'serialize')
_incl_comm = os.path.join(_top_dir, 'communication')
_incl_regex = os.path.join(_top_dir, 'regex')
_incl_dtype = os.path.join(_top_dir, 'metaschema', 'datatypes')
_regex_win32_lib = os.path.join(_incl_regex, 'regex_win32.lib')
if platform._is_win:  # pragma: windows
    _prefix = ''
    _static_ext = '.lib'
    _shared_ext = '.dll'
    _prefix = 'lib'
    _static_ext = '.a'
    if platform._is_mac:
        _shared_ext = '.dylib'
        _shared_ext = '.so'
_datatypes_static_lib = os.path.join(_incl_dtype, _prefix + 'datatypes' + _static_ext)
_api_static_c = os.path.join(_incl_interface, _prefix + 'cis' + _static_ext)
_api_static_cpp = os.path.join(_incl_interface, _prefix + 'cis++' + _static_ext)
_datatypes_shared_lib = os.path.join(_incl_dtype, _prefix + 'datatypes' + _shared_ext)
_api_shared_c = os.path.join(_incl_interface, _prefix + 'cis' + _shared_ext)
_api_shared_cpp = os.path.join(_incl_interface, _prefix + 'cis++' + _shared_ext)
_c_installed = ((len(tools.get_installed_comm(language='c')) > 0)
                and (cis_cfg.get('c', 'rapidjson_include', None) is not None))

[docs]def get_zmq_flags(for_cmake=False, for_api=False): r"""Get the necessary flags for compiling & linking with zmq libraries. Args: for_cmake (bool, optional): If True, the returned flags will match the format required by cmake. Defaults to False. for_api (bool, optional): If True, the returned flags will match those required for compiling the API static library. Defaults to False. Returns: tuple(list, list): compile and linker flags. """ _compile_flags = [] _linker_flags = [] # ZMQ library if tools.is_comm_installed('ZMQComm', language='c'): if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows for l in ["libzmq", "czmq"]: plib = cis_cfg.get('windows', '%s_static' % l, False) pinc = cis_cfg.get('windows', '%s_include' % l, False) if not (plib and pinc): # pragma: debug raise Exception("Could not locate %s .lib and .h files." % l) pinc_d = os.path.dirname(pinc) plib_d, plib_f = os.path.split(plib) _compile_flags.append("-I%s" % pinc_d) if for_cmake: _linker_flags.append(plib) else: _linker_flags += ['/LIBPATH:%s' % plib_d, plib_f] else: _linker_flags += ["-lczmq", "-lzmq"] _compile_flags += ["-DZMQINSTALLED"] return _compile_flags, _linker_flags
[docs]def get_ipc_flags(for_cmake=False, for_api=False): r"""Get the necessary flags for compiling & linking with ipc libraries. Args: for_cmake (bool, optional): If True, the returned flags will match the format required by cmake. Defaults to False. for_api (bool, optional): If True, the returned flags will match those required for compiling the API static library. Defaults to False. Returns: tuple(list, list): compile and linker flags. """ _compile_flags = [] _linker_flags = [] if tools.is_comm_installed('IPCComm', language='c'): _compile_flags += ["-DIPCINSTALLED"] return _compile_flags, _linker_flags
[docs]def get_flags(for_cmake=False, for_api=False, cpp=False): r"""Get the necessary flags for compiling & linking with CiS libraries. Args: for_cmake (bool, optional): If True, the returned flags will match the format required by cmake. Defaults to False. for_api (bool, optional): If True, the returned flags will match those required for compiling the API static library. Defaults to False. cpp (bool, optional): If True, flags for compiling a C++ model are returned. Otherwise, flags for compiling a C model are returned. Defaults to False. Returns: tuple(list, list): compile and linker flags. """ if cpp: _compile_flags = os.environ.get('CXXFLAGS', '').split() else: _compile_flags = os.environ.get('CFLAGS', '').split() _linker_flags = os.environ.get('LDFLAGS', '').split() if not _c_installed: # pragma: windows logging.warning("No library installed for models written in C") return _compile_flags, _linker_flags if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows _compile_flags += ["/nologo", "-D_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS"] _compile_flags += ['-I' + _top_dir] _compile_flags += ['-I' + _incl_interface] if not for_cmake: _regex_win32 = os.path.split(_regex_win32_lib) _compile_flags += ['-I' + _regex_win32[0]] if tools.is_comm_installed('ZMQComm', language='c'): zmq_flags = get_zmq_flags(for_cmake=for_cmake, for_api=for_api) _compile_flags += zmq_flags[0] _linker_flags += zmq_flags[1] if tools.is_comm_installed('IPCComm', language='c'): ipc_flags = get_ipc_flags(for_cmake=for_cmake, for_api=for_api) _compile_flags += ipc_flags[0] _linker_flags += ipc_flags[1] # Include dir for x in [_incl_interface, _incl_io, _incl_comm, _incl_seri, _incl_regex, _incl_dtype]: _compile_flags += ["-I" + x] # Interface library if not for_api: if cpp: plib = _api_static_cpp else: plib = _api_static_c plib_d, plib_f = os.path.split(plib) if for_cmake: _linker_flags.append(plib) # _linker_flags += [_api_static_c, _api_static_cpp] elif platform._is_win: # pragma: windows _linker_flags += ['/LIBPATH:%s' % plib_d, plib_f] else: _linker_flags += ["-L" + plib_d] _linker_flags += ["-l" + os.path.splitext(plib_f)[0].split(_prefix)[-1]] if tools.get_default_comm() == 'IPCComm': _compile_flags += ["-DIPCDEF"] return _compile_flags, _linker_flags
[docs]def get_cc(cpp=False, shared=False, static=False, linking=False): r"""Get command line compiler utility. Args: cpp (bool, optional): If True, value is returned assuming the source is written in C++. Defaults to False. shared (bool, optional): If True, the command line utility will be used to combine object files into a shared library. Defaults to False. static (bool, optional): If True, the command line utility will be used to combine object files into a static library. Defaults to False. linking (bool, optional): If True, the command line utility will be used for linking. Defaults to False. Returns: str: Command line compiler. """ if cpp: cc_env = 'CXX' else: cc_env = 'CC' if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows if shared: cc = 'LINK' elif static: cc = 'LIB' elif linking: cc = 'LINK' else: cc = os.environ.get(cc_env, 'cl') elif platform._is_mac: if static: cc = os.environ.get('LIBTOOL', 'libtool') elif cpp: cc = os.environ.get(cc_env, 'clang++') else: cc = os.environ.get(cc_env, 'clang') else: if static: cc = os.environ.get('AR', 'ar') elif cpp: cc = os.environ.get(cc_env, 'g++') else: cc = os.environ.get(cc_env, 'gcc') return cc
[docs]def call_compile(src, out=None, flags=[], overwrite=False, verbose=False, cpp=None, working_dir=None): r"""Compile a source file, checking for errors. Args: src (str): Full path to source file. out (str, optional): Full path to the output object file that should be created. Defaults to None and is created from the provided source file. flags (list, optional): Compilation flags. Defaults to []. overwrite (bool, optional): If True, the existing compile file will be overwritten. Otherwise, it will be kept and this function will return without recompiling the source file. verbose (bool, optional): If True, the compilation command and any output produced by the command will be displayed on success. Defaults to False. cpp (bool, optional): If True, value is returned assuming the source is written in C++. Defaults to False. working_dir (str, optional): Working directory that input file paths are relative to. Defaults to current working directory. Returns: str: Full path to compiled source. """ # Set defaults if working_dir is None: working_dir = os.getcwd() flags = copy.deepcopy(flags) if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows flags = ['/W4', '/Zi', "/EHsc"] + flags else: flags = ['-g', '-Wall'] + flags src_base, src_ext = os.path.splitext(src) if cpp is None: cpp = False if src_ext in ['.hpp', '.cpp']: cpp = True if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows if cpp: flags.insert(2, '/TP') else: flags.insert(2, '/TP') # TODO: Currently everything compiled as C++ on windows to allow use of # complex types # flags.insert(2, '/TC') # Add standard library flag std_flag = None for i, a in enumerate(flags): if a.startswith('-std='): std_flag = i break if cpp and (not platform._is_win): if std_flag is None: flags.append('-std=c++11') else: if std_flag is not None: flags.pop(i) # Get compiler command cc = get_cc(cpp=cpp) # Get output if not provided if out is None: if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows out_ext = '.obj' else: out_ext = '.o' out = src_base + '_' + src_ext[1:] + out_ext if not os.path.isabs(out): out = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(working_dir, out)) # Construct arguments args = [cc, "-c"] + flags + [src] if not platform._is_win: args += ["-o", out] else: # pragma: windows args.insert(1, '/Fo%s' % out) # Check for file if os.path.isfile(out): if overwrite: os.remove(out) else: return out # Call compiler comp_process = tools.popen_nobuffer(args) output, err = comp_process.communicate() exit_code = comp_process.returncode if exit_code != 0: # pragma: debug print(' '.join(args)) tools.print_encoded(output, end="") raise RuntimeError("Compilation of %s failed with code %d." % (out, exit_code)) if not os.path.isfile(out): # pragma: debug print(' '.join(args)) raise RuntimeError("Compilation failed to produce result '%s'" % out)"Compiled %s" % out) if verbose: # pragma: debug print(' '.join(args)) tools.print_encoded(output, end="") return out
[docs]def build_api(cpp=False, overwrite=False, as_shared=False): r"""Build api library.""" # Get paths api_src = os.path.join(_incl_interface, 'CisInterface') if cpp: if as_shared: api_lib = _api_shared_cpp else: api_lib = _api_static_cpp api_src += '.cpp' else: if as_shared: api_lib = _api_shared_c else: api_lib = _api_static_c api_src += '.c' fname_obj = [] # Compile regex for windows if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows fname_obj.append(build_regex_win32(just_obj=True, overwrite=overwrite)) # Get flags (after regex to allow dependencies) ccflags0, ldflags0 = get_flags(for_api=True, cpp=cpp) if platform._is_linux: ccflags0.append('-fPIC') # Compile C++ wrapper for data types fname_obj.append(build_datatypes(just_obj=True, overwrite=overwrite)) # Compile object for the interface fname_api_base = api_src fname_api_out = call_compile(fname_api_base, flags=ccflags0, overwrite=overwrite) fname_obj.append(fname_api_out) # Build static library out = call_link(fname_obj, api_lib, cpp=True, overwrite=overwrite) return out
[docs]def build_datatypes(just_obj=False, overwrite=False, as_shared=False): r"""Build the datatypes library.""" if as_shared: dtype_lib = _datatypes_shared_lib else: dtype_lib = _datatypes_static_lib _datatypes_dir = os.path.dirname(dtype_lib) _datatypes_cpp = os.path.join(_datatypes_dir, 'datatypes.cpp') flags = [] pinc = cis_cfg.get('c', 'rapidjson_include', False) if not pinc: # pragma: debug raise Exception("Could not locate rapidjson include directory.") incl_dir = [_datatypes_dir, _incl_regex, pinc] if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows incl_dir.append(_top_dir) for x in incl_dir: flags += ['-I', x] if platform._is_linux: flags.append('-fPIC') _datatypes_obj = call_compile(_datatypes_cpp, flags=flags, overwrite=overwrite) if just_obj: return _datatypes_obj # Compile regex for windows if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows _regex_obj = build_regex_win32(just_obj=True, overwrite=overwrite) call_link([_regex_obj, _datatypes_obj], dtype_lib, cpp=True, overwrite=overwrite) else: call_link(_datatypes_obj, dtype_lib, cpp=True, overwrite=overwrite)
[docs]def build_regex_win32(just_obj=False, overwrite=False): # pragma: windows r"""Build the regex_win32 library.""" _regex_win32_dir = os.path.dirname(_regex_win32_lib) _regex_win32_cpp = os.path.join(_regex_win32_dir, 'regex_win32.cpp') # Compile object _regex_win32_obj = call_compile(_regex_win32_cpp, flags=['/I', _regex_win32_dir], overwrite=overwrite) if just_obj: return _regex_win32_obj # Create library call_link(_regex_win32_obj, _regex_win32_lib, static=True, overwrite=overwrite)
if _c_installed: if not os.path.isfile(_api_static_c): build_api(cpp=False, overwrite=False) if not os.path.isfile(_api_static_cpp): build_api(cpp=True, overwrite=False)
[docs]def do_compile(src, out=None, cc=None, ccflags=None, ldflags=None, working_dir=None, overwrite=False, verbose=False): r"""Compile a C/C++ program with necessary interface libraries. Args: src (list): List of source files. out (str, optional): Path where compile executable should be saved. Defaults to name of source file without extension on Linux/MacOS and with .exe extension on windows. cc (str, optional): Compiler command. Defaults to gcc/g++ on Linux/MacOS and cl on windows. ccflags (list, optional): Compiler flags. Defaults to []. ldflags (list, optional): Linker flags. Defaults to []. working_dir (str, optional): Working directory that input file paths are relative to. Defaults to current working directory. overwrite (bool, optional): If True, any existing executable and object files are overwritten. Defaults to False. verbose (bool, optional): If True, the compilation/linking commands and any output produced by them will be displayed on success. Defaults to False. Returns: list: Products produced by the compilation. The first element will be the executable. """ if ccflags is None: # pragma: no cover ccflags = [] if ldflags is None: # pragma: no cover ldflags = [] # Change format for path (windows compat for examples) if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows for i in range(len(src)): src[i] = os.path.join(*(src[i].split('/'))) # Get primary file for flags src_base, src_ext = os.path.splitext(src[0]) cpp = (src_ext not in ['.c']) ccflags0, ldflags0 = get_flags(cpp=cpp) # Compile C++ wrapper fname_lib_out = build_datatypes(just_obj=True, overwrite=False) # Compile each source file fname_src_obj = [] for isrc in src: fname_src_obj.append(call_compile(isrc, flags=copy.deepcopy(ccflags0 + ccflags), overwrite=overwrite, working_dir=working_dir, verbose=verbose)) fname_src_obj.append(fname_lib_out) # Link compile objects out = call_link(fname_src_obj, out, cpp=True, flags=copy.deepcopy(ldflags0 + ldflags), overwrite=overwrite, working_dir=working_dir, verbose=verbose) return [out] + fname_src_obj
[docs]@register_component class GCCModelDriver(ModelDriver): r"""Class for running gcc compiled drivers. Args: name (str): Driver name. args (str or list): Argument(s) for running the model on the command line. If the first element ends with '.c', the driver attempts to compile the code with the necessary interface include directories. Additional arguments that start with '-I' are included in the compile command. Others are assumed to be runtime arguments. cc (str, optional): C/C++ Compiler that should be used. Defaults to gcc/clang for '.c' files, and g++/clang++ for '.cpp' or '.cc' files on Linux/MacOS. Defaults to cl on Windows. overwrite (bool, optional): If True, any existing object or executable files for the model are overwritten, otherwise they will only be compiled if they do not exist. Defaults to True. Setting this to False can be done to improve performance after debugging is complete, but this dosn't check if the source files should be changed, so users should make sure they recompile after any changes. The value of this keyword also determines whether or not any compilation products are cleaned up after a run. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments are passed to parent class. Attributes (in additon to parent class's): overwrite (bool): If True, any existing compilation products will be overwritten by compilation and cleaned up following the run. Otherwise, existing products will be used and will remain after the run. products (list): File created by the compilation. compiled (bool): True if the compilation was succesful. False otherwise. cfile (str): Source file. cc (str): C/C++ Compiler that should be used. flags (list): List of compiler flags. efile (str): Compiled executable file. Raises: RuntimeError: If neither the IPC or ZMQ C libraries are available. RuntimeError: If the compilation fails. """ _language = ['c', 'c++', 'cpp'] _schema_properties = inherit_schema( ModelDriver._schema_properties, {'cc': {'type': 'string'}, # default will depend on whats being compiled 'overwrite': {'type': 'boolean', 'default': True}}) def __init__(self, name, args, **kwargs): super(GCCModelDriver, self).__init__(name, args, **kwargs) if not self.is_installed(): # pragma: windows raise RuntimeError("No library available for models written in C/C++.") self.debug('') # Prepare arguments to compile the file self.parse_arguments(self.args) self.debug("Compiling") self.products = do_compile(self.src, out=self.efile,, ccflags=self.ccflags, ldflags=self.ldflags, overwrite=self.overwrite, working_dir=self.working_dir) self.efile = self.products[0] assert(os.path.isfile(self.efile)) self.debug("Compiled %s", self.efile) if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows self.args = [os.path.splitext(self.efile)[0]] else: self.args = [os.path.join(".", self.efile)] self.args += self.run_args self.debug('Compiled executable with %s',
[docs] @classmethod def is_installed(self): r"""Determine if this model driver is installed on the current machine. Returns: bool: Truth of if this model driver can be run on the current machine. """ return _c_installed
[docs] def parse_arguments(self, args): r"""Sort arguments based on their syntax. Arguments ending with '.c' or '.cpp' are considered source and the first one will be compiled to an executable. Arguments starting with '-L' or '-l' are treated as linker flags. Arguments starting with '-' are treated as compiler flags. Any arguments that do not fall into one of the categories will be treated as command line arguments for the compiled executable. Args: args (list): List of arguments provided. Raises: RuntimeError: If there is not a valid source file in the argument list. """ self.src = [] self.ldflags = [] self.ccflags = [] self.ccflags.append('-DCIS_DEBUG=%d' % self.logger.getEffectiveLevel()) self.run_args = [] self.efile = None is_object = False is_link = False for a in args: if a.endswith('.c') or a.endswith('.cpp') or a.endswith('.cc'): self.src.append(a) elif a.lower().startswith('-l') or is_link: if a.lower().startswith('/out:'): # pragma: windows self.efile = a[5:] elif a.lower().startswith('-l') and platform._is_win: # pragma: windows a1 = '/LIBPATH:"%s"' % a[2:] if a1 not in self.ldflags: self.ldflags.append(a1) elif a not in self.ldflags: self.ldflags.append(a) elif a == '-o': # Next argument should be the name of the executable is_object = True elif a.lower() == '/link': # pragma: windows # Following arguments should be linker options is_link = True elif a.startswith('-') or (platform._is_win and a.startswith('/')): if a not in self.ccflags: self.ccflags.append(a) else: if is_object: # Previous argument was -o flag self.efile = a is_object = False else: self.run_args.append(a) # Check source file if len(self.src) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Could not locate a source file in the " + "provided arguments.")
[docs] def remove_products(self): r"""Delete products produced during the compilation process.""" if getattr(self, 'products', None) is None: # pragma: debug return products = self.products if platform._is_win: # pragma: windows for x in copy.deepcopy(products): base = os.path.splitext(x)[0] products += [base + ext for ext in ['.ilk', '.pdb', '.obj']] for p in products: if os.path.isfile(p): T = self.start_timeout() while ((not T.is_out) and os.path.isfile(p)): try: os.remove(p) except BaseException: # pragma: debug if os.path.isfile(p): self.sleep() if T.is_out: raise self.stop_timeout() if os.path.isfile(p): # pragma: debug raise RuntimeError("Failed to remove product: %s" % p)
[docs] def cleanup(self): r"""Remove compile executable.""" if self.overwrite: self.remove_products() super(GCCModelDriver, self).cleanup()